Google is showing this interactive "google birthday surprise spinner" Doodle for its
19th Birthday.
Upon clicking today's Doodle, we can explore 19 surprises Google has launched over the
past 19 years - including their brand new Search Funbox: Snake Game!
Some surprises are Google's previous interactive Doodles.
Google is currently serving more than 4.5 billion users in 160 countries speaking 123
languages worldwide.
In 1997, one of Google's co-founders, Larry Page, had just arrived at Stanford University
to pursue his P.h.D in computer science.
Of all the students on campus, Google's other co-founder, Sergey Brin, was randomly
assigned to show Page around.
By referring this incident Google Doodle blog post is saying that , They say life is full
of surprises, and Google's history is chock-full of them.
For more infomation >> Google Birthday Surprise Spinner - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Lovers in Bloom | 木槿花开了 | 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다 - Ep.82 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2017.09.26] - Duration: 31:47.
Jin Bora!
(Episode 82)
What are you doing here? Huh?
Why'd you come?
I asked you what you were doing here!
What do you care?
It's over between us.
Jin Bora.
I kept my word,
so what were you thinking coming here?
Unless you'll marry me.
Suhyeok's being a pain.
Why won't he answer his phone?
- Mom, that's enough. / - What?
They're adults.
Why are you making a fuss
over him not answering
his phone like it's a big deal?
Why are you giving me attitude?
You left without a word. Why?
Did you fight with Inspector Cha?
Mom, please.
What? Stop meddling?
Since we're on the topic,
I'm more worried about you than Suhyeok.
I don't like what Inspector Cha does either.
He said he wouldn't let you go through this alone.
That was just talk.
What has he actually done?
Does he think love alone can lead to marriage?
Fine. That's enough.
I'm sorry.
Does he even have his own house?
In-laws and the eldest...
What in the world are you thinking?
I told you to stop!
How dare you raise your voice at me?
What do you know anyway?
I know everything. Everything.
I see it as clear as day,
you childish fool.
Fine. I'm childish.
But what can I do
since this is how I am?
Good grief. Good grief.
Oh, my.
I dozed off.
You're up?
You didn't get a wink of sleep last night either.
What's wrong?
Taejin asked me about his mother.
Don't worry too much.
He may be sad now,
but it'll be reassuring to know his mom is well.
If she had it tough like I did
or if she's sick...
The problem is that's not all.
Is there something else I'm not aware of?
Is she ill?
Is that why she came?
Geez. That'd actually be easier to tell him.
It's not that. She isn't
officially Chairman Jin's wife.
What is she if she's not officially his wife?
That must be Taejin.
You drank again?
This is why a man must meet the right woman.
You're getting more distraught because
you're with someone with so much baggage.
Good night.
Did you and Officer Moo break up?
Would that please you?
Excuse me?
What is it about Moo Gunghwa you dislike so much?
Is that a rhetorical question?
It pained me just watching you
tormented and agonizing
over Ms. Oh.
That's why I only thought about your happiness.
But you seem to be different from me.
So what if she has a daughter?
So what?
What will people say?
Is saving face that important to you?
I'm telling you
I won't be happy unless I'm with her, but is getting
a daughter-in-law you like more important to you?
How dare you!
Like you said, let's give some serious thought to
whether we should be together.
We're back.
Welcome back.
Was that really necessary?
She said she didn't know.
So not knowing always gets a free pass?
My goodness. What's the matter?
There was a karaoke machine in a restaurant...
That's illegal.
It violates the Food Sanitation Act.
That's true,
but she only just took over the restaurant
and didn't know as the machine was already there.
But there's no end to going easy on ignorance.
That's true,
but the situation she's in is so unfortunate.
Her husband was in an accident, so she couldn't
open the restaurant until yesterday.
Couldn't you give someone like her some slack?
Why be so harsh...
Officer Moo, come with me.
Wow. I haven't heard that in a while.
Officer Moo, come with me.
You don't say.
Come with me.
Officer Moo's come a long way.
She even talks back to Inspector Cha now.
Don't things seem rocky between them?
I wonder if something's up.
You're back to square one again.
Don't you know what you did wrong?
No, I don't.
Isn't it our job too as police officers
to listen to what happened to her?
She said she didn't know,
so can't you let her off the hook?
Must you be so heartless?
I told you not put emotions first.
You know I'm an emotional person.
Let me make this clear...
Okay, fine.
I slipped up again in front you.
Moo Gunghwa!
Sir, Inspector Lee's looking for you.
Oh, okay.
Officer Moo,
did you and Inspector Cha fight?
Yes, we did.
People in relationships sometimes fight.
You sure have come a long way.
You must think you can
disrespect your superior because you're dating.
Senior Officer Jang.
Don't you know this only makes him look bad?
Yes. Sure you can fight.
But this is a police station.
If you must fight, take it elsewhere.
I'm giving you sound advice as a colleague.
I'm sorry.
You'll have to keep your guard up.
Inspector Cha is an exacting person.
You know when people like him break up,
they break up for good, right?
Thank you for your concern.
I really should be careful.
They even got men on him now?
I'm here to see Mr. Moo Suhyeok.
Is he out?
I don't know.
He didn't run away somewhere, did he?
You people must really be scared of Suhyeok.
Causing a scene here wasn't enough,
so you're now trying to tail him.
When Mr. Moo gets back,
tell him he'd better not do anything stupid.
Don't waste your energy.
Do you think you'll be able to find Bora?
I bet Suhyeok will find her first.
You don't seem to know her as well as Suhyeok does.
Who knows?
He might already be with her.
It seems as though Bora's with Moo Suhyeok.
Are you serious?
I'm not sure,
but Moo Suhyeok wasn't in his office.
They'll get it from me...
Why'd you say that?
I was just so angry.
There are guys that look like thugs outside too.
They won't do anything to Suhyeok, right?
I'll call you later.
Call me immediately if anything happens.
Who's banging on the door like that?
Yes, coming.
Good heavens!
Why are you here?
Where is your son?
Excuse me.
Where is that punk?
That punk?
How dare you call my son a punk?
Who do you think you are?
Where is that punk?
I don't know, so please leave.
Get out of our house right now.
How dare you come here and cause a scene?
Cause a scene?
Do I have to teach you a lesson?
Your son has goaded my Bora into...
You appear to be completely mistaken.
Your daughter proposed,
and my son said no!
So go find your daughter and
keep her in line
instead of taking it out on the wrong people!
Cocksure, aren't you? Very cocksure.
Because that childish Bora proposed to your son,
you must see a fortune dangling before you.
Not a chance!
That's what a money-grubber would think.
Watch it, lady!
You must not know how scary the world is, do you?
Who are you?
You'd better my mark my words.
Relay this to your son loud and clear.
If he so much as lays a finger on Bora,
I'll put and end to him.
Got it?
Who do you think you are?
Who are you to put an end to my son?
Please leave.
Who are you?
Get out of our house right now!
Who are you?
I'm Officer Moo Gunghwa.
South Korean police.
Don't you know barging into someone's home is illegal?
If you don't leave immediately,
I'll arrest you for trespassing.
Arrest me? You?
You don't think I will?
The police force exists to
stop lawbreakers.
So? Do you want to come with me?
Why, I oughta!
If you lay your hands on my kids again,
that'll be the end for both of us.
If you don't want any trouble,
you'd better take what I said to heart.
Got it, lady?
Mom. Mom, are you okay?
Are you okay?
Will water be enough?
I'll go get you anti-anxiety medicine or something.
I'm fine.
No, you're not.
You're as pale as a ghost.
So why'd you let him in? Why?
You should've kept the door shut.
Who knew it was that jerk?
Suhyeok might be with Bora.
He hasn't called since
bolting out like that earlier.
Hey, maybe they've been caught.
Then would Chairman Jin have caused a scene here?
He's riled up because he hasn't found them.
Based on what Suhyeok said,
I don't think we can stop him now.
But how will he manage?
Judging from how Chairman Jin was,
he won't let Suhyeok off the hook.
Geez. We need to know where he is
if we are to tell him to lie low for a while.
I think I might know.
Should I go?
What if something happens?
No way.
What could possibly happen?
I'm a cop, Mom.
Regardless, no.
Don't even think about it.
Got it?
Did you find her?
What are you talking about?
Where did Dad go?
I'm going to go mental!
What is it? Did something happen?
Who is it?
I heard my father came by.
Ms. Lee.
I apologize on my dad's behalf
if he slipped up.
Slipped up?
That's quite an understatement
relative to what he did.
Please go.
I'm really very sorry.
I don't want your apology
nor do I want to see any of your family,
so please go.
Let's go.
Ms. Lee.
Chairman Jin really is something else.
I heard he slapped my brother,
and now he tried to hit me.
Man, this is maddening.
And your mother said all kinds of
offensive things to my mom,
denigrating my mom because she has more money.
What? Ms. Heo did?
So how could you think of coming to our house
knowing that your dad had caused such a scene?
I don't think I could've if I were you.
Do you think my mom would want to see you?
And your father put men near
my brother's office.
So they can
drag him away if he shows up?
And then what will they do to him?
I'm sorry.
Please let Chairman Jin know
to stop while I'm still being nice
or I'm really going to lose it.
How did your boss find out?
Given that he pulled you aside and
told you not to be stupid, maybe he found out
we're looking for dirt on Chairman Jin.
Man. Did we rush into this?
Truth is, a couple of thugs barged into
my sister's restaurant recently.
They ransacked the place and then disappeared.
Turns out they are in the private loan business.
Are you serious?
Sounds like you got a text.
Haechan's in danger.
Hurry over to the park behind the kindergarten.
You ignored our calls
and left the group chat.
I don't want to talk to you guys.
Who do you think you are?
Move so I can go.
Go ahead if you can.
Go ahead!
What do you think you're doing?
Let's go. That's enough.
Who are you?
Are you kidding me?
I think you guys should know
that I'm a police officer.
What took you so long?
Are you okay?
Yes, Uncle Taejin.
How did a kid like him join the group?
His parents could afford the lessons,
so I thought he'd be alright, but alas.
Please mind what you say.
Why should I do that?
Find out for yourself.
They're all top or second in class.
He's the problem.
What do grades have to do with this?
Haechan. Haechan.
Haechan. What happened to you?
Are you badly hurt?
Are you okay?
Did you boys do this to Haechan?
No one did anything to anyone.
It was probably a mutual scuffle.
Are you serious?
When my kid's banged up like this?
He's not the only victim.
Our kids are bigger victims,
They were losing precious time
because some low-performing kid joined,
so of course they got angry.
How is that an excuse to beat him up?
Who says our kids did?
How dare you!
I do.
Can't you see my cut lip?
I understand you want to trust your children,
but please mind what you say.
They may do well in school,
but their behavior wasn't exemplary.
Do you know
what you're doing won't resolve this?
Now, now. This won't do.
Separate the students into victims and offenders
and get their statements. Move.
That's enough. Please come this way.
We can talk over here.
Come on.
What's wrong with those people?
Their lack of conscience is appalling.
How can they not apologize
and act like that when
our precious son was beaten up?
Don't fret it.
We can do this by the law.
Are you okay?
Are you in pain?
If you are,
let me take you to the hospital.
We stopped by the hospital on our way back.
The doctor says it's not serious, so don't worry.
It's my fault.
I'm sorry.
My goodness. Haechan.
What happened to his arm?
Is he hurt?
What happened?
What in the world happened?
Just a kids' scuffle.
He's not seriously hurt,
so don't worry too much.
What is happening to this family?
Haechan, it's me.
Please open the door.
It's me.
Didn't I tell you to stop?
You didn't even pretend to listen to me.
Are you happy about what you've done to him?
What will you do about Haechan?
What will you do about our son?
Haechan, I'm sorry.
Now you're sorry?
I'm about to lose it too.
How could I have known this would happen?
I told you it seemed like a mistake!
I said something was wrong
and to look at his face.
How many times did I tell you?
Does what I say mean nothing to you?
Because I'm incompetent and can't earn a lot,
does what I say hold no value?
Is that why you ignored me?
I'm sorry. I said I'm sorry.
Right. Why should I blame you?
It's my fault for being incompetent.
Why are you crying
after getting our son hurt?
He's been desperately crying out for help.
What good will it do you
as his mom to force him to do well in school?
Turn him into a monster like those kids earlier?
I want our son to grow up decent
even if he doesn't do well in school.
How could I have known this would happen?
This is maddening for me too.
So why are you making it worse?
What do you want me to do?
Hands off my son from now on.
If you force him to do anything again,
I won't hold back anymore.
Got it?
Stop staring at me.
Why can't I stare at my new bride?
How cheesy.
You can't get enough of me,
so how'd you endure all this time?
Don't you dare disappear on me again.
Were you that worried?
I thought I was going to die.
Were you so worried your heart almost exploded?
Happy about that?
But it's nothing compared to
my emotional distress.
Don't you dare tell me to go away again either.
Then I'll really disappear for good.
This is nice.
It's vending machine coffee.
Anything tastes good
when you have it with the person you love.
Should we not return to Seoul
and just live here?
Yes, of course.
Because you're mine now.
Aren't you being too shameless?
How about it?
Wouldn't it be nice to live here and run a cafe?
Are you scared about returning to Seoul?
It'd be fine if it were just me,
but I'm not sure you could handle it.
What do you take your hubby for?
Let's get our marriage license first when we return.
Whatever happens,
I don't care anymore.
You don't either, right?
Hey, what happened?
Why was your phone off?
Where are you right now?
Did you find Bora?
We're getting married tomorrow.
You and Juyeong can be our witnesses, right?
I'll tell you more when we return.
Suhyeok! Suhyeok!
Are you free today?
I have to go to Gangwon-do.
What for?
Suhyeok's there right now and
he says he's getting married tomorrow.
I want to know what's going on,
and I'm also worried if something happened.
It's our off day tomorrow,
so I want to go see him.
Could you drive me there?
And let's talk on the way.
I have something to say to you.
What are you talking about?
They said he wasn't at his office,
so I went to his house.
Wow. His mother shamelessly got in my face.
Good grief.
And his daughter was just like her.
You saw Ms. Lee's daughter?
Dad, what did you go and say to them?
I told them I'd send him to an early grave
if he did anything stupid, okay?
And when I did, that nobody of a cop daughter
went off on me about trespassing and whatnot...
So why'd you have to go there?
Why are you yelling, you little twerp?
Did I go somewhere I shouldn't have?
Man, this is really maddening!
Geez. What's with that twerp?
Good grief.
It's me.
You found Bora?
It's about Haechan's grades.
What do we do if he stays that way?
Your son's a mess right now.
His heart is broken, okay? His heart.
Is she out to see her old man collapse?
There must be a young couple staying here.
Cha Taejin.
I'll crush him no matter what it takes.
Compulsory transfer?
I'm sorry, sir.
Senior Inspector Hwang will catch on.
What will you do?
You said you liked Gunghwa because she's brave.
Why don't you be brave too?
Let's stay together.
Jamuna tv News 26 September 2017, Bangladesh Latest News Today News Update Tv News Bd All Bangl - Duration: 16:11.
Jamuna tv News 26 September 2017, Bangladesh Latest News Today News Update Tv News Bd All Bangl.
How to Get Away with Murder 4x01 Sneak Peek "I'm Going Away" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:53.
Sam Witwicky 'Einstein's Wrong' Scene | Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:20.
Space, time, gravity.
- Thank you. - Finish that for me.
We're going on a journey together,
you and I, today.
All you, eager nubile young minds on the very cusp of adulthood.
And I shall be your consort, your guide,
your chaperone, into the heart of darkness.
Welcome to Astronomy 101.
For what do we know about the stars?
Virgo... the virgin.
Orion, the great hunter.
These are no mere twinkling diamonds
for lovely maidens to wish upon.
No, they are diamond, filled with a throbbing,
savage and hemped-up energy.
Behold the work of Albert Einstein,
a professor once, like moi,
- energy, in its mass temp... - What are you doing?
Put your hand down, put your hand down.
Young man, there are no questions
until I've reached the climax of my lecture.
I've just finished your book. There's only one problem.
Einstein's wrong.
Energy doesn't go mass times velocity light square
in this dimension. What about the other 17
while we're impossible to give 17?
A clear example:
Come on, guys, I can't be the only one in class...
Young man, I will not be punked in front of the dean.
No, this is my universe here. Do you understand?
I am the Alpha and the Omega.
- Get out of my class. - Yes, sir.
Any one else care to have some sort of mental breakdown?
Opening Scene 'Shanghai Battle' | Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009) Movie Clip - Duration: 6:57.
Breaking news at Shanghai.
There's been a major toxic spill on the Shanghai Central District.
- Citizens today... - For today,
our topic that's a developing story for you,
we will bring you any new information
as we get it...
- What's the status? - C-hawks approaching target.
Three minutes until evacuation's complete, sir.
Chinese airspace has been locked and sealed.
One mile radius.
Alright, give NEST team the go.
Black Hawks, clear to land.
# Ding-a-ling, come out and get your ice cream #
Any bad robot out there better get ready for ass-whooping.
For the last two years, an advanced team of new Autobots
has taken refuge here under my command.
Arcees, get ready to launch.
We're locked and loaded.
Together, we form an alliance with the humans.
A secret, a brave squad of soldiers.
Alright, that's enough.
Time discovered story in this one is toxic spill.
They had to evac the area for search and rescue.
This makes six enemy contacts in eight months.
We gotta make sure this one does not get out the public axe
so keep it tight.
A classified strike team called NEST.
We hunt for what remains of our Decepticon foes,
hiding in different countries around the globe.
Rolling Alpha through Echo now.
Alright, Ironhide.
We got Echo's. Vamos.
To the stacks. Two o'clock.
He's here.
I smell him.
It's close. It's heading closer.
Oh, no.
How are ya?
It's three ripple.
Alright, everybody, be steady.
We're right on top of it.
Ease on fire.
Hand to one. Requesting fire mission now!
Gunships on station. Rolling hot.
We intersected a Decepticon.
Arcee twins, target coming your way.
Watch out!
I screwed that up. I'm okay, I'm alright.
This is kinda bad, man. What's wrong with you?
Three insides white.
Clear and fast.
Damn, I'm good.
Air support, we need Big Booter delivered and dropped now.
Code 9-A...
Dropping in five, four, three, two, one.
Autobots, I'm in pursuit.
Pull over.
Punk-ass Decepticon,
any last words?
This is not your planet to rule.
The Fallen shall rise again.
That doesn't sound good.
Not today.
Watch: Tuesday Morning Webcast - Duration: 2:51.
How to Get Away with Murder 4x01 Sneak Peek 2 "I'm Going Away" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:40.
How To Fix A Broken Off Bolt - Duration: 2:02.
one, two, three, four!
Rev up your engines!
It's time for the Scotty Kilmer Channel
today I'm going to show you how to fix a common problem when you're putting sway
bar bushings in, sometimes these blind bolts just break off, as you can see,
there's two bolts that hold the collar on, this one's okay, but this one here has
broken off inside, and unfortunately, it's what's called a blind bolt, it goes into
a nut that's welded inside the frame, and there's no way you can get inside the
frame, so here's a trick anyone can do, the first thing we do is go to the good
sides that still that's two good bolts, and get those bolts nice and tight, then
we go to the other side of the vehicle for the other side of the torsion bar,
and we tighten up the one good one that's there, now that still leaves the
bad one here that's broken, it's almost impossible to ever drill them out on
these old things, because it's a welded not on the inside, so we're just going to
weld this side of the bracket onto the frame, the first thing you do is brush
off all the paint and crud where you're welding, then disconnect the battery
because we're doing electric welding, we don't want to short anything out, then
start welding, and don't forget to wear your welding hat, then when your done
the other side's welded on and it won't come off, and remember when you're done
spray all the weld area with paint, so it doesn't rust, so if you broken off a
bolt while working on your vehicle, now you know how to fix it,
remember if you've got any car questions visit the Scotty Kilmer channel and
I'll answer them as soon as I get back from my Shack.
WP693995 Replacing Your Dryer's Back Panel Screw - AP6010601, PS11743784. - Duration: 1:38.
Hi, I'm Jordan
Today, I'm going to show you how to replace the back panel screw on your whirlpool dryer model
The reason you might need to change this part is if your screw is rusted out or broken
For this repair, you'll need a quarter inch nut driver
to begin our repair we're just going to turn the dryer around
so there are nine screws on the back of your panel, we're missing one right here.
now the reason you want to replace your screw is that over time your back panel could get
dented and if that's the case unwanted material can go inside of the panel which can damage your system
so what you want to do is grab your new OEM replacement screw
if you don't have one of these screws already, you can find them on our online store
and with your quarter inch nut driver, just screw in the new screw
and once you replace your new screw, your back panel will be protected
and your repair is complete
if you need to replace any parts for your appliances you can find an OEM replacement part on our website
Thanks for watching, your support helps us to create these free videos for you to enjoy
Please, like, comment, and share and if you really like our video, please subscribe down below
Korean gov't announces a new comprehensive set of measures to tackle fine-dust issue - Duration: 2:13.
A comprehensive set of measures aimed at tackling the country's air pollution problem has been
announced by the environment ministry.
It's designed to help cut down the level of fine dust by 30 percent in the coming five
years... by shutting down aging coal power plants... and reducing vehicle emissions.
Cha Sang-mi outlines the plan to efficiently improve air quality.
The Korean government has promised to reduce fine dust levels in Korea's air by 30 percent
by 2022 -- the end of President Moon's five-year term.
The Environment Ministry is to suspend aging coal-fired power plants in spring when the
fine dust concentration usually peaks.
The plan involves the shutdown of seven coal plants that are over 30 years old.
(KOREAN) "We are in the process of negotiating the
conversion of four coal-fired plants into liquefied natural gas-powered plants.
We will move forward with shutting down seven old coal plants by the end of our term."
As for vehicle emissions -- another major contributor to fine dust -- the government
will impose tighter regulations and with the aim of scrapping over 75 percent of some 2-point-2
million diesel cars, and increase the number of eco-friendly and electric vehicles to up
to 2 million units.
The anti-fine dust initiative will be overseen by a task force under the Prime Minister's
The government will issue "bad day" advisories when the concentration of ultra-fine dust,
or PM 2-point-5, exceeds 35 micrograms per cubic meter.
Currently, advisories are announced when it reaches 50.
This is the same standard as in developed countries such as the U.S. and Japan.
When it comes to Korea's neighbors, like China, the environment minister said the fine dust
problem is serious enough for countries to address it not only on the minister level
but through a summit between their leaders.
The OECD has ranked South Korea the lowest among 35 advanced countries when it comes
to air quality.
To achieve the goal of a 30 percent reduction in emissions, the government will allocate
nearly 6-point-4 billion U.S. dollars.
Cha Sang-mi, Arirang News.
Korea to expand playground for all children - Duration: 4:31.
The playground.
A place where time fly by as children interact and make new friends while having fun.
Unbeknownst to many of us, the common recreational features are unreachable to some.
On our news feature tonight Lee Unshin introduces to us a new wave of playgrounds that are more
inclusive, catering to the needs of kids of all abilities.
From the 1st grade to the 12th,... students at Myunghyun school are thrilled.
An outdoor playground with a sandbox, a swing, and spring rides... has arrived at last.
(Korean) "For outside activities, we take the students
hiking on the nearby mountain so they can build up their strength, or go to museums
or art centers.
But I'm so happy there's now an outdoor play area for them right here."
The school provides special education for kids with learning difficulties.
Most of some 120 students here have neuro-developmental difficulties... but there are a few who carry
physical disabilities... and for them, enjoying the rides won't be the same as it is for their
(Korean) "It breaks my heart that the students who
are in wheelchairs or walkers can't quite use the standard swings or slides like the
For many, a playground is something that they grew up with, an adult-free zone to meet new
friends and play outdoor games,... and it's often taken for granted.
(Korean) "For any kid, to play is to live.
A playground is a necessary place for their social, emotional, and cognitive growth, along
with physical and coordination development through the equipment."
For that reason, Children's Grand Park in Seoul has opened a playground that's designed
for kids of all abilities to enjoy.
(standup) At a glance, this playground isn't that different
from any other one.
But when you look closely you'll notice small details, such as this wide open pathway instead
of stairs, leading up to the slide, so any child can either walk or climb up in a wheelchair.
The slide is wide enough for an adult and a child to ride down together.
There's a merry-go-round with a corner to secure a wheelchair,... basket swings that
are spacious enough to get on lying down... and a sandbox with a place for kids in a wheelchair
to come in and play.
(Korean) "This playground was built through extensive
research and lots of trial and error.
As a result its features are very safe and kids really seem to enjoy themselves here.
This is what a playground should look like, companies came here to benchmark the model.
But coming to the park can be quite a hassle, especially for those who have physical disabilities
who come here by car."
The lack of THIS kind of kid-friendly space across the nation is linked to legal matters.
Korea's anti-discrimination act for persons with disabilities and children's safety regulations,
don't specify anything about playground features for kids with disabilities.
Legal guidelines to deal with accidents or insurance problems are needed for such equipment
to be made.
(Korean) "This is long overdue by lawmakers.
So I proposed a modification act to take care of any incomplete legal or regulatory matters,
so that any child, handicapped or not, gets to enjoy the playground.
Kim's proposal includes providing support for the production of recreational equipment
for kids with special needs,... with the required budget backed by the government.
Something that various institutes, including Myunghyun school, have long waited for.
(Korean) "To purchase such equipment, schools, especially
private ones like ours are often met with budget issues.
If the government can appoint companies to manufacture them it will bring down prices."
So that no child is left out of the joy of playing outside.
The move is expected to lead to more inclusive recreational grounds like the one at Children's
Grand Park,... an area for all kids to just enjoy being a kid.
(Korean) "When working on the design of the playground,
I made sure the features are feasible for them, but at the same time just as enjoyable
for others.
And I wanted to highlight how adjusting small things from the conventional playground can
accommodate all children, abled or disabled."
Lee Unshin Arirang News.
The Good Place 2x03 Promo "Dance Dance Resolution" This Season On (SUB ITA) - Duration: 1:01.
Young Sheldon 1x02 Promo "Rockets, Communist, and the Dewey Decimal System" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:21.
WAVE 125 modified 57mm (vs) WAVE 125 bore up 57mm ( Different Carburetor) - Duration: 2:05.
WE2M185 - Replacing Your Dryer's Drum Baffle Screw - AP2044410, PS267640, - Duration: 2:53.
Hi, I'm Jordan
today, I'm going to show you how to replace the drum baffle screw on your GE dryer model
The reason you might need to change this part is if your screw is missing or rusted out
For this repair, you'll need a putty knife and a Phillips head screwdriver
Before doing any repairs please disconnect your power source
To begin our repair, we're going to open up the dryer door
With your Phillips head screwdriver, we're going to take out the two screws located underneath the panel, right here and right here
So with your putty knife, you're going to lift up on the panel
just lift it up, move it on the side
For three baffles we have three baffle screws, as you can see, we're missing one right here
Keep in mind if you're missing a screw, it can cause damage to the inside of the baffle
so in order to prevent that grab your new OEM replacement baffle screw
if you don't have one of these screws already, you can find them on our online store
Take your new screw
Screw it back in
Once you've done that your baffle should be protected from any damage
Then just replace your top panel
and make sure when you place that back in, it lines up with the tabs located underneath
Then just replace the screws you took out from the door previously
Just make sure your screw goes straight through to the top
You can see it right there
and do the same one this side
Then just shut your door.
and your repair is complete
Finally, don't forget to plug in your appliance
If you need to replace any parts for your appliances, you can find an OEM replacement part on our website.
Thanks for watching, your support helps us to create these free videos for you to enjoy.
Please like, comment, and share and if you really like our video please subscribe down below.
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