hi my name is Bill and today I'm going to be showing you how to replace the main
gas valve coil in your dryer the reason why you might have to do this is because
you're not getting any heat at all in your dryer or because your clothes are
taking longer than usual to dry for this repair we'll be using a Philips head
screwdriver and a flat head screwdriver warning before doing any repairs please
disconnect your power source so this is the appliance that we'll be using in
this demonstration it's a GE keep in mind yours at home might look a little
bit different than what we've got here but the same techniques should still
apply make sure you turn your gas off so we're going to start by turning our
dryer around so we'll need to do is remove these screws up here in order to
get the control panel off so now that we've got the back unscrewed we can just
slide the control panel over and we're gonna lift it up and we're going to put
it back in this space right here now we're going to open up our dryer door
and on either side there are two screws going straight up so we need to remove
those screws now and we're going to be using a Philips head screwdriver to take
these screws out
now that we've got those screws out we can take the top off all we have to do
is just lift up and pull back slightly on the top and we'll set that off to the
side so now that I've got these screws out I want to close up our front dryer
door now I've got two more screws that screw into the front panel and I'm just
going to remove those as well
and when you remove them just make sure that when you get close to having them
come out catch some because you don't want to fall down into the dryer there
you go now that we've got those screws out we can tilt the front panel forward
and once we've got it tilted forward and separated from the drum we can lift it
up over the tabs on the bottom and just turn it like so because we've got some
wires attached to it as well so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to detach
some of these wires here first one I want to detach is this black one that's
connected right over here and to do that I'm just going to use a flathead
screwdriver and I want to pry up there we go now I've got this plastic card
that's in my way a little bit what I'm gonna do just pull it slightly out like
that so let's remove from the frame and now I can move it out of my way again
just don't move it too far you want to break it we remove it just enough so
that I can use my screwdriver and pry it right off
one and we just need to unplug our white wire and we'll just pull that
straight out there so now I'm just going to remove this last wire here and once
again just pulling it straight out so right on top of the drum here we've got this
piece which is our belt there so in order to get it off I'm gonna reach
inside of our dryer here and I've got to get my arm in that little hole we're
gonna have to push up on the lever to release the tension and reach in with
our other hand and now we can just take that right off so now that we've removed
the belt from the pulley we can lift up on the belt that'll help us pick up the
drum so this coil right here in the front is our main gas valve coil in
order to get it off first I want to unplug the wire that goes to it those
wires just pull straight out and then we can undo the screws that are holding this
bracket down
now you just pull the bracket off and we can pull the coil right off now you can
grab your new OEM replacement main gas valve coil and if you don't have one
already find it on our online store so you got this peg right here and there's
a nice hole right in the middle of the coil so that's how it goes on just like
so and you're gonna make sure that plug faces the wires over here there are a
couple little nubs on the top of the coils those will line up with the
holes that are on top of the bracket so if it doesn't match up just twist the
coil a little bit get it to line up and then screw the bracket back into place
and now we can plug it back in so you'll see on the back of your drum here
there's a small shaft and when you put the drum back in you're gonna want to
make sure that shaft goes into that hole right there there we go so it's a little
bit hard to line it up when you can't really see it back there but you can do
the best you can and might take a couple of tries to get
it exactly in place there we go after a couple tries you should be able
to get it in there and you'll see that the rim of the drum is inside the frame
of the dryer there now to put the drum back on we're going to take the belt
we're going to go on the other side of the wheel here just
like this and we're going to lift it up
keeping this all together and then loop the belt around the shaft here
and make sure everything on straight there we go and then everything should
be able to spin freely now just like that we're going to reattached that to the
middle this is a white wire that goes up along the edge of the door and goes to
the light so that's plugged in now and now with this last one
reattach it right there now I want to put this plastic piece back into
place put right into that slot right there and we'll plug our last wire in
and you're just going to make sure that these slight bumps there line up with
the holes on the side that fits in nicely and now I'll put the front panel back on so
now we're going to line up our front panel with the tabs on the bottom we're
going to set those into those tabs and stand the door up as we do that we're
also gonna line up with the drum and the inside of that plastic piece on the
washers going in the drum and we've also got these metal tabs on the side that
are going into the slots on the frame so once those are all lined up and the
panel is flush we can screw it back on so now we're going to get our screw
started in this hole here and then after we get it started screw it down nice and
same thing on this side start our screw into my hand and use our Philips head
screwdriver to finish the job now I'm going to put the top back on and
you'll see there are two tabs sticking out from the top there gonna be two
slots that correspond with them so I want to line all those up so after I
line those up make sure that the tabs going to the slots just like that and
there's a couple on the front as well so now we can screw that back in so we'll
put in our screw and with that little tiny hole at the top you should be able
to line up the screw with the hole that it belongs to there once you got that
started a little bit screwing it in
now we're going to put our lint filter back
into place since that came out a little while ago now we can close our dryer
door now we can line our control panel back up and slide that back over and set
that back into place and now we can screw it back in
now we can turn our dryer back around and then once we do that we'll plug
everything back in and your repair is complete now we can turn our gas back on
finally don't forget to plug in your appliance if you need to replace any
parts for your appliances you can find an OEM replacement part on our website
thanks for watching and please don't forget to like
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