You know, they they can save she they won't see again she we can
Dark dark
I love it. When I first got a task, you must wanna sail
North or course you will be when you're in first
You suck
Dozens More Brett Kavanaughs Are Getting Confirmed To Lifetime Appointments Each Month - Duration: 4:19.Now that Brett Kavanaugh's name has disappeared from the headlines, at least for the moment,
Democrats have stopped caring about the entire court system here, in the United States.
I say that because, just last week, we had Democrats in the Senate cut yet another deal
with Mitch McConnell to send 15 more Trump-picked judges to the benches throughout the country
for a lifetime.
A couple weeks before that, they sent another 11 on a fast track because of a deal they
made with Mitch McConnell.
Both instances were due to the fact that Democrats just wanted to get home for the weekend so
they could go campaign if they were running for reelection.
The rest of them, I guess, just wanted a little bit more time of.
So, they fast tracked these horrible corporate judges, and now they all have lifetime appointments
to benches throughout this country.
Here's the thing: They're all Brett Kavanaughs.
Maybe they don't have the allegations against them that Kavanaugh had of sexual assault,
but in terms of their beliefs of what they will do to the judiciary, all of these people
are Brett Kavanaugh.
Every single one of them.
Here's a good one that Esquire recently just did a little piece on.
Her name is Allison Jones Rushing.
Ms. Rushing was a part of a group, it's an anti-LGBTQ group, called the Alliance Defending
If you're not familiar with them, go take a look at the Southern Poverty Law Center's
profile of them, because they have been listed as a hate group because of their animosity
and bigotry towards the LGBTQ community.
This woman was right there with them, and she's gonna be on the bench for a lifetime.
Oh, and here's the kicker: She's 36 years old.
This woman could be on a federal bench for, what, 40 years?
50, maybe, depending on her lifestyle.
50 possible years for one person, and the Democrats already fast tracked 26 on top of
the more than 25 that Trump had already put forward earlier this year that made it through.
So, we're over 50 for the year, not including Brett Kavanaugh.
More than 50 Brett Kavanaughs serving lifetime appointments in federal courts, district courts,
appellate courts, everywhere.
They may not be as high profile as the US Supreme Court.
They may not be as powerful most of the time, but at the end of the day, that's where most
of the laws in this country are finalized.
That's where most of the court decisions are finalized, at that appellate level, the federal
court level.
Most cases don't go to the Supreme Court; most cases are gonna end with people like
Allison Jones Rushing or any of the other people that have been put on federal benches
for the next 30, 40, possibly 50 or more years.
Where's the Democratic outrage on this?
That's what's making me so angry here.
Our entire judiciary, not just the Supreme Court, has been remade under Donald Trump,
who is appointing and getting judges approved at a rate faster than any other president
really has.
I know we've set a lot, "Trump hasn't accomplished anything," but that sure as hell is something
he did accomplish, and it's not anything that any of us should be happy about.
He has remade the entire court system here, in the United States, and he still has 100
plus more seats to fill.
You'd better believe that every one of those seats out there, even though they're not on
the Supreme Court, Republicans take them just as seriously because, for some reason, they
happen to be the only party that understands how important the court system is, and it's
being remade in a way that's going to screw over American consumers.
It's gonna screw the environment and it's gonna screw over average mom-and-pop investors,
for the next few generations, at this point, because the Democrats wanted to go home for
a weekend.
Travelers and the Labyrinth Country #5 | Tale | the beautifull World x Danmachi | EN / ES* - Duration: 5:40.Story 6 - Country of Disappearance - Spirited Away -
That was good.
Sorry to make you pay for the food...
It´s my way of thanking you for being my guide. Don´t worry about it.
Thank you... Um, want to go see the walls next?
That sounds good. The sun´ll be setting soon. And if we leave Hermes alone for too long, he´ll get pouty.
I see...
Yeah, I asked a bunch of blacksmiths I know, but none of them had the right wood for a sheath.
For now, you can have the blade back. Içm done sharpening it, so should be as good as new.
Thank you.
I need to go talk to my familia´s blacksmiths about something else anyway, so I´ll ask about materials then.
Thank you so much for doing all this.
Don´t sweat it. After all, I don´t get my hands on a nice katana like that very often.
If I get anywhere I´ll contact the Takemikazuchi Familia.
Yes, please do.
Huh? Hermes is...
He´s gone... Did someone steal him?!
I didn´t hear him say anything, so probably not.
Huh? What´s this?
A letter?
"I´ll be back tomorrow Don´t try to find me."
So he wasn´t stolen after all.
No, no, no! I means, yes, but...
"It sounds like he ran away from home!" / "Could it be a kidnapping?"
It sounds like he ran away from home!
Ran away from home...? I don´t know if you can really say that about a Motorrad with no home in the first place.
That´s beside the point!
Don´t worry. I don´t know where he went, but I´m pretty sure I know who´s with him.
Hermes can´t move unless someone´s riding him. He´s probably with the other Hermes.
With Lord Hermes?
I´ve never seen him get so excited with someone he just met.
Th-Then if we look for Lord Hermes...
Yes, that´s probably the fastest way to track them down.
O-Okay! Let´s go find him right now!
Click-- Click---
Wow, this is a great place for photography! There´s nobody here, and it´s so moody...
Hey, is it safe to be around these monsters? They´re pretty big.
We´ll be fine with Ais here. And weirdly enough, when I look at them through the finder, they don´t scare me.
That´s the problem with you camera people...
The only things you´ll find around here are Orcs and Imps... They´re not that fast, so if you react calmly...
You know, you´re really strong, Ais. You took out dozens of them in an instant.
That´s not true... It´s not this easy for me further down.
Further down... I wonder what it looks like down there. I wonder if I´ll ever get to see that deep.
You´d be toast before you ever got to see anything.
I know that! I didn´t way I was actually going!
Let´s go back.
It´s seems... that monter´s different. Protecting you while I fight be a little...
Um... No matter how tough the monsters on this floor are, we´ll be okay right?
You never know what´ll happen in the Dungeon... Let´s head back up to the surface.
Do what she says. You got your pictures, and you don´t want to cause trouble, right?
7 Visionarios de la informática moderna - Duration: 9:57.-------------------------------------------
DIRECTO FORTNITE CON SUBS - Duration: 2:52:59.-------------------------------------------
1 How To Wash Men's Hair - Shampoo and Conditioner - Duration: 2:37.thank you for watching
How to earn money no need to invest || android earning app || ab paise kamana hoa asan - Duration: 9:41.App Link In Description
The Real Reason YouTube Went Down! - Duration: you youtube the most important website on the internet for an hour this week it was
down and not working and every single youtuber and their mom was freaking out
you had people like mr. beast on Twitter being like I need to go to college
animators being like I need to get a real job everyone pretty much knew
YouTube was gonna come back up but to this day we still don't know why YouTube
was down except I do just kidding but there are some theories which I'm gonna
share with you in this video enjoy
now the first theory that I want to debunk because it is so stupid is the
most popular theory that something hit the moon and that there was a video of
this impact that went up on YouTube and in order to cover it up YouTube needed
to shut down in order to scrub the website of that footage now let me tell
you why this is dumb this is dumb because if you wanted to remove a video
from the internet you need shut down more than just YouTube you need a shut
down Facebook you shut down twitch and you'd still probably not be able to
remove it because the Internet is ever existing so yeah
this theory is just it's just dumb okay the next theory is one that I actually
believe in strongly this theory is they in order stopped t-series from
overtaking pewdiepie as the number one subscribed channel on youtube the
nine-year-old army had an idea the idea is so dumb that it might just work tell
me more if there is no youtube then pewdiepie can't be dethroned it's quite
genius except it's not next theory so in recent
years twitter has become pretty dead in comparison to what it used to be
irrelevant so in order to boost the active users twitter HQ came up with an
idea an idea so insane that it just might work
heard that before they coordinated an attack to take down youtube so that people
would have no other choice but to go to Twitter and tweet about it thereby
increasing Twitter's active users that's genius and this worked for about an hour
that was probably the most active hour that Twitter has had in years
that's stupid so this theory is also pretty stupid so I bring you to my next
theory let me ask you some then who doesn't like YouTube the cable
companies so in an attempt to stay relevant the cable companies tried to
take down YouTube so that people would go back to cable which is a pretty dumb
idea because they forgot that Netflix existed okay you know stupid cable
companies the only thing stupider than the cable
companies are the people who give cable companies money just kidding
some people don't have any other option and I pray for those people every day
may you be blessed with good internet
anyway now the last theory that I have for why you two went down it's a juicy
one YouTube was trying to help its creators and solve the Demonetization
crisis they had a theory which was if there is no content then there's nothing
to demonetize and people won't get mad brilliant I
mean it's the perfect plan when you think about it right I mean no YouTube
no ads no demonetization I know okay this is this is stupid if you can't tell all these
theories have been jokes pretty bad jokes okay a more serious news pew pew pew pew
can do what is likely to have happened is that there was probably some problem
with the back end addressing system that YouTube uses with its CDN which had
something to do with the updates that I ICANN is doing to the global DNS or
maybe some Google employee got really mad that somebody disliked his video the
nerve so he just decided to burn the whole mother down
anyway I've been ridiculous enough for this video let me know if you have a
theory in the comments below and as always never share your password don't
do it
Citromfa moments - Duration: 2:20.-------------------------------------------
Learn the alphabet | Letter Q | How to write | Fine Motor Skills | Pevan and Sarah - Duration: 1:39.G'day there Cubs. Are you ready to get your finger out? We're gonna try the
letter Q. So you start at the top and you draw a big circle for a capital Q
Then you need to give it a little leg to stand on, great! Shall we try a lowercase
Q. Let's draw a little circle followed by a stick, well done! Now Q is a pretty
tricky sound to make it's a 'q'. 'Q' has a 'q' sound like question and
Queen. Queen, and also quiet! "Shh" oops, sorry, quiet. Okay Cubs, get your finger out and let's
try at capital Q. Let's try another one.
Now can you try a lowercase Q. Let's try one more. Well done!
Whispered: Bye finger.
Finger says: See ya!
A brief summary of my channel. - Duration: 0:24.Vas Geeht, that means what's up in German.
I'm khornbats.
I mostly upload a lot of gaming content like funny moments for overwatch and
black ops 3 and I plan to upgrade my library soon I just don't have a lot of
money I just love it I love playing games and I wanted to share that with
you so don't forget to subscribe if you want more gaming content
How to Control a Heavy Flow with 5 Natural Remedies|HFE♪ - Duration: 11:15.How to Control a Heavy Flow with 5 Natural Remedies
When a woman has a heavy flow, she has a medical condition known as menorrhagia.
It's one of the most common types of period problems and is characterized by an excessive amount of menstrual fluids.
It's a very uncomfortable medical condition that keeps women from being involved in many everyday activities.
Likewise, it may sometimes result into moodiness due to insecurity growing from the constant risk of leaking or staining.
Actually, if women experience a heavy flow for a prolonged period of time, they can suffer from anemia, physical weakness and other negative reactions that put their health at risk.
Therefore, you should be aware and try out several natural remedies that may help control it without the use of any medication.
Keep on reading!.
Apple cider vinegar drink.
Due to it being high in nutrients, apple cider vinegar is one of the best ingredients for reversing the negative effects of having a heavy period. It's great for reducing the risk of hormone imbalances and swelling.
At the same time, it's purifying properties makes it great for your overall health.
1 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar (15 ml) 1 cup of water (250 ml).
Dilute the apple cider vinegar in one cup of warm water.
Drink 2 or 3 cups every day at least 3 times a week.
Try to drink it every day before the week of your period.
Read this too: Apple Cider Beauty Secrets that You Should Know.
Cinnamon tea.
Cinnamon is one of the healthiest spices for a woman.
Consuming cinnamon can help with balance your hormones and reduce period related problems.
It has anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties that prevent premenstrual syndrome symptoms, among other things.
1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon (3 g) 1 cup of water (250 ml).
Put the teaspoon of ground cinnamon into the cup of boiling water.
Cover the drink, let it to cool for 10 minutes and strain.
Drink 2 cups of tea a day during the week before your period.
Raspberry leaf tea.
The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of raspberry leafs are great for treating some of the problems that come from having a heavy period. Their great amount of tannin content is good for the uterine area muscles.
They reduce menstrual pain and bloating.
1 tablespoon of dried raspberry leaves (15 g) 1 cup of water (250 ml).
Add the raspberry leaves to a cup of boiling water.
Cover the water, reduce heat to low and let it boil for 3 minutes.
Afterwards, let it cool for 10 more minutes at room temperature and strain.
Consumption. Drink 2 or 3 cups daily.
Start it 5 days before your period.
Bach flowers remedies.
Bach flower remedies aren't only a natural solution for menorrhagia, by consuming their extracts also reduces the sensitivity women experience during their period.
They're perfect for preventing mood-swings.
5 drops of Bach flower remedy extract ½ cup of water (125 ml).
Dilute the Bach flower remedy extract in a half cup of warm water.
Drink 2 times a day, before and after your period.
Check out this article too: How to Understand the Bach Flower Therapy in a Simple Way.
Licorice root and honey tea.
Licorice root contains active ingredients that help regulate the body's estrogen levels in order to stop heavy period flows.
Combining the root with honey creates a relaxing and anti-inflammatory remedy.
Therefore, by taking it you can reduce bloating and pain caused by your period.
½ tablespoon of licorice root (5 g) 1 cup of water (250 ml) 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g).
Add the licorice root to the cup of water and bring it to a boil.
When the water reaches a boil, turn down the heat to low and let it to cook for 3 minutes.
After 3 minutes, let it cool at room temperature for 10 or 15 minutes.
Once it's cool, strain it and add the honey.
Drink the tea at mid-morning and again in the afternoon.
Start drinking the tea 3 or 5 days before your period.
Go ahead and try out any of these natural remedies if you're a lady who struggles with having a heavy period.
The outcome of these remedies may vary case by case, depending on each woman's hormonal activity, they generally work well for calming the body down.
RITUALS TO ASK YEMAYÁ. With Carlos Real. - Duration: 21:12.-------------------------------------------
10 modern pubs names - the best names for your company - - Duration: 1:16.10 modern pubs names
Namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.
Choose your destination .. Assassin's Creed® Odyssey / Xbox - Duration: 9:31.-------------------------------------------
The 5 Best Homemade Repellents You Can Make|HFE♪ - Duration: 10:40.The 5 Best Homemade Repellents You Can Make
The advantage of these homemade repellents is that give your home and body a very nice aroma while keeping insects away.
Do you want to keep insects out of your home? Are you tired of getting bitten? There are currently many chemical products that help to fight them off.
However, it's good to know that there are some very effective natural solutions.
Since you are accustomed to using conventional insect repellent, you may ignore the fact that some components are dangerous for your health and the environment.
That is why many people are starting to make ecologic solutions that make use of the properties of some natural ingredients to keep insects away.
Although they are not as potent as normal products, their regular use is an alternative for protection without running the risk of having any side effects.
Are you ready to try them? Check out the following 5 recipes.
Basil repellent.
Basil is a plant you can use to make a natural repellent.
Due to its properties, it keeps mosquitoes away and prevents allergic reactions from bites.
2 tablespoons of dried basil (30 g) 1 cup of water (250 ml).
Put the dried basil in a cup of boiling water.
Let it sit until it cools and then strain.
Put the liquid in a spray bottle.
How to use.
Spray the repellent anywhere you want to keep insects away from Use 2 or 3 times a day.
Eucalyptus repellent.
The aroma from eucalyptus leaves is very unpleasant for insects.
Its components drive flies away and leaves a fresh smell in the area.
2 tablespoons of eucalyptus leaves (30 g) 1 cup of water (250 ml).
Add the eucalyptus leaves to a pot with water and boil over a low flame for 5 minutes.
Let it cool down to room temperature, strain and then pour it into a spray bottle.
How to use.
Spray the liquid on areas where you want to repel insects.
Use 2 or 3 times a day, as necessary.
Chamomile repellent.
A light formula for preventing insect bites is a chamomile mixture.
This simple repellent protects your skin from allergies and keeps mosquitoes and ants from landing on it.
2 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers (30 g) 1 cup of water (250 ml).
Add the chamomile flowers to a cup of boiling water Let the drink sit until it cools and then strain Pour the product into a spray bottle.
How to use.
Spray the repellent on your skin or areas where there are mosquitoes.
Use 3 times for the best results.
Clove repellent.
The natural oils that are in cloves contain active ingredients that repel a large number of insects.
Also, its aroma is very useful for neutralizing those bad odors in some areas of your home.
5 cloves 1 cup of water (250 ml).
Add the cloves to a cup of water and boil.
Once they begin to boil, cover the pot so the steam doesn't escape.
How to use.
Uncover the pot in the area where are a lot of insects.
When there isn't any more steam, rinse and spray the liquid.
Lavender repellent.
Due its aromatic and relaxing powers, lavender is one of the best options for keeping away insects that colonize in certain areas of the home.
Its smell is very unpleasant for mosquitoes and it's also great for getting rid of bad odors.
2 tablespoons of dried lavender flowers (30 g) 1 cup of water (250 ml) 1 teaspoon of essential lavender oil (5 g).
Add the lavender to the cup of water in a pot Bring it a boil over a low flame for 8 minutes Afterwards, remove it and let it cool down to room temperature.
Strain with a colander, mix with the essential oil and pour it into a spray bottle.
How to use.
Spray the repellent in the areas that you want to keep insects out of.
If necessary, you can spray it on your skin.
Repeat up to 3 times if you are outside.
Have you noticed that traditional insecticides give you an allergic reaction? Do you want to be more environmentally friendly? Don't think twice about making these natural repellents to replace those expensive harmful products.
Слово Божье «Божий труд, Божий характер и Сам Бог. Часть II Глава 3» - Duration: 44:53.-------------------------------------------
6 Vitamins You Must Have in Your Diet|HFE♪ - Duration: 7:39.6 Vitamins You Must Have in Your Diet
Certain vitamins should be top priority if you want your body to stay healthy and strong.
Deficiencies in these particular nutrients can cause serious health problems.
Eating a healthy, balanced diet is essential for a healthy body.
Among the nutrients that we must consume frequently are vitamins, absolutely essential to many different chemical processes in the body. Today we would like to tell you about 6 must-have vitamins so you can make sure to get enough.
Vitamin C.
Getting enough vitamin C is very important, especially in winter when the cold weather lowers your defenses.
Vitamin C helps prevent colds and the flu because it acts as an antioxidant.
A vitamin C deficiency will prevent your body from preparing healthy cells to defend themselves from viruses and bacteria.
Of course, consuming vitamin C won't guarantee you won't get sick, but it will help reduce your risk.
Some of foods with higher amounts of vitamin C are citrus fruits, like oranges, and kiwis.
Vitamin A.
If you don't have enough vitamin A in your body, you'll have vision problems. That's why vitamin A is famous for being "good for your eyes".
In addition, this substance is an antioxidant with the power to keep your immune system in good condition.
You can find it in:.
Animal fats Carrots Tomatoes Peaches Peppers.
Folic acid.
One thing that folic acid (vitamin B9) does for your body is prevent anemia. This illness involves prolonged fatigue but is preventable. To ensure you get enough folic acid, you should include plenty of vegetables and fruits in your diet.
We recommend strawberries and mangoes.
Vitamin B12.
Vitamin B12 is necessary for healthy nerve and blood cells.
It helps your body properly produce energy and create DNA.
As you age, your stomach doesn't break down proteins as efficiently, and so your body doesn't absorb the vitamin as well.
Thus, it is advisable to monitor your vitamin B12 levels as you get older. Specifically, your risk of a vitamin B12 deficiency begins to grow at 50.
Some of the foods that provide good amounts of vitamin B12 are fish, meat, eggs and dairy.
If you eat a vegetarian or vegan diet, you're at higher risk of a vitamin B12 deficiency, but it can also be found in grains.
Vitamin D.
Another must-have in your diet is the famous vitamin D.
It is a requirement for good bone health and proper calcium absorption.
In addition, a low level of vitamin D has often been linked to an increased risk of heart disease and cancer. This substance is unique in that you can get it from being in the sun. In fact, the sun is our main source of vitamin D.
People who are most vulnerable to a vitamin D deficiency are those who:.
live in cities with high levels of pollution.
usually wear clothes with more coverage.
have more pigmentation in their skin.
Vitamin B6.
Vitamin B6 plays a role in around 200 biochemical reactions in your body. You can see, then, why it is so vital to get enough of it in your diet.
Areas that will be affected if you don't:.
Sleep Appetite Mood Cognitive abilities Immune system Production of red blood cells.
Having low vitamin B6 levels is not common.
Even so, it's a good idea to make sure you consume enough by eating meat, whole grains and nuts.
Now you know: these are some of the vitamins that you really don't want lacking in your diet, nutrients that will seriously affect vital processes in your body if you don't get enough.
In everything from colds to heart disease, vitamins help protect your body and perform hundreds of necessary chemical reactions.
حظك اليوم الاثنين 22-10-2018 فى التوقعات اليومية للابراج بقلم عالمة الفلك د. نيفين ابو شالة - Duration: 6:11.Monday 22/10/2018
Many of the criticisms of others about your way and way of working so they accuse you of being arrogant, do not listen to anyone and continue your work because you are right
Your partner or lover is very close to you and can only breathe through you, and that makes you feel guilty
Look at things as they are and not as they wish and do not believe in the right to deal with an important thing you may face today
You may decide with the other party to change a lot of your direction to be your common ambition is the concern for you and the means of success
Some people today may put obstacles in front of your ambition and goals but you will go beyond them in a deliberate and intelligent way
Mobilize your emotional interests towards seriousness and work to secure your future and improve your family
You spend a lot of your money in unnecessary and unnecessary matters without thinking of the crises of time
May pass a dreamy and isolationist day and leave your imagination to fly away from reality and adopt shortness of love and love and forget reality
The Lion Tower
Have a good day full of luck and get a new income that will improve your life
Live pure pure love today and try to cheer your lover or partner in your own way
Think carefully about what you want to do today and how to pursue your goal and start implementing it directly because the doors of success are open to you
A surprise is hidden by your partner or lover with a valuable gift that will make you happy
Born in this tower On a day like this
The Artist Haifa Hussein
And the artist Fatima Al-Taabi
And the artist Ahmed Amr
And the artist Jasmine Jilani
Today it is a successful initiative that will make you feel good and content and will be the reason for your future good office
You may feel today that something is missing to be a good emotional state, although you are in utmost emotional harmony with the other party
Living a day of pride and vanity may negatively affect your relationship with colleagues at work
Today you have a good chance to atone for your mistakes and come back to the right path in your relationship with the other party
Sagittarius tower
An ambitious idea revolves around your mind today and you do not want to disclose it to anyone because you are afraid of not achieving it, explain it to others and you will be accepted and successful
Live with your partner or lover a day of romantic and dreamy love and insist on eternal love without separation
You may be wrong today to make the right decisions because of the frustration you have suffered so try to postpone all important decisions for next week
Your life today is experiencing more emotional stability, more family duties, and a better career
Today you are in a race against time in something, either be or not, be assured everything will be under your control as you want
Today you may be serious in dealing with the other side, forgetting your emotions, remembering the responsibilities of life and criticizing it by giving in to the difficult reality
You may have a problem with work today that is difficult to solve, let her now and do not care about her in the near future will make it as if it were not
Be aware of the intervention of some relatives in your relationship with your partner or lover, keep your independence, and be strong personal in dealing with them
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Namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.
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