Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily Oct 25 2018

-Looking sharp.

I want to talk about the movie.

But even bigger congratulations. You have a little baby.

Eight weeks ago. Congratulations.

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Thank you. Thank you. Yeah.

-She's gorgeous, by the way.

What a beautiful, beautiful baby.

How does it feel to be a dad?

-I'm so tired.

[ Laughter ]

-That's what they don't tell you.

-And I'm so in love, you know.

[ Audience aws ]

Yeah, yeah. No, I mean, it's like --

-It's amazing, right?

-It's so extreme.

You know, your heart has gone, like, supernova in one sense.

And then we landed from London last week,

and she cried for like 24 straight hours.

And you just kind of want to walk through a wall.

[ Laughter ]

It's crazy.

-It's the most bizarre thing in the whole wide world.

Congrats on that. That's fantastic.

A "Little Miss Sunshine" reunion here.

Greg Kinnear was just on the show.

And that was -- [ Cheers and applause ]

Yeah. We have a photo here.

There's Paul in the back there. There's Paul.

-Young man once. -A young man back then.

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

-What do you remember from this?

-So I remember in rehearsal,

our directors, Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris,

trying to establish a sort of family dynamic, right.

And they said,

"Why don't you guys get in the van in character,

and let's go drive and we'll get some food?

And we'll go bowling

and just stay in character the whole time."

And we're all like, "Okay, great."

And I was 20 or something.

20, looked 12, but this was --

And the second we pulled out of the lot to go on our excursion,

Alan Arkin, playing the grandpa, goes, "I have to pee."

And Greg Kinnear, playing the father, in character was like,

"We just left, Dad. You have to wait."

And Arkin was like, "No, I have to pee.

And Kinnear was like, "You don't have to pee.

We're not pulling the car over."

And Arkin was like,

"At the next red light, I'm getting out to pee."

And Greg Kinnear ran the next red light.

[ Laughter ]

Just because he did not want to give in to Grandpa.

[ Laughter ]

Who clearly needed to pee, just to piss him off.

-Wow. Absolutely.

-And the family dynamic was there.

And, of course, all this is happening.

And my character is mute -- -That's right.

-I mean not mute. He's chosen not to speak.

So I'm sitting in the backseat just going like,

"Okay, did we really just run that red light?"

And Greg I'm sure did it safely.

-Oh yeah, of course. Of course.

-As safe as you can run a red light.

-Of course.

How did it feel directing this movie and writing it?

I mean, this is a big deal.


-Did you always want to write and direct?

-Yeah, I've wanted to make a film for a long time.

Basically, I read this book

which just sort of made my heart leap.

I decided, you know, let me take a stab at a first draft.

-Have you ever written anything before?

-I've never written.

And I didn't know if I could.

So I started kind of dipping my toe in that pond.

And as I was writing I started thinking,

"Okay, this is pretty good. Pretty good."

So I gave it to my partner Zoe, who's a proper writer.

She's written plays and screenplays.

-I love Zoe.

-And she tore it apart.

[ Laughter ]

She came out of the bedroom.

She's like, "It's -- It's good."

And I was like --

-Yeah, that means it's not good.

It's interesting.

-Yeah, yeah, notes on every page.

Every page was dog-eared.

-But you ended up writing it together.

-Well, yeah, we did.

We got through like five pages of notes.

She was like, "You're too stubborn."

I was like, "I'm just being thorough."

And she was like,

"Why don't you just let me do a pass on the script?"

And she did an incredible job.

And so then we just started trading it back and forth.

We never wrote together.

That was not sustainable.

-Oh, interesting.

[ Laughter ]

-But we would do notes together

and then one of us would take it and do a pass.

And it was great.

-Well, congratulations.

I mean, you're getting incredible reviews

for this movie.

It's 98% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes.

I don't know if that means anything, but it does to me.

[ Laughter ]

Anyways, but tell everyone

what the film's about, and it's based on the book.

-Yeah. It's based on a Richard Ford novel called "Wildlife."

He's a great American writer.

It's -- I guess it's about a kid

seeing his parents change and their marriage break.

And sort of, you know, through your parents,

sort of just being forced into adulthood.

It's sort of a coming-of-age film for a family.

It's about the mystery of who our parents are.

And I think it's really beautiful.

-Great performances

from our buddy Jake Gyllenhaal and Carey Mulligan.

Fantastic. I want to show everyone a clip.

Here are Carey Mulligan and Jake Gyllenhaal

in Paul's film "Wildlife."

Take a look.

-Dad, what's going on?

-Your father is leaving us to go fight those wildfires.


Dad, why? -Answer him, Jerry.

You won't take a job at a grocery store,

but you'll go out with a bunch of deadbeats

and risk getting killed.

-I have to go there and --

-What does it pay?

-What? -What does it pay?

-A dollar an hour.

-Oh, my God.

Jerry, listen, you don't have to do this.

I'm working now. -It won't be for long.

-Not if you get yourself killed.

-It's gonna snow. The fire's gonna go out.

-What if it doesn't?

-They're gonna send everybody home.

-What if never snows at all?

Joe, what do you think? Is this a bad idea?

-Oh, my God. Don't ask him. -He's almost grown!

He has a say in what happens in this family.

-Your father will burn up and you'll never see him again.

-Don't say that, Jean!

-You can't keep running every time

something doesn't go your way!

-Dad, please. -You don't know what I'm doing.

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Paul Dano, everybody!

For more infomation >> Paul Dano and Little Miss Sunshine Cast Took a Family Outing in Character - Duration: 5:27.


Jonah Hill Tells the Backstory of the SNL Character Adam Grossman - Duration: 6:58.

-One of the characters, who's fantastic

and is one of the professional skateboarders in his first film,

his character's name -- and, obviously,

this is gonna get beeped for broadcast --

is [bleep] -Yeah.

[ Laughter ]

-And can you explain -- -F-S.

-Yes. Can you explain how he --

It's such a wonderful detail as to why that's his nickname.

-Because anytime he sees something he likes,

he yells out, "[Bleep] That was dope."

[ Laughter ]

-That's a good --

You actually -- You did work at a skateboard shop

when you were young?

-I spent a lot of time at a shop called Hot Rod in West L.A.,

which is now, I think, a barbershop,

and for some reason, they kept the name.

[ Laughter ] And so, it sucks,

because so many kids grew up going there

and, like, spending their youth at this place,

and now it's a barbershop, and it's weird.

So, but, yeah. I mean, it was a great place.

I learned a lot of amazing and terrible lessons,

and I found people that I really related to,

and, honestly, it gave me this lens

that I kind of think I really do see life through,

like a certain taste, a certain --

You know, there was a magazine called "Big Brother"

that was such a subversive sense of humor, you know?

That "Jackass" came out of.

And, you know, just taste in music, in hip-hop and punk,

and sort of the way that young people

dealt with authority was very different

in this group of gentlemen than it was in other parts of life.

And for whatever reason, it spoke to me,

and I'm no ambassador for skateboarding.

I'm not an authority on it.

But I'm a nerd who loves it

and wanted to see it honored onscreen.

-You also wrote a magazine that is a companion,

I guess, to the film. -Definitely.

-And this is -- you interviewed 12 people

that you love and respect about being that age, yeah?

-Yeah, it's basically a companion piece to the movie,

a magazine I made with A24, called "Inner Children."

And the movie, at its core, is about this kid who's lonely,

and he finds his group of people.

Really, it's about self-acceptance.

So, basically, his currency

is getting the [bleep] kicked out of him

and taking abuse and taking hits,

whether it's on a skateboard, at home, to himself.

And, you know, I don't want to give it away,

but the journey is self-acceptance

and self-love, essentially.

And so I wrote this magazine because I believe

everybody has this snapshot of themselves.

And it's a snapshot that they kind of

want to hide from the world.

And so mine was, like, being this, like, 14-year-old,

overweight kid, kind of feeling ugly to the world,

wanting to fit in with this group of skateboarders,

and I kind of feel like, even if that's not yours,

that every person has one of these they can relate to.

So, I interviewed a lot of my heroes --

my sister, Beanie Feldstein,

from "Lady Bird" and "Hello, Dolly!"

DJ Premier, Behati Prinsloo,

Edie Falco, Kim Gordon from Sonic Youth,

Mark Gonzalez, Michael Cera, Na-kel Smith, Q-Tip,

Raymond Pettibon, a lot of my favorite artists and people,

and it was so meaningful to find out

that peoples are completely different,

but they hurt just as much. -Sure.

-And so it was just a nice kind of liberating way

to spend these last few years figuring out

who I am as a person, how do you love yourself,

and how do you be yourself

and be the artist that you are without apologizing for it.

And what came out was this magazine and "Mid90s,"

and I hope you enjoy both of them.

[ Cheers and applause ]

-You have long been an artist --

You've long been an artist

that people have been inspired by your work.

I did not realize the level of inspiration.

You've posted a few of these on Instagram.

People have gotten Jonah Hill tattoos.

[ Laughter ] -Yeah.

-And now, I think, when I say that,

you're picturing something, and it's a lot more intense

than even what you're picturing.

So this is what somebody did.

-Yeah, that's --

[ Audience groans ]

-I think that's the perfect comment to write,

which you just wrote, "Okay." -Yeah.

[ Laughter ]

-But how about this gentleman that wants to go through life

with that on his -- [ Audience groans ]

-Again, I was very clever. I wrote, "Okay."

-Yeah. [ Laughter ]

Well, I think that would be what you would say

if somebody came up to you, was like,

"Jonah, I want to show you something really cool."

-I mean it's a little better that they're characters

as opposed to me just, like, chilling.

[ Laughter ]

-Yes. -And it's -- yeah.

I really don't know how to feel, to be honest with you.

-Yeah. [ Laughter ]

-I feel honored and weird,

and I hope you enjoy my face forever.

[ Laughter ]

You know what? For the first time in my life,

I enjoy having my face on me forever,

so I think you can have --

-There you go, yeah. Give it up.

Spread the wealth. [ Cheers and applause ]

Last but not least, you are gonna host --

Next week, you're hosting "SNL" for the fifth time.

-Yeah. -That is fantastic.

[ Cheers and applause ]

I was there your first time. -Yes, you were.

-And a character of yours that still, to this day,

is one of my favorite things

that I ever was lucky enough to work on.

You played Adam Grossman, who is a 6-year-old.

There he is with his dad, Bill Hader, at a Benihana,

and he's -- -Yeah, and you --

And Bill and I got to write

the first one of those we did together.

-Yeah, he was just a very precocious 6-year-old

who sounded like a very old Jewish man.

-Yeah. So, essentially, Hader was telling us

a story about -- in his hometown,

he went to Benihana, and he saw a kid,

but he didn't know if it was like a 40-year-old man

or a 6-year-old kid, because he had a velour tracksuit on,

and when the chef did --

I'm getting so many laughs off Bill's bit.

But when the chef did the trick, the kid just went --

[ Clapping ]

[ Laughter ]

And so, I think Bill started doing him

as a Mafia, like, Tony Soprano guy.

And you were there! And then, I started doing him

as, like, a Catskills -- -Yeah, he was very Catskill.

-Like super-hacky Catskills.

And then you, Bill, and I stayed up all night writing it,

and we were laughing. -It was great.

-It was one of the joyous memories of my life.

It was a great time.

-And the best moment of it was his catchphrase

if he had one was, "I'm 6."

-I think he would definitely have --

say he had a catchphrase, 'cause he shouted it out.

-But the genius that you added to it was,

he didn't quite hold up his six fingers

with the confidence that he said "I'm 6."

Can you give us a little of the Adam Grossman fingers?

-Yeah, 'cause, little kids, they like --

they, like, hold up their hands. [ Laughter ]

Or, like, they -- They, like, don't do it right.

-It was my favorite detail of the character.

I'm so happy to see you back on the show.

And, man, it is great to have you here, as well.

Congrats on the movie. Jonah Hill, everybody.

For more infomation >> Jonah Hill Tells the Backstory of the SNL Character Adam Grossman - Duration: 6:58.


Jonah Hill Wants to Show What the '90s Were Really Like in Mid90s - Duration: 6:53.

-So happy to have you here. Congrats.

This is really an accomplishment

for the first time you directed and wrote a film.

It's a beautiful film.

-Thanks. Thanks for having me.

-Were you -- At what point of being an actor

did you think to yourself, "Oh, I want to direct one of these,"

or "I want to write one of these?"

-I have a very odd life, because I started off

wanting to be a writer/director my whole life,

and then I kind of accidentally fell into

this amazing 16-year acting career,

which has been an insane journey

and is an insane journey, as well.

But it took me a long time to figure out --

I hold the position of director in such high regard

that I didn't want to just be some actor

goofing off trying to do it.

It's something that matters to me,

something that's important to me,

and so I took four years, and I waited till I had a story

that rally meant something to me.

-It's called "Mid90s."

It's about a group of kids in the mid '90s.

They're skateboarders. That is the culture.

I have to assume that you were pulling for something

from your own life because of the amount

of specificity to this world.

Like, this had to have been something

that you experienced to some degree.

-Yeah, I mean, I was

a horrifically terrible skateboarder.

I -- I -- [ Laughter ]

I would film, 'cause I liked to tell people what to do,

and I wanted to be a director.

So it was the perfect role in that group of friends.

And I was unathletic, so...

[ Laughter ]

But, you know, the story's about --

It's not a biopic, but it's personal in the sense

that I relate to being 13, I relate to being lonely,

and I relate to something

giving you a community outside of your home

and a group of friends

and something to fall in love with.

And, ultimately, this movie is just about

a group of kids at a time

when it's you and your friends versus the world

and your family is less important than your friends.

-I've heard you refer to it as an animal-kingdom movie.

And I'm assuming that refers to just the pecking order

of kids at that age and how some are more dominant than others.

-Yeah, well, the kid's like 13, and then there's another kid

who's like 14 who kind of is the first one that talks to him,

and then there's kids up to like 18, 19.

So he's kind of figuring out how to play --

move around the chessboard and figure out how to fit in

and then move up.

And I don't know. It's just -- I've related --

I kind of feel like all of the characters in some ways,

because I feel like, when you're young,

in the '90s especially --

I don't know if you relate to this.

A big part of the movie is, like,

the corniest thing you could do is try or care about anything.

And that's a big part of the movie

is that none of them care,

and it's kind of showing off how little they care.

I mean, they're pretty much beautiful morons

and, essentially, like my friends and I were.

You know? Which is like,

they make so many mistakes, they speak in ugly vernacular,

there's toxic masculinity, homophobia,

things that are true to the time

and truly hard to watch

but I felt would be more offensive to be revisionist

and to change the way it was

than to hold a mirror up to how ugly it was.

So these kids do things, they endanger each other's live,

but at the same time, they deeply love each other.

So nothing's really black-and-white,

and the movie's not black-and-white,

and I hope, if I'm lucky enough to get to do this again,

to always create complex characters

that are challenging what our definitions of good and bad are.

-One thing that's amazing is, no matter how good

a script you wrote or how well you directed it,

obviously, it was very reliant on the cast,

and you went outside of just natural professional actors,

and you cast a lot of skateboarders

to be the actors in this film.

-Yeah, and I actually wanted to finish my point,

because I went astray for one moment,

which is just --

And that's totally on me, by the way.

-No, no. -Not on you.

But the idea is that

the corniest thing you could do was to care.

-Yeah. -And there's a kid

named Ray in the movie, a character named Ray,

who's played beautifully by one of the first-time actors,

Na-kel Smith.

And he tells this kid, in a way that's not corny,

and subtly, basically, he does care

and he's trying at life.

And I found, whether I was a young kid

trying to fit into a group

or the older kid trying to make

someone else kind of care a little bit,

when someone older takes the moment to show you something

in a non-corny, sweaty way,

it sticks with you for the rest of your life.

-Yeah. -You know?

And it's really a very moving story

even if, at times, it's hard to watch,

and it's funny, and it's crazy.

-It's really funny.

And I can't believe that they weren't actors.

I mean, like -- And you tell --

By the way, I know -- -They are now.

-They are now. -Yeah.

-I know actors, and once they started skateboarding,

I'm like, "Oh, that's not actors who learned how to skateboard.

This is definitely the other way around."

-So, I did, basically, everything to make

this incredibly difficult for myself.

-Uh-huh. [ Laughter ]

-My lead was 11 years old.

You're not supposed to work with children.

-Who's fantastic. -Sunny Suljic, he's brilliant.

The rest of the cast, besides his family,

played by Katherine Waterston and Lucas Hedges,

both brilliant actors, are first-time actors,

and they're all real skateboarders.

A lot of them are professionals, you know, or semiprofessional,

and, you know, skateboarding,

which is always constantly butchered in film.

So, I chose a subculture that doesn't want to be spoken about

and doesn't want the kid from "Superbad"

making a movie about them.

[ Laughter ]

I chose to work with children, which are --

Notoriously, you're not supposed work with children or animals.

And I also decided to take on the duty

of elegantly framing hip-hop,

which is another subculture often butchered on film

that doesn't want the kid from "Superbad"

making a movie about it,

about how this music is the emotional backbone

of my and a lot of people's childhood

and how A Tribe Called Quest is, to me,

what John Lennon is to my parents.

-Yeah. -Right?

And I guess I'm comfortable in discomfort

and comfortable with a lot of challenges

because it turned out to be the most beautiful, challenging,

emotional, incredible experience of my life.

And I am genuinely --

I have to come on here and sell [bleep]

whether I like it or not.

[ Laughter ]

I'm being dead serious.

I could be on here next time, like, telling you something...

-Wait! Wait a second! You've lied to me?!

-I love seeing you.

[ Laughter and applause ]

I love seeing you.

And I love seeing you, and I love seeing you,

and I love seeing all of you,

and sometimes I have to be on here on some bull [bleep]

and, like, this movie is my heart.

I spent four years making it.

I care about it.

I love it, and I promise you, if you go see it,

you will be moved and laugh and enjoy yourself.

So, thank you. Go see it.

For more infomation >> Jonah Hill Wants to Show What the '90s Were Really Like in Mid90s - Duration: 6:53.


Suspicious Packages Sent to Top Democrats, John Mayer's Sex Partners - Monologue - Duration: 3:32.

-Let's get to the news.

The White House issued a statement today

condemning the suspicious packages sent

to the homes of the Clintons, former President Obama,

and CNN's New York City headquarters.

Trump has ordered the FBI to look at several suspects,

including the Clintons, Obama, and CNN.

[ Laughter ]

President Trump said today that his administration

will spare no resources or expense on the investigation

into who sent suspicious packages

to former high-ranking government officials and CNN.

In fact, he said it's the only thing

he wants the FBI investigating.

"Forget Russia. This is too important.

We have to get to the bottom of who was mean to CNN."

[ Laughter ]

According to a new poll, 38% of Americans say

their finances have improved

since President Trump has taken office,

and almost all of them are liquor store owners.

[ Laughter and applause ]

"I'll, uh -- I'll take another bottle."

The United Nations was founded on this day in 1945.

And then just 73 years later, it was dumbfounded.

[ Laughter ]

Yahoo has settled a two-year lawsuit

after agreeing to pay $50 million

to 200 million U.S. consumers

whose information was released during a security breach.

Said the consumers, "I still have a Yahoo account?"

[ Laughter ]

A recent study from Northwestern University

has found new evidence

that animals may be able to judge time,

like this dog that just realized Trump still has two more years.

[ Laughter and applause ]

In a new interview, the creator of the vodka brand Grey Goose

said that one of the biggest vodka-related mistakes

people make is storing liquor in the freezer.

While the number-one tequila-related mistake

is drinking tequila.

[ Laughter ]

Due to a specific strain of salmonella,

the CDC is asking pet chicken owners

to not kiss or snuggle with their birds.

Asked one guy, "Can we still do other stuff?"

[ Laughter ]

Burger King has released

a new Halloween-themed Nightmare King burger that it claims is --

[ Audience oohs ] Ooh!

[ Laughter ]

Nightmare King burger that it claims

is clinically proven to induce nightmares.

Not to be outdone, McDonald's introduced a new Ronald.

[ Laughter and applause ]

Singer John Mayer revealed this week

that he has had sex with around 500 women,

to which his waiter replied,

"I just asked if you wanted still or sparkling water."

[ Laughter ]

That's right. John Mayer revealed this week

that he has had sex with around 500 women,

or as Wilt Chamberlain calls it, "Tuesday."

[ Laughter ]

And finally, John Mayer revealed this week

that he has had sex with around 500 women

and at least one guitar.

[ Laughter ]

For more infomation >> Suspicious Packages Sent to Top Democrats, John Mayer's Sex Partners - Monologue - Duration: 3:32.


Meghan Markle dazzles in white dress as she clutches baby bump at evening reception in Tonga - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle dazzles in white dress as she clutches baby bump at evening reception in Tonga - Duration: 4:09.


Saudischer Kronprinz zu Khashoggi-Mord: „Gerechtigkeit kommt am Ende" - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Saudischer Kronprinz zu Khashoggi-Mord: „Gerechtigkeit kommt am Ende" - Duration: 2:17.


Ranveer Singh's Action Scene Leaked From "Simmba" | Rohit Shetty | Sara Ali Khan - Duration: 1:11.

Ranveer Singh's Action Scene Leaked From "Simmba" | Rohit Shetty | Sara Ali Khan

For more infomation >> Ranveer Singh's Action Scene Leaked From "Simmba" | Rohit Shetty | Sara Ali Khan - Duration: 1:11.


【MUKBANG】 Ultra Huge Fresh Seafood Rice Bowl!! [Hachijoshima Aigae Fisheries] 4Kg 6000kcal [Use CC] - Duration: 4:26.

hello it's kinoshita yuka


i'm still in Hachijoshima island

and this time i'm in visit to Aigae Fisheries

The Aigai fishery is a dried fish factory with thatched house

they called it fish theme park

and we are going to try plenty new kinds of fish

i'm looking forward to that !

so, let's see that !

okay, we are inside the restaurant

The atmosphere inside is very nice !

It feels like you're in a fishing boat !

and here where we are going to eat !

Jaaan, Seafood Rice Bowl is ready

and it's so fatty !

looks so tasty !

let's add sauce to it

thank you !

look please, it looks much more tastier

this looks so tasty, and because i like the fresh fish meat, i'm so happy about that

and it contains 7 cups of rice

itadakimasu !

it's surrounded by tuna

look at this, it's huge !


fatty and super yummy !!

its flavor explode in your mouth

i don't see the rice yet because all of this toppings



with a nice texture and a good taste


and the taste of the leaves is good as well

tuna is so yummy !

i can see the rice, finally!


Hachijojima's fish is really the best


the sauce is spicy and sweet and this goes so well with the rice

Seriola dumerili, i really like it !


when you chew it you feel the nice flavor

Red seabream, Red seabream is so fatty


it's so fatty and rich with flavor and this made it so tasty

the color of the fish is so beautiful

because of all this tuna, the bowl is so luxurious

this is huge !

still about the half !

and it's goes so well with mustard and yuzu pepper

let's use yuzu pepper !


it's more spicy and hot now, one bite and it's so rich with the flavor, this is tasty

i'm so sorry !!

the last bite, itadakimasu


gochisousamadeshita !

Hachijojima Aigae fish was so tasty

the fish was so fresh and amazing

it's really good thing that Hachijojima island is so rich with an amazing fish

and you too, for the sake of a delicious fish, why you don't visit aigae as well ?

And as always thank you for watching !

if there's anything You want me to do

please tell me in a comment Section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

bye bye !

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Ultra Huge Fresh Seafood Rice Bowl!! [Hachijoshima Aigae Fisheries] 4Kg 6000kcal [Use CC] - Duration: 4:26.


ASMR Eating "MARSHMALLOW / Satisfying Sticky Sounds" Challenge Mukbang Party - Duration: 10:01.

ASMR Eating "MARSHMALLOW / Satisfying Sticky Sounds" Challenge Mukbang Party

For more infomation >> ASMR Eating "MARSHMALLOW / Satisfying Sticky Sounds" Challenge Mukbang Party - Duration: 10:01.


【Kman】我來幫你夾之一日特務!幫觀眾女兒完成生日願望![台湾UFOキャッチャー UFO catcher]#411 - Duration: 10:04.

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Gimp 2.10.6: How To Make An Orange Tea Composition For Advertising - Duration: 22:58.

In this Gimp Workshop we are going to make an orange tea composition.

So, relax and have fun!

We will start by making a new canvas on which we can work.

Go to file, and new.

Make the width 3200 and the height 2000.

Click okay.

Back to file and now to open as layers.

In the open image dialog box we search for the image of the teapot, and open it.

There is a download link for the images of this tutorial in the video description.

Again to file and open as layers and now we open the image of the orange.

In case there pops up a dialog box with the question

if we want to convert the image to RGB, we can click convert.

Go to the toolbox and make the unified transform tool active.

In the tool options we change the image opacity to about 70.

Click in the image.

When we hold the Ctrl key and roll the mouse wheel we can zoom in and or out.

Scale the image with the handles on the sides, the bottom and the top of the framework.

Use the diamond handles in the corners to scale a bit further.

The orange should cover the teapot, but it does not have to be precise.

We will delete the teapot layer later on.

Click transform.

Because we will eventually make more then 20 layers,

we make the layers panel bigger, like so.

In that way we will have a better overview.

Make two duplicates of the orange image, by clicking the duplicate button twice.

Double click on the top layer and name it handle.

Hit enter.

Double click on the layer below it and name this one nozzle.

Hit enter again.

While the unified transform tool is still active, we click in the image.

By click and drag inside the framework we can move the image over the nozzle.

We can also scale it a bit further down.

We can click on the underlined arrowhead to detach the dialog box from the canvas.

Now we can move it out of the way.

Then hit transform.

Click on the handle layer and then in the image.

Move and scale this layer over the handle.

Click transform.

Make the orange layer, the nozzle layer and the handle layer invisible,

by clicking there eyes.

Now we are going to make a selection.

This can be done in many ways of course.

In this tutorial I have used the paths tool.

Click on the paths tool icon to make it active.

In the top of your screen there is a link to a short tutorial

about the basics of the paths tool.

Make a path around the handle.

When this is done, we make a path around the nozzle.

Just move the image, by holding the space bar and then move the mouse.

When the paths are made, we press Ctrl+Shift+J to maximize the image in the window.

Now click the button selection from path, to make the selection.

Then we hit the B key, to hide the path.

The paths tool stays active.

Make all layers visible again by clicking their eyes.

Go to select, feather and feather the selection with 5 pixels.

Then hit Ctrl+I to invert the selection.

Now we have selected the background.

Hit the delete key to remove the background from the handle.

Click the nozzle layer active, and then the delete key.

Now we press Ctrl+Shift+A to deselect our selection.

In the next step we will make the lid of the teapot.

Make the orange layer active.

With the paths tool still active, we make a path like shown in the video.

Then hit the selection from path button.

Hit the B key.

Go to select, feather and feather this selection also with 5 pixels.

Right click in the image, go to edit and hit cut.

Right click in the image again, go to edit and now we click on paste as new layer.

Double click on the name and rename it lid.

Press enter.

Make this layer invisible, and make the handle layer active.

In this way the next layer will automatically be placed above this one.

Press Ctrl+Shift+A to deselect.

Now we go to file again, and open as layers.

Open the 03fill image.

Press Shift+T to activate the unified transform tool.

We scale this layer, like shown in the video, so it fits nicely on top of the pot.

Then we can click transform.

Click in the toolbox on the eraser tool.

Choose brush hardness 025.

We can leave the tool options to their default settings.

Now we can erase the edge of the fill, like so.

With Ctrl+Z we can undo and with Ctrl+Y we can redo.

When this looks good, we can press Ctrl+Shift+J to make the whole image visible.

After that, we make the lid layer visible and move it to the top of the layers stack.

Press Shift+T again to bring up the unified transform tool.

Click and drag inside the framework to move it.

And click and drag outside the framework to rotate it a bit, like so.

Click transform.

Now we make the paintbrush active.

We reduce the opacity to 10.

Brush 025 should still be active.

We make the size about 1000.

Right click on the orange layer, and hit alpha to selection.

In this way everything that is not transparent is selected.

Then we click on the new layer button.

We name it shadow orange, the mode should be normal, and the fill transparency.

Hit okay.

We can now make shadows on the orange, like so.

In this way, only the selection is affected.

Reduce the brush size to about 100.

We make a darker shadow at the bottom.

Right click on the nozzle layer, and hit alpha to selection.

Make another new layer, and name this one shadow nozzle.

Make some shadow on the nozzle.

When making shadows, we should pay attention to the natural flow of the light,

as much as possible.

Go ahead and right click on the handle layer, and hit alpha to selection again.

Make a new layer, name it shadow handle.

And make some shadow.

Right click on the fill layer, and on alpha to selection.

Hit the new layer button, name it shadow fill.

Make the brush size about 400.

Now we make the shadow below the lid on the fill, like so.

Right click on the lid layer, and once more we hit alpha to selection.

Make another new layer, name it shadow lid.

And make a shadow on the lid.

We make just enough shadow to make a bit contrast between the lid and the orange.

Press the B key, to activate the paths tool.

Then click on the nozzle layer, and make the opacity 50.

Zoom in and make a path, like so.

Now hit the selection from path button.

Make the opacity of the nozzle layer 100 again.

Then we go to colors, and brightness and contrast.

Make the brightness about 100.

Click okay.

Then we go to select in the menu bar and here we click on shrink.

We shrink the selection with 10 pixels, and click okay.

Back to colors and brightness and contrast.

Now we reduce the brightness to about minus 70.

And click okay.

Click on the little arrow at the foreground/background colors, to swap them.

We now have white as our foreground color.

Go to edit, stroke selection.

Make sure that the option stroke line is checked.

Now can stroke the selection with 3 pixels.

Click stroke.

Hit the arrow again, so we have black as our foreground color.

Click on the paintbrush, make the size about 50.

Then we can make the opening a bit darker on one side.

Press Ctrl+Shift+A to deselect and press Ctrl+Shift+J to fit the image in the window.

We can now delete the teapot layer.

Click on it and then on the cross at the bottom of the layers panel.

Activate the orange layer.

Click on the color picker in the toolbox to make it active.

When we move the eyedropper over the orange in the image,

we can pick a medium orange color, like so.

In the foreground/background button, we can see our color.

Back to the toolbox and now we make the gradient tool active.

Our orange color is already visible.

Click on the gradient and choose the option FG to BG (RGB).

Make sure that the gradient goes from white to yellow.

If not, we can click the reverse button.

Make the shape radial.

Click on the background layer.

Now we can click in the center of our image and drag out the gradient, like so.

When we place the mouse pointer on the line, there appears a little dot.

We can grab this and move it to make corrections in the gradient.

When we feel it looks good, we hit enter to confirm.

Select the top layer.

Then we go to file, open as layers and open the image smoke.

We change the mode to screen.

This merges the colors, except the black which becomes invisible.

Press Shift+T for the unified transform tool.

We can click on the underlined arrowhead to detach the dialog box from the canvas.

Now we can move it out of the way.

Now we can scale, move and rotate the smoke image.

When this is to our liking, we click transform.

Then we can reduce the opacity a bit, maybe to about 60.

Select the shadow fill layer.

Click on the new layer button, name it string and click okay.

Activate the paintbrush.

Press the X key so we have white as the foreground color.

Make the opacity 100.

Choose brush cell 02 and make its size 15.

Now we activate the paths tool and we make a path like so.

This path should begin under the lid.

Then we click on the button stroke path.

Check the option stroke with a paint tool.

When we stroke the path, it will be with the options of the paintbrush

which we have set before.

Click stroke.

We now have a string with a sort of a structure.

Make a new layer, and name it shadow string.

Then we hit the B key, to hide the path.

With the paths tool still active, we make a path where the shadow will come.

Now we hit the D key to set the foreground/background colors back to their default.

Hit the button stroke path.

This time we check the option stroke line, and we make the line width 18 pixels.

Click stroke.

Press the B key.

Make the opacity of this layer 50.

Click file and open as layers.

Open the 05 tea label.

Press Shift+T, or click the icon in the toolbox, .

to make the unified transform tool active again.

Click in the label.

Scale and reposition the label, like so.

Click transform.

Make a duplicate by pressing the duplicate button.

Double click on the name and rename it tea label shadow.

Hit enter.

Right click on the layer and hit alpha to selection.

Now we can drag the black of the foreground color into the image.

Press Ctrl+Shift+A to deselect.

Then we go to filters, blur and gaussian blur.

We blur the shadow with 5 pixels and click okay.

Click and drag this layer below the tea label layer.

Press Shift+T to bring up the unified transform tool and move the shadow like so.

Click transform.

Reduce the opacity to about 75.

Make the top layer active, so the next layer comes above that one.

In the following step we will bring in some chocolates.

Go to file again, and to open as layers.

Open image 06 choco.

Click in the image so we have the framework of the unified transform tool again.

Now we scale the chocolates a bit down and move them, like so.

When we feel its okay, we can click transform.

Then we make a duplicate of this layer by clicking the duplicate button.

Change the name to 06 choco reflection and hit enter.

Click in the chocolates, and transform it like shown in the video.

Then we can hit transform.

We make the opacity about 70.

And finally we bring in the image of the orange parts.

Back to file and to open as layers.

Open the image 07 fruits.

And again we can click in the image, scale it down a bit and move it to its proper position.

Make a duplicate, and rename it 07 fruit reflection.

Click in the fruit and transform it to make the reflection.

Here to we reduce the opacity to about 70.

Click on the orange layer and make a duplicate.

Name it orange reflection.

Then we click in the image and transform this one also.

Make the opacity again somewhere around 70.

We are almost there now.

Go to the toolbox and make the eraser tool active.

Change the opacity to 50, and pick brush hardness 025.

We make the size 1000.

Now erase a bit of the orange reflection.

Make the fruits reflection layer active and do the same.

After that we make the choco reflection layer active and here to we erase a bit of the reflection.

Go for the last time to the toolbox and click on the paintbrush.

Make the opacity 20.

Choose brush block 02.

Then we change the hardness to 20

.We make the size about 400.

Click on the new layer button and name the layer shadows reflections.

Hit okay.

Now we can make shadows below the chocolates, the teapot and the fruit.

Because we have used multiple layers, we can easily make corrections and changes,

without having to make the whole image again.

And there we have our orange tea!

I hope you have fun with this tutorial.

Please be so kind to like, comment and subscribe, to support my channel.

Thanks very much for watching.

For more infomation >> Gimp 2.10.6: How To Make An Orange Tea Composition For Advertising - Duration: 22:58.


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