This is Mack, for Pixel Enemy, here with a review of the SCUF Impact PlayStation 4 controller.
SCUF has continued to push the envelope when it comes to custom PS4 pads.
This year's evolution takes the form of the company's flagship "SCUF Impact",
a controller that has gone through a cosmetic redesign to allow for more features to be
Prior to the Impact, SCUF's PS4 range only allowed for two paddles on the rear.
With the Impact's additional space however, four paddles can fit comfortably.
This means even more functions can be mapped to the back of the pad, making it easy to
jump, crouch, stab, reload, change weapons, and more -- all without having to take your
thumbs off the analog sticks.
Paddles have always been the main attraction when it comes to SCUF, as they give a proven
advantage in shooters.
I'm showing Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 here, in which you have to control the exo-suit
movement while trying to aim and shoot.
This is similar to the gameplay found in the newly-released Destiny 2, which sees players
double and triple jumping around, all the while trying to aim accurately.
However, even in boots-on-ground games, the paddles have their uses.
Jumping around corners while turning to aim is still useful, and it's always nice to
have a quick melee or drop shot at the ready.
SCUF is number one when it comes to the controllers eSports players use.
And though I'm no competitive gamer, I still like to have every advantage I can get.
Over the years, SCUF controllers have granted me thousands of kills and saved me from thousands
of deaths.
When I started playing with the SCUF Impact, I only really used two of the four paddles
-- X to jump and O to melee -- since that was what I was used to.
However, after using the Electro Magnetic Remapping tool that allows you to swap the
paddles' functions, I found that the additional third and fourth paddles came in handy, as
you can assign not only X, O, Triangle, and Square to them, but also Left, Right, Up,
Down on the D-Pad, and L3 and R3.
This ability to tweak the SCUF Impact after purchase, keeping it useful and futureproof,
is a trait that's also found in other aspects of the pad.
Though I've never had problems myself, I have read a bunch of horror stories about
SCUF paddles breaking, or analog sticks wearing out.
Happily, the SCUF Impact embraces modularity, with the paddles, analog sticks, trigger covers,
and D-pad control disk all fully removable and replaceable.
This adds a little peace of mind on top of the usual SCUF 90-day warranty period for
controllers, and 12-month warranty for broken paddles.
I feel it's important to mention warranty when it comes to items like these, as it is
a premium controller that rocks a pretty premium price tag.
In the US, you'll be looking at a starting price of $139.95 (without shipping costs included).
So, again, it's good that the SCUF Impact has gone modular with a lot of its features,
as that should provide a nice boost to the lifespan of what is an expensive product.
Another feature unique to the SCUF Impact is the "Cable Retention System", which
when combined with SCUF's own braided USB cable, is pretty damn tough to pull out.
This keeps things secure, and unlike standard micro USB, is less likely to wear out and
stop working or snap, even.
SCUF Gaming is also using the new DualShock 4 controllers for their pads, so yes, that
USB connection is low latency, and there's a lightbar on the front as well.
Also worthy of mention is the trigger system, which allows you to tweak the initial activation
and reset time.
An internal part that you tune by inserting a wire and turning adjusts the time that games
take to recognize your input, and the external trigger stops prevent the trigger from descending
too far.
These work together primarily to make for a quicker semi-automatic fire rate.
So, if you're forced to switch to your pistol, you can surprise the enemy by firing it extremely
Though I've had a couple of issues with the trigger stops falling out with previous
controllers, and needing to put clicked back in, the ones on this pad seem solid.
Overall, I think the SCUF Impact is a fantastic controller.
It's awesome to see SCUF take a bold risk and combine DualShock 4 functionality with
the ergonomics of an Xbox One pad.
The only nitpick I have here, once you've swallowed the price -- which is basically
just SCUF charging the most for the best product -- is the little headphone cut-out.
I get why it's there, but it'd be nice to have a little insertable cover for when
it's not in use.
This would smoothen out the look and keep it totally pristine.
If you're wanting to take your console game to the next level, the SCUF Impact is my number
one choice.
Of course, it also works with PC!
With the modularity considered, I think the price is now worth it.
However, if it's still hard to justify the purchase, do check out the "Send in Service"
which allows you to send SCUF your own pad and have them pimp it out at a reduced price.
I'll leave the links to SCUF Gaming, their Online Controller Builder, and the Send in
Service down below in the description.
That's the SCUF Impact reviewed.
What do you make of the controller?
Let us know in the comments below.
If you enjoyed this video, hit the Like button, and be sure to subscribe if you haven't
This has been Mack, for Pixel Enemy, goodbye.
For more infomation >> SCUF Impact Review – Double the Power, Double the Fun - Duration: 4:40.-------------------------------------------
Kenneth Smiley - Pittsford, NY | Allstate Agents - Duration: 0:54.
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The Pentatonic Scale for Dorian and Lydian You Forgot to Check out - Duration: 14:55.
(Jazz guitar music)
- Hi everybody, my name is Jens Larsen.
In this video, I'm going to take the Hirajoshi scale,
which is a Japanese pentatonic scale,
and I'm gonna show you how that works extremely well
for making some licks with a Dorian or a Lydian type sound.
I'm also gonna show you how, if you take any scale,
but in this case just the pentatonic scale,
how I go about looking for melodic ideas
and finding arpeggios and patterns within the scale
that you can use when you are making lines
and when you're getting used to it.
If you want to learn more about jazz guitar,
about improvising over chord changes,
interesting scales and arpeggios,
then subscribe to my channel.
If you want to make sure not to miss anything,
then click the little bell icon notification
next to the subscribe button.
The hirajoshi scale is a pentatonic scale.
And of course, Hirajoshi is--
I hope I'm not completely slaughtering the name,
is a Japanese word, so it's a Japanese pentatonic scale.
If you check this out on Wikipedia and a few other places,
you'll see they don't really agree on where the root is.
The way I'm going to think about the scale in this video,
because I don't really care too much
about what the root of the scale is
because I'm putting it on top of other chords,
is that if it's in the key of E,
or we think of E as the root here,
then we have this scale.
So E...
And E.
You can look at this as being sort of a pentatonic scale,
if you build a pentatonic scale from the sixth degree
of a major scale, then this is actually what you get.
Because you would use one,
Two, three, five, and six.
Similar if you play one from C major,
it would be one,
Three, five, six.
So that's kinda one way of looking at it.
It's easy to relate to it if we think about it like that
because it's close to how we normally work
with pentatonic scales.
There are going to be a few things
that I'm going to work with.
This is going to be a little bit guitar-oriented
in terms of some of the patterns that I'm using,
and some of the approaches to finding material.
But for the rest, this whole video will actually work
just as well for any other instrument.
It's not really about that,
but I'm going to use a few guitar tricks, so to speak.
The way we play pentatonic scales most of the time
on guitar is two notes per string.
So of course you know...
(musical scale)
This A minor pentatonic scale.
If we take this scale and make it
into a two note per string structure,
then that could be something like that.
(pentatonic scale)
And of course you can do this in five positions
because it's a pentatonic scale.
The reason why I'm doing this,
this might seem less than obvious in the beginning,
but there are just a lot of things
that are really nice to do
with two note per string patterns.
And we already know them because we already checked
out most of the pentatonic scales.
So we might as well try and use them
on other structures that are similar to the normal
minor pentatonic scale that we all know and love so much.
Another way of playing this pentatonic scale
that's really useful is to think of it
as being sort of a small cell
that you can move around in octaves.
And probably anybody who's checked out any kind
of heavy-metal tutorials online will recognize this shape.
(plays Hirajoshi scale)
To start exploring the scale and figuring out
what kind of chords we can use it on,
let's just look at the notes
and see if we can come up with something.
So if we have E...
And of course it repeats,
so E, F#, G, B, C, E.
Then we have two octaves of the scale.
And a few things that sort of jumps out at me,
is if we take the notes...
C...E...and G...
Then we have a C-major triad.
So that's in there.
And we can also take E, G, and B.
Okay, that's here.
Okay, so E, G, and B, that's an E-minor triad.
Another structure that's in there is...
B...E...and F#.
So that's a Bsus4...
And also one that's a little bit less common
would be F#...B, and C.
Which is like an F, dim, sus sharp four triad.
So if we look at those triads,
we can also see that we have actually a complete...
C-Major seven arpeggio in here.
And actually the scale is Cmaj7,
with an added #11.
So that's kinda given us the Lydian vibe.
And this also was telling us we can use this very well
to get sort of a Dorian sound.
Sort of like a Cmaj7(#11).
Like this one.
Over on A, so it would be...
This type of sound.
(Am13 Dorian chord)
Which is probably where I would suggest using this.
The reason I don't use it on E
is we don't actually have a seventh degree.
So we only have the C but we're kind of missing something
that would be a D, or a D#
to get something that we can really use on an E minor.
In my opinion, anyway.
The next thing we can do, is to take some structure
and then try to move that through the scale
just to get a better overview of what's in there.
And see if we can find some arpeggios
or chords that we can use.
And I'm just gonna start with really just looking
at what notes are in there and making sort of
an observation, what is possible to make.
And the voicing that I have here
is a Gmaj7 shell voicing.
Which is contained in the scale
because we have G, B, and F# in the scale.
And if I move that through the scale,
so the idea here is...
This scale is kind of easy to think of on one string
because we have sort of one cluster of notes
which is E, F#, and G.
And then we have B and C.
And then that repeats.
So those patterns really help us
when we need to move something along the neck.
It's like a chord shape, like this, through the scale.
And that's really what I'm going
to be doing in this next example.
So we start with the Gmaj7 shell voicing.
And I'm not going to do it in detail for all the voicings,
but just to show you the idea,
so G...the next note up from G would be a B.
From this B here, the next note is C.
From the F#, the next note is a G.
And then we have this one.
If I do that again, then B moves up to C.
C moves up to E.
And G moves up to B.
And you have a C major shell voicing.
And we can just repeat that, and we get this voicing.
And this voicing.
So all in all...
It's a really interesting sounding voicing.
And they will all work really well
for some sort of A minor Dorian or C Lydian sound.
And of course we can also use them as arpeggios, so...
(jazz guitar arpeggios)
If we start building chords the same way
as we can with a normal pentatonic scale,
then really what we do is just sort of split
the pentatonic scale into a first and second row of notes.
And just put three of those together.
And if we do that with this fingering,
so we have of course...
(pentatonic guitar picking)
this fingering for this scale.
Then we get these voicings.
(strums jazz chord)
And here we have this one, which is sort of like a D7(13)
without a D, or an Am6,
or some sort of C, Cmaj7(#11) without a third.
So that's useful for the kind of sound that we're going for.
The next one, this one,
is the same as this...
If we play it an octave higher.
That's a C major triad and the first inversion.
Then we get this from F#,
which is in fact our B.
So B...sus4 triad.
Then we have...
This, which is like a C Lydian triad inversion.
And then we get the final one,
which is an E minor triad.
So if we take these triads and move them along the neck
in the middle strings, that would be this.
(plays chord voicings)
As I mentioned, there are some things
that are really easy to play if we think
in terms of the two notes per string patterns.
And then some stuff will just sort of fall naturally
within the scale and give us
some great material to work with.
And an example of that could be this pattern,
that's a five note grouping start on this G.
(plays pentatonic pattern)
A similar idea could be a pattern like this.
(plays scale pattern)
And of course, this scale is laid out
quite differently on the fret board,
with the two notes per string type pattern.
And it's more difficult to play than a normal
minor pentatonic scale.
But still, I think this works really well,
and it's a nice way to just come up with some ideas.
And you can use some of the same patterns
that you would normally use in a pentatonic scale.
So in that way it's easy to just use some material,
and get some easy, accessible, melodic ideas from that way.
(plays Dorian Jazz Lick)
The first example starts off with this arpeggio,
which is of course...
The D7(13) chord voicing without the root.
And this an arpeggio I use a lot.
I find it extremely useful, both for the Dorian
and the Lydian sounds.
And actually also just to mixolydian or even,
diminished type of dominant sound.
And here I'm starting with leading notes,
so I'm sliding into the C.
And then I'm using the pattern that I talked about
in the previous example, so that's...
This pattern.
And then from the next string set as well.
And then down to an E.
Skipping down to C.
And ending on the F#, which in this case
is like the 13 on the A-minor.
And of course, I think all these lines,
you can use them on the A minor and also
on the C Lydian sound.
So really, whether it's Dorian or Lydian,
doesn't really matter too much.
And this line would work just as well
if you played it over...
C seventh flat five or #11.
The second example, I'm also playing an A minor chord,
so over this A minor 13.
But again, you can use it on the C as well.
I'm starting with basically the scale minus one note.
So it's the scale minus the C,
and that gives me this E minor at nine arpeggio.
(plays arpeggio)
And I'm playing two octaves left,
down to the E again.
Then we get a C shell voicing.
And then an F#.
And then just down the scale,
to end on the ninth of the A minor.
(jazzy guitar)
The third example has a background
of a Cmaj7(#11),
of a b5 chord just to really demonstrate
the Lydian idea works quite well.
And the first part of it is an E minor triad,
so this is E minor first inversion triad,
with a leading note.
And then the next part is a Bsus4 triad.
So E minor first.
Then a Cmaj7 arpeggio.
And then I'm repeating the first phrase again.
So there's an E minor first inversion triad
with a leading note.
But I'm playing it from this F#, so...
(jazz guitar lick)
This example is also really emphasizing the Lydian sound
you can use this scale for.
I'm starting with a pattern that's coming
out of this fingering, so...
But I'm playing it descending
so I'm starting on the G, so...
And then just using this octave.
From this B, I'm just using an E minor triad,
and then up to F#.
And here I'm using the F# to just lead
into a Gmaj7 shell voicing.
Followed by a Cmaj7 shell voicing.
And then down the E minor triad,
and then ending on the #11.
(Strums Lydian Chord)
As you can tell, I'm not really that concerned
with which note is the root note in the scale,
and what kind of tonality it implies.
Because the way I use pentatonic scales when I'm playing,
well at least when I'm improvising like this,
is really just a set of notes that have a certain sound.
So they are certain extensions on top of another chord,
and they have certain intervals,
and contain in that way a sound that I can put
on top of another chord.
So I'm really not concerned with
what the root of the scale is,
because I'm anyway mostly using this on two chords,
one of which, the root is not really
even contained in the scale.
And I think that's the most normal way
to really work with pentatonic scales in jazz in general.
If you have an idea for a pentatonic scale
that I should try and go over and work through
like I'm working through this one,
then leave a comment.
And of course, also, if you have an idea
for some sort of arpeggio or structure
that I forgot to talk about,
then you can also leave a comment on that
because the more complete we have in terms of--
the more material we have on the scale, the better.
And it can sometimes be difficult
to just spot all the chords that are in there, of course.
If you wanna learn more about jazz guitar,
and this is the first time you see one of my lessons,
then subscribe to my channel.
I publish a new lesson every Thursday,
and I've been doing this for quite some time.
So there's already really a lot of material
available on my channel.
I'm really grateful for the support
that I get from my patrons.
It's because of the support that I get
through my Patreon page that I can keep
on making all these videos.
And if you want to help me keep making videos,
then check out my Patreon page.
If you support me over there,
then I can also give you something in return.
That's about it for this week.
Thank you for watching,
and until next week.
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Weird Tinder Profiles That Are Truly Annoying
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Final Fight vs Drones & Vanko | Iron Man 2 (2010) | Movie Clip - Duration: 4:27.
- See that? - Yeah, yeah, nice.
Get down!
Wow. I think you should lead with that next time.
Yeah, sorry boss, I can only use it once. It's a one-off.
Heads up, you got one more drone incoming. This one looks different.
Repulsor signature is significantly higher.
Good to be back.
This ain't gonna be good.
I got something special for this guy. I'm gonna bust his bunker with the ex-wife.
The what?
- Hammer tech? - Yeah.
We got this.
Rhodes! I got an idea.
You wanna be a hero?
- What? - I can really use a sidekick.
- Put your hand up. - This is your idea?
- Yup. - I'm ready, I'm ready, go go go.
Hit him!
You lose.
All these drones are rigged to blow We gotta get out of here man.
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Rakshasa Street (镇魂街) - Full Episode 11 [Eng Subs] | Chinese Drama - Duration: 22:10.
Timing and Subtitles brought to you by The Spiritual Guardians @ Viki
What is this place?
[ Ming Jing Village ]
Ming Jing Village.
Can you read it?
It's just Qin Zhuan. (Qin Zhuan - an ancient style of calligraphy adopted in the Qin dynasty)
Seems like very well-educated.
Rakshasa Street
Episode 11
Cao Yan Bing, is that a Bodhi Tree?
It seems to be taller than your house's Sacred Pagoda Tree.
In an unfamilar place, we must be more vigilant.
Ask your man be awake all the time.
-Li Xuan Yuan. -Master, I'm here.
Let me out. Let me out.
-Let me out. -Outside is very dangerous.
If you go out, you will be beaten to death.
- Let me out! - Master Nan and Master Men has exhorted us repeatedly.
He doesn't let us go out. Did you forget it all?
I don't care whoever Master Nan or Master Men.
Master Nan is coming soon, you just wait for him for a little while more.
Let me go out, let me go out!
There's outsiders!
-Hi. -Hello.
We are here for the first time. Excuse me...
- Demons! Hurry and run! - Hey, hey, hey
Hurry, hurry.
Little girl, everyone ran away. Why haven't you run away yet?
Are you guys demons?
That's right, we are really scary demons who eat people. Rawr!
It's hurts...
Little girl, you see,
Sister looks so cute. How can I be a demon?
Big brother, big sister, did you come from the outside village?
When you guys came, did you see another girl like me?
Her skin is white, her eyes are big,
She's wearing a big clothing that's red.
Does she have a mole on her side?
That's right, it's her. Her name is Shui'er and she's sick.
She went outside of the village. I have to find her and bring her back.
Her body is originally weak. If she goes outside and get's caught by a demon, she'll get eaten.
Why is it a demon again?
Little girl, this big brother will take you out to see her but are you willing to leave the village?
I dare to. Shui'er is my best friend,
even thought if I get eaten by a demon, I'll still find her and bring her back.
Gou'er! Gou'er! Hurry up come over here!
They're people from the outside village. They're probably demons!
Demons?! I'm so pretty, how can you call me a demon?
But that lady doesn't look like a demon.
Maybe she is a fox-spirit.
You look at that guy.
Maybe he is a racoon-spirit.
Why must be a racoon-spirit?
Big brother, big sister, I beg you; bring me to find Xue'er.
Her body is originally weak, if she faints at outside the village...
Cao Yan Bing, why don't you take his little girl so go find her friend.
- I'll take care of this. - You?!
Don't worry, my man is awake.
- Li Xuan Yuan. - Master, I'm here.
Did you hear that? He said that he is here.
Obviously only you can hear him.
Don't talk nonsense anymore, hurry and bring her away.
Be careful.
Dear fellow folks, please listen to me.
Why do I feel this is like some scene in the Anti-Japanese TV series?
That... Dear fellow folks,
please trust me.
We two are just like all of you,
are both living human.
You see?
So please don't worry,
My friend will bring both little girls back peacefully.
I'll stay here to be hostage, ok?
Timin and Subtitles brought to you by The Spiritual Guardians @ Viki
Shi Men...
Is she sick?
Bai Shi Men...
Bai Shi Men...
Something white. (White in chinese is Bai)
Something white...
Sorry, let me pass.
Let me pass.
Shui'er. Shui'er.
Who is he? What does this person do?
How did he just...?
He carried her away.
Cao Yan Bing, you came back?
Your man is at work?
Of course.
Bai Shi Men...
What is she calling? Something Shi Men.
I only know about Bei Luo Shi Men.
What is it?
There's a star in the sky and a monkey on the ground.
What the heck is that?
The appearance of Sacred Pagoda Branch, proved that the time of Qi Ming of spirit trees computed in the Book of Heaven is correct.
The Book of Heaven that was being stolen 10 years ago?
This is it. But that few guys who were anxious to render a deed of merit didn't understand.
They attacked at the wrong timing, and died together with Cao Yan Bing's guardian spirit, Yu Jin.
Because the time of appearance of Sacred Pagoda Branch does not rely on one book only.
When the southest bright star, Bei Luo Shi Men is dimming,
the Bodhi Tree will produce the Supreme Fruit.
How is it?
The evil spirits team under Plough Dragoon General has all been killed by Bei Luo Shi Men.
Master Man indeed deserved to be the Guardian God of Yulin Street.
There's also another issue. Cao Yan Bing, already reached Mingjing Village.
This is beyond my imagination.
I want water.
They are...
You went outside the village.
I couldn't stop you. It's this big brother who saved you.
Run to the outside village?
Why did I go outside the village? It's so dangerous outside.
How would I know? Once you fall ill, you are like possessed by demon.
Then, thank you, big brother, for saving me.
But if I I went outside the village and met a demon, I probably would've already been eaten.
Do you not remember anything?
Why do the people from outside say the people inside or demons?
And why are the people on the inside saying the outside people are demons?
I asked why the outside--
Is outside really scary?
It's super scary. Master Nan and Master Men have said
The world outside, demons run rampant, they eat people.
They especially like to eat children. He told us to never go outside.
Our illness was infected by someone who went outside the village and got caught by a demon.
After they came back, it infected others.
Master Men?
Yes, he is a big good man just like Master Nan.
His name is Bei Luo Shi Men. The demons outside know that Master Men is protecting us.
So they wouldn't care to come inside the village to eat people.
Just now didn't you say that you know about Bei Luo Shi Men?
That monkey?
So, do you know where those two are right now?
Master Man has gone out to beat monsters.
Now that I think about it, he went outside for a couple days already.
Master Nan is cultivating himself under the Bodhi Tree. Seems like tomorrow morning he will come out.
Thank you, you two.
Your welcome.
Just then, they said we were some demon.
No, it's a misunderstanding.
Sorry everyone, my friend here is new so his words are harsh,
But he's not a bad person so please don't put it to heart.
We won't.
We prepared a guest room for you two.
Oh! Then thank you.
- This way. - Thank you.
This way.
Look! Do you think this one looks pretty?
Look, it's this fluffy kind.
- Let's go. - Is it this one?
Yes. It's this one. Let's go. I'll open the door for you.
Big brother, big sister, you can live here for a while.
When it is dinner time, I will come get you.
We will eat in Shui'er's house. I'll go back to take care of Shui'er first.
Okay, thanks Gou'er. If you need help with anything, come find Sister.
Okay. I'm leaving.
Cao Yan Bing, the bodhi tree is in front of us,
What should we do next?
What can we do? Just wait.
Guigu Santong has said before, in these few days the Bodhi tree will undergo Qi Ming.
I think it shouldn't be too long to wait.
But, the people at this village seems really strange.
The people from the inside say that the people from the outside are demons then the people from the outside say the people in the inside for demons.
Which side do you think is lying?
Maybe, both sides are not lying.
Recently, I feel like I remember some things.
But after I woke up, I forgot it all.
Do you have the same situation?
But it's actually nothing much. Everyday I just do some housework.
Or mend some fabrics, just like we are doing now.
Maybe we just forgot about those repeated days.
But I keep feeling like...
Gou'er, can it be that our illness can never be cured?
Don't think this way. You have to trust Master Nan and Master Men.
One is the requiem general of Yulin Street, the other one is a learned Doctor Nan.
Two such powerful people are tirelessly helping us.
How can we give up ourselves?
But, that big brother and big sister who came from the outside village,
I feel they are nice, so not everyone outside village is looking down on us.
Also, I don't know why but,
I feel like that sister seems really close.
It's like I've seen her before.
Your this weapon... seems like there are a lot of mechanisms.
Did you do it yourself?
No, it's passed on.
Your ancestor is Cao Cao...
It should be a knife instead.
You said that Ghostdom is formed from a big bang?
That's right.
Then, where did that big explosion come from?
It was man-made.
Man-made explosion formed the Ghostdom.
Before humans,
There's an even more advanced civilisation ruling the earth.
They are called, the ancients.
Ancients? Why did I never hear before?
Why did they want to build the Ghostdom?
Why did Shi Emperor want to find paradise?
For immortality.
The people who lived over thousand years in the Ghostdom,
are they still too little?
Are they still alive?
They died.
Burned by the fire they stirred up themselves.
Could it be the weapon left by the ancients?
Ancients? What the hell...
But Cao Yan Bing, I heard those two little girls say
That Bei Luo Shi Men is obviously a man,
but why did you say before
he's a star in the sky and a monkey on the ground.
What does that mean? Do you know each other?
Don't know him.
From what I know, he is famous.
He is the requiem general of Yulin Street.
It's said that he is a man who makes people fear him, has an astonishing skill.
He won't have compassion towards the evil spirits.
It's said that the evil spirits in Yulin Street called him General Men,
gave him a title as the Fighting God of Yulin Street.
General Men... Fighting God...
So he is the God of the door. (Men in English is door)
Timing and Subtitles brought by The Spiritual Guardians @ Viki
Speaking of Cao Cao, and Cao Cao comes. (Speak of the devil, and the devil comes. )
Your ancestor is here?
I'm talking about him.
Cao Yan Bing, the original requiem general in Rakshasa Street,
because of destroying Sacred Pagoda Tree, so is now being wanted by Ghostdom.
Sacred Pagoda Tree... was indeed blown up by me!
Li Xuan Yuan. Li Xuan Yuan! Come out, Li Xuan Yuan!
Kill all of them.
They were still alright yesterday, You and I don't even know what's happening.
And your are not requiem general anymore, you can't kill!
Mingjing Village.
You can read it?
It's just Qin Zhuan. (The ancient calligraphy adopted during Qin dynasty.)
[ Handsome look ]
[ True colours is revealed. ]
[ Being infected ]
Why do you keep following me? Why are you following me?
Can it be that your an expert stalker?!
- Do you remember it? - Everyday I wake up, I forget it.
You remember it, right? Oh, you don't have to remember, it's Shui'er's lines.
That's right. I say that...
It's alright, alright. Where's Shui'er?
She ran into the house.
- Call Shui'er to come. - Shui'er!
I am called,
Cao Yan Bing.
One hundred thousand bad jokes II
[ Coming soon in August 18, 2017 ]
They are addressed as the strongest heroes.
Together, let's join the most dangerous thing.
With the heroes, let's save the world together.
♬ When earth and heaven become blurred, the beautiful becomes demonic, ♬
♬ swallowing the maelstrom of the soul's desires ♬
♬ You ask me why I still persist, ♬
♬ why I don't surrender to the shining, golden shackles ♬
♬ Even when everyone has been reduced to a powerless puppet, ♬
♬ we cannot give up our world to those flashy, hypocritical scum ♬
♬ Throw away your fears and prepare your strength. ♬
♬ Even if the heavens don't distinguish right from wrong, ♬
♬ I vow to forever protect the fortress of our freedom, ♬
♬ without giving in ♬
♬ I will become a monument of a hero. ♬
♬ Take all of our sins ♬
♬ and burn them to ashes ♬
♬ Too many people have already become puppets under their control ♬
♬ Even when everyone has been reduced to a powerless puppet, ♬
♬ we cannot give up our world to those flashy, hypocritical scum ♬
♬ Take all of our sins and burn them to ashes ♬
Rakshasa Street
Star Season 2 - Star S02E01 Ep 1. "The Winner Takes It All" - Duration: 1:01:01.
Star Sept 27, 2017
Star S02E01
Star 2x01
Star 2017 Episode 1
Star Season 2 Episode 1
Star The Winner Takes It All
Watch Star The Winner Takes It All Online
Star The Winner Takes It All Full Episodes
Star Season 2 Episode 1 The Winner Takes It All
রোহিঙ্গাদের নির্যাতন নিয়ে তৈরি হল ক্ষুদে সিনেমা/ বাংলাদেশের সিনেমা খাঁচা এবার অস্কারে/ khaca movie - Duration: 4:33.
The Police Dog Who Sniffs Out Electronic Evidence To Catch Crooks | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 7:50.
Soccer Star Carli Lloyd Talks About Her Sports Initiative For Girls | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 4:57.
Matching! Boys Archery (매칭! 소년양궁부) - Full Episode 6 [Eng Subs] | Korean Drama - Duration: 18:00.
♫ Hello Pretty Boys ♫
♫ In front of me, yes! ♫
♫ Just like the moment you shook up my heart ♫
♫ With a sweet confession, ♫
♫ Today is really a lovely day! ♫
♫ Hello shiny boys! I can not hold it in, yes! ♫
♫ I get dragged away by the scent ♫
♫ Today, too, I am the highlight ♫
♫ I'm headed for excitement just like your smile. ♫
Matching! Boys Archery
Hi! I'm Hong Si.
I almost got my identity discovered in front of the archery team.
But, who am I?
With my wits wasn't I able to rescue Ji Wan and finish the training safely?
In addition!
The inspiration that I've been waiting for also came to me.
Even their names are sacred. Seung Jun, Ji Wan? Seung-Wan couple!
Okay! I've decided that you two will be the main couple in my webtoon.
But at that time, an unexpected obstruction appeared.
I'm not going to be found out like this, right?
Episode 6 The 6th arrow
You there! Stop! Stop!
Why? Why?
Why are you going through someone else's bag?
What? Look through what? The newspaper is right here.
The competition day is near, what are you guys doing?Start practicing!
It was my face for sure.
It's my face...
W-why my face? Why would she do that?
You're not getting your head together?
I will focus.
Why did she draw my face?
Now, we really don't have much time left. Don't put your guard down just because you get good scores.
A team survives and dies together. Do you understand?
The muscles you all worked hard to build, you can't have them get relaxed. Don't shower in hot water until the competition.
During my athlete days, I showered in cold water despite it being winter.
For athletes, managing your condition is also a skill. Do you understand?
Are you not going to answer?
Well, because you're being like this, you seem like an actual coach.
Am I a fake coach then?
These kids...
That's the end of today's training.
- Seung Joon. - Yes?
Please teach Ji Wan.
His aim isn't so bad. But work on fixing his hesitation at the most crucial moment.
Why? Are you trying to survive by yourself?
It's not that.
It's about time the coach helps me.
What do you think?
- You should straighten your back more. - How?
Like this?
No~ lLower your chin a bit.
Are you sure you're doing this right?
if you teach him just by talking , then I can do it too.
That's right, teach me the movements directly and teach me correctly.
You have to look straight ahead.
You're good, but you think too much.
Look at the target and slowly pull the arrow.
before the counting finish
Only focus on the arrow. Wait.
Pull the bow back until it is about to break then shoot.
Yoo Ji Wan! You saw that, right? Wow.
Senior, did you see that?
It's awesome~
Totally awesome!
Joo Seung Joon!
I.. It's a bit hot here.
What ? What is wrong with him?
Joo Seung Joon already left.
Seung Joon! Why are you leaving without saying anything?
I have some place to go.
Where to?
What? You're not going to tell me?
You dropped this!
Youl'll end up losing it again. Give it to me.
Do you remember when we bought this bracelet?
We bought it as our memento of participating in our first competition. I almost forgot about it but you kept it all this time~
You little kid... When did you grow up so fast like this?
When we were young you called out to me everyday while crying.
What? Tell me. Why are you mad?
I am not mad~
You're mad though, wouldn't I know if you're mad?
You won't even look at me after the training.
You always hac the habit of avoiding eye contact when you have something to hide or are struggling over something...
Stop talking about the past!
- I mean... I'm only trying to help you relax. - It must be great to be so relaxed.
Seung Joon! What's wrong?
I'm sorry..
Forget it. I had lost it a long time ago.
I intend to forget about it too.
Hey, old-age pension!
Let's talk?
Do I have to use sign language? It seems like you don't understand words.
You seem to be misunderstanding something... I am just a mere manager~
What misunderstanding? If we tell you to get lost then get lost!
Get lost!
Stop what you're doing!
Oppa, That's because she's been spreading rumors about you guys..
So we were scolding her a bit , oppa!
My fan girls!
Yes oppa!
If you guys keep bothering our Dried Persimmon, I'll just start ignoring you all.
Oppa! How can you do this?
How can you do this?
How could you do this?
Don't abandon us!
Don't abandon us!
You're thankful, right? Of course you would be.
if you're thankful , you can say thank you.
If you want to be free from any burden... Yeah, over there... The convenient store over there...
I have time to have some yogurt with you.
Hey! Dried Persimmon!
Why be shy?
Their relationship is close enough, he even walks her to the bus stop!
I don't care who she is. This shouldn't happen!
[Yeon Geon College Animation Department Hoo Am Girls High School, Hong Shi Ah ]
What is this?
Why are they fighting?
Even the coach said it. For athletes managing their condition is vital.
Isn't arguing detrimental to their mental health?
You guys have to make up so I can get the details for my webtoon.
Isn't that right?
That thing!
Was it similar to this one? It looked like it was a bit thicker.
I like that one more than this one.
That scared me!
I'll take this one!
But a health bracelet for me too!
Thank you...
Manager Hong?
[ Men's Locker Room ]
You came early today.
Huh? Yes.
Then I'll head out first.
See you at the practice rom.
You're hilarious. If you're sorry then say so~
Anyway, you're so stiff.
It hurts~
When did you buy a new one?
Okay, time to train.
What did you say?
Seung Joon, jI Wan get ready!
Thank you.
Thank you manager Hong. Now you're like a real manager.
You guys look like a couple.
Where did you pick out this sensible thing?
What's wrong with him?
Why did she lie about her age and join us?
No matter how much I think about it, there's no answer.
You're the one without an answer.
What are you going to do about your poor scores?
I shot well. Good, good.
Editor-in-Chief! I'm honored that you called me.
If you're that honored, you should've stopped by long ago. Aren't you going to report to me about your progress?
What is this?
This is a company.
I know, right.
She's coming out!!
Hong Si Ah!
Hong Si Ah!
Hey, Hong Si Ah !
What is this?
Whatever... my head hurts.
What am I supposed to do?
Great plot, great lines.
More than that, I can see your affection for this project seeing each character live and breathe.
What did you do exactly? If you continue this way, you'll have no problem with your debut.
Gosh, but why do I feel so uneasy?
This won't do. I have to tell them first!
Dried Persimmon lied about her age and joined the archery team?
Why are you going through someone else's bag?
And she drew me?
No way...
That's right. That was it.
Dried Persimmon!
Hey, Dried Persimmon! Dried Persimmon...
Dried Persimmon, where are you?
Dried Persimmon!
Dried Persimmon...
Dried Persimmon...
Dried Persimmon!
Dried Persimmon!
That's right. If I tell them the truth they'll understand..
No. Men get horrified at boy's-love.
They'll never understand me.
However, I can't avoid it like this.
That's right, it was weird from the beginning.
Dried Persimmon liked me, so she joined the archery team... Ugh, I had no idea. You idiot!
Where did you even come from?
Hey, Dried Persimmon! I'm saying I'll permit you to like me!
Dried Persimmon!
- Oppa! - Oppa!
I'm a bit busy right now.
there is something you must see..
Ihave something to tell you guys...
Manager Hong where have you been? Everyone was looking for you.
I had something to do... But today...
What is your real identity?
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