For Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch.
Following last weekend's tweet from LeBron James where he called Donald Trump a "bum"
for withdrawing the Golden State Warriors' invitation to the White House, Cleveland Cavaliers
owner Dan Gilbert says he received a ton of jaw-dropping racist voicemails directed at
his star player.
Telling CNBC's Squawk Box on Friday,
"The thing is, I mean, some of the most disgusting things I've ever heard people say, and you
could hear it in their voice—the racism.
It wasn't even really about the issue, and that's what really got me, because they went
to who they really are, some of them."
The voicemails opened Gilbert's eyes to the racism that still exists today.
"I received voicemails after LeBron tweeted that were some of the most vile, disgusting,
There's an element of racism that I didn't even realize existed in this country this
Gilbert admits to saving the voicemails, but has yet to tell LeBron about them—though
he presumably knows now.
Earlier this week, Gilbert, whose company donated $750,000 towards Trump's inauguration
and who allowed him to use the Cavaliers' Quicken Loans Arena for the 2016 Republican
National Convention, released a statement addressing his relationship with the president
of the United States.
"Our interests are in the policies at the federal level, and not the politics surrounding
the elections.
We have often supported both political parties in the same election so that we have the ability
to impact positive change, regardless of who occupies the offices."
Gilbert and his wife did give a much smaller donation of $75,000 to Hillary Clinton's failed
presidential bid.
That's all for now, but for everything else subscribe to Complex on YouTube, for Complex
News, I'm Hanuman Welch.
For more infomation >> Cavaliers Owner Dan Gilbert Received Racist Voicemails After LeBron/Trump Tweet - Duration: 1:35.-------------------------------------------
Officer involved shooting under investigation - Duration: 1:30.
Trucker the owl released - Duration: 0:15.
2 names added to Fallen Firefighters Memorial - Duration: 1:47.
H.S. football Saturday: Week 5 - Duration: 1:50.
Dez Bryant CRUSHES Racism with a Message That Stuns Liberals | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:24.
Dez Bryant of the Dallas Cowboys shared his thoughts on race in America recently on Instagram.
Bryant said that black people are unsuccessful because of other black people and that all
races should focus on personal accountability.
Bryant said: First and foremost, I would like to say I
do a great job of minding my own business, but it's pressing on my heart to share my
thoughts about white Americans and black Americans (racism).
I saw a person quote Charles Barkley when he said, "We as black people, we're never
going to be successful not because [of] you white people, but because of other black people."
I hate to admit it, but I understand that quote.
I've been [racially] profiled on numerous occasions, but not once has it influenced
an ill feeling inside me about anyone outside of that issue.
REAL SLAVERY is different from what's going on in our world now.
We all (every ethnicity) have the opportunity to lead by EXAMPLE.
Instead of making videos about the history of racism that get applause or people with
influence merely doing things to post for social media, we should focus on individual
accountability to be better as a whole.
I recently ran into a guy I grew up with who spent his adulthood dealing drugs.
While we were catching up, he shared with me that he wished that he chose a different
and better path.
He said seeing my success was inspiring and that it encouraged him to do better with his
Real question: What is wrong with being sophisticated and black?
Why do we associate those who choose the straight-and-narrow as not being "black enough?"
Why was it that I was one of the first examples of success to my friend?
We focus hard on fighting the realities that exist instead of creating our own reality.
The ones who came for us (Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Malcolm X) paved a new path for
us to follow.
The struggles and hurt they endured created new life for us today.
It is not our job to carry the burden, but it is our job to lead by example.
Not that my opinion matters, I'm just sharing my thoughts.
Well said, Sir!
what do you think about this?
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How to Auto-reply Messages in WhatsApp and Other Apps On Android 2017 | NO ROOT - Duration: 3:03.
hi guys in a meeting driving clamoring up a mountain face in
a library it is almost an endless list when you consider the places no very
convenient for taking a phone call or replying to texts but you probably don't
want to be rude and ignore people who are sending you the messages especially
those special people in your life who expect an instant response when they
text view then there are situations where you simply left your phone at home
and can't respond if only there was an app that could automatically respond to
calls or messages even better if it could do so not for SMS but also
messages on whatsapp the app is quite simple to use once you have it installed
which you can from the Google Play Store when you open the app you're introduced
to the components of the main page which is mostly all there is in the app tap on
the toggle in the top right corner to enable can't talk after that you can
change the message that will be automatically sent by taping message box
below that you will find options to enable the audio replies for SMS calls
and apps tapping on the toggle simply enables the service tapping on the
actual card lets you select for which contacts or apps you want to enable auto
reply for the first card in the app screen should be labeled auto reply to
send this is the automatic message that will be sent by default so just tap on
the card and edit the message with the text you want it to convey and then
press save
the app will reply to a message or a text from the same person once every 15
minutes this means if your mom is calling you over and over she will get
one reply after you miss her first call and the next ought to reply 15 minutes
late if she's still calling you can change this frequency by going to the
apps advanced settings here you can decrease the frequency to 30 minutes one
two four and eight hours or you can have Ken Tov send an audio reply to every
single text message or missed call you can see all the audio replies that have
been sent and reply history onto the log section that's it you have just enabled
the app to auto reply messages on whatsapp telegram Gmail hangouts etc
enjoy the app
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New Melody Funky Mix
[MMORPG] 02 - DragonSaga - Pirate Event - Duration: 19:18.
Hello everybody! Welcome back to Kumasan channel.
Today I'm gonna continue playing Dragon Saga.
There is an event since yesterday.
But yesterday I couldn't record video for Dragon Saga since I was occupied with other things.
Actually I am bit late for about 1 week to release new video. LOL
It's because I recorded other videos which make my hard drive to be full.
Thus I needed to edit those videos until they were done so that I could free up my hard drive back and record this video.
Enough with talking. Let's get going.
This pirate event has a mission.
The mission is ...
Let me hide the other missions first.
It requires us to get 150 combo.
Since my level is quite high, I will use low-level Katar with much smaller attack ...
to avoid killing the monster immediately.
Let's go in.
The suggested quest is the one with F1 key.
Okay. Let's start the quest.
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We are in the mission now.
Oh no! I'm losing the combo.
Let's see if this works.
150 combo. Come on!
Oh no! I lost it again.
Okay! This time it's still get counted.
Come on! 150 combo.
Yeay! Nailed it! :D
If I use my strongest Katar, I would be trickier to get 150 combo.
Let me get my other Katar back.
Hmm, what is this box for?
Hmm, maybe it's for mission.
But it was not mentioned as the goal for this mission.
See. When I use my strongest Katar, it's impossible to get 150 combo.
It's really fast to kill them.
We are gonna fight the boss now.
This boss is ...
I can't recall which number it was.
I know that this boss was one of the earlier bosses.
The first boss was a wolf.
This guy appears again for the event.
What? There is two of them? I didn't realize until now. LOL
what we got?? its hookah treasure
is it clear?
theres nothing more?
we got A rank
what else we got?
potable amber hammer
ahh i see, it use too repair our equipment. 10 point/piece
this money and weapon enchant dust
we out from our mission first
lets talk to him, and complete the quest
sorry itsnot dayli, its repeat quest
what we have here?
pirate clothing chest
i got my quest full, lets give up the other quest
lets give up on glass heim quest,, i will clear that quest later
and what prize is this?
big IM consumables
lets pick F3 now
i forgat too see, what in quest
it says "pirate diamond" give hooka 5 diamond and he will give you a give box
i see trade the diamond too hooka
this is still zero that mean we still did'nt get any
trade some treasure piece with hookah and he will give you a reward
and then,
lets complete the quest first and lets see if we gt any
if iam got the treasure we open it together
enter the portal
nothing left behind right?
i dont wannt go back again lol, its wasting time
did we got silver coin, if we defeating monster on this map
its because my horse died, i did'nt give her food yet
with silver coin we can buy mount food
its arround 20 silver coin we got 10 day life
done here, lets enter portal
we got silver coin here nice
its hard when she's not arround lol
she help me take coins and items
thrid map
after this we gonna fight boses
this red starfish not too dangerous,, is a yellow starfish more dangerous, iam forgot the name
what is it?? a pincers? ok wait a minute
lets trow away some items
lets trow away this items,, i dont use this item
i want to use this,, a lolipop
its use for exp
that crowded
fight boses now
aw becarefull
what is the female,, is she has been defeted?
there she is
use 5 and 6
almost.. almost..
ok let wait a bit
we gos SSS
ohh this is the diamond
this diamond use for cleare our mission, we need 5 of it
and this? hookah treasure piese
plese wait a minute,, i will check the quest,, yeah we need 5 diamonds
it seems iam need to repeat the quest several times
after iam complete the quest, and iam got the gift we open it together
finaly iam completed the quest
iam feel tired lol
iam not stop play this quest
lets see what will we got
oh yeah , i got this items when iam open hookah tesure chest and alvide treasure chest
i got this two
if u open hookah treasure chest an alvida treasure chest
there is possibility to get this 3 kind items
and we got this, an equipment
this use for bandit
i cant use this,, because iam using different class
and got this too, its a ballon
iam gonna open this we got yougurt
we got slice of cake
slice of cake is pink color and its in number 3
open this too
and the thing what we waiting for
not this ofcourse lol
and this is it what we waiting for
lets open it together , what we will get
lets hope for the good one. and one,, two,, three..
friends forever (not so happy lol)
friend forever is item exp boost for 10 minute
move on to the pirate clothing box, what will we got
get ready :D
chucky pirate glove
not too good for me hahaha
the attack speed is too low for me
but if we use i set of clothing
we got alot buff
but using this equipment is too low compare to mine
but maybe it will work for other class
because i cant use this all equipment i will sell al of this on market
iam completed my job for today
what? job? (joking)
yeah this video is just to show you what will we got if we play the pirate event
my face covered by wings
iam still did'nt know where i want to go
tlong bantu yng ini blngnya gmana?
iam want to say thank you for everybody watching my video
dont forget to like, comment , subscribe because your like, comment , subscribe is helping me to make more and more video and dont forget to shere this video to your friend too
see you in the next video bye bye
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