[Rachel] People will stop you
and they'll be like, that is so cool. How did you do it?
[Teal] There's a few mishaps.
Including a broken foot.
[Jennifer] The tail was a challenge.
[Sarah] But we got it to stick
and now I have a pretty fly tail.
[Kate] I actually have loved Quake
since Agents of S.H.I.E.LD.
My name is Kate and I cosplay Quake from Marvel Rising.
[Sarah] I love Squirrel Girl
because she is a positive force to be reckoned with.
I love her.
I'm Sarah and I am Squirrel Girl.
[Teal] I wanted to cosplay Ms. Marvel
because it is my favorite comic book and she's just a great character to be.
My name is Teal and I am Ms. Marvel.
[Carolina]</font> Squirrel Girl is probably one of the most
positive Marvel characters I've ever seen.
Hi, I'm Carolina and I'm cosplaying as
Squirrel Girl!
[Daisy] I don't know.
I think she's a strong female and that's why I wanted to be her.
I'm Daisy and I am Ghost-Spider.
[Jennifer] I love Squirrel Girl.
I think she is such a force for positivity.
She's just wonderful.
I am Jennifer and I am cosplaying Squirrel Girl.
[Rachel] Carol is really powerful.
She resonates with me for a number of very personal reasons.
My name is Rachel and I am playing Captain Marvel today.
[Sarah] It's amazing to share a passion
with other people.
It just feels like you're really connecting.
[Teal] I think it's a great group to be in
and it's great to represent the stories and the characters you love.
And you see a lot of things that you recognize
and you know that you have something in common with that person.
[Daisy] I mean it's just nice to be amongst
a group of like strong women, you know?
[Kate] I have made a lot of friends.
[Carolina] C'mon in. We've got room.
Come join us!
[Teal] What I love about Marvel Rising is the
diverse group of characters and all of them coming together with their
different identities and choosing to be the good they want to see in the world.
[Sarah] I love so many things about Marvel Rising.
From the diversity, to the colors, to the different characters
that I love from the comics. It's just perfect.
[Carolina] There's so many like deeper meanings about it.
There's accepting who you are as a person.
[Rachel] If I had had that when I was a kid,
like what could have been the possibilities?
[Ms. Marvel] No way!
[Rachel] I love the legacy stuff that Marvel is doing.
I think it's so important for her and other female heroes to be there.
[Daisy] What don't I love about Marvel Rising.
The voice acting is awesome. The representation is amazing.
The fact that it's geared towards little girls is just incredible
and there's like women of color. It's awesome! In every aspect, yeah.
[Carolina] It shows so many different body types.
[Jennifer] It's all about friendship.
[Kate] I'm hoping for great things
from this show.
[Carolina] Like Squirrel Girl on nuts!
For more infomation >> Marvel Rising | Marvel Becoming - Duration: 2:53.-------------------------------------------
Dance Moms: Kalani's Solo "Dance in the Shadows" (Season 5) | Lifetime - Duration: 2:03.
Twitter Purges 1,500 Pro-Trump Accounts For Spreading Wrong Election Date - Duration: 3:17.
Last weekend Twitter suspended more than 1,500 fake accounts on their website.
Because those accounts were actually spreading incorrect information about when election
day actually is this year.
They were out there saying that election day was November 7th, which is Wednesday.
When in reality it's November 6th, the Tuesday.
Twitter linked these fake accounts back to a pro-Trump group that they believe started
on Reddit.
And they came up with the idea, allegedly as a joke, to create these fake twitter accounts
and go out there and try to confuse the liberals and tell them that they're supposed to vote
on Wednesday instead of on Tuesday.
Now we have seen this kind of stupid propaganda propping up on social media for years now.
Usually it is meant as a joke.
You'll see the thing, don't forget, Democrats vote on Wednesday.
Republicans vote on Tuesday.
Or sometimes vise versa.
We've seen it go the other way as well.
But here's the thing good on Twitter for actually doing something about this and stopping the
spread of this nonsensical propaganda.
You know, we have enough problems in this country as it is.
Without having to deal with these little proud boys on the internet who think they're so
funny trying to trick liberals and making them try to vote on Wednesday after the polls
have closed and the elections over.
Here's the thing Republicans, Democrats aren't as stupid as you are.
I mean, not all of them are the brightest out there but as a whole really not as dumb
as Republicans.
So your little trick probably wasn't gonna work to begin with.
But this is what social media outlets need to be working on, you know, they need to stop
banning these groups out there trying to showcase police brutality which is happening at an
alarming rate on Facebook.
And they need to focus more on the propaganda that's coming out because most of it is coming
from right here in the United States.
It's misinformation and it's damaging information that actually does threaten the vitality of
our election process.
So, again, kudos to Twitter for taking the correct step here.
You've got a lot more work to do though.
There's a lot of fake accounts spreading fake information trying to disrupt the political
discourse in this country.
And I'm not talking about other countries coming in and doing this creating fake accounts.
I'm talking about the ones right here in the United States on both sides of the aisle.
We see this happening too much.
It's poisoning the political discourse.
It's creating havoc in an area where there shouldn't be havoc.
The real fake news out there.
Not the stuff the president talks about but the actual fake news being spread by these
little idiots online.
That needs to be put to rest.
And these social media outlets are the only ones who can do that.
But in order to do it, they actually have to put forth a little bit of effort to help
clean up the platforms that they created.
That they've also allowed to grow completely out of control.
WORST Rappers in the Game? - NAV (Episode 24) - Duration: 15:35.
3 long months, and I am finally back to Hit you with another worst Rappers in the Game.
I know, it's been a Minute but don't lose your Faith, this series will never end, You
Know I Am always gonna Bring It Back.
And today we will be looking at Navraj Goraya, aka NAV, the self proclaimed brown boy of
hip hop.
To get an opinion of NAV's music, I listened to his self titled project, Perfect Timing
and Reckless.
Nav may claim to be the best brown boy in the game, but is he one of the worst rappers
in the game in My Mind?
Well this is CDTV and that's the question we'll be answering today, looking at Both
Sides of his music, positive and negative, Ups and downs.
Let's get right into it.
Part 1: Voice
Might as well start this off with a very obvious statement, NAV doesn't really have the largest
vocal range in hip hop.
One thing that you'll notice is his tone is very similar, on a lot of tracks.
This is especially true if you listen to his self titled album or many of the songs from
Perfect Timing, for the most part it doesn't even sound like he's making an effort to
change his delivery.
My Mind, Sleep, Minute and Hit are perfect examples of this, with Hit probably being
the worst offender.
The fact that the beat is more sleepy than most of the beats NAV uses just isn't great
when you combine it with his dead end rap singing which lasts for the entire song.
With some of these songs it just really feels like NAV is droning to me, and it makes it
difficult for him to carry an album past the 30 minute mark, most of the time.
You see, I say that because he does have his moments, especially on his most recent project
It's not a massive step up or anything, but I feel like he actually makes more of
an effort on this one to make his voice a little different and varied throughout the
The peak of this for me is the song Hold Your Hand, where NAV uses this weird, higher pitched
voice for most of it, and I think it genuinely sounds good and keeps the track interesting
from start to finish.
That's one of my favourites from NAV.
With most tracks on Reckless, I really do feel like he's trying more and I appreciate
Even on some older songs like Lonely, there's glimpses of him throwing a couple more layers
into his vocals to spice them up a little.
He just needs to do that a lot more often.
Of course there are occasions where him trying to step out of his comfort zone doesn't
work, such as Bring It Back where during the hook it sounds like the auto tune is struggling
to keep his vocals in key, then there's Glow Up where he ends each line in this really
goofy way, but mostly I appreciate when he sounds like he's somewhat trying a bit more.
When it comes down to his voice, I feel like NAV can be very divisive, and despite my criticisms,
I actually do enjoy his vocals to some degree.
Sure, it doesn't vary much, but I think that's why I feel really comfortable listening
to his music.
I know his voice isn't anything crazy or unique, and he massively leans on auto tune,
but it gives off a nice relaxed vibe a lot of the time, and I don't hate it as much
as a lot of people do.
Based off of what I've said here, I'm gonna give NAV a 5.5/10 for his voice, right
in the middle.
I think he's getting better, and there's even songs where he uses a more low-key voice
that I do enjoy.
But, his voice has also stopped a lot of his songs from reaching their full potential,
so I can't give him a much higher score than that.
Part 2: Flow
Let's start this segment off with some nice good positive points.
There are 2 songs in particular where I absolutely love NAV's flow, and that is his featured
verses on the songs Maintain and Bali.
The one on Maintain really surprised me because it was so consistent and has a few more flow
switches than your average NAV song.
It's one of my top verses from him.
And in Bali his flow just suits the song perfectly, that verse genuinely gets me hyped up.
But those really are the most standout flows from NAV, because on almost every other song
he's just pretty standard when it comes to this area of his music.
In this case I kinda get it, because having multiple crazy flow switches doesn't really
suit the vibe his music is going for, it would kinda disrupt that sleepy atmosphere, but
to say his flow is anything above just alright would be a stretch to me.
He does kinda push sticking to one flow for too long to the limit though, and to show
you what I mean let me play you a clip of his song called I Am
That flow sounds pretty nice right?
Yeah it really does... until you reach the 3 minute mark of the song and realise he's
still using the exact.
I'm not joking, there's not a single flow change on that song and it really takes away
from how good it could've been.
It's the same on songs like My Mind and Minute, a song where NAV's flow is so dull
that Playboi Carti decides to actually rap on it to compensate.
That's a landmark achievement.
I will admit however that NAV's cadence typically does help his songs have the vibe
that they do, and that's why I'm not gonna be too harsh and I'll give him a 4/10.
He does have a couple standout moments like I said and his flow is suitable for the sound
he's going for, it's just a lot of the time it can get a bit dull and repetitive.
Part 3: Lyrics
I've heard a lot of people call NAV one of the most uninspired lyricists out there,
and wow they were not joking.
I don't think he's the absolute worst, but I have a lot to talk about, so let's
just dive into it.
There's one particular aspect that NAV is awfully unique in, and that is the fact that
he manages to nail sounding really creepy with his lyrics an awful lot, a trait which
I don't think I've seen from many rappers in this series so far.
A trait I don't really wanna see from rappers in this series.
The song "Lonely" appears to be about NAV trying to coerce a girl into doing drugs
with him when she really doesn't want to.
Why are you so desperate for her to do drugs when it's clear she's not into that?
It's just very questionable.
Then we all know about the lyric on Glow Up, where he says "I grab that *** and she call
me a p3rv, she opened her legs so I had to insert".
Now that coulda been a completely consensual interaction, she might've been playfully
calling him a p3rv, that doesn't seem normal, but he really made it sound as non-consensual
as possible.
Not really something you wanna do when you wanna portray this image of a stereotypical
rapper who gets a lot of women without even trying.
Seriously, just listen to his albums and you'll be able to compile a list of questionable
and creepy NAV lyrics in no time.
Another big issue I have in this category is his inconsistency with his thoughts on
certain things.
What I mean by that is I've noticed he always kinda seems to contradict himself or seem
hypocritical, and this really stops him from building a consistent character that you can
buy into.
Personality is pretty important in rap, and NAV doesn't have much of one.
Case in point, "Wanted You".
I really enjoy the sound of the song, but it makes NAV look clueless when you consider
the lyrics.
He talks about a girl he thought he liked cheating on him, but it's hard to sympathise
when in the song "Interlude" he literally says; Damn, I can't believe such a noble,
loyal man got cheated on.
My heart bleeds for you NAV.
He does have some promising moments where he actually drops some fairly depressing lines
into his songs, such as these ones but they appear so randomly amongst lines that aren't
emotional at all that they don't really hold that much weight.
There's only rare and welcome occasions like Held Me Down where he fully displays
some emotional vulnerability, but it doesn't happen regularly.
I guess the last thing I want to say is that Hold Your Hand is also my favourite in terms
of lyrics, I really do like that song.
He basically talks about giving a girl all this attention, but her never really appreciating
it and never being there for him.
I just heard this song right when I was feeling a similar thing, so this one stuck with me
Not to mention, the last verse where he references the majority of his song titles in a way that
mostly makes sense is genuinely a nice bit of writing.
Also, re-watch the intro of this video and you'll notice I did the same thing just
cause I thought it'd be fun.
Overall, I'm gonna give NAV a 1.5/10.
There's the odd track I can relate to and a few lyrics that were nice, but for the most
part NAV just embodies the stereotypical rapper image with very few unique aspects.
(Also, he's gonna let you know that he is, and I quote, a "brown boy" very very often)
Part 4: Beats
Now unlike most rappers in this series, NAV produces or co-produces a large majority of
his own beats, and that's something I can always commend.
You can definitely tell he has a very particular production style, with most of his work sounding
pretty subtle and nocturnal, usually with very subdued vocal samples in the background
of the beats.
Now I personally enjoy a decent amount of his lowkey style of production, but there
are a couple instances where he can be so lowkey with his beats that they're almost
This happens mostly with songs on his self titled project, like TTD or the suitably named
Most of the instruments are barely even present, and if you mix a dead beat with NAV, he's
never gonna be able to revive it.
Honestly the production got pretty repetitive on that album.
I do think NAV's solo production style is alright as a whole, but when I look at my
favourite songs from him, 90% of the time NAV doesn't have a production credit on
them or they're co produced.
Hold Your Hand, Champion, Freshman List, Wanted You, Both Sides, these are just a handful
of tracks where I love the beats and they're entirely handled by other producers.
For me, this is a sign that he should definitely work with other producers beats a lot more
in the future, because he can make some relatively nice songs over them.
At the very least I would love if he had more co-produced tracks, because his collab album
with Metro Boomin definitely contains some of my favourite beats that he's used.
Just listen to the one on I Am, that's a sound that I absolutely love.
Overall I'd have to say I mostly really like the beats NAV chooses to use, but I definitely
appreciate that he's working more and more with other producers and I hope he continues
to do so.
I'll give him a 7/10 here, considering the fact that the beats are hugely responsible
for making sure his songs don't get too boring.
I personally like the moody night time aesthetic his music gives off, and a lot of that sound
can be credited to the production.
My biggest issue is really that it just gets quite repetitive and bland on his self titled
Part 5: Enjoyment
So to rank my enjoyment of his albums, it goes like this; Perfect Timing as my favourite,
because even though NAV is still quite monotone on here and it doesn't need to be as long
as it is, it's actually pretty perfect night time driving music and it has the highest
proportion of memorable songs, then Reckless because even though there's some awful and
forgettable tracks, it does have some hits on there, and in last place we have his self
titled album because even though there's some songs I really enjoy on that one, it
showcases NAV at the peak of being moody, generic and bland.
If you've heard one NAV song you've heard most of his discography, but it's great
music to put on if you just wanna relax in my opinion.
Or turn up as well.
Maybe this is just me with my friends, but I'm not joking when I say I've partied
to the exact same NAV songs that I've fell asleep to, the best way I can describe it
is dead hype.
NAV embodies genericism in most aspects of his music, and he does it in the least energetic
way, but I'd be lying if I said I don't replay his songs a whole lot.
You guys would probably be shocked at how many of his songs I listen to frequently.
I know his music is generic and standard, but the overall vibe just works for me a lot
of the time.
I'm gonna give NAV a 7/10 for my enjoyment rating, and I'll be patiently awaiting the
roasts I'm gonna get in the comments for this one.
Part 6: Verdict + Ranking
So overall, NAV gets a final score of 25/50 here, a nice even 50%, which actually is a
somewhat high score for this series.
This places NAV at the 10th spot on our list, something I'm sure people will point out
and criticise when they see the list without watching this video to see my reasoning.
This puts NAV above Smokepurpp, but below Juice WRLD.
I can understand why NAV gets the heavy criticism that he does, but I don't think his music
is as bad as most people say.
Obama Endorsed Grandson Of A Terrorist And Soros-Supported Candidate – Refuses To Return Money Again - Duration: 6:23.
Nightcore - Somebody Else (Female Version) - Lyrics - Duration: 2:24.
This video includes lyrics on the screen
Trump Hints at Another Round of Big Tax Cuts! - Duration: 2:21.
Pokémon ShinyGold X - Episode 58: Exploring Cerulean City | Carlos' Last Showdown - Duration: 22:44.
This is for Jasmine!
Next time, we're going to examine the GS-Ball and have someone fix the GhostBuster.
Who Needs An Intermediate-Range Nuke Treaty With Russia Anyway, Amirite? - Duration: 3:53.
Every time the media thinks they've found one outrage by the President to sink their
teeth into he turns around and throws another knuckleball down the pipe.
And to be honest, I don't know if anybody saw this one coming.
President Trump decided to announce this weekend that he was considering pulling us out of
the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty with Russia.
He's claiming that the Russians have violated the agreement already (and there are certainly
suggestions that they have) and he wants both them and China to reset the arms race.
Otherwise, he will order our own weapons gurus to develop competitive weaponry.
(NY Post)
President Donald Trump says he will pull the United States from the Intermediate-Range
Nuclear Forces Treaty with Russia.
Trump says Moscow has violated the agreement, but provided no details.
The 1987 pact helps protect the security of the U.S. and its allies in Europe and the
Far East.
It prohibits the United States and Russia from possessing, producing or test-flying
a ground-launched cruise missile with a range of 300 to 3,400 miles.
Defense News has some good background on precisely how far back this debate goes.
The Obama administration accused the Russians of violating the agreement but didn't do
much more than that.
Last year, our Joint Chiefs made a more specific allegation, saying that the Russians' testing
of a ground-based cruise missile violated the agreement.
Add to that the credible intelligence reports that Russia's new hypersonic "waverider"
missile will be ready to deploy by 2020 and you've got more than enough cause for concern.
What's more difficult to figure out is whether Donald Trump is serious about this threat
(he's sending John Bolton overseas presently to discuss the matter) or if it's a negotiating
He's pretty volatile in that regard and I'm positive that is by design.
Our adversaries never know precisely when he's just angling for position or getting
ready to deliver a punch.
(Of course, some could argue that the same goes for our allies.)
Russia was never scared of Barack Obama, but they're clearly being more cautious around
Going back to the days of cold war weapons escalation isn't a desirable outcome, no
matter how this plays out.
The more advanced the technology becomes, the more we risk losing the one assurance
which has kept the lid on a nuclear exchange for decades.
We have long relied on the concept of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD).
Nobody wants to strike first if they know it will be a terminally pyrrhic victory.
For example, the Russians probably have enough nukes to wipe out most of the population centers
in the United States with a Time on Target attack.
But they also know that in less than a day all of our boomers will surface and launch
a flock of nukes that will darken the skies.
If the technology gets too good, one side or the other might start thinking that just
maybe they could get away with it, still survive and win the war in one fell swoop.
And that's some dangerous thinking.
Of course, we can't afford to simply lay back and let the Russians develop whatever
they want and do nothing in response.
So all things considered, while I would hate to see us pulling out of the agreement, Russia
may have left us no choice.
Let's wait and see if Trump can negotiate his way into a winning hand first, though.
Cringe Nerd - PlayStation (Official Music Video) - Duration: 3:33.
Girl played me like a PlayStation!
Playin' all these games like a PlayStation!
Got all these problems like a PlayStation!
Got all these problems like a PlayStation!
Girl played me like a PlayStation!
Playin' all these games like a PlayStation!
Got all these problems like a PlayStation!
Get a controller and put in the game!
Playin' XBOX, b*tch is a lame!
Can't read the disc, red screen of death!
Fixing this thing got me all outta breath!
Sent you a message, left me unread!
Brand new controller, that's what I need!
Gotta memory card, now I feel complete!
But it's all our memories that I gotta delete!
This thing's getting heated!
Ooh, she really cheated!
Mortal Kombat, Fatality, now you defeated!
Eat, Sleep, Play, Repeatin'!
Just died in Crash Bandicoot, now I'm screamin'!
Had enough of your sh*t, now I'm leavin'!
Resident Evil, gonna leave ya bleedin'! (Aye)
Girl played me like a PlayStation!
Playin' all these games like a PlayStation!
Got all these problems like a PlayStation!
Girl played me like a PlayStation!
Playin' all these games like a PlayStation!
Got all these problems like a PlayStation!
Hack into the console, get some games!
No little b*tch, stop with these claims!
Talk about me on your stories! (Snapchat Stories)
Sony, Nintendo, they got some stories!
My life feelin' like a f*ckin' TV series!
Wanna 4th chance? Are you serious?
Got good looks, but personality hideous!
Start-up my engine, now you got me furious!
And you think I don't know...STUPID IDIOT!
...that you're dating
Oops it was a secret!
My apologizes, hope I didn't spoil it!
Lil f*cking h*e, why you so annoying?
You the dumb b*tch, I'm always trynna avoid!
It's the bond we had, you had to destroy it!
Like an old PS2, lil b*tch making noise!
Three Natural Soaps You Can Make at Home|HFE♪ - Duration: 11:52.
Three Natural Soaps You Can Make at Home
Homemade soaps have been getting quite popular. They're made from herbal extracts and essential oils along with vegetable and animal fats.
And they're good for you! The soap's properties vary depending on its ingredients.For example, some can be very stimulating while others can be relaxing.
The benefits of natural soaps.
The major difference between homemade natural soaps and those made on an industrial scale is their production.
Artificial soaps contain a lot of synthetic ingredients, like most other cosmetics.
However, this isn't the case when they're made with natural ingredients.
Here are some advantages of using natural soaps as opposed to commercial ones:.
They contain glycerin. Glycerin is very good for your skin and hair.
However, in synthetic soaps it is taken out.
The reason? So that it can be sold separately.
As a result, they lose a lot of their great properties.
They don't contain chemicals. Generally, chemicals are added to make it foam up more and for fragrance.
However, they can also cause allergic reactions and irritation.
You can make them fit your needs. Depending on what skin issues you have or what you're looking for in a soap, you can decide which ingredients to use.
There is a wide variety, each with their own healing properties.
You can be sure of the quality of the ingredients while protecting the environment by not contributing to the pollution that commercial processing causes.
Natural soaps to make at home.
Soap for acne.
When looking for ingredients to treat your acne, consider the following:.
Clay Thyme Turmeric Bio-sulphur Rosehip.
Here are the steps to follow to make anti-acne thyme soap.
Dye Dried thyme Thermometer Olive oil Lye Coconut oil Rectangular mold Soap cutter Demineralized water Almond oil Thyme essential oil Gloves, goggles, and a protective mask.
Mix the water and lye in a heavy-duty bowl.
The mixture will be exposed to very high temperatures.
As such, stir gently without splashing; it's best to cover your skin while stirring.
Heat the oils in a saucepan to about 40°C (100°F).
Mix the two mixtures once temperatures reach 40°C to 50°C (100°F to 120°F).
First, add the oils followed by the lye and water, then stir with a whisk for several minutes.
Add the thyme oil and dye (optional).
Pour into the mold and decorate with thyme.
Cover until dry; it may take between one and three days.
Remove from the mold, cut, and store for a month or 40 days for it to saponify.
Soap with olive oil.
Did you know that olive oil can also be used to make soap? It helps keep the water and fats that make up your skin balanced and thus enable it to defend itself against external pathogenic microorganisms.
1 liter of virgin olive oil 300 ml of water (1 ½ cups) 125 g of lye (½ cup).
Add the lye little by little to the water and stir, as described in the first recipe.
Again, be very careful not to burn yourself as this mixture will reach very high temperatures.
Heat the oil in a pot until it reaches a similar temperature to the first recipe (it shouldn't be too high).
Very carefully combine both mixtures, stirring continuously and preferably with a whisk.
Keep over low heat and stir for about 30 minutes.
When it becomes more solid, turn off the heat.
Keep stirring without any heat until it reaches a consistency that's similar to a paste.
At this point, add the herbs or essential oils that you'd like.
Place in molds. Once it has solidified, remove from molds and let saponify.
Natural green tea soap.
On top of its many health benefits, green tea can also be used to make soap.
What properties does it offer? It's extremely moisturizing and full of antioxidants.
450 g of coconut oil (3 ½ cups) 80 g olive oil (8 tablespoons) 300 g shea butter (2 ½ cups) 125 g lye (½ cup) 320 ml demineralized water (1 ½ cups) 30 g of green tea or Camellia oil (3 tablespoons) 10 g of green tea powder (1 tablespoon) Green tea aromatic essence (to your liking) Tins.
As with the previous soaps, combine the lye with the water and stir.
While the previous mixture cools, in a saucepan melt the shea butter and coconut oil. When it's almost melted, add the olive oil, then turn off the heat.
Weigh 30 grams of green tea oil and 10 grams of green tea powder to add to the mix.
This will be used at the end.
Pour the oil into a large bowl and stir in the water and lye mixture when both have reached room temperature.
Stir gently using a whisk.
When the texture resembles a paste, add the green tea and green tea oil, stirring continuously. Next, add the aromatic essence to your liking.
Transfer to the mold and sprinkle green tea powder on top. Let dry 24 hours and remove from mold.
Cut into bars and let saponify for 4 weeks.
Finally, we should mention that your workspace needs to be properly ventilated.
The combination of acids can have harmful effects if they're not quickly dispersed.
Aside from the safety recommendations, making these soaps is simple.
In just minutes, you'll have natural soaps that are perfect for soft, protected, and moisturized skin.
Easy, Useful, and Natural Chamomile Remedies|HFE♪ - Duration: 11:19.
Easy, Useful, and Natural Chamomile Remedies
Although you may be used to drinking chamomile tea, you can also enjoy its benefits as an essential oil or applied topically.
Chamomile remedies have been used for thousands of years as one of the most powerful medicinal plants.
The ancient Egyptians valued it so much that they dedicated it to Ra, the supreme sun god.
They used it to treat malaria, among other problems. In germanic mythology, it was one of the 9 sacred herbs sent from Odin to humanity to protect it from evil and sickness.
In Rome, it was used as a remedy for migraines and urinary infections.
During the Medieval Times in Europe, they used chamomile as a diuretic and tonic to cure pain and fatigue.
In South Africa, they used it traditionally to fight insomnia, lumbago, hysteria, rheumatism, and sore throat.
The name "chamomile" in Spanish is "manzanilla," derived from the Spanish word for apple because its scent is very similar to that of an apple.
Its essential oil is used in many manufactured products.
Uses of Chamomile.
As a Sedative and Hypnotic.
One of the most known uses of chamomile tea is that it's relaxing and used to induce sleep.
It's also used to calm down hyperactive children and to sooth babies.
Thanks to its characteristics that reduce anxiety, chamomile is used in many manufactured products to fight it.
For Digestive System Problems.
Another common use of chamomile is as a spasmolytic against swelling and gas, to control diarrhea and constipation, as well as indigestion, stomach aches, nausea and vomiting.
Because of its properties, it serves to treat irritable bowl syndrome and diverticulitis, among other problems that can stem from not taking proper care of your digestive system.
For Mild Infections.
Mild infections are those that don't require medications like antibiotics and that you can treat at home.
For cystitis, it's used in hot baths. In the case of the common cold, you can inhale the vapor.
For external infections on your skin, you can use it in a lotion or poultice; in the case of infections in your mouth and gums you can use it like mouth wash, or like lotion for conjunctivitis.
Other Uses.
For hemorrhoids: Chamomile ointment reduces the irritation of hemorrhoids.
Menstrual cramps and other painful spasms: Chamomile tea calms period pains, as well as relieves lumbago and migraines.
Rheumatism and arthritis: Used as a poultice, chamomile helps relieve pain.
Tooth pain: Chamomile ointment or tea lessens the pain in babies that are teething.
Drug use: Chamomile tea helps reduce anxiety in people with addictions suffering from withdrawal.
Controlling diabetes: Drinking chamomile tea daily controls diabetes and lowers your blood sugar levels.
Natural Chamomile Remedies.
Homemade Remedy for Menstrual Cramps.
These common but uncomfortable problems for women can see some relief through chamomile tea.
1 tablespoon of chamomile (15 g) 1 cup of water (250 ml).
Put all of the ingredients in a pot and boil it.
Let it cool down and drink it when it's warm.
Homemade Remedy for Headaches.
Chamomile is also very useful to make a type of wine that can soothe common symptoms like anxiety and migraines.
This remedy is not for those under the age of 21.
4 cups of white wine (1 liter) 3 tablespoons of chamomile flowers (45 g).
Add the chamomile flowers to the white wine and let it sit for 10 days to steep.
After the flowers have time to soak, you can drink it.
Drink 2 cups per day, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon (150 ml).
Homemade Remedy for Acne.
Applying chamomile on the areas with acne will really help to fight this problem, which most frequently occurs on your face.
1 tablespoon of chamomile (20 g) 1 cup of water (250 ml) Cotton balls.
Pour the water into a pot with the chamomile and heat it until it boils.
Let it sit for 15 minutes.
After the indicated time passes, dip the cotton balls in the mix and apply it to the affected areas, massaging it in a circular motion.
Let the applied liquid stay on your skin until you shower next.
Remedy for Digestion.
Thanks to its essential oils, chamomile is very effective to calm inflammation, cramps, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal pains.
1 tablespoon of chamomile (15 g) 1 cup of water (250 ml) 1/2 teaspoon of honey (10 g).
Add all of the ingredients to a pot.
Turn on the heat and heat it until it boils.
Let it sit.
Sweeten it with the honey and drink it warm before every meal.
Chamomile has an endless amount of properties that are very beneficial for your body, whether you drink it or apply it to your skin.
This medicinal herb helps you alleviate the uncomfortable symptoms of many illnesses.
Don't miss out on trying chamomile to enjoy better health.
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