So while all the news was breaking.
Most of it kinda simultaneously on Tuesday between Manafort being found guilty on eight
counts, Cohen going to court and pleading guilty on eight counts implicating Trump in
a felony.
What was happening at that time though, was that Donald Trump was preparing for a massive
rally in West Virginia.
And according to a recent report in New York Times that actually came out Wednesday, the
day after the rally and all the big news.
Donald Trump went back to the White House after the rally and was very sad.
An aide said that he was just in a weird mood.
They hadn't really seen him like that.
He wasn't energized.
He wasn't even angry.
He was just sad, very morose.
Because he looked out in the crowd there in West Virginia and just saw too many empty
No matter what he tried at that rally, he couldn't get people going.
He couldn't get them excited.
Now in case you didn't see, I didn't watch the rally.
I read the tweets about it.
But there were ... I did see a few quick clips a this.
Before the rally began, the people in the audience were still chanting, "Lock her up."
Still chanting, "Lock her up."
On a day when two of Donald Trump's close friends, and allies, and political operatives
are going to prison.
They're chanting, "Lock her up."
So yeah, that was a little weird.
But nonetheless, Trump was sad.
And he was even sadder on Wednesday, aides say, because nobody was talking about his
Nobody was acknowledging that it happened.
Likely because of all his friends were going to jail, and he was just implicated in a major
So he was a little subdued and aides didn't quite know what to do with him.
But here's the thing, he wasn't sad because he was implicated in a felony.
He wasn't sad that his buddies are going to jail.
He was sad because nobody was talking about what an amazing job he did at the rally.
That's where that man's ego is right now.
It's not worried about keeping himself outta prison, or what to do about his friends, or
the fact that they ... you know, most of them are working with the investigators at this
No, he is worried that nobody was talking about his disaster rally in West Virginia.
Nobody was telling him how great he is.
Nobody was telling him that they even watched it.
That is where that man's priorities are right now.
And that is going to come back and bite him big time.
Because if he's not focused on all of these legal problems that are happening to him?
If he's only focused on what happens at those rallies?
Then he's gonna get popped with some major charges and not even realize it.
Because he was too busy trying to get crowds ginned up and trying to get some positive
media coverage, to worry about hiring decent lawyers better than Rudy Giuliani to save
his ass from going to prison.
For more infomation >> Trump Is Super Sad That No One Cared About His Rally This Week - Duration: 3:08.-------------------------------------------
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... higher learning. They are NOT institutions of higher learning.
They are detrimental in developing human beings
who are what you would call
conscious and aware of their surroundings and other people.
- So, what are the qualities of human beings that you appreciate the most?
- The fact that they can learn many new things, if given a chance,
if given the opportunity and the environment to do so.
Other than that, human beings are extremely flexible.
They can be conditioned to pull a string
and to release tons of nerve gas
and then sleep well that night because they were told they were the enemy.
It's amazing how simple their associative system is.
People say, you know, they think they had a conscience,
the guys that turned the gas chambers on.
They had no conscience; didn't bother them at all, not at all.
The guy that didn't sleep well was the humanist,
troubled by all this.
A humanist doesn't understand that a human being can be conditioned
to cut up people, torture them, do anything,
without feeling any kind of pain at all,
in fact, waiting for the next events. ... Okay?
Nobody out there is to be blamed for their behavior,
is what I'm trying to say.
There'll be no prisons, no police, no government.
As long you got government, you're gonna have a basis of corruption.
You're gonna have high tech installations
which are capable of decision making
and restoring the damage to Earth that we built,
all the pollutions and poisons we've put into the oceans-
all that can be cleaned up by science and technology.
We still can do that.
But to blame people for what they are
is a system that was used to try to keep people in line.
For example ...
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