okay it's great to see you again today I have a 50 gallon box full of Jurassic
world fallen Kingdom dinosaur toys Wow there are some really awesome one here's
and some of these are even custom-made cool okay so our first one here is a
custom made this is the classic chompin t-rex but it's custom painted to look
like the Diablo t-rex this one is really awesome looking I call him the zombie
rags and the next one here this is from the quest for the indominus rex pack
these guys the ones I'm showing you guys here most of these I have reviewed and
done battles on so today we're just going to look at them really quickly
this is the skeleton of the indominus rex and it is perfectly sized and
detailed it is awesome and then we have the coolest Jurassic world fallen
New Jurassic World 50 Gallon Surprise Box Dinosaur Toys Fallen Kingdom Mattel T-Rex, Spinosaurus
even get this one yet very soon you'll be able to get it I did a full review of
this guy and he is totally awesome so I dress up as Owen and train this guy
because you actually have to train him so he is one really cool Dino and he
likes to get pets and check out that video and then I got another Jurassic
world falling kingdoms Legacy Collection this one is the chomp and Spinosaurus I
have to actually buy this one from Great Britain because they don't sell him
in the US and he is awesome his mouths open because I did Cham delayed in there
but that's the only way you could get him to totally keep his mouth open and
then another really cool one I have not reviewed this one yet I will be doing a
review of this one probably the end of this week this is ditte the anatomy
t-rex so it looks exactly like the t-rex but you could take it apart see inside
take out the muscles and the bones and stuff it is awesome and then we have the
roar insane of Sheriff Tom really cool and then we have another awesome Tran
Adhan this is from the destructor source helicopter set this one is the biggest
Tran Adhan I've seen and he is and then we have the orange head Baryonyx with
chomping action this came with the lava search set which is a slime set it's
really cool check that one out I slime a bunch of dinos and then we have the mini
which is another cool and then the Protoceratops
cool herbivore and then the pro Ceratosaurus food so this guy almost
looks like some type of a miniature Velociraptor with doctor third cloth and
then we have for hatching Dino eggs go ahead and push that down and the dinos
pop up ah so this one is Velociraptor blue so it is a baby blue and then we
have a cute baby Triceratops we have baby Stiggy millat with growing spikes
and then a cute baby t-rex that turns into an evil rax
check out this demon the teeth grout when you turn this dial ah awesome
so this huge guy here is a battle damage colossal roaring t-rex that was custom
colored and custom teeth let's check this guy out
so who does roar custom teeth in it all of these I do have full reviews and
battles of guys so check out my playlist at the end of this video and then I got
some big ones I couldn't even fit into the box this is the original colossal
t-rex uh no sound but he will swallow a bunch of action figures which you could
take out of his stomach and this next one is the original battle damage
roaring colossal t-rex which was sold at Walmart so this is the one you've seen
the very first one but customize so he does make sound he's got
all the Battle Damage on him all over really cool diner and then another
really cool on probably my coolest one this is a custom Jurassic world thrash
and throw t-rex so this is the one that's got the movement on the tail you
could crash it back to pull there roars stomps but this one is custom made
custom colored and it has custom made for it really cool and then this one
here is just like the one you've seen the one you just seen was this guy
customized so this is the thrashing bro t-rex with all the controls under the
tail the stomping action really cool-looking Dino and this one here is
the legacy edition chomping t-rex big huge tongue sticking army one of the
singers from the band Kiss and then this one is the same Dino
but exclusive to Walmart with the Battle Damage so basically just damage painted
on now one of the coolest ones I got this is a new one I just got this is the
grab and growl in the Raptor so it's got full movement through the head puppeteer
type movement it does also grab with its arms when you turn the dial and it has
sound and the eyes right up here so this is a really cool looking in the Raptor
and then down here is the original in the rafter so they do look pretty
identical but this doesn't light up does it make sound this is just almost like a
generic version of the one I just showed you and then down here we have a
Spinosaurus look-alike from the Spinosaurus family this is the suku -
this one doesn't have sound but you push the button here it does open in
chocolate mouth this is an awesome looking Dino like I said full reviews
and battles of all of these check out the playlist at the end of the channel
and then we have a big huge Stegosaurus so this guy's action feature is he
swings his tail back and forth when you push the spike one is back here really
cool-looking huge Stegosaurus and then back here we have a huge Pteranodon
check this guy out this is the biggest trend on I've seen
and the most accurate looking like a movie and then over here we have giant
sized Velociraptor blue so uh you'll see when I get to the other the other
Raptors are about the size of the Stiggy so this blue is way bigger I believe
it's a 12-inch figure from head to tail and then here is a cool one I found at
Target this one oh I think it turns it off
this one does
so different dinos you thought plays games and stuff and it comes with two
and then I've got some movie theater exclusives these were in different
countries you could buy these this is the indoor after head pops open you
could fill it full of popcorn and the same with this t-rex the head pops open
you could fill it cool off for these ones I bought from Mexico and then they
also had this huge Jurassic world egg here which I believe in Mexico this was
used for popcorn or ice cream so you could have put ice cream in there just
says it says Jurassic world solo ends in it and then also with that - I bought
this giant gyrosphere that you fill up with popcorn and you can eat it right
out of there so cool and some other really cool ones is I have an
interrupter mask here you put the straps on and when you talk the mask opens and
closes as your mouth does and the same with the t-rex you put the mask on and
when you talk it jumps and then the coolest mask of all is this Velociraptor
blue one if as you open the mouth it makes some and the eyes move it's like a
glass eye I mean it's very realistic
this is a cool-looking man and then we have a gyro spear launcher vehicle by
matchbox if you push this it launches the gyrosphere right out the front of
the truck you could put characters in here it's a
really cool-looking beautiful and then over here I have a remote-control
gyrosphere so this one it does move forward and it spins really cool we have
another gyrosphere this is from the gyrosphere and claire story set with
like a broken top and we have the sub from the movie that goes down finds the
indominus rex is body and the bottom of the sea and I believe this the
Mosasaurus also does end up attacking this one and then over here I have
Raptor attack remote control here
so this one does drive the seat pops open it throws Owen out when the Raptor
Springs forward it hits a spot here the seat pops out and it looks like the
Raptor actually got Owen right out of the Jeep and then I have a legacy
Edition Jeep Wrangler from Jurassic Park this one is sold at Target with working
winch I've got a big like Dino transport truck here with sound work lights
opening doors you could pull characters inside you could put the dinos in the
back even bigger dinos like the suit problem it will fit right in there so
this was I believe made wide matchbox and then we have this big huge real feel
moves a sore ass so this guy is a huge rubber dinosaur you could actually take
this kids can play with this one in the bathtub it's really cool and to go with
the Velociraptor blue mask I showed you earlier you got some awesome rubber
Velociraptor blue cloth and then here is one of the roars Ceratosaurus and then I
have a nice big Carnotaurus with chomping Wow I actually gave this one
away in a giveaway a brand new one so keep watching for giveaways and then
over here I have Jurassic Park remote-control Jeep with mud splattered
all over it and a big huge Imaginext in the rafters so this guy actually I
comes with like a Jeep and this guy will chase the Jeep let me
see I believe I could show you the running action if I turn this there we
go so it looks almost like he's riding a bicycle it is hilarious and then we have
a big huge Inc Lea Soros with swingin club tail we have a metro campus or s
chomping action is sound we have chop chomping Allosaurus with chomping action
is sound we have an awesome Jurassic world matchbox portable set and we have
some little ones this is one of the attack packs die more put on and then we
have Battle Damage sticking the lock you see this guy's yeah he's a little shiny
I had I put this guy into a slime pool so I hope it actually washes off okay
okay here we have a really cool Velociraptor blue and a red Velociraptor
which is it's an exclusive pack that is sold at Kohl's stores only and then we
have a Pachycephalosaurus with head springing action there back here we have
and awesome triceratop moves this edge and big cell Wow we have a lot of Dinos
from Jurassic world fallen Kingdom here we have Velociraptor blue with bringing
action here we have a cool Dilophosaurus
it's frills pop all over there and then we have a lot of Gallimimus is we have
an orange yellow my man will get to the other ones in a moment gray Gallimimus
we have green Velociraptor we have baby t-rex we have another brown Velociraptor
with the springing action I believe this is one of the legacy edition ones this
is another legacy edition one with springing action and then we have a
panel damage monolith asaurus we have another awesome glossary empty blue here
we have classic edition one of the legacy edition Pteranodons and here we
have Battle Damage Triceratops but they actually put the horns on backwards here
we have the Velociraptor this is the one that actually goes on that attack rank
Jeep Wrangler this one the one that swings forward and attack oh let me see
we have an Owen on a motorcycle here this is like the rip and roar motorcycle
we have some fun Co ones this is a Funko t-rex this is a Funko iron Malcolm we
have a Funko dr. grant over here we have a Funko Funko Dennis Nedry
Funko John Hammond we have brown yellow - battle damage we
have Baryonyx with shopping and side and then we have another Jarvis sphere so a
lot of the set there's three or four Jarvis fears you could get in the set we
have while battle damage their era Soros just good if you hit him and opens up
chomping cool and then we have aa awesome like rip and roar Velociraptor
blue he attaches to Owens motorcycle and we
have green Dilophosaurus with pop pop thrills we
have awesome die more food on here and then moving on we have this is the
four-wheeler that goes to the in director set this is the one Owen rights
and in director chases and we have Funko Dilophosaurus we have a green Gallimimus
over here we have a crushed t-rex mask we have like greenish blue Velociraptor
with the springy action over here we have these ones are really cool these
are the Takara Tomy original license products so this is these are from
fallen kingdom to fallen Kingdom t-rex in director Stiggy Moloch Mosasaurus
Velociraptor blue and Carnotaurus and then so far I have a bunch
the action figures I'm just gonna pull these off really quick so we could see
the different action figures because there is quite a few of them
so that that's one thing that's awesome they brought back the action figures the
other the first Jurassic world set they had one action figure which was going
with the Velociraptor blue set so this one not only brings the Jurassic world
characters they bring back a lot of the classic characters from Jurassic Park so
if we the Jurassic world legacy edition and then I have a box huge bag full of
Jurassic world miniatures these are from 15 packs from Walmart Battle Damage and
for most of these are from blind bags I have three of the Jurassic world
dinosaur skeleton sets you have the Triceratops the Velociraptor and this de
Malacca and a bag full of Matchbox cars from the fallen Kingdom movie and a bag
full of Imaginext dinosaurs characters wow that was a lot
oops almost forgot one more like almost light orange brown color Gallimimus
that's a lot of Dinos and they still are coming out with more so keep watching to
see even more okay I almost forgot I also do have all of the drastic world
Lego sets which I've put together and stop-motion animation
those are cool I believe there was 14 of the Lego fallen Kingdom sets the dinos
are the Carnotaurus a brand new t-rex mold the original
t-rex mold the endo Raptor
we have a classic Velociraptor classic die loss or s we have this diggie Moloch
we have two of the velociraptor blues a green classic velociraptor and aa
Pteranodon so those are the Legos and then my final one is the remote
control Pteranodon totally awesome if you guys enjoyed that video I do got
over a thousand more the majority are Jurassic world
Jurassic Park Godzilla king called transformers Power Rangers Ninja Turtles
Scooby Doo ain't a lot more check out the playlist on my channel or for more
fun fallen Jurassic world fallen Kingdom videos check out the playlist at the end
of this video you guys are awesome and I will see you soon and today secret word
is the word
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