For more infomation >> The Thundermans (2013) Cast Before And After 2018 - Duration: 2:38.
Em Về Với Người - Quang Ngọc ( MV OFFICIAL ) - Duration: 5:28.
2018 GPX Demon 150GR Custom Ducati Panigale V4 | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.
Feet Whitening Pedicure At Home - Remove SUN TAN & WHITEN YOUR SKIN! - Duration: 2:45.
Scott Morrison Lifestyle 2018 ★ Net Worth ★ Biography ★ House ★ Cars ★ Family - Duration: 2:37.
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MÍT NON Chấm Muối Ớt | Thử Thách Ăn 30 Trái Mít Thái | MTPL - Duration: 20:12.
How do cats talk to each other? Cat communication 101! - Duration: 5:11.
hey guys welcome back to relax my cat my name is Savannah and with me featured in lots
of videos this week is Maya and the reason for that is she's been
super playful like these last couple of days like really really playful so
getting her to sit in one spot is just not gonna happen today and we're not
quite sure why we've changed her food maybe that is it but this video anyway
is about more cat and cat behavior rather than cat and human behavior but I
think it's gonna be helpful for cat owners anyway because if we know how
cats and cats get on we can mimic that and help cats too
get along we can help them get on but also help them help them establish bonds
with us too which is obviously super important so with all that said this
week's video is how do cats communicate with each other
okay so cats use a lot of their senses to communicate mainly the big one that
most people can identify straightaway is body language like I've said before cats
really like being in the same room as you they don't have to be looking at you
or anywhere near you for that matter but being in the same room as you can
sometimes just be enough for them and this goes with cats to other cats too
especially if they're not looking at each other it's kind of like I trust you
enough to know that you're not doing anything crazy well I'm not looking at
you kind of thing I'm sorry you should be worried about if your cat is
transfixed on something say another cat or you or anything that they don't let
out of their sight that's usually I am not sure about you and like I'm going to
keep a close eye on you just in case next is the smell sending things and
literally each other and their belongings and that humans is so common
with cats but the real reason behind sending things is it's to send messages
to other cats also to mark their territory and it can even be used is as
a way to threat another cat however this is not a bad thing if your cat is
sending you with face buttons the glands that
you find in the cheeks this means that they like you they're also trying to
find a lot more information about you if they send each other this is a way where
they can definitely find out information about each other such as weight height
age all of these things that they get from a smell which just lowers my mind a
little bit a lot a bit okay I think that's super amazing so if your cats are
sending each other and patting each other these are all good things
especially if you're introducing a cat with another cat these are good ways for
them to get used to each other and lastly we have cats that are vocal now a
lot of cats don't actually communicate with their Meow's that's more of a
captive human thing but when they first came into this world that is something
that they definitely did kittens meow to get their mom's attention and also let
them know where they are and the mother is a little bit more caramel and she can
hear all of her cats when she can hear all of her babies however cats still do
use vocal communication it's just a little bit different if you have a group
of cat and you know someone sat near a window you may hear them all chirping
like they're casting some kind of spell it's adorable
the kitten groups to hunt or you might have a solitary cat that will do it
anyway that little chirping and sometimes I've noticed with our other
cat Loki she actually does it to birds a lot but she it's like she's replying to
the bird she doesn't like the same sounds that they do it's really cutely
so there are many curious that cats used to communicate like the sight by the
language and smell and it's mainly all of the senses the touch feel taste it's
all things that they do often and if you cut to getting along together if there
is no fights your cuts are getting on basically and they may just be simple
and they may just be able to sit in the same room as each other but when it
comes to cats that's kind of - they're not always gonna be super
close together and super friendly with one another okay so that's it for this
video I really hope you enjoyed we have a t-shirt winner to announce as always
so I'm there she's onna now bear with me a second so whether this week is Malaya
cane thank you so much congratulations
make sure you head over to our Instagram it's just a trip out to my car and drop
us at the end with your size and your address so we can get a shout out for
you and everyone else don't worry you have next week to enter all you have to
do is be subscribed to Alexa my cap and then force a comment within sixty
minutes of this video going up and that's it you're entered you are in and
thank you again so much you guys I really appreciate all of all your
comments Sonne anyway thank you so much and I
will see you next week thank you bye bye
The Latest: Taiwan president: McCain a friend and a fighter | Politics - Duration: 6:21.
News of the evening 26/8/2018: U23 Vietnam Will Surpass Syria To Write Next History - Duration: 10:20.
3 Cách Làm Trắng Da Cấp Tốc Chẳng Sợ Bắt Nắng Trong Ngày Hè, 100 Người Thì 99 Người Không Biết - Duration: 4:10.
Time to Say Goodbye | VIETNAM - Duration: 8:53.
After one long month here in Hoi An, we are good to go again
We have to go.
We have to move on
But we're not really ready for it.
And what can you expect?
Six months of traveling
Living in hotels in the whole of Asia almost.
Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam
We still feel like we need to rest a bit, but it's time to move on.
That is the presents for our landlords
They are so nice, they are wonderful people
They have taken us out on supper the other night
and they've helped us with everything that we needed help with
Including getting the bus.
Now, it's the treacherous 10 hour bus ride
all the way to
Nha Trang.
It's overnight.
So you leave here at 17:00.
You get there at seven or six in the morning.
It's like 12 hours
Welcome to Nha Trang.
We're here
One kilometre ride to our apartment
5 o'clock in the morning
We're not the only ones up at half past five in the morning
Only in Vietnam!
The beautiful view from our apartment
Overlooking the Nha Trang Beach
In the distance, if you can see there, it looks like dots.
That's a cable
Cable car, railway. Whatever you call it.
Well, it's cable cars going to that Island over there
And that's like a holiday resort of a very rich and famous Vietnamese person
This is the beach at Nha Trang
Very lively, very busy
Tonight we're going to show you the streets of Nha Trang.
It's amazing! It's alive
There's a vibe and everybody is having fun
And so are we gonna
We're going to show you what Nha Trang is all about and it's quite amazing
We kind of enjoy it over here
Just after 4:00 in the morning and
Everybody's up.
We are good to go
Trang An was a great place to stay at. We love it
We were here for more than a week and we would've stayed on longer if it wasn't for the need to go to
Ho Chi Minh Saigon to get our visas and stuff for our next destination
Which will be revealed in due course
So, girls? Are you ready? Time to go?
Now we're at
the airport
and we just checked
in our bags
and now we're gonna go
on the plane I think
Let's get to it!
Which countries have you been to since you've left South Africa last year?
Thailand, Malaysia
and Vietnam
Do you miss South Africa a lot?
And what do you miss the most about South Africa?
Playing with our friends
next door
and zip lining
I want to see my
grandma and grandpa also
and swimming with my grandma
Which country did you like the most? Vietnam, Malaysia or Thailand?
And do you do any school?
Yes, homeschool
And how does it work?
We have to homeschool on the
computer and
I got
10 certificates
because of Maths, because I like
those type of Maths
So would you like to continue traveling the world and seeing more places or would you want to go back home?
I can't wait until I see the whole earth
And I can't wait to
live on a boat.
What is the most beautiful place you've seen since we permanently left South Africa?
I think it is Namibia
No, that was before we left South Africa, so is that your favourite country? Namibia?
Do you have a lot of clothes when you travel?
Not that much because we don't have
lots of space
in our backpacks
Hi Meggie!
So, which country are you now?
And are we leaving tomorrow?
We are we going?
Are you excited?
Yeah, I can't wait to see
the volcano
The volcano?!
Aren't you scared?
Not scared
A question for you. Do you like traveling with mommy and daddy?
Do you like seeing all the beautiful places?
Thanks Meg!
Your welcome
Bye! I hope you enjoy our videos
Thank you so much to all our subscribers and special
Thank you to
Thunder Willie people yet, Taurus Roja Fiona. Matthew is fine a person and in Antioch hidari
曾文神社踏尋·前世今生 - Duration: 8:22.
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গিভ এন্ড টেক | Give and Take | Bappy Khan | Alinur Joy | Marzuk Russell | Bangla Short Film 2018 - Duration: 16:11.
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Paper Airplanes That Fly Far | Origami Plane Make very Easy - Diy - Paper Crafts - Duration: 2:57.
Welcome to origami art. Today i show you how to make
paper airplane. Make world record best paper plane
very easy tutorial. Please watch full video and make
best paper airplane for your kids.
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Rap Buồn Dành Cho Con Trai Thất Tình 2018 ( Phần 39) | Mất Em Vì Chữ Nghèo | Mặt Nạ Em Mang - Duration: 1:28:45.
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