Sridevi's Last Video For FAN | Emotional
North Korea's high-level delegation returns home on Tuesday - Duration: 0:46.Meanwhile, another group of North Koreans who were in the South over the last three
days have returned home.
That's the eight-member delegation of high-level officials who came for the closing ceremony
of the Winter Olympics and met with President Moon Jae-in.
They were led by Kim Yong-chol, a top official in the North's ruling party in charge of inter-Korean
As the person widely believed to have orchestrated multiple attacks on South Korea, General Kim's
presence was controversial.
In their meeting, Kim told President Moon that improvements in relations between the
two Koreas need to be achieved in tandem with better North Korea-U.S. ties.
The North Koreans were in South Korea at the same time as an American delegation led by
President Trump's daughter, Ivanka, but the two sides did not interact.
Erdogan y una niña llorosa en un incómodo acto de propaganda turca [SUBTITULADO] - Duration: 0:42.-------------------------------------------
Two Koreas discussing details of North's participation in Paralympics - Duration: 1:34.By all accounts, North Korea's participation the PyeongChang Winter Olympics went smoothly.
Those Games are now over, and today, representatives from South and North Korea are discussing
the North's participation next month in the PyeongChang Paralympics, and hopefully carry
on that momentum.
On the line we have Kwon Jang-ho, our correspondent at the unification ministry.
What's the latest, Jang-ho?
Good afternoon, Devin.
The afternoon session of talks between the two sides is currently ongoing.
The unification ministry revealed that they initially met at 10AM this morning...
and talked for about 45 minutes, before they broke for their own separate meetings and
They discussed the arrangements for the North Korea's participation at the PyeongChang Paralympics
that will start on March 9th.
The details include the exact number of North Korean delegates and athletes, their travel
arrangements and accommodation.
This builds on an initial agreement was reached last month, that said Pyongyang would send
a 150-member delegation, including an art troupe and cheering squad, which is less than
a third of the near-500-member group that was sent for the Olympics.
In the morning meeting's opening remarks, the top South Korean representative commented
that the North's participation in PyeongChang made the event richer and had help spread
the message of peace and cooperation to the world.
The North Korean representative also expressed his side's satisfaction with the Games, saying
they helped elevate the stature of the Korean people.
Once the North Korean delegation list is confirmed, an expected final approval will need to be
given by the International Paralympic Committee.
Back to you, Devin.
Baby Hugging Daddy - Cute Funny Video Compilation - Duration: 4:44.Thanks for your watching! Please follow our channel and watch best videos
2 women accuse Watsonville City Councilman Oscar Rios of sexual misconduct - Duration: 2:49.-------------------------------------------
Suffering From Irregular Periods ? | Try These Natural Remedies - Duration: 8:36.the menstrual cycle comes with so many problems that are common in most of the
women an irregular period is majorly faced by a large number of girls in
frequent periods are medically termed as eligium manera can affect your periods
some of them are using certain medica a wide range of factors our regulars
exercise significant weight gain or loss pregnancy or breastfeeding miscarriage
or childbirth excessive use of alcohol drugs or smoking etc apart from that
poor nutrition increases stress polycystic ovary hyperthyroidism uterine
fibroids heart monel imbalance menopause anemia liver disease uterine
abnormalities and tuberculosis can also cause irregular menstrual cycles here is
a list of some simple home remedies that can help you get rid of irregular
periods and maintain hard moral balance as well coriander seeds
due to its amino gaagh properties coriander helps promote menstruation
boil one teaspoon of coriander seeds in 2 cups of water until the quantity of
water reduces to one cup
strain the seeds from the liquid drink this three times daily for a few
days prior to your period do this for a few months you can also drink coriander
juice daily for a few months ginger ginger contains the ginger Ale's
which is the surrounding tissues which cures the problem of irregular periods
it reduces inflammation also it also reduces heavy flow and pain caused due
to heavy menstruation ginger greatly helps regulate monthly periods in women
it promotes menstruation flow and also releases women from the unbearable pain
just boil half teaspoon of freshly grounded ginger in one cup of water for
five to ten minutes then add a little sugar or honey to enhance the taste
strain this mixture and drink three times a day after every meal for around
one month carrot juice carrot juice is a rich source of iron iron is required in
blood formation the scary juice is used for treating the problem of irregular
periods one should drink a glass of carrot juice regularly for three months
to normalize the irregular menstruation cycle grapes have grape juice Tralee
repeat have grape juice daily to prevent irregularity in periods or else
incorporate raw grapes in your daily diet in a moderate amount excess
consumption of grapes may result in lose motions apple cider vinegar apple cider
vinegar reduces the insulin and blood sugar levels that help regulate the
periods naturally intake of one to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with
water once a day before your meal prevents irregular periods aloe vera
take out some fresh aloe vera gel from its leaf and mix 1tsp of honey in it
take this mixture daily before your breakfast for around three months the
amazing healing properties of this mixture can cure many disorders orals
squeeze out fresh pulp from the three illiberal leaves and boiled till the
color of gel turns brown
after it cools down take one teaspoon with a cup of water have it early in the
morning on an empty stomach note don't consume it during your
menstruation mint a combo of one teaspoon each of honey and dried mint
powder is an excellent treatment for irregular menstrual periods consume it
three times a day for some weeks holy bus leaf crush some fresh bus
leaves to extracted juice combine one teaspoon each of honey and bustled juice
now sprinkle a dash of pepper powder on this mixture and have it two times a day
to treat the problem of irregular menstruation hibiscus flower take five
fresh hibiscus flowers and crush them in a juicer to form a smooth paste have
this with some water in the morning prior your breakfast it should be taken
seven days before your menstruation cycle starts this remedy helps balance
the East Rajan and progesterone level in the body and regulate the monthly cycle
six things the colour of your period bled says about your health your period
can tell you a lot about your health because it be viewed as a vital sign the
same way your blood pressure pulse and temperature or because an addition to
telling you whether you are pregnant or not your period can provide key insights
into your hard-won health and your heart wants keep everything from your brain to
your reproductive system running smoothly while what's normal for one
women may not be normal for another there are a few changes you should watch
out for particularly when it comes to the color of your flow below find six
things your period blood is trying to tell you about your health if it's
watery looking you may have a nutritional deficiency researcher says
that a whitish diluted flow can be a symptom of severe anemia especially if
you notice your period getting lighter and lighter when it would ordinarily get
a bit heavier if after monitoring your period for two or three cycles you are
worried that this could be the case talk to your doctor about getting tested for
nutritional deficiencies if it is pinkish studies have found that
excessive exercise can lower estrogen levels which can subsequently mess with
your period sometimes causing it to disappear altogether while this may not
seem like a big deal low estrogen levels can increase your risk of osteoporosis
if left untreated other potential culprits of a pinkish flow can include
poor nutrition polycystic ovary syndrome PCOS or Purnima pass which is when your
ovaries start producing less estrogen in preparation for menopause if it is dark
brown you may have all the bits of uterine lining and bled that are just
now making their way out of your body this is normal we are not sure why this
happens in all cases but sometimes the blood is sitting around for a while and
comes out particularly slowly it has a lot of time to oxidize which is why it
can look brown or almost black everyone will shed her uterine lining at a
different rate but for the most part seeing some dark brown blood at the
beginning of your period or toward the end of it is nothing to worry about it
if it is a mix of grey and red you may have an infection such as an STD or STI
you will probably also experience a really foul necrotic stench get tested
so you can get the right treatment women who miscarry sometimes notice great
chunks of tissue that look like liver if it is thick jam colored red with the
large clots you may have low progesterone levels and high Eastridge
levels while some clotting is normal says Dweck clots the size of a quarter
or larger can indicate a serious hormonal imbalance uterine fibroids are
another possibility they are most often benign but they can be painful so if you
suspect they are behind your heavy clot filled periods ask your doctor for an
ultrasound if it is bright cranberry red you may have a healthy irregular period
everybody's normal will look different but generally speaking a consistently
bright red flow that looks a little like cherry kool-aid is a signal that
everything is working as it should thank you for watching this video like and
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How to Clean with Pumice Stones - Duration: 7:42.How do you clean with a pumice stone?
It's an excellent question and we're going to talk about that today.
Hi there, I'm Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner.
This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question
and I get to help you find an answer.
Now, today's show is brought to us by
and I'm working in tandem with them to pick
and hand-curated list of cleaning products for you so that you don't waste a whole lot
of time and a whole lot of money in search for the perfect products for your home.
So if you've ever wondered what product, and is this effective,
and we can give you some pros and cons so that you can make a better decision.
All righty, onto today's session, which is about pumice stones.
Okay, so before we talk about how to clean with a pumice stone, let's talk about what
is a pumice stone?
Now, a pumice stone is hot lava that is mixed with water and then it hardens.
And so it's actually a chunk of stone.
And so because it's lava, it's all different kinds of consistencies.
And so pumice stones are really fine, and some have a really thick grit.
And so it's a stone, and so people like to clean with it and there are a lot of people
that have done a lot of damage with pumice stones.
And so people go in search of how do I clean with a pumice stone?
Okay, so now that we know what a pumice stone is,
let's talk about what a pumice stone is used for.
A pumice stone is not used for cleaning.
A pumice stone is used for scraping dead skin off of your hands and your feet.
And so how do you clean with it?
You clean with it inside your shower.
When you're naked and you have water running and the stone is wet and you are wet, and
then you can rub it on your dry hands and the heels of your feet that are dry, and you
can wash off and brush off that dead skin.
Now, another thing about pumice stones is you can also rub it along the sides of your
legs and it almost acts as a razor.
So instead of yanking the hair out, it brushes it off.
So it's an easy way, instead of just using a razor, to shave your legs.
Okay, so about pumice stones for house cleaners.
I'm not a fan.
I've never been a fan of pumice stones.
If there's one thing you will never find in my cleaning kit, it is a pumice stone.
Here's the reason why.
A pumice stone is a stone. And there are very few surfaces in the house
that you can rub stones on and not damage them.
Now, there are people that will swear by pumice stones and they're like,
"Oh, I use them all the time and I'm an expert at it and whatever." Okay.
This goes back to the running with scissors concept.
When you're very small and you're this tall, your mother will tell you,
"Don't run with scissors," because in the back her mind,
she knows that you could fall and the scissors
can go through the bottom of your chin or something horrible or you can poke your eye
out, and that would not be a good idea, okay?
So it's sound advice.
Now, having said that, is it impossible to run with scissors?
No, it is possible.
And if you have a leather sheath to put those scissors in and you are trained to run with
scissors, okay that's a different story.
But for the most part, the general population, most people,
it's not a good idea to run with scissors.
So the general population, most people, not a good idea to use pumice stones.
Now, there is common sense associated with pumice stones.
You can say well, "There are rings in the toilet and so since the ring is so bad in
the toilet, I can use this pumice stone and it will scrape the ring off."
That is true, that is true.
If your pumice stone is wet and you use it inside a wet toilet bowl, you will scrape
the ring off the toilet bowl.
You will also scrape off the porcelain on the inside of the toilet bowl.
And then from here through infinity, you can only use pumice stones to get rid of the next
ring that comes inside the toilet bowl that now is going to settle because it doesn't
have that porcelain veneer, right?
You've scraped it off.
So now that ring is going to be more susceptible to stains in the future.
All right.
Having said that, how do you get a ring off the inside of a toilet bowl?
They do make chemicals like hydrochloric acid, which are designed to burn off that ring around
the inside of the toilet bowl without harming the porcelain.
Now, it's not non-toxic, but neither is the ring inside your toilet, right?
If you want to get rid of that unsightly ring, there are times you may have to use some stronger
type of chemical.
And then from here throughout, you can use non-toxic products to maintain that.
So for that one-time cleaning, you may have to use an abrasive chemical.
Okay, having said that, let's go back to pumice stones for a minute.
There are house cleaners that, because there's hype on the internet and hype comes from people
who are selling pumice stones ... The hype comes from you can use it on this, that, and
the other, and they use them on glass tabletops, they use them on shower doors, they use them
on ovens and stoves, and they damage all kinds of appliances.
So it's like the running with scissors concept.
The general population does not know how to use pumice stones.
And so if you send your employees out into the field and they have pumice stones, you're
counting on their common sense.
You are assuming they have been trained to run with scissors, and as a business owner,
you are responsible if they trip and fall.
So what that means is if your employees go out into the market and they use a pumice
stone on someone's microwave or their stainless steel refrigerator, don't laugh at me because
this happens all the time, and then they're like, "Ah!
Oh my gosh, I scratched it!
What do I do now?"
Uh, you replace it, that's what you do, that's why you have insurance, so that you can replace
appliances when your employees using pumice stones damage them from the customer's houses.
All right, now that we've had that talk, let me suggest this.
If you don't replace the stuff that you damaged from customers, the customers might say, "It's
not a big deal, that's fine."
But they see it every single time they go to open their refrigerator door and they see
that it's all scratched, and they think of you every single time they open their refrigerator
door, and in the back of their mind, even at an unconscious level, they're like, "Wow,
what a boneheaded house cleaner I had to come in and to scratch my stainless steel appliance
with a pumice stone.
Who does that?"
So the answer is don't, please don't, please, please, please, please don't use pumice stones
to scratch surfaces.
Pumice stones are stones.
They are not scrub brushes.
And even if you have a really fine grit, there are so many things that can go awry.
And to say it's okay to run with little scissors versus big scissors,
it's just not a good idea.
So for the most part, not a good idea.
It's not scalable, it's not duplicatable, and it's just not wise.
So I'm not recommending pumice stones for cleaning unless you're cleaning yourself and
you have really thick, dead, dried skin that you're trying to refresh.
So for a person, yes, because your skin is resilient and it will bounce back.
And as you slough off that dead skin, you're good to go.
But for toilets, for sink basins, for stoves, for refrigerators, for glass, for wood floors,
please don't.
Please don't.
And it's not designed for fiberglass either.
All righty, that's my two cents.
And until we meet again,
leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.
5G tech, IoT, AI take center stage at Mobile World Congress 2018 - Duration: 1:50.At the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, Korea demonstrated the potential of 5G wireless
technology, allowing visitors to see some of the competition from 360 degrees thanks
to data speeds four times faster than 4G.
And at this year's Mobile World Congress, 5G is taking center stage again.
Kim Ji-yeon has some of the highlights from one of the world's biggest mobile exhibitions.
5G, the Internet-of-Things and artificial intelligence are at the forefront of this
year's Mobile World Congress which kicked off in Barcelona on Monday.
Products and services related to the fifth generation of internet connectivity were laid
out by global telecommunications operators from around the world... signaling that the
wireless tech may arrive sooner than previously forecast.
"The key topics at this year's Mobile World Congress are really around 5G and artificial
intelligence and how the two are coming together, you know, the 5G networks really creating
a platform that allows artificial intelligence to thrive."
Some of the eye-catching products on display include connected cars and taxi-drones,...
this one unveiled by Chinese firm Huawei,... which the company says will be able to carry
passengers and be controlled by 5G networks.
Humanoid robots, virtual reality simulations and a new wave of smartphones running on 5G
tech are also being unveiled during the event.
Meanwhile, major Korean telecommunications operator KT and its partner Intel are showing
off their 5G services following a successful run of their commercial 5G network at the
Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, including a system that used hundreds of cameras to capture athletes
and broadcast footage in real time to VR viewers.
The firms are expected to partner up for an update of their 5G services at the upcoming
2020 Tokyo Olympics.
Kim Ji-yeon, Arirang News.
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