Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily Jan 31 2018

eanine Pirro Just SLAMMED Illegal Aliens For Demanding Massive Citizenship!

Since the beginning of the liberal pressure for DACA and even before, the illegal aliens

may have thought that they are invincible and will gain their rights which are much

friendlier than our own.

However, their fantasy is about to end and Judge Jeanine Pirro is the one responsible

for this news.

She just went on Live TV and demolished them.

She bashed them for not being thankful for Trump's offer of amnesty for an exchange

of the wall.

"Instead of being thankful, they're being indignant," Pirro said.

"Citizenship is a privilege.

We don't grant it to people because they think they deserve it.

What have you done for the United States?

… I believe in the American dream.

I don't want anyone to take advantage of it, and I don't want anyone to ruin it,

especially people who are not grateful to be here, who seemingly hate us and call us

racists," she added.

"There needs to be an allegiance to the United States and what this country stands

for," she finished.

For more infomation >> Jeanine Pirro Just SLAMMED Illegal Aliens For Demanding Massive Citizenship! - Duration: 10:44.


This Is Why You Need To Stop Using Vaseline! - Healthy Wealthy - Duration: 4:26.

Stop using Vaseline

You probably have a jar of Vaseline buried somewhere in your medicine cabinet

Millions of people swear by it as a remedy for chapped lips congestion diaper rash and dry skin

Unfortunately the popular product is more harmful than many realize

What is petroleum jelly

Petroleum jelly commonly known by the brand name Vaseline is a byproduct of the oil refining process it

Was originally found coating the bottom of oil rigs in the mid-1800s as a byproduct of the oil industry?

It's an unsustainable resource and far from eco-friendly

How does it work

Used in everything from lotions to baby products petroleum. Jelly works by creating a protective barrier on the skin to hold in moisture

The waterproof barrier it creates on the skin blocks pores and can lock in residue and bacteria

When used on a burn or a sunburn it locks in heat and can block the body's ability to heal

That's not all

You need to stop using Vaseline for these four reasons

One it contains harmful hydrocarbons

The skin is unable to metabolize petroleum jelly so it sits as a barrier on the skin until it wears off

this blocks the body from gaining any benefit from the substance a

2011 study found strong evidence that the mineral oil hydrocarbons Vaseline contains are the greatest contaminant of the human body

- it promotes collagen breakdown

Due to the barrier that petroleum jelly creates on the skin it blocks. The skin's ability to breathe and absorb nutrients

This can cause the skin to pull the moisture and nutrients it needs from within leading to college and breakdown

3 it can lead to estrogen dominance

estrogen dominance occurs when the body has high levels of estrogen and low levels of progesterone

It has been linked to infertility menstrual problems allergies and autoimmune problems

Petroleum jelly contains chemicals called xenoestrogens, which are believed to increase estrogen problems?

for it can cause pneumonia

Although rare a condition known as lipid pneumonia can occur when small amounts of petroleum. Jelly are inhaled and build up in the lungs

Because the body can't metabolize or break down the substance a severe inflammation in the lungs can occur

natural alternatives to Vaseline

There are several natural alternatives to petroleum jelly that you can use without worrying about health risks if

You're looking for a simple alternative try one of these options

Che better hide in vitamins 8 E. And F. Shea butter works to nourish the skin through the beneficial fatty acids it contains

It can also help reduce inflammation and increase college and productions

These wax a great alternative to petroleum jelly is beeswax

It can be blended into homemade beauty products to protect the skin add it to a homemade lip balm or body cream

Coconut oil this oil is loaded with health benefits

it works to nourish the skin through its fatty acids lauric acid and

anti-inflammatory compounds

cocoa butter cocoa butter contains antioxidants and beneficial fatty acids

It may even help reduce signs of aging


For more infomation >> This Is Why You Need To Stop Using Vaseline! - Healthy Wealthy - Duration: 4:26.


Skin Allergy | How to Identify and Treat Skin Allergy - Duration: 5:43.

For more infomation >> Skin Allergy | How to Identify and Treat Skin Allergy - Duration: 5:43.


John Lasseter Scandal - who will head up Disney Animation & Pixar? - Duration: 9:28.

so according to The Hollywood Reporter John Lasseter ain't coming back

that sabbatical will never end now this ran under a headline that

revealed that Disney Animation that's today Disney Animation and Pixar

together are having a quote-unquote day of listening to get the pulse of their

employees not just the current atmosphere but if John Lasseter maybe

could come back and I have two takeaways from this idea of a day of listening the

first is that I hope that it allows for private discussions with human resources

instead of a town hall or else you'll never get the real lay of the land and

then second apparently there was a day of listening a few years ago and there

were complaints back then about John Lasseter's lecherous behavior it's been

labeled as just hugging but if you've looked into the matter it was actually

much worse because everyone in Hollywood hugs but anyway ed catmull you know very

you know very politely and privately relayed this information to John

Lasseter instead of oh I don't know changing his behavior and thanking

Catmull for a heads-up instead John Lasseter decided not to speak for

Catmull to Catmull for a week I'd I also don't think that that outcome from the

first day of listening is a good motivator to speak up a day of listening

part two right you're like well we talked about the problems last time it

took years for you to fix it and only until the me2 movement got some some

momentum so if your grievance if you feel that your grievance might get like

some momentum in the overall you know social social media sphere well then

sure by all means bring it up but otherwise it's gonna fall on deaf ears

that's kind of but that's a whole different discussion about the problems

with Human Resources today at companies we're talking about Disney animation and

since it seems that John Lasseter creeped out at least all the women who

work at Disney animation it does seem unlikely that he would be able to return

so who might take over there's some speculation as to which we'll discuss in

just a moment but first to avoid this happening again where all their

animation is suddenly leaderless with just one fell swoop they're gonna

separate Disney Animation and Pixar back into two different divisions John

Lasseter of course was overseeing both them and I think this is a great idea I

think it's great to inspire friendly in-house competition between the two

it's good for the bottom line right there should be constantly trying to

one-up each other and there shouldn't be someone at the top who is you know

playing favorites john lasseter well he started his career in Disney Animation

but he built Pixar and then also you know looking out for projects being like

oh well this you know this division is working on this so maybe you shouldn't

do that or we should move this here it should be war friendly war between

Disney Animation and Pixar I have to say I always felt that under John Lasseter

Disney Animation really did lose its way from the days of Walt and then Howard

Ashman / Jeffrey Katzenberg and it became way to pick Surrey and that it

was message driven and it's storytelling and if you can't already tell I do think

it was time for John Lasseter to go at both Disney Animation and Pixar because

both have seen better days creatively but of course I wish it were under

different circumstances now as for who should head up Pixar the

rumor is that it might be Pete docter or Pete docter paired with Andrew Stanton

these are of course two very famous Pixar creatives

and as for interests Anton though he's the I tried to make a break for

live-action had to come back with his tail between his legs

it's a shame john john carter is actually a pretty darn good movie but

that's one of the most infamous cases of advertising ever as we've discussed and

that they you know andrew stanton didn't know how to film for a marketing

campaign and also there was a new head of publicity at the time who was not

getting along within the infrastructure of the company at disney either it was

just a perfect storm for failure and again a really solid movie i slipped

through the cracks and andrew Stanton's live-action career was over before it

even really started and so he's back at Pixar now Mike soon be heading it talk

about failing upwards that's a that's a big thing in business if you haven't

heard that term before but as for Disney obviously I don't like these choices but

I do have a solution and then over at Disney Animation they're thinking of

having three people headed up Nobi Jennifer Lee rich Moore and Byron Howard

basically the Zootopia team as Lee did some rewrites on that script now I have

again problems here now Jennifer Lee she's so far just a one-hit wonder to

date and that was by the skin of as frozen needed last last last last

last minute restructuring boy that's it's crazy how last minute that was and

they haven't been able to duplicate it Olaf's frozen an adventure

the rides pretty sweet but you know that Olaf short oh that was abysmal and also

we'll see if her foray into live-action turns out better than Stanton's did and

ask for more undeniably talented but there's the sameness to his work and so

I don't know if I'd want him running everything I was in the animation and

then as for Byron Howard he really hasn't carved out his own creative

persona I guess right now I would just call him

zany right but if he can't even define who he is and as an individual how is he

going to help a whole division define itself right so here's the thing is

producer suddenly a dirty word in Hollywood these are all directors and

writers what are they even up for the job the two most successful division

heads today at Disney you know no less have never directed or written a movie

now I know some of you will probably already like but Kathleen Kennedy is a

disaster grace she might be a disaster to you but so far she's three for three

and hitting the billion dollar club with her movies and two of those are in the

top ten grossing films of all time although I think we can all agree that a

loss is certainly coming her way her first loss but it's not necessarily

going to derail her we shall see but right now she's full of when and I think

that she and Feige certainly make a strong case for hiring someone similar

to head up another Disney division or any division in Hollywood as we often

discuss I mean just look at the history of Disney Animation well itself Walt

Disney step back from directing and writing early on Howard Ashman was a

lyricist right but the real force behind the first Disney Renaissance was Jeffrey

Katzenberg even if those who worked with him at Disney Animation are loathe to

admit it just watch waking sleeping beauty not only to see how instrumental

Katzenberg was and shaving Disney the Disney Renaissance but also for some

juicy gossip as to how hated he was you know what sometimes the person who's

forcing people to do what needs to be done isn't well liked but he did get the

job done and Katzenberg was and up until just recently a producer and what does

the DCE you so desperately need a good producer so producers are important

and should be treated as such because they're supposed to see the big picture

find exciting talent for instance Jeffrey Katzenberg was the one who

brought in Alan Menken in Howard Ashman and they also keep that talent on track

creatively and business-wise if they're creatives themselves I think maybe they

fall they're a little susceptible to you know the complaints of a creative I just

want to do my thing where producers like that's nice

but I have to deliver a hit movie and don't you want to have a success you

know I wish up for a strong producer and turn to Denis Villeneuve and said I

think it's really gonna derail your career if you know mainstream audiences

don't like your movie you might want to think about that Denis and then maybe

Denis would have been saved the tremendous flop that was Blade Runner

2049 I know that's gonna annoy a lot of you but it's a harsh reality no matter

what you think of it creatively financially the thing is a disaster and

they just got a couple of like craft Oscar nominations so that's not enough

to pull it out of the fire so I agree in keeping Disney Animation and Pixar

leadership separate but I feel strongly they should hire producers to head up

both and I'd recommend actually pulling in live-action producers from outside

the Disney Animation community to bring in a fresh aggressive perspective

Jeffrey Katzenberg came from live-action and I think some of the most exciting

things happening animation today are due to live-action you know creatives coming

in there to mix it up that would maybe also be a good idea to bring in you know

directors at least live-action Directors into animation Disney certainly has

quite the rolodex at this point in it for instance they just fired Phil Lord

and Chris Miller and look at the amazing stuff they're doing with the into the

spider-verse animated movie over at Sony you know it's a shame that Disney

couldn't bring them over into their their animation area but would they go I

don't know but you can see but that's where perhaps you know that cutback that

that energy should be going in terms of writers directors into those specific

films not to overseeing the entire division because I thinks Animation and

Pixar truly made waves when they were leading the charge creatively an animal

and I say today I would categorize both as lobbing softballs at the audience and

awards voters of course there are exceptions like Coco but for the most

part that's what I believe is happening right now I'm not saying it's not

entertaining but it's not like it once was I think we can all agree about that

and if they want to have a couple softballs in there that's fine but I'm

missing those bold creative flourishes right that are also very strong from a

business perspective so I'm curious what are your thoughts on the future of

Disney Animation be sure to share them down below and as always you can check

out some more videos right now

For more infomation >> John Lasseter Scandal - who will head up Disney Animation & Pixar? - Duration: 9:28.


The Throat Chakra, How to Open Your Throat Chakra - TribeFinder - Duration: 4:36.

The Throat Chakra

The Sanskrit name for the throat chakra is Vishuddha. This chakra is associated with the thyroid,

throat, and the voice. While it is important for all of our chakras to be open and balanced,

the throat is what allows us to speak our truth. Vishuddha is often referred to as the

seat of communication and expression.

The color you'll see associated with the throat chakra is sky blue or turquoise. The

throat chakra is located at the base of the throat and is associated with the laryngeal

plexus and the carotid plexus. It's activation point is found in the middle of the throat.

The throat chakra is linked to the neck, ears, jaws, teeth, mouth, trachea, vocal cords,

thyroid gland, cervical vertebrae, shoulders, and esophagus.

The gland most frequently associated with the throat is the thyroid gland. The thyroid

is the butterfly-shaped gland found in the lower neck below the Adam's apple. Located

in front of the trachea, it has two sides that are bridged in the middle. This gland

is rich in blood vessels and nerves and regulates important bodily hormones. The thyroid governs

our metabolism, growth, and development. The throat chakra allows us to speak our truth

and give vocal energy to our dreams and desires.

According to Anodea Judith, the throat chakra is activated between ages eight and twelve.

The Hindu system teaches us that activation occurs between ages twenty-eight and thirty-five.

Hindu belief also states that the throat chakra is activated during a time when we are motivated

by the expression of divine wisdom and higher knowledge.

When your throat chakra has experienced trauma, it can contribute to several health concerns.

The myriad of concerns include brochitis, mouth ulcers, thyroid dysfunctions, and laryngitis.

Trauma to the throat chakra can also manifest in a person as ear infections, hearing problems,

unhealthy teeth, and even temporomandibular joint disorders.

If your throat chakra is closed or depleted, you may be experiencing throat conditions,

an under-active thyroid, teeth grinding, and the fear of speaking. In the event that your

throat chakra is too open, you will be in a state of excess. During this time, you will

be prone to gossiping, stuttering, loudness, lack of consideration, and engaging in compulsive

behaviors such as overeating.

A developed Vishuddha chakra helps us wrestle with the psychological issues of faith, decision

making, expression, creativity, and the things we choose to vocalize or hold onto. This is

our communication center where we learn to state our truth with dignity, respect, and

kindness. If we speak lies and falsehoods, our throat chakra can become unbalanced and

we may experience repressed anger, silence, or evasiveness.

A well-balanced Vishuddha chakra allows you to express your creative side. You will communicate

positively with those around you and listen consciously. You will feel a strong sense

of ease and contentment when this chakra is balanced. If you feel that your throat chakra

is unbalanced, spend some time singing. So set aside any self-judgment. Sing along with

the radio, in the shower, or to your kids as they go to sleep. Another great way to

keep this chakra in a balanced state is to drink plenty of water.

For more infomation >> The Throat Chakra, How to Open Your Throat Chakra - TribeFinder - Duration: 4:36.


Rompecabezas de Coco Miguel Puzzle Game for Kids KFF TV - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Rompecabezas de Coco Miguel Puzzle Game for Kids KFF TV - Duration: 0:51.


Pelosi Caught Playing With Something NASTY At SOTU – Didn't Know Camera Was On Her! - Duration: 5:19.

Pelosi Caught Playing With Something NASTY At SOTU – Didn't Know Camera Was On Her!

If you had the chance to watch last night's State of the Union address by President Trump,

you know that it was an emotionally charged event.

The President honored some very deserving service members, police, and families who

had lost someone this year.

He also did what we all expected, which was to re-cap the nation's victories this year

as pertains to jobs and the economy, and stressed our need for more border security and immigration


Also, just as expected, the left retained their seats for most of the night, handing

out applause in stingy amounts, and generally looking like they were born drinking pickle

juice and had been sucking lemons ever since.

The queen of the sourpuss brigade was, of course, their real-life leader, Nancy Pelosi.

The Washington Times reports that she is making headlines, just with her facial expressions:

President Donald Trump delivered what most hailed as a very strong State of the Union

speech that hit the high points, addressed the low points and soothed and smoothed over

the partisan points — and through it all, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi managed

to maintain a scowl.

Other Democrats may have their hands-sitting, but when it comes to expressing distaste with

this president, Pelosi takes the cake.

Bluntly put, the woman looked pissed.

Now it's true, others in her party managed to convey dissatisfaction during the speech.

There's this, from former White House spokesman Sean Spicer: 'The group not clapping for

historically low black and Hispanic unemployment are Democrats.

In case you were wondering.'

But nobody did dour like Pelosi.

Somebody ought to make a montage of her State of the Union face.

It's classic Democrat disgust and can no doubt be used time and again as a pictorial

expression of scorn in future news and blog reports."

However, Pelosi's sour faces weren't the end of her delightful surprises for the evening.

As we all know, Pelosi is rather advanced in years and as much as everyone in Congress

wants you to believe that they're a bunch of spring chickens, still functioning at one

hundred percent, that might not be the case.

As it turns out, Pelosi let a little bit of her age slip when she didn't know that the

camera was on her.

The Daily Wire reports that cameras and comentators alike were shocked, and a little grossed out

by what they saw Pelosi doing while the President was speaking:

"House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) put on her sour puss face for President Donald

Trump's first State of the Union address and appeared to be playing with her dentures.

Pelosi, who sat and did not clap for much of the night, was caught on camera appearing

to be adjusting something in her mouth as several media personalities quickly pointed

out that they believed she was playing with her dentures."

As disgusting as Pelosi's gross habit is, it appears to just be an absent-minded habit

that she has when she's thinking/plotting about something important.

Her entire body language shows just how frustrated she is with the entire night, and she wasn't


Everyone who watched Tuesday night's speech could tell that the Democrats were not at

all happy with with the President had to say about the State of the Union.

At a time when the President called for unity, they couldn't be bothered to stand, or show

appreciation, even when the President talked about a decrease in unemployment among the

minorities that they so loudly cater to.

The Washington Examiner reports that White House Press Secretary, Sarah Sanders spoke

on this very issue in an interview with CNN:

"White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said Wednesday that House Minority Leader

Nancy Pelosi is a symbol of Democrats' bitterness toward President Trump, and said Democrats

would be better off if she smiled sometimes.

She was reacting to a question on CNN about Pelosi's dour reaction to Trump's State

of the Union address, during which she was mostly unresponsive.

'I think Nancy Pelosi looks like that all the time,' Sanders said on CNN.

'I think she should smile a lot more often, I think the country would be better for it.'

She seems to kind of embody the bitterness that belongs in the Democrat Party right now,'

Sanders added.

Sanders also said Pelosi and Democrats have to make a 'big decision' about whether

they will continue to let their hatred of Trump get in the way of getting things done.

'They need to decide … do they love America more than they hate this president, and are

they willing to put some of those differences aside, come together and do what's right

for this country?' she asked."

Every President wants the other party to "come together".

That's what they all say because they want to be able to unify the two parties, it helps

them get more done.

But usually, it's on big diplomatic issues that both parties will never agree on.

In this case, it's on issues that are going to make the lives and pocketbooks of every

American better.

But since it's not something that they were given permission to be happy about, they kept

their seats and any chance of standing for change.

This tweet says it best:

Sad, but true.

what do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> Pelosi Caught Playing With Something NASTY At SOTU – Didn't Know Camera Was On Her! - Duration: 5:19.


Zainab Case Police Bhi Zainab Murderer Imran Ali Ke Sath Mili Hui Thi - Duration: 2:18.

SUBSCRIBE to My Channel For Daily Videos

For more infomation >> Zainab Case Police Bhi Zainab Murderer Imran Ali Ke Sath Mili Hui Thi - Duration: 2:18.


Air Force Officer Who Witnessed Extortion 17 Attack SEALs Just Said We've All Been Lied To - Duration: 6:41.

Air Force Officer Who Witnessed Extortion 17 Attack SEALs Just Said We've All Been

Lied To – Obama Has HELL To Pay

A highly decorated Air Force officer is breaking her silence about the disturbing incident

that occurred back in 2011 that marked the deadliest attack on Navy SEALS in U.S. history.

She claims that Obama's administration covered up what happened to 38 of our warriors in

Afghanistan, when a Chinook helicopter crashed and killed 38 fighters.

She says had it not been for Obama changing the rules of engagement of our military to

protect Muslim terrorists, that our men would still be alive today.

To give you a full appreciation for the absolute atrocity and borderline treason that went

down that fateful day on August 6, 2011 at the hands of Barack Hussein Obama, Retired

Air Force Capt. Joni Marquez is telling her story first hand.

She and her crew were working the dark morning hours on their AC-130 gunship when they were

summoned to conduct a mission she describes "as almost like a 9-1-1 type of a situation."

Circa reported:

The gunship was ordered to fly close-in air support above Afghanistan's dangerous Tangi

Valley, in Wardak Province, assisting troops with the Army's 75th Ranger Regiment who

were being fired on by eight heavily armed Taliban insurgents.

The Rangers had called in for assault helicopters to engage the enemy hiding among the rocky


The air weapons team fired on the Taliban fighters, but not all of the insurgents were

killed as originally believed.

In her first interview since the incident, Marquez recounts what she witnessed that night

as she was the fire control officer aboard the ship.

Her job that night was to ensure the sensors on the weapons were aligned, so that the her

crew could hone in on the terrorists' targets:

"I had the sensor operators immediately shift to the eight insurgents the helicopters

had taken out," Marquez told Circa.

"Two were still alive."

But what should've been a routine mission to take out the terrorists never happened

because Obama's generals would not give the gunship permission to fire.

She relayed the scene to the ground force commander, but was denied permission to neutralize

the threat.

"We had seen two of them (insurgents) moving, crawling away from the area, as to not really

make a whole lot of scene.

You have two enemy forces that are still alive," she said.

"Permission to engage."

Marquez went on to say that the ground commander's refusal to not allow her crew to take out

the two terrorists with their weapons would then seal the fate of those involved in Extortion


Now with no way to take out the threat, Marquez and her team were left with little options

other than tracking the two enemy insurgents with the surveillance equipment.

She watched helplessly as they made their way through an open field, then to a village

where they began to rally more terrorists to join the fight.

Circa went on:

Meanwhile, a CH-47 Chinook helicopter, with the call sign Extortion 17, was called into

the hours-long firefight.

U.S. Central Command's official investigation concluded that a rocket-launched grenade from

a Taliban fighter hit the Chinook and sent the helicopter into a downward spin.

The crash killed all 38, including thirty Americans and eight Afghans.

Seventeen of the U.S. servicemen were Navy SEALs.

Months before, SEALs were made famous for the killing of Osama bin Laden.

"If we would've been allowed to engage that night, we would've taken out those

two men immediately," Marquez said.

She believes with her whole heart that had her team been given permission to take out

the terrorists, 38 warriors would still be alive today.

"They continued to essentially gain more and more force behind them because they just

kept knocking on doors," she said.

"And the two personnel that initially fled ended up becoming a group of 12 people."

What's even more insane is that pleas and warnings from her crew to return the Chinook

back to base and cancel the mission before the terrorists began firing just fell on deaf

ears by the commanders.

"Whenever we reached out to the Joint Operations Center, they would essentially just push back

with, 'Find a, a good infill location.

Find a good helicopter landing zone,'" said Marquez, adding that by the time Extortion

17 was coming in, everything was mired in confusion.

From there, things just got even worse.

The Chinook was eventually shot down by the terrorists and crashed to the ground.

Marquez watched from her infared monitor as one of the Navy SEALS was then ejected from

the burning Chinook helicopter.

She watched his heat signature fade from red to blue, knowing that she was watching as

his life literally slipped away from his body.

"We had to sit and watch that, and I think that was one of the hardest things that I

had to do," she said.

"That man was, you know, dying on the ground."

Marquez says the pain of living with what happened has taken its toll and she was diagnosed

with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and is in therapy.

Her account of that fateful day has been corroborated by the Defense Department inspector general

in a previously sealed top-secret report.

Her own commander also has verified the story has true.

"If we would've been allowed to engage that night, we would've taken out those

two men immediately.

I mean, it's just one of those things where you know that it could've all been prevented,"

she said, tearing up at times as she recollected that night.

Thirty-eight of our warriors are dead and there is one single person to blame, and that

is Barack Hussein Obama, the treasonous POS who sent these warriors straight to their

deaths that night.

It was because of HIS asinine updates to our military's rules of engagement back in 2009

that essentially gave precedence to the lives of Muslim terrorists over our own military


"Ridiculous rules of engagement that basically state that you can't shoot until being shot


A weapon has to be pointed, and essentially fired at you, in order for you to shoot and

you have the proper clearance so that you don't, you know, go to jail, that you're

charged with a war crime," said Marquez, who had reached out to Congress, and some

of the victims' families.

In the end, Marquez hopes that people will share her story and help expose the truth

of what happened that night in the hopes that changes will be made to our military's rules

of engagement that will save lives in the future.

"I won't rest until some kind of justice is served, in a manner of either, you know,

the people that were responsible for that night, for making those calls, come forward

and are honest about it," Marquez said.

"I know that's kind of a lofty goal but, if that's something that doesn't happen,

then obviously the ROE's to change, for them to be realistic."

What do you think about this?

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