Hi friends! How is everyone? I'm your host Ayman Hassan and you are watching Top 10 Hindi videos.
Today's video is quite the banger because there's some reverse psychology involved.
I'm gonna tell you all the things you should probably never Google and you guys are probably gonna Google them as soon as the video
Ends so really, why am I even warning you to begin with? As always guys,
You know the routine by now, if you guys enjoy these videos and want to see more like them, then
hit the subscribe button right this moment.
And if you guys have any suggestions on what other content you want to see,then please comment below and I'll definitely check it
Out and who knows it may even be in an upcoming video!
Also, just a quick disclaimer that there are some mentions of gross pictures, suicide murder and rape in the video
So that isn't your thing then at least, you know that before continuing on but enough chitchat. Let's get on with it
This is the top 10 scary things. You should never google. At number 10 we have how to give consciousness to machines.
I mean, does this even need an explanation?
Really? Friends I'm gonna blow your mind if I tell you how many times this is googled worldwide.
My first concern is number one, who is googling this? Are you tech wizard who actually believes that you can achieve this great feat?
And two - why is this being googled?
I can't think of a single time in history ever where robots with real thoughts was a good idea. Not a single time.
I mean, the show humans, ex machina... like when does the situation ever end well? Have we learned nothing from black Mirror? I'm watching you
I'm watching you too, Laura
If for some reason this idea still interests
You just be warned that if you do Google this you're gonna fall into a very deep wormhole of existential crises.
So it's either that or following reddit threads by crazy tech prodigies trying to take over the world. The choice is yours.
But believe me guys!
If this happens then we have no chance against them! They are smarter than us, much better in everything and they dont even complain!
I Won. This is a good beginning of my plan to dominate the human race.
At number nine we have the vampire of düsseldorf. Yes. You heard that right. You can rewind this
if you need to. Wait a minute Ayman, Vampires are not real!
I know. But this is the only guy who ever came close and honestly he gave Dracula a bad name. The vampire of
Düsseldorf aka Peter Kurten was a german serial killer and if that doesn't make him sound bad enough already,
before he started killing people, he already had a long record of arson and failed
murder attempts, right...
Kurten was given this
Unfortunate name because of his frequent attempts to actually drink the blood from his victims wounds and actually liking the sight of blood
Being sprayed or spattered everywhere when he killed them BRB when I tried to stomach that and hold my lunch in
We know this for sure that he has killed more than 9 people and has attacked at least 30 people.
But google didn't specify a solid number of victims. So google is trying to say that
there could be 9 victims or maybe even 100! I mean that's a massive range.. At number 8 we have
trypophobia now
This will make your skin crawl
More than it'll scare you but I couldn't exclude this from the list. By definition it's the fear of holes
Bumps and irregular clusters of either of those things. To truly make you understand a disgusting nature of this
I'm gonna have to show you pictures
so here's a trigger warning to say that a few images are about to appear that may freak some people out or disgust you or
All-around aren't for people with queasy stomachs. Well, that's my PSA done. Let's see the pictures
Ew, ew, ew. Sorry But I had to show you these pictures. Are you guys still with me?
Hello? Just by it's name this phobia sounds scary but when you actually see it, it's a whole different story. My sister
actually has quite a bad case of trypophobia, so her
twin takes it upon herself to save these sorts of pictures as her phone
Wallpaper when she's not looking and let's just say I have a hundred percent seen tears on countless occasions.
Did I just give you guys a really evil prank idea? Don't do this. At number 7 we have the Bermuda Triangle. I'm sorry
I'm guilty. I know full disclosure
I've spent hours googling the Bermuda Triangle just to figure out what the hell was going on. For the uninitiated the Bermuda Triangle
Aka The Devil's Triangle or hurricane alley. Okay stop! Just by hearing it's name it sounds like a bad idea.
I'm sorry, who in their right mind want's to go to a place called Devil's Triangle?
Let alone hurricane alley? I'll tell you who. People who have a death wish or extreme adrenaline junkies. And it is
notoriously famous for people, planes, ships anything really going missing without
explanation. Planes seem to enter this area and lose contact with air traffic control towers and a lot of people also believe the
Disappearances are due to paranormal activity. Okay...wait a second...
That means its dangerous to live at home and even at sea? So let's do one thing..
Can I please get a one-way ticket to Mars? At number six
we have the deep dark web or rather how to gain access into the dark web. Some of you who are watching this may have
Already Google this because curiosity leaves no man standing. The braver ones amongst you may have already
Accessed the dark web
And for those of you who have, well how many of you are surviving to tell the tale? Okay, I
Ok, I was exaggerating a bit.You guys can google it, it won't kill you. But still be cautious.
Now, I'm sure some of you may think you guys are internet experts
But let me just knock you off your high horse real quick. Most of the internet that we use is just a mere
as compared to the dark web which stands at 94%.
It's not necessarily illegal to access the dark web
But it does contain a lot of illegal content like sites that sell drugs, human and sex trafficking videos,
Counterfeit money and even some terrorist organizations recruit through the dark web
whatever is illegal on the internet
and whatever you guys can think of, all that is available on the dark web.
That aside is actually nearly impossible to gain access into the dark net unless you're a tech genius or mr. Robot. At number 5
we have Robert Budd Dwyer
I know you guys are probably thinking,
who is this person?
Where did he come from?. Dwyer was an American politician and the 30th treasurer of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
And if that means absolutely nothing to you, that's totally okay because it doesn't even matter
What does matter was that
he was involved in a scandal as most politicians seem to be nowadays where he was bribed and thus
Taxpayers were robbed of a lot of money. A week before his sentencing,
He called a press conference in front of 30 or 40 reporters and camera man
and at the end of his speech
Dwyer said I'm going to die in office in an effort to see if the shameful fact spread out and all their shame will not
Burn through our civic shamelessness and set fire to American pride
Please tell my story on every radio and television station in every newspaper and magazine in the u.s
Please leave immediately
If you have a weak stomach or mind, since I don't want to cause any physical or mental distress. Morbid right?
You have no idea. After that he took out a revolver, kept it in his mouth and shot himself.
His suicide is still available on the internet. But after seeing it myself I request you guys to not watch it! Somethings can never be forgotten.
At number 4 we have Krokodil and no although it sounds like a badly named reptile like superhero, it is far from it.
Krokodil is a
Synthetic drug also known as the zombie drug and it's worse than any kind we've seen before. It was developed in Russia and is used
As a heroin substitution for people who can't afford the real thing.
It has many side effects mostly skin infections
And the reason it's dubbed the zombie drug, is because it can cause gangrene or eschars which are basically dead patches of skin.
Krokodil user's skin turn grey,
Green, black or scabby and sometimes it gets so bad that it starts to fall off.
It starts looking exactly like a crocodiles skin. Ah..crocodile..Krokodil..now it makes sense.
In at number 3 we have four girls finger paint. Seems harmless enough doesn't it? WRONGGG.
This viral video was a sort of unplanned sequel to two girls one cup
Which everyone who's been on the internet in the last decade has probably heard of or seen.
In four girls finger paint four girls are essentially in the most laymen terms
Painting themselves and each other with their own feces.
If this video was your lunch companion or dinner entertainment then I apologize for this.
dinner entertainment then I apologize for this. At number 2 we have Koh Tao
Aka the murder island of Thailand.
So anyone who just booked their spring break vacation to Koh Samui may want to check that 24-hour cancellation policy.
Just kidding. Swadika to all the Thai viewers out there,Thailand is absolutely gorgeous.
has come under a lot of people's radar as many tourists have disappeared or gotten murdered there.
In 2014, Hannah Witheridge and David Miller were found bludgeoned to death on one of the islands' beaches and Hannah was also raped. The worst part
of it was that police failed to investigate the murders properly due to the involvement of an apparent cover-up of a very prominent family on
the island
shady? Elise
Dallemang was also found dead in half eaten by lizards in the middle of the jungle and the police ruled it out as a suicide from
Hanging but her mother was adamant she was murdered.The strangest thing was,
Elise was planning to go on a different island. Her luggage arrived at the location
but Elise never made it. Luke Miller also found dead floating in his resort's pool with the authorities giving his family
Various fleeting explanations as to why he died. Christina Annesley died due to an apparent mix of antibiotics and alcohol.
However, the Thai police refused to do a toxicology report on her. Russian tourist
Valentina just literally vanished from her hotel room one night and was never seen again
after and her belongings had been left behind. And Dimitri Povse a was found hung in a bungalow
It was ruled out as a suicide, even though his hands were tied behind his back
Physically, I'm trying to think about how those two things can occur simultaneously if it was a suicide. And this
is not even the entire list. Taking our number one spot is the FDA defect levels handbook. I know
the title sounds really boring, but listen to me patiently and then decide.
Did you know there are a certain number of maggots actually allowed in the tomatoes you eat? That to an extent
It's all good for a certain amount of rat poop to be in your chocolate
The FDA claims that all these defects are part of the natural process of growth in that certain levels are harmless
Even if it's harmless, that's still so bloody disgusting
Here are just some of those levels
6% of the weight of a bag of chips can basically just be rot. side note -
That is a horrific start considering half the bag is basically air. Only 20 maggots are allowed in the can of mushrooms
Thanks? And in 10 grams of crushed oregano, they allow up to
1,250 insect parts. Disclaimer: Please don't google all this if you want to enjoy your lunch or dinner.
Trust me, I'm saying this for your benefit!
I know you guys don't want this video to end...you guys want more tips on what to google and what not to google
but 10 is all you get!It's time for me to go but maybe in the future I might do a part 2.
I mean if you guys want a part two, then definitely let us know. As always guys
Let me know which one of these things you've googled yourself. I think I've googled around half of them and the other half
I'm not even going to Google but I kind of already have for this video. Some things you can just live your whole life without
Seeing you know? Ok guys, that's all for today, remember to subscribe to the channel for more content,
I'm your host Ayman Hasan and I'll see you next time. Khudafiz!
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