For more infomation >> Super Dancer 2 Winner Predection TOP 5 Finalists Contestants Reaveld | Ritik Diwaker - Duration: 1:45.-------------------------------------------
Name- Arven Khan, Shop- Mewai Pure Milk Centre, Mob.- 9813109352, Bright Street - Duration: 0:39.
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Garbage Truck | Toy Factory | Learning Videos For Toddlers by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:00:30.
Garbage Truck
Sonic Forces - Model Porting Tutorial (Blender) - Duration: 12:39.
1. First of all, open to Blender the original model and the model you want to port.
2. Next, adjust the size of port model. (~5:00)
-Camera movement (mouth wheel)
-Select vertex group ("Shift" key + "G" key)
-Camera movement 2 ("Alt" key + mouth wheel)
-Camera movement to the front ("F" key)
3. Because models are disjointed, I'll make it one. (You don't have to do it separately.)
-Combining models ("Ctrl" key + "J" key)
4. Next, adjust Weight Paint. (Weight Paint is the color that sets how far it moves.) In this video, it's just to match a names of a vertices of the original model.
5. When done, put it in a bone group of the original model. (In this video, I selected a meshes of the original model in advance and combined the models.)
6. Change the source of an images to "dds" file.
7. Next, output in "fbx" format. (You should delete Lamp and Camera.)
8. Put an image ("dds") files and the created "fbx" file in the unpacked "pac" file containing the original model.
9. Drag and drop the created "fbx" file into "ModelConverter.exe" and convert it to the "model" file. Just to be sure, drag and drop the converted model file into "modelfbx.exe" to see if the materials are visible normally.
10. Finally, drag and drop the file ("Sonic") to " (SFPac.exe)" to done.
Thank you for watching ;)
Setup máy quay chuẩn bị tác nghiệp Phantom 4 - Duration: 3:34.
How to Create an Amazing Presentation for Award Giving Ceremony - Duration: 6:17.
Eso 362.123 - R 977 ,,Porta coeli" - Světlá nad Sázavou-Josefodol - 28.1.2018 - Duration: 0:31.
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Ночные игры – крутая комедия? Секретное досье – новый фильм Спилберга. #ЧПНВ №4 - Duration: 8:08.
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