Thứ Hai, 27 tháng 8, 2018

Youtube daily Aug 27 2018

MR. JAFFE: Hey, guys.

KAI JAFFE: Hey, Dad.

MR. JAFFE: How was the farmer's market?


MR. JAFFE: You got the peppers we need?

MRS. JAFFE: Got the goods.

We have two boys, Kai and Leo.

They're five and seven, and another one coming.

Kai is very chill, mellow, a little more introverted.

KAI JAFFE: Hey, Dad, what's 283 times 211?

(GIGGLING) Hey, Google, help me with my homework.

GOOGLE: Let me see if I can help.

I can do all kinds of calculations,

give you definitions, or tell you about specific people

or events.

KAI JAFFE: What's 383 times 211?

GOOGLE: The answer is 80,813.

MR. JAFFE: That's a hard math problem.


MRS. JAFFE: Leo's--

MR. JAFFE: Leo's sort of the opposite of Kai.


LEO JAFFE: Hey, Google, how tall is a giraffe?

What do raccoons eat?

Can bears be in bad moods?

What sound does a lion make?

GOOGLE: Here's a lion sound.




MR. JAFFE: Hey, Google, show me the den on the kitchen TV.

GOOGLE: OK, streaming the den on kitchen TV.

MR. JAFFE: You want to tell them that breakfast is ready?

KAI JAFFE: Hey, Google, broadcast breakfast is ready.



GOOGLE: Time for breakfast.

Come and get it.

MR. JAFFE: Yeah, so normally on the weekend

we'll have one or two activities.

They differ every single weekend.

They're not the same.

MRS. JAFFE: They're so enthusiastic.

They love doing anything, as long as we're a family.

MR. JAFFE: So you want to go to the zoo?

Leo, you wanted to go to the beach.

KAI JAFFE: Zoo, zoo, zoo, zoo.

MRS. JAFFE: We love seeing the boys play together.

If we get a solid 30 minutes and they're not arguing

and they're just having fun, there's nothing better.

MR. JAFFE: Hey, Google, let's play freeze dance.

GOOGLE: It's time for freeze dance.

MR. JAFFE: Family time for us really anything

that allows us to interact, when we really

feel like we're participating.

GOOGLE: Stand as still as a brick wall.

MRS. JAFFE: The Google Home's great for entertainment.

It's like endless games.

MR. JAFFE: Hey, Google Play musical chairs.

MR. JAFFE: No matter what game they play,

they can turn it into a competition and argument.

But then when it clicks, you can just see their love,

and you see how much they connect to one another.

KAI JAFFE: Hey, Google, drop a beat.


MR. JAFFE: We have this assistant at home now

that helps us.

This way, we just get to play with them.

We just have fun.

MRS. JAFFE: Totally fun.

MR. JAFFE: And when the thing ends, it ends.

LEO JAFFE: I am the winner.


For more infomation >> Family Time | Google Home Mini - Duration: 2:06.


Mornings | Google Home - Duration: 2:18.


MR. BACON: Hey, Google, snooze for five minutes.

GOOGLE: Sure, be back in five minutes.

RENNIE BACON: Wake up, wake up.

MR. BACON: For us, the Bacon family at home,

it can get kind of stressful.

MRS. BACON: You really wish everyone's going

to wake up in a good mood.

Hey, Google, good morning.


GOOGLE: Good morning.

MRS. BACON: You picture this perfect routine

where you wake up and everything goes smooth.

MR. BACON: Hey, Google, what is the first event on my calendar?

GOOGLE: The first thing on your calendar is today at 8:00 AM.

It's called CJ's dentist appointment.

MR. BACON: We wish everything was perfect,

but it's not perfect at all.

It's like herding kittens.

MRS. BACON: Yeah, herding Bacon bits.

MR. BACON: Herding Bacon bits.

CJ and Rennie bicker with each other.

It's just hectic in the morning.

RENNIE BACON: Move over!

CJ BACON: Stop it!

MRS. BACON: Hey, Google, broadcast breakfast is ready.

GOOGLE: Broadcasting breakfast is ready.


It's time for breakfast.

Come and get it.

CJ BACON: What time is practice tomorrow?

MRS. BACON: Practice is tonight.

Hey, Google, remind me to take CJ to practice at 5:00 PM.

GOOGLE: All right, I'll remind you at 5:00 PM.

MR. BACON: Hi, baby.

Doo, doo, doo, doo.


MR. BACON: You hungry?

You want some food?

MRS. BACON: Hey, Google, drop a beat.

GOOGLE: If you want to freestyle,

my friend has you covered.



MRS. BACON: Come on, sit down and eat, Daddy. (LAUGHING)

Go sit down.

MR. BACON: Yeah, I was wondering why--

MRS. BACON: You've got to take him to the dentist.

MR. BACON: What?

MRS. BACON: But what?


MRS. BACON: Come on now.

RENNIE BACON: One more bite, Mom?

MRS. BACON: No more.

MR. BACON: Hey Google, how do I get to Dr. Jones Dental?

GOOGLE: The best way to get to Dr. Jones Dental by car

is via I-5 north.

I've sent the directions to your phone.

MR. BACON: Have you seen my phone?

BABY BACON: I don't have your phone.

MR. BACON: You don't have my phone?

Hey, Google, find my phone.


This is our little training facility.

MRS. BACON: It is.

MR. BACON: We're training the Bacon bits for the world.

Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go.


MRS. BACON: Bye, guys.

Love you.


MRS. BACON: Bye, Mom.


MR. BACON: Love you, we'll be back.

MRS. BACON: Hey, Google, resume my audio book.

GOOGLE: OK, reading "Hidden Figures" from Google Playbooks.


MRS. BACON: We're a team.

MR. BACON: We're definitely a team.

I have her back, she has my back.

We got the kids' back.

MRS. BACON: Google Home has--

MR. BACON: Google Home has--

MRS. BACON: --all our backs.

MR. BACON: --all of our back.


For more infomation >> Mornings | Google Home - Duration: 2:18.


Cooking | Google Home - Duration: 1:51.

JESSE: Have a good day?

STEPH: I did.

How was your day?

JESSE: It was good.

STEPH: We love to watch cooking shows together.

JESSE: All the time.

STEPH: And sometimes we'll get inspired to actually try

the dishes ourselves.

JESSE: You texted me "shepherd's pie"?

STEPH: Yeah, have you ever had it?

JESSE: I have not.

STEPH: And you're like, wow, how do they make this?

JESSE: Hey Google, find a recipe for shepherd's pie.

GOOGLE: OK, I got a recipe called "shepherd's pie"

from Food Network.

Does that sound good?



GOOGLE: First step, peel the potatoes

and cut into 1/2 inch diced.

JESSE: The onions are like--


Hey Google, order more paper towels.

The best music to cook to, you go with like--

STEPH: I really love listening to the '90s.

GOOGLE: All right, check out the '90s Hit Song Station

on YouTube Music.



STEPH: Hey Google, what's the next ingredient?

GOOGLE: 1/2 half cup cream.

For a lighter version, substitute vegetable or chicken



STEPH: Hey Google, pause music.

Wait, you're putting it in there?



STEPH: Wait, that can't be right.

JESSE: Hey Google, repeat previous step.

GOOGLE: Cover and simmer slowly.

STEPH: It's helpful to be able to go back so that Google

can prove me right.

JESSE: Yeah, but once he--

potatoes are in.


Hey Google, set a timer for five minutes.

GOOGLE: OK, five minutes, starting now.

JESSE: Having multiple timers--

hey Google, set a pie timer for 25 minutes.

GOOGLE: Second timer for 25 minutes.

JESSE: Game changer.

Hey Google, call Mom.

GOOGLE: Calling Mom.



JESSE: Hi, mom.

It's Jesse, and I'm on with Steph.

SPEAKER: Hi, kids.

JESSE: We're making a shepherd's pie.

SPEAKER: I'm sure that she did all the work.

STEPH: She knows.

She knows, she knows.


JESSE: Hey Google, give me some applause.


For more infomation >> Cooking | Google Home - Duration: 1:51.


House Party | Google Home Max - Duration: 1:51.

DENZEL: What are we eating tonight anyway?

H'DARI: It's a surprise.

DENZEL: How much of a surprise?

I'm looking right at you.

My type of party, I mean, I like to set the vibe.

It's just a great environment, great energy,

great, great, great energy.

H'DARI: Hey, Google, play my pre-party playlist

on all speakers.


your Spotify playlist called pre-party.


DENZEL: When we're getting ready for our parties,

he's usually cooking.

I'm cutting fresh flowers because I'm great at it.

And we need music.

Hey Google, play my pre-party playlist.


Your Spotify playlist, called pre-party.

Here you go.



H'DARI: Hey, Google, show the front door on the TV.

GOOGLE HOME ASSISTANT: OK, streaming the front door

on the TV.

I just like for people to show up on time.

DENZEL: He does like to have everything

set up nicely already before people come over.

I'm more of a lenient guy, like, oh, you made it.

Maddie, I got the new lights.

I love me some old-school classics.

I know I say it all the time, but my parents got me into it.

H'DARI: Hey, Google, play some classic soul.


Here's a Spotify playlist called 35 soul classics.


DENZEL: Hey, Google, turn it up louder.


H'DARI: Most of the time, I don't even

know who is coming, because this guy here doesn't even tell me.

DENZEL: Look, if I'm hosting a party,

it's definitely going to be off the wall.

Hey, Google, turn on mood lighting.


I'm talking loud music, drinks, friends are having a good time.

We're dancing.

I'm always like, Max, turn up the volume.

H'DARI: Exactly, you got people knocking on the door.

DENZEL: We'll take them some cookies in the morning.

For more infomation >> House Party | Google Home Max - Duration: 1:51.


Bye Bye Superdelegates – DNC Moves To Restore Some Fairness To Nomination Process - Duration: 3:24.

In a historic vote this past Saturday, The DNC finally voted to strip super delegates

of most of their power within the Democratic party.

Now all throughout the weekend, people were talking about what a great move this is, and

it is a great move.

Super delegates are highly undemocratic.

Just random people who at one point had power within the party, who get to have an extra


And, there's enough super delegates that they easily could've swayed a close election one

way or the other, and completely ignored the will of the voters, the regular people who

go out there, take time off work and go vote.

So they're getting rid of them.

Kind of.

And that's the caveat here.

They're not completely getting rid of the super delegates, they're not stripping them

of all of their power, they're just no longer allowed to vote on the first ballot that the

DNC has when they're in their nomination process.

Unless of course, one candidate has so many votes that they're obviously going to win

anyway, then the super delegates can go ahead and vote on the first ballot.

Doesn't really seem like they did much there, does it?

Maybe they can vote on the first ballot, maybe not.

Depending on if somebody got their math correct.

This is a purely symbolic move by the DNC.

It doesn't necessarily fix any of the problems that they had, this was just a bone they could

throw out to some of the people who've been angry with the DNC and the way they're running

things, to try to give the appearance of doing something that actually matters.

All they had to do in this vote was say, no more super delegates.

That's it.

Those simple words, no more super delegates.

That's it, end of story.

Then, the nomination process comes down to who the voters picked, who won the majority.

Just as it should be.

But these same people who were defending super delegates within the Democratic party are

the same people railing against the electoral college.

Which yes, the electoral college should be abolished, but so should super delegates.

'Cause super delegates have kind of become the electoral college of the Democratic party.

And if they wanna go one way even though the voters went the other, they're free to do

that because they have too much power, and they shouldn't have any.

If you truly want this to be a Democratic process, someone who gets chosen by the voters

and not by the powerful, then you have to take that extra step of stripping the super

delegates of all of their power and then, getting rid of super delegates all together.

This move by the DNC this past weekend is just a bandaid.

It's just a means to show that these angry people with the DNC hey, we did something

for you, look at this.

We stripped the super delegates of their power, that's what the headlines said everywhere.

But the reality is far different.

Super delegates are still there, super delegates still get to vote and, there's a good chance

that super delegates could still sway a nomination process.

For more infomation >> Bye Bye Superdelegates – DNC Moves To Restore Some Fairness To Nomination Process - Duration: 3:24.


TODAY's Buzz: A Man Rushed The Stage At A Beyonce And Jay-Z Concert, More | TODAY - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> TODAY's Buzz: A Man Rushed The Stage At A Beyonce And Jay-Z Concert, More | TODAY - Duration: 4:25.


Serena Williams Encourages Moms To Share Their Stories With #ThisMama | TODAY - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Serena Williams Encourages Moms To Share Their Stories With #ThisMama | TODAY - Duration: 2:47.


TV Host Karl Jeno Schmid Talks About His Mission To End HIV Stigma | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 8:51.

For more infomation >> TV Host Karl Jeno Schmid Talks About His Mission To End HIV Stigma | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 8:51.


Drop Morpheus TV | Get QuickCast| Stream Free Live Tv and HD Movie Releases|Stream Device Not Needed - Duration: 7:49.

with Morpheus TV going out other add-ons an apk is buffering extremely bad you

want to keep your streaming tool built fortify with other options and that's

just what we're going to do in this video you'll be able to get live TV

movies and any other content you can find on the web without having to add

apks and add-ons you can just stream it from this particular app that you put on

your phone right to your TV if you're finding me for the first time please go

ahead subscribe to the channel click the notification bill so you're down every

time we drop these videos we cover everything on this channel movies

streaming money-saving money-making and I was told that I wouldn't be able to

grow this channel doing this platform so most importantly please share share my

content join me on my other social media links and if you really like my content

consider making a donation on patreon let's jump into the video everybody you

in the building with Oh uncle MOT and we are bringing you a video for those of

you that have had trouble we're getting the kind of content you want you can

find pretty much anything you want to see on the web but sometimes you can't

get it on your box you can't get it in Kodi and we've got an app that allows

you to stream it and look seamless on your TV but before we do that I gotta

put on my plus seven glasses of cinema sexy as hell

work on skilling up this craft giving you all a better YouTube experience

something better to look at always check my video description box I've got tons

of links down there to help you get life gains free money apps other apps go

check out shop life Gamescom if you like this hat Michael

but not if you like the glasses if you like anything you see on this channel

I'm putting it in there with the blog and also go check out my wife's channel

for those of you that have people in your family with hypertension diabetes

or kidney disorder she's going to be delivering the goods on how you can

treat that I'm really a mx8 pro player and we're gonna go to Kody to do this

cast the name of the app is called quick cast I've done them before they are

associated with see display each and every year they come out with better

apps so on this particular box they don't call it Cody

they call it tv-center you know everybody's giving Cody a bad

name and falling out with Cody going way back I mean they're going back like

seats in the may bar just tripping over Cody because Cody has been a disrupter

in the marketplace but we need them to keep doing what they do and so from here

you're just gonna go into your settings and you're gonna have to do a couple of

little bit of settings so you're gonna go to service settings alright you're

gonna want to turn this on expert at the very bottom once you've done that you

come up here to where it says DNA oh you want all these to be checked off all of

them check them all off and then over here under airplay you want your airplay

on you just only want the airplay support on that's it and now I'm a jump

on my phone and show you guys the app okay so we're in the side-by-side screen

and what you would do with this whole app you have to make sure that this app

it's connected to the same internet connection you have with your streaming

device so I've got them both my phone and this you can download this out as I

said earlier you can get the APK on the web or you can go to the Google Play

Store and get it if you have an Android device Google Play Store if you want to

use it on a Mac and all that you just download it from their device with the

apk so we're going here and I've already saved some good websites in here and

I've one good one in there for the filthy

McNasty but I'm gonna go to 1 2 3 movies first and this is a great movie site

with HD movies you can kind of just pick what you want to see and y'all know I

love that Black Panther so I'm gonna click on that

you're gonna hit play and they're gonna pepper you with a dance or you just bear

with them then you're gonna come over here the streaming HD then you click the

play button alright it's starting to load and you would select whichever one

is your local TV Center so mine is localhost I'm just gonna click the local

host you can see it's connecting alright here we go

and all I did was just press their Menu button so that you can fast-forward

through just like that you can turn up the volume in there just like that

you can stop the app if you want to

click out of it and it's just that simple and if for whatever the reason

now let me go ahead and use my remote control and I'm gonna quit on playback

for some reason it didn't go through you can just come up here just X out of that

click that little button at the top screen and then just find whichever one

you're set on so for me it's TV senator local host connected device you can just

click back into that and as you see is gonna connect me again that's just an ad

so you just go backspace and as you can see it's getting ready to start

Black Panther all over again in HD now let me click on out of that cuz you know

I don't want any trouble with YouTube and ladies and gentlemen that's it you

can get anything you want to stream seamlessly from your phone to your TV

it works with Apple Play it works on Android devices you can do it with Cody

the way I just did it you can do your football games you can do your live TV

you can do your filthy McNasty and you just save those websites into the little

bookmark tab and when you're ready to rock you rock and roll just like they

did in this t-shirt I win and you watch whatever to seamlessly get the app there

are two ways you can do it number one you can get it on your phone

by coming here and clicking the download apk feature or you can go to the Google

Play Store using this website and if you really want to make it simple and fast

and you own the Android device you can just simply go to your Google Play Store

input quickcast and you see all the various things they can do those are two

quick ways you can get this app put it on your phone and your device and you

can start streaming live TV movies filthy McNasty content anything else you

find on the web directly to your big screen TV and that's gonna do it for

this video don't forget to like my video comment and subscribe go get yourself a

life game my people go ahead and check my video description shop life

go in and check out all my gear check out my wife's hypertension and diabetes

channel and to the next sexist hell video I'll see you

For more infomation >> Drop Morpheus TV | Get QuickCast| Stream Free Live Tv and HD Movie Releases|Stream Device Not Needed - Duration: 7:49.


Statue of Liberty evacuated following small construction fire - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Statue of Liberty evacuated following small construction fire - Duration: 1:03.


Churchill Downs' Asher Dies at Age 62 - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Churchill Downs' Asher Dies at Age 62 - Duration: 3:07.


Child Services Worker Commits Suicide At Paramus Office - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Child Services Worker Commits Suicide At Paramus Office - Duration: 0:58.


Homescapes Level 956 - How to complete Level 956 on Homescapes - Duration: 3:19.

"How to complete Level 956 on Homescapes"


"Homescapes game"

For more infomation >> Homescapes Level 956 - How to complete Level 956 on Homescapes - Duration: 3:19.


Highway 50 congested due to college commuters, construction - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Highway 50 congested due to college commuters, construction - Duration: 2:26.


Aaliyah Tribute - Are You That Somebody? REVOICED cover (a cappella) - Duration: 3:42.

Boy, I've been watching you

like the hawk in the sky that fly

but you are my prey

Boy, I promise you

if we keep bumping heads

I know that one of these days

We gon' hook it up

Probably talk on the phone

But see, I don't know if that's good

I've been holding back this secret from you

I probably shouldn't tell it but

If I let you know

you can't tell nobody

I'm talkin' 'bout nobody

Are you responsible?

Boy, I gotta watch my back

'cause I'm not just anybody

Is it my go? Is it your go?

Sometimes, I'm goody goody

Right now, I'm naughty naughty

Say yes or say no

'cause I really need somebody

Tell me are you that somebody?

Boy, won't you pick me up

at the park right now up the block

while everyone sleeps

I'll be waitin' there with my trench,

my lochs, my hat

just so I'm low key

If you tell the world

you know that would be weak

Boy, see I'm trusting you

with my heart, my soul

I probably shouldn't let you but

If I let you know

You can't tell nobody

I'm talkin' 'bout nobody

Are you responsible?

Boy, I gotta watch my back

'cause I'm not just anybody

Is it my go? Is it your go?

Sometimes, I'm goody goody

Right now, I'm naughty naughty

Say yes or say no

'Cause I really need somebody

Tell me are you that somebody?

Baby girl, I'm the man from the big BK

Won't you come play 'round our way

and listen to what we gotta say?

Timbaland, don't you know he is the man?

Rockin' shows from here to Virginia to Japan

Got people shakin', shakin' his hand

Baby girl, better known as Aaliyah

Give us goosebumps and high fever

Makin' playhaters just believe it

Don't you know? Gotta tell somebody 'bout it

'Cause I really need somebody

Tell me are you that somebody?

Tell me, tell me are you that somebody?

Tell, tell, tell, tell me

Are you that somebody?

Yeah, yeah, yeah

If I let you know

You can't tell nobody

I'm talkin' 'bout nobody

Are you responsible?

Boy, I gotta watch my back

'cause I'm not just anybody

Is it my go? Is it your go?

Sometimes, I'm goody goody

Right now, I'm naughty naughty

Say yes or say no

'Cause I really need somebody

Tell me are you that somebody?

For more infomation >> Aaliyah Tribute - Are You That Somebody? REVOICED cover (a cappella) - Duration: 3:42.


Wall Street rallies as U.S.-Mexico reach trade deal - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> Wall Street rallies as U.S.-Mexico reach trade deal - Duration: 3:50.


Green Dry Noodle - Duration: 1:15.

We place the blender. We add the tomatoes.

We add the chile serrano.

We add 300 milliliters of water.

We add the chicken powder consommé.

We add the cilantro.

We liquefy perfectly and reserve.

We put a deep pot in the fire. We add oil and let it heat up.

We add the onion.

Let sauté for 5 minutes.

We add the noodle.

Let fry for 7 minutes. Moving constantly.

We add the liquefied mixture.

We integrate.

We cover the pot. We let boil.

We add the rest of the water.

We leave in the fire for 15 minutes.

Ready! Bon Appetite.

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