Whats up, guys? Edhy's here again
on the channel Press Start. I'll talk about some leaked images
from Battlelands Royale. But before that, don't forget it!
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e help the channel. Today Battlelands Royale's dev team
made a live streaming on Facebook.
and there they leaked some images from Season 2
Look this On the start screen
we can see some different thing. The first thing is
a challenge button. Can you see that button with a book?
We also see above a box with 2 daily challenges
and 5 weekly challenges. We don't know yet how will work that.
If you complete the 2 daily challenges
will they fill a box from weekly challenge?
or are the weekly challenges differents from daily challenges?
We need to wait more information about it.
Another thing is the 2XP icon.
You'll receive 2x more exp. Is that a limited event for a couple days
or will we receive the double exp during all season 2?
We need to wait for more information about that too
Another thing, is they leaked the new gesture's name
you can see the store's recommendation with a gesture called Dish Gambler
We don't know how is this gesture but it's good see this news
They also leaked the new map
with some diffenrences look this map guys
we have a new area, an airport
I don't know if that's the name but I think is an airport
and I really liked this place. They changed another place below.
they changed the prison
I loved it. and I see the maze and the farm
are differents now.
Look this comparative How the map is now with the leaked map
you can see it's is different, right?
Do you remember this image from Season 2 announcement?
Well, they leaked one of that characters
look this another leaked image
that image show new character, flags and parachutes
and the new character is on the level 1
when you buy the new battle pass you'll receive that character with a new parachute
and a Pirate flag. I loved it!
Did you see that new parachutes and flags?
It's very interesting! If you don't what is that flags
you can see my video about Battle Flags. Link in the box below.
It was the first sneak peek from season 2 that I released.
And below the Battle Pass
we cann see the duration
60 days and 6 hours. Did they reduced the season's duration?
We know the first season was 90 days and after they extented
season 2 that will starts on September 17th
With this time they can implement some new features
So will they reduce the season's duration?
I hope! Well, guys! That was the leaked informations
I hope you liked it
If you liked give me your thumbs up Subscribe the channel if you didn't it yet
and hit the bell for fon't lose any news
See ya! Thanks!
For more infomation >> Battlelands Royale - Dev team leaked some images from season 2 - Duration: 4:21.-------------------------------------------
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DEVELOPING: Police respond to incident inside Honda Marysville plant | WBNS-10TV Columbus, Ohio - Duration: 1:06.
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MUSE - The Dark Side [Official Music Video] Reaction - Duration: 5:40.
What's up guys your boy docrafts here welcome back to another reactions
So we'll be reacting to a new music video that Muse just came out with and it's called the dark side
official music video so accredits
to the music video and
Without any third dude, let's not waste any time and this music video is like about four minutes and rep
Rounded so we're gonna start it in three two one. Let's go
The dark side reminds me of like I'm Star Wars
Dark side
Okay, I'm liking that so far
With that supercar
Hey, what is that like I'm a for a Ferrari?
Wow that looks cool I couldn't omit that that looks cool also
Whoa, Oh better dry fast. Oh, man
How long till you did that music video
Like how long did they make that?
Looks cool
Wow look at that thing
To be honest, this song kind of makes me that I'm about to fall asleep to be honest
I'm not hating I'm just saying that it kind of makes me tired
Wow, he just Joe threw that thing Wow the second Atlanta oh
Wow look at her
School that the background Oh
That looks cool
Wow, its
And he's going in sick in the city all that drift or that was sick
Could omit the music video was really cool and to
be honest, it was kind of satisfying as well to be honest also, so other than that guys
I hope you guys join my reaction. Please make sure to drop that like button or
smash it and
Comment down below if you guys enjoy my reaction and
The music video as well comment down below if
What your thoughts about my reaction and the music video itself subscribe to my channel and turn
applications around the world to 400 subscribers and my big goal is to have
1000 subscribers
Yeah, oh they're not guys I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you guys in the next video goodbye everyone
01/19/2018: Ronaldo missed the Best Player Award - Duration: 2:44.
Vegan Coconut Flatbread - Duration: 4:25.
Hey Everybody! Welcome back to our channel Imperfect Awakening!
I'm James and I'm Nicole.
Today we are going
continue our series of Quick Picks.
Today's recipe is going to be...
Vegan Coconut Flatbread. That's right. So if you want to see recipe.
Keep on watching!
Ding Ding Diiiiiiing...
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