Autobus Euro Offroad Bus Driving: 3D Simulation Games 2018 - New Best Android Game HQ
For more infomation >> Euro Offroad Bus Driving: 3D Simulation Games 2018 - New Best Android Game HQ - Duration: 5:15.-------------------------------------------
Вы НЕ любите ТЫКВУ? Значит вы не ели ЭТО! - Duration: 3:51.
How To TRIPLE Your Savings OVERNIGHT - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 9:58.
Hey Dan here. In this video I want to share how you can triple triple your
savings overnight so you can live like a king. Now before I get into it if you're
new to the channel my name is Dan, I'm the author of way too many books and the
creator of The Free Freelancer and ENFP Unleashed and here at Dreams Around The
World my mission is to help you become the best version of yourself while
creating the most awesome life possible for you and those you love. Damn that's a
long intro phrase, I might have to shorten that. So how can you triple your
savings this is something that I have done in my own life for about the last
six years although not the entire way through and it is to leverage where you
live versus where you earn money or where you have money saved so let's say
you are currently an American you're living in st. Louis and you're like hey
I live in st. Louis I like the st. Louis Blues is your hockey team if I remember
right and that's what I do hey okay I have $10,000 I have a job I
don't like I would like to quit that job and go
write a book and with that book I would like to build a new life and that book
will take me six months to write and it cost me $3,000 a month to live so answer
this math question can I write the book the answer is no you only have about
three months and a week and a half or so of living expenses in the bank so what
will happen you'll be three months in and you go broke what could you do
instead well maybe you're this guy in st. Louis and you're like hey why don't
I move somewhere else maybe a tropical paradise like Nicaragua before the whole
protest and it went to hell earlier this year or maybe Colombia which is actually
much safer than people now think perhaps I'll move to Southeast Asia Thailand or
Bali Vietnam or I could head over to Europe personally as Dan not the guy
from st. Louis I love Europe and the Central and Eastern Europe countries
like the Czech Republic Romania
Serbia Hungary our surprisingly affordable and have amazing
infrastructure and all that so maybe our friend from st. Louis makes the move and
he takes his $10,000 and he hops over and he says you know what I am going to
try to give myself as much possible time as I can so he moves to Budapest Hungary
and sets himself up and for roughly $1,200 a month he can get an apartment
in the city center most of Europe by the way has amazing infrastructure in terms
of public transit so you do not need to own a car you'd be insane actually to
own a car so her friend sets himself up he gets a great apartment can go up for
meals three four times a week joins a little co-working office space and does
this all for about $1,200 a month now why why did I make it 1,200 there's
gonna be tough mental math to do so I got 10,000 1206 is what five months is
six thousand so you've got like roughly nine months eight and a half nine months
now to write his book so we've got his initial six months covered plus a little
buffer because let's be honest when you plan to do something it usually takes
longer than you plan so our friend there has now massively extended his runway
and ultimately when you're looking at any kind of artistic pursuit
entrepreneurial endeavor or just a big life change how much money you have in
the bank isn't what matters it's your runway how long do you have before you
run out of money because when you're starting out in a business you have a
couple goals start the business which is actually a huge step right taking that
action overcoming your fear and then get to the point where that business or that
book or whatever it is that you're creating is earning enough money that
you don't starve to death and you can live off of just the business without
you know savings or side jobs or things like that the time in-between is your
runway and the longer you can make that in general the better there is something
you know some benefits to having some pressure and that sort of
but giving yourself as much time as possible to succeed is really key to be
able to get something off the ground and so that my friend is how you can triple
your savings essentially by tripling your runway and how long you actually
have not to leave you hanging I want to share a bit more on the realities of
moving abroad and moving somewhere that has a much lower cost of living
especially if you're coming from well pretty much any developed country most
of us are assholes when it comes to what we see is less developed countries in
terms of our perceptions I think when people I live in Prague in the Czech
Republic I've been here for four years and I think people's assumptions about
what it will be like if people have safety concerns when they come to visit
and the Czech Republic is right up there with New Zealand and Canada as safest
places in the world Prague is one of the safest cities in the entire world
there's like Wi-Fi on the trams you can get I go to order groceries from my
laptop right now and have them deliver it within a couple hours like that's
what the city is like but people have these perceptions because they watch the
news in the 1970s and was like yeah this is Oviatt and this sort of thing so in
general what I would say is the world is developing a lot faster than you know so
if you haven't spent a lot of time traveling in I'm speaking specifically
more with like Central and Eastern Europe you're going to be really
surprised at how developed things are how good the infrastructure is it's yeah
in many cases a lot better than in North America especially with like transit and
and that sort of thing overall you know people might be worried about safety you
might think about that as I said a lot of places are going to be as safe or
safer than back home for you obviously that depends where you're coming from
and all that and there are some lower price places that are quite dangerous as
well I wouldn't recommend necessarily Honduras right now for instance it's
probably not the safest place to be spending your time now one thing that is
really cool is this approach to having more runway to being
able to live off savings or off the lower income for longer it's new herb
but it's not a brand new concept and that means that in a lot of the best
spots places like Prague or Budapest or all over Southeast Asia some of South
America there are already communities of expats and nomads and entrepreneurs
artists people who have been moving abroad sometimes for this reason but
sometimes for other reasons like the gist they prefer the lifestyle there's
many upsides of living somewhere else I know that America is the greatest
country on Earth god Bless America I'm Canadian by the way but there are some
serious downsides to the lifestyle and what I have found is a lot of other
countries are a lot more walkable they're based on sort of a like a city
layout that lends itself more to being social to not having to drive to going
out and meeting your friends more some cultures are a lot livelier I really
love like Central and South America for that reason there's just like an energy
I get when I'm there when I'm not being stabbed and stuff that that I find
really appealing so there's other reasons as well to move abroad I do not
want to leave this video with you thinking like okay it will be two years
in hell I'm gonna have to move to this terrible country because I'll save money
and whatever in my experience I've loved living everywhere I've been and even
visiting I was in Belgrade two months ago and had a great time I almost
actually moved to Belgrade many years ago but I could see living in a city
like Belgrade and it would be great and a lot of these places that are a lot
cheaper to live in are actually really fun cities with great friendly people
tons of nightlife tons of things going on and so in most cases what you'll end
up finding it is you're able to move abroad you'll live somewhere smaller
most likely because you won't be moving with all your possessions from
back home so you'll end up getting a smaller place to live
your cost of living will be a lot lower but you'll end up having a great time in
great experience and have a lot of money left over to either have a really long
runway or have a longer runway and also like eat out a lot and have a lot more
of a social life and that kind of thing as well so I highly highly highly
recommend this this approach there's some other benefits of it that I I don't
know I don't to drag this video on too long but there's definitely some
benefits to changing your scenery changing your environment when it comes
to starting a new business or starting some kind of artistic endeavor or
something like that as well if you are not yet a subscriber to the channel
please do subscribe hit that bell beside the subscribe button as well so you're
notified of new videos and I will catch you in another video very soon where I
will do my best to help you create an awesome life for you and those you love
have a great day
[Nonstop] Halloween 2018 ft Đây Là Tiếng Nói Việt Nam ► DJ Thiệp Chánh Kun Mix | XTNon - Duration: 42:05.
How to Reduce Period Problems –By Natural Health Care - Duration: 2:46.
For any female who has reached puberty, menstruation becomes a regular part of life. Depending on several factors
menstruation can last anywhere from three to seven days.
Menstruation is the body's process of shedding the lining of the uterus
The menstrual blood flows from the uterus through the small opening in the cervix and leaves the body through the vagina.
This occurs monthly when a women is not pregnant.
Having regular menstrual cycles is a sign that important parts of a woman's reproductive system are working normally.
During menstruation, however, women have to deal with pain,
discomfort and inconvenience that come along with it.
But, with just a few simple lifestyle changes and home remedies, you can reduce these common period problems.
Note: If you have heavier bleeding than usual or periods lasting longer than what is normal for you
you should see your doctor. These can sometimes be symptoms of health problems that require medical care.
Here are the top 5 ways to reduce your period problems.
1. Heat Packs
By applying heat packs to the abdominal region, you can encourage menstrual fluid in the uterus to move out of your body with ease
This also helps get rid of wickedly painful period cramps by relaxing the contracting muscles in the uterus.
2. Hot Showers or Baths
Taking hot showers or baths can help to some extent to deal with the discomforts that come along with menstraution.
When you take a hot shower or bath, your body temperature rises
This encourages dilation and increases the flow of blood to your uterus. It even relaxes your abdominal muscles and eases your pain.
3. Abdominal Massage
Massaging your abdominal area can also reduce the discomforts associated with your cycle by promoting the flow
Massage even helps with cramps and bloating.
4. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is another popular option that can cut down the discomforts of your period.
This tonic helps flush toxins out of your body and reduces heavy bleeding.
5. Blackstrap Molasses
Blackstrap molasses is a good source of several nutrients like vitamin B6, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and selenium.
Plus, its iron content aids in the production of red blood cells to make up for the loss of blood during menstruation
It even soothes the muscles of the uterine walls to prevent cramps and abdominal pain.
Como hacer paraguas o sombrilla de papel ☂️ - Duration: 9:47.
Good day friends, and now I'll tell you how to run
any operating system from your desktop
computer for you need a program
Virtualbox, a link to it will be in description.
After you downloaded exe file, of course you need
will install the program on your computer.
To do this, agree with all terms and conditions and program
begins to set, it takes not much
amount of time.
Return up to 30% with cashback service Letyshops, service gets
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usually and get the part money back!
Withdraw money any convenient way and spend on your
discretion register on and get
premium account as a gift.
And so after you install you need to run the program itself,
here click create, give file name, and select the operating
the system you want use, click
further, here you need to choose RAM size
and here you need to choose virtual the car.
Next, select the dynamic drive and here you need to choose
amount of memory for virtual machines, click create,
after that click run.
After this appears here such a window, here you
you need to select the iso file of that operating system which
you want to use and click create.
And then as you see it started operating system, and
now you can use it in live mode or install.
Thank you all for watching, put likes subscribe
on the channel and see you soon!
Bye everyone!
10 momenti di nudo femminile - Duration: 5:27.
game bầu cua 2018 - 2019, hướng dẫn chơi bầu cua 2018 trên điện thoại luôn thắng - Duration: 6:30.
CASUS BELLI : ŘÍJEN | Okres: Frýdek-Místek | - Duration: 5:35.
you see everybody and everyone sees you
no nothing no .. Are we going to break it up?
Do you calmly go to tears? so a man
(hit) ah so nothing haha ok: D
Im deth
Hit !
You were well masked there: I was looking for you for about 20 minutes
I lay there and suddenly wonder my head
Head you FC*
Did I know that somewhere, did we get each other?
yep :D :D :D
how do you want to go only then?
it will hurt the boys it will hurt
with the right side!
wait wait wait! Stop!
Good guys get off the trench, huh?
wow! good shot!
shoot boys in that trench
you got it? no dude I fell: D
How do you fly from?
Behind it now
So guys full ato and push it!
we will not be FCK with it!
Cover me, cover me, cover me!
I would have given the boys a lot
Maybe suka bla (nwm how it is written): D
and we're running!
but we push it
Suka bla !!
Rush !!!
Hit !! hit !! F*K
wow :D :D :D
Super game guys thanks!
We took off the bull * 2: D
hahahahaha :D
I removed two well
The guy here and one here
So it was different coffee
Tyjo but it's gone It's a good sniper to keep it
wow sh*t
f*k this
what? to revive you
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