Hello everyone, everything good? Welcome to the GearLiveTec channel, I'm Rafael Santana and in this video I'll show you how
install the most used browsers currently
and with a bonus browser, TOR heavily used to navigate the deep web or dark web
But it's title just curious if you do not have experience and knowledge
using this browser does not advise you to install it. Help the channel by leaving your like on the video and if it is not registered
sign up to receive many more informative tips and videos in various areas. The first browser to be installed will be google Chrome
open your current internet browser and search for google Chrome, make it according to the video to install it
Note that at the end of the installation google Chrome will offer the option to make it the default browser or in case
which will open in any browser window.
You can do as the video or later change the free choice and can be changed at any time.
Personal all the links of the programs used in this video and the open pages are in the description of the video.
The next browser is Firefox.
Do the same download and installation search procedure as the video illustrates.
Next we will install the most used browser for gamers
the opera, is most commonly used for online gaming because it allows for more easily certain keystrokes and speed.
Other browsers also allow, but are more difficult to configure
During the installation you can already choose to make it the internet browser
default or not, you only need to enter the installation options and select or clear the check box.
When you finish the installation, the browser will open automatically and you should note that it already comes with several tools and suggestions
preconfigured as well-known stores of how this also communication like Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp
The next of this list is Vivaldi a very versatile version among those mentioned above, to proceed
just do as others do research, download and installation
Note to the personal part I'm using a virtual machine because I already have all these browsers installed on the computer
then use the virtual machine to show a clean install
starting from zero.
Even though you have already installed removed any of these you can install again whenever you need to.
During installation select the advanced option and change the browser language it supports all major languages.
After finishing the installation you can see that Vivaldi comes with features similar to Opera.
Now if you prefer to change your default browser I'll quickly show you how to do the following
Go to: settings and search for default apps by clicking the option in the next screen at the bottom
you can select which default browser you want to use
Left you like in the video help the channel and share this video with your friends too
And now for personal bonus we will install the main TOR browser used to navigate DeepWeb or dark web
Again, staff is just curious.
Enter tor project website and logo at the entrance click download in the download options
remember to choose the Portuguese language version
and then download it normally
After installation as shown in the video
When opening the browser you will see that it provides several tips on how to navigate as safe as possible
And that's it folks, we came to the end of another tutorial
If you have been in doubt at any stage of the video please leave your comment that I will be responding to.
If you have suggestions please pass me along so I can further improve the channel and help you in the best way possible in the future
Many thanks and until the next video
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