Bollywood celebrities and their first Lovers |
Top 10 Seemingly INNOCENT Things That Reveal Shocking Amounts of Information About YOU - Duration: 13:08.Top 10 Seemingly Innocent Things That Reveal Shocking Amounts of Information About You
Your Netflix Ratings Can Reveal if You're Gay
Netflix is a great service.
For a few bucks a month you get unlimited access to a constantly changing library of
content, most of which is tailored towards you.
Netflix does this with a number of algorithms that take into account what you watch, for
how long, and what overall rating you gave it, and then compares it with similar data
from other customers.
It would seem that the only real thing you'd be able to tell about someone from their Netflix
habits would be what kind of movies they like, and which celebrity they have a crush on.
However, by simply cross-referencing the data Netflix has with other sources (for example
movie reviews on IMDb), it is shockingly easy to discern someone's actual identity from
a list of movies they liked.
It is then possible to extrapolate from this data and determine someone's sexuality,
political affiliations, and where they live.
As unlikely as this sounds, a team of researchers in 2009, taking part in a competition with
Netflix to improve their algorithms, were able to learn all this and more about a bunch
of customers.
One of these customers later sued Netflix because the data (which was completely anonymous)
revealed that she was gay, something she hadn't even told her family, and she was worried
it could be used to out her before she personally felt comfortable doing so.
Then again, the lady in question had children, so we're guessing she could have denied
being gay fairly easily if she wasn't ready to tell someone.
It's for this reason that we highly advise rating every film you see on Netflix arbitrarily
to throw them off in the future.
Hey, speaking of politics!
Owning a Cat is an Indicator of Your Political Views
Like choosing a video game console, or how you like your steak cooked (well-done all
the way for this author, come at him in the comments), whether you prefer cats or dogs
is a weirdly polarizing topic.
While we're sure there a number of educated guesses you could make about a person based
solely on the fact they own a cat, such as their living situation or how often they use
that Snapchat filter that makes you look like a dog, you wouldn't think cat ownership
would be an indicator of political affiliation.
Weirdly, though, there's data to support the fact that it kind of is.
As discussed in a 2014 Time magazine article, a number of seemingly unrelated things are
actually a fairly useful and accurate indicators of a person's place on the political spectrum.
While some of these things are a little more obvious than others – for example, highly
conservative people are less likely to agree that watching pornography while in a relationship
is acceptable and liberals are more likely to disagree with the statement "I am proud
of my country's history" – some are a little more… odd.
For example, for reasons that aren't quite clear, people who agree with the statement
that they prefer cats to dogs, by and large, appear to be more liberal than those who disagree,
whereas people who use Internet Explorer are more likely to hold conservative views.
Though we could chalk this up to being an interesting quirk of statistics, we feel it
would be unwise to fully rule out that the possibility that cats want us to live a socialist
utopia, free of Internet Explorer.
That's a future we'd actually be kind of curious about, which we're assuming would
be punishable by death in a cat-ruled society.
Facebook Has Better Face Detection Software Than the FBI
Due to the secretive and presumably super boring nature of most of their work, the inner
workings of the FBI aren't made privy to the public and, as such, we have no idea what
awesome gadgets and technology they have access to that we don't know about.
One thing we can be sure of, though, is that they're worse at analyzing faces than Facebook.
According to statistics released by both the FBI and Facebook, Facebook's proprietary
facial analysis software is able to accurately identify a person in a photo 98% of the time.
A figure that dunks just all over the Feds, who admit that their own software has an accuracy
rating of just 85%.
Their main reason for this discrepancy is that the FBI very often only have a single
photo to go on to identify a person.
Facebook, meanwhile, often has hundreds of every person using the site, from multiple
angles, allowing them to build a comprehensive image on an individual's features.
In other words, Facebook probably has a better idea of what you look like than the people
who see you every day.
Stores Like Target Can Predict When You're Pregnant
You probably remember a few years ago, a story breaking about the store Target correctly
predicting that a young girl was pregnant.
It got her in trouble when the store sent vouchers for baby stuff to her house, which
were noticed by her father, who didn't know she had a bun in the oven.
What you probably didn't hear about, or see discussed, though, is how Target was able
to do this.
Now you're probably thinking that the girl bought a pregnancy test in a Target, or something
a few months earlier, or something.
Which is a good assumption, but it's not how it went down.
The store was actually able to make the prediction based purely on the fact the girl had bought
cotton balls and some unscented lotion a few weeks earlier.
On their own these items don't seem all that unusual, but the girl's loyalty card
also showed that she'd recently also purchased mineral substances for the first time.
Again, these don't seem like solid indicators of pregnancy, but Target's vast reams of
data showed that in cases where women bought these items unexpectedly, several months later
they'd buy diapers and other baby-related items, too, suggesting that the former items
were bought during pregnancy.
This allowed the store to accurately predict that the girl was pregnant.
Of course they don't get it right every time, but the fact they're even able to
get it right once is evidence enough that humans are depressingly predictable when it
comes to shopping.
Speaking of which…
Credit Card Companies Know if You'll Skip Out on a Debt Based on if You Like Birds
Credit cards are like handguns, in that you probably shouldn't let a person with poor
impulse control hold one lest they wave it around in a store and walk out wearing a floor-length
chinchilla coat.
As evil as they all are, credit card companies, like any of us, just want to get paid.
To this end, they hire people to pore through the reams of data they collect to better allow
them to predict whether a person is good for the money they borrow.
One of the more unusual predictors of whether a person will pay back a given debt is, rather
oddly, buying fancy bird seed.
As stupid as it sounds, analysis shows people willing to drop 20 bucks on premium, bald
eagle-friendly bird seed seldom ever default on a payment.
As innocuous as such a purchase seems, it's one of those things that is indicative of
a person's overall personality.
Think of it like littering, or being rude to waiters: it's a small, almost trivial
thing, but the kind of person who does it likely acts like an entitled douche in other
areas of their life.
As summed up by author Charles Duhigg:
"If you buy premium wild bird seed, you're spending a lot of money on something that
you're going to give away to birds you don't own.
They [Credit card companies] basically figured out that the types of people who do that,
pay off their credit card on time, because they feel this sense of moral obligation."
Because of this, bird seed and other such purchases are often taken into consideration
by credit card companies when it comes to deciding how much credit to give a person.
Buying Underwear can Indicate the State of the Economy
The economy is a weird, nebulous entity that few people are capable of fully understanding.
That's why we're going to give you all a crash course in something known as the 'underwear
Basically, there's an observable and studied correlation between sales of men's underwear
and the current state of the economy.
In a nutshell, during times of economic hardship, men buy fewer pairs.
Which seems… well, obvious.
We all make sacrifices when times are tough, but underwear is unique in that while it's
an essential purchase, it is one that can be put off.
Economists liken it to "driving your car for another 10,000 miles instead of having
it serviced."
It's a minor choice that says a lot about the person making it.
Unlike other items of men's clothing that are purchased sporadically, underwear is a
predictable purchase, so when sales of it drop, it is a fairly reasonable indicator
of the current state of the economy.
If 10 million dudes aren't willing to drop 10 bucks on a new dong pouch, there's a
good chance that the economy they work in isn't all that strong.
Whether or Not You Kiss Your Partner Before Work Can Influence if You'll Die in a Car
Few things are more intimate than kissing, and we're just going to go right ahead and
say that if there's a person out there who lets you kiss their face, all available research
says that you should be doing as much as possible.
Research has shown that men who kiss their wives before work every morning live longer,
earn more money, and are 50% less likely to be killed in a car crash.
You may scoff at this, but numbers never lie and they all point to kissing your partner
or spouse being awesome.
Now, we don't live in the Harry Potter universe, so the act of expressing your love doesn't
cast a magical bubble around you or anything.
It's more an act that's indicative of how you live the rest of your life.
Like a lot of other things on this list, kissing is a minor thing that says a lot about your
overall personality, with people who do it the most being more likely to be hold a positive
outlook on life (sad people are notoriously bad kissers).
Psychologists believe that kissing your partner each morning is a strong indicator that you're,
overall, a positive person, which in turn suggests you live a healthier lifestyle, which
in turn suggests you'll live longer, earn more, and be less likely to drive into a ditch.
Again, it's not that kissing magically fixes all your problems, but if you have someone
in your life you care about romantically, it's probably not a bad idea to do it more.
The worst that can happen is you get to grab a handful of butt, which is always great.
Owning an iPhone Makes You a Terrible Person (According to Android Users)
The internet has a collective throb on for anything that involves making fun of iPhone
owners, which is why studies like the ones we're about the quote often go viral when
they're released.
For example, in late 2016 a study was conducted that found that iPhone owners, in general,
seem to display lower levels of "honesty and integrity", a finding that was gleefully
touted across the web by avid Android users.
While the study did indeed find a seemingly concrete correlation between personality and
the brand of phone a person had in their pocket, to the point the lead researcher said they
could predict what type of phone a person used based on a simple, unrelated questionnaire
with about 70% accuracy, it's not the whole story.
One thing that was mysteriously left out of all the articles slamming iPhone users is
that the study also showed that iPhone owners were more likely to be female, have a degree,
and earn significantly more than their Android using peers.
Which goes hand-in-hand with data showing rich people tend to be douchebags anyway,
due to a sense of perceived entitlement.
Using Twitter Means You Have Shorter Relationships
Most everyone these days uses social media.
The internet has resulted in a noticeable increase in the amount of people being joined
at the hip, with anywhere between 5 and 10% of long term relationships today beginning
online, depending on your source.
With the advent and subsequent removal of the stigma surrounding online dating, the
sites that offer the service have an unbelievable amount of information related to the world
of getting our freak on with the opposite sex.
One of the more unusual things people parsing through the endless reams of data sites like
OKCupid have is that there's a link between relationship length and the use of Twitter.
Though nobody at OKCupid is exactly sure why this is the case, the site's co-founder
has explained that the data shows a "measurable and consistent" difference between the overall
length of Twitter users' relationships compared to those who don't tweet that much, or at
The key thing here is that this only seems to apply to people who use Twitter all the
You know, like those people who always Tweet pictures of their food and stuff.
Numerous theories have arisen about why exactly this seems to be the case, ranging from shorter
attention spans of Twitter users to an increasingly narcissistic society.
Or, you know, it could just be that people who use Twitter all the time are kind of boring
to be around?
Anyway, erm, why not follow us on Twitter?
Simply Liking the Taste of Beer Means You're More Likely to Put Out on a First Date
Sex on the first date is a weirdly antiquated taboo that, nonetheless, has a huge social
stigma surrounding it.
But lets say that, like 99% of people in the world you, our viral young (or young at heart)
reader, like sex and want to be matched with someone who similarly likes doing the horizontal
All you have to do is ask if they like the taste of beer.
Again gleaned from data released by OKCupid, the site found that among users of all ages,
genders, and sexualities, the single biggest signifier of whether they would consider having
sex on a first date is if they responded positively to the question "Do you like the taste of
There's no data about why exactly this is the case, but we're guessing that it has
something to do with those people spending their first date getting hammered.
Oh, uh, totally unrelated… happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone!
Wink, wink.
Interestingly, while the beer question was the only accurate signifier OKCupid could
find that indicated a woman would enjoy some intercourse a few hours after meeting someone,
for men there were a few more… interesting results.
For example, the site also found that men who'd find the prospect of nuclear annihilation
exciting, can imagine themselves taking a life, and would feel comfortable launching
a nuke were also more likely to have sex on a first date.
Then again, if you're comfortable ending the world in a nuclear holocaust, we're
guessing the taboo about touching genitals moments after meeting isn't something you'd
be all that concerned about.
MAY FAVOURITES 2017 | Hannah Witton - Duration: 11:12.-------------------------------------------
Learn Colors With Sea Animals / Bad Baby Crying Finger Family Nursery Rhymes for Kids - Duration: 2:19.Learn Colors With Sea Animals / Bad Baby Crying Finger Family Nursery Rhymes for Kids
Baby Car Pom Pom I Bad Monster Trucks I Family Car Song I Fun For KidsTV Baby Girls Songs & Rhymes - Duration: 2:38.You are watching Fun For Kids TV
Let's learn and have fun
Baby car, pom pom pom pom pom pom
Baby car!!
Sister car, pom pom pom pom pom pom
Sister car!!
Brother car, pom pom pom pom pom pom
Brother car!!
Momma car, pom pom pom pom pom pom
Momma car!!
Daddy car, pom pom pom pom pom pom
Daddy car!!
Monster trucks, pom pom pom pom pom pom
Monster trucks!!
We are safe, pom pom pom pom pom pom
We are safe!!
Ohh Yes we are !!
To watch more videos
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Top 10 Disney Princess Recipes | Disney Family - Duration: 13:44.[music]
Well, hello there.
I'm Taylor, your Disney Family Fairy Godmother.
Grab your magic wand, or wooden spoon,
and join us for a magical countdown
of the top 10 Disney Princess- Inspired Recipes.
We're getting started with a savory breakfast dish
that will enchant your family and guests: Belle's Breakfast Porridge.
Our number nine recipe is perfect for a cozy morning.
Cinderella's Pumpkin Waffles are a dream come true.
Magic mirror on the wall,
who's baked the healthiest snacks of all?
You, with our number eight recipe: Snow White's Baked Apple treats.
Transform Belle and the Beast into enchanting emojis
with our next dessert recipe.
Offer your friends and family a tasty dessert
at your next Snow White movie night, with these red apple cereal treats.
Our number five recipe is the breakfast dish you've been dreaming of:
Cinderella's Pumpkin Quinoa.
Coming in at number four, is a recipe that you've dreamt of once upon a dream:
Aurora's Pink & Blue Cupcakes.
Just one bite isn't enough of our Apple Salad,
inspired by Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
Here comes the number two sweet in our dream dish roundup:
Rapunzel's Raspberry Pie.
We proudly present our number one recipe: The Grey Stuff.
What, you don't believe me?!
Ask the dishes.
We hope you enjoyed our roundup of the sweetest Disney Princess Recipes.
Show us your tasty creations on Instagram by tagging @DisneyFamily.
And make sure to ring that bell so you never miss a magical moment.
Learn Colors with M&M's Chocolate Candy for Kids, Babies Finger Family Song Nursery Rhymes for Kids - Duration: 15:23.-------------------------------------------
Preview: Some Of The Best Talents From Around The Globe | Season 14 | SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE - Duration: 0:48.- This season, "So You
has some of the best talents from around the globe.
- Japan. - Ukraine.
Alberta, Canada.
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They've come with the same goal.
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Follow my dream.
And only one show can let them live it.
"So You Think You Can Dance."
The world's top dance competition you love is back.
NIGEL LYTHGOE: Sensational.
VANESSA HUDGENS: You are a star.
MARY MURPHY: She loved it.
He loved it.
They loved it.
I loved it, too!
"So You Think You Can Dance," premiering June 12 on Fox.
El pronóstico del tiempo de hoy, viernes 2 de junio de 2017 | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:48.-------------------------------------------
WONDER WOMAN 17 Amazing EASTER EGGS You Probably Missed - Duration: 6:29.Patty Jenkins' Wonder Woman movie is a pretty great standalone origin story for the iconic
superhero, and includes some very cool easter eggs and homages to the comics, the DC Extended
Universe and, of course, Wonder Woman's previous incarnations on the small screen.
Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers, it's Jan here, and in this video, I'm going to peel back
the layers of the new Wonder Woman movie to uncover some awesome easter eggs, references
and little details you might have missed.
If there's any others you spotted or enjoyed, leave a comment below and make sure you're
also subscribed for a chance to win one of two fantastic bundles, each of which includes
the official movie novelization and "The Art and Making of Wonder Woman", which showcases
the gorgeous concept art, designs, sketches and storyboards from the film.
Spoilers, of course, lie ahead for the movie, so be aware of that, otherwise, you can check
out my video of Wonder Woman at Comic Con by tapping in the top right and come back
here after you've seen the movie.
Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins has described the movie as Superman and Indiana Jones meets
Casablanca, and there is definitely a nice nod to Richard Donner's 1978 Superman movie
during the alley scene when Diana stops a bullet that's about to hit Steve Trevor, and
the bullet falls into the palm of Steve's hand.
This moment recalls how Clark Kent saved Lois Lane in an alley from a mugger's gunshot by
catching the bullet in the palm of his hand.
When Steve reveals his identity to the Amazons, under the influence of the Lasso of Truth,
he tells them his serial number is 81 41 921, which is a subtle easter egg to the comic
book where both Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor made their first appearance: volume 1, issue
8 of All-Star Comics, December to January 1941 to 1942.
Just before Diana leaves London for the Front with Steve, there's a rather sweet moment
at the train station where she tastes ice cream for the first time.
This scene is a call-back to a very similar moment in the 2011 Justice League: Origin
comic where Wonder Woman got her first taste of ice cream.
And in the new movie, she even tells the vendor, "you should be very proud", just as she does
in the comic.
By the way, this moment was also recreated in the 2014 animated movie, Justice League:
To stop Diana revealing herself as the Princess of Themyscira, Steve Trevor hastily introduces
her as Diana Prince.
In the comics, Diana Prince was the secret alias that Diana first took on in 1942 when
she met a nurse with that name who looked just like her, but wore glasses.
And in the movie, when Diana puts on a pair of glasses as part of her new identity, that's
also a hat-tip to that same comic book story.
By the way, Patty Jenkins has said she included several subtle homages to actress Lynda Carter's
Wonder Woman from the 1970s TV series.
For example, when Diana translates Dr Poison's notebook for the army generals, Steve lies
to them, saying Diana is his secretary, which is a hint to the 70s TV show where Diana Prince
was indeed Steve Trevor's secretary.
And in the movie, when Steve insists Diana wear glasses so that she looks 'less distracting',
it's a throwback to the TV pilot for the 70s series, in which Steve says that after all
the trouble he's had with "pretty girls", he wants an "ordinary-looking secretary",
after which he meets a glasses-wearing Diana Prince.
At the department store, when Steve asks Etta Candy where Diana is, Etta replies that she's
"trying on outfit number 226", which is an interesting number for Etta to pluck out of
the air as in the Wonder Woman comics, the cover of issue 226 features Superman raising
a tank above his head, much like the moment in the movie when Wonder Woman does the same.
There's a shout-out to Paradise Island, the original name of Wonder Woman's homeland in
the comics and the 1970s TV show, when Steve asks Diana if they have dancing on Paradise
By the way, the name Themyscira, which is used for Diana's homeland in the movie, appeared
in later comics.
The humorous moment on the boat when Diana tells Steve she's read all 12 of Clio's books
on Bodily Pleasure is a reference to the royal Amazon scribe called Clio who appeared in
the Wonder Woman comics.
There's an interesting call-back to the prevalent use of chains in the Wonder Woman comics during
Diana's final battle with Ares when the God of War manages to momentarily chain her arm.
In the early Wonder Woman comics, welding chains to an Amazon's bracelets could temporarily
weaken them, though this changed in later comics, so Ares' use of a chain as a weapon
against Diana and her breaking free from it are symbolic.
Any Wonder Woman fan will, of course, be familiar with her Lasso of Truth, but in the movie
Diana calls it the Lasso of Hestia, which is a reference to the Goddess of the Hearth
and Home, Hestia, whose fires gave the lasso its power.
Wonder Woman links back to Batman v Superman where her character first appeared in the
DCEU when modern-day Diana who's working at the Louvre receives a package from Wayne Enterprises.
In the package is the photo of her, Steve, Sameer, Charlie, and the Chief that Bruce
Wayne stole from Lex Luthor in BvS.
And there's also a little tease to the Justice League in the letters "JL" which appear on
the license plate of the Wayne Enterprises van that delivers that photo.
Before Wonder Woman defeats Ares, he makes a proposition to her that has strong echoes
of Man of Steel.
Ares asks Diana to join him and rid the world of humankind, and she responds, "I can never
be a part of that", a clear call-back to how Superman refused Zod's proposition to help
him with the World Engine on Earth with the words, "No, Zod.
I can't be a part of this."
Diana, of course, finally defeats Ares but it turns out that it's not her sword that's
the God Killer, but herself, which is a really interesting easter egg because, in the comics,
the God Killer sword was actually wielded by Deathstroke in a story that also featured
Wonder Woman.
But what's even more intriguing is that the way Wonder Woman defeats Ares in the movie
by taking the electrical energy he blasts at her and powering it back at him is very
reminiscent of how the God Killer sword in the comics can take the energy it receives
from an aggressor and turn it back on them with double the force.
Now, what was your favourite moment or easter egg in Wonder Woman?
Did the movie get you hyped up for seeing Diana back in Justice League and a Wonder
Woman sequel?
Be sure to comment and subscribe for a chance to win this awesome hardback book "Wonder
Woman: The Art and Making of the Film" plus a copy of the movie's official novelisation.
Make sure you turn on your notifications to get all my new Wonder Woman videos and to
find out if you've won one of the prizes.
And if you enjoyed this, I really appreciate you hitting that thumbs-up button.
And you can check out more of my easter egg and DC videos by tapping the screen right
Thanks for watching and see you next time.
Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!
What's new & free at the 2017 Discover Jazz Festival - Duration: 3:08.WE WANTED TO SHOW YOU THE SHIRT.
Tanki Online V-LOG: Episode 135 - Duration: 7:03.-------------------------------------------
Tech snag foils Nirbhay Missile Test plan again - Duration: 3:02.Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has deferred the fifth test of homegrown
subsonic cruise missile Nirbhay which was planned to be conducted on Wednesday.
Though DRDO is tightlipped about the reasons behind the postponement, sources said the
test was called off due to technical reasons.
''A technical snag surfaced during checking of missile sub-systems which led to the postponement.
As already three tests have been failed, we cannot afford to take any risk this time.
Scientists are working to fix it,'' said a Defence official associated with the mission.
On May 24, 'The Express' had carried a report on how the weapon system is being pushed
for tests despite faults in the system drawing criticism from different quarters.
The sources, however, informed that the test would resume in a month once the fault is
The two-stage missile has a length of six metres, diameter of 0.52 m, wing span 2.7
m and a launch weight of about 1,500 kgs.
It can carry warhead up to 200 kgs.
While Bengaluru-based Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE) has designed the missile,
its solid rocket motor booster has been developed by Advanced Systems Laboratory (ASL), which
has developed Agni series of missiles.
Having a strike range of around 1,000 km, Nirbhay is the country's first indigenously
developed subsonic cruise missile project.
Compared with Tomahawk system of the US, the missile can challenge the weapons of its class.
Flying at tree-top level, it can deceive enemy radars making it difficult to be detected.
Unlike other ballistic missiles, this cruise missile has wings and distinct tail fins.
After reaching near the target area, it can hover around hitting its target from any direction.
Though the missile has many unique features as it blasts off like a rocket and unlike
a missile, it turns into an aerial vehicle akin to an aircraft, DRDO is yet to achieve
'copy book' success during developmental trials.
Four tests of the missile have been conducted so far since its first trial in 2013.
While the weapon had covered full strike range during second trial in 2014, it failed miserably
in three other tests.
How to make Clear Slime - DIY 6 Ways To Make Clear Slime ! New Best Clear Slime Collection 20M - Duration: 20:13.-------------------------------------------
14 Sketchy Things About Katy Perry Everyone Just Ignores|Katy Perry Goes Undercover Bon Appétit Live - Duration: 1:50.14 Sketchy Things About Katy Perry Everyone Just Ignores|Katy Perry Goes Undercover Bon Appétit Live
The Easiest Crepe Paper Flowers Ever | Country Hill Cottage - Duration: 3:01.Learn to create a gorgeous paper flower bouquet!
The technique we use to make the flowers couldn't be easier, you only need a small wooden ball
or a golf ball and crepe paper to shape the petals.
We opted for a palette of colourful pastels, of course, any other colours look just as
You can download the template with used to make the leaves at our website, a link is
in the description.
And please like and subscribe for more.
Using pliers, bend a small hook in a 20 centimetre or 8-inch piece of 18-gauge wire.
Insert 8 to 10 millinery stamens and close the hook around them.
Tape the base with floral tape to keep the stamens in place.
Stretch the tape to activate the glue.
Lay an oblong piece of crepe paper over a small bowl.
Place the wooden ball or golf ball on top and tightly twist both ends of the paper like
a candy wrapper.
By using differently sized balls, you can create numerous sizes of flowers.
Make 5 petals per flower.
Gather 5 petals and wrap wire around the base to secure them in position.
Insert the flower centre in the middle and tape down the stem with floral tape.
Snip off the tips of the petals and pinch the ends.
Fold a strip of paper several times, so it has roughly the size of the leaf template.
Place the template on top and cut along the outline.
Apply glue to a leaf, stick a piece of wire on it and then a second leaf.
Bend to make the leaves more life-like.
To arrange the flowers in a vase, shorten the stems as needed, and place the flowers
in the vase allowing the flowers to rest on each other.
If the vase has a wide opening, put floral foam into the container and then insert the
flowers and leaves.
To make a hand-held bouquet, tape together the stems of a couple of flowers.
You can make the bouquet smaller or larger in size by removing or adding flowers.
To add more girth to the handle, wrap paper towel or a napkin around the base of the bouquet
and tape tightly down.
As always, thanks so much for watching and please subscribe for more tutorials.
Kevin Durant Literally Shoots His NBA Finals Shot for Rihanna - Duration: 2:48.What's up, guys?
Beija here for Complex News.
Game 1 of the 2017 NBA Finals took place last night, and while the Warriors walked away
with a 113-91 victory at Oracle Arena, a bigger storyline took place courtside between Rihanna
and Kevin Durant.
Rihanna is a diehard LeBron James fan, so naturally the 29-year-old pop star was rooting
for the Cavs to steal a Game 1 win.
This fact and her presence on the sideline turned into an entertaining narrative to watch
play out.
It all started when she apparently heckled Durant during a free throw attempt by yelling
Video from a different angle has since proved it wasn't Rihanna, but rather the woman sitting
next to her who tried to rattle KD at the line.
Regardless, fans on Twitter were amused by the moment.
Durant got revenge later in the game by hitting a three and locking eyes with RiRi:
Here's the shot from another angle:
After the game, Durant was asked about the stare down with Rihanna, and the Warriors
star denied it ever took place.
Props to Steph Curry for helping him address the situation that everyone is going to be
talking about until Game 2 on Sunday.
Rihanna wasn't too heartbroken after the loss.
In fact, she doubled down on LeBron and the Cavs' chances of winning the series.
This Kevin Durant and Rihanna rivalry is certainly unexpected, but entertaining as hell.
Our fingers are crossed that Rihanna sits courtside throughout the entire series.
That's the news for now, but for all the latest news on Rihanna and the NBA Finals,
subscribe to Complex News on YouTube.
For Complex News, I'm Beija Velez.
English Reading Comprehension Practice - English Reading Practice - Duration: 50:30.hi everyone welcome to reading comprehension 3 all the material in this
course is derived from well read 3 by Mindy Pasternak Canada's awaited angel
Oxford University Place 2008 today we are going to start chapter 1 survival
psychology text 1 survival at sea objectives of lesson 1 text 1 by the end
of the lesson 1 of text 1 you will be able to identify the main idea in the
reading text 1 survival at sea use reading the strategy previewing in an
online article text one survival let's see and predict what the text is about
before we start actually reading I would like to focus on one of the iskills of
reading that is called previewing previewing will give you a general idea
of what a text is about to preview online articles magazine articles or the
Cadman text first you should read the title and any subtitles then look at any
photos graphs or charts then read the first sentence of each paragraph and
read the last sentence of the text now we will practice previewing preview the
online article below and align the title the first sentence of each paragraph the
last sentence of the text as you preview then answer this question what do you
think this text is about here is your text
what is the title survival SC is a title so underlined is now read the first
sentence in each paragraph and underline it first in tense in paragraph number
one is it was November 1981 a dark cold moonless night of the South Carolina
coast first sentence in paragraph number two is
three miles from the show the engine of the plane is talked first sentence in
paragraph number three is she landed so smoothly and easily that the planes
emergency locator transmitter ELT was not activated first sentence in
paragraph number four is less than 30 seconds later melody was trading in the
59 film height 15 degree searches Atlantic as she watched her airplane
disappear into the ocean first sentence in paragraph number 5 is melody started
swimming west using the Stars to guide her toward Shore first sentence in
paragraph number six is as Mary swims she began having hallucinations of such
pours risky helicopters and sea monsters for sentence in paragraph number seven
is with strong determination melodive Angelides showed our growing
seven-and-a-half hours after the crash for sentence in paragraph number eight
is melody was found staggering along the beach suffering from shock and severe
hypothermia the last sentence of the Texas three days later a healthy and
lucky melody was released from the hospital now can you answer this
question predict guess anything so this text is about Cathy melody a woman who
had a plane accident and survived this is the end of x1 lesson 1 thank you
hi everyone welcome to chapter 1 survival psychology takes one lesson to
survival at sea objectives by the end of the lesson two of text one you will be
able to locate specific information in an online article text 1 survival at sea
and distinguish the main events the reading text 1 survival at sea now read
the text and answer the following questions
number 1 why did married you decide to fly home number two what happened on the
way home number three how did melody finally
save herself and before how many days did manatee spend in the hospital to
answer all these questions you no need to read the whole text what you need to
do just read the first paragraph of the text and the first sentence in each
paragraph and the last sentence of the text now start from question number one
why did melody decide to fly home yet is your text read the first paragraph of
the text first paragraph is it was November 1981 a dark cold moonless night
of the South Carolina coast after the day of his Cuba diving off Lady's Island
Cathy melody was tired and ready to go home instead of crossing the bridge and
driving the 45 minutes home she decided on a 15 minutes Kestner flight to save
time Mary decided not to file a flight plan she took off from the uncontrolled
local airport and headed home no one knew that she was flying so what is the
answer the question number one why did Mary to decide to fly home the answer is
she was tired and wanted to save time now question number two what happened on
the way home to answer this question read the first sentence in paragraph
number two three miles from the shore the engine of the claim is stopped so it
is mentioned here three miles from the show the engine of the plane is stopped
so what is the answer of question number two the engine of her plane stop is the
answer of question number two now question number three how did Mary D
finally save herself answer this question read the first sentence in
paragraph number five melody started swimming west using the
Stars to guide her were sure so what is the answer of
question number three she swam to shore now question five how many days did
manatees spend in the hospital to answer this question read the last sentence of
the text what is the last sentence of text three days later a healthy and like
humanity was released from the hospital so how many days determinate is spent in
the hospital she spent three days in the hospital this is the end of Tech's 1
lesson - thank you text - lesson 1 a difficult choice objectives by the end
of the text - lesson 1 you will be able to distinguish the main idea from a
magazine article the only way out and use reading the strategy previewing in
the magazine article the only way out we review the magazine article below
underline the title the first sentence of each paragraph and the last sentence
of the text as you preview then answer this question what do you think this
text is about so here is your text underline the title what is the title
the only way out is the title of this text now read the first sentence in each
paragraph and underline it first sentence in paragraph number one is on
Saturday April 26 2003 and in Boston wanted to ride his bike and climb the
rocks just outside the Canyonlands National Park in South Eastern Utah
first sentence in paragraph number 2 is Ellen was wearing only a t-shirt and
shorts when he started his hike first sentence in paragraph number 3 is when
he these Blue John Canyon Adam tried to climb over the top of a large boulders
first sentence in paragraph number four is temperatures dropped to near freezing
that night and is still involved to free himself first sentence in paragraph
number five is on Wednesday air in full his video camera and recorded a message
to his parents first sentence in paragraph number sixes on Thursday
morning I was after being trapped for five days and then had a region first
sentence and paragraph number seven is and realized he had to cut his arm off
in order to survive first intention paragraph number eight is a - family
Newt on vacation while hiding out of the cannon when they heard a voice cry help
I need help first sentence in paragraph number nine
is and then walked toward the family and Gandhi told them she needed medical
attention first sentence in paragraph number ten is in the meantime and in
French began to worry when he didn't show up for work and they called the
authorities first sentence and paragraph number eleven is on Thursday the
helicopter crew saw a group of people waving at them from the Canon floor the
last sentence of this text is an R Austin head the stood himself now answer
this question do you have any guess what do you think this text is about this
text is about Aaron Ralston a guy who was trapped while he was hiking this is
the end of lesson one of text - thank you hi everyone today we are going to
start chapter 1 survival psychology text to listen to a difficult choice
objectives of today's lesson is by the end of text to lesson 2 you will be able
to recognize the specific information in the magazine article the only way out
and find out the specific information in the matching article the only way out
read the text below and answer the following questions question number 1
why did Erin go to Blue John cannon question 2 what happened to Ellen in the
cannon question 3 what did Adam finally do to answer all these questions you no
need to read the whole text just read the first sentence or sec
sentence in each paragraph and answer all these questions now we will start
from question number one why did Adam go to Blue John Canyon to answer this
question read the first sentence in paragraph number one on Saturday April
26 2003 and Austin wants to ride his bike and climb the rocks just outside
the canyons lands national park in south eastern Utah so what is the answers of
question number one why did Alan go to Blue John Canyon he
went to ride his bike and climb the rocks in the same way answers question
number two what happened to Aaron in the cannon to answer this question read the
first sentence and second sentence in paragraph number three when he these
Blue John Canyon and then tried to climb over the top of a large builder as Ellen
began to climb down the opposite side of the builders eight hundred pound rock
moved and trapped his right arm so what is the answer of question number two his
arm was trapped by a rock now answered question number three what did Aaron
finally dude to answer this question read the first sentence in paragraph
number seven and then realized he had to cut his arm off in order to survive so
what is answer he cut off his arm this is the end of lesson two of text - thank
you today we are going to start chapter 1 survival psychology text 3 lesson 1 to
the rescue objectives by the end of the text 3 lesson 1 you will be able to
identify the main idea in the reading text 3 nor show rescue and use reading
strategy previewing a graph text the North Shore rescue so here is your graph
review the graph and answer the following questions number 1 what is the
title of the graph number two what are the XS
titles a x-axis the horizontal title y-axis the vertical axis title question
three what is the subject of this graph so question one what is the title of the
graph so where is the title here is the title so what is it in here
North Shore rescue noir show rescue is a title of this text or this graph
question 2 what are the XS title excesses axis title here is the x axis
title this is avoid until title and this is the vertical titles this vertical
title is called y-axis titled so what is the answer of
question to a x axis title is what is it in your ear so the answer is here y axis
title what is it in here number of emergency call responses so answer is
number of emergency calls with responses question 3 what is the subject of this
graph to answer this question read the information given at the top of this
graph north showed rescue n s r provides free life-saving mountain search and
rescue services the team has helped rescue many stranded or injured hikers
climb person skies is no borders and mountain bikers the graph below shows
the number of emergency calls that NSR has responded to for the es 1992 to the
2005 so what is the answer of question 3 answer is number of emergency called
responses by a mountain Rescue Service this is the end of lesson 1 of text 3
thank you hi everyone today we are going to start chapter one survival psychology
takes three lesson two to the rescue objectives by the end of the text three
lesson two you will be able to find out the specific information in the reading
text 3 not show rescue and use reading strategy is scanning a
graph text the North Shore rescue before we start lesson two I would like to
focus on one of the important discus of reading that is called a scanning what
is the scanning scanning is looking for information quickly before the after you
read a text you can scan for numbers symbols bolded items names key words or
brief answers to questions the scan first decide on what you want to find a
date the name of a company or the number of teens who use the internet for
example number two predict what you will be looking for capital letters numbers
or symbols for instance number three move your eyes quickly across the page
with the help of your finger or pencil if you want looking only for the item
you want to find so here is your graph scan this graph and answer the following
questions which year had the most emergency called responses which year
had approximately 70 emergency call responses how many emergency calls the
responses for there in 2000 question number 4 which yet had fewer emergency
called responses 2002 or 2003 which number 5 in general has there been an
increase or a decrease in the number of emergency call responses so we will
start from question number 1 which year had the most emergency called responses
to answer this question just to see the highest or the most emergency call
responses this is most emergency call responses in which year in 2005 so what
is answer answer is 2005 now question number 2 which year had approximately 70
emergency quality responses on your left hand side called responses are given 80
or 60 so between 80 and 60 comes 70 so weighs 70 so these are 70 so what is the
answer answer hepatech symmetry 7tm agency called
responses were made in 1998 and 1999 so what is the answer right here 1998 and
1999 now how many emergency calls responses
was there in 2000 weekly go to 2000 this is the 2000 how many calls responses
were there 80 so here is 80 which here had fewer emergency call responses in
2002 or 2003 go to 2002 or 2003 in which year fewer it 2003 is this and 2002 it
there so the fewer emergency call responses were in 2003 now question 5 in
general has there been an increase or decrease in the number of emergency
calls responses so what is your answer answer is there has been an increase in
emergency called responses this is the end of lesson 2 of text 3 thank you
today we are going to start chapter 2 the musical mind takes 1 feel the beat
objectives by the end of the text 1 you will be able to recognize the main idea
in the reading text 1 Evelyn Glennie solo percussionist and use reading the
strategy with reviewing the text so preview the magazine article below
and align the title the first sentence of each paragraph and the last sentence
of the text as you preview then answer the following questions what is this
text about here is your text and align the title what is title Evelyn Glennie
solo percussionist now read the first sentence in each paragraph and underline
it first sentence in paragraph number 1 is Evelyn Glennie
a percussionist begin to lose her hearing when she was 8 years old first
sentence in paragraph number 2 is around the same time she lost her hair
Evelynn discovered a snare drum and decided to become a professional
percussionist first and dance in paragraph number three is Glenny can
hear sounds and can tell them apart even though she cannot hear them the way she
did long ago first sentence in paragraph number four is Glenny has become a
successful musician with a very busy schedule first in dance in paragraph
number five is Glen he owns about one thousand and four hundred percussion
instruments first sentence in paragraph number six is Glen is not just a
performant or first sentence in paragraph number seven is Evelyn Glennie
wants people to focus on her music rather than on her hearing loss and she
wants them to be entertained the last sentence of the Texas and in her case it
didn't prevent her from doing what you want to do now answer this question to
have any guests what is the stacks about this text is about Evelyn Glennie this
is the end of Tex one thank you hi everyone today we are going to start
chapter two the musical mind text three the classical advantage objectives by
the end of the chapter two text three you will be able to identify the main
ideas in the reading text three the classical advantage use reading strategy
scanning a bar graph find out the specific information in a bar graph here
is your bar graph read the title listening to classical music effects to
students academic performance now read the information given here to students
practice their math writing and reading skills student a listen to classical
music during the practice activities student B did not listen to music the
path graph blue compares his strengths academic performance this white color
represent the students a music display color represents student B new music
here is the percentage here are the subjects math lighting subject and
trading now scan the bar graph and answer the following questions question
a which student listen to music while studying history and a or student B
question - what kind of music did this student a listen to question 3 which is
trend got a higher percentage in math question 4 in which subject it is trend
e get about 72% question 5 in this subjected student B is called higher
than student a we will begin from question number one question one is
which is friend listen to music while studying strength a or distant B to
answer this question read the information given in the bar graph here
is the bar graph now read to students practice their math writing and reading
skills is turn a listen to classical music so what is the answer of this
question the answer is is student a now question 2 what kind of music did this
student a listen to now find out the answer of this question in the bar graph
here is the information given student a listen to classical music so what is
answer classical music so strength a listen to classical music question 3
which student got a higher percentage in math to answer this question look at the
graph first look at the subject math so which student got higher percentage in
math this white color represented student a this black color represents
strenght B so a student a got higher percentage in math so what is answer
strength a now question for in this subjected student a get about 72% to
answer this question look at the graph here is 70 so now see here this student
has above 70 around 72 so this white color means student a got about 7 2% in
this subject writing subject so what is answer answer is writing now question
number 5 in which subjected student B is called higher than student a to answer
this question look at the graph here is the graph so this black color represents
student B this student B got higher percentage than student a in writing
subject so what is answer writing here are all your answers this is the end of
text 3 thank you hi everyone today we are going to start chapter 3 the
sociology of food text loss in the kitchen objectives by the end of this
text you will be able to identify the main idea in the reading text despite
the growing popularity of food culture many can't cook use reading strategic
reviewing a text and find out the specific information in the text now
preview the newspaper article blue by reading the first two paragraphs then
answer the following questions question one who does not know cooking basics
today what is the Culinary Institute of America question three
when does it offer courses to home cooks question 4 where is the Culinary
Institute of America question 5 what is the topic of this newspaper article here
is your text what is the title despite the growing popularity of food culture
many can't cook now read the first and second paragraphs
of this text and underline it paragraph number one even as American food culture
girls many adults in the United States today simply don't know cooking basics
cooking basics are simple kitchen skills such as chopping baking and boiling
people who let these simple skills are at a true disadvantage in the kitchen
paragraph number two the Culinary Institute of America known as the c.i.a
is a famous training school for cooks and is located in head a park and why
miss New York this training can take up to several years to complete however the
CIA also offers short classes to home cooks on weekends so what is the answer
of question number one who doesn't know cooking basics today to answer this
question read the first line the first paragraph even as American food culture
grows many adults in the United States today simply don't know cooking basics
so what is the answer of question number one answer is many adults in the United
States don't know cooking basics today now question 2 what is the Culinary
Institute of America to answer this question read the first sentence in
paragraph number two first sentence in paragraph number two is the Culinary
Institute of America known as a CIA is a famous training school for cooks so what
is answer a famous training is cooled for codes question number three when
does it offer courses to home cooks to answer this question read the second
paragraph last sentence what is the last sentence second paragraph this training
can take up to seven years to complete why would the CIA also offers short
classes to home cooks all weekends so what is answer on weekends question
number four where is the cleaner Institute of America to answer this
question read the first sentence of paragraph number two first sentence of
the paragraph number two is the Culinary Institute of America known as the CIA is
a famous training school for cooks and is located in head a Park and why so
what is answer head a park and I question number five what is the topic
of this newspaper article to answer this question quickly look at paragraph
number one and two do you have any guess what is the answer
this question answer this question is people who are learning how to cook this
is the end of this text thank you hi everyone today we are going to start
chapter three the sociology of food text order objectives by the end of this text
you will be able to identify the main ideas the reading text order of use
reading strategies previewing and scanning a menu and find out the
specific information in the menu so here is the menu to review the menu and
answer the questions that follow on the next page so what is the question what
is the name of the restaurant find out the name of the restaurant in this menu
where's the name name is he a car post restaurant is the name of this
restaurant so answer is car pose a strange question to what fourth
categories are on the menu look at the menu and find out these four categories
where are the four categories burgers and sandwiches Sue Traylor
in chili side orders and beverages and shakes these are the four categories in
this menu so what are the four categories burgers and sandwiches soup
salad and chill side orders and beverages and chicks scanning is scan
the menu for the answer to the questions on the next page scan the menu and
answer the following questions question 1 what is the phone number of the center
cruise carpool question 2 which is a smaller the crop hotdog or the regular
hotdog question 3 how many owns is of homemade soup all in a power question 4
how much does the salaat bark of question 5 which sandwich cost $5 and 75
cents question 6 what are the restraints are question 7 which is
more expensive a pound of soup or the boughs of chili
question 8 does the restaurant self french fries now we will start from
question number one what is the question number one what is the phone number of
the Santa Cruz car goes find out the phone number in the menu raise the phone
number here is the phone number for to 700 usually the phone above Santa Cruz
provide this phone number in the answer here okay now what is question number
two which is smaller the Trop hot dog or the regular hot dog she raised that a
hot dog this is the car for hot dog and this is the regular hot dog in regular
hot dollar suited just smaller so which is smaller regular hot dog is smaller
than drop hot dog now question number three now question number three how many
ounces of homemade soup are in a bowl how many ounces a twelve so what is the
answer twelve ounces now question number four
how much does the salaat bar cost now solid bar cost yes five dollar and
ninety five cent so what is the answer five dollar and ninety five cent
question five fish sandwich cost $5 and 75 cent
so which sandwich shear is grilled chicken sandwich cost $5 and 75 cent so
right here grilled chicken sandwich question 6 what are the restaurants are
so here open Monday to Sunday 11 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. right here wanted to Sunday 11
a.m. to 9:00 p.m. now question 7 which is more expensive about of soup or a
bowl of chili so here see the price for bout of soup three dollar and seventy
five cent and a bowl of chili $3 and 75 cent for the answer a power of chili is
more expansive question number 8 does the restaurant self french fries
now see here side order fresh cut fries yes so what is the answer yes itself
french fries as well this is the end of this text thank you
today we are going to start chapter for temporary art text art on the beach
objectives by the end of this text you will be able to recognize the main idea
the reading text sand castles amazing design temporary art use reading
strategies reviewing a text and identify the specific information in the text so
to review the newspaper article below by reading the first two paragraphs that
answer the following questions question number one what is this text about
question two what does she make question three where does she do it question four
when did he start doing it we shall five what is the topic of this
text question six what is the most important thing the
author wants to know about the topic so here is the text the title of this Texas
send castles amazing design temporary art now read the first and the second
paragraph of this text first paragraph of the text is it all started about ten
years ago innocently as most sand castles to Chad Reed made one of his
first sandcastles using only the basics sand his hands and it desired to create
somehow though the outcome was not as fantastic as he had imagined by the
graph to four sentence the next summer reads returned to Block Island he was
determined to recreate the picture in his mind he bought sonic Beach
essentials appeal a shovel and his experience from the summer before this
time his castle was closer to what he wanted but is still not quite as large
or decayed as the one in his imagination now answer these questions what is this
text about the stakes is about Chad free what does he make sandcastles Wishon 3
to have any guess where does he do it at Block Island or at the beach question 4
when did he start doing it about 10 years ago we shall 5 what is the topic
of this text chat Reed sandcastles question 6 what is the most important
author wants to know about the topic Chad Reed enjoys making sand castles
this is the end of this text thank you hi everyone
today we are going to start chapter 4 temporary art text the art scene
objectives by the end of this text you will be able to identify the main ideas
in the reading text art exhibition attendance use reading strategies
previewing and scanning a table and find out the specific information in a table
so here is your table preview this table and answer the questions that follow on
the next page here are the questions question 1 what is the title of this
table question 2 what are the fourth column headings so answer question
number one what is the title of this table which the title title is here art
exhibition attendance so write in the answer art exhibition attendance now
question 2 what are the four column headings look at the table and find out
default column headings fourth column headings are here daily total exhibition
and venue now write in a daily be total see exhibition and menu is scanning
scan the table for the answer to the questions on next page we scan the table
above and answer the following questions question 1 which exhibition was the
busiest question to which exhibition was the emptiest question 3 how many people
in total visited an Andy Warhol exhibition question for which exhibition
appeared in the Victorian Albert Museum in London
question 5 in which city is the Museum of Modern Art question 6 how many people
visit the Picasso exhibition daily question 7 which exhibition had 4,500
people visit it daily question 8 which when you held the treasures of ancient
Egypt exhibition now we'll start from question number one which exhibition was
the busiest I scanned a table and answered this question to which
exhibition was the busiest see here van Gogh and Gorgon what is the answer
van Gogh and Gorgon in Amsterdam question to which exhibition was the
emptiest scanned a table and answer this question
quickly go to the emptiest list see at the bottom is written treasures from the
Kremlin this exhibition was the emptiest so what is the answer
treasures from the Kremlin question 3 how many people in total visited the
Andy Warhol exhibition scanned a table and answered his question with Andy
Warhol and Duvall whole exhibition is here how many people total how many
people 218,000 and 801 people visited so what is answered 218,000 and 801 now
question for which exhibition appeared in the Victoria and Albert Museum in
London so what is the answer of this question is scan the table go directly
to the Victorian Albert Museum London so what is the name of the exhibition
here Milan in a when what is answer Milan in a van exhibition appeared in
Victorian Albert Museum in London now question five in this city is the Museum
of Modern Art scan the table and answer this question surveys Museum of Modern
Art here in Museum of Modern Art is here in this city New York so what is answer
New York now question six how many people visited the Picasso exhibition
daily scanned a table raised up castle here is written pic Castle how many
people visited daily four thousand six hundred seventy-one
so what is the answer four thousand and six hundred seventy one now question
seven which exhibition had four thousand and five hundred people visited daily go
to the table first find out four thousand five hundred what is the name
of the exhibition show the a list revolution so what is answer so realist
revolution now question eight which when you held the treasures of ancient Egypt
exhibition go to the table and find out see here is the exhibition's name
treasures of ancient Egypt what is the name of the venue national gallery of
art washington so what is the answer national gallery of art washington this
is the end of this text thank you hi everyone today we are going to start
chapter five redefining activism text hold your breath objectives by the end
of this text you will be able to identify the main idea in the reading
text swimming with the fishes use reading the strategy previewing the text
and is recognized the specific information in the text so preview the
newspaper article below by reading the first two paragraphs then
answer the following questions question number one what is
this text about question two what does she do question three where does she do
it question 4 what is the topic of the text
question 5 what is the main idea of the text so here is your text
what is the title title is swimming with the fishes now read the first and second
paragraphs of this text first paragraph of this text is if someone told you she
can hold her breed for six minutes would you prefer Tanya Streeter is a
professional free diver unlike scuba divers free divers don't
use oxygen tanks free divers die while holding their breed Streeter can stay
underwater without oxygen for more than six minutes paragraph two Streeter has
broken 9 word records for holding help read underwater she does it several ways
diving in the ocean swimming in the pool of floating she can hold her breath
longer swing she floats takashi is not moving now answer all these questions
question 1 what is this text about this text is about Tanya Streeter what does
she do free diving question 3 where does she do it in the water in the ocean and
swimming pool what is the topic of the text tom has treated a free diver what
is the main idea of the text Tanya Streeter is a professional free diver
this is the end of this text thank you hi everyone today we are going to start
chapter 5 redefining activism text good is fort objectives by the end of this
text you will be able to identify the main ideas in the reading text Winter
Olympics schedule Torino 2006 use reading strategy previewing a schedule
and find out the specific information in a schedule so here is the schedule
Winter Olympics is scheduled Torino 2006 preview the above schedule and answer
the following questions question 1 what is the title
of this schedule so what is the title of this schedule title is here Winter
Olympics is scheduled to denote 2006 now question 2 how much time is covered on
this schedule question 2 how much time is covered on this schedule to answer
this question look at the schedule see here February day here is written 16 it
means 16 days so how much time is covered 16 days now question 3
when was the opening ceremony see here this black box opening or closing
ceremonies opening ceremony was on family fight at 10:00 so what is answer
Friday February 10 now question 4 what does the symbol mean what is the mean of
the symbol Cedars written here final held in this sport on this day so this
symbol represent final final held in this sports on this day this is the end
of this text thank you hi everyone today we are going to start chapter 6 marine
behavior text Daniel in the sea objectives by the end of this text you
will be able to identify the main ideas in the reading text the sea was
Australia's Marion killer use reading strategies previewing the text and find
out the specific information in the text so preview the online article below
underline the title the first sentence of each paragraph and the last sentence
of the text as you preview then answer the following questions question 1 what
is the topic of this text question 2 what is the main idea of this text here
is your text read the title and underline it the sea was Australia's
Marion killer is a title of this text now read the first sentence in each
paragraph and underline it first sentence in paragraph number 1 is
from October to May the North Queensland beaches are haunted by a deadly animal
first intense intellect off to is box jellyfish have a square-shaped body with
tentacles hanging down from the corners first sentence in paragraph 3 is while
the venom of some box jellies is harmless to humans the venom of others
is extremely dangerous first sentence in paragraph number 4 is at a glance the
sea was may appear like a jellyfish but nothing could be further from the truth
first sentence in paragraph five is the translucent body of a sea was may grow
to be as large as basketball first sentence in paragraph number six is the
animal even has eyes three on each corner first sentence in paragraph
number seven is Simon and his team are involved in a series of the search
projects because they want to understand these animals better first sentence in
paragraph number eight is the venom is not targeted to humans States shame more
first sentence in paragraph nine is it is important for the victim of a sea was
string to get treatment immediately as death can occur in minutes first
sentence in paragraph ten is it is much better to avoid box jellyfish instead of
meeting up with them now read the last sentence of the text the last interpret
X is in time the number of casualties from box jellyfish may be reduced to you
now answer these questions to have any guests what is the topic of this text
the topic of this text is that tangel of the sea was what is the main idea of
this text the sea wasp is very dangerous this is the end of this text thank you
hi everyone today we are going to start chapter 6
meline behavior text mail completion objectives by the end of this text you
will be able to distinguish the main ideas from the reading text fooled for
love use reading strategy previewing a text
and identify the specific information in the text so preview the magazine article
below and align the title the first sentence of each paragraph and the last
sentence of the text as you preview then answer the following questions question
1 what is the topic of this text question 2 what is the main idea of this
text so here is your text what is the title and align it food for love is a
title now read the first sentence in each paragraph and and align it first
sentence in paragraph one is the male cuttlefish has quite a challenge on his
hands when it comes to the end of his yearly life cycle explains Robert Hanlon
senior scientist at the Marine Biological Laboratory first sentence in
paragraph number two is rather than his study fish close to home Hanlon and his
team spent five seasons observing cuttlefish underwater in a remote
coastal area of Australia first sentence in paragraph number three is Hanlon
founded a small males for the biggest success rate use a spacial trick first
sentence in paragraph number four is while the large males have a more direct
approach many of these smaller males use a sneaky
approach according to Helen first sentence in paragraph number five is
Hanlon reported in the journal Nature that although females rejected 70% of
mating attempts overall they accepted the majority of advances from the mimics
or disguise males first sentence in paragraph number six is the female
cuttlefish is exacting 70% of mating attempts here she is taking these small
mimics at a much higher rate and then says now read the last sentence of this
text last sentences therefore the female will take the gamble of mating with him
in the hope that his good match for her now answer these questions question 1
what is the topic of this text do you have any guess answer is the male
Australian cuttlefish question two what is the main idea of
this text the main idea is a small male Australian cuttlefish use tricks to get
a mate this is the end of this text thank you
Dương quá một tay nhưng đánh cho mông cổ tan nát là do đâu? - Duration: 35:16.-------------------------------------------
Lee Sends A Message To Barbara | Season 3 Ep. 21 | GOTHAM - Duration: 2:28.What I'm saying is, if Penguin and Fish have hooked up,
things are going to get real bad real fast.
You want to run?
I'm saying maybe she takes care of Barbara and Nygma for us.
Maybe we can even help things along-- send more to Fish
about where Babs is weak.
This is our shot.
I'm not ready.
What the hell is she doing here?
Well this is a strange day.
Never thought I'd see you in here.
Had some time to kill while my ex sees the light.
Figured I'd have a little fun.
Where's Babs?
What do you want with her?
None of your business, errand boy.
I'm sorry, what did you call me?
[laughs] I'm sorry, you're not an errand boy.
You're more of a shoeshine boy.
They should give you a little stand in the front--
cute little hat-- That's more your speed.
[electric pulse]
[glass shatters]
[groan] Oof.
[cough] [groaning]
You've got the virus.
Wow, you're not as dumb as I've heard.
Are there any other glaringly obvious
remarks you'd like to make?
How about I cut your lungs out and show them to you?
Wow, that's incredibly vivid.
I'd like to see you try it.
But I'm here for your boss.
The crazy blonde?
She's not my boss.
I may have a virus making me freakishly strong and mildly
insane, but even I know that you were
a side kick to your brother and you're a side kick to Barbara.
So can you send her a message for me?
Would you?
Your boss-- tell her next time I see her,
I'm going to rip her head right off her body.
Bye, now.
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