"Google translation" app support the real-time translation between the Japanese and the English
Hello everyone
This time, we will finally real-time translation feature of Japanese and for smartphones that translation can now be between the English "Google translation" app will introduce the "Word Lens"
For smartphones "Google translation" app is Android version of January 25, 2017 v5.7, iOS version has been updated to v5.5,
Support of translation between Japanese and English in and are translated to me "Word Lens" function in real time the character on the screen that reflects the camera was finally started
"Word Lens" because Overseas had been started to provide from 2014, is why was able to finally available in Japan
In order to perform the translation to "Word Lens" is quick real-time, but you need to pre-register, download the language file of the Japanese,
Since the window to encourage the download of language file is displayed when using the first "Word Lens", please do download follow the instructions
Even had to close the window if you accidentally, can display the language files download page by touching the "off-line translation" from the menu icon,
You can download the language files of the Japanese from here
Actual "Word Lens" will touch the camera icon that appears when you launch the "Google translation" app, available in the only mirror the subject with the camera character translation is written
Also Japanese to do the translation in English at the moment, only correspond to the two directions of translation the Japanese to English,
Translation language has become to be able to switch at the top of the screen "⇄" icon
"Word Lens", for example, has become a function that is suitable for use by translating a simple word, such as signs and road signage in when I went to foreign English-speaking countries
Please note that there may not work well in the subject in which characters are displayed much to reverse
Does not work well even ended up sideways if you are in addition to this setting that the smartphone display direction to a fixed
When you use the "Word Lens" Let so as to utilize the smartphone in portrait
Or more, it was finally the introduction of a smart phone that the translation is now possible between the Japanese and the English real-time translation function of "Google translation" app "Word Lens"
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