How can women in the Arab world use technology to achieve their dreams?
We live in a society which is not open to allowing a woman to fulfill her potential.
There are specific challenges we face, sensitive issues that you just can't talk about.
I don't care what people think of me.
I wanted to do something different.
To help women stand up and be proud of themselves.
To start my own business.
I decided to learn everything on my own from scratch.
I didn't have a background in technology, software or coding.
But I pushed myself forward and said to myself, I believe in this idea.
Through my website and social media, people around the world were able to find out more about my concept.
Through my taxi app I have given women job opportunities.
Through my comedy channel I share my point of view on life.
Don't be afraid.
Keep moving forward and learn.
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For more infomation >> كيف تستخدم المرأة العربية التكنولوجيا لتحقيق أحلامها؟ - Duration: 1:29.-------------------------------------------
Dota 2 Cheaters - TINKER with FULL PACK OF HACKS!!! - Duration: 7:34.
Qué importancia tienen los tapones del manillar de una bicicleta - Duration: 3:07.
Today a short but very important video and which in many cases usually happens
unnoticed and being a matter of Security, it can save our lives.
We are talking about something as simple as handlebar plugs. For those who never
you have stopped to think about them the difference between wearing them and not
take them can be the difference between a small blow, which can be painful,
or cause serious injuries and even the death.
Look at the difference of carrying stoppers on the handlebar and do not carry them.
We thought we had done it with a piece of real beef, but we thought that at
better any of you could seem unpleasant or a waste and
we have decided to use this cork that I think it has worked enough
well, and if you think you're never going to have a fall where you can nail the
handlebar, although it is extremely unlikely, you have nothing more to do with the
video of Cedric Gracia in the Megavalanche of Reunion Island where in a
silly fall before the competition the The handlebar was turned and stuck.
He survived thanks to a dose of courage, strength, luck and being with people
who could help you The most normal thing is that That would have been his last race.
We abstain those who can not see blood, because the images are very hard. Do not
We know for sure if they had the plugs or not, if I did not wear them was a
big mistake, and if he had them he had bad fortune, and in that fall of not having them
probably carried the handlebar I would have gone through.
We strongly recommend that you always carry the handlebar plugs
posts, only that will minimize a lot the consequences of a fall where
I turn the handlebar and we hit against one of the extremes. Make sure
it before the day you are going to ride, the plugs can fall because they are
bad posts, because they are not the right ones for the handlebar, because in a fall
silly where we do not even notice the lose or many times the gesture itself
of supporting the bike on the floor goes wearing the plugs and they are finished
breaking and falling. The ideal is to have a couple of plugs at home that we are
insurance that are valid for our handlebars, not all the handlebars and all the
plugs have the same thickness and so if we detect that we have lost one
We can replace it before leaving home.
Another option is to take them in the car or in the same Camelbak in case we
we have become clueless or maybe we missing the handlebar stopper some
companion of route. Thank you very much for listening to us, if you have
it was interesting we always thank you I like it and that you share this
information so important because it is security,
and how is this a serious video instead of finish with a smile we are going to finish
with a famous phrase of the great Albert Eisntein: "Life is like riding in
bicycle, to maintain balance you have to keep pedaling " See you on
next video!
BRUDER TRUCK water delivery to COWS! Pretend play RC toys kids action! - Duration: 11:36.
Bruder toys | Kids action | Pretend play
【LoLDex】League of Legends Static Data Viewer - Duration: 5:51.
Hello everyone
I made a League of Legends Application on Android!
I will introduce the function now.
You can select language in drop box
App will download the data in that language
This screen is champion list view
please tap any champion
You can show more detail data
If you tap skin in header list
Large skin image is shown
Tips1 is use by yourself tips, Tips2 is fight enemy tips.
Lore is champion's story
P is Passive Skill
Q, W, E, R is key bind skill
write description, cooldown, range, cost
this is stats data
There are External Links at the bottom
move selecting champion page
Use to Index champions
Maybe this is faster than follow up the path
Next, champion search view
First, talk about sorting
You can sort order by stats data
This case, sort order by attack range in Marksman
It might be surprising discovery if you use this function
this is search word box
It's made flexible
For example, input "guardian"
"guardian" in description
"guardian" in skin name
Next, input "stun"
All champion are displayed if have stun
Please input free word by yours
Next, Item list view
This data is tied to the map
It's updated real time when you switch
Next, Rune view
switch tab at the top
You can show rune data
You can change language anytime in Setting page
This is share button
Please share everyone
and I request you good evaluate!!
A Secret Island Restaurant, Hidden From The City Buzz | Table Tales: OSLO - Duration: 2:03.
I have lived in London, New York and Tokyo.
But I'm proud to say that Oslo is my home.
And I love what Oslo has had to offer, which is a lot of opportunity.
A really vibrant cultural, music and food scene.
Hi, my name is Ann. Welcome to one of my restaurants.
It's called Gressholmen Kro.
We're a small place, and it's just about 11 minutes from the city.
And I look forward to showing you around.
It is a bit of a trick, from when you get of the boat.
A lot of people have gotten lost trying to find it.
But that's part of the journey you know.
To get there and know that the Kro is through these woods.
I know when I get on the island everything is changed.
You are hit with nature.
I have a very culturally diverse background,
because of my parents were travelling baptist ministers.
I grew up in Japan. But my parents are Taiwanese.
I have a love for all these types of foods,
because they are a part of my experience.
If you ask any chef, the quality of your final product...
is all about your suppliers of course.
Really fresh fish with some olive oil, garlic, parsley and lemon.
It is very simple, but comforting.
I like it, it's good.
Oslo is a place that I keep coming back to, time and time again.
Because Oslo has this hook...
it's a magical place.
This is my Oslo, being able to spend the day out on the island.
And coming back to having a Mezcal with my friends.
Strudel di mele bimby per TM5 e TM31 - Duration: 5:55.
Tagliolini mit Trüffel | Rezept #185 - Duration: 4:58.
Battle Royale in Early Access - New Best Android Game HQ - Duration: 2:09.
Battle Royale in Early Access - New Best Android Game HQ
Noord Zuidlijn Metro Amsterdam Spotting GVB R-NET Metro 52 #NoordZuidlijn - Duration: 11:07.
The Amazing World of Gumball - The Amazing World of Elmore (CZ) - Duration: 1:32.
♪ We are here, we are there, we are the wraith. ♪
♪ We are everywhere we can. ♪
♪ In operation there is a background. ♪
♪ In your house. ♪
♪ Even on the ground. ♪
♪ There is more in the store. ♪
♪ We dry here like nothing. ♪
♪ This is a town named Elmore. ♪
♪ You can have the flu due to us, ♪
♪ You can be happy with me. ♪
♪ The Prince is hiding in me, ♪
♪ MP3 killed me. ♪
♪ I'm here to write, so damn stop eating me! ♪
♪ You always buy two socks, ♪
♪ But you will never find the other one. ♪
♪ We are back and forth of the universe, ♪
♪ I am the brain, who is more. ♪
♪ I wash your hands, ♪
♪ I listen to your dreams in the night. ♪
♪ You may have a strange feeling when you meet us in the woods. ♪
♪ We go straight to the test. ♪
♪ You better look on the way! ♪
♪ We want to eat and laugh and cry. ♪
♪ We can do more than you want, ♪
♪ We are a city named Elmore. ♪
(♪ We can do it, we can do everything we can. ♪)
♪ And now you know about us more. ♪
♪ We wave, we can go. ♪
♪ And the eyes open the world. ♪
♪ When you fly around. ♪
♪ Enjoy the day! ♪
♪ In our most beautiful, brilliant ♪
♪ town named Elmore. ♪
中醫發現:40歲以後出現「這幾種特徵」,恭喜你!你會很長壽!你有嗎? - Duration: 11:40.
CHALLENGE: Græskarlygter | Micki | GoCook by Coop - Duration: 2:52.
Teddy-König Opa I. und der Baulärm (68) - Duration: 2:28.
Why Some People ARE MORE INTELLIGENCE? - Duration: 2:20.
What makes some people smarter than others? See.
Most of the intelligence-based research at the neurological level has focused on the skill relevance of specific areas of the brain
or hundreds of genes that affect the IQ level.
A Dutch science team examined this research directly at the level of neurons.
The team examined the brain tissues of 35 volunteers who should have surgery due to brain tumor or epilepsy.
IQ test for these subjects.
During the operation, each subject is able to understand the language of the brain, to interpret what we see, and to perform clever functions such as creating memories.
Small brain tissue samples were taken from the anterior lobes and kept vividly for examination.
Brain cells of subjects who received high IQ score
subjects with lower IQ scores were observed to be larger than brain cells.
A similar rate was observed in the dendrites that allowed the neurons to connect with each other.
There were more dendrites and longer.
Could this situation allow more information to be received and processed?
Since these dendrites are considered to be involved in the storage of memories,
Would the larger cells make it possible to store more memories?
During these experiments, the flow of current through the brain cells and their ability to transmit electrical signals were investigated.
Electric current has increased further
and although there was no slowing down in the functional functioning of brain cells of subjects with higher IQ,
subjects with lower IQ could not tolerate lower frequencies and slow down in brain cells.
It is thought that the neurons of people with lower IQ have slower signals.
The main research topic here is why some people have larger brain cells than others.
Is this causation a result of high IQ?
You can also comment on your comments in this section.
And if you like the video, don't forget to press the like button.
Hoping to have bigger brain cells, goodbye.
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