North Korea is strongly suspected of making several hacking attempts... on South Korea's
central bank so far this year.
A report by a lawmaker Shim Jae-chul of the Liberty Korea Party shows... out of the more
than 100 cyberattacks targeting the Bank of Korea this year,... seven or eight had originated
from North Korea.
A government official backed up his claims,... saying multiple North Korean hacking attempts...
have been observed throughout 2017.
Pyongyang is suspected of employing cyberattacks... as a means to bring in hard currency to the
For more infomation >> North Korea attempted to hack Bank of Korea on several occasions this year: Lawmaker - Duration: 0:38.-------------------------------------------
4K Very Good and Cheap BBQ Restaurant and Restaurant Tips - Koh Pich, Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Duration: 5:12.
Hi guys,
This afternoon i want to show you
a Very good and cheap bbq restaurant
at Koh Pich, Riverside
and i have some useful tips for you
This is the walking street at Koh Pich (Diamon Island)
I'm just in front of the restaurants
It's 17.25, i arrived early for dinner for enjoying the view
as you see winter is coming. or maybe going :)
Restaurant staff trying to pick up customers as usual
here we go
This restaurant is cheaper than the restaurants at touristic riverside
Why? Because it's not touristic :)
at the end, i paid usd.20.- for a dinner for two. If i would have eaten at the other riverside, my bill would have been at least usd.40.-
First tip. Beef is served with some sweet sauce. It's not marinated. They add the sauce just before serving.
i just returned two of them and they will bring back without sauce.
It's not bad but i don't like sweet. I like my beef with salt and pepper only.
this is the boardwalk at koh pich. my next video will be about a long walk on the boardwalk
I'll show you khmer people's normal life.
ok. back to the subject. BBQ restaurant.
So, when you order , just tell them `no sauce`.
second tip. Around this area staff can not talk english.
just take a look to the menu (with pictures) and order by showing them the pictures. it's easy.
Check the menu first. If they don't have menu with photos, move to another restaurant.
Because all the menus here are in Khmer language. I'll show you the menu in this video.
3rd tip: when you order beer, they will bring you a six pack. Beers are mostly in 33cl bottles.
if you want to drink less than 6, don't return the beers.
At the end, and they will charge you only for the bottles you opened and they will take back the others.
If they don't serve the beers in a plastic bowl with ice, ask for it.
if they don't understand, google it. find a ice photo and show them, they will understand :)
This is the menu.
I wrote down what it is , because the menu was old and maybe you can not understand what is on the plate.
there is one more menu photo
here it is
now it's 7pm. the restaurant is busy
Another tip. It's better to come here before sunset.
before 6pm, they have enough empty tables, so you can choose
it's always better choose tables at the front, for a better view
the tables at the back can be noisy sometimes.
If you have any questions, you can ask it in the comments section.
if you like the video, please subscribe and like.
Thank you for watching, keep in touch for next videos.
Taiwan slaps trade ban on North Korea, takes immediate effect - Duration: 0:43.
Taiwan has slapped a blanket trade ban on North Korea as part of international efforts
to fully implement UN sanctions on the regime.
The highest administrative branch of Taiwan's central government announced Tuesday that
the ban is effective immediately.
Taiwan had previously restricted trade in line with UN sanctions, but the latest move
is aimed at denouncing Pyongyang's provocations that jeopardize regional security.
Following the North's nuclear test on September 3rd, the UN Security Council unanimously adopted
a resolution to impose sanctions on North Korea, targeting oil, textiles and overseas
North Korean workers.
Nursery Rhymes and Songs for Kids Kindergarten Collection – ABC Colors Shapes by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:12:00.
Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes knees and toes
Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes knees and toes
Eyes ears and mouth and nose
Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes knees and toes
Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes knees and toes
Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes knees and toes
Eyes ears and mouth and nose
Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes knees and toes
Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes knees and toes
Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes knees and toes
Eyes ears and mouth and nose
Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes knees and toes
As 'Banned Books Week' begins, titles with LGBT characters most frequently challenged - Duration: 2:33.
DANCE CHOREOGRAPHY - Duration: 5:45.
North Korean FM accuses President Trump of declaring war against his country - Duration: 2:20.
North Korea is raising the stakes in its high-risk standoff with the United States.
The regime's top diplomat says his country regards itself at war with the U.S. after
President Trump's outspoken remarks about Kim Jong-un at the UN General Assembly last
The North's foreign minister also threatened to shoot down American fighter jets,... even
if they're nowhere near North Korea's airspace.
Kim Hyo-sun reports.
North Korea's Foreign Minister Ri Yong-ho says President Trump has declared war against
his country,... warning that Pyongyang has the right to defend itself,... including shooting
down American bombers if necessary.
"Since the U.S. has clearly declared war on our country, we have every right to take countermeasures.
That includes the right to shoot down their strategic bombers at a time of our discretion,...
even if they're not in our airspace.
We will see then... who lasts longer."
( . .)
Ri made the comments on Monday in front of his hotel in New York, where he attended the
UN General Assembly last week.
The remarks come after Washington's flying of two B-1B bombers in international airspace
off North Korea's eastern coast on Saturday.
Referring to Trump's tweet in which he said North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and his regime
won't be around much longer,... Ri condemned the U.S. President for decalring war.
"Trump ultimately declared war on us last weekend by claiming again that our leadership
won't be around much longer.
Given that this comes from an incumbent American president, this is clearly a declaration of
( . .)
The White House flat out dismissed the minister's claims.
(ENGLISH) "We've not declared a war on North Korea,…
and frankly the suggestion of that is absurd.
It's never appropriate for a country to shoot down another country's aircraft when it's
over international waters,… our goal is still the same.
We continue to seek for peaceful denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula."
The Pentagon also responded by saying it will continue to seek a peaceful denuclearization
of the Korean Peninsula,... stressing that no country has the right to attack others
in international airspace.
It added that all options against North Korea will be provided to President Trump unless
Pyongyang halts its provocative behaviors.
Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.
Messi menosprecia a Maffeo: "Jugar así es una mierda" - Duration: 2:12.
폭스(FOX) CBT 플레이영상 모바일 RPG 게임 - Duration: 6:58.
橋本環奈、池田エライザの自宅に訪問 プライベートでの交流に反響|24H ニュース - Duration: 2:18.
Prevention of Rubella disease during pregnancy - Duration: 6:21.
How To Root Nexus 6P |The Best Method - Duration: 5:57.
Hey what's up guys , shark jungle is here in this tutorial I'm gonna show you how to
install Custom recovery and root huawei Nexus 6p , these steps can be done on android Oreo
, Nougat and marshmallow , The tutorial is three parts
1st part is How to install your device drivers on widows and if you are using MAc then you
can skip this part 2nd part is how to unlock your device bootloader
3rd part is how to install custom recovery and root your device , You can use the time
line in the video description to reach any part you need.
Now connect your device to the PC and install the drivers for your device,
--first download your device drivers and unzip it , you will find the link in the video description
right click on my computer ,Click on manage ,then go to device manager , under other devices
you should see your device now right click and update driver software
, then browse for the driver software folder in your computer
hit OK to install the driver, Follow the screen instructions and you are done
Now time to unlock the bootloader Before doing that I'm gonna show you that
my device is not rooted on your device go to settings , about device
, hit the build number couple times until you become a developer , now go back and you
should see developer options tab make sure to turn on OEM unlock and USB debugging
to boot into bootloader press and Hold the power and volume down keys until you see bootloader
On your computer download fast boot zip file and unzip it
open fastboot folder hold shift on your keyboard then right click
and select open command here On the command prompt Type fast-boot flashing
unlock then hit enter now you should this message on your device
press the power button to confirm that you want to unlock the bootloader Keep in mind
that this step will wipe everything on your device and now your device bootloader is unlocked
let's move to the third part which is flashing custom recovery and root your device
Download TWRP.img and Super SU to you computer on command prompt type fastboot flash recovery
, leave a space then drag TWRP image file to the command window and this is important
to be able to flash the file or you have to type the location directory on your computer
but this is easier and faster , Now hit enter and you are done
on your device Use the volume keys to scroll and power key to select the Reboot recovery
your phone will reboot then you should have TWRP recovery ,
TWRP will ask you to enter your decryption password , don't worry about that just cancel
it Swipe to allow modifications
now hit wipe then format data , type yes then hit OK
now reboot recovery and select do not install Now my device rebooted into TWRP again
Swipe to allow modifications while your device still connected to the PC,
you will be able to access your internal storage , now go ahead and copy Super SU file to your
internal storage and I'm gonna copy root checker App APk to show you that the device is rooted
Hit install then navigate to Super SU file then swipe to flash
now reboot system select do not install
and wait the device to boot up it will reboot two times in order to finish
a clean installation , It will take about 5 minutes
I'm gonna skip every thing as you see Now super SU App is installed , let's
verify that the device is rooted Now I'm gonna install root checker ,Let's
navigate to storage but it seems to be erased OK no problem , let's change usb to transfer
files , and here is root checker App turn on install from unknown sources
now let's op the App and check if the device is rooted
as you see congratulations now your device is rooted , I hope the tutorial was helpful
if so plz don't forget the like button and subscribe for more Nexus 6P tutorials and
ROM reviews , than you for watching , peace
Vacations - Should House Cleaners Take Vacations? - Duration: 9:19.
Vacations are one of those things that house cleaners really need, and not a lot of house
cleaners will take vacations, so we're going to talk a little bit about that today.
Hi, there.
I'm Angela Brown and this is Ask A House Cleaner.
This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question,
and I get to help you find an answer.
Now today's question comes from a house cleaner who's been in business for 14 years without
taking a vacation, and she says, "Angela, I was just on your Facebook page, and I saw
that you traveled to three different countries in the last few weeks.
As busy as you are, how on earth do you find time to take vacations?"
All right, well, that's an excellent question, and the answer is I don't find time.
I do not have time to take vacations, but I plan my vacations, and you should too.
I plan my vacations the beginning of every single year, and I let all of my clients and
customers know there are three weeks that I'm not going to be able to clean your house
or work with you this year.
When I was cleaning houses for 25 years, this was my process.
Now that I'm consulting, this is for my consulting clients.
So I let them know if you have a regular scheduled appointment with me during one of these three
weeks, and I let them know what the three weeks are, I can find a replacement for you,
or we can just skip your service that week.
Now for me, the vacations are strategically planned throughout the year.
I have a really big holiday push in the cleaning business.
It was always right after Thanksgiving and Christmas, right before Thanksgiving and Christmas
all the way through to the end of the year.
So we would have family, and parties, and holiday events, and gatherings, and social
occasions that would happen during the holidays and everyone would need extra special care.
So right after the holidays when you're reaching that burn out mode and you're just like, "Wah!
I need a vacation."
I would plan a vacation, which was a week long vacation every year in January that's
a week long vacation in Miami, Florida.
And so that would give me a chance just to reset, reboot, get away from all of the hustle
and bustle of the holiday season.
Then I would take another vacation in July, so that during that spring window where we
have spring break and spring cleaning, and people are cleaning up from the holidays,
and packing up their winter clothes, cleaning out closets, and doing a lot of professional
organizing type stuff, after all of that you get really busy and slammed.
In July, I would take another week long vacation.
The week long vacation in July was for my family.
Me, and my mom and dad, and all my brothers and sisters, their spouses, all my nieces
and nephews we go camping once a year up in the mountains, and we all sit around the campfires
at night, and we pull out the guitars and we all sing songs.
Couple of us will break off and we'll going for a private hikes and catch up on each other's
lives, and we stay up in each other's tents until 2:00, 3:00, 4:00 in morning visiting,
and laughing, and catching up on old times.
So it's just a week away from all of my clients, away from my schedule up in the mountains
where there's no cell phone service.
There's no internet to distract us.
It's just me and my family.
Then in September, after the summer crunch when everybody's then going back to school,
and you have teachers that are going back to school, and everybody now needs a new reboot
for their home before they head into the holiday season, this is the end of summer, and so
it's a really busy time during that part of the year.
In September I then take a week vacation with just my husband and we travel the world, and
we go to exotic places that we've always dreamed about going to.
And so for me, the whole purpose of going on vacation is not just to say,
"Well, you know, hey, I'm fancy. I'm taking some vacations."
But it's literally to reboot my system.
Now imagine if you had a party at your house where 30 people were coming over to your house,
and you were going to cook all these hors d'oeuvres, and special dishes, and whatever.
Your kitchen sink is going to be loaded with dishes, okay, so at some point, I don't care
if it's tonight or tomorrow or next week, but at some point all of those dishes have
to come out of the sink, and they all have to be cleaned, and they all have to be put
back in the cupboard, and your kitchen has to be reset, right.
So the little things that you do during the week to wash a dish here and there as you
go, that's fine.
That's regular maintenance. But if you have a really big party at your house, you need
to take time to then clean all the dishes out of the sink, and put those back where
they belong.
The very same thing is true with a vacation.
We can go for so long doing the little dish here and there in our life, but when something
really big happens like the holiday season in the house cleaning business, that's like
having a party of 30 people coming over.
Your system is so overloaded and so overwhelmed, and that kitchen sink is so crammed packed
with dishes that at some point you need a reboot.
You need to stop and clean all that stuff out and start over again.
I'm not saying that you can't go for 14 years with no vacation, but my question is
why would you?
Why would you?
Everything in our life needs a reboot.
Every single year we reseed our yard.
We put new fertilizer on it, and it gives the grass a whole new life.
Every once in a while my cell phone will do an update.
It'll say, "Hey, we got new software for you.
Do you want to do an update?"
Yes, I do, because all the little kinks, and bugs, and everything in the old software I
am assuming that you fixed, and so as I do an update on cell phone, things might be moved
around a little bit, but they work better, they work faster, because there was a reboot.
And the same goes with us as people.
We need a reboot.
So if you're asking yourself, "Well, I'm living paycheck to paycheck.
How do I afford a vacation?"
Well, the answer is you don't afford the vacation.
You plan for the vacation.
So if you know at the top of the year you're going to be taking three weeks off, you have
that entire year to earn the money for those vacations, because as we go through our life,
it's not the things that we remember.
You don't sit around at night just so joyous that you have a Korg Triton in the other room
that you never have time to play.
What you remember is that you got a ride through the little canals in Venice because you took
a trip and you had memories that will last you a lifetime.
It's the things and the experiences you have that you remember.
It's not the stuff, okay.
You can have really nice stuff, but the stuff doesn't bring you joy.
What brings you joy is the memories you have created, either with the stuff, or places
you've been and the people you shared that time with.
So, yeah.
My suggestion is plan a vacation at the top of the year.
Tell all of your customers that you will be gone during those weeks.
Save the money to go on those vacations during those weeks, because you do need a chance
just to get out and just to reboot.
Tell you one quick story before we leave here today.
In May of this year, my business absolutely exploded, and I was so excited, and I was
so busy, and I was working just around the clock, and my husband came in and he picked
me up like a little ragdoll and he said, "We're going to London."
I said, "I don't have time to go to London.
I can't do London right now.
I am so busy."
He said, "That is exactly why I'm taking you.
Pack your stuff.
We're going to London.
It's non-negotiable."
I went kicking and screaming, and this sounds so bizarre because who goes to London kicking
and screaming, right?
I did not have time, and it was not a scheduled vacation, and I had not planned financially
for the trip.
He said, "Don't worry about it.
I have it covered.
All you have to do is show up."
I said, "I've got to work during the night."
He said, "Great.
Work during the night, but come spend the days with me and enjoy the days with me, because
you need a vacation."
I cannot tell you on the other side of that vacation what a world of good that did me.
I needed to get away in the worst sort of way, and I was so close to what was happening
in my career that I couldn't see it.
So I got away.
I left the country.
I left everything behind, and I had so much fun.
I've got some fabulous memories from that.
I got some awesome pictures, too, but I really needed that time to get away.
Even though you've been fighting this for 14 years, give yourself the opportunity to
schedule a vacation, and take the vacations that you deserve.
As you look back on your house cleaning career, you've got 14 years that have all melded together.
Where in that are your lavish trips?
Where are the memories that are going to last you a lifetime that make the 14 years worth
of hard toil and effort worth it?
So my suggestion to you is, yeah, take a vacation.
Please, please, please schedule a vacation, and take your vacations, because you need
them to reboot, and to come back and better serve your customers.
All righty, so that's my two cents for today, and until we meet again,
leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.
Predicting Liverpool's XI vs. Spartak Moscow - Mane returns; exciting attacking quartet possible - Duration: 5:25.
Predicting Liverpool's XI vs. Spartak Moscow - Mane returns; exciting attacking quartet possible
Sadio Mane's availability could see Jurgen Klopp go all-out-attack as Liverpool seek a first Champions League win since 2014.
The Reds make the 3,200-mile round trip to Moscow looking to get the Champions League campaign up and running.
Klopp's side arrive with increased confidence after earning a much-needed three points at Leicester, and will have to build on that stabilising victory to claim a first group stage success.
Character as well as composure will be needed in what will be an intense atmosphere to claim a priceless win, and begin taking a controlling position in Group E.
Klopp has a strong squad available to set his team to do just that in Moscow, where Mane is poised to make an instant comeback in what could be a very exciting Reds lineup.
Team News.
No fresh injury concerns hands Klopp strong 21-man squad Depth and quality available in all departments makes for an interesting selection Joe Gomez suspended due to late red card picked up in Sevilla draw Mane available after three-game domestic ban Klopp confirms Loris Karius will replace Simon Mignolet and return for European duties Trent Alexander-Arnold in line for right-back berth with Gomez out Daniel Sturridge pushing for starting role after eye-catching cameo at Leicester Likes of Andy Robertson, Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain & James Milner all hopeful of starting XI call up.
Liverpool's XI vs. Spartak Moscow.
Klopp and his players will be desperate for a first group stage victory in Moscow after being denied by Sevilla at Anfield.
Tuesday's game may not quite be 'must win' coming so early in the campaign, but it's one the Reds undoubtedly need victory from to keep ambitions of reaching the knockout stage firmly on track.
Klopp will know full well the potential boost a win would provide, and he could field an all-out-attack lineup to give his side the best chance of earning what would be a priceless three points.
All the Reds' best offensive options are available with Mane now back, and Klopp will be just as excited as Kopites about them finally being able to start together – which could happen for the first time in Russia.
Indeed, Philippe Coutinho, Mohamed Salah, Mane and Roberto Firmino could all feature from the off to provide maximum creativity and goal threat.
Salah and Mane would flank Firmino in attack, with Coutinho supplying the devastating trio from a deeper position in midfield, where he would join Emre Canand Jordan Henderson.
The latter pair can focus on winning the midfield battle and protecting a defence which will again boast changes, with Karius and Alexander-Arnold to join Joel Matip, Dejan Lovren and Alberto Moreno.
This exciting selection would see Liverpool lineup like so:.
The wealth and quality of attacking options at Klopp's disposal makes such an adventurous approach likely for the second group match.
At the same time, this welcome depth also hands the German the chance to vary selection slightly without compromising the attacking out-look as Liverpool look to take the game to Spartak.
One alteration in the front three could see Sturridge – who impressed in a sharp cameo at Leicester, setting up Henderson's winner – enter to lead the line to give out-of-sorts Firmino a break.
The midfield trio should be kept the same with this arguably the strongest Liverpool have, but another switch could come in defence alongside Karius and Alexander-Arnold.
Robertson has impressed in every outing since arriving at Anfield, and has shown enough both offensively and defensively to be chosen over Moreno and handed a Champions League debut.
A similarly exciting but slightly changed lineup would see this XI start at the Otkrytiye Arena:.
The Reds were denied the dream return to Europe's elite stage by Sevilla, but Klopp's men must ensure victory arrives in Russia to get the European season up and running.
London Districts: Canary Wharf (Tour guide) - Duration: 5:21.
মাত্র ২ দিনে স্থায়ীভাবে ফর্সা হওয়ার জন্য টমেটোর ফেসিয়াল = Bangla Health Tips - Duration: 2:54.
Tomato facial = Bangla Health Tips to be permanently grayed out in just 2 days
Khoảnh Khắc Đêm Hè - Diệu Linh & Minh Hương - Duration: 10:31.
Galletas de Avena y Pasas fáciles y aptas para todos - Duration: 3:49.
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