10 Unknown Kapoor Sons And Their Unseen 'Bahus'
For more infomation >> 10 Unknown Kapoor Sons And Their Unseen 'Bahus' - Duration: 4:33.-------------------------------------------
$1000 Currency Hunt - Looking for Rare Bills, Star Notes and Cool Serial Numbers! - Duration: 9:27.
hey everyone it's Rob with Rob finds treasure and we've got a thousand dollar currency
search to do today
that's right everyone we've got a thousand dollars in currency to search
I've got five federal straps of $1 bills each worth a hundred bills in every
strap what's nice about this is as I was there asking for ones they brought out
$1,000 complete bundle of ten $100 Federal Reserve straps so instead of
taking them out and recounting them and putting them in their own straps they
left them as they were and on top of that I ended up getting into the 500 and
fives so as always we're gonna start with the five dollar bills first 100
them looking for star notes and fancy serial numbers and if I find anything
worth mentioning or anything that are as close calls I'll give you a little more
information but as you always know during the video if I find any star
notes at the end I'll be sure to wrap them up and give you the print running
rarities of anything that I find with the star not being said let's kick off
with these fives alright guys so out of the hundred fives we got nothing I will
show you this note only because we have no fines but sometimes a note like this
with a certain alike this can be collectible this one is not but I wanted
to just take a second to show you why it could have been sometimes you have a
ladder with repeater numbers or you have two of the same numbers had this been
three three like that three had been down here three 3 4 5 5 6 or 3 3 4 4 4 5
5 6 it would have been a ladder with repeating numbers it does have 3 4 6 5 3
4 4 5 it was close but I wanted to show you that you got to keep a lookout for
if the numbers continually climb up even if there's only one two or three numbers
in a row sometimes those are collectible this one's not it's going back so on to
the hundred five dollar bills we had nothing special no star no stone
anything we still have 5 Federal Reserve stacks and you can see I was pretty
excited when I got the stacks we do have any star note as the top of one of the
stacks so that's cool well say that one for last put these aside and we'll start
off with this first strap of Federal Reserve 1
our notes alright guys first Federal Reserve strap is down and I'll tell you
there's a reason why I like Federal Reserve straps the best it's because
these are from the Federal Reserve and they're not teller strapped stacks of a
hundred the ones with the blue that say 100 on them are usually teller straps
and what that means is they count their money when they get too much in the
drawer they strap them into a hundred or if a customer makes a deposit they run
through them strap them up and nine times out of ten it feels like if you're
out of bank where the teller just understands fancy cell numbers and star
notes they pull those kinds of things out when you get them from the Federal
Reserve you tend to get more fines because they're not searched by a teller
per se that being said as stays true to my theory here we end up with 3 star
notes in the First Federal Reserve strap which is better than average normally
you want one star Note 400 or in one strap you would like to get one on
average so three is off to a bang and start again we'll check the rarity and
parens of all the star notes that we find at the end of the video we did get
a couple of trying areas the first one a trinary is made up of only three
different numbers in the cell number it's a 0 1 & 7 in the first it's not a
bad one it's almost the birthday note October 11th but then you're 70 70 so
that's not gonna make it but as far as being very valuable this trinary is
really crinkled up and it's not that fancy it's got a 1 4 & 7 but I don't
really like the layout of either of these and tell you the truth because
what you want in a trinary if you're gonna collect them is no more than one
number of the third number and this has two sevens three zeros and three one so
it's pretty spaced out this one only has a 1 but I don't really like the way that
it's positioned has the one bit in front or right in the middle
I might've liked it better and mainly because it's crinkled it isn't nicer
trinary than this one but the fact that it's in terrible condition it's not
worth anything so I always put these two trainers back like I always do if
they're not that great and then finally we've got a birthday note here but I
will be keeping it because it's a little bit past what's considered a regular
birthday note this is 0 5 10 1904 so May 10th 1904 so the person who you
celebrate this would have to be a hundred and fourteen years old which is
pretty much not going to happen and on top of that
unless it's a historical date and in 1904 not much was going on sure I could
find something to tie it to and try to sell it as that but look at the
condition it's terrible so it's going back as well but we did find three-star
totes are off to a good start and now we're going on a strap number two all
right we finished hunting strap to and as if to remind me that it is a control
because I talked about star notes and Federal Reserve straps we had none in
that one but we still have three for the first two strap so we're doing better
than average I pulled out this note because it's a 1993 and series 88 a 93
and 95 you always want to look for the web note the web note has the plate
number after in god we trust' verses down here this is not a web note
it's not collectible but I still collect all 95 notes and earlier so I'll be
keeping it for my collection especially in the one dollar bills since they're
not you're not tying up a lot of money I pulled this one out I will be keeping it
because of condition but it is a form of a broken ladder a broken ladder
typically has all the numbers in a row with something in the middle separating
and so it could be one two three four five nine six seven or something similar
where it has all the numbers in a row besides another number breaking it up
another way to look at a broken ladder is it has all the numbers but not in a
row like for this example 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 so the siRNA mur is made up of eight
numbers they're all eight numbers are there besides the nine to the zero but
you could start at zero and end at seven you can start at one and end it eight
you can start at two and end at nine things like that bottom line is I'm not
keeping it because it's not that collectible especially in this condition
and I just wanted to point it out for your guys's sake but I will be holding
on to the 93 all right let's move on to stack three and see if we get some more
star notes Finnish hunting strap 3 we did get another star note to add to the
star-nosed to check their print runs and rarities we also got another trinary I
will be keeping it because they can and honestly it's not that great tutus
two threes and four seven which is nice together not together
had it been three three seven seven seven seven two two I would have liked
it cause it'll been a trinary and a quad double but it's not so put it there
move on a strap for which is this one because we're saving the star note strap
for last strap for hundred and uh I don't want to talk about it no vines
honest job five all right guys fifth strap hundred we
got a couple of star notes to add to the star note check in we'll have to see
what we got there and nothing else so really out of five straps of ones we
only got one bill pre-1990 five who was a 1993 not a wet note and six star notes
which is better than the average and that's about what you expect for federal
reserve straps I would have liked to see seven or eight after getting three in
the first but it is what it is now I'm going to go onto my currency calm and
take a look at these star notes I'll tell you I'm pretty familiar with most
of them anything from 2013 with the K or an L he's gonna be part of 3.2 million
print runs so I'm pretty sure those are all part of that we do have an A&E and I
don't see those as often so I'm curious about those I'll still check them all to
make sure I don't miss anything and we write back and figure out what I found
alright guys as expected all the caves are part of 3.2 million print runs this
L is part of a 3.2 million print run had it been a low we're talking three or
four zeros in the front of the L or after the L it would have been a really
low program but it's not part of that the e was close anything above zero
three to nine would have been part of a lower per run but it's also not and then
this a there's only two print runs in the a serious opposed to be point two
million per run so nothing valuable there nothing right there I still
collect them I'll be adding to my collection of course and but yeah
nothing really to write home about so at the end of the day not much in fines
still a lot of fun you never know we're gonna score that
next fancy see our number that really rare star note or if we can get real
lucky a certificate or two it's been a while since I've grabbed one but I'm
always looking for me at the end of the day you guys been
asking me to do more currents Hunt's so he grabbed one this time kind
of a small and for what I've been doing will be grabbing some fives and tens and
20s maybe some 50s and 100's here in the future but for now I wanted to keep it
small so that I can go ahead and now change this thousand dollars once I
replace these seven bills in for two half-dollar boxes for my grocery store
bank tomorrow hopefully you enjoy the home with me if you did I'd appreciate a
thumbs up and as always everyone happy hunting and thanks for watching
The Top 1% Are Officially Making More Money Than Ever - Duration: 3:40.
According to the latest round of data, the top one percent in the United States have
never had it better than they have it right now.
The latest numbers show us that the average income for the top one percent of earners
here in the United States, has increased by 3.7% just this year, reaching an all time
high of $719,000 per year.
So that's great, and so when you see these Republicans out there telling us how great
the economy is, and how much wages have gone up, keep in mind, they're only talking about
for the top one percent.
Because the same set of data that's just been released, and you can actually find a link
to it in the description of this video in case you're curious, the same set of data
shows that average income for the rest of the country, the 99%, it's pretty much stayed
stagnate now for decades.
Not just over the last year or so.
For decades.
And that's on average because we actually know that for the last 12 month period, real
wages for American workers have actually gone down a little, while inflation has increased,
reducing our overall buying power by about three percent.
Coincidentally, that's even less than the margin by which the top one percent's income
increased over the last 12 months.
So the income gap is now growing at an even faster rate.
The rich are making more money, we're making less money, and the gap gets bigger every
Bernie Sanders took a lot of heat when he was running for president.
People would say, "He's just a one-trick pony.
He only knows how to talk about that one thing, the income inequality, the income inequality,
the income inequality."
Well, guess what, folks?
It's actually becoming a major issue now because it's getting worse.
And there doesn't seem to be any other politicians out there willing to talk about it or even
do anything about it.
And that's the problem.
We have one political party that is actively been working since they regained power, to
give that same top one percent that's doing better than ever, to give them more money.
Big banks right now, thanks in part to the Republican deregulation over the last year
and a half, they're more profitable than ever, right now.
And if all of this sounds familiar, it's because it is.
These are exactly the same scenarios, the same datasets, that we saw come out shortly
before the economic crash that started in 2007.
We're headed in the same direction because, apparently, our elected officials were too
stupid to learn any of the lessons that they should have learned 11 years ago.
So the cycle's going to complete itself, it's going to continue until we get politicians
who are smart enough to understand that maybe some of that money from the wealthy elite,
from the top one percent, from corporations and big banks, maybe all that money for my
campaign isn't worth putting our country through another economic disaster.
But I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for a group of politicians to come out and
say that.
Red rut Masuria 2018 part 1 - Rykowisko Mazury 2018 część 1 - 4k - Duration: 14:31.
Music & The Spoken Word - Live Stream October 21, 2018 - Duration: 1:16:46.
Forged in Fire: Bowie Knife Test (Season 5) | History - Duration: 5:08.
ЛУЧШИЕ НОВИНКИ ОСЕНИ 2018 l #ЧПНВ № 32 - Duration: 12:10.
Trump Just Stunned Reporters With A Literally Impossible Midterm Election Promise - Duration: 2:52.
Jazz Music: Best of Jazz Music Playlist 2018 and Jazz Music Playlist Youtube - Duration: 3:28:52.
Title: Jazz Music: Best of Jazz Music Playlist 2018 and Jazz Music Playlist Youtube
Hello SAN FRANCISCO 4K - Duration: 10:26.
Hi! We're here in San Francisco
We just arrived, after a 6.5 hour flight from New York
RIght now we're waiting for the Bart train to go to the city.
and our Airbnb
At San Francisco International Airport
to get on the train you have to buy a ticket
its similar to the one in Thailand
which was pretty cool
If you want to take the BART train each person must have their own ticket
Its very quiet here
I'm use to loud noises
We've been walking, I'm very hot
and its cold here
Amazing Skills LIKE A BOSS 💥 People Are Insane 💥 Extreme Sports Video Compilation | Vigo Video -28 - Duration: 11:30.
Amazing Skills LIKE A BOSS, People Are Insane, Extreme Sports Video Compilation, Vigo Video, Being Boss -28
Dinuguan Recipe (Filipino Food) - Duration: 5:25.
What's up guys today, we're going to show you how to cook dinuguan, aka chocolate meat! Dinuguan
is a rich savory meat stew that contains cuts of fatty pork meat and pork organs,
all of which is stewed in pig's blood, vinegar and other spices. In
our recipe we'll be using pork stomach.
We know it looks a little suspect, but it's about to be sooooo good! First
what you want to do is pour some water into a pot. You'll want enough to be able to fully submerge your pork stomach.
Next heat your water until it reaches a rolling boil.
We'll be using this boiling water to blanch the pork stomach.
So that it becomes firmer and as a result will be way easier to cut up.
When it's at a boil carefully place about one-and-a-half pounds of pork stomach in. And blanch it for about two minutes.
Afterwards go ahead and pull it out and let it cool for about ten to fifteen minutes or so. Depending
on the size and the shape of your pork stomach. You might need to first cut it into more manageable pieces.
Then trim off any excess fat and stringy fibers that may be hanging loose.
Next try to flatten your pork stomach on the cutting board and cut roughly one inch wide strips out of them.
You might have to get a little creative on how you cut them because pork stomach is usually shaped a little wonky.
Then diagonally cut your strips into little bite-sized pieces.
Now it's time to cleanse the pork stomach so that it's a little more palatable.
Go ahead and transfer it into a strainer that's placed in a sink.
Give everything a good rinse for about twenty to thirty seconds or so.
Next sprinkle in a half tablespoon of salt. And then pour in about two tablespoons of calamansi or lemon juice.
Afterwards reach right in and mix everything,
making sure to constantly squeeze the heck out of the pork stomach.
The salt is going to help draw out the slime, and the lemon juice will help rid of any inherently funky flavors of the meat.
Do this for about a minute or so.
And then rinse the stomach again with water and continue to squeeze everything also.
Repeat these steps another one to two times.
When you're squeezing the pork stomach, squeeze as hard as you can to draw as much of the slime out as possible.
If you have any pent-up stress, this is the perfect opportunity to channel it.
Soo angry. Hah! Haaahahaa.
But anyways, once you're done, it's finally time to start cooking.
Start by heating up two to three tablespoons of oil in a pot.
Then add 1 diced medium onion. And saute it until it becomes translucent.
Next throw in four cloves of minced garlic.
And continue to saute everything until the garlic becomes fragrant.
Then add in and evenly spread your pork stomach.
Add in one and a half cups of vinegar or one cup if you prefer your dinuguan to have less of a vinegary taste.
Followed by two tablespoons of soy sauce,
2 bay leaves,
1/2 a teaspoon of oregano,
1 teaspoon of black pepper,
and 3 cups of water.
The height of the water should just about cover all of the ingredients.
Otherwise, you might need to add a little more depending on the size of your pot.
Quick sidenote, make sure not to stir the ingredients. Otherwise, it'll potentially intensify the taste of raw vinegar.
Bring everything to a boil.
Once at a boil, drop the heat down to medium-low and simmer covered for about 45 minutes.
When the time is up fork a piece of pork stomach to check if it's tender.
If it's tender go ahead and drop in 2 pounds of cubed pork butt.
You could also substitute for pork belly if you want some more of that fatty goodness.
Pour in another 2 cups of water or so, more or less, but just enough to submerge all the ingredients.
Cover and simmer everything for another 30 minutes.
Afterwards for cookies of pork to see if it's tender if the tenderness of the pork is to your liking,
it's time to add your pork blood
You'll want to pour in ten ounces of pork blood.
Continue to simmer your dinner go one for another hour uncovered and occasionally stir it.
When it's done add in one to two jalapenos. And
one teaspoon of garlic powder. And
mix it in. At this point taste your sauce and see if it needs more salt. In our case
we ended up adding a half a teaspoon of salt.
Stir everything together. And
simmer for another five to ten minutes covered, or until the jalapenos are slightly soft. And
then, OH MY GULAY!
We're done!
Now all you have to do is plate a couple scoops next to some white rice and let's eat!
It's talagang tasty AF!
ডালি-জবা কি নিজের নিজের লড়াইয়ে জিতবে? | [Advance News] | Joba | Ke Apon Ke Por|Dali|Bhojo Gobindo - Duration: 1:42.
How to make money on trash - Duration: 8:12.
No wonder we can not voluntarily get rid of old unnecessary things. This is a gold mine! This was proved by the Moscow project "Dump" (svalka.me), which earns 300-400 thousand rubles a month in net sales of old things (and if we add to this the Debosh project, which was organized by the same comrades, then all 600-700 thousand rubles ). The essence of the business - take all the household rubbish out of the apartments - for free or for a small compensation ("Dump" pays citizens the amount of 35 rubles per kilogram). Sort and distribute. Furniture and electronics that cannot be restored can be sent to the Debosh project (where angry people want it for between 2500 and 30,000 rubles). More- less tolerable clothes are passed to second-hand. Antiques - in antique stores. For the sale of the remaining things "Dump" arranges its own flea markets (twice a week). Some things are sold through their online store shop.svalka.me. That is, almost everything is attached at a price higher than 35 rubles per kilogram. This is the profit (minus the cost of transporting, storing and disassembling things). And this is not the limit of all possibilities of making money on trash. 1. "Dump" began to sell its franchise to other cities. Now St. Petersburg, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Tomsk are participating in this project (you can also connect, if you live in a similar city). 2. "Dump" rents its space for a photo studio and things for photo shoots at a price of 800 rubles per hour to 7,000 rubles per day (information from the wall of the group vk.com/svalkame). 3. Some of the items The dump is rented through the rental of Rentmania.org. 4. The dump offers cooperation to needleworkers. Either she sells their goods with a 10% mark-up in her online store, or leases them places on her flea market for 1000 rubles a day. So, on someone else's junk, you can create several streams of income. And it should pay off by default, because the junk is almost worthless, and you can make a lot of things out of it (in the plans of the Landfill - the creation of art objects from it). Remarkable in this idea is that in every Russian city, in every Russian apartment you can find a lot of junk. Some families will be happy to get rid of, while others will be happy to purchase (due to the lack of money for new things). Help those and others - and you will become a respected businessman in your city. Even if your city does not pull on a 2-millionth turn per month (like at the Moscow Dump), but it's definitely enough for a comfortable existence. You can create several parallel businesses based on your own "Landfill" - the same as in Moscow: you can create your Debosh, your second-hand, your antique shop, your own flea market, your own photo studio for photo shoots, your marketplace for craftswomen - etc. And all then you need to advertise in the local media (as the founders of the "Landfill" did a year ago - they simply placed the call "Rid of old things!" in the account of one of the founders), put the girl on the phone (to write down the addresses to go ) and organize a warehouse (it can be organized on the territory of something of a poor research institute - as "Dump" did - therefore the rent was very cheap). And that's all. Business is almost done. It remains to sort out the things and start to attach (you can just start selling on Avito. The founder of the "Landfill" Alexey Barinsky did the same when he moved from one apartment to another. His things, originally valued at 10 thousand rubles, he sold with the help of Avito and social networks for 80 thousand rubles. Read another story of one girl who sold her unnecessary things to a new car: goo.gl/7EJmHS). And this business will never end. Because it is not possible to quickly get all our apartments. Moreover, with the persistence of beavers, harvesting branches for their dam, we fill our apartments with all new things. For the present, "Dump" has not started making money on art objects from trash, you can already create and sell them. For example, watches from old vinyl records. Such a watch is made by a girl Olya from Kiev and sells them for $ 30 on Etsy (from the page etsy.com/shop/vinylmonstars). Or here are such jewelry made from natural stones and copper wire (one American makes one from recycled copper and sells them for $ 40 apiece - etsy.com/shop/RecycledBeautifully). Even from beer bottles you can create something original and useful. For example, glasses and glasses. These two sets of glasses and glasses, made from two beer bottles, one American woman sells at Etsy for $ 30 - see etsy.com / shop / RandomCraftsBySundee). Original bracelets from old silver forks are made by another American (and sells from etsy.com/shop/MarchelloArt). And they buy them well at a price of $ 30 for one fork piece. So, it is possible to earn even more on jewelry and handicrafts from old things than just reselling them without processing. So, Let us recall the main sources of income that you can create for yourself from the old things of our citizens (which they will gladly give you for free or for a minimal price): 1. Material support of your local attraction "Debosh" (such attraction is also needed in every city - so feel free to create it). 2. Resale of things in the second hands (or creating your second-hand). 3. Resale of antiques in antique shops (or creating your own antique shop). 4. Transfer of things to rental locations (or creating your own rental office). 5. Organization of flea markets in its territory. 6. Selling items through your online store. 7 Organization of photo shoots on its territory for a fee and renting things for photo shoots. 8. Sale of things craftsmen through your online store (for commission). 9. Rental of retail space in his flea market. 10. Upgrading and resale of furniture (see how this can be done over-profit: Upgrade furniture). eleven. Creating from old things new products and jewelry and selling them with a higher margin. 12. You can even create your own franchise and sell it to those cities where the Moscow Dump has not looked into yet. But it will depend on your ambitions.
Witch Cauldron vs Funny Buddy | Kick The Buddy - Duration: 6:56.
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খুব কঠিন প্রশ্ন করা হল | ডঃ জাকির নায়েককে (Ask Dr Zakir Naik Bangla) - Duration: 3:07.
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MEFIL Sindhi Track Karaoke By Ustad Manzoor Sakhrani Shab - Duration: 5:44.
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Singer Ustad Manzoor Sakhrani
Track Karaoke Mehfil
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Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill in HINDI & Urdu - Part 24 - Duration: 5:01.
think and grow
in hindi & urdu by napoleon hill dosto is videos series main me apko think and grow
rich book k tamam topics ko step by step cover kro ga
think and grow rich ak ase book ha jis ny boht sary logo ki zindge badal de or think
and grow rich in hidi urdu read karny k bad unho nay boht sare dolat kmai
think and grow rich napoleon hill one of the best top seller book ha jiski billon copies
sale hoi think and grow rich in hindi urdu series me complete topics or
napoleon hill kay jitny be experiences hen wo share karo ga.think and grow rich in hindi
urdu me lanay ka maksad ap logo ki zindage me change lana ha.
is say apko andaza ho jaye ga k ak insan kasay apni soch kay sath apni life-changing la sakta
ha or apny apko dolat mand bana sakata ha.think and grow rich videos
series mein har us experience ko share kia jaye ga jo napoleon hill nay apni zate zindage
mein dosry logo say seekhy.
napoleon hill kay mutabik insan zindage me asane say successfull ho sakta ha agar uskay
khyalat positive hun or apni zindage ko asane say badal sakta ha.
ap agar kise be motivational speaker say kise book ka pochay gay kay best
book kon se ha to wo apko think and grow rich by napoleon hill he recommend karay ga.
dosto napoleon hill think and grow rich ka musanaf ha jisne is book ko write kia hai.
Achat d'un local commercial pour votre entreprise, le bon choix - checklist - Duration: 4:43.
Videtar Review | Is This Really an All-in-One Video App? - Duration: 5:08.
Hey everyone Nate Valline here and welcome to the channel. In this video I'm
going to give you a pre-launch overview of the new release that a that is going
to be releasing this November 2nd, 2018, and it's known as Videtar. Videtar is
supposed to be an all-in-one solution for video marketers and I
have to say I am very excited about this because I'm going to get my hands on a
demo of this software and take it for a test drive and try out everything that
it involves. So I'm going to do a full comprehensive review on it so that video
markers like yourself, or even those that are looking to build and grow their
video presence and/or business on the internet and determine if this will be a
valuable solution that can help them achieve their goals, and is actually
something to go with. Now this is supposed to be an all-in-one video
marketing app, a one-stop shop that will allow you to do everything from video
research, video creation, all the way through to publication and ranking your
videos. Now if you're anything like me this could be a software that can make
your video marketing processes much more efficient. Currently my process, as well
as maybe yours, consists of manually performing many of the tasks on
different platforms as well as many, as well as by using many different tools.
All of which can take up a lot of time just by switching between them all. Now
it looks like the Videtar software has been designed in an easy to use and
very intuitive dashboard that all ability levels can learn. In this, with
this software you're able to find a hot keyword using the video research app.
Users don't even have to create their own videos as they can legally fetch
viral videos from YouTube with just one click. You can brand your videos with the
powerful green screen video editor, also add background music, lower thirds
watermarks, whatever whatever else you need. You can also rank your videos with
their powerful live streaming technology and inbuilt SEO and get free traffic to
make sales. Now the best part is is from what I hear also, is that this software
is not going to be anything that'll break the bank if you get in early the early bird
special when it launches I'm hearing that it's even gonna be less than 20
now on top of all of this, which is pretty neat, is the
team that is bringing the software to market it consists of three very
successful individuals, Cindy Donovan, Vick Carty and Yogesh Agarwal, each of them in
the own right have been very successful in their own professional lives and are
now collaborating on this project to bring their experiences together to
create this powerful software. Cindy in fact, if you don't know, is known as the
"Queen of the Internet" and has landed in both the Apex and Premier Elite groups
of Clickbank and in more recent years has been a creator of multiple best
sellers on the JVZoo platform and has built a seven-figure business of her
own. Now like I said I'm going to get my hands on a demo of this software and the
cart is opening on November 2nd, so if I think that Videtar is really
going to be a valuable marketing solution, then I will be letting you know
that and if you'd like to be on this launch or if you'd like me to notify you
when this product launches, then I will leave a link below in the description of
this video and you can add yourself to my early bird list. All you have to do is
click the link enter your first name and email address and you'll be added
I will then notify you once Videtar goes live and I will also be providing
you with a full product review in the next week or two. Now with that said I
hope you got some value from this video and if you did, give me a thumbs up, leave
any comments below and if you have any questions like I said I will be going
through Videtar in depth and you can watch over at my shoulder as I give you
my unbiased review of this new software solution. So again click the link below
get yourself added to the early bird list to get notified of the launch and
with that, this is Nate Valline, I am Nate Valline, I appreciate you, I
appreciate you for watching, have a great day and I'm signing off. Thanks!
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