Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 2, 2018

Youtube daily Feb 26 2018

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For more infomation >> Thomas & Friends | Premiering March 12th on Nickelodeon! 🚂 | Nick Jr. - Duration: 0:42.


Why Build Links to an Amazon Affiliate Niche Site - Duration: 9:09.

here's why you should build things to your Amazon affiliate site links for one

at the top three factors for rankings how do I know this well a Google

engineer told us I'll place a link so you can see my reference point here a

search quality senior strategist at Google said that the top two ranking

factors were content number one and links number two yes there are like 200

ranking factors or more and when it comes down to it there are many other

factors however if you're gonna focus on smaller number of areas links and

content are the way to go so let's dig into it so why am i covering this topic

at all well there is a contingent of people who think that links don't matter

in fact probably about once a week I'll get a comment on one of the videos that

says I'm crazy I am you know spreading propaganda by telling

people that links matter and they should spend time building links and oftentimes

these people will say hey you should spend time on social sharing you should

do these other things additionally there are some videos from

my friends over at income school they have a video this title link building is

useless do this instead I'll put a link below so you can check it out and make

it you know decision for yourself but I mean the title is pretty clear link

building is useless I disagree with that I think link building has this place and

in fact Google tells us it's one of the top two rankings factors that are out

there so we should spend time on it now when we go back and we look at some of

the early iterations or early ideas from Google they actually use sort of an idea

from like medical journals and like professional journals where the more

cited and author was like a researcher was the better they were the more

authoritative they were so for example a specific sort of idea made up example of

course but if a you know researcher was cited in 20 different journals that was

good that was better than someone who is only cited and

and if you look at you know people that are that do well in academia and stuff

they're often publishing in journals all the time and it helps them become

well-known and it indicates that they know what they're talking about Google

took this similar idea they sort of made that the backbone of the rankings still

holds true today as I mentioned the quote before one of the top two factors

is in fact backlinks so they are still important even if there are many other

factors even if there are ways to get around it like the keyword golden ratio

maybe you don't need as many links because it's not so competitive but if

you add links with good keyword research that it is always better than no links

the links are high quality and not you know garbage spammy links so high

quality links do matter but the idea is you know each one of these backlinks is

sort of like a vote for your site so the more backlinks particularly high quality

backlinks the more votes right the better it is for your search ring and

that's why people try and get backlinks right it's a whole like multi-million

dollar industry and it's a big deal to get backlinks so if you start studying

SEO most people will say you need backlinks if you take a look at

backlinko Brian Dean one of the influencers in the SEO space we can see

right here he says pack links are very important and makes a couple references

to the article that I mentioned as well and then they actually over a backlink

oh did analysis on the rankings factors and they found backlinks had the highest

correlation to high ranking so I'll leave it at that

I hope I convinced you it's important so back to the people that comment on some

of the YouTube videos or maybe they send me emails and say you know you shouldn't

tell people to build backlinks it's useless right here's my hutch most the

time when I talk to them and I say hey I'm happy to see your side of the story

here why don't you tell me some case studies tell me an example where you

know no backlinks led to you know ongoing passive income I

usually don't hear back when I ask questions like that and try to engage

I'm happy to have a conversation by the way leave a comment think backlinks

don't matter we'd love to hear from you and then if you could please put a link

for it an example like a case study or you can send me an email and just let me

know one on one if you don't want it to be public but basically it's very rare

where you can have say social sharing make something ranked like make a page

ranked having social shares could be important but it's not the main factor

here's the thing a lot of those folks will say you know what if you go to

Pinterest and you spend a lot of time on Pinterest you build up a following

you pin things a lot you can in fact drive a lot of traffic through Pinterest

or fill in the blank right it could be Facebook maybe they say it's reddit

maybe some other platform that's not even around yet they say that you could

drive a lot of traffic through social channels I have two main arguments why

that is not a good idea for me perhaps it's a good idea for you but for me the

the first thing is it's usually a decent amount of work to continue to have an

active social Channel right so in the Pinterest side it takes a little while

to build up an audience just like any platform it takes a while to build an

audience and then once you have that audience you have to keep their

attention that's flaw number one with say the

Pinterest model plot number two is it's not as targeted so my traffic that I

prefer comes from organic SEO people will go to Google if they type in a

search term and usually it's a buyer's term I hope they end up on my site they

get over to Amazon they make a purchase I get a small Commission that works well

right if they don't have buying intent it's much harder to make that sale to

make the Commission my thought is on Pinterest people are usually looking for

like projects or ideas to pin they don't necessarily go to Pinterest to make a

purchase right and then again we could fill in other channels right so on

Facebook I don't know I go to Facebook to get distracted maybe you watch some

sort of cat videos or something to waste my time I want to be distracted I

usually don't go to Facebook ever too purchase I'm a weird guy I think most

people would agree with that I'm weird right I know that other people maybe

they do go to Pinterest and maybe they do shop on Pinterest maybe they go to

Facebook and they buy things on Facebook and it's much better for me to have that

organic SEO traffic where it's targeted people literally want to buy something

and I know it because what they're searching for is something that a buyer

would search for and then they make the purchase I have fairly high conversion

rates on Amazon and I'm confident that that model works well additionally once

you have that sort of SEO traffic funneling over to your site it's pretty

stable we're on the Facebook and Pinterest side for example you may have

to keep that stuff active all the time you know when it comes down to it you

have to actively manage those for the SEO side sure it could take a while to

build up that traffic once it's there it's usually fairly stable and the Third

Point there's the contingent of people that say don't build links you don't

need them you could just publish great content will that work potentially right

potentially that could work thing is most of the time there's so much content

on the internet on any given topic that it's really hard to actually rank with

no backlinks the exceptions could be the keyword golden ratio it's literally a

data-driven way to find keywords that other people are not targeting you'd

find keywords that people are searching for but there's not enough people

targeting let me ask this as sort of a it's not the exact question of the day

but there are two sites with roughly the same amount of content same kind of

quality content one person builds zero backlinks other person builds ten which

one do you think will rank higher I'm stacking the deck right I told you that

Google told us that links matter it's literally wanted to top two reasons a

site can rank for a given term so when I asked the question I think I know what

you're gonna answer but if you don't think the links matter let me know what

you think matters some of the most useful comments are from the the

audience at large so let me know what you think I would love to learn

something new here if there's some other mystery ranking fact

that we don't know about aside from content and links please let us know we

could have a great discussion about it if you think the links do matter let me

know your favorite link building tactics if you have any questions or anything

just let me know in the comments I try to answer every single one I may be a

little slow but I do try and answer every single one thanks for watching my

name is Doug Pennington be sure to take a look around at other videos and

subscribe if you like what you see

For more infomation >> Why Build Links to an Amazon Affiliate Niche Site - Duration: 9:09.


What Are Nintendo's Developers Up To? We Look to the Past to Predict! (One Year of Switch!) - Duration: 15:34.

There's no doubt that Nintendo has had an incredible first year with the Switch.

Game after game has released catering to just about every demographic.

But so far, most of 2018 remains a mystery.

We know that some games like Kirby, Fire Emblem, Yoshi, and Bayonetta 3 are on the way, sure,

but we don't know what else Nintendo's studios might be up to and what surprises

could be in store.

With that said, we thought it'd be fun to look at these developers and see if there's

any way to determine what might be coming next.

And yes, while we realize any of these games could be on 3DS, we're running with the

idea that Nintendo will largely be focusing their efforts on the Switch this year.

However, here's the thing, these days most Nintendo first party games are developed under

Nintendo EPD, or Entertainment Planning & Development.

They cast a huge net consisting of a variety of teams that don't really have their own

official title, which makes it rather daunting to determine what exactly they might do next.

So instead, we're going to be focusing on the subsidiaries and second party-developers

that all fall under the Nintendo umbrella.

What might they be up to?

To determine that, we'll be taking a look at their game release history--what kinds

of games they produced and when they came out--to try and figure out what could be coming

next and when it might be released.

But since release dates obviously vary by region over the years, we'll be going by

the first initial release since that marks when primary development of the game wrapped


Let's begin with Nd Cube, who's best known for their work on Mario Party, Wii Party,

and Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival--yeah, they really like their party games!

Even though their last game was quite recent, being Mario Party: The Top 100 this past November,

these guys can crank out games on an annual basis.

Since 2012, they've only had a single year without some kind of release, being 2014--although

that can be explained when you consider that the years immediately before and after, being

2013 and 2015, had two games each.

So their output since 2012 has actually been slightly higher than just one game a year.

Based on that, we're pretty darn confident that we'll be getting a new game from Nd

Cube this year, and it's likely to be a Mario Party as that tends to be the bulk of

their output--shocking, right?

Then there's Monolith Soft, the developers behind Xenoblade Chronicles 2 which just released

this past December.

But despite how recent that game is, we may already have some idea of what their next

project--or at least a future project--is going to be.

In August of 2017, the company's recruitment page posted that they were looking to hire

for an "ambitious project different from the brand image of Monolith Soft."

So yeah, it's pretty clear this likely won't be a Xenoblade game, especially based on the

concept art on that same page that shows a more fantasy-based setting.

But when might we see it?

Well in the past, there tended be a two year gap between their releases.

The original Xenoblade Chronicles came out in 2010 with Project X Zone in 2012 and a

sequel to both games 3 years later in 2015.

Based on this, it's likely that we won't see a new game from Monolith until at least

2019, especially because they're still supporting Xenoblade Chronicles 2 via updates and DLC

throughout most of the year.

However, there is still the possibility that this new fantasy game--or a new game in general--could

release sometime this year given that Monolith seems to have at least two different teams

working simultaneously, especially since they were hiring new staff in August for this known

project that presumably had already started development.

Retro Studios is a bit of a wild card.

We know they're working on a game.

We just have no idea what it is.

Since the release of the original Metroid Prime in 2002, Retro was able to put out a

new game roughly every two to three years.

The longest gap in original games was between Donkey Kong Country Returns in November of

2010 and Tropical Freeze in February of 2014.

But now it's been an even longer wait, at four years and counting since Tropical Freeze,

and we still have no idea what their next project is--and no, we're not counting the

Tropical Freeze Switch port.

I know Funky Kong looks awesome, but I'm pretty sure it didn't take 4 years to add him in.

Really, the only thing we do know is that it's not Metroid Prime 4, which is seemingly

being developed by Bandai-Namco.

So given the complete lack of information and the fact that we're in an unprecedented

lull, it actually leads us to believe that we should finally hear about their next game

this year, BUT that being said, we don't expect the game to release until next year

based off Retro's history.

Because nearly every game they've developed was revealed the year before its release.

The only exception to this was Donkey Kong Country Returns which was revealed and released

in 2010.

But hey, maybe they'll surprise us again this year.

Finally, just because we're being thorough, there's technically one first-party studio

left: 1-UP Studio, formerly Brownie Brown.

But given the fact that they only seem to assist with games like Super Mario 3D World,

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker, and Super Mario Odyssey, and haven't released one

of their own titles in 12 years, we're going to go out on a limb and say that streak's

going to continue.

And that's all the subsidiaries of Nintendo, but there's still a lot more studios under

their wing that could be considered 2nd Party developers.

First up is Creatures, Inc. which is mainly known for producing the Pokémon Trading Card

Game as well as developing some of the Pokémon spin-offs like Pokémon Ranger and PokéPark.

In fact, they also helped with the development of the Mother series back when they were known

as Ape Inc.

So what are they up to now?

Well, they're the ones developing Detective Pikachu for the 3DS.

Now Part 1 was released on the Japanese eShop in early 2016 but this worldwide release is

presumably the complete story.

So with development nearly finished, that makes it tricky to determine what they'll

do next or when we'll see it.

There was an unprecedented 5 year gap before Detective Pikachu, but since that involved

the development of new tech--remember that creepy demo?--we doubt we'd see that delay

again--especially if they pursue a proper sequel, which wouldn't shock us given the

upcoming movie.

Cross promotion for the win!

And since they had a new game every year or two prior to Detective Pikachu, we think it's

possible their next one could hit as soon as 2020.

Then there's Camelot who are mostly known by Nintendo fans for their Mario Golf, Mario

Tennis, and Golden Sun games.

And considering we already know that they're the ones developing Mario Tennis Aces, it's

probably going to be a while until we see what's next from them.

That said, there's usually only a one or two year gap in their Nintendo releases dating

all the way back to 1999, with a 3 year hiatus between 2007 and 2010 being the only exception.

So given that fact, it seems likely we could see their next game as soon as 2019.

So that covers the when, but what about the what?

Well, given that every game from them for the past 6 years has been a Mario sports title--and

that with the exception of the Wii U, every console that has had a Mario Tennis also had

a Mario Golf, we think there's a good chance we might be seeing Mario Golf next, again

possibly as soon as next year.

Although...the gap between Golden Sun: The Lost Age & Dark Dawn was about 8 years, and

well, it has been just about 8 years since the last one.


It's probably unlikely though.

Game Freak, Good-Feel, HAL, and Intelligent Systems--or GGHI as I like to call them--are

other developers where we know what we're getting.

Game Freak already announced they're hard at work on Pokémon for the Switch although

they didn't hint at any kind of release window or even if it'll be the start of

a new generation.

But considering the fact that the first Pokémon game released on a new platform has always

been the start of a new generation, we're pretty certain this will be the beginning

of Gen 8.

But when might it come out?

Well, there's always been a 3 or 4 year gap between generations, and since it's

only been 2 years since the beginning of Gen 7, it seems unlikely that Pokémon Switch

will release this year and instead pushes it to 2019.

That said, before worldwide releases began in 2013, many Pokémon games have been put

out in the Spring in both Japan and North America, pointing to a possible early 2019

release date for Pokémon Switch.

So that's what the numbers say, but hey, Game Freak has gone against tradition before,

so maybe there's hope for it this year after all.

As for Good-Feel, we do know that they're the ones behind the upcoming Yoshi game on

Switch that was announced for release this year--even though we haven't seen anything

of it since E3 and it still doesn't have a final title.

But assuming it's still on track, it'll likely be some time before we see another

game from them.

There was a two year gap between Wario Land: Shake It in 2008 and Kirby's Epic Yarn in

2010 and an additional five years until Yoshi's Woolly World in 2015, with only a slew of

StreetPass games inbetween.

So yeah, it seems their next game after Yoshi won't hit until 2020 at the absolute earliest.

Like Good-Feel, HAL Laboratory is another developer with a game coming soon--super soon,

as in less than a month with Kirby: Star Allies.

However, unlike some of these other developers, we could see any number of games from them

not long after as they've developed multiple titles simultaneously in the past.

Heck, Kirby Battle Royale released just a few months ago for most of the world.

And before that, Bye-Bye BoxBoy in February, Team Kirby Clash Deluxe in April, and Kirby's

Blowout Blast in July, all for 2017.

While this seems like a massive amount of output for the studio, most of those were

smaller titles.

This makes it hard to predict what HAL will do after Star Allies as they could release

another small Kirby game, an eShop title, or even help with the development of another

Nintendo game like they have in the past for the Super Smash Bros series.

But we wouldn't be too surprised to see another game--or two--from them in 2018 as

they've had multiple releases each year since 2014.

And then we have Intelligent Systems.

Nintendo has already announced that a new Fire Emblem is in development for the Switch

and that it's coming this year--even though we know nothing else about it.

However, like HAL, they're a big enough studio to have multiple projects in the works.

2015 was a particularly busy year for them as they released Fire Emblem Fates, Stretchmo,

and Code Name: STEAM in that timeframe.

And of course, they've worked on the Advance Wars and Paper Mario series in the past, so

any number of these games could possibly come from them in the future.

But for 2018, we think it'll be limited to just the new Fire Emblem.

After all, despite the fact that three Fire Emblem games were released in 2017, only one

was fully handled by Intelligent Systems, Fire Emblem Echoes.

The same goes for the year before in 2016 where they only released Paper Mario: Color


As for what could be after Fire Emblem Switch, that's a bit tricky to determine.

Paper Mario is technically possible, but since there tends to be a 4 to 5 year gap between

games, and Color Splash was just released in 2016, we think it's more likely that

another Fire Emblem will be on the way first considering we haven't heard from the Advance

Wars games since 2008 and Fire Emblem games have been releasing like clockwork.

It could even be another remake with the Echoes moniker.

Next is a developer you might not have heard of, Genius Sonority.

They started as a developer of Pokémon spin-off games with 4 of them releasing between 2003

and 2006 with Pokémon Colosseum, Gale of Darkness, Trozei, and Battle Revolution, before

taking a break for the next 8 years to develop Dragon Quest Swords followed by three Denpa

Men games.

They finally returned to Pokémon games in 2014 with Pokemon Battle Trozei followed by

Pokemon Shuffle the following year.

However, since they've been providing constant updates to Shuffle since its release, it's

not clear if they're actually working on anything else.

But if they are, it's likely that their next release will be a new Pokémon puzzler

in the same vein as Shuffle and Trozei.

This is especially possible since the release of a mainline Pokémon game on Switch makes

their earlier Pokémon Stadium-like ones redundant--and given it's been 3 years since their last

game, we wouldn't be too surprised if they shadow-dropped a new one at any time.

Grezzo is best known as the developers behind the Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask 3D

remakes for the 3DS, although they did just release their entirely own creation this past


Ever Oasis on the 3DS.

Based on their history, they've generally released a new game that they handled primary

development on every two years, although one of those games was the comparatively tiny

StreetPass Gardens, which was the only thing separating the four years between both Zelda

3DS remakes.

Which means, we could possibly expect a new game from them as soon as next year, although

with the likely move to the more powerful Switch, we wouldn't be surprised if it took

longer, possibly closer to the 4 year gap between Zeldas pointing to a 2021 release

at the latest.

As for what it could be--maybe they'll update another Nintendo property, or perhaps try

their hand at something new again.

Although given their recent history of working with Zelda, including 2 remakes and assisting

with Tri Force Heroes, perhaps it could something new in the series?

Finally, there's Next Level Games who last worked on Metroid Prime: Federation Force

in 2016.

Yeah, it didn't really get the best reception, but there are a lot of fans of Next Level's

previous games.

Super Mario Strikers, Punch-Out for the Wii, and Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon are all fantastic

and a sequel to any of them would be great on the Switch.

There was only a 2 year gap between Super Mario Strikers, Mario Strikers: Charged, and

Punch-Out Wii, which released between 2005 and 2009.

But it took 4 years after that for Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, which makes sense given

it was a more complex production than what came before.

The same could be said of the wait between Luigi and Federation Force.

So while the games they develop are all over the place as far as content, it's possible

we could see a new game from them this year if it's slightly less ambitious or a sequel.

Otherwise, we might be waiting until 2020 for their next game.

As for what it could be?

Well, they haven't produced a sequel to one of their own games since Strikers Charged,

and they have had a recent trend of producing new installments in somewhat ignored or forgotten

franchises, so maybe we should expect something of that nature?

It's those possibilities that make this such an exciting time for Nintendo fans and

Switch owners.

There are a lot of great developers that work for Nintendo and while we know about quite

a few games on the horizon, there's an incredible amount of potential for the ones we don't


Who knows how they willl all turn out but simply seeing what they have to offer has

us excited.

But what games would you like to see from these developers?

Thanks for watching, and make sure to click that subscribe button for future Nintendo

Switch content and even more from GameXplain!

For more infomation >> What Are Nintendo's Developers Up To? We Look to the Past to Predict! (One Year of Switch!) - Duration: 15:34.


Bumblebee vs Optimus Prime | Transformers The Last Knight (2017) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:15.

Come on, we got to get to the top!

Holy shit. Holy shit.

We can make it! Come on!

Watch out, big wave coming!

I am Nemesis Prime.

You are nothing!

Move it!

Air's gonna be on station 14 to 16.

Toc, it looks like we have a surfaced alien ship.

Lightning 4 has visual on Optimus.

Prime! Prime, stop!

Prime, you got to stop! Please! Don't do this!

Look at me, prime.

What are you doing? It's Bee!

Prime! You can't do this.


Stop! No!

I am Bumblebee, your oldest friend.


I would lay down my life for you.

Bumblebee. Your voice.

I have not heard it

since Cybertron fell.

What have I done?

For more infomation >> Bumblebee vs Optimus Prime | Transformers The Last Knight (2017) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:15.


iZombie | Inside: Are You Ready For Some Zombies? | The CW - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> iZombie | Inside: Are You Ready For Some Zombies? | The CW - Duration: 2:18.


Steve Wilkos Family Photos With Daughter,Son and Wife Rachelle Wilkos 2018 - Duration: 1:43.

Steve Wilkos Family

Steve Wilkos Daughter and Son

Steve Wilkos Wife

For more infomation >> Steve Wilkos Family Photos With Daughter,Son and Wife Rachelle Wilkos 2018 - Duration: 1:43.


Cruise the California Coast with Princess, 2018-2019 - Duration: 2:01.

♪ Fun, upbeat music plays ♪

For more infomation >> Cruise the California Coast with Princess, 2018-2019 - Duration: 2:01.


How to paint the beach - Step by Step - Beginner Painting tutorial│♥Alexandra ♥ - Duration: 8:32.

Hey guys, I hope you are all having an amazing day today, and in this video I will show you

how to paint the beach.

Before I get into the video I wanted to tell you that even though I will be using oil paints

for this tutorial, in this particular instance the only difference between oil paint and

acrylic paint is the drying time which I fixed by adding some fast drying medium so, feel

free to paint this with whatever medium you feel comfortable with.

I started off by adding some masking tape to create a rectangular frame to contain my


Then I started priming my page using gesso, so that the paint has something to bind to

and it doesn't seep through the page.

The colours I will be using are the following: Titanium White,

Lemon Yellow, Yellow Ochre,

Phthalo Blue, Cobalt Blue Hue,

Viridian Hue and Burnt Umber.

I first took some of my fast drying medium and I started mixing the cobalt blue with

some titanium white and I am trying to a create a quantity of the colour because this will

be my base which I will cover my page with.

Then, I started painting with the colour I just created from the top of the page going

downwards in a horizontal motion.

Then, I took some titanium white to add to the gradient that we are creating.

So, as we move downwards it will get lighter.

Then I picked up some yellow ochre and I mixed it with the titanium white so that my gradient

will go from blue to white and then to yellow ochre.

And then I started painting in horizontal motions mixing everything together.

Now, I took some more yellow ochre and I mix it with white to increase the opacity of the

sand that we will be painting at the bottom of the page.

Then, I took a large clean brush to blend the colours together evenly.

Now, that my background is completely dry, I will start painting the water.

For the water, I picked up some phthalo blue and I mixed it with some viridian hue.

I took my flat headed brush and I started drawing a horizontal line of the water which

will be my horizon.

Then I added some white into the paint mixture to continue painting the water.

Now, I went back with the dark colour I just mixed to re-define the horizon.

Then, I continue with the lighter colour of the water and I move downwards.

Now I added more white into the paint mixture to move downwards as we are creating another

gradient effect for the water.

Then, I am adding more white into the paint mixture and again, I am adding more white

for our water gradient.

And now I am mixing a tiny bit of yellow ochre for the sand.

And finally I am blending everything out as smoothly as I can.

I took some of my white colour and mixed it into the yellow colour we used for the sand

because now we will define the shape of the beach.

And I am applying more of that colour on the right hand side as well.

And then, I took my fluffy brush to blend it out very smoothly.

I took some of the light blue colour I had in my palette and then I took some white and

mixed both of them really well to come up with a light blue colour to paint the little

waves on the surface of the water.

I am doing that using my flat headed brush and I am drawing really small horizontal lines

on the water.

Now I took some viridian hue to start painting the large wave in the middle, I added some

lemon yellow in the mixture and then a little bit of titanium white.

And then I started painting the large wave in the area that we left blank in the middle.

I added some more white into the mixture to lighten the colour and then I continued tapping

my brush on the paper.

Now using the same colour, I am drawing those curvy vertical lines the blend the colour

with the rest of the water.

And by doing that we start seeing the wave forming.

Now I took some of the darker colour I created earlier for the horizon and I started by painting

the base of the wave using the same brush strokes.

And now I am blending the water and the waves together.

And I went on top to re-paint the base of the wave as well.

And now, using the same colour I am painting the shadow of the wave on top.

Now I took my darker colour and I am re-painting the water on top.

I keep using the darker value for the bottom of the wave as well.

Now, I took a fluffy brush to blend the bottom of our wave with the water.

And then using the same brush I try to expand the wave using vertical motions.

Now, I took some of the lighter colour to paint the small waves on the water again and

I am doing that by tapping the tip of my brush on the paper.

Using the same brush I started adding some highlights to the bigger wave.

Now I took some of my titanium white on my detail brush and I started tapping on top

of my wave to paint the foam.

Now, I took my detail brush and a darker tone and I started painting the shadow of the wave.

For this part dipped a q-tip into the titanium white and I started tapping on the foam of

the wave.

Then I took my detail brush using the same colour I started drawing the water that follows

the wave going upwards.

Then, I drag those lines on the rest of the water doing a zig zag pattern.

Now, I am starting to paint the foam on the edge of the water as well.

And again I took my q-tip and I started tapping the paint on the paper.

Now I am adding some burnt umber into my yellow ochre mixture to paint the shadow of the water

on the beach.

And then I took some titanium white to paint the sparkles on the wet sand.

And then I took my detail brush to blend the shadows of the big wave with the water.

Now I continue painting the waves using a q-tip and the white paint.

And then I switched to my detail brush to add those little dots that represent the water

splash from the foamy wave.

And finally I took some of my darker colour to add in between the light waves as shadows.

And finally, I gently remove the masking tape.

So this is the finished painting, I hope you guys enjoyed this video and found it helpful,

in the description I have links to all the products I am using if you guys are interested.

I also have prints of my work available on my website if you would like to have a look.

Thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you in my next video.

Bye x

For more infomation >> How to paint the beach - Step by Step - Beginner Painting tutorial│♥Alexandra ♥ - Duration: 8:32.


Mol - A constante de Avogadro - Parte I - Duration: 12:09.

For more infomation >> Mol - A constante de Avogadro - Parte I - Duration: 12:09.


The Royals Season 4 Promo "Jasper's Rules: Loyalty" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:24.

For more infomation >> The Royals Season 4 Promo "Jasper's Rules: Loyalty" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:24.


The Royals Season 4 Promo "Cyrus The Arse" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:25.

For more infomation >> The Royals Season 4 Promo "Cyrus The Arse" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:25.


Treat balanitis at home | How to identify and treat balanitis - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> Treat balanitis at home | How to identify and treat balanitis - Duration: 4:22.


Art Vlogs 269 // Mosaic Art Management Issues // Ayhan Keser - Duration: 10:23.

hi and welcome to art vlogs 260 and blah blah and welcome to my life will come to

my studio I released yesterday at night their life

content which was about the creative 100 creative week which is this week has

started today and you don't want believe how many things I have already created

about this to Commission stuff absolutely zero I don't know if I'm too

tired am I too tired because of this weekend

at car driving and blah blah or I have two more things in my head I really

don't know it's just ridiculous I can't get in the point actually I can't get in

the point in the point I can't I tried to create some skulls

you know skull and nothing is coming out I guess this is the part when you

try to make a commission it design design ideas to turn them into

Commission so this is lot of pressure it's not like an artwork an art work

you're just you're just doing it you have not there's no question and nothing

no worries about selling that thing and so on and it's quite weird I work on

some schools you know and they turn to a regular nothing did not think there's also

that holidays and stuff nothing came out that's so weird I guess

I'm tired should I take this day off you know it's just when you promise

something in that block so you are supposed to do that kind of so this

gives you an extra pressure which is not so good I really was dreaming today

about some cool things and to start to make

them you know going to that copy center to get the enlargements and to start to

glue some cardboards and stuff but thing this is the worst part of vlogging to

when you promise something and you're still didn't do anything about that

content what am I gonna do now by the way that thing is still there you

remember the things over there I made it for a friend

he's quite busy you know he's changed his country because of business bam he's here

and bam he is there he is there I can't even reach them as a very real friend of mine

but I can't even reach them so this stuff is still waiting but we will bring

it to him definitely to see his reaction okay one interesting point is this stuff

in island Bozcaada we will be there as soon as possible that's correct

but the thing is there is one hotel which I already made a lot of mosaics

inside and stencils and everything and there is an other hotel it's almost on

same street so listen here's the thing in this hotel owners are hope there are

not watching if they are watching this will turn to something terrible

so these guys are good friends and one of them has a hotel a lot of my stuff

inside which makes that hotel unique at that island is what they said to me

because and none of these hotels are kind of that kind of mosaics design is

special for blah blah blah chosen colors everything

style there are stained glass and bathrooms there are ceramic mosaic tile

art in the rooms hang it you know that angel things and stuff

there are stencils stencil work cat mad cat if you remember at the entry

and there's another stencil at the facade and so they said that this hotel

is unique with all your stuff because of your stuff okay that's fine that's hotel

is unique because also how to manage everything it's clean and piko bello

it's amazing cool but the point is now his friend which is building the hotel

right now a couple of blocks away from that hotel he wanna also have some

mosaics bad if you know in home so the first hotel owner which I already worked

with a long time for a very long time is already good client of mine is paying

his has respect all of my designs showing respect of everything and there

is this other guy which is his friend so how we gonna do that

so the first hotel owner he said just do your business just go for it but I know

in his mind he's going like what happened if he made a lot of mosaics

inside the hotel from his friends so this two hotels home we become like on

the same line so that first hotel will be not unique anymore how are we gonna

do with that we have two ways to avoid this kind of a problem the first way is

you don't do it just say thank you to that second hotel how you can do

you can give him a very high prices like double it's a couple of times $4,000

just right for the 40.000 dollars that's the first rate but most of the

time people are accepting this prices just to let u know them if it's more

expensive it's more valuable so people are ready to buy it more easier than

what it's cheap okay I'm gonna do that the second way this if it's if it will

be a mosaic we can change the technical way you know how we do that the style of

breaking the tiles style of laying the tiles the style of colors shapes and

things like that we'll probably look different than the mosaics in that first

hotel but this is still the nth effect will be mosaic that's true

so that's a problem actually I don't want to let these two people you know

have a fight because of this mosaic stuff but I only don't know I really

don't know so there's lot of things to think about this issue

that's why I can not just jumped in an analyzer photo incentive prizes as I

said in yesterday's livestream in the vlog so this stuff is done today I

really don't know how to act to that thing what kind of technique I've

already used almost everything in the first hotel how can we do in our style

of mosaics in there can use marble but marble will be very hard to work with in

the details it's almost impossible because marvelous

like when you break when you try to break a marble tile in a very small size

it's almost impossible and a lot of pain in your hands because it's a very hard

material and it'll be quite heavy as well no not much colors to use in marble

so I really don't know how we're gonna do that so I will think about this one

day more as the German said eine Nacht drabber schlafen we need to sleep one

night more to find a good solution for that project that mosaic projects are

what about the skulls and the harley davidson I don't know I really don't know okay

the point is also should we make something very interesting actually not

we have to make something which will be get sold very quickly this is what the

owner wants actually you know if you come up with the Picasso and nobody is

ready to buy that so this will not turn to your commission if you know what I

mean we need something what people are ready to buy . A skull form on a white

like this thing here this white thing just paint the cardboard in white by

using brush to create some lines you know to show that this is not sprayed

just make by hand very randomly and then we can maybe spray a skull form in

black or flowing colors and stuff it should be interesting another point to

make it more interesting as make it big that's a quite important issue if you

don't know about that I don't know if you've ever been in the Tate Modern

in London the words of Rothko if you know what I mean are just very simple

colors you know like one color or not after another color but that thing was

huge they were so big that work of Pollock it was so big it was the whole wall or

cover it was covered with that work just one work so if you make it big it takes

more it looks more interesting to people to buy something big for a good price so

this is some technical stuff but selling and about attrack people's tension if

you know what I mean so it's almost I guess 2 p.m. or something there's still

nothing on the table I still couldn't didn't do anything but I try to I guess

I'm too tired I'm really tired I need a good sleep so excuse me for

today I promise yes there's something totally different but the week is not

over yet yet the next vlog


For more infomation >> Art Vlogs 269 // Mosaic Art Management Issues // Ayhan Keser - Duration: 10:23.


316498900 - Replacing Your Frigidaire Range's Front Leveling Leg AP3997673,PS1560567 - Duration: 3:52.

Hi my name is Bill and today I want to show you how to replace the front

leveling leg on your stove the reason why you might have to do this is because

it's broken and it won't adjust anymore for this repair you'll need a Philips

head screwdriver and two pairs of channel locks warning before doing any

repairs please disconnect your power source so this is the stove that we're

going to be using for our demonstration it's a Frigidaire and keep in mind that

ours might be a little bit different than what you've got at home but the

same techniques should still apply the first thing you want to do is make sure

you turn your gas off all right so to take our gas line off I'm going to use

one pair of channellocks and I want to hold on to this part right here now we

use our other pair of channellocks in order to grab the line and I'm going to

twist both of them in opposite directions that way we're not spinning

endlessly when we're trying to loosen it now I've got that loose I can undo it by

hand the rest of the way so our front leveling leg you're gonna be on the

bottom of the stove on each side pull out this drawer you can see they're each

held in by Philips head screws so we're going to use our screwdriver to remove

those so I want to tip the stove up on its side a little bit and I'm going to

set this coffee can underneath here so that I can get to it a little bit easier

this is gonna be the assembly we're replacing here so we're going to take

the screws out

there you go now you can grab your new OEM replacement front leg if you don't

have one already you can find one on our online store we'll align this up here

we are going to line this up here as much as I can and screw this in

Now we can close this drawer

kick that can out of there let it set down hopefully a little gentler than

that then you can reconnect the gas so now we're gonna reconnect our stove to

the gas line

in case your adapter is spinning inside I want to get another

pair of channellocks just to hold that in place and then you can tighten it the

rest of the way there we go and now we can turn our gas back on and

your repair is complete finally don't forget to plug in your appliance if you

need to replace any parts for your appliances you can find an OEM

replacement part on our website thanks for watching

and please don't forget to like comment and share our video also don't forget to

subscribe to our channel your support helps us make more videos just like

these for you to watch for free

For more infomation >> 316498900 - Replacing Your Frigidaire Range's Front Leveling Leg AP3997673,PS1560567 - Duration: 3:52.


WE01X10168 - Replacing Your GE Dryer's Timer Knob AP3422217,PS783664 - Duration: 1:51.

Hi my name is Bill and today I want to be showing you how to replace the timer

knob on your dryer the reason why you might have to do this

is because it's damaged or missing warning before doing any repairs please

disconnect your power source so this is our dryer it's a GE and this is what

we're gonna be using for this repair keep in mind ours might feel a little

bit different than yours but the same technique should still

apply so this is our old timer knob right here it's not working for us so

all we have to do to get it off and simply pull straight out so grab your

new OEM replacement timer knob if you don't have one already

you can find one on our online store so now when we put this in we're gonna make

sure this D shaped hole right here it's right on to this and we're gonna line

them up and just push the knob right on

and now we're good to go finally don't forget to plug in your

appliance if you need to replace any parts for your appliances you can find

an OEM replacement part on our website thanks for

watching and please don't forget to like comment and share our video also don't

forget to subscribe to our channel your support helps us make more videos just

like these for you to watch for free

For more infomation >> WE01X10168 - Replacing Your GE Dryer's Timer Knob AP3422217,PS783664 - Duration: 1:51.


Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen - Episode 4: Gym Leader Brock - Duration: 11:07.

And now, the Gym battle.

For more infomation >> Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen - Episode 4: Gym Leader Brock - Duration: 11:07.


[Zhao Yun] Ep. 5 - "Raising the Banner" | DYNASTY WARRIORS 8: EMPIRES - Duration: 7:38.

For more infomation >> [Zhao Yun] Ep. 5 - "Raising the Banner" | DYNASTY WARRIORS 8: EMPIRES - Duration: 7:38.


[Zhao Yun] Ep. 6 - "Brotherhood" | DYNASTY WARRIORS 8: EMPIRES - Duration: 6:16.

For more infomation >> [Zhao Yun] Ep. 6 - "Brotherhood" | DYNASTY WARRIORS 8: EMPIRES - Duration: 6:16.


인물 김보성 눈 수술포기 그에게 힘찬 응원을!|K-News - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> 인물 김보성 눈 수술포기 그에게 힘찬 응원을!|K-News - Duration: 3:45.


Wheels on the Bus | Fruit Magic + MORE English Stories for Kids | Steve and Maggie | Wow English TV - Duration: 14:50.

Hmmmm, uuuhhh, orange flavor! Hello boys and girls. Hi. I am eating sweets. They´re delicious!

This one tastes like oranges. It´s magic! Hi Steve!

Hello Maggie. Hi. Hi.

Hey, Maggie, try one of these sweets. They´re magic. This one tastes like… hmmm…. Apple!

Wow! Hey, that´s not magic. This is magic! Abracadabra!

Hey, look, look! Hey, wow! Look, what is it? Yeah! It´s an apple.

Apple! Delicious! Hehey. Hey, come on, say it with

me – It´s an apple. While you pat your tummies. Come on! So what is it? It´s an

apple. And again. It´s an apple.

What is it? It´s an apple.

Yeah! I like apples, Maggie. Ok, Steve, here you are.

Oh, for me? Thank you! Yeah!

Look, a delicious apple. Yummy, yummy. Hmm mmm delicious! Much nicer than those sweets.

Maggie that apple was delicious! Yeah!

So hey, do it again! Do it again! Use your magic, yeah!

Ok! Abracadabra! Hahaha, look! Watch! Oh, wow! Oh, Maggie,

stop! Stop!

Look, what is it? Hmmm… I don´t know. Do you know? What is it? A banana? Maybe. Let´s

find out. Ok Maggie, you can finish it. Go!

Yeah, look! It´s a banana. Yeah!

So tap your tummies and say it with me. Come on. What is it? It´s a banana. It´s a banana.

And again… It´s a banana. Yeah!

Oh, Maggie, can I have the banana please? Yeah! Here you are, Steve!

Thank you! Oh, wow. A banana! For me! Maggie: Yeah!

Oh, delicious! Yum, yum, yum! Oh, I like bananas. Hahaha. Huhuhu. Hihihi.

It's Steve and Maggie.

Oh hey, hello! Hi! How are you? Oh, Great! It's a beautiful day, let's play.

Oh, listen. Hey, something's coming. Listen. What is it? What is it? Ho-ho. It's a bus.

Say it with me. It's a bus. It's a bus. It's a bus. Yeah! Come on, let's get on

the bus. Hello again. I am on a bus. Come with me and

sing a song. Haha. The wheels on the bus go round and round.

Round and round. Round and round. The wheels on the bus go round and round.

All day long. Thank you mister bus driver. Bye bye. Hey,

say bye bye to the bus with me. Bye bye bus. Well done.

Oh hey, listen! What can you hear? Something's coming. What is it? What is it? Hoho. Look!

Hey, it's a car. Say it with me. What is it? It's a car. What is it? It's a car.

What is it? It's a car. Come on let's go for a drive. Hoho.

Haha. I am in a car. Come on, let's go! Yeah! The wheels on the car they start and

stop. Start and stop. Start and stop. The wheels on the car they start and stop. All

day long. Oh stop! I want to get out!

Ok. Let's say bye bye to the car. Bye bye. Bye bye to the car. Well done.

Oh hey. I can hear something. What is it? Listen, what is it? What is it? Oh no! Oh.

What is it? Yeah! It's a train. Say it with me. What is it? It's a train. What is it?

It's a train. Hey, let's go by train. Come on, let's

go. Hi, hey. Come with me. And sing the song.

Yeah! The teacher on the train says: "NO, No, No". "NO, No, No". "NO, No, No".

The teacher on the train says: "NO, No, No". All day long.

Oh no, this is my stop. Hey! Choo, choo! Haha. Bye bye to the train. Say bye bye to the train.

Yeah! Well done. That was great! Oh hey! Listen, what can you hear? I can hear

something. Is it over here. No! Is it over here? No! But I can hear it. Can you?

What is it? What is it? Oh, HEY! What is it? Yeah! It's a helicopter. What is it? It's

a helicopter. What is it? It's a helicopter. Let's go by helicopter. Yeah! Wow! Come

on boys and girls. Let's fly. Yeah! The helicopter goes up and down. Up and down.

Up and down. The helicopter goes up and down. Up and down. All day long.

Oh no, let's just go down. Hoho. Wow! Bye bye to the helicopter. Say bye bye. Bye bye

to the helicopter. Oh, that was fan. Hey, listen. What's that? Look up. Hoho.

What is it? Hey! It's a plane. Yeah! Say with me. What is it? It's a plane. And again.

What is it? It's a plane. One more time. What is it? It's a plane. Hoho. Hey! I've

got an idea. Let's fly a plane. Yeah! Come on, let's fly a plane.

The airplane flies left and right. Left and right. Left and right. The airplane flies

left and right. All day long. Uh-oh. Dear. Oh, what was that?

Hey look. It's a boat. Let's look at the boat. Haha. Bye bye to the airplane. Bye bye

to the airplane. Haha. Look boys and girls. I am a captain and … hihi …

Captain of the boat says 'Land ahoy! Land ahoy! Land ahoy!' The captain of the boat

say 'Land ahoy!' All day long. Oh, I can hear something. It's a bus?! It's

a bus. Oh! It's a bus. It's my bus. Oh, bye bye boys and girls. See you next time.

Hey. Wait for me.

It's Steve and Maggie.

Hehey, great! Finished! Hey, hello boys and girls.That was hard work

but I finished painting my new house! Hehey, look! Everything is white!

Oh, I like white. Do you like white? Yes? No? Anyway, look, this is my living room.

Look, there is a sofa, an armchair and a lamp. It´s my new living room. Hey, say it with

me. What is it? It´s a living room. Let me hear you. What is it? It´s a living room.

And again. What is it? It´s a living room. Stop! Stop Steve! Stop shouting!

Sorry Maggie, sorry. OK, you can stay here and relax and hey, I´ll show you the kitchen.

Come on. Come with me. Oh, this living room is boring. Let´s have

lots of color and different patterns. Abracadabra! Hey, look! Look! This is my kitchen. My new

clean, white kitchen. So come on, say it with me. What is it? Oh, but quietly. Shhh. It´s

a kitchen. Yeah. What is it? It´s a kitchen. What is it? It´s a kitchen. And again. What

is it? It´s a kitchen. Well done! Great! Oh, let me show you another room. Hey, try

to guess what it is. Come on. Ok, so what can you see? A table, chairs,

a cupboard. So what room is this? Yeah! It´s my dining room. So hey, say it with me. Let´s

say it really loud. What is it? It´s a dining room. What is it? It´s a dining room. And

again. What is it? It´s a dining room. Well done! It´s where I eat my diner.

Abracadabra! Hey. What was that? Oh no. It must be Maggie

magic. This can only mean trouble. Oh, Maggie! That´s better! Yeah!

No! Hey, look! It´s now an orange kitchen with pink spots! Hey, do you like this? Really?

Yeah? You must be crazy to like an orange kitchen

with pink spots! Oh no! What´s Maggie done with the other rooms?

Hey, at least this is still white. Oh, I think Maggie is coming. Hey, hey. Let´s hide. Hey,

what room is this? Look, there is a toilet…there is a bath. So what room is it? Yeah! It´s

a bathroom. Say it with me but shhhhh, quietly. What is it? It´s a bathroom. What is it?

It´s a bathroom. And again. What is it? It´s a bathroom.

Oh, Maggie is coming. Let´s try to catch her when she changes the colors.

Abraca… Stop! Ha, Maggie! Got you! So it is you that´s

changing the colors. Yeah!

Oh, Maggie look, I like white. I like my white bathroom and Maggie, look what you´ve done

to my bedroom for example. Look, let´s go see.

Wow! Maggie, look. It´s a green bedroom with purple

stripes. Yeah!

I don´t like it. Ok, I can change it.

Ok. Abracadabra!

Now, it´s a purple bedroom with green stripes. Yeah!

I still don´t like it. Abracadabra!

Oh, Maggie! Pink with red spots? Abracadabra!

Oh! Orange with blue zigzags? Maggie,… Abraca…

…stop, stop. Ok, ok.

It´s a bedroom. It´s a bedroom. Hey, say it with me. What is it? It´s a bedroom.

And again. What is it? It´s a bedroom. Last time. What is it? It´s a bedroom.

Bedroom, yeah! Oh Maggie, I don´t want any color. I want

my bedroom white to relax. Please, just change everything to white.

Really? Yes Maggie, everything.

Ok. Abracadabra! Oh, oh, oh Maggie!

You naughty naughty bird! Haha. Hihi.

Yeah. Hey. Did you like that? Yeah? Then please like it, if you love it, you can subscribe.

Just touch here. Go on. If you want to watch another Steve and Maggie clip, touch here.

Yeah. Thank you.

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