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How to make Slime? Google picks my slime ingredients Challenge!!! - Duration: 16:16.How to make Slime? Google picks my slime ingredients Challenge!!!
SP_La corrección de las miniaturas de Google Chrome desapareció y cambia el fondo. - Duration: 2:06.Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy. In this video, I will talk about. How do I fix google chrome most visited
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thumbnails back First make sure you are using Chrome 69. To check this, click the Chrome 3 Dot Menu Icon,
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Follow the steps as shown below. Create your own Link Shortcuts. Follow the steps as shown below.
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RS_Самые посещаемые миниатюры Отсутствует Google Chrome. Как его восстановить. - Duration: 1:53.Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy. In this video, I will talk about. How do I fix google chrome most visited
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thumbnails back First make sure you are using Chrome 69. To check this, click the Chrome 3 Dot Menu Icon,
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You may try reverting to the old Thumbnails by disabling this two Flags. chrome://flags/#ntp-icons.
chrome://flags/#ntp-custom-links. The new NTP New Tab Page Layout uses Icons instead of Website Thumbnails.
This is a major change in the new Design. The same Layout is used on mobile Chrome. In addition, the redesigned NTP Page offers
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choose a Background Image for the NTP Page. You may upload your own, or choose from a List offered from Google.
Follow the steps as shown below. Create your own Link Shortcuts. Follow the steps as shown below.
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Benefits of Ginger for Obesity and Fatty Liver Disease - Duration: 5:37.-------------------------------------------
TOP 10 Nejdivnější sporty na světě - Duration: 7:54.-------------------------------------------
Trung Quốc Nhúng Tay Can Thiệp vào Bầu Cử Mỹ? | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 6:32.On this episode of China Uncensored,
A foreign country has been interfering in our elections.
Guess which one!
The CIA says China is undermining the US.
And if anyone knows about undermining a country,
it's the CIA.
And finally, fingers crossed for a trip to Tibet!
Sadly it probably won't be free.
This is China Uncensored.
Hi, welcome to China Uncensored,
I'm your host Chris Chappell.
A foreign government is interfering in US elections.
And President Trump is tired of
letting Russia get all the credit.
This time, he's talking about
a different country in particular:
Speaking to the UN Security Council,
Trump said, "[China does] not want me or us to win
because I am the first president ever
to challenge China on trade.
We are winning on trade.
We are winning at every level.
We don't want them to meddle or interfere in our upcoming election."
And that had to be a bit awkward.
I mean, the UN Security Council is only five countries.
And China is one of them.
Well, Russia is also one of them,
so I guess they were relieved.
Is the Chinese Communist Party interfering in US elections?
Yes, but not like Russia.
Internet bots are for amateurs.
More on that in a future episode.
According to the new director of the CIA,
China is working to diminish US influence around the world.
She specifically talked about how the Chinese regime
promises loans to many developing countries,
which they can't repay.
On paper,
China is investing almost a trillion dollars
as part of its Belt and Road Initiative—
an infrastructure plan where China
gives developing countries massive loans.
So far, the actual amount spent has been
less than the Chinese regime promised.
Which is actually a good thing,
because those loans have been
trapping those countries in debt,
while Chinese businesses extract resources
and often do very little for the local economies.
Yes, why would any country
ever want to do business with anyone else?
Now believe it or not, US-China relations aren't doing great.
I know, shocking, but there are some warning signs.
Just two days before a planned meeting between
a top Chinese naval officer and his US counterpart,
the Chinese side called it off!
At the same time,
China denied a request from a US naval vessel
to enter port in Hong Kong.
This is not a first.
In 2016,
when everyone was freaking out about China
building military facilities
on artificial islands in the South China Sea,
the ones they said they would never militarize…
China also denied another US naval ship
from entering port in Hong Kong.
The ship denied entry this time, the USS Wasp, responded,
"Roger That.
We'll just buzzzz off."
But that doesn't mean there can't be friendly military exchange
between the US and another part of China.
Namely, Taiwan.
Which communist China believes is a province,
but most sane people believe is a country.
The US is selling 330 million dollars of weapons to Taiwan.
Obviously, the Chinese Communist Party is unhappy.
So they "urged" the US to cancel the deal,
or risk doing damage to US-China relations.
I believe that ship has already sailed.
That ship is the USS Wasp
and it's somewhere off the coast of Hong Kong by now.
Some good news for a change.
The Vatican and the Chinese Communist Party
are close to finalizing an agreement
that will change the lives of Catholics in China.
No, it won't stop the Party from tearing down churches.
Or get the Party to stop forcing people
to replace pictures of Jesus with Xi Jinping.
Or stop Christians from being killed for their organs.
But, so far the Pope will agree to recognize
7 Catholic bishops appointed by
the officially atheist Chinese Communist Party.
I don't think the Pope understands how to negotiate a deal.
Maybe he should get some advice.
And finally, planning a trip to Tibet just got a little easier...
well, okay it's not easy.
US citizens are still banned from travelling there.
I think it's because we just couldn't withstand the sheer joy
Tibetans feel about being liberated by the Chinese Communist Party.
Yeah, that looks like joy...
the same way this looks like being liberated.
But the US House of Representatives has passed
a new bill that will deny US entry to Chinese officials
who prohibit American citizens from traveling to Tibet.
Will this force a change in Tibet?
Who knows?
I mean, if the Chinese regime didn't change for the Beastie Boys,
are they really going to change for a bunch of congressmen?
So what do you think?
Leave your comments below.
And before you go,
now is the time when I answer questions from you!
The loyal members of the China Uncensored 50-cent army
who support the show on the crowd funding website Patreon.
Charles Walter Brooke asks
"Chris, which High Ranking Member of the Chinese Communist Party
would you most like to Interview, and Why?
And, What kind of uncomfortable questions
would you like to grill them with?"
Well, besides obviously Xi Jinping—
who has still not yet responded to my repeated requests
for an interview, by the way—
I'd like to interview Wang Qishan.
Wang is Vice President of the People's Republic,
and more importantly, he's Xi Jinping's main guy
in charge of the anti-corruption campaign
being used to purge all the officials Xi Jinping doesn't like.
I'd ask Wang Qishan to give me the dirt on
all the corrupt officials that are next on the chopping block.
And I'd bring a wheelbarrow,
because there's gonna be a lot of dirt.
Thanks for your question, Charles.
And if you have a burning question,
first, you should probably have a doctor check that out.
And then, you should sign up to support China Uncensored on Patreon.
Join our 50-cent army so you can send me those questions
and so I can answer on the show!
So once again,
thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored
and be sure to subscribe if you aren't.
I'm your host Chris Chappell.
See you next time.
Well, sorry to say,
that's the end of another China Uncensored.
But this isn't goodbye!
Hit that subscribe button
and turn the notification bell on
so you know when we have more episodes.
And more episodes we will have.
A new one comes out every Monday,
Wednesday, Friday and sometimes Saturday!
Live PD: Failure to Comply (Season 3) | A&E - Duration: 3:11.-------------------------------------------
Mountain Men: Morgan And Margaret Have House Problems (Season 7, Episode 12) | History - Duration: 5:11.-------------------------------------------
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Lalay Kids Tv
Jack O' Lantern Coloring Pages for Kids
[Music Begins]
Thanks for watching! Don't forget to like, subscribe, and share :)
Most Popular Social Media Websites & Apps. Top 10:(2018) - Duration: 8:42.From the most popular app among teenagers to the social media giant used by one third
of the world's population, these are Top 10 most popular social media websites and
apps in 2018! 10.
Snapchat Founded in 2011 by Bobby Murphy, Evan Spiegel,
and Reggie Brown, Snapchat is a multimedia messaging app where users can send images
and videos to friends.
What makes Snapchat different from other similar apps is that these images are only available
for a short time before they disappear.
Unlike normal texting and sending pictures back and forth, Snapchat more closely mimics
a face-to-face conversation since the interaction feels more authentic.
Snapchat also features various filters or lenses, which allow users to add special effects
to an image or video.
Snapchat users are also able to add virtual stickers, text, and doodles on their pictures
or videos to personalize them further.
As of January 2018, Snapchat has over 300 million monthly active users and the vast
majority of those are teens and young adults aged 18-24.
People under the age of 25 use Snapchat for 40 minutes on average every day, which is
more than Instagram's latest statistic for the same demographic.
More than 20,000 photos are shared every second on Snapchat and 528,000 snaps are sent every
Snapchat is also hugely popular among celebrities, including Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, Ariana
Grande, Rihanna, Selena Gomez, and even former First Lady Michelle Obama.
Reddit Reddit, founded in 2005 by University of Virginia
roommates Alexis Ohanian and Steve Huffman, is an online community and social networking
platform that enables users to submit links, create content, and discuss the topics of
their interest with other registered members.
The various posts are organized by subject into user-created boards called subreddits.
These subreddits cover a variety of topics, including news, TV shows, music, video games,
movies, science, food, fitness, and many more.
Users – called 'redditors' can give individual posts a rating, either up or down,
which will boost or lower the posts position on the site.
Submissions with more up-votes appear towards the top of their subreddit and, if they receive
enough votes, ultimately on the site's front page.
As of February 2018, Reddit had 542 million monthly visitors, ranking as the #3 most visited
website in U.S. and #6 in the world.
While Reddit has been praised for its open nature and diverse user community, it has
also come under fire for allowing subreddits dedicated to explicit or controversial content.
However, Reddit's admins have said that they don't ban communities solely for featuring
controversial content.
According to Reddit's general manager Erik Martin, having to stomach occasional morally
questionable subreddits is a part of the price of free speech.
Do you agree with Martin or not?
Let us know in the comment section below!
Twitter Created in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Noah
Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams, Twitter has grown into much more than a social networking
Today, Twitter is a relevant online news source.
On the day of the 2016 U.S. presidential election, Twitter proved to be the largest source of
breaking news, with 40 million election-related tweets sent by 10 p.m.
Twitter allows users to post and interact with 280-character messages known as Tweets.
The service, which is available as both a mobile app and a desktop version, is similar
to Tumblr and Instagram in that the content a user posts will appear in their followers'
feeds, and vice versa.
Users can also accompany their tweets with images, videos, gifs, and hyperlinks.
In March 2018, Twitter was ranked #12 most visited website by Alexa's web traffic analysis.
Daily user estimates vary since the company doesn't publish statistics on active accounts.
According to latest estimates, Twitter has around 330 monthly active users, but about
23 million of those are actually bots.
One subset of Twitter bots played an important role in the United States 2016 Presidential
Researchers estimated that pro-Trump bots generated four tweets for every pro-Clinton
automated account and out-tweeted pro-Clinton bots 7:1 on relevant hashtags during the final
Before we move on with our list, go ahead and subscribe to our channel right now so
you don't miss any of our upcoming content!
Google+ Google+ is Google's fourth social networking
service, following Google Buzz, Google Friend Connect, and Orkut.
Just like Facebook – though far less popular - this social network allows users to post
photos and status updates to the stream, connect with friends and family, and chat or video
call privately or in groups with other users in Google Hangouts.
According to a 2016 book by a former Facebook employee, some key people at Facebook saw
the launch of Google+ as a serious threat to the company and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg
even instituted a company-wide "lockdown", signaling that employees were supposed to
dedicate time to bringing Facebook's features into line with Google+.
Just two weeks after the launch, Google+ reached 10 million users.
In a month, it reached 25 million and by October 2011 that number grew to 40 million.
As of June 2018, there are approximately 395 million monthly active users on Google+.
28 % of Google+ users are aged between 15 and 34 years, and 73.7% of those are male.
Google+ is especially popular with photographers since, unlike other social networks, Google+
provided photographers with a complete set of tools for uploading, personalizing, and
updating images easily.
Tumblr Microblogging platform and social networking
site Tumblr allows users to post text, photos, links, videos, and more.
The platform, which is especially popular among teens and young adults was founded by
David Karp in 2007 and acquired by Yahoo! in 2013.
As of 2018, Tumblr hosts over 417.1 million blogs and has over 550 million monthly users,
69% of which are millennials.
While it lags behind more popular image sharing platforms like Instagram, Tumblr is still
very much relevant in 2018.
There's a catch though!
Tumblr is pretty much an enclosed platform which has its specific niches.
The most popular of these are centered on art and drawing, photography, productivity
hacks, social justice, as well as various TV, movie, music, and video game fandoms.
While social justice activists on Tumblr are often mocked for their self-congratulatory
attitudes and lack of real-life involvement in social justice issues, Tumblr has fully
embraced advocacy and activism on its platform.
The site has an aggressive plan to promote activism in the coming year, especially when
it comes to registering new voters ahead of the midterm elections in November.
According to Victoria McCullough, the social impact and public policy lead at Tumblr, the
website's game plan for the coming year will focus on promoting marginalized voices
and offering users more proactive ways to participate in activism.
Instagram Ever since it first debuted in 2010, Instagram
has enjoyed a meteoric rise in popularity.
This social networking app primarily used for sharing images and videos acquiring 1
million registered users in just two months after it launched.
After three rounds of funding, Instagram was acquired by Facebook on April 9, 2012 for
a mere $1 billion and today, this hugely popular app has more than 800 million monthly active
users and counting.
Instagram is especially popular among social media marketers, which comes as no surprise
since this app is based on storytelling and - as every business owner knows - creating
an engaging story is the key to connecting with customers and getting them to buy your
product or service.
Over 70% of all US businesses use Instagram and 80% of users follow at least one business
on Instagram.
The other group of Instagram users who simply couldn't survive without Instagram are celebrities.
And no, it's not just because they're narcsisstic, it's because they make seriously
good money by promoting products on their Instagram pages.
As of 2018, realty TV star Kylie Jenner has the most lucrative account on Instagram, earning
a dizzying $1 million per post.
Singer Selena Gomez comes in second place at $800,000 per post, and football star Cristiano
Ronaldo in third at $750,000 per post.
Kylie Jenner's older sister Kim Kardashian takes the fourth place with $720,000, while
superstar Beyoncé is at number five with $700,000 per post.
Facebook Messenger Facebook Messenger is Facebook's messaging
app and platform originally developed as Facebook Chat in 2008.
After revamping the platform, Facebook released the Messenger as standalone iOS and Android
mobile apps in August 2011.
Facebook Messenger allows users to send messages, exchange photos, videos, and other files,
as well as react to messages with emoticons and stickers.
Additionally, Messenger can be used for group chats, one-to-one communication, calling,
playing games, and sending money between users.
After being separated from the main Facebook app, Facebook Messenger had 600 million users
in April 2015.
This number grew to 900 million in June 2016, 1 billion in July 2016, and 1.2 billion in
April 2017.
The current number of monthly users is 1.3 billion, and by 2021 Facebook Messenger is
expected to grow to 2.48 billion users!
Like any free messaging app, Facebook Messenger comes with potential security issues.
If you're worried about your privacy on Facebook Messenger, there are a few things
you can do.
For example, if you don't want the sender to know that you have read their message,
just switch on the Airplane Mode on your smartphone when you get a message notification.
Then simply open the Messenger, read all received messages, and make sure you quit the app by
launching the multitasker and booting it before switching airplane mode off.
While there is no way to log out of the Facebook Messenger app - all you can do is choose between
different availability statuses like "Appear as inactive", "Switch accounts", and "Turn
off notifications" – there's a way around this too.
Just go into the Settings of your Android device, close the Messenger if you have it
open, and get rid of it from your recent apps list.
In Settings, scroll down to the Apps or Application Manager, and scroll down until you see Messenger.
Tap on this, and then click on Clear data.
This will clear your old login data so the next time you tap on Messenger it won't log
you in automatically.
WhatsApp Messenger This free messenger app for smartphones that
allows users to communicate through text messages, voice calls, video calls, and by sending videos
and images was launched in 2009 by two former Yahoo! employees Brian Acton and Jan Koum.
In February 2014, Facebook bought WhatsApp for $19 billion in its largest acquisition
However, the messaging app has been kept separate from Facebook's main social network and its
Facebook Messenger app.
With over 1.5 billion monthly active users, WhatsApp is the most popular messaging app
in the world.
WhatsApp is used to send 55 billion messages, 4.5 billion photos, and 1 billion videos every
The popularity of this messaging app is credited to its lack of international calling and messaging
fees, lack of third party ads, regular updates, and plenty of exciting features.
However, WhatsApp has also been criticized for its relaxed security features and misleading
privacy policy.
In January 2017, British daily newspaper The Guardian reported that a security researcher
had discovered that WhatsApp's policy of forcing re-encryption of initially undelivered messages
without informing the recipient was a serious loophole which allowed WhatsApp to disclose
the content of these messages.
Since then, WhatsApp has been better secured by the introduction of optional two-factor
verification and it now encrypts every single message, call, picture, video or any other
type of file you send so that the only person who can read or view it is the recipient.
YouTube YouTube is a video-sharing social network
founded in 2005 by three former PayPal employees.
Less than two years after its launch, the site was bought by Google for $1.65 billion
and today, YouTube operates as one of Google's subsidiaries.
YouTube allows users to upload, view, rate, share, add to favorites, report, comment on
videos, and subscribe to other users.
While YouTube has two primary groups of users – those who upload videos and those who
watch them - many of the 1.8 billion monthly users fall into both categories.
Available video content on YouTube includes video clips, music videos, short films, video
blogging, educational videos, and plenty more.
As of August 2018, YouTube is ranked as the second-most popular site in the world with
more than 400 hours of content uploaded each minute and 1 billion hours of content watched
every day.
In 2018, the most popular YouTube channel was PewDiePie, belonging to a Swedish YouTuber
and video game commentator Felix Kjellberg.
Kjellberg's channel has over 66 million subscribers and has so far received almost
19 billion video views.
The most viewed YouTube video of all time is planetary hit "Despacito" by Puerto
Rican singer Luis Fonsi and rapper Daddy Yankee.
"Despacito" became the first video on YouTube to reach the milestones of three,
four, and five billion views.
The second most popular video based on total global views is Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth's
song "See You Again" from Furious 7 Soundtrack, followed by Ed Sheeran's "Shape of You"
and PSY's "Gangnam Style".
As of September 2018, Canadain superstar Justin Bieber is the only artist to have five videos
exceeding one billion views, while Katy Perry, Bruno Mars, Nicky Jam and Shakira have four.
Facebook Other social media sites may come and go,
but Facebook is here to stay.
Founded in February 2004 by Hardvard drop-out Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook is now the largest
social media platform in the world with over 2.2 billion monthly active users.
Every minute, 400 new users sign up to join Facebook and every day 35 million people update
their Facebook statuse.
Facebook users come from all over the world.
Leading countries based on number of Facebook users are India, United States, Brazil, Indonesia,
Mexico, Philippines, and Vietnam.
The most common age demographic is young people between ages of 25 and 34 and 76% of them
are female.
As popular as it is, this social media giant hasn't been without its critics.
Criticism of Facebook extends to everything from Facebook's ruthless market dominance
to user privacy.
In 2018, Facebook was implicated in one of the largest data scandals in history when
it was discovered that Cambridge Analytica, British political consulting firm that ran
President Donald Trump's campaign, had harvested raw data from up to 87 million Facebook users.
The collected data was detailed enough for Cambridge Analytica to create a psychological
profile of each user which suggested what kind of advertisement would be most effective
to persuade a particular person in a particular location for some political event.
In an interview with CNN, Mark Zuckerberg apologized for the situation, calling it an
"issue" and a "mistake", but not a "data breach".
During his testimony before Congress on April 10, 2018, the Facebook CEO said it was his
personal mistake that he didn't do enough to prevent Facebook from being used for harm.
Which of these social media sites and apps do you use regularly?
Let us know in the comment section below and subscribe to our channel for more great content!
Meghan Markle stuns in polka dot dress on Fraser Island that looks similar Kate Middleton's dress - Duration: 6:43.-------------------------------------------
Щенячий патруль на русском новые серии – День лени. Маша и Медведь мультик для детей. Игрушки! - Duration: 5:49.-------------------------------------------
Финская политика. Сравнение России и Финляндии. Finnish Policy - Duration: 35:31.I've already talked about 40 discoveries in Finland.
And in this video we will talk about the fundamental benefits
which I learned not from their experience, and based on
open data, as well as conversations with politically active
Finnish citizen.
If you next review seem complicated right away
go to the end of the video, here is the timing (28:28), same
he will be in subtitles and in description for this video.
At the end of the video, we just let's sum up.
Part 1. Our two pillars life (education and health)
Education. About Finnish schools and education
in Finland it is already written a huge number of articles.
Here are some: "Whip or gingerbread. What can
teach the finnish school - the most liberal in the world "
(on the website, "Finnish school. 4 principles of learning that
made the Finnish schools an example for all others "and" too
relaxed: how it works education in Finland.
Four foreign languages for everyone, no lessons
and complete peace "(on site, "Finnish Director
schools - about refusing school items "(on,
"Finnish school eyes Russian mom "(on the site,
"Finnish schools: myths in the international press,
context features and new technologies "(on, and on sites dedicated exclusively
Finland - The Truth About Finnish school "(on,
"Mysteries of the Finnish school: learn less - more
do you know? "(on the site I already read this article once
long time on another site. And many many other articles.
All links to these articles. - in the description of this video.
There is something to read, but if you take some some
the main things then in Finland apparently, a) Work
teachers are very highly paid, b) The teaching profession is very
strongly respected by society c) Large and independent
contest for the device to work as a teacher, d) Independence
and teacher freedom in planning and conducting lessons, d)
Lack of bureaucratic red tape and paperwork
teachers (all paper and technical issues
Assistants are engaged) f) Finnish culture in
throughout the country as a whole and in schools in particular is unthinkable
without humanism and equality - all position themselves
and teach others in the spirit of equality and respect for each other.
Moreover, equality stitched in Finland even in Finnish
language. So, to all, even strangers and old people
are turning on you, and words "He" or "she" in Finnish
language merge into one the word "hän". I hope i
correctly said. You can of course say
there are many smart people in Finland technology and special programs.
And it will be true, but, to me It seems to be the details. The main thing,
in my opinion, I listed above.
Health care. Health care in finland
this is a well-thought policy savings of people that is
themselves. First, it is public
health, which includes pre-medical policies that improve
quality of life and increasing lifespan.
These include: a) developed culture and infrastructure
led transport, b) ecology care - clean
air and drinking water from the tap and
c) restrictive health-saving alcohol policy
and tobacco. A pack of cigarettes It costs more than 4 euros (320 rubles),
alcohol costs about equally in terms of
alcohol. That is, half a liter beer (4% alcohol) can cost
2 euros (160 rubles) and half liters of vodka (40% alcohol) can
cost 20 euros. Therefore for achieve the planned
intoxication consumers do not choose alcohol
stronger and cheaper as it happens in Russia, and what
not so nasty taste and that you can buy in any
the store. And in any store can I buy alcohol with
less alcohol content 5.8%. All that is for sale is stronger
only in state Alco stores. In this case, alcohol
stronger than 2.8% can be bought only until 21:00. Total ban
advertising and promotion of alcohol and tobacco, high excise
on alcohol and tobacco restrictions by time and place of sale
alcohol and tobacco is suffered by the time
proven reduction policy alcohol and tobacco
mortality. These measures are global policy benchmark
regarding alcohol and tobacco. When we advocated
these politicians in Russia, we relied heavily on
successful Finnish experience. And we, too, have succeeded in this.
Mortality and problems associated with alcohol and
tobacco declined like in Finland and in Russia.
Secondly, it is directly the medicine. Good articles
about Finnish medicine I am almost not found, therefore, taking advantage
first of all advertise YouTube channel
Jurassic, who has long lived in Finland, has citizenship
Finland, works in Finland and constantly shoots video
about Finland. Before for the first time to go to Finland
I looked two dozen his videos. He tells
about ordinary life, how it works all in cities and houses as well
also illuminates all others issues, including employment,
education and medicine. Link to his video about medicine
in the description of this video. From his video about medicine
it can be concluded that medicine in Finland has
some difficulties, the main of which it is long
queues when contacting non-urgent reasons. "Ambulance
help ", with quick, operations are done quickly.
Moreover, all operations and treatment for workers
Finnish citizens are free can only be paid
time spent in hospital according to the video, about
25 euros per day. Self treatment even very difficult, free.
As for the appointment treatment in clinics,
then the principle is used evidence-based medicine.
Doctors do not prescribe homeopathy or other means not
proven to be effective. In addition, in Finland
there is a list of necessary drugs that often
absent in Russia by unreasoned reason
restrictive policies Russian authorities. Urgent
situations and operations judging throughout, performed as much as possible
quickly and essentially free but ambulatory care
may be paid you can wait for a few
days and even weeks (apparently it concerns state
free clinics), and myself doctor's appointment may cost
25 euros. This is recognized as problem. But I think,
better to pay for admission about a cold of 25 euros,
but for free and quickly get a heart surgery.
Part 2. Indices and ratings.
In this part we will try consider what exist
indices and ratings without going in the details of the design research.
For those who are seriously interested this topic and he wants to see
how indexes were carried out and ratings, I enclose everything
links in the description to this video. And if you have
wish you can in the comments write what you understand
of them in addition to this video. And I repeat:
we have introductory material non-scientific
journalism or on exhaustion information. It's simple
introductory overview. Our tools will be a database program
United Nations Development health organizations
and the World Bank. Pay focus on the development program.
Among the key objectives of this Organizations are everywhere:
education, health, democracy and institutions
equality and human rights concern for nature and much
another. Further, a lot of information
there are on The Economist website that make authoritative ratings
democracy and quality of life. Well, in addition, we will
appeal to other international organizations.
Which countries do we compare? Of course, Finland, because
About her speech in this video. Of course, Russia, because
that I was born and raised in Russia and my main message
- for citizens of Russia. Besides We take the USA because
that in Russia among the liberal public for some reason
it is often customary to equal on the USA. We will see how
it is justified. Besides, recently became
fashion among conservative and authoritarian public
equal to China. And we take more "drifting"
country - the one that took first place. And in general
look at other countries. For a general comparison. So,
we compare the first country Finland, Russia, USA and
China. Now let's get started.
1. Education rating Pisa.
Popular rating PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) shows
the following results. Numbers dictate how they are indicated
in the table: Math, reading and natural sciences (Mathematics,
Reading, Science). Finland - 511, 526, 531; Russia - 494, 495, 487. United States
- 470, 497, 496. China - 531, 494, 518 (but here is a postscript,
what data are relevant only to Beijing, Guangdong, Jiangsu
and Shanghai). Of justice for the sake of, the UN refers all of the above
countries to "VERY HIGH HUMAN DEVELOPMENT", that is - well developed.
That is, the difference, judging by everything is not so significant.
True, except for China. Not looking at high rates
education in these areas China, there is a drawdown on other
indicators. In dogonku. Discovering our
UN table for 2018 (p. 52), it is worth saying that Finland
on educational achievements only 15th place. But this
and no wonder grow nonstop pretty
complicated. Takes the dynamics for 5 years - from 2012 to 2017.
Russia is here on the 49th place. So, not only absolute
performance, but also the dynamics so-so. USA - on the 13th place.
They have grown significantly in their eyes. China is in 86th place.
The first place is Norway.
2. The share of GDP for health. An important indicator. It is impossible
build modern medicine, spending little money.
In 2015, Finland spent health 9.4% of GDP
and Russia - 5.6%. Honestly, I thought less. Well,
see for yourself. And tell me if i was wrong Links to
description. In the US - 16.8%, which amazing considering
that they, like, paid the medicine. Although maybe
this includes all deductions regardless of the way
accumulation. I do not know. Well okay, not about America
Today. In China - 5.3%.
3. Lifespan. Lifespan
- the most important indicator by which you can judge
a lot of things. And level medicine, and overall health care
and the attitude of the state to its citizens right up
up to job opportunities at any age since
employment is a favorite thing affects the duration
of life. Lifespan
at birth in Finland (2018, UN DP, table 1, p.22)
- 81.5 (84.3 in women and 78.7 in men), in Russia - 71.2 (76.8 and 65.6), in
USA - 79.5 (81.8 and 77.3), in China - 76.4 (78.0 and 74.9), first place
Hong Kong (84.1) and Japan (83.9). It is worth noting that
same high places in Switzerland (83.5), Singapore (83.2) and Australia
(83.1). Other Scandinavian countries have traditionally
very high rates comparable to the winners
This ranking: Sweden (82.6), Norway (82.3). As we see
Russia is far behind.
4. Child abuse and protection children.
In Finland, the system identified 2.11 children per 100 thousand population
abused in the USA - 5.3, in China, from where
Take it - 0.92. In Russia - 12,42. With that in Russia
love to underestimate the statistics fuck who turn in our
country for help, who will help. Fine, fine. Will take
these numbers are for granted. Still, a difference of five
time. Although I expected a difference times a hundred. Well, OK. It is too
lot. Anyway, even one child is a lot.
Everyone needs help. By the way as with her.
Child Protection Indicators include "degree
implementation of security services mental health
for victims of all forms of violence " "The extent of implementation
child protection services ", "The extent of implementation
medical and legal services for victims of sexual abuse. "
The scale is very short, options may be "Big size",
"Limited" and "None". In Finland and the USA everything is
"Big sizes". AT Russia, only the first in
prosperity, the rest is limited. In China, everything is limited.
5. Economy. GNP and GDP. We will round down. AT
subtitles will be full numbers You can also
all numbers always open on the link in the description of the video.
Gross national income (GNI) per capita
in Finland $ 41,002, in Russia $ 24,233, in the US $ 54,941, in China
15.270 $. Most in Qatar ($ 116,818), I don't know why.
GDP per capita is the most large in Luxembourg ($ 104.103),
in Finland 45.703, in Russia - 10.743, in the USA - 59.531, in China
- 8,827. Still very good at Switzerland - 80.189. And in Norway
- 75.504. With that in Finland
no oil and gas, GNP almost twice as high as in Russia,
and GDP is more than four times higher!
6. The coefficient of human inequality.
Coefficient of human inequalities (Coefficient of human
inequality) - very interesting indicator. He imagines
is a simple mean inequality in relation to health, education
and income. So it explains UNPH site. If you understood
write me a little more in comments. In Finland
human factor inequality is 5.5, in
Russia - 9.3, in the USA - 13.1, in China - 14.1.
In general, if you are advanced scientist or IT specialist,
China and the United States are a good choice. The rest, apparently, Finland
is preferable.
7. Quality of life index. The guys from the Economist Intelligence Unit
did everything for us. Simple ten ball scale and
rating according so who scores
took In the calculation included such indicators as Expectancy
life expectancy Divorce Level
public attendance or religious organization
GDP per capita Parity purchasing power
Political ratings stability and security
for some reason they stuck "Climate and geography "(now quilted jackets
start scribbling: "I told you that we just have a climate
other"; guys climate in the southernmost point of Finland
- in the capital, in the city of Helsinki colder than in Moscow.
Although south of Moscow in Russia hundreds more kilometers) okay
go ahead, the average index political and civil
Freedom, Gender Equality. All the details you can do yourself
to read. I like this This rating, although we remember
that no rating gives the whole picture. Need to watch
different ratings, compare, juxtapose
the details. Because "average hospital temperature "
that's fine but you it is important that happiness be
specifically you, and the fact that happy Sergey Brin or
Pavel Durov, you are from it is neither hot nor cold
right? So, by this rating first place is Switzerland
(8.22), Finland in 12th place (7.76), Russia is in 72nd place (5.31),
USA in 6th place (8.01), China 49th place (5.99). But this data
for 2013. Much could to change.
8. Suicide rate. There is a common
statement that in Finland high suicide rate.
Well this is from the series "blah blah bla if it's so good there
then why is there every second climbs into the loop? ". Well, let's
we'll see. In 2016 in Finland was
13.8 suicides per 100 thousand population. It's a lot! I
I do not know why. Finns say they work with
this, improve the psychological service and accept others
measures. There is reason that figure dramatically
will decline in the coming years. And how much in Russia? In Russia
- 26.5! Exactly twice [third after Guyana and Lesotho].
This is more than in Ukraine. (18.5). Do not believe the myths, see
figures, see the original sources. And do not believe the rumors, the news
and propaganda. Suicide rate in the USA - 13.7, that is almost
one-to-one with Finland. In China - 8. Far in Finland
not the highest level suicides. Even
watch developed countries in Japan, 14.3; in Latvia - 17.2;
in Korea - 20.2. But among the Scandinavian countries Finland and the truth
on this indicator lags behind. For now. Let's see what
will be next. For some reason it seems to me that the Finns will cope
with this problem.
9. Crime. Compare the level of intentional
killings per 100 thousand people population. For this indicator
in Finland - 1.42, in Russia - 10.82 (seven times more,
friends!), in the USA - 5.35, in China - 0.62. Almost all European
countries look the most peaceful. Strange however
China has a low level kills. In Japan, so in general
0.28 people per 100 thousand. In Iceland - 0.3. In Singapore - 0.32. So
same good performance dwarf states,
which proves again great power strong
local government. Do not disturb people themselves
manage your life. No ruler even
the most ingenious cannot manage territory well
by which he does not ride bus every day.
10. The index of democracy. Measured by such indicators
political participation, political electoral process
culture, Civil liberties. Norway stands first
location, Finland and Switzerland share 9th place. Russia on
135 spot between Rwanda and Zimbabwe. The US was thought
stronghold of democracy takes only 21 place. There
same Italy. Twenty first the place is good but the US
not even in the top ten democratic countries. China
at 139 place. From European countries below Russia only Belarus.
The most democratic countries: Norway, Iceland, Sweden,
New Zealand, Denmark, Ireland, Canada, Australia, Finland
and Switzerland.
11. Index of perception of corruption. Corruption, in general, is very
hard to measure. On corruption affects many indicators
and indirectly it can be judged based on the level of democracy
and compliance with civil freedoms. But there is specifically
corruption index. Index perception of corruption. Thats
have as citizens themselves perceive corruption.
You can argue how long index reflects reality.
But in an era of openness, in Overall, its citizens are not
you will deceive. Look at the same corruption investigations
Alexey Navalny. Yes now everything, even kremleboty,
propagandons and edinorosy do not deny that corruption
in Russia is big. But we with you look at the study.
So, data for 2017. Most uncorrupted
the country is New Zealand. Next come Denmark and ... and
who do we see? Finland! Finland in third place.
Next, Norway, Switzerland and singapore. US only on
16th place! China is in 77th place. And Russia, Russia ... Russia
135 place between Bangladesh and Paraguay. Even Ukraine,
seemingly in the 130th place.
12. The level of happiness. In conclusion of this part,
cherry on the cake. Cherry, really impressive. At
UN support every year conducted happiness rating
which includes such indicators as the income of citizens
size of GDP, duration life, protection of rights and freedoms
and the level of corruption as well same representative surveys
citizens. By this rating Finland in 2018 ranked
first place. First place, Damn it! Among 183 countries.
In this case, the first position many years also occupy
Other Scandinavian countries: Norway, Sweden, Iceland.
As well as Switzerland. USA 18th place, and Russia at 59
place. China is in 86th place. Methodology exposed
criticized, you can study it, to draw your own conclusions.
And in general, always look primary sources, study
methodology, compare different indices and ratings.
Part 3. Finnish Parliament. Place
where all laws are taken at the level of the whole country is called
"Eduskunta". "Sejm" is wrong name, this is archaism from
royal times do not pronounce So. You can read more
get acquainted with the management of Finnish Parliament in this
Russian-language brochure. Download link
I will attach in the description to the video. Also, there are brochures on
other languages. Parliament is the focus
democracy, here is the will people carried
through representatives (parliamentarians) directly. Everything, that
we love so much: developed democracy, standard of living, low
corruption independence judicial system, education
and medicine are largely related with this place. You have
opportunity to come on a tour to the Finnish Parliament, and
it's completely free and with the help of a guide whom
you can choose for your mother tongue (if it is not
very rare, Russian language is also there). Again
I repeat: the entrance to parliament (including during meetings
of parliamentarians) together with a guide on your own
language is available to any person and not worth any money.
You just need to register on the site, the link I will give in
description for this post or video. When you will
register, ask me can i go with
you. The fact is that while I was in Finland, I could not
assemble a group of six persons. Put together a group
at least 6 people (more is possible) - this is the only
condition of visiting the parliament. But my friends from the University
of Helsinki somehow turned out not interested to go
to parliament. So honestly say i never inside
was not. But I really want to go there get hit! So, please
include me on your list! I often go to Finland,
especially on weekends so that the stars can converge.
Part 4. Meeting with Martin Glantz.
I met this summer with one of politically
active citizens of Finland - Martin Glantz. I found on Facebook.
Rallies before the Summit Putin and Trump spent
organization #HelsinkiCalling. I went to this organization
and I was advised to contact to Martin. We met
in a cafe and I asked him everything two questions:
1) How did it happen that Finland is so beautiful
a country. AND 2) How, in his opinion, to do
as good in Russia. Here are his answers in my presentation
with his additions written on Facebook:
1. In Finland, there have never been Finnish dictators or kings.
Thus, probably, the Finns themselves always felt a united,
not devided people.
2. Finns do not like when they are under enforce
(which is reflected even in the film "Unknown Soldier" (fin. "Tuntematon sotilas").
3. Finland has always had a small territory and a small population,
which could reduce the likelihood of creating subcultures.
4. Nobody speaks Finnish language outside of Finland.
So the native language could be and remains
as a connecting link for the Finns.
His addition:
"There are about 500 000 expatriate Finns, including second and third generation Swedes
with a Finnish background. The language is a
strong cohesive factor"
5. In Finland, the overwhelming number of citizens
are deeply religious Protestants.
At some time, it is possible, 9 out of 10 Finns were Protestants.
And only 10% - of another faith or atheists.
and Protestant communities, it seems, are more united, more willing to help each other,
provide it and most actively engage in charity.
These statements (like others) require verification.
His addition:
"Yes, Most Finns are members of the national Lutheran
Church but NOT deeply religious. The percentage of people, who
call themselves believers and are active in religious
things, is declining. Deeply religious people and sectarians
are a small minority, but quite many people
are conservative in religious aspects."
6. Education for all - a solid Finnish policy.
Moreover, until the middle of the 20th century, many Finns were poor.
Finnish children were fed for free in schools and kindergartens,
so they given them to schools and kindergartens earlier.
It seems that the schools themselves and kindergartens
are organized by the same Finns, just a little richer.
Nobody created a school for them from outside.
The same story with the army.
This is essentially an education for young men after school.
They also feed them for free. Therefore, they go willingly.
His addition: "The Finnish Army was established
a hundred years ago. It develops and evolves as an institution and as
an integral part of a small country´s society and structure.
Finland´s general conscript system, which
has wide support through the society, has been seen to give a strong
signal of unity outwards. The educational system started
with teachers travelling through the land from village
to village (in the 1800´s). Then, into times before and after
WW2, the best way to daily bring
children to the new schools in the countryside, away from hard labour
at the farms, was to offer free meals.
Originally many schools were started by donors,
but already early in Finnish independence, also the politicians
understood, that education is one out of poverty,
misery and superstition."
7. Let's not forget, that Finland gained its independence in 1917,
независимость Финляндия обрела в 1917 году, а Россия
but Russia only got rid of the USSR in 1991. Whether got rid?
His addition:
I cannot comment on the Russian or the Soviet
society, as I have never lived there."
Generally, this item was born after comparing the dynamics
development of Finland and Russia. Well, then, as I remember,
Martin said something like next (this is my creative
retelling): "Wait, Finland last year celebrated
centenary of independence. You are far from such a round
date." Actually, this seems to me
The argument is contrived. Here is read what writes
Alexander Kuprin about Finland in 1908, that is, for 9 years
before her independence! He writes: "In Finland
a woman can always be sure that they will give way
place in the car, in the tram, in the stage. But she also
given way to the State Sejm [Finnish Parliament
- Eduskunta], and the Finns are fair proud to be in this
deed belongs to them. They are the first in the Old World
sent four women respect the highest interests
countries along with the most worthy. And it seems to me that between
meeting rendered thrush from Uusikirkko, and elections
women to the Sejm [Finnish Parliament - Eduskunta] there is some
remote connection as between first and last rung
long stairs. (...) Of course hard to say much about
the country in which there was only in passing but all I
saw strengthens in me the thought that the Finns are peaceful,
big, serious, persistent people besides people different
good health, love to freedom and tender affection
to their harsh homeland. (...) No supervision, no
mistrust. Our Russians hearts so deeply accustomed
to passport, site, compulsory the care of the senior janitor,
to universal fraud and suspicions were
completely depressed by this wide mutual faith. (...)
Kids feel real the masters of the city. They are coming
across the width of the pavement loudly chatting and laughing
yanking red braids, glittering cheeks and blueness
eyes. Adults willingly and gently give them a way.
So everywhere in Helsingfors [Helsinki]. It seems to me,
can safely predict powerful future
to the people in whose midst Respect for the child has been developed."
8. For the Finn is characterized
gradual growth and development, in small steps, without jerks.
His addition: This - with the exception
of the wars 1939-1940 and 1941-1945 this would be the case."
. Perhaps the politicians understood
the sacred value of good education and health care,
so they directed all their efforts to continually improve these areas.
Or maybe there are no politicians in Finland, and there are simply patriots
who were nominated to parliament by many neighbors
who knew them in the house,
the neighborhood, the district, the city, the region and the country?
His addition (in my free translation, original in English subtitles):
Historically, this would seem
to be the case. Current development, though, shows us,
that diversity, democracy, human rights and equality
are not a status quo. All human communities
have to constantly be on guard against people who are only hungry for power
and their own gain."
10. It is believed that in Finland socialism. If so, then
socialism with a market economy and competition,
which is democratically accepted by citizens and
controlled by democratically accepted democratic and liberal laws.
While in other countries, who called themselves democratic or socialist,
there was coercion.
His addition: "See 9."
In short, guys, you have to be on guard, watch out by whole nation.
(How will I translate this phrase into English? I don't know. Well, okay).
In general, except of ourselves, ordinary people,
no one will build happiness. There is only one life. And better to be wrong
and start over, than start nothing and die in
retro house with retro thoughts.
So let's summarize. Exists many articles, ratings
and indexes about Finland and other countries dedicated
all that is possible: education, medicine,
protection of human rights, corruption. For detailed
learning is to delve into the methodology. According to these reviews,
rankings and indices Finland is in the top ten
of countries, and only rarely - in the top twenty. Good performance
with other Scandinavian countries, sometimes they
(Norway, Sweden, Iceland) occupy the first places in
many ratings. Same next to the Scandinavian
countries is Switzerland. Singapore's good performance
and Hong Kong. Education Rating
PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) shows the results
in math, reading and natural sciences
which Finland has results: 511, 526, 531; Russia
- 494, 495, 487. Finland spends on health care
9.4% of GDP, and Russia - 5.6%. Lifespan
at birth in Finland - 81.5 years, in Russia - 71.2 years.
In Finland, the system identified 2.11 children per 100 thousand population
abused In Russia - 12.42. In Finland
monitoring system and help is good.
In Russia limited to the "Extent of implementation of child protection services",
"Extent of implementation of medico-legal services for victims of sexual violence"
GDP per capita in
Finland 45.703 $ USA, in Russia - 10.743.
Coefficient of human inequality is 5.5, in
Russia - 9.3. Quality of Life Index
Finland in 12th place (7.76 points), Russia in 72nd place
(5.31 point). In 2016 in Finland was
13.8 suicides per 100 thousand population. In Russia - 26.5
suicides per 100 thousand population [third after Guyana and Lesotho].
Intentional level killings per 100 thousand people
Finland's population — 1.42; in Russia - 10.82.
Index of democracy. Finland and Switzerland share 9th place.
Russia is at 135 place between Rwanda and Zimbabwe.
Corruption Perception Index. Finland in third place.
Russia is at 135 place between Bangladesh and Paraguay.
The level of happiness. Finland in 2018, ranked first
place among 183 countries. Russia on the 59th place.
And I have nothing more to add. In addition to Russia
I was only in Ukraine Estonia and Sweden. If to compare
with these countries then Finland for me an absolute favorite.
But I was not in Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and many others
countries. Fashion equal to the USA and China also partly
is far-fetched, at least if we consider
life of an ordinary person which is far from entrepreneurial
activities. For scientists engineers, builders,
for any other people professions for those who love
calm, peace and quiet privacy, good accomplishment,
safety and comfort Finland may become the most
convenient country in the world. And for the Russians, so generally
- take a bus ticket for 800 rubles (10 euros) from St. Petersburg
and you are already in Helsinki. You can, moreover, arrange
tour to the nearest town for 800 rubles (10 euros) in both
parties. Visa is inexpensive (25-35 euros), it takes 10-15 days.
Small business is very developed in Finland, Finns much
export, therefore, for entrepreneurship
there is also a place to turn around. And even more so, your business
will be safe, nobody will squeeze it,
as in Russia. Well, there are also the USA and China, where,
as I heard so many business opportunities.
Well, for the Russians, who want to make happiness on their own
land, there is Russia with her vast expanses.
We can do "small Finland", "small Switzerland "
and any miracle in their own land.
Russia is the largest territory country.
Russia is the most attractive to start new territorial
projects. Right here most hopes are pinned
libertarians and those who want to arrange own life
according to their own patterns. Someone wants to build "small USA",
someone wants to build "small Switzerland".
But I want to build "small Finland". Do you dream about the same?
Russia is huge country, here are millions
hectares are in more warm zone than in Finland.
The biggest problem - this is an agreement
among themselves, begin to trust each other and not be afraid
change own life We can build a real federation
and strong local government. But it all depends on us.
If we will believe that we are small and nothing
can't, nothing will be. And if we want
build one city by all the standards that
we love so much we can do it. And already exists
many examples. People leave large cities and set up
its internal economy, open private production.
We can do all this. But for this you need to really
love your life. Not dogmas down from parents
or surroundings, not strongholds, taken by self.
And just the desire to live in comfort. Sense of taste
to a good city life. Taste develops. Everybody
who was not in Europe, I highly recommend going to Sweden,
Finland. Well, other European countries. Also need
to really hate. Hate your problems
of your people [nation], the problems that surround you. Hate
traitors in the government, stupid and greedy corrupt officials.
Need to despise them. Not some abstract love for the motherland,
with all her assholes and dumps, but hate
to the problems of our people and traitors who profit
on our people - this is true patriotism.
This is love for the motherland. For my foreign friends
I note that Russia is very friendly country. If a
do not take into account a few dozens of idiots in the government,
which often interfere with good affairs. But we are working with it. :)
In Russia, in general, people are different. You need to understand that millions
people with unhealed wounds, Stockholm syndrome,
denying your illness and eternal resentment for the whole
world. They need treatment and Adoption. Other people
already on the road to recovery. Third - miraculously live without
maniacs, parents, moronic teachers and juvenile delinquents
in the yard. With the second and third, you can do joint
projects. Therefore, if you feel cramped in your own
country, come to Russia. If you want to build
my happiness in my native land, I support you
and wish you success! This is not an easy way, but, to me
it seems to build a dream city where not only would
beautiful houses, not only beautiful economy, but
and human rights would be
feasible dream. But about this - already in other videos about Russia,
how to build a "Russia of healthy human"
(if you remember this meme).
If you liked it video, like, subscribe
on my channel click on bell, that would be nothing
do not miss and write comments under this video.
Let's repeat Finnish miracle in Russia.
New Honda CBR250RR 2019 Style Red Ferrari F1 | Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.-------------------------------------------
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VCAM(브이캠) EP.54_Senorita MV Making Behind - Duration: 6:33.Ace - I spent a lot of time learning guitar recently. 我最近很努力在练习吉他.
I memorized the guitar chords of "Senorita", can play the full song now 我把"Senorita"的吉他谱都背熟了, 可以弹奏完整的一首歌了
I want to record "Senorita" acoustic version with members! 希望可以和成员们一起录制一个吉他伴奏版本的Senorita!
Ace - What's your hair concept? 你今天的发型是什么概念啊?
Lou - Fireworks! 烟花!
Ace - Your hair color is nice!!! 发色真好看!!!
Ziu - My brother! I knew him since I am 20years old~ We practiced together during trainees period! 这是我哥! 我从20岁开始就认识他了~ 我们还一起当过练习生呢!
Ayno - Is this the famous V Cam??? 这就是那有名的VCam吗???
Ayno - He is our Director of "Senorita" MV~ 这位是我们"Senorita"MV的导演~
the same director of "Spotlight" MV as well! 他也是我们"Spotlight"MV的导演哦!
Director : And the previous MV as well~ 导演 - 前一个MV也是我拍的啦~
Ayno - Actually from "She's Mine" onwards. We have came to the same MV set for many times~ 其实是从"She's Mine"开始. 我们来同一个拍摄场地拍了很多次MV~
Our MV views keep increasing after collaborate with Director. Thank you! 导演为我们拍了MV后, 我们的MV收看率也一直不停地上升. 谢谢您 !
Director - I need to act like we are close! 那我就假装跟你很熟吧!
Ayno - We… we are close! 我们还..蛮...熟的啊!
St.Van - Director, when are you going to buy us BBQ? 导演, 你什么时候请我们吃烤肉?
Director - Let's go after showcase~ 导演 - Showcase后一起去吃吧~
Ayno - I wanted to tell you something too… When are you going to buy us BBQ? 导演我也有话要说… 你什么时候要请我们吃烤肉?
BaRon - Ayno always one step slower~ Ayno总是慢人一步~
Ziu - Director said he will buy us BBQ when we shoot for "Gorgeous" MV… 导演之前拍"Gorgeous"MV的时候, 也说过要请我们吃烤肉的...
Director - Are you guys going to prank me in a group like this??? 导演 - 你们一个两个干嘛这样对我???
Lou - BBQ~ Let's go for BBQ~! 吃烤肉~ 一起吃烤牛肉~!
Ayno - What is this? Just random pick one? Only one? 这是啥? 选一个就可以了吗? 就一个?
Ayno - I will pick one! 就选一个吧!
Ziu - I will pick the middle one! 我要选中间的!
Ayno - Me first… 我先…
Ayno - VAV 5seconds interview! Use your body to express your feeling for this comeback!!! VAV5秒访问! 用全身来形容新专辑回归的心情!!!
Ziu - The food I want to eat now? 我现在想吃的食物?
Carbonara! Spagetti! Pizza! Fried chicken and pork leg!!!! 培根蛋麵! 意大利面! 披薩! 炸鸡和猪脚!!!!
Ayno - Oh!~ You mentioned five!! 哇!~ 你说了五个耶!!
Ayno - VAV 5seconds interview! Promote and introduce us "Senorita"! VAV5秒访问! 给我们介绍"Senorita"!
St.Van - "Senorita"… "Senorita"…
Ziu - How can you treat us like this…? 是不是太过分了~ 怎么可以这样对我们…?
St.Van - I can't even read the question yet… 我连问题也还没…
Ayno - "Senorita" is… "Senorita"就是那个...
BaRon - VAV 5seconds interview! I think I need to get my mind ready~ VAV5秒访问! 我要先有心理准备~
BaRon - Video message for long waited VAMPZ! Can I start it? 为久等的VAMPZ来一段视频信息! 开始就可以了吗?
BaRon - I love you guys~ 我爱你们~
BaRon - Perfect??!!! 完美??!!!
Ace - I love you too~ 我也爱你们~
Ziu - What do you think it's your charming point?! 你觉得你的个人魅力是?!
Lou - VAV 5seconds interview! Who's your "Senorita"? Your specific ideals type? VAV5秒访问! 你的"Senorita"是谁? 你的理想型?
Lou - A girl like my mom! A girl like VAMPZ! A girl like my grandma! A girl like my family! 一个像我妈妈的女孩! 像VAMPZ的女孩! 像我奶奶的女孩! 像我家人的女孩!
St.Van - Just pick one? 选一个就可以了?
Ace - VAV 5seconds interview! Use your body to express your feeling for this comeback! 5!4!3!2!1! VAV5秒访问! 用全身来形容新专辑回归的心情! 5!4!3!2!1!
Ace - So hot!!! 真热情!!!
Ace - I need to do as well? It's St.Van questions~ Me again…? Why~ 我也要回答吗? 这不是St.Van的问题吗~ 怎么又是我…? 为什么~
St.Van - If you can reborn, which member do you wish to be? 如果让你选择, 你会想成为哪一个成员?
Ace - I want to be St.Van! Wish to have a wide shoulder! Fighting! 我想成为St.Van! 想要拥有宽大的肩膀! Fighting!
Jacob - VAV 5seconds interview! Video message for long waited VAMPZ! VAV5秒访问! 为久等的VAMPZ来一段视频信息!
Jacob - Senorita!!! Senorita!!!
Jacob - Lou, what do you think? Lou, 你觉得呢?
Lou - It's something impossible… 这是不可能会有的事…
Lou - Wow.. left bone only~ 哇.. 就只吃剩骨头~
Jacob - It must be delicious!!! 一定很好吃!!!
Lou - Fried Chicken CF, go go! 来个炸鸡广告!
BaRon - Yo, my brother~? 我的弟弟, 你来了~?
Ayno - Hmm, I don't think you are same as me~ 哥, 你做的好像跟我的不一样呢~
Ziu - Say something to our long waited fans! 对久等的VAMPZ说一句话吧!
St.Van - VAMPZ! Sorry for making you guys wait for us~ VAMPZ! 要让你们等那么久, 真的很抱歉~
Please keep your eyes for our new songs, and show us your support!!! 我们在努力拍摄, 记得多多支持我们哦!!!
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