Custom Games (available from level 10): now you can challenge other players to run 1vs1 or train with your clanmates! ATTENTION! This feature will be enabled a few days after the update — follow the news!
New robot Inquisitor: death from above
Components: collect them and exchange for new items!
Black Market changes: Components added, items with a small drop chance removed
For more infomation >> War Robots update 3.2 — on Google Play! - Duration: 0:36.-------------------------------------------
Star Fox 2 - REVIEW (Super NES Classic) - Duration: 5:44.
"It's about time you showed up fox"" Yeah, it only took you twenty years.
So in case you haven't heard the tale of Star Fox 2, here's the cliffnotes version:
it was a originally planned for release on the Super Nintendo back in 1996!
But despite being finished and ready to ship, Nintendo decided at the last minute to shelve
it, because of the fear it would look too "dated' compared to the then 32-bit competition.
Perhaps a wise move at the time, though one that left Star Fox fans wondering what could
have been all these years since
Well, wonder no more!
Because after, more than 20 years later, the game is finally seeing a proper release as
part of the Super NES Classic.
And that's super exciting--I mean, it's not every day that you're able to experience
a Nintendo game for the first time that you had expected to 20 years earlier.
So the question is, does Star Fox 2 hold up?
Well...let's find out.
So Star Fox 2 is, fundamentally, a very different game from the original.
Whereas the original was a simple on-rails shooter, with every enemy's placement and
movement orchestrated in advance like a space ballet, Star Fox 2 is considerably more complex,
now being an entirely free-roaming affair, allowing you to visit any level at any time,
while always affording a full 360 degrees of freedom--aka all-range mode.
And let me tell you, it feels weeeeird to have this level of control in a game that
looks like, well, the original Star Fox.
On top of this, your Arwing can also turn into a Walker when exploring planets or the
insides of spaceships, which grants you greater maneuverability, but at the expense of speed--and
speed is a big, big factor in this game.
And that's because the clock is always ticking in Star Fox 2.
You see, the World Map is an active battlefield, with Andross's troops constantly advancing
towards Corneria in an effort to destroy it--and they don't care whether you're caught
up in a mission or not--they'll keep moving regardless.
So the longer you take to complete your objective, the more progress Andross's troops can make,
and the greater peril Corneria will be in--because once it sustains 100% damage, it's Game
Now you can always hit pause during a mission to scope out what's happening on the World
Map--and if things look dire, you can quit the mission to try and intercept Andross's
forces elsewhere--but you'll have to start that mission over from scratch once you come
back later.
So in case you haven't guessed, Star Fox's objective is to eradicate Andross's forces
from the Lylat System--which is complicated by the fact that the planets under Andross's
control will continually launch missiles that home right in on Corneria.
And that's where the strategy comes into play.
Do you go on the offensive to try and wrestle back control of the planets to prevent more
missiles from being launched, or do you go on the defensive to take down Cornerian-bound
enemies and missiles before they can do some damage--but remember, if you take too long,
even more missiles might be launched in the meantime.
Oh, and then there's the fact that your ship's heath is a persistent factor between
levels too, meaning you'll need to be careful to not take too much damage.
So it's a constant battle of assessing risk vs reward--of when to make to go on the attack
and when to hold back.
And the constant threat of Corneria's looming destruction is the heart and soul of Star
Fox 2.
It lends the entire game a sense of intensity--one that makes every action have weight--and thank
goodness too, because the game's core gameplay isn't particularly engaging by itself, at
least in a vacuum of space.
Dogfights consist of little more than taking potshots at enemies that fly straight at you,
before turning around and doing it again.
And the planetary missions aren't much better, requiring you to find a certain amount of
switches to gain access to a base, where you'll navigate some corridors to reach a boss--which
almost always boils down to the same strategy of circling around them while shooting.
The missions are mostly repetitive and lack the meticulous design and skill requirements
of its predecessors' on-rail levels.
It's a little ironic that the greater player freedom comes at the expense of levels that
feel limited by that.
But thankfully , the missions don't exist within a vacuum, and when combined with the
genuinely novel real-time World Map conceit, Star Fox 2 can be quite enjoyable--constantly
pushing you to play better and faster--both to save Corneria, as well as to earn a better
ranking at the end of the game, and eventually unlock the final difficulty.
Oh, and speaking of difficulty, I strongly recommend playing the game on Hard Mode, instead
of the, poorly titled "Normal mode," which I found to be so incredibly easy, that it
undermined the entire point of the real-time conceit.
But once I cranked it up to hard, that's when I really began to appreciate the game's
intricate gameplay.
Now it's impossible to talk about Star Fox 2 visuals without taking into account the
context how the game came to be.
And within that context, Star Fox 2 can both impress--as well as be genuinely ugly.
Some moments honestly blew me away, in that it's honestly hard to believe it could run
on the Super Nintendo--the mere act of being able to fly anywhere, including around giant
space structures, is impressive.
And a few moments even ran at a shockingly smooth framerate, by SNES Star Fox standards.
And one planet-based mission in particular really surprised me when I discovered it had
both an aerial, as well as underwater segment.
There are also some really neat details, like how when a Battleship begins charging its
laser on the World Map, you can see that reflected in the actual mission to destroy it too.
But on the other hand, the game is bogged down by ugly and repetitive interiors--especially
when you discover how much the game can chug during boss battles, with the framerate cratering
to just barely a notch above completely unplayable.
The music too, seemed mostly forgettable, and lacked the awesome punch of the original's
soundtrack--although I do quite like the title screen theme.
So all in all, I liked Star Fox 2.
It's very different from what you might expect, but if you give it a chance, it can
sink its addictive teeth into you--and truly amounts to more than the sum of its parts.
Plus, it's just gosh darn cool to be playing a "new" Super NES after all these years.
Thanks for watching and make sure to stay tuned to subscribe to gameXplain for more
on Star Fox 2 and everything Nintendo
Xiaomi Mi A1 vs iPhone 7 Plus Camera Comparison - Duration: 6:28.
Hey Guys its Sagar from Tecworkz.
I know you have already read the title of this video, and most of you are really mad
and furious at me for even making this comparison.
I would have not made this video, if this slide was not shown in the A1's launch event.
To top it off, they spent another 5 minuets comparing the images from the A1 with the
OnePlus 5 and the iPhone 7 Plus.
So its only fair that we put their claims to test in this video.
In one of my other videos, I compared the camera of the Mi A1 and the OnePlus 5, if
you want to watch it, I will leave a card to it on the top right corner of the screen
and also link it in the description section.
Alright ,now lets put Xiaomi's claims to the test.
But before we do that, make sure to hit the subscribe button, so you don't miss out on
any of the amazing videos coming up on this channel.
Quickly getting the specifications out of the way.
Mi A1 packs in dual 12 megapixel cameras with phase detect autofocus and dual tone flash.
One of the camera, has a regular 26mm wide angle lens with f/2.2 aperture, while the
other has a 50mm telephoto lens with an aperture of f/2.6.
There is no stabilisation on either of these cameras.
iPhone 7 Plus also sports a 12 megapixel dual camera setup.
The first camera has a 28mm wide lens with f/1.8 aperture.
While the 2nd one has a 56mm lens with an aperture of f/2.8.
You get optical image stabilisation on the wide camera, but the telephoto lens lacks
that feature.
At front, the Mi A1 has a 5 megapixel camera with f/2.0 aperture, while the iPhone 7 Plus
has 7 megapixel camera with F/2.2 Aperture.
The dual cameras on both these phones have similar functions.
You can choose between either of the cameras while clicking images.
They also allows you to take images with depth effect, by simultaneously gathering information
from both the cameras.
On the A1, for some reason, you don't have the option of switching to the telephoto lens
while shooting videos, which you can do on the iPhone 7 Plus.
Now that we know the function of dual cameras on both these smartphones, lets take a look
at some of the sample images and videos that I took with them.
As with all smartphone cameras, both of these capture good images in bright light.
Colours are extremely accurate from the iPhone in any lighting conditions, while the Mi A1
tries to capture cooler colour tones.
In some shots like this, white balance from the Mi A1 is way off.
Here are shots from both the cameras with HDR mode turned off, and now the same shots
with HDR turned on.
One from the Mi A1 has a green tint, which doesn't look that good, in my opinion.
Here's another example, and I like the one from the iPhone, since it brought back a lot
of details in the highlights.
A1 can take good close up shots, but thanks to the wider aperture on the iPhone, background
in its images is blurred out lot more.
Thanks to the telephoto lens on both the phones, you can take images like this, without having
to cropping in or any loss in image quality.
With the telephoto lens you also have the option to shoot portrait images.
Now Xiaomi is very confident of this feature on their phone, and rightly so, the A1 takes
very good portrait images.
Skin tones and colours from the iPhone are clearly better in these shots, but the A1
has done a commendable job for the price that it comes in.
But as soon as you start taking portrait images in low or artificial light, A1 really struggles
a lot.
As the light goes down, we start seeing a clear difference between the images from both
these phones.
iPhone again captures true and better colours, and having optical image stabilisation helps
capturing sharper detailed images.
The A1 lacks any sort of stabilisation, and has a narrower aperture, so it cranks up the
ISO to make the images brighter, but that also introduces noise in the images.
As I said before, the low light images from the iPhone are much sharper and detailed in
this comparison.
Thera is much less noise in the images from the iPhone and the overall images look a lot
The 7 megapixel front facing camera on the iPhone again captures more details and better
skin tones.
Coming to the video performance.
if you saw any of my previous videos about the camera of the A1, you already know that
the video from it is extremely shaky, and doesn't look very good.
iPhone 7 Plus on the other hand is one of my favourite smartphones when it comes to
taking videos.
Both the phones can take slow motion videos.
A1 can take 12ofps slow motion video at 720p resolution, whereas 7 Plus can shoot similar
frame rate in 1080p resolution.
Lot of people are having some issue with the slow motion recording on A1, I had similar
issue while playing back this footage on the phone.
But when I moved the video to the computer to include in this video, the video played
Again it is choppy and not as good as the one on the iPhone 7 Plus.
There are a lot of problems with the camera of the A1 on the video side, and I can only
hope that Xiaomi fixes that soon.
So the iPhone is a clear winner at video, and also has a better overall camera.
It delivers great results in most lighting conditions, captures better contrast and dynamic
range, and the video it produces is amazingly smooth, all of this is expected from a flagship
But the camera performance of the Mi A1 is also noteworthy, specially while taking portrait
It struggles in lower lighting situations and while taking videos, but considering the
fact that it comes at just Rs.15,000, there is not a lot to complain here.
Coming back to this slide, yes the Mi A1 has dual cameras and so does the iPhone 7 Plus.
But as we saw in this video, not all dual cameras are similar.
Xiaomi could have easily got away, if they had compared these cameras with the others
in the same price range.
All being said, I am happily surprised at the camera performance of the Mi A1.
Add to it the fact, that you can buy 4 Mi A1 smartphones at the cost of one iPhone 7
Definitely check out my other videos, where I compare this camera with that of the OnePlus
5 and the Moto G5S Plus.
So what are your thoughts about the camera on these devices.
Do let me know in the comments section.
Please hit the like button if you enjoyed this video, And also subscribe to the channel
for more amazing videos like this.
You can also check out some of the other videos on this channels.
This has been Sagar, and i'll catch you guys in the next video, Take Care.
Booger Jelly Beans - WTFood | Delish - Duration: 3:59.
- We are making booger Jelly Belly's.
- [Jeff] Somebody's tried a booger
at one point in their life.
- Edible snot.
When you get a mouthful of that, it is not good.
We are in Fairfield, California
at the Jelly Belly factory.
I am with Jeff and we are about to start
making a Jelly Belly.
Now this is not going to be tutti frutti
or sour cherry or blueberry.
We are making booger
Jelly Belly's.
- Taste the booger flavor, I know it's in there.
- I have been freaking out all day
about the next 20 minutes of my life.
- So with Jelly Belly we always want to try
to give the real thing when we make a flavor.
Now it's pretty difficult when you do something like booger
because you don't sit around the room
with a cup full of boogers.
Then you kinda want to go back
to your childhood memory,
maybe on certain flavors
and no matter who you talk to,
somebody's tried a booger at one point in their life or not.
- [Chorus] Ew!
- Hopefully their own.
- [Lindsay] Okay, hold up, why is Jelly Belly
even making booger beans?
You can thank Harry Potter for that.
- Ugh, troll boogies.
- [Lindsay] The company expanded
into disgusting territory in 2000
when it launched Birdy Bots Every Flavor Beans.
- George sweared he got a bogie flavored one once.
- [Lindsay] That included repulsive flavors
like dirt and earthworm.
People went crazy for them
so a few years later Jelly Belly did the meanest thing ever.
They created Bean Boozled,
gross flavors that looked like their normal ones.
Lime, or lawn clippings?
Coconut or spoiled milk?
People literally didn't know what they were getting.
The beans became a full-on cult obsession.
These flavors aren't easy for Jelly Belly to develop.
What does spoiled milk even taste like?
And who wants to find out?
The R&D team actually put a carton in a warm closet
and let it ferment.
Getting just the right booger flavor
took three months to perfect.
A decade later, Jelly Belly workers still dread making them.
This is where the very potent
booger tasting centers
of the Jelly Belly's are goin to get their exterior coating.
This gross looking bright green syrup
is booger-flavored syrup,
otherwise known as edible snot.
We're basically doing a few batches
of alternating booger flavored syrup
with sugar, so we are sugaring boogers, essentially
to make them taste good, obviously.
200 lbs are getting coated in
booger flavored syrup.
Ooh, oh, it's earthy and it's
oh it's coming into my,
Ohh, that is, when you get a mouthful of that,
it is not good.
The booger beans are now ready
for their first coating of sugar.
So you can see,
they're getting a little hardened.
This process will go on for a couple more hours.
After which the beans are gonna go into trays
to rest for a couple days
then they'll get glazed,
stamped with the Jelly Belly seal,
and then we got some edible boogers!
It's really salty.
Ew, but like slightly sweet.
Not delish!
Where are we going next?
Is There Anything Nick Lachey Can't Do? - Duration: 3:47.
- And because of my report,
we're on track to sell 10,000 garlic presses
by next week.
- [On The Phone] Whoa Miranda, you just saved
this company from bankruptcy.
Like Curry hitting a three at the buzzer, am I right?
- [Narrator] Caught not understanding a sports reference?
We have the solution.
The Amazon Nick Lachey.
- Nick Lachey, translate Curry hitting a three
at the buzzer.
- Translation, well liked basketball player
makes good play just in time.
- You're very right, sir.
- Sometimes Alexa and Echo can't help.
So turn to me, dreamboat Nick Lachey
of 98 Degrees and a One Tree Hill episode.
As a big time sports fan,
my angel voice and dreamy blue eyes
are the perfect way to deliver you sports knowledge.
- Nick Lachey, what's a sports thing to say in passing?
- Try uh, real ump show last night, huh?
I wish they'd just let them play.
- Uh, real ump show last night, huh?
I wish they'd just let them play.
- Excellent.
- Thanks Nick Lachey.
(energy explosion)
(magical tones)
- Look, gender constructs have created a society
where women are often excluded from sports culture
and thus penalized in professional environments.
And what we've done with the Amazon Nick Lachey
is level the playing field.
And hey, it's also for men who don't know about sports.
- Gosh, I am sick of hearing about concussions in football.
- Today's players are such wimps.
Right Dave?
- Uh.
Nick Lachey, give me an opinion
about concussions and football.
- Here's one, concussions are rampant in the NFL
and numerous studies show that negligence by coaches
- I really need you to dumb it down.
- Okay, better helmets.
- Better helmets.
- Oh nice.
He's smart.
- Yeah, let's keep him on.
- You know Dave, pretending you're interested
in things that you're not is no way to make friends.
- Stay out of it Nick Lachey.
- The Amazon Nick Lachey is also engineered
to help ladies that are sports fans
who know more about sports
than their fragile-ego'd male acquaintances.
- Nick Lachey, I think the designated hitter sucks.
It's like having a designated shooter in basketball
that doesn't play defense.
- Great point, you know exactly
what you're talking about.
- Can you
sing it to me?
(energy explosion)
(magical tones)
♫ I'd love to hear you explain to me
♫ The NFL rules of what constitutes
♫ A defenseless receiver
- I love you Nick Lachey!
- [Narrator] The Amazon Nick Lachey
will revolutionize how you use sports knowledge
to improve your life.
Use it for bad dates,
talking to uncles, networking events,
barbecues with uncles,
sitting next to sports celebrities on airplanes,
hanging out with cousins and their dads
who are your uncles
and lonely nights.
♫ Pick it up today like LeBron in the playoffs
♫ Compared to his regular season play
- [Narrator] The Amazon Nick Lachey.
- Wow, this looks exactly like me.
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Jeep Wrangler Smittybilt Extended Brief Top - Black Diamond (1997-2006 TJ) Review & Install - Duration: 3:54.
This mini build Extended Brief Top in Black Diamond is for those of you that have a 1997
to 2006 TJ and are looking for a Safari style top to add on to your Jeep.
This is going to give you an open-air experience by not having any of the three windows or
that rear section of the top that attaches to the tub, giving you a very open feel, but
still keeping the direct sun and the rain off of you when you're in the Jeep.
Whether you're running with or without doors, this top is going to wrap around these sport
cage upfront above the two doors, so it is going to keep you pretty dry on the inside
of the Jeep.
This is going to be, of course, more protective than a mesh top would be.
This is going to do a much better job keeping the moisture out and it's gonna block 100%
of the sun instead of a mesh top load that would only block part of it.
Now this is the Extended Brief Top, so this is going to go from the windshield channel
all the way to the back of the Jeep.
This is going to cover both the front and the rear seat passengers in your TJ.
There are, of course, shorter tops like this that will just cover the front seat passengers
if that's something you're interested in.
Now there are a couple different versions of these out there from a couple of different
There are some that are more expensive than this.
I think this one's pretty appropriately priced for what you're getting.
You are going to get a high quality piece.
It's gonna stay nice and tight on the Jeep, so it's not going to flap around.
It's gonna look good.
It's gonna hold up well.
And I think it's pretty affordable.
This top is made of the same high quality Black Diamond material as your factory top,
so it is going to match your interior and exterior of your Jeep very well.
It's going to come with all of the straps, VELCROs and buckles that is necessary, already
attached to it, so it's going to stay nice and tight, and it's not going to flap on the
Jeep, which is one of the big complaints that people have with this style of top.
You're going to be able to attach this again right around the sport cage upfront keeping
it nice and tight.
It has these additional straps upfront to keep any water from pooling on top of the
Now, one thing that is important to note about this top, as well as a lot of the other ones
on the market, is that this does require a windshield header bar.
So that's something you're going to have to purchase separately, and you're going to need
in order to install this onto your Jeep.
So you do have to figure that into the cost of installing a top like this.
So as far as the install goes, I'm gonna give this a one out of three wrenches.
You should be able to get this installed on your Jeep in half an hour or less.
And every time you install it and uninstall it, you're just going to get that much quicker.
Now, the first step is going to be installing the windshield header bar on to your top,
of course, after removing your hard top or soft top.
That header bar will attach right to the top of your factory windshield frame.
Then you'll work your way from the front to the back attaching all the straps and VELCRO
pieces to make sure that this is nice and tight.
Now, the first go-around, you can leave most of the straps a little bit loose, just get
them in position, and then again working from the front to the back, tighten everything
That way you're not gonna have any wrinkles and you're gonna make sure that everything
fits as it should.
This top comes in at just $70, which I do think is a pretty good deal.
It's gonna be a little bit less expensive than some of the other ones on the market.
Now some of be more expensive Safari style tops will have some additional features, like
maybe built-in zippered pockets, but if you're not interested in those additional features,
this is going to be a good way to still get a quality top that will save you a few dollars.
Now, it is very important to remember, as I mentioned before, that you need to figure
the price of that windshield header into running a top like this if you don't already have
So if you're looking for a Safari style top for your TJ, I definitely recommend taking
a look at this one from Smittybilt and you can find it right here at
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Use a socket №7
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Music For Yoga And Meditation - Relaxing Music To Meditate & Do Yoga
Gran Turismo Sport - Das Gesamtbild zählt | Tipps zum Photomodus - Duration: 0:56.
Birthday Song | Baroness von Sketch Show | IFC - Duration: 2:13.
Women: ♪ Happy birthday to you. ♪
Thank you, you guys!
This is amazing.
Yeah, well, um,
there's something even more amazing.
Um, we actually got you more than just a cake.
Uh, we know that you love music.
I do I love music.
So we found someone who makes up songs.
On the Internet. -On the Internet.
Yeah and anyway,
we pooled all the information we know about you
around the office and we gave it to him
and he made up a song.
Amazing! I love music guys.
Anyway, enjoy.
There he is.
Birthday Woman: Ooh, oh.
[Reggae Drum Beat]
♪ Happy birthday ooh,
♪ happy birthday,
♪ you might be 44,
♪ but you look like more like 42, yeah.
♪ Oh, you like to do lots of things like shopping online
♪ yes you live in a lime green house
♪ with a red door.
♪ Wooo.
♪ You tried to get some things from the store
♪ but you dropped your wallet and this guy came up to you
♪ and said hey here's your wallet back
♪ and you thanked him and gave him a loonie.
♪ A loonie yeah
♪ and then you went over to your car
♪ and then you dropped your keys
♪ and someone said hey can I help you
♪ You said no, you got into your car,
♪ you drove it and you went around the block a couple times
♪ just thinking about how lonely you are at night.
♪ Yeah.
Come on!
♪ Yayayayaya you tried IVF,
♪ IVF because you wanted to have a child.
♪ But you could not have a child
♪ 'cause you didn't have enough eggs.
Did you tell me that in private?
♪ You had no eggs, you had no eggs, you had no eggs,
♪ eggs, eggs, eggs,
♪ no eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs
♪ no eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs
♪ no eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs
♪ no eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs
Ashley got no eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs.
♪ No eggs. -Ashley's got no eggs. ♪
No eggs.
Your eggs are gone.
I have a ton.
♪ Eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs.
I can't stop making them.
♪ Eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs.
♪ No eggs
♪ No eggs
♪ Just a tiny rotten one.
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സംഭോഗ സമയത്തു യോനിയിൽ വേദന അനുഭവപ്പെടാൻ കാരണം -Happy Life TV-Motivation - Duration: 3:56.
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