hey guys what's up I'm shooting in my car right now because if you follow my
snapper insta story you know that they're doing this crazy construction in
my place right now they're like tearing out a wall I'm like what do you mean
removing the wall but then a squirrel could get in but they don't seem to care
the building's old they're removing the window not a big deal
Mickey's got the place on lock I know he's watching it just barked and his ass
off at everybody who comes through especially the plumber eh
Leeson hates that fucking guy I don't know why like Mickey he's not homeless
would you stop he just smells anyway I know it's the end of the week we
normally do a big food fan Friday where I answer your questions but this week I
had to take a little break as I just didn't have time I've been working so
hard and I'm so excited to announce the premiere of my new late-night talk show
Jason after dark which just aired yesterday on my second channel we had so
much fun shooting it in studio the whole show was about hookups
yeah whole show is about hookups I had a few guests on the show some of my
friends couple of which you might even recognize from TV you're gonna have to
watch it for no other reason then way do you see what I said that caused them all
to have this cringy face all three of them right oh and we also played a game
using this bar fight yes oh my god that woman looked at me right as I picked
this up hello it wasn't a game all right guys that is all for today thank you in
advance for supporting it the link will be in the description and at the end of
this video there'll be a nice picture for you to click with your finger I love
you lots bye
For more infomation >> Grab My Big Fat D | Jason Farone - Duration: 1:51.-------------------------------------------
30 Funniest and Dumbest Tattoo Fails Ever - Duration: 3:19.
30 Funniest and Dumbest Tattoo Fails Ever
By The Numbers: So you want to buy a car? - Duration: 0:43.
Hi, I'm Brian Bienkowski and this is "By The Numbers", this week "So you want to buy a car!"
Auto loans totaled 1.1 trillion dollars at the beginning of 2017
The average amount financed on a new car is $30,621
The average monthly payment on a new car loan is $506
But wait! Stop the presses!
The average amount financed on a used car is only $19,329
With a low, low, low monthly payment of $364
That's "By The Numbers" for Debt.com
Subscribe to Debt.com's YouTube Channel and for more information and tips sign up for our newsletter
When life happens... Visit Debt.com
RAINBOW FLOWER BREAD Soft Fluffy Beautiful - Duration: 6:43.
3 cups (375g) all purpose flour, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1-1/2 teaspoons (5g) instant yeast, 5 tablespoons (62.5g) sugar
1 cup (250ml) warm milk
1 egg, beaten
Stir until just combined or use a mixer/Kitchen Aid
3 tablespoons (42g) soft butter
Stir until well-combined
On floured work surface
Knead by hands until smooth about 6 minutes. If using a mixer/Kitchen Aid, skip this process.
Coat your hands with flour if sticky
Form a ball
Coat inside bowl with oil, coat the dough as well with oil
Cover for an hour
Back to floured work surface fold into a ball
Cut into 6 different size
2 small pieces, 2 medium pieces, 2 large pieces
Choose safe food coloring, 6 different colors (not sponsored video)
It is take a time to knead plain dough into a colored dough
Cover colored dough for 20 minutes
Start with 2 small dough, cut each color into 6 pieces
Form a ball
Now we have 12 balls in 2 different color from the small size dough
Roll our into circle
Stack 2 different colors, so we have 6 pairs
Cut the dough into a half-moon
Unite the corner to form a petal
Set in a round shape on baking tray lined with parchment paper
Next is the 2 medium dough. Cut 2 medium dough each color into 8 pieces
We have 16 balls in 2 different color from the medium size dough
Roll out into circle & stack in pair so we have 8 pairs
Cut into a half-moon & form a petal. Easy?
Set around the petals in the middle
Cut 2 large dough each color into 10 pieces
Form a ball
We have 20 balls in 2 different color from the large size dough
Roll out, stack, cut into a half-moon, form a petal.
The last around, now we have rainbow flower.
Pretty beautiful, isn't it? Let rest 15 minutes
After 15 minutes rest the dough expands
Dab lightly with beaten egg
Bake at 170°C (340°F) for first 15 minutes. Turn to 160°C (320°F) for 10 minutes.
This bread is very soft and fluffy
New Lego Jurassic World Indominus Rex Breakout Stop Motion Speed Build Indominus Rex Vs T-Rex 75919 - Duration: 21:50.
New Lego Jurassic World Indominus Rex Breakout Stop Motion Speed Build Indominus Rex Vs T-Rex 75919
stop motion animation reverse stop motion
lego speed build
Wow guys it's great to see you again we're gonna have an awesome show today
today we have Lego Jurassic world this is an indominus rex breakdown has 1156
pieces Wow let's take a closer look at this it also comes in full for exclusive
Lego figures and then dominus rex wow this is cool let's look at the back wow
look at all the different options you have on this set
Wow I even have a break out long with indominus rex to break up the helicopter
and a landing pad oh so look at the gate - wow she's awesome let's open it up
that's some fun okay let's ask barbie how much this cost
okay let's cash out $134.95 we take cash debit or gift card we're gonna pay with
credit okay I'll pay for let's open it up and have some fun
welcome to Jurassic world wow that is such a cool front gate look at this how
nice and smooth this slides wow that is so cool there's like that gate I like it
that is awesome and how it fits together let's take a look at some of the
features of the indominus rex he is really cool
his jaw will move up and down to different like levels he could open it
clicks open his neck like rotate around 360 degrees his arms move up and down if
he could turn it to see here and he could turn his arms up like that to
carry something for instance to be grounded guy you can
carry him that his arm just like that but huh that's so cool
ok let's check out his legs he's got good movement into his legs here this
tail will rotate around 360 degrees just like his head will it did a really cool
job with the pattern here on his skin I mean it looks really cool and he's got
like Lego like the Lego holds on the top so he could open like many figures or he
just build out like a battle platform something just got scary red eyes he did
a really good job in this team this is one of it this is probably the coolest
Lego dinosaur I've ever seen in the wall I love how you could turn those arms to
carry somebody that is cool the shape of the enclosure is trained you only like a
Lego decided a triangular shape which is really cool like it should be the gate
it's awesome the jagged edges fit together
let me just slide this Moody and then you did a really good job get the
stickers they got you got like the dress of green stickers and you got like
dinosaur stickers there we've had the warning lights on the front Wow the many
figures advice to the disc scare is dr. blue
he's got like a beaker and he's got like a shock to the body this here
to that
this is an AC you guy instead of radio
and then this here exactly see he's here in the bubble
okay let's take a look at some of the other features dr. Lu okay and then
going around this side here down like a storage unit here for like a stun gun
and this is looks like a tranquilizer gun here you've got floodlights here
that move up and down on both sides so you could see what's going on and then
coming around to this side here this side here has a nice action feature this
is the actual the hole it's like built like separately so this wall actually
breaks down so that looks like the break play wall
Dominus wrecked escape we've got to like agree the gas and
everything around like electronic food clothes there and
going around to this side here he's got like a moving window down here to like
see inside so people could like see the indominus rex it's got really big glass
here and then up here we have doctors laughs he's got like a computer a chair
he has a coffee cup there because the amber that has the DNA and then coming
around the side here you've got like spotlights here and on the other side
and then up here and have like the health and the helipad that holds the
helicopter which is really cool like lifts right off it's like a round piece
there and then it's like square on the helicopter so holds the helicopters
really nice and then coming around to this side here
you have like the electrified warning on both sides here and here you have like a
sticker with like breakaway glass so it looks like the glass is some crack that
must be where the indominus resinous attacked it and then here you have a
cool little crane here it actually opens and closes it has the little controls
for the guy to control the arms and the crane is used to keep men dominance rex
it has a two little boxes there that like cool right not going to be
late you
she likes swing this around the food and you drop it right into the cage it
does go all the way to the ground so you could drop the food in for the indominus
rex and then you've got more electronic controls here and then let's go wrong to
this side this side is really cool this side has take the gyrosphere car which
is awesome I mean the guy inside moves independently
oh shit look at this see that zombie that's that's broken dude then here it's
got like a launching pad for it there's an action button if you look in here
there's an action lever here that hits like a sphere here and shoes the sphere
off onto its journey so sleep right there and I mean that the sphere moves
so smoothly it's just so cool
now let's take a look at the helicopter has like a really neat like heads-up
display here that just swings open and got the controls for the guy to fly it
we've got like tranquilizer missiles on the two sides the rotor actually spins
and it has a tail rotor the spins to Jurassic world logo on the side I mean
it's really cool so here's the spotlight as talked about earlier
then you have a tranquilizer if there is any emergency
like to to diners another another really cool feature is this wall here so then
you could open this thing up and let put it back up against the wall all the
sudden like quadruple the plain area and check this out you have so much play
area it's really good that you're not like
just stuck in that shape Wow my socks are really solid set once you
get it built and you can pick up the first set one piece
no problem that that's nice feature and happy to move it around without worrying
about breaking apart easily hey guys there's something wrong here
there's a storm moving through it the electricity has been fluctuating Oh
what's up aren't guys oh no the backup power is failing
what's going on here Oh
this doesn't look good now the indominus rex rope great through the gate it's
free click get the stun gun shoot the mess off
whistles a shot they hit him but they have no effect on him they were the
wrong dose he attacks the cheeping he throws the whole Jeep then the ATV he
throws it over the fence into the Raptors cage Wow
grabs the Dilophosaurus meat frozen over his head into his old cage now all of
this Raptors capes just opened by itself
sniffing but instead of running away they challenge the indominus rex to a
battle boy the indominus rex is angry
the answer talent battle is all this sudden jumps on his head is trained to
hang on this one picks it up in his heart and he's carrying it around in his
arms and he throws it bounded but sit this one's just jumping all around he's
hanging on to his back with indominus rex just throws them off
Wow boy that indominus rex is angry now he's going after everybody else Wow look
at the destruction he did everywhere we locked everything down
boy is so strong
he fires off both missiles they both hit the indominus rex and finally it's
starting to take an effect on the indominus rex he's trying to get
helicopter it falls over because he's been hit with four tranquilizer misses
why boy this is sure gonna be a big job to
clean everything up here and get those guys back in their cages
kruky somebody help cookie for me have cookie
wow what happened here looks like war
boy that looks scary so much so big wow you like the episode
you like that episode make sure you subscribe to channel da views out of the
video down there click like leave me comments which part of this show which
part of the fortress was your favorite I think mine is indominus rex
if you into the video ends also can card lot more fun videos wow we could have
such good time together well I hope to see you soon click the
boxes below for a lot more fun videos and if you want to see people more go
ahead and click the subscribe button
Where Am I Going With This? My Big Career Plans (Or Lack Thereof) | Kate's Adventures - Duration: 5:25.
Hi everyone! Last week I made a video based on something that somebody wanted to know about me
and I thought it turned out really well so I decided to do the same again this week.
I took to Twitter, I asked if anybody wanted to ask me any questions and my friend Roman sent me one.
He said, "You're taking a different route through life, but you definitely have a plan.
"What are your personal hopes, goals and dreams?"
I feel like I have a lot to say about this, so today this video is about ambitions.
The first part of Roman's question amused me a little
because he's used the words "You definitely have a plan"
and I just want to make a little confession before I continue with the video,
I don't really feel like I have a plan.
I feel like my life has been a series of happy accidents and touch wood long may they continue
because they've led to some experiences and led me to try some of the things that I really want to try.
I feel like in terms of a plan, the only plan I really have is to make the most of opportunities that come my way.
And that's really it, it's not a solid concrete plan of how I'm going to get the things that I want to get
it's really just seeing where life takes me.
When it comes to ambitions, I think that there's a lot of social pressure
to have ambitions that relate to career and work.
And I have some ambitions related to career and work
but I have a lot that don't really relate to anything and that's okay as well.
There's certain people in my life who feel the need to say to me whenever I try something,
"But what job are you gonna get from this? How is this going to get you where you want to be in life?"
And I feel like it's okay to do things just to enjoy them, just for the experience of doing them.
I don't feel like everything in my life has to be justified by the fact it's going on my CV.
If somebody who's known me a long time were to sit down
and write down all the things that I've said I've wanted to do in the world
and also all the things that I've tried doing,
it would be a very long, complicated and erratic list.
And I'm quite proud of that actually, I don't feel like I need to be moving in one particular direction.
I think it's awesome that I've tried so many different things and tried all these little alleyways in my life
seeing where they go, maybe turn back if they don't work out, but at least I know that I've tried.
And there's still a lot of things that I want to try too.
One of my recent dreams is to try flying a small plane.
Obviously I don't mean professionally and I don't mean a massive passenger carrying jet,
I just mean like a small plane that has maybe a couple of passengers.
I just want to try it and see what it's like.
I'd also like to try voice acting or maybe reading an audiobook or something.
I feel like that's something I would really enjoy
so if anybody has anything that they need a voice for, hit me up!
It would be really cool to be an Independent Financial Adviser
because I really love managing my own money
and I love it when people come to ask me for advice on what to do with their money.
I'm not at all qualified, I don't think I ever will be qualified
but it's something that I really love doing so if I ever got the chance to be an IFA, that would be so cool.
And I'd love to write a book. I've always loved writing, there are scraps of paper all around my room
of ideas that I've had from as young as like 5 years old
right up to now, I still get story ideas all the time.
And it would be really cool if at least one of them one day
goes from my imagination, onto paper and then into print.
I would love to have my own book, even if it's just self-published
I think that would be incredibly cool and that's a big goal of mine.
When it comes to my hopes and my dreams and my goals, there's only really one word to sum them up.
I want to be adventurous. And I know there's probably people eye-rolling right now
and thinking "Oh my God, that's so on-brand for Kate's Adventures",
but I feel like it's accurate. I want to do the things that my head dreams up
even if they're totally wacky and whimsical and they don't really relate to the career that I'm going after.
If I dream it up, if I want to try it then I don't want to be afraid to experience that and see where it takes me.
And if I can encourage others to go after their goals as well no matter how crazy they are,
then that is absolutely awesome. So I hope you all enjoyed hearing about my ambitions
and in terms of your own ambitions, I would say that it's never a waste of time if it's important to you.
If it's something you want to try, absolutely go for it.
And I'd love you to tell me down below what your own ambitions are
and I wish you the best of luck. Thank you so so much for watching everybody and cheerio!
I'd also like to one day donate my hair.
Like make it into a badass princess wig for a kid with cancer
but I need to get it cut again first because it's been a long time since it had a cut
and all the ends are damaged and things. But one day, I'm going to donate my hair. It's happening.
くみっきー、破局理由を告白 スタジオから驚きの声|24H ニュース - Duration: 3:40.
Real Life: Real Opinions with Morgan Brian & Tobin Heath - Adulting 101: Century 21 - Duration: 0:48.
Dinner party?
Ooo, love 'em.
Mostly attending them.
Not throwing them.
Don't do it.
Credit cards?
Pay them.
I hate paying taxes every single year.
I hate laundry.
I saw your room today.
A long time.
Long-term mortgage—30 years!
Home buying?
I'm doing that soon.
Oh, congrats!
Yeah, that's huge.
easy rangoli designs for navratri | vijayadashami rangoli,simple and easy rangoli designs for diwali - Duration: 1:32.
easy rangoli designs
柏木由紀、握手会での"塩対応"明かされる「最年長なので…」|24H ニュース - Duration: 2:03.
Porno-Pop ade: Miley Cyrus - im Galopp durchs Kornfeld - Duration: 10:57.
Mutual Fund Q&A--September 29, 2017 - Duration: 7:58.
Ashutosh Bairagi has invested in the ELSS of Axis, Reliance, DSP, Birla Sun Life mutual funds
He wants to invest Rs 10,000 in SIP in debt and mid-cap fund to diversify his mutual fund portfolio. He has a time horizon of three years
Three years is too short for investing in equity funds since there is often fluctuations in the value of investments in this period which might unsettle you
A better way would be to figure out the need for which you are trying to make this investment
3-4 years might just be good enough for a debt fund
If the need for something like child's primary school admission, you might not want to take high risk of equity funds and debt funds might work better for you
In the investments of about 5 years, the equity component can come in
There you can look at balanced funds like HDFC Balanced Fund and L&T Prudence
If you are looking at equity funds, we suggest you look at large--cap funds and have a horizon of 8-10 years
In case of large-cap equity funds, we suggest Aditya Birla Frontline Equity Fund
Even for mid-cap funds, have a tenure of 8-10 years
We would suggest Sundaram Select Midcap if you are looking at a mid-cap fund
FAST HEROES SIXTY: Folge 6 "Jede Woche geht eine andere Serie zu Ende... - Duration: 2:38.
We are the ... FAST HEROES SIXTY!
With our pizza power!
We will make you cower!
Ah, there you are,
my quadratic beauty.
I can't believe that Rino copped out.
I don't believe a word of these stomachache-stories.
Croissant ... now!
But ... a seal puppy!
Yes, I know. It's unbelievably cute. But we have to deliver the pizza.
And we can't do it without this seal pup dying.
You have to kill it! I believe in you.
Croissant, you did it!
I killed the seal puppy!
I heard
you have a pizza for me!
I am Rino!
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