Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 1, 2017

Youtube daily Jan 26 2017


watchzozo presents

Archaeologists Discover A 3,000 Year Old City That Holds Clues To A Lost Civilization

For more infomation >> Archaeologists Discover A 3,000 Year Old City That Holds Clues To A Lost Civilization - Duration: 6:40.


Life May Have Existed A Billion Years Earlier Than We Thought! - Duration: 1:55.

Hey everyone, Trace with you for a DNews Short We like to think we're special, that life

only pops up once in a planet's history.

But new research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences says there

might have been complex life on Earth before us that eventually died off!

It might have developed in the oceans far earlier than we previously thought.

Looking for ancient life is hard because not everything gets preserved as a fossil.

In fact, according to the researchers, the probability of an organism becoming fossilized

is pretty low.

So instead of looking for direct evidence of life, they have to search for evidence

of the conditions to support life.

In this case, they looked for a form of the element selenium in sedimentary rocks over

2 billion years old.

Selenium reacts when it's exposed to oxygen, so the researchers were trying to find evidence

of this oxidation.

This would be clear sign that there had been oxygen in the air at that time.

And they found it!

Based on the selenium traces they analyzed, the researchers were able to reasonably conclude

that oxygen was present in the Earth's atmosphere between 2 and 2.4 billion years ago, which

is much earlier than our oldest recorded fossils of complex life; those are only about 1.75

billion years old.

Their research says that oxygen levels were possibly high enough to have an impact on

the planet's ecology!

After this time period though, the oxygen levels crashed, and the life, if it had evolved,

likely died off.

So the next question is, what caused global oxygen levels to drop so dramatically?

There's work to be done, but in the meantime, this type of research might help us look for

ancient life in extreme environments, like distant planets and moons!

And speaking of, what if life didn't start on Earth but actually came from space?

We talk about that idea in this video.

What else would you like to know about fossils and the history of the planet?

Let us know down in the comments, make sure you subscribe so you get more DNews and thanks

for watching.

For more infomation >> Life May Have Existed A Billion Years Earlier Than We Thought! - Duration: 1:55.


Kami Tutorial - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Kami Tutorial - Duration: 2:20.


Hints of chapter 853| One Piece - Duration: 4:09.

Welcome to the new series of this channel.

It's the "Hints of the chapter"

I won't review the chapter...

There are some very good reviewers on Youtube about that.

I will mark some good parts, so here it is: HINTS OF 853

Firstly, we have very good information about Zeus, Prometheus and the revealed Napoleon.

It could be covered a very good hint about D clan here:

Zeus was a god.

Prometheus was a titan, but he gain the power to create the first human.

Napoleon originally named "Napoleone di Buonaparte".

The three creatures has the secret words of : god, creator and D.

Probably D was the creator clan for something that made them god's enemy.

Secondly is the fact anymore that Roger stole Big Mom's poneglyph using his ultimate power.

Mark that Big Mom had the stone before Roger find Raftel.

But, she has a way to use the power "voice of all of things" even if she hasn't it.

But for this she needs the power of one person, Pudding.

Her power is connected with the power of the third eye according to Hinduism.

The third eye often symbolizes a state of enlightenment

or the evocation of mental images having deeply personal spiritual or psychological


Especially, Enlightenment refers to the "full comprehension of a situation".

Maybe, Poneglyphs have some spiritual religion or a connection with soul.

Also, in the past color spread, Robin was dressed as an Indian.

This was a foreshadowing between Poneglyphs and the third eye myth, because Hinduism's

big part resides in India.

After, we have Carrot's art-style.

Well, it's funny and cute, but it could be a hint of the return of one ally.

The theme "beautiful" is related to Cavendish.

Plus, in the cover we had his other half in Grand Fleet, Bartolomeo.

So, Cavendish will return before this arc ends and he will help Straw Hats escape, or

he can end married with one of Big Mom's girls, do whatever theory or speculation you want,


Scene with Luffy and Reiju.

We can't ignore that she saved him second time and reminds so much Alabasta saga, when

Robin saved him two times.

Ok, Reiju isn't going for Nakama or something, but it's a good parallelism and if something

is to connect this is a big return.

The big return can be the main villain in Alabasta, Crocodile.

For now, sure, he will be an ally.

The scene don't stop here...Keep Luffy's words : "I will go to East Blue if I have to".

After, all this journey, someday Luffy will go back to East Blue.

Why and how is up to your theory.

The last part is Sanji's words about "not going back", the salvation of his friends

and the word "sacrifice" from the flashback with Judje, showing that someone will die

during the ceremony...but not Sanji!

The last scene is with Luffy standing again hoping for his, it's someone else

who will sacrifice himself for Sanji.

The most possible person, reading this chapter, is Reiju.

She knows the plan, she knows that Luffy wait Sanji and she developed some respect to Luffy.

But the hint works for every person you believe if you make a good theory.

Hopefully no break, thanks for watching and see ya.

For more infomation >> Hints of chapter 853| One Piece - Duration: 4:09.


Understanding Scopes in HitFilm Pro - Triem23 Guest Tutorial - Duration: 13:10.

For more infomation >> Understanding Scopes in HitFilm Pro - Triem23 Guest Tutorial - Duration: 13:10.


How Deaf And Hearing YouTubers Collaborate - Duration: 8:00.

(marker scratching)

(electronic game sound)

So during my years on YouTube

I've done collaborations with a few people.

I've done collaborations with Nic Foti, James Rath,

Molly Burke, Tommy Edison, who has been the most

recent person I've done a collab with.

So I've done a few, and there's a pattern here, right?

They're all hearing.

And whenever I do a collaboration with a hearing YouTuber,

I see a flood of comments,

a lot of them with different reactions,

but all have the same sort of question,

depending on which reaction you're looking at.

So here's a few different reactions.

Wait a second, so how is she understanding

everything that Molly is saying?

What is happening over here, oh my god,

is she actually reading her lips, wait what?

Which is a normal reaction, although I will say,

in those videos that Molly and I have done together

we've already established in the video

exactly how that happened.

But that's okay, but that's okay.

However, there are also some reactions like this,

which mostly occurred in Tommy's video.

"Fake! She's not really deaf. What the?!

"She can understand everything that Tommy is saying,

she's talking, oh my gosh, she has some hearing left.

She's not deaf. Fake! Fake! Fake!

Mom, she's fake!"

Some of that was exaggerated for comedic effect,

not that some of y'all understood that

in the Shit Hearing People Say video, but anyway.

But that reaction brought up

some great "conversation" there.

And, no, thanks honey, but a couple weeks later,

a couple months later, still deaf over here.

Still deaf over here with residual hearing,

like many other deaf people.

But that's okay, what we're gonna do

is we're going to answer the question.

So I'm going to in this video tell you

exactly how it goes, how planning

with another YouTuber, who is hearing goes,

because there is some planning that gets into this.

First of all, if you haven't watched the video

that I did with Tommy, a lot of that, a lot of this

was already covered in that video,

so you could just use those for this.

But, every time I've contacted another YouTuber

or they contact me and we discuss doing our collaboration,

we come up with a plan, we come up with what the idea is,

you know, what we're gonna talk about and all of that.

So I get an idea of what is possibly

gonna come out of their mouths,

and what I can say, that kind of thing.

I have made a video called Bluffing.

Something about bluffing, it was a video about bluffing,

which means that if a deaf or hard-of-hearing person

is near a hearing person, communicating with them,

they'll often act like they know what they're saying,

but they don't really, but they just go with it

with the uh-huh, oh yeah, mm-hm, really, yeah, okay.

That kind of thing, that is what mostly happens

when I'm doing a collaboration with someone.

So whenever people are like, wait a second,

but she understood everything Molly was saying

or she understood everything that James was saying

or Tommy, or da da da,

at least half the time I don't understand

what's going on or what exactly is being said

until the captions come on when the video goes live.

So there is that.

Another thing is script, half of the collaborations I did

were 100%, or at least mostly scripted.

The video I did with Nicola,

which was a sketch video, that was scripted.

The video that I did with Tommy

on how deaf and blind people communicate,

that was 100% scripted.

That was 100% scripted.

So I already know what they're saying

because it's on a piece of paper

that's actually right in front of us on the table.

Now my lip reading skills are still practically nonexistent.

But if I have the script in front of me,

I already know what the words are gonna be,

I can read them pretty well from the person's mouth

if we don't have an interpreter present.

If we don't have an interpreter present.

Because it's already there.

Now this is a very, very rare occasion, but interpreters.

Now the only time there was ever an interpreter present

was when I did videos with Tommy

and Andrea acted as interpreter.

Now no, she isn't certified,

but this was not an official business thing.

If this was official business,

like if I was doing a collaboration with,

I don't know, let's say Google for example,

I don't know, then we would have a certified interpreter.

But in this case it was a little fun gig between friends,

so whatever.

So for the video that I did with Tommy,

that wasn't scripted, the one that was on my channel,

When People Mix Up Deaf and Blind.

You had Amanda... Amanda?! You had Andrea in the corner interpreting.

So you'll notice that I'm often looking towards this way

whereas Tommy is looking over here.

Tommy is not looking over here,

I'm looking over at Tommy, and she is over there.

So it kind of just works out.

So if we don't have a script, for example,

while I did a collaboration with James and Molly,

James was the most difficult to understand out of all

of them, out of all the collaborations that I did.

So when the Dating and Disabled video went up,

I actually didn't really know all of what he said.

I got a portion of it, but most of it I didn't

until that video went live and I watched it,

and I went, oh, that's what he said, a lot of the time.

Molly is actually the easiest for me to understand,

which is strange, because I guess normally I understand,

I don't know, it really depends on the person.

But Molly was the easiest to understand

besides Nicola at the time.

So a lot of the time I was hearing Molly pretty well,

but that's because she was loud,

she really amped up the volume, which is what works.

Now, as you know, videos are edited,

so there were a lot of times when we had to redo something

because I didn't understand what she was saying

and then we had to - she had to repeat herself

or she had to reword what she was saying,

or we were just gonna give up and then go with it.

I was like, never mind, just move on, move on

because we don't have the time for this.

And that's what I think a lot of people seem to forget,

is that videos are always edited.

So videos made me look as if I could understand them

more than I actually do, and again, bluffing.

Now another thing that happens is pen, paper.

This is kind of like planning,

but sometimes if we're right there and then doing the video,

for example, I'll go back to when I did a video with Molly,

and I show this in one of the videos,

I think that was the one we did on my channel,

How Deaf and Blind People Communicate.

(sighs) I'm running out of breath.

We often had to stop filming and then write

what she was gonna say, or at least an idea

of what she was gonna say so I could go along with it

and help put things together.

So now, add in attempted lip reading,

because there are some things that I do understand,

and residual hearing, put those last two things together

actually, and then mix them in with all the other things,

that's pretty much how you collaborate

with a hearing person if you are deaf or hard of hearing.

It's actually pretty simple,

and it's the same thing that I do in real life,

except it's for a video.

And should any more collaborations happen,

that's what we're gonna do.

It depends on who exactly I'm working with.

Pen and paper, repeating, phones,

it's just every day, but filmed.

So hopefully that helps you out a little bit.

Now I'm glad I have this video

so now that every time somebody asks,

I'm just gonna link 'em to this video to make it easier.

If you want to follow me on all my social media,

links to that will be down below.

If you want to help support my content,

you can do so by being a patron on Patreon.

Link to that down below.

Or you can leave a one time tip on ko-fi,

link also down below.

I upload every Monday and Thursday unless otherwise stated,

and I will see you later, bye.

For more infomation >> How Deaf And Hearing YouTubers Collaborate - Duration: 8:00.


🔞 Biggest Twitch Fails - ULTIMATE Twitch Fails Compilation #13 - Duration: 4:52.

Biggest twitch fails


twitch fails

it's not let me switch stupid why'd you

let me sleep

get me out of the game

stock five top-five why do we spit in

awhile for

fighting games

oh my marquee moon ice i talk i will

change your contract screen capture


all ready to do this transistor bro I'm

sofa king we chopped it say that three

times fast

I'm suffocating result that i'm so

fucking each other with after talking

with this the fuck

there you are

yeah that is a fact that i will but I


a wonderful but I look I will shoot you


I want you to browse movies about it bro

this game is when I shoot it is just

like hit the ground I can't even shoot

at you have over time and put your back


well I mean there's someone coming up

is there anything to do you know

I'll just it road nine buildings and

sent off for vacuum in the building so

yes it do it get it get it straight


For more infomation >> 🔞 Biggest Twitch Fails - ULTIMATE Twitch Fails Compilation #13 - Duration: 4:52.


Crash Bandicoot 2 Sewer Levels Synth/Metal Cover | Dacian Grada - Duration: 3:01.

Hi guys, Dacian here.

Thank you for watching and thank you for almost 300 subscribers; thank you so much for the


I just wanted to tell you that I have a new channel, "Dacian Grada Misc"; and you will

find miscellaneous stuff, such as gameplays, tutorials and everything else non-music related.

Stay tuned on Saturday for another special video and a new announcement.


For more infomation >> Crash Bandicoot 2 Sewer Levels Synth/Metal Cover | Dacian Grada - Duration: 3:01.


Road Trip: X Games in Aspen, Colorado | CBC Sports - Duration: 1:50.

We are headed to Aspen, Colorado, for the X Games.

We're starting in Toronto, we have a layover in Chicago,

and then we are going to Aspen.

You cannot come to Chicago and not get Garrett's Popcorn.

You have to do it.

It's snowing in Colorado.

Exactly what you want for the X Games, so that's good.

We made it, guys!

We are here in Aspen, and Colorado is in fine form.

Lots of snow.

Our next task is to find Karina Leblanc.

Her and I are going to be tag-teaming this weekend,

covering the X Games.

So, we gotta find her....

I see blonde hair.


How are you?


Good to see you!


What up? How are you?

So I learned this much about the Winter X Games:

it's going to be basically adult Disneyland.

But, most importantly, I stay true to who I am.

What I brought on this trip is...


And it's even signed by Christine Sinclair!

Karina's here.

I'm here.

I'm here.

You're here.

Let's go.

Should we dance out?


Let's rock out.

Hey, with our shoes that have no grip?

We can moonwalk out.

If this is the way a moonwalk looks like,

don't ever do that, kids.

It's snowing outside!

Helloooooo, Aspen!

For more infomation >> Road Trip: X Games in Aspen, Colorado | CBC Sports - Duration: 1:50.


O celular carrega mais rápido no modo avião? Lu Responde - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> O celular carrega mais rápido no modo avião? Lu Responde - Duration: 0:49.


#AbrahamHicks • Stay in the vicinity of the #Feeling when the #Desire came ♦ #LawofAttraction Videos - Duration: 10:29.

For more infomation >> #AbrahamHicks • Stay in the vicinity of the #Feeling when the #Desire came ♦ #LawofAttraction Videos - Duration: 10:29.


Go Go Empowered Ranger. Run Run Super V smartphone app gameplay [KM+Gaming S01E25] - Duration: 6:36.

Hey everybody! Welcome back to

Kid Matters plus TV

and today

we're playing Run Run super five

I'm going to play as the red one, yeah.

Oh, double jump.


How did I do that?

Oh, I have a sword, watch out for me

whoa, what?



Santa Jet


my jet [unkown]

Please, Stop!



Get all the coins


He has a plane and she has an Eagle!



next form play

Oh no!



Oh against them!


Rocket bows


Oh don't worry. Yeah!

We defeated him!

I was like, what?

we didn't defeat him???

But anyways...

that was going to take a long effort


what's happening?

He got up

has a death bomb, or whatever that was...

...and then he pulled the robot apart.

and then the...the...


Red Ranger...

dropped into the water.

and then...

he swam to safety


the guy in the background was

Ha ha Ha HA

but I'm playing the next round

They're going like...




I should have double jumped

Get back up. Get back up again

Get back up. Get back up again

Ooooh my...

Bang Bang


Wooo. argh

Oh no

and we killed him


there we go

there we go



Oh, when we jump on their heads...

Oh no, we couldn't stay alive

And run!






Another win, for Red Ranger!!

The blue guy has a lion, that can fly!

Oh I don't have louie [stuffed lion]

The health guy...

the green guy is the health guy

and the...

and the yellow guy I forgot.

next plan(?)


so red ranger does punches.

left to right

and then the...

and then she does


and then blue does sword

and then green does health

and yellow does sword

no no, not sword, shield.


shield. Oh!

okay, now we're going to do a sword in a moment


He had no attack, so I got him.

why is he closing his eyes?


shield. NO


OH rockets




Did it!

That's going to be it, guys.

so if you like this video...

Please subscribe!

and yeah...BYE!

For more infomation >> Go Go Empowered Ranger. Run Run Super V smartphone app gameplay [KM+Gaming S01E25] - Duration: 6:36.


How to Start Your Smart Home: Part 1 -Using the Wink and SmartThings Hubs for Home Automation Tech - Duration: 6:42.

Curious about where to get started

with your smart home?

Today I'm going to share some solid advice

that should get your smart home up and running

in Part 1 of a multi-part getting started series.

Today's topic: the smart home hub.

Stay tuned.

Hi again,

John Stone the DIY Smart Home Guy

I've been getting a lot of questions about how

or where to start with the smart home.

So today, I'm going to share my personal advice

for getting started.

I'll also share some insights about

how to keep from ticking off your spouse in the process.

Guys. Let's face it. We mean well.

We see this new piece of tech

and we want it in our home.

So you tell yourself,


my wife is going to be so happy when all this is all done.

So, you go out

and buy all these sexy new gadgets.


you might as well have brought

a new girlfriend into the house!

and your wife, girlfriend, whoever,

isn't as excited as you hoped.

You hear the mumbles.

And, you just can't seem to understand

why this new mystical palace that you have created

isn't received with the same enthusiasm

that you had imagined.

Well, here's the deal

you didn't have a plan.

Well, not a good one at least.

So let me get you back on track.

I can tell you from experience

that the biggest problem anyone,

other than you,

will have in your smart home is ease of use.

And, I don't mean ease of use for you.

I mean ease of use everyone but you.

Yeah, I know, it's super cool and

you can control your lights with your phone,

or you can use your voice

to raise and lower the temperature.

Big deal!

But that's not as cool as you think.

What's cooler is never needing to control anything,

and if you do,

feeling comfortable knowing that decades of turning

lights on and off manually will work the same way.

In spite of this trap

Your mission

should you choose to accept it

is to not take anything away

from your existing home experience.

Alright here's the plan

As I said

this is a multi-part video series.

As more videos are added,

I will add links in the description below.

And, you'll find affiliate links

to useful products mentioned in this video.

At the end of the video,

I will link in the next video in the series

after it becomes available.

So the first thing you need is a real smart home hub.

Two great hubs out there are the Samsung SmartThings

and the Wink Hub 2

There are other great hubs,

but these are the most popular

and easiest to get started with.

Since your starting out

and don't know where to start

starting here is a solid plan.

And, before you send me the inevitable question

asking which one is better

Don't do it!

I will directly compare the Wink Hub 2

with the SmartThings hub in a future video.

Both Wink and SmartThings have their advantages and disadvantages.

Wink has an additional radio that allows control of Lutron and Kidde devices.

If you want or need Lutron dimmers,

SmartThings doesn't natively support them as of when I created this video.

Issues like these could be important when you are trying to create

your automation programs.

On the other hand, Smart Things does offer better device

automation programming options.

And, SmartThings has a built in battery backup.

Wink falls a bit behind in this area.

If you are an Apple fan, there is Home Kit.

Right now there is limited device support for Home Kit,

but I believe that's gonna change this year.

My advice, pick a hub,

any hub,

nd build your plan around that hub.

With very few exceptions,

either hub will work for you as long as

as you stay within the device range that the hub supports.

Do I even need a hub?

I mean can't I just piece things together with IFTTT

Amazon Echo, Google Home

whatever other things I can

Ummmm… Yeah - You can. But look at this.

A smart home consists of devices that you place in and around your home.

These include things like lights, alarms, sensors, thermostats,

cameras, and a whole bunch of other cool gadgets.

Many manufacturers will have their own hubs.

Which is true for Logitech, Philips, Lightify, Lutron and a host of other products.

But these hubs are specifically designed for their own products.

While they may support other devices in limited practice,

they will always fall short in controlling whole-home automation.

And, because they're smart, you will need a way to control them.

Controlling these devices is performed with apps

on mobile devices or computers,

- or - you can use your voice if you want to integrate with the Echo

And, you should be able to control devices manually,

if you are not using schedules and routines.

Routines are basically like little programs you create

to make things happen based on other events.

So, you still don't need a hub at this point

Or do you?

If you choose to go the hubless route, and you want a truly smart home,

every device you select must have an app that integrates

with IFTTT and/or the Echo or the Google Home.

And, you are counting on that integration to provide all the functions you are looking for.

If you want to integrate all of your devices together in a very useful way,

you will need a real smart home hub.

Some apps allow you to create schedules, but only for their devices

And, by the way, a majority of the lighting products require a real smart home hub.

My opinion is, you will ultimately decide you need a smart home hub,

even if you don't think you need one right now

so, pick a hub. A powerful hub, and a hub that is user friendly.

And by the way, the Echo is not a hub,

IFTTT is not a hub.

While they do offer some hub-like benefits, they are still not a hub.

The point

Get a hub

Now that we have settled that - what's next?

So the plan

If we look at the five categories of things that comprise a smart home

it should make it easier for you to establish your smart home plan.

My five categories include Lighting devices,

environmental devices, energy devices, security devices,

and entertainment devices.

But when you really think about it, device types can play multiple roles.

For example, lights can serve more than their utilitarian

purpose and contribute to environmental comfort as well as energy savings.

A thermostat can contribute more as well,

it can be a part of your energy savings plan.

So you can see that device interaction is a key element

which again, supports the need for a real smart home hub.

As you can see from the diagram, lighting is related to everything.

So, that is point number 2. Start with Lighting.

My next video will be an overview of how to start with lighting.

However, in the description below you will find links to several videos

that talk about various lighting options,

including light bulbs, light strips, in-wall switches and plug in modules.

These should help you get started while you wait for the next video.

So, to recap

Start with a hub, whether you plan to use voice control or not.

Starting with lighting is a safe bet.

Don't sacrifice manual control for the sake of cool.

If the first thing you think about is how other people

in your house will use the new technology

You will turn them into smart home believers.

Thanks for watching.

Don't forget to subscribe

don't forget to click like.

Over here are a couple of other videos you might enjoy.

For more reviews, tips and DIY videos, visit

Thanks to all of you that are already following me

over on Facebook or Twitter

both are @DIYSmartHomeGuy

Until next time


For more infomation >> How to Start Your Smart Home: Part 1 -Using the Wink and SmartThings Hubs for Home Automation Tech - Duration: 6:42.


Dark Chocolate Benefits | Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolate | Benefits Of Chocolate - Duration: 1:49.

dark chocolate benefits dark chocolate benefits

dark chocolate benefits dark chocolate benefits

dark chocolate benefits dark chocolate benefits

For more infomation >> Dark Chocolate Benefits | Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolate | Benefits Of Chocolate - Duration: 1:49.


БАБУШКА БОДИБИЛДЕР Эрнестина Шепард 80-ЛЕТНЯЯ КУЛЬТУРИСТКА - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> БАБУШКА БОДИБИЛДЕР Эрнестина Шепард 80-ЛЕТНЯЯ КУЛЬТУРИСТКА - Duration: 2:50.


Hair Tips in Urdu | Balon Ko Lamba Karne ka Oil | Balon ko Lamba Aur Ghana Karne - Duration: 3:37.

Hair Tips in Urdu

Balon Ko Lamba Karne ka Oil

Balon ko Lamba Aur Ghana Karne

For more infomation >> Hair Tips in Urdu | Balon Ko Lamba Karne ka Oil | Balon ko Lamba Aur Ghana Karne - Duration: 3:37.


Redmi Note 4 unboxing and review - Duration: 8:46.

hello Guys Welcome to my youtube channel Galaxy Techno Mania

I bought this from Flipkart

Let's open the seal

This is Redmi note 4 unboxing and review video

I odered the 32 gb and 3gb varient

Here it is the the New Redmi note 4

You can see the very nice packaging

I liked it

Really nice packaging

You can see it is made in india

Let's open the seal

Here it is my all new smartphone Redmi note 4

It is dark grey model

Lets see the content of the box

It's very lite

Metal back silver color

13MP Camera with dual tone led flash

with back fingerprint

here is is the microphone and charging port

some documentation as usual

istruction information

Standard USB cable

It's not a type C USB

It is the charger

Let me show you wheather it's suppport fast charging or not

No! Guys it's not a fast Carger

The sim Ejector Tool

Let's power on the phone

Mi logo

Let's setup it

In my case it India

fast forwarded to reeduce the time

The setup is almost done

The screen is really Nice

The touch is very Smooth

Running android Marshmallow 6.0

I will give a quick review of camera and screen brightness

The camera is not best but will say it good

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