Title: Coffee Time & Coffee Time Music for Office, for Work and Relaxation: Ragtime Music
La perspectiva de convertir el caribe en un centro de criptodivisas - Duration: 0:51.-------------------------------------------
【MUKBANG】 AMAZING DISCOVERY!! Adding Mentai Mayonnaise TO Tonkotsu Ramen IS TASTY!! 4.5Kg [Use CC] - Duration: 8:36.Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (Eng subs by ~Aphexx~) (Font size color transparency 100% controlled by YOU)
so today! tadaa I bought these a whil~~~
I made a video but he's a while back And I said they tasted amazing.... ~these all upsidown~
And so I made them But they tasted so dang good I bought a 24 pack carton of them
I kinda goofed when I placed that order
but whatevs that just shows you how much I luv these
I just discovered the super delish Way to prepare these
but then again.....
you gotta weigh the good and the bads with this
I might get a lot of blowback with this one
its just the way I feel though
when making yummy things you gotta do some extreme things sometimes
when something looks amazing it usually scores higher "food" points
so for things that look bad and has a high "food" score
it means that it overcame the points that were taken away from bad presentation and still scored high
well.... I know its going to be me that is going to tell you whether the food is yummy or not
well anyways I'll be making this dish
And by the way The thing I will be using today is.... tadaaa...
this mentaiko (fish egg) mayonnaise alrighty.... the cooking... here you go
This is How It's Made
As usual prepare the toppings
Today will be using just regular boiled eggs Cut them in half
cut your seaweed into quarters
Make ramen as usual
8 portions as well
After it's cooked through add the soup
the pork broth looks totes yummy
add the oil packet
This is something that I love adding to Pork broth soup garlic
stay with me on this you guys....
add the fish egg mayo
Add toppings as usual Something I don't use often its mentaiko egg
I absolutely love these I often eat these with my onigiri
The seaweed gets soggy so quickly I will add it later
K, now add the seaweed
tadaa its done
I'm sure some of you guys out there are all Shook at how I used the mentai mayo in this
but trust me its yummy itadakimasu
dissolve the mentai mayo
The color of the soup doesn't look too different
whenever I'm not shooting videos I don't eat 8 portions worth
I stick with around 4 portions worth and such but this doesn't have enough of my #BFFMayo
Sadly I only have this much of the fish egg mayo remaining
Once you add the mayo to the pork broth soup It gets pretty yummy on its own
The lends the Mayo's tangy sweetness
And then you add the mentiako fish egg flavor it makes it even that yummier
the 'bestest'
its the " King of Rich flavor "
And these are some of the mentaiko fish eggs I added as toppings
It's kind of going too extravagant To eat in one bite
Probably a good idea to mix them all in
Very yummy
they're always so yummy
It's even better with the seaweed
don't these mantaiko eggs look so yummy
the pork broth soup and mentaiko eggs go so nicely together
with all this soup and all the stuff inside it I decided to add the boiled egg to go with all of it
it would be awesome if they made mentaiko egg ramen
mentaiko goes so perfectly with almost anything goes great with rice
It goes perfectly with pasta as well Which means but of course it would go well with Ramen
It tastes good with bread as well mentaiko butter toast is so yummy as well
mentaiko totally goes with anything
Once you add the mayonnaise to this The pork broth soup gets so creamy
It's very yummy
I usually make my ramen with less water thereby concentrating the flavor
it gets even thicker and yummier today.... I totes forgot to do that
add more seaweed mentaiko goes so perfectly with sesame oil
Which means some Korean seaweed would be a good Addition to this
seaweed mentaiko and noodle the ultimate trio
the wonder trio is doing wonders within my mouth
Since I love garlic so much and lots more
Garlic and fish eggs go nicely together
The garlic adds extra punch to the mentaiko eggs
My bowl is so big that my chopsticks will sink into it
last mentaiko
It tastes so good when you combine it with a soup
All done gochisosamadeshita
the kagoshima pork broth ramen with mentaiko mayo toppings was so yummy
when you add mayo to things you might think it be gross
but it truly is yummy
Mayonnaise goes nicely with curry as well pork broth ramen already is high in calories
And the addition of mentaiko mayo might just increase that calorie count even higher
well ..... might is probably not the right word it WILL increase the calorie count
Things that are high in calories are very yummy
decrease the amount of water you use, add eggs and add the mayo.... this will definitely make it yummier
It makes taste more like a creamy pork broth soup
It was absolutely yummy won't you all please give it a try as well
A link to my favorite Kagoshima ramen will be posted down below
And as always thank you for watching this video if there is Anything you want me to do or eat please tell me in
The comments section below if you like this video Please hit the like And subscribe buttons BAI BAI
S. Korean President Moon vows to unearth truth, recover honor of tens of thousands killed in... - Duration: 3:09.President Moon Jae-in on this Tuesday became only the third South Korean head of state
to issue an apology to the victims of state violence.
This at a ceremony marking the 70th anniversary of the tragic Jeju, April the third incident.
Our chief Blue House correspondent Moon Connyoung starts us off.
Turquoise-hued water... coal-black volcanic landscape...
South Korea's southernmost island of Jeju is famous for its beautiful scenery and hearty
local cuisine.
But, behind its sublime beauty lies a dark history.
April 3rd, 1948... is attributed to a seven-year long government-civilian clash stemming from
an ideological division during which tens of thousands of islanders were brutally killed.
In the several decades after 1954, the country's authoritarian governments either distorted
or covered up the truth behind it in the name of public order and peace.
Standing at a peace memorial park dedicated to anywhere between 14-thousand and 30-thousand
victims... many of whose bodies were never found...
President Moon Jae-in became only the third South Korean president to apologize for the
ruthless massacre of 70 years ago.
"As president, I offer my deepest apology for the pain and suffering caused by state
violence and I express my appreciation for all the efforts made to heal them."
Efforts to find the truth and restore the honor of victims started in the late 1990s
under the liberal president of the time, Kim Dae-jung, and were continued by his like-minded
successor Roh Moo-hyun... who became the first South Korean president to issue an official
apology and attend a memorial service for the victims.
But these efforts fizzled out as budgets were cut and research was stopped under the following
conservative administrations.
"Today, I pledge to steadily move toward the complete resolution of the April 3 incident.
Never again will our efforts to verify the truth and restore the victims' honor be suspended
or pulled back."
Making note of those who still refuse to recognize the Jeju Incident, President Moon called on
the nation to face squarely the dark side of Korean history...
free of ideological or political agenda.
"Standing before the souls of the victims of the April 3 incident, we reaffirm that
peace and co-existence can only stand based on truths, not ideologies."
The human rights lawyer-turned-president, whose key campaign pledge was to find and
establish the truth about the Jeju Incident... stressed
that only then can we repent of the unfortunate past and recover the "universal value of mankind."
"My fellow Koreans, Spring is coming in Jeju."
Moon Connyoung, Arirang News.
Daily Rasi Phalalu 4th april 2018 | Online Jathakam Telugu Astrology | Horoscope | Sri Telugu Astro - Duration: 28:00.subscribe & share
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Cứng Bồ Đội giang hồ Dũng Chém nhờ anh em truy tìm Sơn Mặt Quỷ [tin tức giang hồ] tv bodoi - Duration: 6:12.-------------------------------------------
狄鶯當年有多紅!網曝「比林依晨還紅」當家花旦橫掃老三台時代 網推:年輕真的正翻! - Duration: 3:09.-------------------------------------------
Unknown Survivor - Battlegrounds GamePlay HD For Android Download Link below - Duration: 10:08.-------------------------------------------
남상미와 공개 열애, 집사부일체 배우 이상윤, 13년 만에 서울대 물리학과 늦둥이 졸업 이유는?|2MTV - Duration: 7:10.-------------------------------------------
PL Jak nagrać ekran na telefonie iPhone, iOS 11 , iPadzie i iPodzie touch - Duration: 0:53.You can create a screen recording and capture sound on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
Add Screen Recording to Control Center. Go to Settings _ Control Center _Customize Controls. Then tap on next to Screen Recording.
Open Control Center.Tap on, then wait for 3 second To capture sound while you record, press deeply on and tap Microphone Audio.
To stop recording, open Control Center and tap on. Or tap the red status bar at the top of your screen and tap Stop.
Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy. Please, like.Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website, fawziacademy.com.
Blood Pressure Drugs Prevent Type 1 Diabetes | Control Blood Sugar Levels - Duration: 5:52.blood pressure drug prevents type 1 diabetes researchers have said a drug
normally associated with treating high blood pressure could help prevent type 1
diabetes in 60% of at-risk people type 1 diabetes is a condition in which the
beta cells of the pancreas are unable to produce enough insulin which is the
hormone that regulates blood sugar levels around 5% of all diabetes cases
or type 1 it is most commonly diagnosed during childhood Edelson or young
adulthood but it can develop at any age when the exact causes of type 1 diabetes
remain a mystery study team note that around 60% of those who are at the risk
of the condition poses a molecule called dq8 which previous research has a linker
to the onset of type 1 diabetes with this in mind the researchers speculate
the blocking the dq8 molecule could be one way of preventing type 1 diabetes in
the latest study they identified an existing drug that could do just that
specifically they investigated whether any of these medications could target
and inhibit the dq8 a molecule they found one that hid the
mark a drug called methyl OVA which is most often prescribed to treat high
blood pressure or hypertension methyl dopa has been around for more than 50
years and is often given to pregnant women and children with high blood
pressure but now it is believed it could have other uses this is the first
personalized treatment for type 1 diabetes prevention said Erin Michaels
associate professor of medicine at unisza T of Colorado
answers with this drug we can potentially prevent up to a 60% of type
1 diabetes and those are the risk for the disease this is very significant
development Michael's added for the study published
in the Journal of Clinical Investigation the team used a supercomputer on the lab
bench in mice and in humans they found that metal door not only block dq8 but
he did not also harm the immune function of other cells like many
immunosuppressant drugs do almost 100 percent accuracy that is likely to get
type 1 diabetes goal with this drug is to delay or
prevent the onset of the disease among those at risk the researchers confirmed
their findings in mice as well as in a clinical trial of twenty individuals
with type 1 diabetes according to the scientists these findings may have
significant implications for the prevention and treatment of type 1
diabetes this is the first personalized treatment for type 1 diabetes prevention
type 2 diabetes diabetes is a problem that cause sugar levels to rise higher
than normal it is also known as hyperglycemia type 2 diabetes is the
most common form of diabetes if you have type 2 diabetes your body does not use
insulin properly the symptoms of hyperglycemia or type 2 diabetes are
high blood pressure high blood glucose high levels of sugar in urine frequent
urination increases thirst causes for type 2 diabetes being overweight extra
fat in abdomen fat in the hips and thighs and eating a lot of junk foods
and also the family history if your brother sister or parent having diabetes
are some of the causes of hyperglycemia or type 2 diabetes here are some tips to
prevent type 2 diabetes first tip dyed dyed should be high nutrient-rich
carbohydrates and fiber and also heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids it is
not only what you eat but how much you eat matters second tip exercise type 2
diabetes is associated with inactivity doing 30 minutes of aerobic exercise
every day can improve your overall health third tip weight management if
you are overweight you are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes eating
healthy balanced diet and daily exercise will help to be your weight under
control fruits for type 2 diabetes healthy
carbohydrates can provide you fiber they include vegetables FRU
legumes whole grains you can eat healthy mono saturated and poly saturated fats
that we get from olive oil canola oil peanut oil almonds pecans walnuts and
avocados these options for fat are good they are high in calories moderation is
a key while choosing dairy product choose low-fat option foods to avoid
there are certain foods that you should avoid are eliminate foots heavy in
saturated fats foods heavy in Tramp fats beef processed meat shellfish baked
foods sugary drinks salty foods and fried foods by avoiding these foods you
can reduce your sugar levels by following all the above you can keep
your type 2 diabetes in control thanks for watching this video
like and subscribe for more videos
전문가들도 깜짝 놀란 '구강청정제' 200% 활용법 9가지|NKC TV - Duration: 4:33.-------------------------------------------
Weather Talk! Learn English Words and Phrases to Talk about the Weather | Video with Subtitles - Duration: 8:06.Hi Bob the Canadian here.
Sometimes when you're having an English conversation you want to be able to talk about
the weather, and you probably already know some of the basics.
You probably know how to say, "It's sunny."
You probably know how to say, "It's raining."
But in this video I'll help you learn some more advanced phrases to talk about the weather
in English.
Hey welcome to this video.
If this is your first time here don't forget to click the subscribe button below and the
bell icon, and if you don't mind sometime during this video, if you like it, give me
a thumbs up!
So we're here to talk about the weather.
There's a lot different kinds of weather.
There's a lot of different kinds of temperatures, and in English it's nice to be able to talk
about all of them.
Let's start by talking about temperature.
If you're talking about temperature in general, you can say things like, from hot to cold:
It is hot out!
It is warm out - a little less hot.
It is cool out.
It is cold out.
Or: It is freezing.
Notice I went from really warm to really cool.
So those are general ways to talk about the temperature outside.
You can of course also say the exact temperature.
Today, at my place, it is six degrees celsius outside.
You'll wanna be able to say celsius or fahrenheit depending on which segment of measurement
the country you are in uses.
Most places around the world, I think use celsius.
So today there might be a high of nine degrees later today.
If it stays sunny it will get warmer.
But let's also talk about a few different kinds of weather descriptions.
In my introduction I mentioned you probably already know how to say, "It is sunny."
You can also say: "The sun is out."
You can also say, "The sun is bright today.
The sun is very bright today."
And I'd like to give you examples of how to use the past, the present, and the future.
So you could say:
Yesterday it was sunny.
Today it is sunny.
Tomorrow it is going to be sunny. or
Tomorrow it will be sunny.
It is sunny out today.
At my place, I don't think you can actually see it, but it's quite sunny out today.
A bit of the opposite of sunny is a rainy day.
You can describe rain in a couple of ways.
You can say, "It is raining." or you can say, "It is a rainy day."
Both are totally valid ways to talk about rain.
But there's different degrees of rain.
We could say, "It is spitting outside."
which means very small drops, very small raindrops are coming down.
I could say, "It's drizzling."
which is a little more rain than spitting.
I could say simply, "It is raining." which is a pretty steady rain.
Or, I could say, "It is pouring outside."
Pouring is when the rain just comes down in torrents.
It's just an amazing amount of water falling out of the sky as raindrops.
But let's look at the past, the present, and the future.
You could say:
Yesterday it was raining.
Today it is raining.
Tomorrow it is going to rain.
or Tomorrow it will rain.
Water falling out of the sky.
I actually love being outside in a nice rainstorm.
As long as it's warm outside.
I don't like being outside in the rain when it's cold.
Sometimes you have a day where there's no rain, but there's lots of clouds.
So let's talk about cloudy days.
You can say, "It is cloudy."
In English we also say, "It is overcast."
Overcast meaning that the clouds have covered up the sun.
It is a cloudy day.
It is an overcast day.
Sometimes in the weather announcement they'll say, "It's going to be partly cloudy."
That means there will be some clouds in the sky, but they won't be completely covering
the sky, so you'll still see some blue sky with clouds in the sky.
We also sometimes just say, "There's lots of clouds."
"There's lots of clouds out today."
Just indicating that it is a cloudy day by stating that there's clouds in the sky.
Yesterday it was cloudy.
Today it is cloudy.
Tomorrow it is going to be cloudy. or
Tomorrow it will be cloudy.
In Canada we have another kind of weather which some of you may have and that's snow.
You can describe it as,"It is snowing."
"It is a snowy day."
And there's a variety of different kinds of words and phrases that go along with snow.
We have drifting snow, when the wind blows the snow along the ground and starts to pile
it in different places.
We have snow that comes down with really big snowflakes.
We have what we call,"packing snow" which is snow that comes down when the temperature
is close to zero, and you're able to pack the snow together and build things like snowmen.
Snow's a fun thing, I know some of you live in countries where you never get to say, "It
is snowing outside."
or "It is snowy."
but let's talk about how to say it in the past, the present, and the future anyways.
You can say:
Yesterday it was snowing.
Today it is snowing. and
Tomorrow it is going to snow.
or Tomorrow it will snow.
So you notice the background changed, it was windy.
So let's talk about wind.
Wind is obviously when the air blows and starts to move stuff and you can say, "It is windy."
or you can say, "It is a windy day."
You can say: Yesterday it was windy.
Today it is windy. and
Tomorrow it is going to be windy.
And we describe wind a couple of ways.
A really slow calm wind is called a breeze.
And we also describe wind when it's really really fast moving as it is a hard wind.
And we also describe wind by how fast it goes.
So they might say, "Tomorrow we are going to have 80 kilometer per hour winds."
Those are really really hard fast winds.
So, Yesterday it was windy.
Today it is windy.
Tomorrow it is going to be windy.
Tomorrow it will be windy.
The wind.
I know there is a lot of different kinds of weather, but this is the last time I'm going
to talk about and that is fog.
So fog is when there's so much moisture in the air that you can hardly see more than
a few meters in front of you.
And we describe it as saying, "It is foggy."
We also say things like, "The fog rolled in."
Sometimes the fog rolls into an area.
So there's no fog, and then the fog comes to the area slowly, and we say the fog is
rolling in.
When fog is really really thick we describe it as, "It's as thick as pea soup."
And I don't know if you've ever seen pea soup, but it's a really really thick kind
of soup that you eat.
And when the fog is really thick we say the fog is like pea soup.
And we also say, "Visibility is low."
And, and usually we're saying that because people are going to be driving and on the
weather report they'll say, "Fog has rolled in, visibility is going to be low."
Which means you're not going to be able to see very well.
In the past we say:
Yesterday it was foggy.
Today it is foggy.
And in the future we would say: Tomorrow it is going to be foggy.
Or Tomorrow it will be foggy.
Well that's a look at some English words and phrases to talk about the weather.
Thank you so much for watching this video.
Again if you haven't yet subscribed, please click the read subscribe button and click
the bell below.
Give me a thumbs up, and why don't you leave a comment below or a question and I'll be
happy to answer it.
Bob the Canadian here.
Learn English with Bob the Canadian.
Why don't you take a minute to watch another video?
And I hope that you have a great day!
Tomcat KaZees birthday party - Duration: 5:37.Hello everybody! Let's celebrate KaZees birthday today! Let's have fun! Enjoy this very special day!
Hey friends it's my birthday today let's
have a great party
Ladies and Gentlemen and now please welcome our famous dancing King Kazee
Applause! Come on! Applause!
Good evening ladies and gentlemen as we just received the breaking news the main
role of the musical premiere "Dance Sensation" could now be filled with the
star dancer KaZee Spencer who has already been nominated for the Tony Award
Hey buddy thank you for this awesome party. We send you all our love from the
Rainbow Bridge sweet bro! Thank you for bringing me so much joy and happiness.
I can't say how happy I am for having so wonderful friends like you! You make my
day a very special one. I will never forget this great surprise. I give you
big hugs and be sure you are all part of my heart. I love you all!
Did you like it? Do you like to see more? So watch my brother Alex
or my brother FuzzE's birthday party. Or maybe you like to spend a "Caturyear"
with us? Do you like to see more animated Videos?
Enjoy friends! Thank You!
The making of...
【Kman】台南最大間中國風機台!被一群人圍住,差點離不開? #289 - Duration: 3:22.-------------------------------------------
Meditation Music With The Sound Of Rain & Nature - Duration: 1:02:55.Meditation Music With The Sound Of Rain & Nature
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