Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily Jan 30 2018

Hi there, it's Ernest from Trip Astute. In this video, I'm going to show you how I

track all my credit card accounts, and share the tools that I use to keep it

all organized.

(light chiming music)

Those of you that are points and miles collectors know that it can

quickly become a challenge to keep track of all your cards. This is especially

true when trying to evaluate whether you want to keep a card with an annual fee,

or when planning out which new cards you want to apply for. Today, I wanted to take

a step back and share some easy and quick ways to keep track of all your

credit cards. Also, I have a freebie that I want to share, but I'll get to that later.

So, let me run through the tools that I use to keep track of all my cards. Number

1: Google Sheets. When it comes to keeping track of all my credit card

accounts, I use Google Sheets to log all my current and past accounts. The

spreadsheet that I use includes basic information like account status, card

name, type, and issuer. However, I also log information like whether I plan to keep

the card, the annual fee, whether it's a personal or business account, the opening

and closing dates, and any annual renewal benefits. This gives me a nice snapshot

of all my accounts and I can easily see what cards I've used and the benefits

associated with each one. Also, I love that I can quickly calculate my total

annual fees for the year and plan accordingly. Number 2: You Need a Budget.

There are plenty of tools out there that you can use to keep track of your budget

and spending. I've actually been using You Need a Budget since 2009 and it's

been a great tool for me to use, especially with this hobby. The budgeting

software is like a digital envelope system. What I mean by that is that it's

like the traditional method of budgeting where you set aside cash into an

envelope for that specific budget. So, I might set aside $300 for groceries and

if anything is left over, it carries over to the next month. Or if I overspend, I

might move money from one envelope to another. The reason this works great for

the points and miles hobby is that I always know how much I'm spending. And it

shifts the way I think about spending on my credit card.

Instead of worrying whether I can spend the money on the card, I'm more focused

on whether I have money to spend in that budget. As long as there's money in the

budget, then I know that I'll be able to pay the credit card in full. There's a lot

more to You Need a Budget and I should probably do a video on it in the future.

Keep in mind though that I'm using the old version and have not upgraded to

their new version, but I'm hoping to do so soon. Also, You Need a Budget isn't

the only software out there, and there are plenty of other apps and tools that

you can use to keep track of your spending and accounts. Number 3: Credit

Karma. We recently did a video on how to check your Chase 5/24 status using

Credit Karma. Definitely check it out if you need to see whether you opened or

closed an account. I generally check my credit score weekly, and I use Credit

Karma to keep track of my credit score and health. It's also a good way of

knowing whether your account history is correct and if there's anything that

might need to be corrected in your credit record. Number 4: Todoist. There are

a ton of different free and paid reminders services and apps out there. I

just happen to use Todoist for my normal work, so I use it to help manage

my credit cards as well. While I've set up auto pay on all my credit card

accounts, I do set up reminders for things like signing up for quarterly

bonus categories, evaluating and potentially canceling credit cards with

annual fees, and due dates for meeting minimum spend requirements. With life

being so busy, it just helps to have something remind me when I have to do

something. What tools do you use to keep track of your credit cards? I'm always

looking for new tips and services, so let me know if you have one that works well

for you. I've included the template of my Google Sheet in the video description

below. Though let us know if you have any questions on anything that we

covered in this video. If you enjoyed this video or found it useful, please hit

the "like" button and consider subscribing. Also, sign up for our newsletter on our

website for travel articles, updates, and giveaways. Until next time, travel safe

and travel smart.

For more infomation >> How to Keep Track of Your Credit Cards | Our Favorite Tools for Staying on Top of Cards & Points - Duration: 4:16.


What'll It Take to Find Life? Searching the Universe for Biosignatures - Duration: 11:00.

The supertelescopes are coming, enormous ground and space-based observatories that'll let

us directly observe the atmospheres of distant worlds.

We know there's life on Earth, and our atmosphere tells the tale, so can we do the same thing

with extrasolar planets?

It turns out, coming up with a single biosignature, a chemical in the atmosphere that tells you

that yes, absolutely, there's life on that world, is really tough.

I've got to admit, I've been pretty bad for this in the past.

In old episodes of Astronomy Cast and the Weekly Space Hangout, even here in the Guide

to Space, I've said that if we could just sample the atmosphere of a distant world,

we could say with conviction if there's life there.

Just detect ozone in the atmosphere, or methane, or even pollution and you could say, "there's

life there."

Well, future Fraser is here to correct past Fraser.

While I admire his naive enthusiasm for the search for aliens, it turns out, as always,

things are going to be more difficult than we previously thought.

Astrobiologists are actually struggling to figure out a single smoking gun biosignature

that could be used to say there's life out there.

And that's because natural processes seem to have clever ways of fooling us.

What are some potential biosignatures, why are they problematic, and what will it take

to get that confirmation?

Let's start with a world close to home: Mars.

For almost two decades, astronomers have detected large clouds of methane in the atmosphere

of Mars.

Here on Earth, methane comes from living creatures, like bacteria and farting cows.

Furthermore, methane is easily broken down by sunlight, which means that this isn't

ancient methane leftover from billions of years ago.

Some process on Mars is constant replenishing it.

But what?

Well, in addition to life, methane can form naturally through volcanism, when rocks interact

with heated water.

NASA tried to get to the bottom of this question with the Spirit and Opportunity rovers, and

it was expected that Curiosity should have the tools on board to find the source of the


Over the course of several months, Curiosity did detect a boost of methane down there on

the surface, but even that has led to a controversy.

It turns out the rover itself was carrying methane, and could have contaminated the area

around itself.

Perhaps the methane it detected came from itself.

It's also possible that a rocky meteorite fell nearby and released some gas that contaminated

the results.

The European Space Agency's ExoMars mission arrived at Mars in October, 2016.

Although the Schiaparelli Lander was destroyed, the Trace Gas Orbiter survived the journey

and began mapping the atmosphere of Mars in great detail, searching for places that could

be venting methane, and so far, we don't have conclusive results.

In other words, we've got a fleet of orbiters and landers at Mars, equipped with instruments

designed to sniff out the faintest whiff of methane on Mars.

There's some really intriguing hints about how the methane levels on Mars seem to rise

and fall with the seasons, indicating life, but astrobiologists still don't agree.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and all that.

Some telescopes can already measure the atmospheres of planets orbiting

other stars.

For the last decade, NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has been mapping out the atmospheres

of various worlds.

For example, here's a map of the hot jupiter HD 189733b.

The place sucks, but wow, to measure an atmosphere, of another planet, that's pretty spectacular.

They perform this feat by measuring the chemicals of the star while the planet is passing in

front of it, and then measure it when there's no planet.

That tells you what chemicals the planet is bringing to the party.

They also were able to measure the atmosphere of HAT-P-26b, which is a relatively small

Neptune-sized world orbiting a nearby star, and were surprised to find water vapor in

the atmosphere of the planet.

Does that mean there's life?

Wherever we find water on Earth we find life.

Nope, you can totally get water without having life.

When it launches in 2019, NASA's James Webb Space Telescope is going to take this atmospheric

sensing to the next level, allowing astronomers to study the atmospheres of many more worlds

with a much higher resolution.

One of the first targets for Webb will be the TRAPPIST-1 system with its half-dozen

planets orbiting in the habitable zone of a red dwarf star.

Webb should be able to detect ozone, methane, and other potential biosignatures for life.

Except, as I mentioned earlier, confirming biosignatures is going to be tough.

And we'll get to that in a second, but first I'd like to thank:

The Universe.

Of all the universes that we could have formed in from a vast multiverse, it's great to

have one with a reasonable force of gravity and binding energy of atoms.

Thanks Universe, as well as:

JTheory Rob Stuart

Travis B. Vallance

And the rest of our 783 patrons for their generous support.

If you love what we're doing and want to get in on the action, head over to

So what will it take to be able to view a distant world and know for sure there's

life there.

Astrobiologist John Lee Grenfell from the German Aerospace Centre recently created a

report, going through all the exoplanetary biosignatures that could be out there, and

reviewed them for how likely they were to be an indication of life on another world.

The first target will be molecular oxygen, or O2.

You're breathing it right now.

Well, 21% of every breath, anyway.

Oxygen will last in the atmosphere of another world for thousands of years without a source.

It's produced here on Earth by photosynthesis, but if a world is being battered by its star,

and losing atmosphere, then the hydrogen is blown off into space, and molecular oxygen

can remain.

In other words, you can't be certain either way.

How about ozone, aka O3?

O2 is converted into O3 through a chemical process in the atmosphere.

It sounds like a good candidate, but the problem is that there are natural processes that can

produce ozone too.

There's an ozone layer on Venus, one on Mars, and they've even been detected around

icy moons in the Solar System.

There's nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas.

It's produced as an output by bacteria in the soil, and helps contribute to the Earth's

nitrogen cycle.

And there's good news, Earth seems to be the only world in the Solar System that has

nitrous oxide in its atmosphere.

But scientists have also developed models for how this chemical could have been generated

in the Earth's early history when its sulfur-rich ocean interacted with nitrogen on the planet.

In fact, both Venus and Mars could have gone through a similar cycle.

In other words, you might be seeing life, or you might be seeing a young planet.

Then there's methane, the chemical we spent so much time talking about.

And as I mentioned, there's methane produced by life here on Earth, but it's also on

Mars, and there are liquid oceans of methane on Titan.

Astrobiologists have suggested other hydrocarbons, like ethane, isoprene, but these have their

own problems too.

What about the pollutants emitted by advanced civilizations?

Astrobiologists call these "technosignatures", and they could include things like chlorofluorocarbons,

or nuclear fallout.

But again, these chemicals would be hard to detect light years away.

Astronomers have suggested that we should search for dead earths, just to set a baseline.

These would be worlds located in the habitable zone, but clearly life never got going.

Just rock, water and a non-biologically created atmosphere.

The problem is that we probably can't even figure out a way to confirm that a world is

dead either.

The kinds of chemicals you'd expect to see in the atmosphere, like carbon dioxide could

be absorbed by oceans, so you can't even make a negative confirmation.

One method might not even involve scanning atmospheres at all.

The vegetation here on Earth reflects back a very specific wavelength of light in the

700-750 nanometer region.

Astrobiologists call this the "red edge", because you'll see a 5X increase in reflectivity

compared to other surfaces.

Although we don't have the telescopes to do this today, there are some really clever

ideas, like looking at how the light from a planet reflects onto a nearby moon, and

analyze that.

Searching for exoplanet earthshine.

In fact, back in the Earth's early history, it would have looked more purple because of

Archaean bacteria.

There's a whole fleet of spacecraft and ground observatories coming online that'll

help us push further into this question.

ESA's Gaia mission is going to map and characterize 1% of the stars in the Milky Way, telling

us what kinds of stars are out there, as well as detect thousands of planets for further


The Transiting Exoplanet Space Survey, or TESS, launches in 2018, and will find all

the transiting Earth-sized and larger exoplanets in our neighborhood.

The PLATO 2 mission will find rocky worlds in the habitable zone, and James Webb will

be able to study their atmospheres.

We also talked about the massive LUVOIR telescope that could come online in the 2030s, and take

these observations to the next level.

And there are many more space and ground-based observatories in the works.

As this next round of telescopes comes online, the ones capable of directly measuring the

atmosphere of an Earth-sized world orbiting another star, astrobiologists are going to

struggling to find a biosignature that provides a clear sign there's life there.

Instead of certainty, it looks like we're going to have the same struggle to make sense

of what we're seeing.

Astronomers will be disagreeing with each other, developing new techniques and new instruments

to answer unsolved questions.

It's going to take a while, and the uncertainty is going to be tough to handle.

But remember, this is probably the most important scientific question that anyone can ask: are

we alone in the Universe?

The answer is worth waiting for.

I'd love to hear your predictions.

When do you think we're going to know for certain that there's life on another planet

orbiting another star in the Milky Way?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Do you want to know when we release a new episode.

Are you worried that YouTube is going to accidentally unsubscribe you?

I've created an email mailing list to announce new videos when we post them.

I'll put a link to the mailing list in the shownotes below.

In our next episode we'll be looking at some anomalies of spaceflight.

You've probably heard of the Pioneer anomaly, but there's an even stranger one that slingshotting

spacecraft experience called the Flyby anomaly.

That's next time.

And finally, here's a playlist

For more infomation >> What'll It Take to Find Life? Searching the Universe for Biosignatures - Duration: 11:00.


New Acting Deputy Director Replacing Andrew McCabe Caught In Disgusting Ilegal Plot - Duration: 5:20.

For more infomation >> New Acting Deputy Director Replacing Andrew McCabe Caught In Disgusting Ilegal Plot - Duration: 5:20.


호박 섭취의 7가지 놀라운 이점|HYA TV - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> 호박 섭취의 7가지 놀라운 이점|HYA TV - Duration: 10:03.


The Royals Season 4 Promo "Jasper's Rules" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:17.

For more infomation >> The Royals Season 4 Promo "Jasper's Rules" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:17.


Former Secret Service Agent: FISA Memo Intel Leads Directly to Barack Obama's Desk (VIDEO). - Duration: 4:40.

Former Secret Service Agent: FISA Memo Intel Leads Directly to Barack Obama's Desk (VIDEO)

Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino went on with Tucker Carlson on Monday night following

the House Intelligence Committee vote to release the classified FISA memo.

Bongino confirmed to Tucker that only a dozen Democrats went to read the classified memo.

190 Republicans went to view the shocking memo before the committee vote on Monday.

Bongino told Tucker Carlson the investigation leads directly to the Obama Oval Office.

Dan Bongino: It is not a coincidence that Devin Nunes who has an entire scope of what

happened went back in March to the White House facility to read very specific intel that

I think will very likely be in this memo.

What am I saying by this?

That the information was likely breached to Barack Obama.

What does that mean?

That means that this information was being used by Hillary and all of this other stuff

that was in this dossier and all of this spying was probably being inserted into daily briefs

by Barack Obama.

Why else would Nunes have to go to the White House to read it.

Tucker Carlson: That makes sense and of course it was the Obama administration that pushed

for the surveillance powers over the Trump campaign.

Via Tucker Carlson Tonight:

For more infomation >> Former Secret Service Agent: FISA Memo Intel Leads Directly to Barack Obama's Desk (VIDEO). - Duration: 4:40.


Bad Liar! The Real Reason Selena & Justin Skipped the Grammys 2018 - Duration: 1:46.

Bad Liar! The Real Reason Selena & Justin Skipped the Grammys 2018

Bad Liar! The Real Reason Selena & Justin Skipped the Grammys 2018

Bad Liar! The Real Reason Selena & Justin Skipped the Grammys 2018

Bad Liar! The Real Reason Selena & Justin Skipped the Grammys 2018

Bad Liar! The Real Reason Selena & Justin Skipped the Grammys 2018

Bad Liar! The Real Reason Selena & Justin Skipped the Grammys 2018

Bad Liar! The Real Reason Selena & Justin Skipped the Grammys 2018

Bad Liar! The Real Reason Selena & Justin Skipped the Grammys 2018

For more infomation >> Bad Liar! The Real Reason Selena & Justin Skipped the Grammys 2018 - Duration: 1:46.


Castagnole Morbide di Ricotta Farcite - Duration: 6:03.

For more infomation >> Castagnole Morbide di Ricotta Farcite - Duration: 6:03.


Viral News: Real Reason Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez Skipped Grammys 2018 Is NOT True - Duration: 3:24.

Viral News: Real Reason Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez Skipped Grammys 2018 Is NOT True

Viral News: Real Reason Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez Skipped Grammys 2018 Is NOT True

Viral News: Real Reason Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez Skipped Grammys 2018 Is NOT True

Viral News: Real Reason Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez Skipped Grammys 2018 Is NOT True

Viral News: Real Reason Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez Skipped Grammys 2018 Is NOT True

Viral News: Real Reason Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez Skipped Grammys 2018 Is NOT True

Viral News: Real Reason Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez Skipped Grammys 2018 Is NOT True

Viral News: Real Reason Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez Skipped Grammys 2018 Is NOT True

For more infomation >> Viral News: Real Reason Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez Skipped Grammys 2018 Is NOT True - Duration: 3:24.





BORUTO ENDING 4 em PORTUGUÊS: "Denshin Tamashii" - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> BORUTO ENDING 4 em PORTUGUÊS: "Denshin Tamashii" - Duration: 1:54.


Former Secret Service Agent FISA Memo Intel Leads Directly to Barack Obama's Desk - Duration: 4:36.

Former Secret Service Agent: FISA Memo Intel Leads Directly to Barack Obama's Desk (VIDEO)

Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino went on with Tucker Carlson on Monday night following

the House Intelligence Committee vote to release the classified FISA memo.

Bongino confirmed to Tucker that only a dozen Democrats went to read the classified memo.

190 Republicans went to view the shocking memo before the committee vote on Monday.

Bongino told Tucker Carlson the investigation leads directly to the Obama Oval Office.

Dan Bongino: It is not a coincidence that Devin Nunes who has an entire scope of what

happened went back in March to the White House facility to read very specific intel that

I think will very likely be in this memo.

What am I saying by this?

That the information was likely breached to Barack Obama.

What does that mean?

That means that this information was being used by Hillary and all of this other stuff

that was in this dossier and all of this spying was probably being inserted into daily briefs

by Barack Obama.

Why else would Nunes have to go to the White House to read it.

Tucker Carlson: That makes sense and of course it was the Obama administration that pushed

for the surveillance powers over the Trump campaign.

Via Tucker Carlson Tonight:



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