The cadets of Top Wing Academy are the best of the best.
Let's take a look at the best of Penny.
Penny's earning her wings as an underwater rescue expert.
Ready to check out your rides?
- Uh-huh! - Yeah!
Penny, your Aquawing will really fly underwater.
That's mine?
It's so cool!
Penny is Top Wing's playful penguin.
Faster! Faster!
- Look out! - Ka-ka!
Penny can really move.
Who won?
- Who won? - Penny?
On her belly.
In the water.
That's the way us water birds do it.
With a dash of splash!
And even in the air.
Time to fly penguin style.
Guess penguins can fly after all.
Nothing stops Penny.
She's always ready to help.
One of the cadets is in trouble.
Don't worry. Cadet Penny is on it!
Especially if a friend is in trouble.
Is that the treasure chest?
Captain Dilly has the treasure!
And he has Rod!
It's Penny!
He has Swift and Brody too!
Time to earn my wings!
Penny's gonna rescue us!
Um, were ye expecting company by chance?
Nobody there, Captain!
That's because we're over here!
Oh, blasted blusterin' boat barnacles! It's a trap!
We're taking our treasure back.
Oh, no you don't!
Look out!
[water splashing]
- Yeah! - Primo!
Penny works really hard.
OK, careful down there.
Sure thing, Speedy.
But she sure knows how to chill.
This place is so cool!
And these kelp icers are delicious!
Headquarters air conditioning sure works g-- good.
She really loves to chill.
Uh, what are you doing in a tub of ice?
Just chillin' and krillin'.
Want a krill icer?
Refreshing and delicious!
- Earn your wings with Penny. - Woo-hoo!
Don't sweat it.
I never sweat.
I'm a penguin!
I'm always super cool.
And all the Top Wing cadets.
This is a great ride!
Penny you're the coolest!
Everywhere you find Nick Jr.
[music playing]
You can find more Top Wing weekday mornings on Nickelodeon,
and everywhere you find Nick Jr.
For more infomation >> Top Wing: The Best of Penny 💗 Full Episodes Compilation | Nick Jr. - Duration: 3:12.-------------------------------------------
Small Garden Ideas and Inspiration | Garden Ideas - Duration: 6:13.
40 Beautiful Cheap Landscaping Ideas for Front Yard | Garden Ideas - Duration: 5:08.
Dance Moms: Holly Is Fed Up with Abby (Season 5 Flashback) | Lifetime - Duration: 4:57.
Forged in Fire: Damascus Pattern Forge (Season 5) | History - Duration: 5:07.
LUMMA - Не моя вина (Премьера клипа 2018) - Duration: 3:15.
First Abandoned Railroad Crossing - Duration: 5:52.
hello ladies and gentlemen, RailROL82 here, so today we're gonna
embark on a new journey this is gonna be the CSX Homestead subdivision here you
can see the advanced warning sign the pavement markings this is Southwest
152nd Street so this is the first crossing right after the Y which I'm
gonna show you the first crossing after the Y which is out of service it hasn't
seen a train since I think I think there was a train here in 2006 one train that
moved real cars that were stored over there it's out to here but there's no
what there hasn't many customers on the line
since like twelve or thousand twelve or 2013
okay so right now I am heading westbound on Southwest 150 second Street
one five two I'm running through the Google Maps ticker this location they
said this is the first crossing on the line and what's stopping that they
should very nice about it Friday
and then here we're going to see
as CSX a spine or homestead extension milepost
50 3.81 then here we we have AWC Hayes a Sigma bass and invents this gate
mechanism Ebell up top the cantilever is Lincoln industries and then this is
facing north east right well this rail was put in in oh yeah in 2017
I guess it's when when they had to haul away though those real cars I told you
about because maybe the line not the the rail couldn't not extend on the train
and it would the world it would have derailed so they had to swap it out so
over there about a mile down is the Y and then
solder that white well that Y is used by train uh-oh 721 which goes out west to
collect the rocks at the Rock Creek and then here we have tracked you oh by the
way there's a signal base sorry really so this is chasing
south east you have a diagonal crossing here
and this is about 4:30 p.m. so I'm right in the middle of rush-hour traffic and
you can see how crazy it is to so far across the street but your humble
servants your railroad archaeologist is gonna try to do that for you
by the way the lights up top or am i likes sorry you know WC needs then we
got that broken or crossing get up there
and we have one on this side but man this is class in this girl's gonna be
pretty tough
okay guys so I made it to the median right and then here we have oh no this
one's missing its visor and vents this game mechanism WCA signal base w see
these lights Novell traffic to stop that red light and then here we have another
WC haze a signal piece
and the track view Southwest right there
yeah this this club this grade was recently done but here we can see the
original rail and it's from on 19 1934
original rail from 1934 okay
LED lights brief these are WCS yeah WCA is our signal base and vents this game
mechanism and those are definitely WC haze lights around alrighty guys so this
is the first abandoned crossing on the CSX homestead subdivision with the 1934
rail on it thank you for viewing look at the old ties here please subscribe our
light thank you over and out
RTO'S ULTIMATE GUIDE TO RENEKTON - Introduction and General Overview - Duration: 26:43.
My name is RTO
One-trick pony with over 5,000 games played with Renekton. I reached a peak of 320 LP masters in season 8
Considered by many to be the best Renekton player in the world. I am here to teach you everything that
you need to know about Renekton in this series.
We will go over an Introduction to Renekton, Early Laning phase and Basic combos, Late Laning phase and
Advanced Combos, how to become a mid game monster by Split-Pushing,
how to Team Fight as Renekton, how to close out games as Renekton and
Finally introduce you to the Ultimate Matchup guide that teaches you how to play against every single matchup in the game
Make sure to drop the subscribe button and click the bell to get the newest and latest content that comes out
Before I teach you how to dominate your opponents with Renekton, first
I want to showcase some of the crazy things that he can do
You can skip to any part of the video that you want with the time stamps listed in the description
Let's go baby. Let's go
Hey y'all, baby, let's go dude
How to play that so well
Since we are probably spending hours together
While I teach you everything you need to know how to take Renekton into Solo Queue and dominate your opponents,
It would be ideal. If you got to know me a little bit first. At the time of filming this video
I am a league of Legends Twitch Streamer who One Tricks Renekton at the highest level of play
Against the best players that North America has to offer. I am a part of the Official League Partnership Program with Riot Games
I am also an active Redditor on subreddits such as /r/Renektonmains and /r/SummonerSchool
Including being a mentor at /r/SummonerSchool subreddit. Long ago before any of that,
I started playing League of Legends in season 1. Played by first rank games in season 2 and peaked out at silver 4.
This is important because I want you guys to know that just because you are a low ranked now,
does not mean that you cannot get high Elo. you've got to put in the work
My first champ was Sion back in the day before the rework.
Phantom Dancers and BloodThirsters. That Ult was Lit.
I also used to play Miss Fortune, Caitlyn
Jinx, Udry, some Vayne and finally Lee sin before I got into Renekton. I
switched to Renekton because while deployed with the US Army to Guam, I
couldn't play lee sin because of the 200-plus ping and needed someone who I could still play at a high level with. I
thought Renekton was a simple champ with a point-and-click stun that took no skill. So I tried hit.
Turns out that he was so much more than that, and I really grew to love him
5000 games later and I'm still not bored of his kit and I play him into every single matchup
This channel is meant to be the Ultimate stop for anything to do with Renekton
We have daily content for Vod Reviews, Matchup videos and Patch Note reviews that focus on Renekton.
All of this is listed in the video description
Hello guys, RTO here and
I'm going to be showing you a video of a
Game, I just played. I had every intention of just split pushing the entire game to show you guys how effective split pushing
Can be if you do it right. This game, you're gonna see my KDA there and it is not good. It's been very bad
KDA. I got caught out a couple times.
But you're gonna notice I am the strongest on the map by far by just by pushing and doing it really well
So in this matchup we went up against a Zed
It was RedMercy. Yes that YouTuber Streamer guy. In this game
You see how I play safe, and I take advantages that are given to me in this game to
Slowly snowball my lead, and then eventually I'm able to 2v1 the Nocturne and the Zed which you will see in the game
Hey guys
RTO here
Here to go over
8.19 for Renekton third thing to start off with this patch is I'm gonna go over Darius and Fiora buffs real quick because
They do impact the lane for Renekton
Darius is actually a champion that Renekton does pretty well into if you know what you're doing
Darius you can avoid his abilities
Renekton is fun because he is easy to learn the basics and be successful
However, also have a very high still cap that takes a ton of practice to be able to master
Renekton has a ton of versatility in his build paths, has good mobility and very high outplay potential.
Renekton is unique in the fact that he uses Fury instead of Mana.
Proper usage of the Fury is essential to doing extreme damage like the clips you're gonna see instead of just you know,
Tickling the enemy. Healing as well as AoE damage
Most champions have a very hard counter that completely shuts them down
Renekton is quite unique in the fact that he can blind picked into any lane and still be somewhat effective
Of course, there are hard lanes, but none of them are impossible
Another really nice thing about Renekton kit is that he is able to push lanes hard and still have two dashes
To make it harder to gank by pushing hard,
He is able to use the enemies minions to dash off of and escape any kind of Jungler gank. Strong early game
but a very strong mid game. There is a reason why he is known as the MID GAME MONSTER!
Once I have a Tiamat, good luck to the other team!
We will really get into the Mid Game Monster part in video 4 of the series.
Single Target Unavoidable hard CC.
Depending on the items built, I can provide a nasty Burst that lets me one shot carries
Once level 6 we're one if not
the strongest champ at that point in the game. One of the few split pushers that can also teamfight effectively when flash is up
Great 1v2 potential in lane
Level 1 and level 2 are surprisingly weak and can be abused by good laners. Range matchups can be very very hard
Very flash reliant for successful team fighting. Falls off late.
Ad Caster, so not strong at Auto Attacking
Bruisers like Jax like Fiora, like Irelia. Champs like that nature.
Exhaust really hurts Renekton because he is so cool down reliant
Renekton is strong in the comps that can't kite him out
for example, if they're using a Sejuani jungler and a Riven top,
We're not going to do much more to them than a Kindred jungle and Gnar top. Renekton is very strong against all
in comps such as Zak, Sejuani,
Leona, Amumu that allows Renekton to get on top of the carries and just do work
however, Renekton is weak against peel comps that protect the carries such as Lulu, Janna, Zilean and even Karma
When you see those comps you're going to have to resort to Split Pushing since you'll have a hard time getting on top of the Carries.
For teammates I am looking for comps that allow for a hard engage and I am not required to initiate
anyone who can start up a fight so that Renekton can put in the work. If
You are looking to splitpush instead of teamfight, you want to have a disengage comp who can hold towers and clear waves while you take
Builds, Runes and even Summoner Spells change on a consistent basis and we'll make this guy an outdated very quickly just like the last time
I released this video
So instead I am making a regularly release patch note video that explains to you what my thoughts are about what builds to take,
spells of use and the general state of Renekton for every single patch
Link is in the card above. I also have a MobaFire guide that update regularly that is in the description below
These are have patch 8.19 this may have changed so use with caution
Renekton's passive is Reign of Anger
Renekton generates five fury each time he lands a basic attack on an enemy
Losing four fury per second if he hasn't dealt or taken damage in the last 12 seconds when at or above 50 fury
Renekton's next basic ability consumes 50 fury to enhance its effects. When Renekton is below 50% health
You will actually gain 50% more fury.
So what that means is when your fury bar is above 50%, you will do a ton of damage. A LOT OF DAMAGE!
So make sure to use those on champions and don't just waste it on either dashing away or using on minions
We will go more in depth on this later as we go through the Ultimate Guide
Renekton's Q is Cull the Meek
Renekton deals physical damage to all nearby enemies
Gaining 2.5 fury as well as healing himself for each unit hit
When your fury is above 50%,
Cull, the meek deals additional damage and triples both the healing and its cap itself. Your Q will be the first one you'll actually
start in about 80 to 90 percent of your matchups
You will start Q because it has the lowest cooldown and it's AOE so you're trying to stay away from actually fighting them
Normally level 1 level 2. So Q is always a very good option
Just remember the more enemies around you the more your q is going to heal and obviously do damage to every single one of them.
There are combos that you can use your q with but I will go in that in later videos
Your Q is the way you sustain in the lane. At the same time, when it has 50 fury
You will heal up a lot, especially when there's champions and minions nearby
Your Q sustain will give you an advantage on champions like Jax,
like Riven, things for that example that don't have sustain in lane like Renekton does
Renekton's W is Ruthless Predator
Renekton's next basic attack within seven seconds gains 50 bonus range and strikes his target twice.
Each hit applies on hit effects and grant's fury dealing physical damage and stunning for 0.75 seconds
Hitting enemy champion grants 10 bonus fury. When your fury is above 50%,
Renekton strikes three times dealing 50% additional damage and
Increasing the stun duration to 1.5 seconds. Ruthless predator resets Renekton's basic Autoattack timer as well.
Your W is your bread and butter, when it comes down to actually dealing damage.
Renekton is probably is the only champion the game where his stun actually does the most damage in his kit. That
1.5 second stun can allow you to trade and then bounce out before they ever even get a trade off on you.
So using your fury right is very important. Renekton's W is an auto-attack reset like I said before
Again, you want to try to get an auto attack off before you W. If you do that
you will compound a ton of damage which again we will go over in future videos. If
you are not able to get onto a target
You can use your W for that 50 additional range to possibly stick on to somebody that you normally would not have been able to
to catch. Renekton's W procs on hit effects
So items like BORK, items like Black Cleaver,
Even Sheen Proc from Triforce really any of those items that stack
It will proc on your W. Your empowered W can instant proc Press The Attack.
So that is why a lot of Renekton mains will choose pta over any other Keystone
Renekton's E is Slice and Dice
Slice. Renekton dashes in the target direction dealing physical damage to all enemies he passes through
Generating fury. 2 per non champion,10 per champion for each unit hit
Hitting an enemy allows Renekton to cast dice within four seconds. Your second cast is Dice
Renekton dashes in the target direction dealing Slice.
Physical damage to all enemies he passes through and generating fury to burn on champion 10 per champion for each unit hit
Slice will not proc your passive
It's above 50% But dice will. if your passive is above 50%
Dice does additional damage to all enemies and reduces their armor for 4 seconds
You should max your E second because it is you're engage and disengage
Tool as well as it puts the second most amount of damage in
Your kit when you upgrade it. By maxing your E, it will actually reduce the cooldown by one second every time you upgrade it.
Even though you are maxing your E second,
You really should never want to use your empowered E, which again I will go over in future videos as to why it's more effective
to use your fury on your Q or your W rather than your E. Your empowered E will be the least effective compared to
your empowered Q and your empowered W, but there are situations where you have to use it
Let's say your Q and your W are both have 4 seconds or longer cool down
then you're probably best off using your empowered e since it's available, or if you are going to tank Renekton and
you are trying to play off of support your teammates,
I suppose then your Empowered E would only make sense in that situation to shred their armor
Besides that though really your W and your Q empowerment is gonna be just way more effective.
Riot just recently buffed Renekton's E so
Maybe they are trying to do something for future patches to make using his empowered E more reliable and effective
But for now, though
It's still empowered W and empowerd Q all the way! Your first E will actually not use fury at all
Instead will actually gain fury and you can use that for future combos that you will possibly do
For example say you have 40 fury and you're wanting that empowered W or Q and you have like 40 then
If you go and dash on a champion
You'll actually get 50 off that and then you could actually use your empower W or whatever from that point on but that is wearing very effective in that regard
Your eat can be used to also dash through walls. Very small walls. One the Screen,
there is a map that shows you every single spot where Renekton can dash through with a link in the description below
Renekton's R is Dominus
Renekton empowers himself for 15 seconds gaining bonus health
increased size and
25 bonus attack range with 20 fury who the duration he deals magic damage
Each half second to all nearby enemies and generates five theory per second with a total of 75 fury
For the first major tip that I want to go over is that he turns into a freaking huge crocodile
Who wouldn't want that?
What I like to do personally is when I used my empowered ability on someone I will actually are to gain more fury
So I can use another empowered ability right afterwards because you are gaining 20 fury as well when you cast the are
Do not use your are when your fury bar is already at a hundred percent
make sure you use an ability first before you actually cast your are where else you're wasting 20 fury right there a
lot of times you're gonna notice that you're gonna want to old early so you build the period before you get into a fight because
Renekton really doesn't do damage unless his abilities are fury related
So you want to make sure you have 50% of your fairy throughout each ability. You can use in a teamfight
When you watch me play you will see me all early and the reasons behind that is because I'm trying to build fury
Before the fight actually happens so I can go up there and possibly even one-shot their carries because I've used my fury management. So well
sometimes I will look really stupid because I'll use my arm and
All of a sudden there's no fight that happens and now I've got a long
127 cooldown because I decided cast early so there are pros and cons to doing that your oldest AoE damage
So let's say there's a target
He's running away kind of low and all your blues gonna cool down just cast on finish them off, you know, also
You know your argued to 25 range
So if you're not able to go on top of a target for any reason just cast out or you get 25 bonus range
Which stacks on your W and your auto-attacks? So that's really useful in those situations
Also, if you kill them with literally just using your R, and it looks really really cool
I highly suggest you guys try out AP wizard lizard. I
Have a video on that too. You got you gotta check it out. Even though your arm scales off AP
It's really not a good idea to actually build ap just stack your heart. You're definitely way better off going ad Renekton
It was just a very basic overview of
Renekton as abilities the ultimate guide series as a whole and what the YouTube channel can offer you if you have additional questions
Feel free to ask me on stream or in the comments below
the rest of series is going to be
Jam-packed with in-depth information that will make you an expert reductant player and calm your way through solo queue the next video
We'll be going over early laning phase and basic combos as Renekton
If you liked this video make sure to leave me a like subscribe and share with your friends. Put it in the comments below
What you are most excited for in this series in anything specific. You want me to cover. I'll see you in episode 2
You're never gonna make it you're not good enough there's a million other people with the same self
You really think you're different. Then you must be kidding think you're gonna hate it, but you just don't get it. It's impossible
It's not probable. You're responsible too many obstacles. You gotta stop it. Don't you gotta take it slow?
You can't be your proud own with your time. No more who the fuck are you to tell me what to do
I don't give a damn if you say you disapprove
I'm gonna make my move I'm gonna make it soon and I'll do it cause that's what I'm gonna fuck him, too
Cuz all these opinions and all these positions they come in and millions they Park in your vision
But you can't listen they're cities on fish because you want the power. Why is your training?
But you're never gonna make
Are you just gonna
Make them take it all
But you just gonna take down a fucking fight back
Or will you fucking fight back!
Earn money by surfing/browsing internet 2018 | 100% with live payment proof |Don't trust-Watch video - Duration: 6:19.
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Psychopath Hunt - New Best Android Game HQ - Duration: 8:13.
Psychopath Hunt - New Best Android Game HQ
Top Rotation Challenge I تحدي الدوران - Duration: 6:51.
SAMAÍN, THE MAGIC OF HALLOWEEN. With Morrigan. - Duration: 26:37.
Huawei Mate 20 / Mate 20 Pro / Mate 20 RS / Mate 20 X - Which Should You Buy? | 大對決#60【小翔 XIANG】 - Duration: 16:37.
NYC's 5 Best Burgers EVER | Delish Burger Tour - Duration: 7:02.
(electronic music)
- On a quest to find the best cheeseburger in New York City.
My husband and I, a few months ago,
started doing these burger tours.
We'd wake up on a Saturday,
we'd go hit up five or six
of the best cheeseburgers in the city.
We'd rate them, we'd figure out which we love best,
turns out I don't need him to do that.
I'm gonna eat five cheeseburgers today,
I'm gonna do it all by myself,
I'm ready.
I don't know if you can tell
but my pants are unzipped.
We're here at Le Rivage for the French Onion Soup Burger
and we should start eating.
(electronic music)
Chef mentioned back there while we're making it
that you're gonna be able to see the French onion soup
as if it were on top of a burger,
he wasn't kidding.
It's just puddles and puddles of onions.
It is quite literally falling apart in the best of ways.
Also, we need more burgers on English muffins.
Another thing that you don't expect to get from all of this
is there's a super vanilla dijon on top
and you get that even though
there are piles and piles of onions here.
I just feel the need to pull and eat one by one
but we'd be here all day.
So it does feel like this is a super untraditional way
to start a burger tour like this
and burgers blur.
This is a burger that's not going to blur.
Have you ever seen anything like this?
Highly recommend.
(upbeat music)
This is Chumley's,
which makes sense because that place
says "not Chumley's."
It's pretty magical in there.
They have an incredible (bleep) burger.
It has bone marrow, crispy shallots
and this crazy Chumley sauce
which has like eleven ingredients,
it's completely insane.
I am very excited, itching and ready to go.
Burger number two.
(upbeat music)
What's so special about this burger
is this patty of bone marrow
that they torch the (bleep) out of.
Sorry, I cursed.
So we have double patties here,
super thin, one layer of cheese,
and we have Chumley sauce.
Crispy shallots,
I didn't even realize there were shallots
that's why it's a little bit sweet.
Then we have the patty of bone marrow,
best thing on the planet.
You're not going to use this as b-roll, are you?
You are, okay.
Oh my God.
My favorite burger in this whole (bleep) city.
There's a lot of sweetness going on on top
and that is the shallots.
I don't know why I thought they were onions,
they're super sweet shallots.
It's greasy and drippy.
Sometimes that's a bad thing
and it's not a bad thing here.
In fact, it's really beautiful.
I just wanna keep eating.
Oh, I just touched my face
and now I feel meat grease all over.
Do I have burger in my teeth now?
We're here for burger number three
at Suprema Provisions.
I'm laughing cause I just caught a glimpse of myself
in the window of this place.
I look like a pink potato sack of meat sweats.
I don't even, that's just where we're at.
So, it's time to eat.
(electronic music)
Chef made it really clear,
there are no substitutions on this thing.
And I think that's because it's quite literally
a work of art that he's very proud of.
I wanna get a bit of everything,
I don't know if my mouth is big enough.
I don't know what it means to be a luxurious burger
but this is a luxurious burger.
So there is some of this cheese sauce
that's pooled at the bottom here.
We have brisket and short rib patty
which is wildly different than anything
we've eaten today so far.
There's black garlic sauce, iberico jamon bacon jam,
and we've got these roasted cherry tomatoes on top
which is so pretty.
By far the most gram-able burger
we've tackled today, I would say.
Words betray me.
Let's cool down a little bit.
It's exciting because again, the whole meat sweats thing.
We're at Emmy Squared in the East Village.
This burger is supposed to be (bleep) fantastic
even though it's a pizza place.
That's a whole other story.
I'm ready to eat more, again.
(electronic music)
It's taken us four stops to get to this point
but we have pickles and we have a little bit of heat.
And if you don't want a slightly spicy pickle
I don't know that I want to know you.
This is like a two hand ordeal.
It's an extremely layered burger.
We're looking at double patties here
and each of them is coated with cheese.
We've got the Sammy sauce,
that's where the heat is coming from.
All the pickles in the world.
Oh, there's lettuce down here.
I don't really care about the lettuce
but I care about all the other things.
And a pretzel bun.
Is that butter, did you put butter on it?
I missed the butter, that's why it's so shiny.
Anyway, burger time.
(bleep) fantastic.
The pretzel bun's what hits you first.
You can taste all the layers, it's like whoa.
This is like a burger architectural achievement.
Okay, stop number five,
there's a big pig in the door.
It says, life is short, eat the bacon, so that's fun.
This is supposed to be an incredible burger.
Actually, I've had it before, it's an incredible burger
and I'm so excited to rap on it so this should be great.
(electronic music)
This guy into all the burgers it seems we've got here,
but it feels important to point out
how salty these fries are.
See how salty they are?
It is falling apart in my hands.
I want a bite of everything
especially because the bun is super buttery,
which is why it's falling apart.
Firstly there's this sauce
that's on every single layer of this thing.
And I think she had said it was ketchup and habanero,
so it was quite literally that mayo I'm obsessed with.
But with some dijon-y, mustard-y aspect to it.
So we've got this super buttered bun,
then we've got the pickles, which I have destroyed.
Double patties, cheese on each,
which again is incredibly important in the art of a burger.
This burger is not trying so hard, do you know what I mean?
We have had some burgers that are trying really hard.
This one, it just is.
I've thought about it a lot
and I would say that I know more about cheeseburgers
than probably anyone on this planet, so,
that's about all you need to know.
I'm happy.
(R&B music)
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I'm an ex marathoner turned cyclist one cool thing about my father is that
he motivates my younger sons because they see a good example of an older guy
being active and healthy I've never really went to the doctor until I turn
60 years old that's how I find I had a high blood pressure the nokia BPM plus
helps me keep a really accurate daily account of what's going on with myself
I'd like to get it down to around 120 over 80 with diet and exercise I have a
granddaughter kaya I'd like to be around to see her graduate college who knows
hi there meet SteriPEN ultra the 90 seconds you'll spend watching this video
is all the time it takes for ultra purify a liter of water Ultra is unique
because it doesn't require separate batteries to charge it simply plug the
USB cord into a computer wall charger or solar panel when it is fully charged
Ultra will treat 50 liters of water remove the lamp cover and push the
button once to treat one liter or twice to treat a hat place the UV lamp into
the water and stir while you're stirring the UV light actually changes the DNA of
microorganisms so they can't reproduce and make you sick SteriPEN is the only
portable water treatment carrying the water quality association's cold seal
certifying it's effective against over 99.9% of viruses bacteria and protozoa
when you see the smiling face on the screen you know your water is ready it's
that easy ultra receives an S PO Award for
reducing disposable plastic water bottles and contributing to
sustainability in the outdoors good for you and good for the planet if you use
all eight thousand treatments in the ultra lamp life you will receive a free
replacement thanks to the SteriPEN premium lamp life pledge save thousands
of dollars by not purchasing bottled water and batteries while traveling to
places with sketchy water or exploring the great outdoors SteriPEN ultra is a
perfect addition to any suitcase or backpack
what if you could know the air in a new different way what if you could see
poisons and purities around you give the environment closer look and choose to
breathe only air that's safe now it's all in your hands at mow tube personal
environment tracker that truly understands the air
tik-tok rise go splish Splash inhale exhale
look see smiled you read the watch and it reads you who know yourself with the
Nokia steel HR hybrid smart lunch
I love the Nokia thermo it's super easy to use it's just a quick little swipe it
makes it fun they take the temperature almost every
day just for fun they like that it's personalized it has their names on it
we put on Hari it says all right it's almost like magic every time they use it
it just links right to my phone and it's recorded if one of our children are
really sick and I have to take them in to see a doctor we would have all that
information right on my phone right in the app having the thermo will
definitely make it easier introducing the BACtrack mobile breathalyzer the
world's first smartphone breathalyzer the results of your estimated
blood-alcohol content are transmitted wirelessly via bluetooth technology to
your smartphone professional-grade accuracy with proprietary extend fuel
cell sensor technology provides trusted results estimate when your BAC will
return to zero percent save the results help you gain insight about your
drinking habits track what you drank and wear with photos notes and drink laws
keep your results private share them with your friends or with your whole
network backtrack the leader in breathalyzers with over a decade of
experience presents the backtrack mobile breathalyzer
presenting the shark eye on flex 2x the freestanding cord free vacuums that can
live anywhere because it has two rechargeable batteries that means you
can always be charging even while you're cleaning with duo clean multiflex and
powerful suction so you can go and go and go again
welcomes a hassle-free runtime with shark
SHINJUKU (TOKYO) tour: GOLDEN GAI, KABUKICHO, GYOEN National Garden | #1 Vlog JAPÓN - Duration: 13:45.
we start new journey and we do it accompanied
as they have not given us anything to eat we are hungry
and we are looking for what we have left over there
mom, likes control and have everything for any occasion
a little cheese I already bought an espresso coffee
the Pope, adapts to everything and without complexes
in case you do not give me anything to eat
I am also eating already
I have faith in the Finns that they will give us something to eat
and us, as the Metallic Travelers
Two planes and fourteen hours of flight are waiting for us
the air from the plane dries up a lot lips and I was getting some cream
as we fly through the Arctic Circle it's never been done at night
Welcome to Japan
now it's time to pick up suitcases and take an hour-long train to downtown Tokyo
this is the way the train passes, track 8, but here it puts you
what is your seat, the car that touches you for your seats
first train that we take in Japan
It's super wide, you can lower the seats, it has a table
has a table, has to put a can here, a soda
the doors of the taxis open alone
and on tiptoe, all wear toe lace, crochet on the seats
crochet, it's like the most
first hotel
We just arrived at the hotel in Shinjuku in Tokyo
and we are already the first bathroom that has a lot of buttons
we do not know what they're for
all these buttons, here is an ass
Well, we will have to investigate When it detects weight, water comes out
already when we find out how it works and we will make a demo
Well, the portable Wifi that we have rented has arrived and we are going to do the unboxing
a fundite here with a cable, a battery, a charger and this should be the
Is this the trick? so little
here are the instructions and this is the envelope to return it
now we are going to start it Let's see
this portable wifi is highly recommended
it cost us about 75 euros for 17 days
a little more with insurance in case we lose it or if it breaks down
about 100 euros for 20 days
You can connect up to 10 devices at a time and you have 600 megabytes of Internet per day
then if the megas are over then it goes slower but it does not stop going
very useful for a trip like this, very interesting
to spend a little bit the jet lag we are going to take a walk around the Shinjuku neighborhood around the hotel
and look for something to eat
my mother, go platanco
come, good luck
it's super tasty
first meal in Japan and it smells and tastes really good
good video, right? so come subscribers it costs nothing
We are in the Gyoen National Gardens of Shinjuku
and I do not know if you hear it but you hear one of crickets that flip
and that is not very sunny, because when the sun is very hot it is deafening
This is one of the largest gardens in Tokyo
with about 60 hectares and 3 kilometers in circumference
above all it is famous for its large number of cherry trees
during medieval times this park belonged
to one of the feudal families most powerful of all Japan
with the end of feudal Japan it became the property of the imperial house
before being destroyed during the Second World War
after its reconstruction in 1949 it opened
as a public park for all citizens
look, this is responsible for all the scandal
We leave the tranquility of the gardens to enter a jungle of neon
this neighborhood, which is the Golgen Gai, the buildings are intact, good with some ornament and such
from the 50s, and it's as if you had anchored in time
this small sub-district of Shinjuku is made up of 6 narrow lanes
connected by even narrower passages
It is one of the few areas that survived the Second World War intact
since the residents of the time took turns to watch their streets
It is an area full of tiny bars and places that can accommodate, at most, 4 or 5 people
and most are only reserved for Japanese regulars
I've been through here and I've heard a little bit of metal
and look look at how the club is, it's super small
It's a very small local
What would they fit? three or four people, if something like that
this neighborhood attracts musicians, artists and celebrities who want to share interests
and artistic tastes in movie, jazz, rock and even punk venues
the neighborhood of Kabukicho never sleeps here are recreational salons, pachinko
nightclubs, the famous hotels of love, and many other places and restaurants
like the famous Robot restaurant where they make curious shows with robots
and we found another local metalhead
I have seen this happening with the posters these
this place is so curious that everything is dark
and they give you a little flashlights so you can read the letter
many of the locals in the Kabukicho neighborhood are managed by the yakuza
the Japanese mafia, so the neighborhood does not have a very good reputation
we are a little tired
we still have the jet lag hanging on the tail
We take the jet lag so dragging, from behind
We are going up in the elevator of a hotel to see a Godzilla head
which is on the eighth floor
I go to where they call me ... they call me you have to see Godzilla, I go to see the Godzilla
to see what will be
Total on the street is raining and we can not do anything else
Godzilla is a Japanese monster that appeared on the screen for the first time in 1954
is a prehistoric being that, as a result of nuclear tests, grew a lot
how cool
actually what the director wanted to represent with this monster is fear
that Japan felt during the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
and in Kabukicho we say goodbye the first video of the Japan series
hope you liked it
If so, give it a like, subscribe
and see you in the next video
Punch Boxing Knockouts - New Best Android Game HQ - Duration: 2:44.
Punch Boxing Knockouts New Best Android Game HQ
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