We're learning more and more as the days go by about this FBI decision to move their headquarters
from downtown Washington, DC off into the suburbs of DC, which was actually a plan that
was scrapped by this administration, I believe, in January of this year.
But, what we found out in the last few days is that the decision to not move the FBI headquarters
was because Donald Trump himself came in and made the decision to not move it.
Now, that may seem innocuous.
People say "Okay.
Well, yeah, he's the president.
He made the decision he didn't want to move it."
Here's the thing.
First and foremost, we had ... Let's see.
Emily Murphy was a general services administrator.
Emily Murphy testified before Congress earlier this year saying that the president was not
involved in any way in the decision to not move the FBI headquarters.
Was not involved.
Lying to Congress is against the law, by the way.
We have now this week have gotten documents and even photographs of the actual meetings
that show that yes Donald Trump not only was involved, but he is the one who made the decision.
You might be thinking well then, Emily Murphy lied.
She's a bad person and Trump made the decision but he can do that because he's president.
Not so fast.
These are actually decisions that are not made by the President of the United States
and the reason he made the decision to not move the FBI was because it would cost him
personally a lot of money.
See, the FBI right now is actually headquartered, as I mentioned, downtown DC about a block
away from the Donald Trump Hotel.
If they were to move that to somewhere else, not only would he lose potential business
of people who have to come in and do business with the FBI, but then that little slice of
property right there, that really prime spot of property, could be bought up by one of
his competitors, which is something Donald Trump mentioned.
Then, his hotel would lose a ton of business because there'd be an equally nice hotel right
across the street that they could go to instead.
Donald Trump made the decision to not move the FBI headquarters because it was going
to cost him money personally.
He did it for his business that he is not even supposed to be involved in.
We had the White House Sarah Huckabee Sanders again any time there's a lie you got to go
back and you'll find her fingerprints on it.
She said that no, no, no, the reason the decision was made is because it would be too expensive
to move the headquarters somewhere else.
What we're going to do is just rebuild it on the same spot, except for the fact, and
Huckabee Sanders didn't mention this, that the Government Accounting Office actually
said that well, it's more expensive to rebuild here than it would be to just move and build
something somewhere else.
We're losing money.
Taxpayers are losing money.
We're the ones who pay for this stuff.
We lose the money so that Donald Trump's personal bank account doesn't have to.
This story from start to finish is just another example, just another story to add to the
growing list of reasons why Donald Trump should be removed from the White House.
He is not making the best decisions based on what's best for the taxpayers or based
on what's best for the country.
He is making decisions based on what's best for his businesses and his personal net worth.
That is illegal for the President of the United States to do that.
The sooner that we can get this man out of office, the sooner we can get this country
back on the right track where they're at least attempting or giving us the façade of doing
the right thing for taxpayers instead of the right thing for their own bank accounts.
For more infomation >> Trump Personally Stopped FBI Headquarter Move To Hurt His Hotel Competitors - Duration: 4:21.-------------------------------------------
How to love BELARUS? Or a FLAG on the ROOF 🇧🇾 MANIFEST (English subtitles) - Duration: 6:32.
Maxim Shvarko
This will be a serious video!
Come away from here!
I have been building roofs for 12 years now
Therefore, I could not paint my roof just in a single color
I wanted to paint somehow original
My roof is my manifesto. My message to all Belarusians
To love Belarus our sweet,
Need to visit different countries
I love my country, I love Belarus, I respect our president
Who would not say anything about him
I am sure that he is always thinks about us first
and does everything for us
Put any on his place, and everyone would crap
Our president is not an oligarch. He came out of the people. If you don't like him, then you
don't like you yourself. Do you understand?
I painted the roof in a few hours
Primary color made airless paint machine, then
beat off the green bar by hand. Also applied primary green color airless
and then three long days beat out the contours of the pattern, and painted over the inside
Mir Castle
World Championship 2015 Belarus - USA 5:2
World Championship 2016 Belarus - Slovakia 4:2
See how we live. We all steal nationwide
They steal everything, from cook to high ranking official. If the cook doesn't take it home
a pack of butter or a loaf, he will think that the day is lost
And so everyone who is a bag of cement, who is a box nails and so on, who is 5 cents. Also
officials they left the people. For them steal a wagon of something that's the same
the very thing for you to steal a bag of cement. That's all. What were you waiting for? They are the same as us
Everyone just steals at his level. Because he was so used from childhood, his parents taught him
The state will not grow poor!
And in the end we get a vicious circle,
in which everyone steals. And expect from others that they others will stop stealing
But they all end up feeling bad
Then we go to the "Square" and start clap
Do we see something unhappy
We do not understand that we applaud ourselves, because in this ass
we have brought the country ourselves. Each of us! Our thoughts, words, actions
Whether see you does not suit the salary. Find me a high paying job,
and I can deign to work
Fuck! Maybe you don't have a normal job,
because you were bad at school then you slept five years at lectures at the institute?
In my life I do not believe that a high-class lawyer, accountant or programmer
will not find a decent job
If you can not find a job, then you are such a fucking specialist!
Either your requests far exceed your professional level.
Then either upgrade your skills,
or go paint the roofs. Fortunately, there are many more in Belarus)))
But no one, neither the president-wizard, nor the evil official, nor mom and dad will do not it for YOU
Roof-flag on Google Maps. Link in description
Give me money for alcohol
Arrange my life for me
Find me a job. I have nothing to eat
We are not Tuniadians!
You know, I'm not an angel either. I'm like everyone else
But for several years now, as a strong-willed decision, I just stopped deceiving and stealing
To the surprise of my life, well, practically, nohow changed
I did not begin to live better or worse, but I certainly did not become poorer
But I began to sleep well
I fall asleep and I know that I have not deceived anyone
And do this little theft? Baton, bag of cement or 5 cents...
Will you become richer from it?
But without doing this, you lay the seed in your children.
Therefore, friends! I urge everyone, do not look into other people's cowards
Only answer for yourself
Do not steal, do not be fooled, teach your children to live in the same way
And then, maybe in a few years, we will live better
This is my manifesto
The most annoying thing to everyone, you know what?
That when I condemn you, I become the same as you
So yeah, well ...
People who are just the same bloggers like you in YouTube
Spread their videos, deprive there all they want, there is the work of institutions and
so on, get fired. Just because they express their opinion, so how are you
But you chose conformist side so you're not afraid
You can safely speak to people who are already intimidated as ...
that they are wrong
They already tolerate, they already know that they ... because they have already been told about this a thousand times
46 Things You Missed In Halloween (2018) - Duration: 14:12.
If you want to hear my theory about how Michael escaped the mental patient transport, then
stick around to the end of this video.
You're probably wondering how I got like this, and if the word 'Cinnabon' was anywhere in
your answer, you probably didn't go see the new Halloween yet, and experience movie theater
audiences blowing their collective load on the nostalgia porn displayed before them.
This was something on the level of Star Wars: The Force Awakens in terms of raw, unfiltered
sentiment being shoved down your throat, but alas, it is not my job to review this resurfacing
glob of late-1970s ultra-violence, instead, I will be responsible for analyzing the Things
You Missed.
Most of these Things You Missed fall under one common theme -- this is a remake of Halloween
II with references to the rest of the franchise's various timelines.
It starts with a couple of insert shots of a ticking clock.
We see one hand on the 10 and another hand on the 3, which signify not only the time,
but the date, 10/30, the day before Halloween.
A lot of time has gone by though, 40 years to be exact, and the old Smith's Grove Sanitarium
has been renamed to Smith's Grove State Hospital.
This is where we meet Dr. Sartain, a student of the iconic Dr. Loomis
who states that his life obsession has been studying Michael, setting up his betrayal
later in the movie, where I guess he was so obsessed with studying Michael that he just
couldn't let him die.
The Dr. encourages Aaron, the true crime researcher -- essentially the Rob Dyke of this movie,
to tie his shoe to comply with one of the mental patient's pet peeves.
This would have been a nice hint from the filmmakers to the audience: that this particular
slasher film will not just be a blood-fest of stupid bumbling characters tripping over
their own shoelaces trying to get away from the killer.
I guess that's mostly true...
other than the stupid characters part... but nobody trips on their shoelaces as far as
I noticed, and I think that's one pet peeve that we can all agree is actually kind of
warranted; at least when it comes to watching horror movies.
The opening credits that follow are pretty much an exact recreation of the opening credits
in the original 1978 Halloween, with one important exception.
Instead of simply showing a jack-o-lantern next to the text, we are shown a jack-o-lantern
decaying in reverse, to make it look like the carved pumpkin is rising back up, just
as Michael Myers rises back up in this movie.
In addition to Michael Myers obviously being back, we're also reintroduced to Laurie Strode,
the babysitter who narrowly escapes Michael in the original, but before we even see her,
we see a headless dummy outside of her house, a foreshadowing of the huge shot to the head
that Michael receives toward the end of the movie.
Before meeting Laurie, Aaron has a line about Michael and Laurie's relationship, how one
monster has created another.
Remember that, because it becomes a central theme of this movie.
As they are interviewing Laurie, the researchers/podcasters bring up the fact that their last project
shed new light on a murder case from 20 years ago.
Now this movie takes place in an entirely new timeline, but I think it's interesting
to note that last time a new timeline was branched off of the original Halloween was
20 years ago in H20, which was also a sequel involving Laurie having a second confrontation
with Michael Myers.
It's hard to say if the line is a little nod to that movie, or just a coincidence.
What I do know is that here in H40, Laurie now has a daughter, Karen, and a granddaughter,
Allyson, like her grandmother before her likes to sit in the back-left corner of her high
school class.
When she looks out the window, instead of seeing Michael Myers staring back at her,
she sees her grandmother.
Is this more evidence that one monster has created another and Laurie is now on the level
of Michael Myers?
After class, they meet outside next to the high school team's football practice, and
let me just say, for someone who's from Illinois, the personified corn mascot is almost too
Allyson tries to get her Grandma to be normal so she can do stuff with the family, but little
does she know, the only family activity they'll be participating in is trying to murder their
immortal enemy.
And at the end of the day, isn't that what family is all about?
Allyson and her boyfriend reveal at dinner that they're going to the Halloween dance
as Bonnie and Clyde.
Now I'm gonna do something that's never been done before and pull THREE things you missed
from that one line.
The Halloween dance.
That's a nod to Halloween dance in Halloween 2.
Not the Halloween II in the original canon, but the Rob Zombie Halloween 2 where Laurie
goes to the dance and acts like an absolute insane lunatic.
It's me, Maya."
Yeahhhh, that's definitely a case of a monster creating a monster.
But moving on to number 2.
When Allyson's dad refers to the Bonnie and Clyde costumes, he says it's a story that
ends with bullets and bleeding.
Foreshadowing the ending of his own movie?
And number 3.
Cameron tells Allyson's parents that they're just going with vanilla Bonnie and Clyde costumes,
no twist.
What he doesn't mention, is that the roles have been reversed, he's Bonnie and she's
Clyde, another foreshadowing of the ending, where the roles between Laurie and Michael
are reversed to where Laurie is the hunter and Michael is the hunted.
Later on in that dinner, Grandma Strode makes an appearance, and pretty much has a complete
mental breakdown that even ElleOfTheMills might be embarrassed by.
"I'm probably gonna get scolded!"
But if you pay attention to her mumbling during this breakdown, you'll notice that she actually
refers to Michael Myers as "The Shape".
Big Halloween fans probably already know this, but in the original film, Michael is referred
to as The Shape in the end credits, but the name isn't actually mentioned anywhere in
the movie.
The only time it gets more meta-cinema than that is probably when the original Halloween
appears as a fictional movie in Halloween III.
"The immortal classic.
Followed by the big giveaway at nine.
Brought to you by…"
Once Michael gets out of the hospital, he seems to take all the necessary steps to repeat
his original 1978 run as closely as possible.
He stops by the graveyard to visit his sister's grave, which has been restored to its rightful
place after being yanked 40 years ago for Michael to use as a prop for one of his killings.
Next he seeks to acquire new clothes.
In the original, he jumps a mechanic on the side of the road and steals his uniform.
This time he goes to an auto garage, and in addition to stealing the guy's clothes, Michael
gets the two-for-the-price-of-one deal and walks away with his teeth as well.
The next scene is a throwback to the woman having the encounter with Michael at the rest
stop in H20.
The female investigator in the new movie, Dana Haines, isn't as lucky as the H20 woman
Aaron waits outside and has a weird encounter with a red van that says "Resurrection Church"
on it.
I guess even the much maligned Halloween Resurrection from 2002 gets a couple nods this times around.
Dana finds herself in big trouble, and even when Aaron comes to try and save her, Michael
just bashes his face in, before eliminating both of them from this year's sweepstakes,
and reacquires his original mask from their trunk.
There may be some significance to the fact that Michael obliterates this guy's face,
so he essentially can get his iconic face back.
I mean, it's not his face.
It's William Shatner's face, but you know what I mean.
"I've got command."
"Correct Captain."
The next part could be open to interpretation.
We meet this sheriff, an older cop, who takes the threat of Michael Myers very seriously.
He claims he was there that night in 1978, which made me think that he was supposed to
be someone from the movie.
He even has a line later saying, "I'm not gonna stand in the way of justice this time,"
before running Michael down with his car.
He and Laurie also seem to know each other.
However, the Sheriff, who is credited as Officer Hawkins, doesn't seem to match up with anyone
who survived the original Halloween night attacks.
This may just be a retcon, like he worked with the police off-screen in the original
or something-- but let me know your findings in the comments.
The next sequence I'll refer to as the Halloween II sequence.
It starts with Michael loose on the street, where he sees a slutty nurse get out of a
If you haven't seen Halloween II in a while, it takes place in a hospital, so the whole
movie is essentially Michael running down slutty nurses.
Then we have a recreation of the scene of the old woman in the pink bathrobe cutting
her ham.
"Harold, you want mayonnaise on your sandwich?"
...which is how Michael obtains his iconic knife in both movies.
He moves directly from there to spy on a woman talking on the phone, a reference to the woman
who calls her friend to rant about the disturbance next door in Halloween II.
"Sally I can hear the sirens coming."
"They said he got away."
I have to believe stacking all of these Halloween II references is no coincidence, because,
this is the new Halloween II in this timeline, it's just taking place 40 years too late.
That's not to say Halloween 3 doesn't also get some love shortly after.
When Michael's escape is announced, Laurie goes out tries to warn trick-or-treaters,
ironically not being taken seriously and seen as the senile old lady just as Dr. Loomis
was in the original.
That's when some kids in Silver Shamrock masks run by.
"Go home, get out of here, get inside."
If you're not familiar with Halloween III, it's the one where Michael's not the villain
and it takes place in an alternate universe where this evil company, Silver Shamrock,
sells a bunch of masks to kids that cause their heads to melt and turn to bugs and snakes
when the commercial plays.
Speaking of which, I believe it is about that time.
So now that we've just had some easter egg references to the original Halloween, followed
by Halloween II and Halloween III, you'd think Halloween 4 would be next, right?
We do have a reference to the fourth installment coming up, but not until after some more nods
to the original.
Allyson has a friend named Vicky who is babysitting on Halloween night.
That in itself is derived from the original, the whole concept is that Michael goes after
The kid who she's looking after is worried about The Boogieman, just as Tommy Doyle was
all those years ago.
Vicky invites over her boyfriend for some action after putting the kid to bed.
This is kind of an abridged version of what happens in the original where Laurie's friend
Lynda ends up using The Wallaces house to sleep with her boyfriend and shares a similar
In the original, the boyfriend, Bob, is killed first and Michael hides under his ghost sheet
costume to trick and kill Lynda.
But remember, the twist in 2018 is that the roles are reversed, like the Bonnie and Clyde
costumes, so Vicky is the first to go, and Michael hides her body under the ghost sheet
as a decoy.
When Michael gets to the boyfriend, he pins him up to the door with a knife.
Ever since the short film Lights Out came out and became a hit in 2013, there have been
many movies that have tried to reuse it's concept in some fashion, whether it be as
an homage or scandalous rip-off is up for you to decide.
Halloween has an alternating lights scene in a backyard that uses motion sensor lights.
I was amused to see that Halloween takes another page from Lights Out again later in the movie
though -- the mannequin scene where Laurie is looking around for Michael in the house
is very reminiscent of the factory scene at the beginning of the feature film version
of Lights Out.
Following the motion sensor scene and Allyson's friend Oscar getting the Virgin Suicides treatment
on that fence, Allyson's mother Kara is hysterically trying to get ahold of her daughter, and police
actually relocate her and her husband to Laurie's fortress of a house for safety.
There are a couple of the a couple of things to catch at the house.
Laurie still has her hat from her teenage room.
So huge props to whoever kept that thing around for 40 years.
There is also a dollhouse sized version of the original Myers house, which really shows
us that Laurie is the way she is not just from PTSD, but as a result of a deep obsession
with Michael Myers.
As Aaron said: a monster creating another monster.
The sequence where Laurie tries to hunt down Michael in the the house is motivated by the
idea of the role reversal.
Just as the Bonnie and Clyde costumes were switched, it's now Laurie looking into the
closet to try to find Michael.
Laurie is the one who is pushed off who of the balcony -- and Laurie is the one who has
miraculously disappeared from the lawn the next time we look back.
Meanwhile, Kara hides out in the bunker where Allyson eventually joins her.
Michael of course, being Michael, somehow knows where they are and forces open the door.
I can't wait for the inevitable Dolan Dark video where they are looking up at the open
hatch waiting for Michael Myers to appear, but instead a different Michael emerges from
the dark.
"Hey, Vsauce.
Michael here."
But that brings us to the ending, which brings us back to the idea of Halloween 2018 being
a delayed Halloween II remake, because in the end Laurie tricks Michael, traps him in
a room of flammable gas and lights him up in flames.
The Strodes may have won this round, but judging by the way that Allyson grips that knife in
the final shot of the movie, it's happened again.
A monster has created another monster, and the sound of breathing at the end of the credits
suggests that another confrontation is on the horizon.
So that ties everything up, but also brings us back to that lingering question, why did
Michael escape in the first place?
Laurie's obsession with Michael over the last 40 years was really bad.
When Michael is being transferred to another facility, Laurie demonstrates that she already
knows exactly what time and where this is going to take place.
She even mentions to the sheriff that she's been praying for Michael to escape, just so
that she can kill him herself.
"You know that I pray every night that we would escape?"
"What the hell did you do that for?"
"So I can kill him."
Just before the bus crash, we see Laurie drive out somewhere and have some kind of episode.
The scene cuts away before we see what happens, but I have a hunch that she was the one to
drive the bus off the road, just so that she could get a crack at him and finally put her
fears to rest.
If you have any theories of your own, I'd love to hear them in the comments.
And if you have any additional Things You Missed, please do share those as well.
I've got a list of Things You Missed videos I'd love to knock out before Halloween.
If you're interested in Pet Sematary, Happy Death Day 2U or Glass, then make sure you
subscribe to CZsWorld for new horrors all October long, ring that deathbell for notifications
and I'll see you in the next one.
Assuming we both survive.
Florida Gubernatorial Candidate Brutally Shut Down by Deputies After Signing Anti-Cop Pledge - Duration: 5:22.
SAMAÍN, THE MAGIC OF HALLOWEEN. With Morrigan. - Duration: 26:37.
Dota 2 Crit Hack AGAIN, WTF? patch 7.19d - Duration: 5:48.
HOW IT ALL BEGAN - Duration: 7:45.
How everything began. Eugene Sandow. Biography.
Friederich Wilhelm Müller.
He was born on April 2, 1867
from a German father and Russian descent mother
in Prusia (now called Kaliningrad).
In 1885
at age 18
he left his homeland travelling throughout Europe
as a circus athlete
and adopting Eugen Sandow as his stage name.
Upon arrival at Brussels he met
Ludwig Durlacher.
Whose stage name was Professor Attila.
He became his mentor and
in 1889
made him travel to London
to participate in a strongmen competition.
Sandow beat the champion easily
winning fame and reputation,
becoming a superstar
he refined his techniques with poses
and feats of strentgh that made him popular.
In 1893, at age 26
Florenz Ziegfield hired him for an exhibition in Chicago.
Upon noticing people paid more attention to Sandow's muscles than his weight lifting,
he made him pose which he called "muscle display performances".
Ziegfield added barbell liftings and chain breakings.
And Sandow became first star of the show.
In 1894.
Sandow appeared in a short film series made by Edison Studies.
Where he only flexed his muscles.
He also appeared in a Kinetoscopic film
which was part of the first commercial motion picture in history.
In that same year
he gave one of his "muscle display performances"
in The Golden Gate Park in California.
In 1896.
At age 29.
He made a short trip to England
to marry Blanche Brooks from Manchester.
They later had two daughters:
Helen and Lorraine.
Upon returning to the US
he got sick and had to go back to England,
where he opened his first "Institute of Physical Culture"
where he taught his exercising methods and dietary habits.
This was one of the firsts public gymnasiums.
At age 31,
in 1898, he founded a monthly issue
called "Physical Culture".
Renamed later as "Sandow's Magazine of Physical Culture.
This was accompanied by a series of books
published between 1897 and 1904
in which the term 'bodybuilding" was coined.
Sandow improved existing exercise equipment
and invented some others like
rubber strands for stretching
and spring-grip dumbbells to exercise fingers and wrists
and he was one of the firsts to sale
exercise devices.
On september 14, 1901, at age 34
he organized in London the very first bodybuilding contest,
he called it "The Great Competition".
There were just three judges for that competition:
Sir Charles Lawes, famous sculptor.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle,
Sherlock Holmes author.
and Sandow himself.
In 1906
he could buy the house he would live in
for 19 years in Holland Park Avenue.
Thanks to a generous gift from an Indian businessman
Sir Dhunjibhoy Bomanji
whose health had improved dramatically
after he had adopted Sandow's exercises and diet.
In 1911
at age 44
he was named special instructor in physical culture to King George V
Speaking about his bodybuilding methods
Sandow recommended
reaching Greek and Roman statue physiques
because those times artists
had studied the best human body proportions
and captured them in their statues.
He personally took measures
of statues in museums
developing what he called "The Greek Ideal" to reach
a perfect physique.
Sandow built his body
to the exact proportions of his "Grecian Ideal"
that's why he is called "The Father of Modern Bodybuilding"
since he was the first athlete to develop
his muscles to determined intentional proportions
giving specific prescriptions of weights and repetitions
in order to achieve his ideal proportions.
He died on October 14, 1925, at age 58
Officially, he died of an aortic aneurysm
but many said it was because of an outstanding strain
sufferred lifting his car out of a ditch.
But this has not been clarified yet.
He was buried in
Putney Vale Cemetery. His grave was bought
in 2008 by his great great son
Chris Davies
placing a one and a half ton stone
with a single inscription "SANDOW"
like the steles of ancient Greece.
The Father of Modern Bodybuilding
is honoured in the York Barbell Museum
with a statue
"the Grecian Ideal"
which he lived for.
Sims Big Brother - Season 1 (Ep. 30) | POV | TURN ON SUBTITLES! - Duration: 18:47.
Samantha: Karma's a bitch. Justin...your wife needs to step back!
Juliet: *Buzzes in* HOH!
Juliet: Sorry, Samantha...
Luke: Competition #8: In this competition, you carved wood blocks into horses-
Luke: Competiton #9: In this competition, you played bowling-
Luke: That's correct. Juliet, you know what to do...
Luke: Sorry, Omid. You've been eliminated from this Power of Veto competition...
Luke: Congratulations, Justin! You have won the Power of Veto and will be having dinner with your loved one...
Justin: You didn't let us finish. That's not the only problem we have, though. She's a Final 2 threat as well. If you go to Final 2 with her, she'll go on about how she had it rough in the beginning of the game, how she was anti-social, and how much she's grown not only as a player, but as a person!
কেউ ইসলাম ধর্ম ত্যাগ করলে তার পরিণতি কি ? Ask Dr Zakir Naik (Bangla) - Duration: 3:59.
AK Computer Network
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মুসলিমরা কেন কাবা শরীফের পূজা করে | Ask Dr Zakir Naik (Bangla) - Duration: 4:13.
AK Computer Network
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Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill in HINDI&Urdu - Part 25 - Duration: 3:18.
think and grow rich in hindi &
urdu by napoleon hill dosto is videos series main me apko think and grow rich book k tamam
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