So, in Alabama it's not uncommon to hear people talking in whispered or angry
tones about The Machine. But what is The Machine? So basically The Machine is a
secret society at the University of Alabama with a really cool name that
controls the votes of certain sororities and fraternities.
It started back in the early 1900s on campus as a chapter of Theta Nu Epsilon,
a secret student group. But it's better known as The Machine, a nickname bestowed
by student journalists. It works like this: each Greek house that belongs to The
Machine has a couple of Machine representatives whose identities are
kept secret. Those representatives regularly meet in secret locations and
presumably talk about Game of Thrones or how much they hate Tennessee for about
15 minutes before deciding who to vote for in each of the student government
elections. Once they decide they go back to their Greek houses and basically tell
everyone in the fraternity or sorority to vote for that candidate. So it's
basically a voting bloc of certain Greek houses. And that on its face isn't really
that big of a deal. Voting blocs exists and lots of colleges have Greek councils
that tend to back certain student government candidates over others. But
where The Machine differs is some of the things they've been accused of doing to
secure those candidates a victory. They've been accused of harassment,
burglary, wiretapping, arson, and even assault to secure elections doing it all
from the shadows. They've even been accused of voter fraud in like real elections
not just college elections. And back when I said The Machine tells everyone in the
sororities or fraternities who to vote for what I should have said was coerces
everyone into voting for who they want. They do it by tempting them with free
drinks, demanding they turn over student IDs or social security numbers,
physically dragging some people to the polls, or as some have claimed just
straight-up voting for them. But the last University of Alabama student government
president ran on a platform of trying to get discounted uber rides for UA
students. The one before him wanted students to get cheaper soda at football
games. So it's understandable to think," Isn't that a crazy elaborate conspiracy
to attain what is essentially not that much power?" And you'd be right. It's the
equivalent of an entire small town forming a secret cult with the end goal
of getting Jeff an assistant manager job at Domino's. But picking college level
politicians is just the start for many members of The Machine. As I said the
organization goes all the way back to the early 1900s and over the century
members of the Machine have managed to wiggle their way into positions of power
all over the state. So being a member of The Machine
mean connections to powerful folks who also got their start in this weird
Hogwarts of evil politics. Which is why The Machine has been referred to by some
as the most powerful fraternity in America. Now I just touched on some of
the heavier accusations against The Machine but if you want to hear more you
can check out Amy Yurkanin's podcast "Greek Gods" on iTunes and Google Play and
wherever other places podcasts are. You can also download it at
And for Reckon I'm Jonathan Sobolewski.
If you like these videos
and like what we're doing with Reckon you can help us out by following us on
Reckon by AL.con on Facebook and Twitter. And for even more news you can
sign up for our newsletter at
Thanks for watching
For more infomation >> What is The Machine? - Duration: 2:55.-------------------------------------------
American Made Bombs Are Killing School Children In Yemen - Duration: 4:13.
In the last four weeks, missiles and bombs made here in the United States by U.S. defense
contractors have killed at least 70 children over in Yemen.
70 children in one area of the world at the hands of U.S. defense contractors, and that
includes several weeks ago when a missile hit a school bus and killed 44 children, most
of whom were between the ages of 8 and 11.
Those children were actually on a celebratory field trip to celebrate the fact that they
had just finished all their summer courses.
They were celebrating.
They just hit a major accomplishment.
They were done.
They could take a break.
And U.S. made weaponry killed them because we're selling those weapons to Saudi Arabia.
Two weeks later, last Thursday, actually, 26 children and 4 women were murdered, again,
by U.S. made weapons while trying to flee violence in Yemen.
Once again, those weapons were made by U.S. defense contractors and launched by our allies
in the Middle East.
Starting to see a pattern here, aren't you?
U.S. made weaponry is killing children all over the planet, and we're doing absolutely
nothing about it.
I mean, CNN, the warmongering network that's never met a conflict they didn't like, even
they had enough courage to come out and speak out against what the United States is doing
oversees, murdering children.
We may not be the ones pulling the trigger, but we're the ones handing them the trigger
to do it.
They're targeting school buses, school buses filled with children, to die.
Well, that's really not that clear.
Is this part of the War on Terror?
Is it just Saudi Arabia acting as a terror nation?
That's what it seems like to any observer at this point.
Yet for some reason, in spite of their gross human rights abuses, in spite of the fact
that there is no equality to speak of in that country whatsoever, we're their ally and we
give them lots of weapons.
They then take these weapons and murder innocent people for no apparent reason, no discernible
reason at least, but that's what's happening.
The defense contractors here in the United States, the Boeings, the Lockheeds, the people
making these bombs and missiles, they love it because every time a missile gets fired,
they got to come back and buy another one.
They fire 10, they come back and buy 20.
That's how it works, and the U.S. government is more than happy to facilitate that relationship
between the missile makers and the missile launchers.
Right now, they're just the intermediaries.
They're going to sell as much as they can to countries like Saudi Arabia because we
want to stay friends with them for some reason, even though they're one of the worst countries
out there at this point.
Something has to change.
Something has to be done.
We cannot sit by while our weapons that are made here in the U.S. are being used to murder
school children, but that is exactly what is happening today.
There needs to be investigations.
There needs to be some kind of sanctions on Saudi Arabia, starting with we won't sell
them weapons anymore.
But, unfortunately, that's never going to happen because Saudi Arabia wants our weapons
almost as badly as we want their oil, and there's no amount of child's blood that can
be shed to make us kick that oil habit that Saudi Arabia's more than happy to supply us
Dance Moms: Kendall's Solo - "Battled Feet" (Season 4) | Lifetime - Duration: 1:44.
10 Rap Songs RUINED By the Features - Duration: 14:14.
Hey guys, CDTV here and today we're gonna be looking at 10 great rap songs that were
ruined by a featured artist. So yeah, this list will
be focussing on 10 times when a feature made a song noticeably worse, in some cases even
making the song unlistenable. So with that being said, this is CDTVProductions, my social
media accounts are down here, and let's look at 10 great rap songs ruined by the feature.
10 - Royce Da 5'9" "Caterpillar Remix" - The feature: Logic
This one seemed like it couldn't go wrong honestly. It has Logic, a rapper I love. The
original is an amazing song that had Eminem in Logic's spot. And Logic promised his
hardest feature verse he's ever done on Twitter with this one. Even Royce Da 5'9"
hyped it up. And then Logic spent half of his verse going on a tangent about not being
a white rapper and people's perception of his race. Sigh. He even for some reason, kicks
off this tangent by saying "why is everyone obsessed with my race". THEY'RE NOT. They're
memeing the fact that you talked about it so much on your Everybody album, the memes
didn't materialize from nothing. If this was supposed to counter criticisms of Logic,
it absolutely failed. Some of the stuff he says makes sense to a degree, but the delivery
is so awkward and painful. Aside from that, he also says other rappers are scared to talk
about depression and anxiety, which, to put it bluntly, is just false. Depression has
always been a huge topic in rap, even in the mainstream. It's not all bad, he actually
spits hard bars for a minute or so and that's why it's the lowest one on this list, but
he completely ruined it with the whole race tangent that everyone was absolutely sick
of by this point.
9 - Chance the Rapper "Smoke Again" - The feature: Ab-Soul
I hate to say that Ab-Soul ruined a song because
I love his music, but "lemme put my mouth where you potty boo" is one of the most
cringe worthy lines I've heard in my lifetime. I love the rest of this song, I think it's
really cool to hear Chance pull off a banger track whilst still having a lot of fun, and
his "lean all on the square, that's a f*****g rhombus" line was really creative.
It would've been cool if Soul could've came in and matched that with some creative
lyrics while still maintaining a fun atmosphere, but I really don't think he did. There's
just so many lyrics on here that could best be described as basic such as "we kicked
it then I scored, Soccer game" and "no doubt like Gwen Stefani's group", and
it kinda brings down the vibe of the track for me. I love Soul, but I'm just not a
fan of what he did here.
8 - Drake "Preach" - The feature: PARTYNEXTDOOR
So this song kicks off with the instrumental playing incredibly quietly, you can barely
hear anything. As you can imagine, this makes you listen in closer, maybe you even turn
the volume up a few notches just to hear what's going on. Then, all of a sudden, out of fucking
nowhere at a pitch that will rip your ears apart. Jesus Christ man, could we at least
have been given a bit of warning. Now maybe this is just PARTYNEXTDOOR's style, but
I'm really not to keen on the drenched in autotune sound that his vocals have here,
and considering he does the chorus and has a verse as well, that's not great. I much
prefer what Drake does on this song, his calm, kinda monotone delivery works perfectly with
a beat like this and his flow is cool too. I'm not the biggest Drake fan, but this
song would be a lot better without PARTY in my opinion.
7 - A$AP Rocky "Telephone Calls" - The feature: Playboi Carti
I've got this one lower because Playboi Carti doesn't really play a significant
role on this track, but his verse slows down the track enough for me to be bothered by
it. The beat absolutely bumps, Rocky puts in a strong performance, and Tyler has one
of the best verses he's laid down here in my opinion, but Playboi Carti's bit was
just so unnecessary in my opinion. I really could do without 15-20 seconds of Carti ad
libbing and delivering the least inventive lines he can think of, I just honestly feel
like he doesn't need to be on here. If you feel like his verse adds to the hype of the
song, that's great, I'm glad you enjoy it, but for me personally, it did not need
to be in the song at all.
6 - Jamil Cole "The Cut Off" - The feature: kiLL edward
This one is a bit odd to include, because to some
capacity, kiLL edward isn't really a feature as it's just Jafar Cole's alter ego, but
I'm counting it because he is labelled as a feature, and his segment of the track does
ruin it in my opinion. Cole's verse is fantastic here honestly, talking about wanting to cut
off friends who just abuse his trust and use him. He even talks about how he sometimes
fantasises about hurting these people for how they betrayed him, but he knows that's
not the right thing to do and he'll let karma do it's work on them. Fantastic subject
matter, but the hook of the song is done by kiLL Edward and the vocal effects he has on
his voice completely destroy his appeal for me. It's almost impossible to not sound
off key with those effects, and that's how kiLL edward sounds on the pre-chorus and chorus
of this song. Top this off with the fact that he handles most of this track instead of Cole,
and that stops me from listening to this track that often at all. The concept behind the
character of kiLL edward is great, but I'd be perfectly satisfied if he didn't make
a return.
5 - Earl Sweatshirt "Pre" - The feature: SK La' Flare
This verse right here. I'm not lying to you when I say this single verse is the reason
I immediately turned off Sweatshirt's Doris album instantly the first 5 times I tried
to listen to it, and I didn't revisit it for years. That's partially to do with me
being more closed minded towards new albums 5 or so years ago when this dropped, but SK
La' Flare also just really has a bad verse. I don't know what the thought process was
behind having this as the opening verse on Earl's album. I don't know if SK actually
raps often, or if they just thought this would be an entertaining way to open up the album
and mess with some fans, but it's just incredibly off-putting. He uses this really dead end
flow that never picks up and just sounds stilted, and of course it's got more than its fair
share of simplistic lyrics. Then consider the fact that his verse is over 30 seconds
longer than Earl's on this track and it just seems really unnecessary.
4 - Kendrick Lamar & Jay Rock "King's Dead" - The feature: Future
Everyone knows this one, and I do appreciate the memes that came out of this, but I'd
be lying if I said it didn't make the song a lot worse. It made me laugh my ass off when
I first heard it, I'll admit that, but this song doesn't seem like it was made to be
laughed at. Jay Rock came in with a hard verse, Kendrick Lamar killed it on the hook and after
the beat switch, but Future... I don't know what Future was doing. I guess I can't fully
hate on it because it made the song more popular than it already would've been, but the la-di-da-di-da
part of the song is so laughably bad, it sounded like his vocal chords were about to snap.
On top of that, I'm just not a huge Future fan so I wasn't too excited to see him listed
as a feature in the first place. Like I said, this is fun to laugh at, but I really feel
like it messes with the whole energy and mood of the song, and that's the opposite of
what you wanna do with a guest verse.
3 - Eminem "Amityville" - The feature: Bizarre
I explained the main problem I have with some of Bizarre's rapping in an old video of
mine, but in case you haven't seen it, it's basically the fact that he raps about the
same type of content as eminem, but without much of the wittiness or intelligence behind
it. Eminem says some brutal stuff, but there's commonly a purpose behind what he says, whereas
Bizarre is just pure shock value for no reason other than to shock, and that is shown in
full force on his verse here. He talks about k***ing and r***ng family members, having
his little sister gang raped on her birthday, just really shocking shit but with no smartness
to it. Then the fact that Eminem's third verse here is so ridiculously strong just
makes Bizarre's low energy verse even less impressive than it already is. It just comes
off as him trying to hard to surprise people more than anything.
2 - A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie "Drowning" - The feature: Kodak Black
Goddamn man, I almost love this track and it actually would
have been amazing if the hood version of Lisa Simpson didn't show up to ruin the party.
For almost every rapper on this planet, I can see their appeal and why some people might
enjoy them, but Kodak is always one that confuses me. The way he slurs his words with his very
strange, baby sounding voice puts me off every single time I hear a verse from him. It's
a shame, because A Boogie kills this in my opinion, he rides that piano melody perfectly
and his flow is something that really sticks with you..... then Kodak says "I'm the
s***, I'm fartin', I don't know how to potty". Do you see why this ruins the
song for me!? I wanna replay this song a lot, I want to have it on repeat, but it's such
a hassle when I have to constantly skip it after the 2 minute mark. Kodak has like one
line on here that sounds pretty slick, but everything else is just something I cannot
listen to and enjoy. A Boogie, I'm begging you, drop a solo version of this track. I
need it.
1 - A$AP Ferg "East Coast REMIX" - The feature: French Montana
Busta Rhymes? HE WENT HARD
Dave East? - HE WENT HARD
Surely you knew at the start of this list that French Montana would be number 1 right?
There really is no other competition, there's so many songs that he has absolutely ruined
and this track is the one that hurts the most for me personally. As you can tell from what
I just said, every single other rapper on this track did a great job on their verses.
French Montana was the only one that stood out as bad, completely murdering the momentum
of the track and slowing it down to a crawl. The worst part is, he appears on the track
right after Dave East, who just maybe had my favourite verse on this song with his aggressive
tone. French didn't follow it up well at all. His flow couldn't be any more uninspired,
and you just can't give a weak verse over a hard ass beat like the one found on this
song. Out of all the people Ferg could've chosen to feature on this track, French should've
been the last on that list, and his verse here proves that.
Detalles de la espectacular fiesta de XV años de Bárbara Camila | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:24.
Top 10 Scary reCAPTCHA Phrases - Duration: 9:06.
Im sure youve all seen these things before - reCAPTCHA phrases - the little boxes that
demand you type the words correctly to progress to the next page by proving youre a real human
and not a bot.
The system draws on random words from over 13 million articles and books - thats a lot
of words.
Usually the words that are given are meaningless but sometimes, the system throws up some very
creepy stuff, stuff so creepy, some people think there is more to the system than the
creators are letting on.
Does the system have sentience?
Are there people working behind the words that are trying to let us know something?
Its up to you to figure out - my name is Danny Burke and this is the top 10 scary reCAPTCHA
Coming in at number 10 we have this one that reads -Skynet is watching- … right now,
some of you guys are probably looking very shocked while others are a little bit confused.
If you don't already know, Skynet is the computer network that tries to wipe out humanity in
the Terminator movies.
In the beginning, it started out as a relatively simple computer programme to serve human needs
- as its intelligence grew though, it gained more power before going on a hell bent killing
mission that almost killed off all humans were in not for the thanks of old Arny.
For Captcha to tell us that Skynet is Watching is very creepy.
Just like Skynet, Captcha started out as a simple computer programme to serve human needs
… so … if Captcha ends up trying to kill us all - don't say I didnt warn you.
Of course, if Im wrong, you didnt hear me say anything.
Next up at number 9 we have this one was posted to reddit in 2015 by user quirkscrew.
They said they got this terrifying captcha that simply said -they are watching- … of
course, this could just be a random phrase or random collection of words but it does
seem very creepy.
If you remember the conspiracy theories I talked about in the intro, some people genuinely
wonder if there are humans being forced to work behind these kind of systems who are
trying to worn us, the public, about how the powers that be are watching our every move.
Im not convinced by that but some people on Reddit were really creeped out.
Don't worry, Im sure nobody is watching you watch this video - probably.
Next up at number 8 we have this one that says -Stay divorced- … some people say this
was actually presented to someone who had recently divorced.
Imagine if that was you.
How freaked out would you be if captcha, or any automated system, made a direct comment
on your life?
How is that possible?
I mean, theres no way an AI would be able to know that - so does that confirm the presence
of humans behind the system?
If they know more than we do - perhaps they know what this person should stay divorced.
Maybe the person this was shown to was considering reversing their divorce, returning to their
old partner, but captcha is warning them to not do it - do they know something the person
Some dark secret about their ex?
This is starting to sound like an amazingly bad movie …
Next up at number 7 we have this.
I know what youre thinking, I thought it too - what is … this?
The answer is - well, I don't know.
This one was shared on Tumblr by a confused user.
The whole point of captcha is that a user is supposed to guess what words are on the
screen and yet this one offered no words at all.
Instead, we are presented with something which honestly looks quite creepy.
The white markings on the black background look like scratch marks, as if someone is
clawing at the screen.
Of course, some people would say this is all just another sign that its not an automated
system but actually people who are doing this.
The markings kinda look more human like than some sort of AI scanned word from a book.
Its a stretch, but then again, so is this whole video.
And if you still love it, weve got plenty more to get through.
Moving on to number 6 we have one that simply says Don't Type.
Of course, right below that we have instructions to type sooo - what would you do?
I think this one reminds me of the whole government conspiracy thing - some say that this seems
like a very specific instruction there from an automatic system.
As Im sure all you guys know, the two words are selected randomly.
Its definitely a bit strange that these are the two specific words that came up - and
also in that order - type don't isnt scary, thats not even a thing, if you got that you
might not even think twice.
But don't type?
Don't type definitely has some people convinced there are people behind the reCAPTCHAS.
Next up at number 5 we have an audio capture.
This is a strange type of capture that some sites have experimented with.
Usually you only get an audio one if you fail a normal captcha multiple times.
Because of this, not many people get them but sometimes, when they do - they sound really
To see what I mean, take a listen to this clip.
This was uploaded to YouTube by cm iper in 2010.
In it, you can hear the numbers being read out that need to be typed out - theyre being
read out by a little girl which is kind of creepy by itself, but many people were freaked
out by the backwards talking thats happening at the same time - take a listen.
What did you make of that?
A lot of people in the comments section on the video tried to reverse the reversed song
to hear whats being said, but nobody has had any luck so far.
Im kinda glad - not sure if I really want to know whats being said …
Coming in at number 4 were gonna stay with another audio capture.
I know some of you enjoyed that last one so here we go.
This one was uploaded to YouTube by ota kulys in 2012.
In the description box she wrote -I discovered by accident that if you listen to the audio
option for captcha, it sounds eerily like demons whispering the date of your death-
… I know right … how freaky is that.
Well, lets take a look at the clip in question, remember, if you do hear a date among the
demonic voices, its gonna be her birthday, not yours.
OK, if any of you actually did hear your own birthday there then, wow, yeah, that would
really freak me out.
Let me know in the comments.
Even without the birthday thing for this one, the voices are more than enough to creep me
I think Im ready to return to some text captchas now, are you?
Good, lets do that ...
Moving on to number 3 we have a bizarre instruction telling us to just kill captcha.
Captcha is telling us to kill - it.
Thats weird.
Why would an automated AI system ask us, humans, to end its life - it isnt even alive - or
is it.
Captcha is either the first truly sentient piece of artificial intelligence, or it is,
as we all suspected, an actual person behind it.
Perhaps they are enslaved and this is their cry for help - or perhaps they don't want
their own life ended but simply the programme they work on - maybe they know that CAPTCHA
is evil and its word scanning ways will lead to the enslavement and death of us all.
Perhaps we need to kill captcha before it kills us.
Im going to email them about this, Ill let you know their reply.
Next up at number 2 now we have one that simply says Touchy Perverts.
Now that is creepy.
Nobody wants to be browsing online when theyre suddenly confronted with the phrase touchy
How has that come from an automatic system?
Out of all the possible words to put infront of the word perverts - it went for touchy.
If we return to our real people behind the captchas conspiracy theory - then what does
this mean?
What are these people trying to tell people?
Is there some sort of scandal waiting to blow up and only security firms like captcha know
about it?
Well, probably not - but I still don't wanna see touchy perverts popping up on my screen
- in ever sense.
And finally at number 1 we have this - what I think is the ultimate icing on the cake
to the whole government conspiracy theory.
This instruction from CAPTCHA simply instructs us to -harass president- … very weird.
If this is run by a security firm and people think that there are people behind the whole
captcha operation, why would they want the public to harass the president? OK.
Ive just realised how ridiculous Im sounding now - obviously its just a random combination
of words but its still pretty strange.
Ive no doubt that the FBI or the CIA can somehow track people typing violent threats against
the President - I think this is an attempt for someone to flood the internet with people
spamming the phrase -harass president- so that they can talk in secret about their plans
against the president.
Of course I don't think that, its just a bit of fun.
And please don't harass the president.
Well guys I feel like my videos on this channel are usually either funny or scary so hopefully
this one was a nice combination of the two - I know and Im sure many of you know that
there is probably nothing to these stories - but I think that probably is whats kinda
creepy - even if you don't believe the stories, theyre still pretty creepy to hear.
If you want to hear more we can do a part 2, so let me know if thats something youd
Thanks for watching as always, my name is Danny Burke and Ill see you all in the next
¡Desbloquean cuentas personales de Julión Álvarez! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:18.
Detalles de la fiesta de final de temporada de "El Señor de los Cielos" - Duration: 1:22.
Maribel Guardia le responde a José Manuel Figueroa | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:19.
Halo: The Master Chief Collection receives a massive update complete with Xbox One X enhancements - Duration: 2:25.
First Alert Weather - Duration: 3:50.
Trump: DOJ Will Investigate 'Crooked' Hillary After Midterms - Duration: 3:48.
Statue of Liberty evacuated after construction fire breaks out - Duration: 1:06.
Legend of Fuyao (扶摇) - Episode 18 [Eng Subs] | Chinese Drama - Duration: 45:06.
Liberty Island, Statue of Liberty evacuation after propane tank fire - Duration: 2:19.
[FREE] Lil Uzi Vert x Playboi Carti Type Beat 2018 "Chase A Check" Trap Instrumental Type Beat 2018 - Duration: 3:26.
[FREE] Lil Uzi Vert x Playboi Carti Type Beat 2018 "Chase A Check" Trap Instrumental Type Beat 2018
حظك اليوم الثلاثاء 28-08-2018 فى التوقعات اليومية للابراج بقلم عالمة الفلك د. نيفين ابو شالة - Duration: 7:08.
WPW10208653 - Replacing Your Whirlpool Range's Oven Insulation AP6014120 PS11750415 - Duration: 23:30.
Hi my name is Bill and today I'm going to be showing you how to replace the insulation
on in your oven the reason why you would have to do this is because the insulation is old
letting a lot of heat escape or because it's been infested with rodents for this repair
we'll be using a small phillips head screwdriver a putty knife two punches a regular sized
phillips head screwdriver a pair of needle nose pliers and two pairs of channel locks
WARNING before doing any repairs please disconnect your power source so this is the stove we're
going to be using for this repair it's a Whirlpool keep in mind yours at home might be a little
bit different than what we have here but the same technique should still apply the first
thing you want to do is make sure you turn your gas off so to take our gas line off I'm
going to use one pair of channel locks and I'm going to hold on to this part right here
and I'm going to use our other pair of channel locks in order to grab the line and I'm going
to twist both of them in opposite directions that way we're not spinning endlessly when
we're trying to loosen it now I have that loosened I can try and remove it by hand the
rest of the way so the next thing we're going to do is remove the grates on the top of the
stove as well as the burners and the burner caps and now I have to remove all of the burner
screws from the stove
top now that I have all of the screws off I'm going to be using a putty knife to stick
in the side right here there's going to be a little clip push in on it and lift up on
the stove top we're going to find that clip push in and lift up lift up the back so it
goes over the tabs and then you can remove it just like that so if you see these red
strings right here those are our surface burner igniters the surface burner igniter is the
piece that sticks through here along with the cord that goes and it plugs down into
the module down here I'm going to take this guard off right here to show you exactly what
it's being plugged into get that unscrewed so it can come right out now if you take a
look here this is where our igniter is plugged in and I'm going to unplug all of those now
now the last thing I have to do before I can take this off is remove this grounding screw
so I'm going to use a shorter phillips head screwdriver on that and I'll just remove the
wire and I'm going to put the screw back in there so that doesn't get lost now we can
take our cook top off and set that off to the side the next thing I'm going to do is
I'm going to remove this support bar right here so we have two screws in it now we can
take the bar off and set that to the side next thing what we're going to is on the front
on each corner there are a few screws we're going to remove those those help hold the
side panels on so we need to get those off
now we're at the back of the stove we're going to remove a couple of screws right there so
that we get that top control panel piece off the frame of the stove
now I'm going to be removing the screws from the front
now we have a couple of screws on the inside as well
and the one on this side now I'm going to be removing the screws right here and to get
the last screw holding this on we have to remove this panel here
just make sure as you remove this screw try and hold the panel so it doesn't fall on you
now I'll remove the last screw so last I have to unplug this wire here push down on the
clip right there and then pull it apart so now we can tilt the hole front panel forward
I'm going to tilt it over that Styrofoam and I'm just going to let it rest right on the
front here now I can to remove all of the screws on each side of the back here as well
as this bar and then as we take this screw out just let
that slide down to the ground and same thing with this one as you remove
that screw let it go down to the ground now as I remove this screw just support that bar
so it doesn't fall down and we'll just rest it on the ground now we'll turn the stove
back around and we have a couple more screws on the side holding this on so first I'm going
to remove this drawer here pull out the drawer tilt up and pull it out now there are a couple
screws on each side so I'm going to take those out
now we'll open up the oven door and again screw on each side down there on the top so
we'll be removing those next
now I have to remove this front plate so I'm going to take all of the knobs off and we're
just going to pull it straight off and we have more screws here as well to remove and
we're just going to tilt it and pull it forward so now we have to take the oven door off we're
going to be using this small pin punch right here if you have a screwdriver or anything
else will work as well now close it as far as it will go and we'll lift the oven out
and set it off to the side and on this side you'll notice there's a couple of wires that
are held onto the clips there so what we need to do is remove the wires from the clips and
we'll set them on top of the machine the sides of the oven should just slide right off now
I have to remove this screw in order to get this panel off and we have this wire here
that's holding it from falling over you don't have to take that off you can just slide this
panel out and around the wire set that off to the side now I have to do the same thing
to the other side so here's the screw on the other side and now you can do the same thing
just pull this out and around that wire set that off to the side so for this side I'm
going to take the wire off because I would have to pull the insulation out so all we
have to do is just untwist this wire and feed it down through this hole but we don't have
to take it off the bottom you can just set that off to the side there get the insulation
off if its not stuck or anything you can just pull it out and we'll turn it to the other
side get it loose here and one you have it loose you can pull this wire if you want to
so what we can do with the insulation is we can just start trying to feed it through this
side and we can pull it through on the other side so now we're on the other side and we'll
just pull it through and be careful not to rip it especially if its an older piece because
that is definitely something that could happen looks like we might not be able to avoid ripping
it because it is old and so destroyed so we'll just get it all out in chunks as best we can
now you can grab your new OEM replacement insulation if you don't have any already you
can find one on our online store so now we'll unfurrow this and what we're going to do is
just feed it in here and feed it all the way on the other side now that we have this all
the way pulled through tuck it in on each side
once we're all tucked in make sure that you get this wire and feed it through the loop
again and just give it a couple twists so it stays in place we're going to feed this
through here again and then line everything up and we'll screw it in and now we'll go
to the other side put this wire through the hole give it a couple twists now we'll put
the other medal panel back on now I'm going to feed this back through here
since I pushed that through earlier now we can put the sides back on and I'm going to
get this and I'm going to make sure that this here goes in front of this here then those
tabs go inside the hole slots and then I can screw those in now there's one in the middle
now I'll do the same thing with the other side make sure I put the front end in first
so that the tabs all line up then we'll screw them in now we'll go to the
back again I'm just going to point these out as well these are just two screws holding
this top plate on if you are having trouble removing the insulation in you can take those
two top screws out then that entire top panel can come off and you can do it a lot easier
line up the screw holes and I'm going to get this one second from the bottom here now I'll
get the very bottom one on and I'll make sure that I screw through the bracket first line
up the holes and screw it in and I'll do the same thing with this one line up the holes
and on this side and again I'm going to start with this one on the top now I'll just work
my way down so if this is in it will be a lot easier to screw that bracket in now this
last one screw in and there we go now put the control panel back up just tilting that
back line up all of the holes and we can plug this one back in and once you have all of
your holes lined up you can start screwing everything back in back here
now I'll put this back into place line up the holes and screw this back in now I'm going
to get the front screws in
now we'll put the bottom drawer back in just tilt that in forward and slide it straight
back and now we'll get the screws lined up with these brackets here and we'll screw this
assembly back into place
now we'll screw the support bracket in
now I'm going to grab all of these wires I'm going to put them back in those clips
now I'll put this front panel back on making sure that I tilt it forward first so it's
underneath and make sure it goes on top of these brackets right here
so when we put this on we're going to put the hinges in first and go up with those and
then come back out open the oven door all the way so that we can pull out the pins and
then we'll close the door and I'm going to screw in our grounding wire first so we're
going to put the grounding wire in the screw and now using our small screwdriver I'm going
to attach that back to the cook top we'll set the stove top up and we'll reattach all
of our igniter wires now just plug all the wires back in doesn't really matter which
one they go into so now we're going to set the range top back down and I'm going to make
sure that I get this lip on the back in top of these tabs right here and
once I do that just make sure it's nice and pushed against the back and push it down so
it clips in so now what I'm going to do because these aren't completely lined up I'm going
to use a pair of needle nose pliers and I'm going to just grab a small piece wherever
I can line up the holes and screw it back in now that that's all screwed down I can
put our burners and burner caps back into place now so now we're going to reconnect
our stove to the gas line and tighten it the rest of the way with our channel locks in
case your adapter is spinning inside might want to get another pair of channel locks
just to hold that in place and then you can tighten it the rest of the way now we can
turn our gas back on and your repair is complete
Finally don't forget to plug in your appliance
if you need to replace any parts for your appliances you can find an OEM replacement
part on our website
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