hey guys how's it going I am here today because I want to talk to you about a
product that I've had a terrible time giving a shot at and reviewing but I
have good news so let me tell you about this product and guys don't leave this
is something that you are gonna like too. I have been reviewing some skin care
products and some other things that you are gonna want to hear about but first
let me tell you about why I've had a little bit of a challenge doing a review
on this first of all I said skin care second of all it has a mossy oak logo on
it tell me in the comments below what does that make you think for me it made
me think hunting scent-free skin care that's what I thought okay so this is
why I had a challenge is because it's not necessarily hunting because it's not
scent free but it is skin care and it's all natural skin care so I'm all about
all natural I don't know about you but I try to take care of my body I try to be
healthy getting older which is partly why skin care I also spend a ton of time
in the outdoors and the elements are pretty harsh so they definitely take
their toll but I wanted to tell you first of all this is called x-treme
cream and this is by cammi and company and the the stuff is called x-treme
cream, mountain mud mask, Conquerer cream, winks and kisses eye and lip cream
so let me tell you a little bit about it first of all I'm gonna start off with
the x-treme cream and since it's not scent free I really couldn't wear it out
there while I was hunting i've been elk hunting I've been antelope hunting I've
been bear hunting I've been in temperatures from the hot the high 20s
to the 90s I've been in sleet, snow, rain, hail, wind, I mean I've been in everything
and as I said the elements are intense I didn't wear this while I
was hunting even though you play the wind you really don't want a lot of
aromatic smells on you while you're out there so I had to what I did is I would
go and hunt and then when I'd come home I first would do the mud mask so I
wouldn't wash up and guys this is something you could use
guys get blackheads and guys don't look as closely in the mirror as women do but
hey you don't even need to look closely in the mirror to find your blackheads on
your skin gunk off use either a cotton swab a washcloth whatever use the gunk
off and wash your face with it it gets all that stuff out and cleans your skin
so gunk off clean your face it says it's rinse 'less face and body all in one so
if you're hiking or doing other things in the high country you can definitely
use this get that get your skin clean then I used this mud mask and you just
apply a thin layer and this is all natural ingredients this mud mask it
replenishes and nourishes your skin from the damage that has been done only takes
about ten minutes and you just leave it on there then wash it off and it helps
your skin then after that is this x-treme cream the x-treme cream it has
shea butter it has it has all natural ingredients and I'll put a link where
you can find the list of ingredients below but as I mentioned it definitely
has a scent but also one thing when I first noticed this if you look at it
it's kind of thick it really is kind of like the mink oil that I use to oil my
saddles, cinches, boots, stuff like that you can definitely apply
it to your face thin layer rub it in be gentle to your skin the better thing I
like this form is I don't know tell me have you guys ever heard of udder butter
this is something I actually had another life before that outdoors even though I
lived in the outdoors I wasn't in media but I used to sell building materials
and when you're out there hammering, nailing, doing stuff in the outdoors with
wood, it also zaps the moisture from your skin and I used to use udder butter
so this udder butter you put it on your cuticles of your hands and it keeps it
from cracking and that's what it was designed for when farmers are milking
their cows it keeps the utters from getting chapped this is similar to that
it has wonderful oils in it and if you put it on your hands I've been out in
the outdoors for six weeks straight I mean come home clean up go back I've
been putting this when I get home putting it on my cuticles on my hands
and my hands I don't get manicures I have time for manicures we have time for
that I'm probably the only woman in the world
that doesn't do that right no I know you're gonna tell me in the comments
below you don't get manicures either my cuticles they're not split they're
not cracked and I've been you know yanking cinches, pulling saddles, I've
been doing all this stuff and I gotta tell you for this time of year this is
the best that my cuticles and hands have been in a long time so that's something
guys you can use this x-treme cream to take care of your hands because I don't
know it hurts when you get those splits and your fingers and whatnot
and then of course eye cream you know dab it on eyes lips definitely nourishes
your skin one of them that I wanted to talk about that I don't use I use it a
couple times and it's the conquerer cream but this conquerer cream it's tinted
it has a tint to it and so when you put it on can you tell the the tint it
really hey I'm a dark girl and I don't need tint
so this conquerer cream it's something I definitely the tint didn't agree with my
complexion so I didn't wear that as much out there however that's a more a thin
product and it applies really smooth and nicely it's probably something you could
use everyday if you're out there hiking around as I said I don't like it because
I don't like the way it looks makes my skin look but it's a product that she's
got something else that I really wanted to share with you and I actually did use
this because it doesn't have a scent dry shower
Ballek dry shower this is scent free and it's
naturally cleaning scent free it's a dry shampoo, body wash, and deodorant so when
you're out there hiking around and you get all stinky this dry shower you just
pour the powder over you and it helps clean take away bacterias and stuff like
that I actually just sprinkled it on my head
and then I kind of acted like I was washing my hair and then combed it
through with my fingers so that's something that I did take hunting is
this dry shower and it is wonderful something else that I really really
liked and again not scent free but it's called backcountry scent kinda has a
little pine scent to it this is something you might tell me if you like
the scent or not if you get to try it but it's called bailiwicks Ballek's wilderness
warmth and this sprinkle it on your gloves on your socks in your boots
sprinkle it in there and it keeps you from getting chilled
there is something in this that definitely helps warm your extremities
and I've recommended in a gift guide WSI Sports' HeatR gear I'll put a link to
that below as well heater gear is fabulous there's an
element in the fabric that reacts with your body to help you stay warm and that
HeatR gear is really good but this stuff wilderness warmth it's good as
well all of this I'll put links below I
really wanted to know have any of you try this let me know in the comments
also as I mentioned scent free products for hunting what are you using as far as
lotions skin care even shampoos what are you using that scent free to help
protect your skin while you're out hunting and try to not scare away the
animals please tell me below I hope that you will let me know give me your
opinions don't forget to hit the subscribe button click the little bell
so that you can get alerts and I'll see you next time bye guys have fun in the
For more infomation >> Outdoor Lover's Skin Care | Mia's Motivations - Duration: 8:27.-------------------------------------------
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Pat a Cake, Pat a Cake, Bakers Man
Bake me a cake as fast as you can
Mix it and prick it
and mark it with B
And there will be plenty for baby and me
Pat a Cake, Pat a Cake, Bakers Man
Bake me a cake as fast as you can
Roll it up, Roll it up,
throw it in a pan,
Pat a Cake, Pat a Cake, Bakers Man
Pat a Cake, Pat a Cake, Bakers Man
Bake me a cake as fast as you can
Mix it and prick it
and mark it with B
And there will be plenty for baby and me
Pat a Cake, Pat a Cake, Bakers Man
Bake me a cake as fast as you can
Roll it up, Roll it up,
throw it in a pan,
Pat a Cake, Pat a Cake, Bakers Man
Pitbull Lends His Private Jet to Transfer Cancer Patients from Puerto Rico| MK Entertainment - Duration: 2:31.
Pitbull Lends Private Plane to Transfer Cancer Patients from Puerto Rico to Continue Chemo
As if we needed another reason to love Pitbull.
The 36-year-old rapper is helping those that need it most.
"Thanks to singer @pitbull for lending private plane to transfer cancer patients from Puerto
Rico to the United States so that they can take their chemo," tweeted Jenniffer González,
congresswoman for Puerto Rico.
Pitbull hasn't shared his good deed on social media but did tell Entertainment News, "Thank
God we're blessed to help.
Just doing my part."
Gotta love him for that!
Hurricane Maria has been the most powerful storm to hit Puerto Rico in almost a century.
Now the island is left to assess the damage and officials say it could take half a year
to restore power to all its 3.5 residents, according to NBC News.
The monster hurricane ripped roofs off buildings and flooded homes, and intense flooding was
reported across the island.
Many streets near the capital are left looking like rivers.
Jennifer Lopez is also helping and made a major announcement on Sunday.
During a press conference with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, Lopez announced she's making
a $1 million donation to hurricane relief efforts in Puerto Rico.
The singer and actress took to Instagram Friday to tell her followers that she hadn't heard
from her family in Puerto Rico after the recent hurricanes that swept through the area.
"What's foremost in my mind and many others, is trying to figure out the best way to help,"
Lopez said.
"Our island of Puerto Rico has been hit by the two most devastating hurricanes we've
ever seen Irma and Maria.
Today, Puerto Rico needs our help.
I urge you to support and donate to the efforts(UnitedforPuertoRico.com) of the first lady of Puerto Rico, Beatriz
Together we can help rebuild our island and the Caribbean."
Daddy Yankee also announced on CNN that he'll also be donating $1 million to "rebuild the
"Puerto Rico is under a humanitarian crisis," he said today on Instagram.
"We're running out of food, we're running out of provisions, we're running out of gas,
we're running out of medicines.
So this is a call to action to the international community to act now.
We need your help more than ever.
Thank you for watching...
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10. Bee
9. octopus
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