Hey, guys, it's me Rahul and this is a video that I wanted to do for a very long time,
finally got time to do it.
So without further ado, let's begin.
The reason why I decided to make a video like this is that I absolutely love customizing
and turning an old phone at least to an usable one.
so before we get started, make sure that your device is rooted and has a custom recovery
installed on it.
If you haven't done any of that go ahead and do it, I cannot exactly explain how to root
and install custom recovery because the procedures differ based on the phone that you are using.
If you are too scared to root your phone then check the description down below there will
be a timestamp click on that, it will skip this video to a part where I explain a way
to stop apps from running in the background on non-rooted devices.
There are multiple ways to improve the performance of an old device, I will explain all of them
in this video.
One of the main reasons why an old device becomes so laggy and slow is because of the
bloatware apps that come with it.
Most of These apps are not useful at all.
So first we need to get rid of them.
The app that I strongly recommend is system app remover, it is an awesome app to remove
system apps and batch uninstall applications.So install the app from the link in the description
then open it and select all the bloatware apps and click on uninstall and wait for a
couple of minutes.
After you have done doing all that just restart your device.
You might immediately notice a small if not significant improvement in the performance.
Ok, that is just one of the simple things that we are doing.
Now we are moving on to the next stage
Now you have removed the unwanted apps. but what if the app that potential making your
phone slow is an app that you use on a regular basis.
Then there is a way to fix that.
What we are gonna be basically doing is force stopping that app from running in the background
so that way, that particular app won't use any resources such as memory and CPU. there
are of course a dozen of apps out there which can do that for you.
I will leave the links to ..at least 3 in the description down below.
An app that I'm using for a long time is greenify, it is a popular app among root users, it has
a very simple UI and it works really well.
Not only these apps improve the performance of a device, but it also saves some juice
I don't recommend force stopping an app that you use very frequently because that
app has to load in every bit of data it needs back in to memory again to open up, which
will take a bit of time, and makes your phone's performance even worse.
So use greenify on apps that you don't use that often.
Another app that I recommend is shut app, this app doesn't require root access, but
it takes a lot of time to force stop applications, but if you are using greenify it does it in
Another app that I'm using for a couple of months is icebox, besides stopping apps from
running in the background, it will also hide the apps that you have selected from the launcher
as well.
I don't recommend you to use all of the apps that I just mentioned at once, just use one
because that's pretty much all you need.And also don't use any fake battery saver apps,
because to be honest, they all are trash.and it makes your phone even worse, so please
don't use those "battery saver" apps.
There is an app called xposed installer, you can use it with greenify to unlock more features.
Installing xposed installer onto your phone can be a tough job if you have no experience
with root apps, so I will leave a link to a tutorial in the description.
So if you have any doubt regarding this check it out.
Talking of xposed installer, there is another awesome app that you can use with xposed installer
to save some juice.
the app is called amplify, You can download it for free from the xposed installer app.
So amplify is an app that put applications to sleep, the simple way to explain what exactly
this app does,, is to consider a situation like this, you locked and put away your phone
and then there is an app trying to wake it up, let's say that app wants to send a notification
alert, if you have enabled amplify then amplify would say "no you cannot wake up the phone
right now, I will let you send this alert another time" so that is basically what amplify
does, It is very similar to the doze feature in Android.
the app is a bit difficult to use.
But once you get hang of it, it is pretty easy.
You can also use magisk mods to kind of do the same things, but for this video i'm
assuming you are using an older device.
So i'm gonna be talking about some mods that works on older versions of android.
Ok, Now I have covered all the things that you can do with apps, So now we are moving
to the next level.
In which we are gonna be dealing with custom ROMs and Custom kernels.
Before that, let's look at what is a ROM and a kernel is.
ROM:"A file containing the executable instructions (a system image) of an Android OS and affiliated
KERNEL: "It is the central part of an operating system.
It manages the tasks of the computer and the hardware - most notably memory and CPU time."
Those are very simple explanations.Now you have got a basic idea about ROM and kernel,
Let's see how it affects the performance of a device.
ROM is basically the operating system, that manages all the files and operations.
ROM also manages the user interface, which plays a big role in the experience that you
get out of a phone.
User interfaces can sometimes make your phone laggy even if your device has top of the line
The kernel on the hand is a piece of software which manages memory access for apps, You
can think of kernel as a link between a software and a hardware.
It is one of the core components of an OS.
It also plays a big role in the overall performance of a device because kernel deals with the
memory management and communication.If I explain more, it is gonna sound even more complicated.
So I'm not gonna do that
The last thing that you can do to improve the performance of a device is by flashing
a custom ROM and a custom kernel onto the device.
It might sound pretty complicated but, it is actually very simple.
The ROM that comes with the phone that is preinstalled on your device by companies is
called a "stock ROM".
One of the main problems with these stock ROMs is that companies will add skins and
some features on top of the original android to make it look appealing.
In return of these modifications, the software part of a device will perform poorly, lags
and glitches will happen.I'm not saying all Skinned Stock ROMs are bad, I actually like
To install a good custom ROM onto your device, first you need to find one, So this is what
you have to do,
go to forum.xda-developers.com then type in the name of your device here and it will take
you to this page, from here click on Android development then click on ROMS.If your device
isn't popular enough it won't show up in the search bar, in that case, do a google
search like this.
Custom ROM followed by your phone model followed by site:forum.xda-developers.com , I will
leave an example in the description so, it will be easy for you to just copy and paste
it on to your search bar.
I also want to say that, xda is not the only place from where you can download custom ROMs.
There are actually a couple of awesome websites, but the reason why I recommend xda is that,
90% of custom roms are built by an xda member, and if you face any issues while installing
or after installing, there is a community to help you solve those problems.
Selecting a custom rom can be a pretty tough job, so Read through the features and bugs
reported by the users and download the one that you like.
You could do the same for finding a custom kernel as well.
Flashing a custom kernel isn't necessary because most roms already have kernel files in them,
so if you flash a custom rom, the kernel will also be installed onto your phone.
Custom Kernel has so many cool features such as swap partition, CPU overclock support,
advanced color controls, and "multi rom" support.
So read through the forum post and carefully select one kernel that you like and download
the files,
If you have downloaded the files using a PC, move the files to your phone.
There are a couple ways to install custom roms and kernels, the common way is by using
custom recoveries, It is fairly simple these days to flash a rom file because new custom
recoveries have a very simple UI.
It doesn't matter which custom recovery you are using since all of them kind of have the
same UI.
Ok, now I will show you how to flash a custom rom Just reboot into recovery, if that sounds
pretty complicated to you, then download and an app called reboot recovery from the link
in the description.So you don't have to press and hold multiple buttons to get into recovery
when you see some fancy text and other UI elements, look for something similar to "backup
and restore".
tap on it, and backup your current rom, because if something goes wrong you can always restore.
Before flashing a rom you should wipe all the cache and user data and system.
So for that look for something that says " wipe" select that menu and wipe the cache,system
and userdata.
you are basically factory resetting your phone now.
Sometimes you might need to wipe some other things too, so read the forum post carefully.
Then look for something similar to "install zip".Tap on it, select the custom rom zip
file and just install it.
If you want to flash a custom kernel you must do it after you have installed the rom, otherwise,
the custom kernel will get replaced by the kernel that comes with the custom rom.
To install a custom kernel follow the same steps ie, select the zip file and flash it
and then just restart your device.
If you come across any problem just go to that Custom ROM's forum thread and report
the problem that you had , and developers will help you to solve it.If that problem
persists just restore your rom back and try again with another rom file.
If everything goes well, You have a new device on your hand.The first thing that you want
to do is, make use of the features of the kernel and the rom, to enhance user experience.
for example, if the custom kernel supports swap partition use that feature to increase
the ram . Little things like that can deliver a massive difference.
You can also install apps like greenify, amplify or icebox to stop apps from running in the
Now, I have pretty much covered all the ways that I know to improve performance and battery
life of your smartphone.
What if the phone that you are using is not that popular and don't have any custom roms
available and it is not usable as a phone, So, in that case, the best that you can do
is use your smartphone as a security cam.
It is actually pretty easy to setup, I will show it to you quickly.
Download this app called "Ip webcam" from play store, it is free.
Make sure that you have connected your phone to your wireless router Then open the app,
and tap on start server and then follow the instructions, it is pretty simple.
Setting up your smartphone as a security cam is not a great solution and it is not reliable
What I will do in this case.is I will use that particular device as a test device for
testing out different things, such as for testing different applications, for testing
whether an app works on certain conditions and things like that.
That's pretty much all I know about this topic.
it was really difficult to make this video, So feel free to share this with your friends
and family and subscribe if you want to see more videos like this.
And I will talk to you guys in my next video
For more infomation >> Revive Your Old Android Phone! - Duration: 11:18.-------------------------------------------
Roman Manipular - Polybian Legion and Triplex Acies - Duration: 12:45.
2019 Suzuki Hayabusa 1300cc Turbo Engine New - 2019 Suzuki GSX-R1300 Turbo Engine - Duration: 2:06.
Tom Cringle Drive, Kingston, Jamaica - Duration: 19:29.
Driving west on Plantation Drive
Turn onto Tom Cringle Drive
To Kingston
Sign Displays "Lots For Sale" 978-5152 / 362-1713
Tom Cringle Drive ends
Turn on Mandela Highway - To Spanish Town
What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Honey Lemon Water | Secret Recipe - Fair Skin & Weight Loss - Duration: 3:48.
What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Honey Lemon Water | Secret Recipe - Fair Skin & Weight Loss
The New Emet and David - I Feel Bad (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 1:49.
Top 10 bộ phim tình cảm Hàn Quốc hay mới lên sóng tháng 10/2018 - Duration: 2:10.
Learn British English Free: important phrasal verb - 'let someone know' - Duration: 4:29.
Hello; my name is Chris and this is a lesson for Learn British English Free,
the YouTube channel. I'm from England in the UK; I live in Cambridge. I want to
tell you about a very important phrasal verb and I will explain how to use it so
that you can sound completely natural like a native speaker here if you want
to. The phrasal verb is to let someone know - to let me know, I'll let you know,
that kind of thing. Now I will tell you how to use it in the correct way. We like
to say 'let someone know' instead of 'tell' sometimes 'tell' - tell someone.
The reason is tell is very short and direct; let you know sounds more polite,
less direct. You probably think I'm crazy and you're right - it's because I'm
British. We love things very small details to make our language softer. We
say it's softer - it's more polite. Here is how we do it,
especially for commands or instructions of course, instead of tell me it sounds
rather hard. We like to say let me know or please let me know when you get the
update that would be especially common in a business situation which is another
reason why I'm telling you this - if you're working with British people
you're likely to hear 'let me know'. I'll let you know instead of tell. We can use
let someone know a lot when we're talking about the future: I'll let you
know tomorrow; she'll let you know next week.
We can use it also with the past perfect: they've let me know; I've let him know.
However, I was thinking about this and I reckon that for the past simple we
don't usually use let someone know that much - we still prefer tell. 'I told him
yesterday.' Of course: 'I told you so.'
And an extra bit - a fixed expression: 'Let me tell you something... blah blah blah...' We
use it as an introduction - we always say let me tell you something... Those are some
ideas. Please add let me know; let you know to your vocabulary - mix it up
instead of 'tell'. You can sound more like a British person if you want to and it
will help if you're speaking to anyone from the UK. Good luck.
What do you think about this lesson? Please let me know by writing a comment.
Thank you for watching; my name is Chris. These lessons are available on Learn
British English Free on YouTube - please subscribe. They're also on Facebook - I
have the British English page and the Learn English Free (public group). We are
on Instagram - it's called Learn British English. I have
the web site: www.learnbritishenglish.co.uk/
and you can contact me for private lessons - my email address is there.
It's the Yahoo.com one. There are other sites; please look below.
Thanks again; I will be back soon. See you then. Bye.
Benefits of uterine fibroid embolization | Advantages of Embolization - Duration: 2:27.
benefits of uterine fibroid embolization
fibroid embolization shrinks fibroids instead of surgically removing them it
involves one tiny incision nothing is cut or removed from the body
the average procedure takes less than 30 minutes
most patients recover in a few days few days
embolisation stops fibroid related pain and excessive bleeding instantly while
it will take a few months for the fibroids to completely shrink most
prominent symptoms associated with fiber or discomfort are gone immediately after
the procedure once fibroids are deprived of a blood supply they stop growing in
starve as they shrink so will fibroid related abdomen bloat bloat
most women are back to regular activities within two weeks of having
youth uterine fibroid embolization recovery is much quicker when compared
to that of most surgical treatments the recovery time for a hysterectomy is six
weeks and women who undergo myomectomy can expect their recovery time to be
anywhere from two six weeks
embolisation is a medical term that refers to the blocking of blood vessels
using tiny micro particles embolization has been used by surgeons for over 50
years to stop unexpected or uncontrolled bleeding in the early 90s a doctor in
France noticed when blood vessels and the uterus were embolized to help
bleeding after childbirth or during surgery fibroids indium belies theory a
significantly shrank
Hills of steel Android Gameplay - Tanks for kids - Games bii - Duration: 11:38.
How To Add Multiple Links In Your Instagram Bio For Free With LinkTree - Duration: 5:56.
hey what's going on everyone Attan here and in today's video I'm going to show
you how to add multiple links in your Instagram bio for free with link tree
all you have to do is stay with me but first make sure to subscribe to my
youtube channel and hit that notification bell to be notified every
time there is in your video uploader
okay so I actually recently joined the Instagram better late than never as they
say when I set up my profile I realized that I was limited to have only one link
there so you definitely want to take advantage of that one link of course and
when I was surfing around on Instagram I discovered link tree we're gonna have
multiple links I'm going to show you how everything works here on how you can set
it up of course as well so let's get started here and you can see this is my
Instagram profile and you see here my link that I have set up with link tree
so when I click this link here it opens in a new tab and boom there you see I
have one two three four links now which is really cool so this goes to my
website and it opens of course in a new tab that's what I like also as well
really really nice so I'm going to show you how to set this up and let's get
started with a new incognito window since I'm already logged in there and
you just go to link to your dot te and
you can sign up with the Instagram which I did actually goes really fast now I'm
going to show you there is a paid version which give you definitely much
more features but the free one is perfect to get started with so what you
do is you sign up with Instagram here you can log in with Facebook
now I already logged in so I can't create a new account again but just fill
in the details here with your Instagram accounts and you create the password and
really the next step is that it asks you to verify an email address when you do
that you will get instant access right away so it will look something like this
actually and here you can see I have my links
this is a preview on how it looks actually on a mobile phone which is
really cool and this is my bio link it takes actually from your Instagram
and just add it there so my Instagram is at an instant for example here so you
see I have four links you can switch you can set this up number one I have my
website these features here you can have let's see if we click here link
thumbnail and this is the the pro version that I was talking about okay so
you can actually schedule a link you can see your clicks here some stats and you
can delete the link as well what I'm going to do is here you can see the free
and the paid version there okay you can see for six dollars a month you get all
these features so have a look at it if you're definitely focusing seriously on
Instagram I think you should take advantage of this feature but let's get
back here and really it is very simple and straightforward all you have to do
is add new button and let's say for example that I want to promote
audio-video mastery which is my audio and video course on how you can edit
audio and video like a pro so what I would do is I would actually hit the URL
let's copy it from here and paste it in here and I will create a title like one
two elites audio and video like Pro question mark click here really nice
and you just have to click here and you are done you can see the preview here
really nice so let's have a look at it let's go back here to my Instagram and I
hit link tree there you have it want to edit audio and video like a pro
if I click here now I will be redirected to audio video master a really nice very
simple to have this setup takes a few minutes actually okay there you have it
now you can add multiple links in your Instagram bio for free if you like this
video make sure to hit like button make sure to subscribe to my youtube channel
and most importantly there is a link below in the description for my number
one recommendation on how to earn money online okay thanks a lot for watching
and see you soon
Off Road Car Legend Mountain Driving Games - New Best Android Game HQ - Duration: 4:25.
Off Road Car Legend Mountain Driving Games New Best Android Game HQ
How to Highlight Cell in Excel on every click @ Macro CODING TIPS - Duration: 5:28.
Welcome to Excel world of knowledge, please subscribe my Channel and Press the bell icon for Latest videos update
so friends today we will learn a macro coding while will help us to highlight the cell on every click
like i am pressing hear, however its not highlighting , now we will apply a code
you just need to copy the code and paste
so lets starts friends.
so i have a data set.
now i want to highlight a cell when ever i click on it.
you want to apply on which ever sheet you need to select.
and press ATL+F11
if you dont want to press alt + F11 you can right click on the sheet.
and click on View Code
so as soon as you click on view code. you will come to macro page
now just copy the code and paste in this sheet.
you will find this in your description
copy the code and paste in the sheet.
now click anywhere
you can click anywhere it will highlight the cell.
you can highlight few cells together also.
and if you want to change the color.
go to Coding again and select any number from 1 to 0 you will change the color.
if you change the number it will change the color
you can select any color according to your choose
how easy it is.
how simple it is
it will change the color as soon as you change the coding
now you need to save the sheet as Macro Enable.
Press F12 to save
now from this window you need to select SAVE As TYPE to Macro Enable
you have applied a macro coding so you need to save as macro enable work type.
and save wherever you want to save
if you want to change the color you can do it.
hope you like my video
this is very useful to present the data
looks very attractive
if you like my video, please SUBSCRIBE My channel and press the Bell Icon
and your valuable comments are required
HUGtto! Precure 2018-2019 37 Vostfr (Pub) (@PrettyTrad) - Duration: 0:31.
Soil moisture sensor using Arduino Interface - Duration: 3:56.
hello guys in this video you will see how to interface the soil moisture
sensor with the Audino without wasting the time let get started the components
required are soil moisture sensor few jumper wires and arduino board
I received this soil moisture sensor from ICstation check description for
more information if you see this soil motion sensor you can find here three
pins and the S means the the signal which we get from the sensor and + is
the positive power supply and - is the ground when the sensor senses the
moisture it gives an analogue output through the pin S which will be read it
into the Arduino by the pin analog A0 or any analog pin as per your
requirement now let's connect the circuit the negative
pin goes to ground
the positive pin goes to 5 volts and the signal pin goes to A0 this is how
the circuit looks like after connecting the all-wires now we'll connect this board
to the PC and upload the code to the arduino, port is already selected so the
code is uploaded now we will go to the tools and we will open the serial
monitor to see the values which we are getting from sensor set the baud rate to
now we can see here we are getting the zero as the value now we will insert
this sensor into the moisture soil and here you can see the moisture level is
increasing now it is showing the 572 now we'll increase the moisture content by
adding some water to the soil you can see it was high cut to the 600 plus
that's all in this video don't forget to Like share and subscribe we'll see you
in the next one
Tụng Kinh A Di Đà Cầu Siêu - Lễ Trai Tăng - Tịnh Xá Ngọc Bửu - Duration: 48:29.
Chirutha (1981) | Deepti Naval, Sulabha Deshpande, Radheshyam, Brij Bhushan Sahni | Old Hindi Movie - Duration: 1:37:37.
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