(RECAP) I see only one way to proceed. I will call for a Landsmeet, a gathering of all
of Ferelden's nobility in the city of Denerim. There, Ferelden can decide who
shall rule, one way or another. It will take some time to recall my forces and
organize our allies, in the meantime I suggest you pursue the remainder of the
Grey Warden treaties.
(RECAP) There are three main groups that we have treaties for:
the Dalish Elves, the Dwarves of Orzammar, and the Circle of Magi.
Where will we find the Dalish elves?
If we heard eastward, towards the Brecilian Forest, we
should hear word of one of the clans that wanders that area. Hopefully they
will still be there.
MORRIGAN: Ugh! Look what your fool dog placed in my pack!
A putrid, half-eaten hare is not something a woman wants to find in her unmentionables.
ELISSA: It's the thought that counts, he means well.
MORRIGAN: The dirty mongrel can have this back.
There, and tell him not to do it again!
ELISSA: You heard the lady.
DURGEN: (whines)
MORRIGAN: I don't want it, you worthless fur bag!
DURGEN: (whimpers)
ELISSA: I think you hurt his feelings
MORRIGAN: Oh, he's just trying to be manipulative. I can
tell, I do it too.
ELISSA: Do you know anything about the Dalish?
LELIANA: I have heard a little about how the
elves gain their freedom from the Tevinter Imperium.
When Andraste began
her Exalted March against the Imperium, the elves joined her cause to fight
their masters. The great elven leader, Shartan, born in captivity, rose up to
lead his people. He foresaw a future where the elves were free.
Shartan was killed when Andraste was betrayed, but the elves continued to
fight. Eventually breaking free of the Imperium,
the elves claimed The Dales in the south, and settled there in the land of their
ELISSA: It didn't last.
LELIANA: The elves lived in the Dales for centuries. They
resurrected the worship of the elven gods, and would allow the building of no
Chantry. This angered the Chantry, and the hostility between the two factions
finally broke out in open war. The Chantry says the elves struck first, but
I do not know whether to believe it. The Chantry declared a holy Exalted March
against the elves, named for Andraste's march against Tevinter.
During the exalted march of The Dales, the elven cities were sacked and the
elven state completely dissolved. Some of the elves bitterly accepted their fates
and surrendered a human rule, living in the human cities as second-class
citizens. But others, still fiercely proud of their heritage, refused to bow to the
humans and instead became homeless wanderers. They were the elves of The
Dales; The Dalish.
SHALE: I've watched a lot of humans in my time, it should be aware that I have decided
that it is... not much like any of them.
ELISSA: Thanks, Shale.
SHALE: Surely it must come from some
superior lineage, yes? Some breed a flesh creature that has decided to elevate its
genetic stock above its natural shortcomings?
ELISSA: You were once a "flesh creature" yourself.
SHALE: Don't remind me. I would appreciate if it
didn't spread around that I said anything. Humans might start to get the
wrong idea, they might start thinking their race is not completely hopeless.
ELISSA: Thanks for the vote of confidence.
SHALE: It is quite welcome. Now, let us crush
something into a fine paste before it starts to think I've gone all soft.
Perish the thought!
WYNNE: What's on your mind?
ELISSA: As a Grey Warden... I'll never lead a normal life, will I?
WYNNE: No, you won't.
ELISSA: I already knew the answer, don't know why I asked.
WYNNE: Because you
were not looking for the answer, but for someone to tell you that in spite of it
you'll be alright. You wonder sometimes, don't you? If your life would be better
if you weren't who you are.
ELISSA: A little...
WYNNE: When I was a young woman in the tower, I came
to the realisation that The Circle would be my life, and I would know no other.
Family. Love. A simple life. These were things that others took for granted
that I would never have.
ELISSA: Grass is always greener on the other side.
WYNNE: it made me very moody. All I could think of was being trapped in that tower, with no way
out and no end in sight. I started hating my life, and myself, and one night I found
myself in the tower's Chapel. I was seeking refuge, maybe answers.
ELISSA: Did you find anything?
WYNNE: I must have looked tearful, or made some noise, because the Revered
Mother came out and decided to speak to me. And because I had no one else to talk
to, I talked to her.
I must have said many silly things, but she told me that The Maker puts us all
on our paths for a reason. And fighting our intended course is what causes so
much anguish.
ELISSA: And that made you feel better?
WYNNE: Ha! I thought the old biddy was full of rubbish. I was 15, maybe 16, and I knew
everything. So I left, but I always found my way back to that Chapel. And as the
years passed, I began to see the truth of her words. We were supposed to be polar
opposites, mage and priest, but we weren't. There was much about us that was
the same.
ELISSA: But priests have to choose to be priests, mages don't.
WYNNE: Not all priests
choose their path. Some children are given to the Chantry to raise and become
initiates. The Revered Mother had lived in the Chantry all her life, as I had
been in the tower for all of mine. She taught me that you can find your family
in the people around you. That you can love your work, and find fulfillment in
duty. And there is joy even in self-sacrifice. If you put others before
yourself, then their well-being is yours, and their happiness is your happiness.
ELISSA: That doesn't sound healthy.
WYNNE: It isn't healthy to throw yourself at a pack of
Darkspawn either, in order to save the world, so I'd say you're in no position
to judge. You can scream and cry and be angry about life as a Grey Warden. Or, you
can accept it and allow yourself to see the good in it. This is your choice.
ELISSA: I need to tell you... how much I enjoy your company.
ALISTAIR: You know, I was just thinking the same thing. Given the circumstances, things
could have been so much worse. I'm so grateful that you're... you, instead of some
other Grey Warden. Hmm, that sounded better in my head. I just mean to say
that, I've really come to care about you.
ELISSA: I feel the same way.
ALISTAIR: Now we just need to
be rid of that pesky Archdemon and everything will be back to normal, right?
ZEVRAN: What say you?
ELISSA: What's your opinion of The Dalish?
I know little enough at the
dalish other than the fact that my mother was one or so I was told she'd
fallen in love with an elven woodcutter and accompanied him back to the city
living her clan behind for good and there of course the woodcutter died of
some filthy disease and my mother was forced into prostitution to pay off his
debts all his tale in the book Safran that's horrible is it it seemed
normal enough a tale growing up not different than the other elephant boys
in the whorehouse I didn't know my mother either of course she died giving
birth to me my first victim as it were we were all raised communally by the
horse it was a happy enough existence ignoring
the occasional beating until eventually I was sold to the crows I brought again
price so I hear it could have been much worse shall I tell you about what
happened to the other whorehouse boys who did not fetch a decent price with
the crows surely your life has not been so idyllic people like you and I are not
the product of happy lives of contentment after all well up until my
family was slaughtered by a supposed friend my life was pretty good my
original point is that my mother's dalish nature was always a point of
fascination for me through all the years of micro training the one thing of my
mother's that I possessed was a pair of gloves they were of Danish make I knew
that much and beautiful I had to keep them hidden of course as we were not
allowed such things eventually they were discovered and I never saw them again
but you don't think of yourself as Danish not at all I think of myself as
aunt even still that did not stop me from running off to join a clan when I
drew near antiva City once naturally the reality did not live up at
all to the fantasies I had constructed as a boy staring at those gloves but
such is life come enough talk of the dalish let us
move on
stop right there outsider the dalish have camped in this spot I suggest you
go elsewhere and quickly actually I've been looking for the dalish I find that
hard to believe what business could we dalish possibly have with a group like
yours I am a Grey Warden I wish to speak to your leader a Grey Warden how do I
know you're telling the truth you will have to take my word on it
I suppose that a lie wouldn't gain you much benefit I shall bring you to the
keeper in the camp I suggest you keep your hands to yourself and remember that
our ears are still trained on you follow me
hmm I see we have guests
and a hound amongst them as if we haven't had enough problems with such
creatures who are these strangers Mithra I have precious little patience and less
time to spend on outsiders today this one claims to be a Grey Warden and
wishes to speak with the clan I thought it best to leave the decision to you
that was wise of you Monsieur Innes Mithra you may return to your post mana
Vina and keeper no allow me to introduce myself
I am Zephyr Ian the keeper of this clan its guide and preserver of our ancient
law and you are my name is ELISA a pleasure to meet you manners from ash
Emlyn interesting what might be your mission here have you come to spread
news of the blight I had already sensed the corruption spreading in the south
the existence of the blight is not news to me I would have taken the clan north
by now had we the ability to move sadly as you can see we do not I imagine you
are here regarding the treaty we signed centuries ago unfortunately we may not
be able to live up to the promise we made this will require some explanation
please follow me
the Klan came to the Brazilian forest one month ago as is our custom when we
enter this part of Ferelden we are always wary of the dangers in the
forest but we did not expect the werewolves would be lying and wait for
us they ambushed us though we drove the beasts back much damage was done many of
our warriors like dying as we speak even with all our magic and healing skill we
will eventually be forced to slay our brethren to prevent them from becoming
beasts the blights evil must be stopped but we are in no position to uphold our
obligations I am truly sorry there are actual werewolves in the forest there
was a time in farallon's history when where beasts roamed the lands and great
numbers spirits possessed animals and turned them into horrific monsters the
humans ward against and destroyed these creatures no doubt their tales of those
days grow ever more inaccurate flemeth tells tales of such a time packs of
possessed wolves the kin to abominations roaming the land it was a terrible age
now long past the where beasts are not all gone from this land and the ones
that stalk the Brazilian forests are proof of this why do these beasts attack
you they are savage and unrelenting they need no reason to attack anyone what is
curious however is the ambush we expect werewolves to be no more cunning than a
rabid wolf the ambush suggests a level of intelligence we've never seen before
maybe they aren't as and intelligent as you think I doubt that the very curse
that is in their blood fills them with an unreasoning rage that precludes any
true thought there's a no way to help your men the affliction is a curse that
runs rampant in their blood bringing great agony and then ultimately either
death or a transformation into something monstrous the only thing that could help
them must come from the source of the curse itself and that that would be no
trivial task to retrieve I am good at non trivial tasks
within the Brazilian forest dwells a great wolf we call him wither Fang it
was within him that the curse originated and through his blood that it has been
spread if he is killed and his heart brought to me perhaps I could destroy
the curse but this task has proven too dangerous for us I sent some hunters
into the forest a week ago but they have not returned I cannot risk any more of
my clan you said you could perhaps destroy the curse there is no guarantee
that this will work as I suspect but it's the only hope we have left I'll
find this wither Fang for you I must warn you that more than werewolves lurk
in the Brazilian forest it has a history full of carnage and murder you see where
there is so much death the veil separating the spirit realm from our own
becomes thin allowing spirits to possess things living or dead but if you can
indeed help then I wish you luck I have some questions for you make them quick
if you please I have much to do here my apprentice Lanaya or say Rael the clans
the storyteller could provide you with answers just as easily tell me more
about this curse the hunters suffer from there is not much to say it stemmed
originally from whither Fang but now any werewolf may infect someone with it so
did all werewolves everywhere stem from wither fame no the ones from this forest
however do so if a werewolf bites me then I will become infected it is
possible but not guaranteed the only way to protect against the curse is not to
be bitten how do you know if you've been infected by the curse you will know
within a matter of days you will begin to sweat and vomit and most tellingly
your temper will become wild and uncontrollable if that happens to you
you should seek out whither Fang even more swiftly your mission at that point
will be rather personal how did this curse start that is a long tale I do not
have time to tell asks a Rael about it if you wish I must return into caring
for my people creators speed on your way under annotation Grey Warden my name is
Luna I am sapiens first what you might call
an apprentice perhaps I've been studying under the keeper all my life I am a bit
curious of the outside world do you mind if I ask you a question or two if you
like go ahead I hear the human cities are very large
thousands upon thousands of souls all packed together in their houses is that
true yes some are larger than the I can see how very loud that must be with
everyone talking all at once I try to imagine those of our people living in
such a place surrounded by walls of stone and indifference
it is a difficult thought it isn't an easy life for them that's true I suppose
you have met many of my kind in your travels my heart goes out to them it is
said that one day we will have a land of our own we dalish gather the ancient
wisdom and preparation for this when that day comes all elves even those who
have forgotten will reclaim their former glory I have a question if it's not too
impolite to ask do your people regret what they did to ours some of us do not
all humans are the same I see that is difficult for our people to accept even
if only some were in favor of what was done to us the rest did nothing to stop
it a poet once wrote of them before the
fall of the dales like dragons they fly glory upon wings like dragons
they savage fearsome pretty things but you don't need me to quote poetry to you
forgive me perhaps you have some questions of your own tell me more about
yourself I'm hardly anyone special I assure you if I seem different from the
rest of my clan it's only because I was born amongst humans
I came to the dalish at a very young age but I've always retained my curiosity
about the world I came from how did you come to the date-ish if you were so
young my parents were servants to a human merchants whose caravans plied the
southern routes one day bandits killed him and my
parents both I was the only survivor just a young girl and the bandits took
me I was their servant for several years I'm sorry
it must have been horrible it was the long years of reflection have allowed me
to come to terms with it to put them in perspective I can only imagine what
would have happened had the clan not saved me from them I owe them my life
for that and more the dalish rescued you from bandits the bandits killed a scout
when the clan passed near their camp when the clan discovered him zathrian
came looking for his killers he followed their tracks for almost a month and when
he finally caught up to us he fell in the bandits like a terror no one could
stop him i sat there and I watched him attack them in a blur and I reveled in
every blow and he saw me the fury in his eyes turned to pity he took me back to
the clan and I've been here ever since didn't you have family you could have
returned to it's possible I might have had some may be many zathrian offered to
take me back but I had no idea where I was from and I wanted to stay with a man
who rescued me the clan is my family any others out there it's best they believe
that little girl died with her parents for now the clan is all I need my old
world could not have offered me all this and the knowledge of a keeper as well
perhaps one day when I am keeper I might inquire out of curiosity I'm not sure
what lies down that road except pain however how did you become a keeper I am
NOT a keeper I am zathrian first though because I was
not born into the clan becoming his first was very difficult
we dalish have old traditions the clans come from the ranks of the nobility that
once ruled the Dales you see the keepers of those old clans have the strongest
and purest blood that reaches back to the days of our laughin i had to compete
against the other candidates for first to be better than them in everything
simply because i was not of the old blood you must be proud of your
accomplishments I am the ceremony was a three and anointed me as his first was
the proudest of my life the clan has placed great
trust at me one day I will lead them and be the one who secures our future what
does it keep it do exactly a keeper is first and foremost the leader of the
clan he decides where we go and when we shall move he's also responsible for
knowing the clans ancient lore and passing it on to the others in the clan
without a keeper the clans knowledge is lost forever
so the clan protects him like no other what can you tell me about zathrian
nothing that you could not ask Sabri and himself he is the keeper of this clan
and has been for a very long time he is also a very good man who has lost much
the dalish are everything to him and he would do anything to protect them lost
much what does he lost he lost his family a very long time ago I don't know
the story but I understand the circumstances were horrific
I should go as you wish Darth Shiro we few Wanderers greet you chemin we
understand you are venturing into the haunted forest to save our brethren I
suspect your efforts may be in vain an entire group of our hunters went into
the forest to do as you intend and they have not returned if I'm lucky maybe I
can find them an outsider to the rescue but of course what were we doing trying
to solve our own problems I'm just trying to help your people nothing will
help us now least of all the meddling of an outsider you are being most unkind
Cyril would you refuse our hunters help simply because of the hand that offered
it I have allowed my bitterness to cloud my better judgment
forgive me grey woody it is most difficult to forget the lessons the
Shemin have taught us it is even more difficult when you live amongst them
trust me perhaps I can yet make amends stay while
I spin a tale for our children and then I will tell you of the forest if you
desire I'd like that come and join us then all of you
now what say we tell the story of the fall of the Dales which of your children
knows that best I I think I do yes then come child oh don't be frightened of the
outsiders now where do you suppose such a tale should begin when we were slaves
yes long ago our people were slaves to an empire the Semillon had built on the
darkest magic they took away our history and our language and left us nothing and
then that Empire fell we were freed because on trust he came with her army
and scharton joined her yes andraste the Semillon prophet came out of the south
and challenged the tevinter imperium our ancestor sat and fought at her side and
when the rebellion came to an end we were given a new homeland in the West
the Dales we began to rebuild the culture in
history we had lost in our years of slavery we worshipped the creator's made
the Dales our home perhaps you know what happened next stranger do you know what
happened to the Dales you started a war with us and lost we started the war did
we and you child what do you believe happened to the Dales the shenlin
wouldn't let us be indeed they resented that we would not worship their maker
and they resented our ways because they were so different from their own
ash emmalin nations grew cold towards the Dales
they called us blasphemous and tyrants and declared war upon us a Great Crusade
on every human felt that way I'm sure and which is worse
the actions of those who believed they were right or the inaction of those who
knew they were wrong oh I am certain we played a part in our downfall
we believe that the Semillon would not revoke their prophets gift so lightly we
were wrong they took our lands forcing us to
abandon our gods and livers beggars in Semillon cities but there were those of
us who refused to abandon our ways they emblazoned the symbols of the creator's
upon their flesh and vowed to keep their ancient law alive that's that's the
dalish indeed child we chose to wonder homeless rather than be ruled by the
Shemin and all our clans wonder alone until the day we have a homeland once
more and we bring the old ways back to our people because they have forgotten
at all we are the dalish the keepers of the lost law the walkers of the lonely
path we are the elvenar and never again shall we submit and that is the tale of
the Dales stranger thank you for allowing us to tell it to you perhaps
you'll allow me to tell a story as well perhaps another time
you are the guest here and one who may yet prove of great help to our ailing
hunters now as I said I would I can tell you what I know of the Brazilian forest
do you wish to hear it yes tell me of the forest our legends say that before
the Shemin came the Brazilian forest was a place of our ancestors that predated
even our oldest homeland the people of the Imperium came here and gave the
forest its name if they found traces of our ancestors we cannot say if they did
those elves were slain or enslaved we know only the great many battles were
fought here these trees grow upon the graves of those who fell Shem 'ln and
elves both so much death in one place tore the veil into the beyond the Shem
'ln know the beyond as the fade the place of dreams and spirits when the
veil is torn spirits passed into our world freely the legends say that one
great spirit possessed the wolf that became whither Fang
with a Fang still exists today so zathrian insists he says that whether
Fang does not age as the werewolves do with a Fang is as much spirit as it is
beasts and thus it is immortal perhaps it cannot even be slain at the
very least it is old and powerful much as zathrian himself
how many werewolves are there no one knows when the Semillon lived in these
parts a curse would spread anew to a few of them with each passing year they
would run off into the forest never to be seen again eventually all the
semillon left one assumes the werewolves survived by passing their curse to their
offspring they have had no new blood until now have the hunters become
werewolves it is said that one or two have turned already though the keeper
denies it as for the rest they will either die or turn unless they are
killed out of mercy I would rather die than become a ravening soulless beast
wouldn't you so there are many spirits in the forest the forest is said to
beyond it spirits possess the trees the Wolves even the bodies of the dead they
yearn for true life you see that's all I need to know one last warning
the forest is like a thing alive it changes as it wills closing paths behind
you and opening up new ones too many have become lost within unable to find
their way out where are you I would endeavor not to make the forest
my enemy
ah no I know who this is this is Fenner L the dread wolf
according to elven legend he tricked all the other elven gods and sealed them
away in the fade for all eternity you know the elves he worked in the
kitchens back home used to call Durga an offender al this one time he managed to
lock them in the store room before he raided the kitchen we still don't know
how he did that and their annotation stranger I am a therus I hope the others
have not been too harsh in their treatment of you I understand that is
very generous of you most would assume we are unkind as a rule and that is not
the case especially not to a Grey Warden but we have lost much and it is easy to
forget simple niceties at such a time I understand you will search for the
wolves in the Brazilian forest I would join you but zathrian has forbidden me
forbidden you we are banned from entering the forest
now I have more cause than most but I will not disobey my keeper why do you
want to enter the forest that is a tale I am not sure I should tell an outsider
surely you have greater concerns than my problem stranger please I'd like to hear
about it it's hard to talk so freely with a stranger but perhaps you can't
help me my wife danila and I both fought the
werewolves in the ambush she was injured so gravely the curse spread rapidly in
her zathrian fought hard to ease her pain but there was little he could do
and though he says that danila is dead he will not let me see her her body I am
beginning to believe she became a werewolf and that it is being kept for
me so I do not go chasing after her if I could just know with deny Allah is alive
or what happened to her then I could be at peace I will seek her out in the
forest I have an ambulance on our craftsman it's not much but I would be
happy to give it to you in return for any news
not of a city of myself forests like this just seem so very filthy
the watch wolves have spoken truly my brothers and sisters the daily said the
human of all things to repay us for our attack to put us in our place bitter
irony you speak I thought werewolves were savage beasts
but we are no longer tell them we won't gladly watch them suffer the same person
we love suffered we I would prefer to talk to you I mean you no harm
was it not suffering who sent you he was his homely whore destruction their bark
Paul you talk of zathrian as if you know him he would not survive the experience
I swear it why exactly why do you hate him so much
you know nothing do you nothing of us and even less of those who serve you are
a fool and we are talking running from the forest while you can run to the
dalish and tell them they are doomed I don't want to fight but neither can I
retreat I do not wish to fight you either but we cannot trust you brothers
and sisters let us retreat the forest has ice of its own and it will deal with
intruders as it always has
who who comes you're badly wounded what happened to you we were sent to find
wither Fang bring his heart attack hi he's still breathing
let's get him back to the dalish camp
and Darren at each in grey warden our scouts are you approaching and tell me
you carry the body of one of our hunters with you ah
Dagan he is wounded but I think he will live Masood on us your help is
appreciated come let allene let us take dig into the
keeper and quickly if we are lucky we may still save him
what manner of beast disease that comes before this elder-tree can't you see me
I am a human yes I remember thy time so brief of life and all but blind to the
peril you calls the lives you take such chaos his soul within thy way allow me a
movement to welcome me I am called the grand Oh sometimes the elder tree it
rhymes it is a rhyming tree one can only
imagine what manner of spirits is involved here and unless thou think'st
it far too soon might I ask of thee a boon why do you speak in rhymes I do not
know why just how not and I would seem play a mundane lot perhaps a poet souls
in me does that make me a poetry a
poetry yes I get it it was not a simple jest a jibe to
entertain my yes what are you exactly
I am an elder oak and nothing more though once I dreamt of a time before
when I roamed the world and howl with pain not of this world but tweeks
perhaps I was a spirit then of wandering the thing drawn to this Glen but then
that spirit joined with a tree since then a tree is all it just seems that
the other tree's a far more hostile of the sylvans this is true
they are quite bad their virtues are spirit trapped within a tree no mouth to
scream more eyes to see a cage of bark a prison wood a thing of rage where nature
stood so twisted Sylvan they become but I am not the same as some I accept my
fate head oak in the home I feel no need to rage at road I would like to know
more of this forest I can only speak to what a tree may see it may not help you
but it is enough for me year it was the elves who planted the seeds raised the
forest saw to its needs what that was all so long ago that they are dead is
all I know what happened here to make the forest like this a great
perhaps I cannot tell I was not here when it befell but many deaths here all
the same and with the deaths the spirits came the spirits entered corpse and tree
and most went mad as thou canst see the forest had a spirit of its own from back
when its first seeds were sown perhaps she died of grief that day or perhaps
she simply went away or perhaps the wares are the ones to blame for the day
she left is the day they came I don't understand I speak as clearly as I see
plainer than this I cannot be where can I find wither fangs lair in the center
of the forest the wares to dwell or so go the tales my fellows tell but they
cannot be followed there the forest does protect the wares is there any other way
to get to the center of the forest perform the moon as I ask and I shall
reward thee for the tasks I have but one desire to solve a matter very dire as I
slept one early morn a thief did come and steal an acorn an acorn all I have
is might be my seed without it I am alone indeed I cannot go
note yet I shall die if left without very well I will help you go to the
least to find this man I shall await you what how tab
how odd a camp with no campers complete with fire and warm blankets rather
inviting would you not say more suspicious than inviting
the Elven hunters didn't make this camp and I don't feel very bloody concerned
about that I just want a nap of all things go figure
no we we can't sleep here we need to go
I did not realize I was so tired he should sleep for a while or but did I
just say that I feel it too we we need to stay awake
I'm surprised that fire hasn't burned out we should tend it is it a stick
about hmm I'm tired yes we should use the camp
we need to sleep
a hungry spirit luring those who pass to their rest and there do I might wonder
how it learned this trick no matter it shall pray on no one else there's a
chest here maybe some good can come out of this man maker forsaken death camp
after wore a ring looks expensive and are these Danish clubs Severin take a
look at these gloves you're giving me gloves what for the tailless clubs like
your mother's I make us breath you're right
it is like my mother's the letter was less thick and it's had more embroidery
but these are very close and quite handsome it was nothing still I
appreciate the fact that you even thought of me no one has simply given me
a gift before thank you
wait we are back at the beginning of the path the forest it seems does not wish
us to reach wherever the path leads how protective what happened to you you'll
keep zathrian is the one who sent me here I do have you seen him
I spoke to a therus he worries about you
there must be some way to heal you very well I will end your pain
howdy-ho dear not a werewolf or not a spirit even what other woods coming -
what are you babbling on about questions questions always questions they said was
questions that made me mad what'll do the same for you
ask a question and you'll get a question but give an answer and you'll receive
the same oh I do so love to trade you're quite mad obviously no that is
not a question and if it be an answer it'd be an answer to a question I've not
asked have you no sense for the rules be cautious this is no ordinary madman
he has magic I can sense it powerful magic no fair bringing mages to a
guessing game will you play by the rules or not then would you like to ask me a
question I think it is your turn to ask is it not
who are you Who am I why do you want to know did they send you
debate hell you asked who's they oh did they tell you to pretend to be an
innocent stranger with a head full of fluff and nothing I'm trickier than I
look ha ha I survived still and the trees they
leave me be ha ha night one they will never find me never you're mad do you
know a better way to live in a forest like this ha ha ha but that's all I have
to say about that an answer for an answer there you go do you want to ask
me something else may i oh yes I think I might know what
shall be the first oh yes what is your name
you may call me ELISA aha so you claimed they sent you didn't they
but you're too tricky and you're trying to fool me well I'm on to you just so
you know but it is your turn to ask now ask ask away I dare you
so you live in this stump yes I live here and it's not as bad as you think
where else to go hey I must stay away from them they are out there and looking
they will take your secrets oh yes all of them and leave you empty but that's
all I have to say about that an answer for an answer there you go
would you like to ask me another question
hmm where were you born I was born on my family estate in the north so you say
fiendishly clever of you to maintain this facade for so long but I will see
through it yet mark my words but it is your turn to ask now ask ask
away I dare you do you have the Grand Oaks
ACORN suddenly it all becomes clear you hear that's talking tree there it all
makes sense now as a matter of fact yes I do have that trees ACORN I stole it
and it was easy silly tree should have locked it up
tighter if you want it you'll have to trade me for it and nothing from that
silly tree no leaves or branches or anything but that's all I have to say
about that an answer for an answer there you go ask me something else let's see
do you have a knowledge of the arcane arts can't you tell
if I could tell I wouldn't have to ask you now would I do you have the
knowledge or not no of course not oh well that's disappointing but wait what
if you are lying aha you thought to scamper away without
suspicion did you what I can come to you but it is your turn to ask now ask ask
away I dare you I want to trade for the Acorn oh and
what do you have to trade for the Acorn how about some gold coin coin what
possible use could I have with coin and do you see a money changer about how
about this silver ring I found in the ruins
hey I once had a ring like that this one's Chinese still yes I'll take
it give me that
there now that's done what else have you got on your agenda hmm
I should go oh I see you're going to report to them now are you fine good bye
my a corn is still gone so I pray to thee hast thou any news for me is this
the Acorn you seek my joy soars to new heights indeed I am reunited with my
seed as I promised here at me I hope it's magic pleases
thee keep this branch of mine with thee and pass throughout the forest free I
wish thee well my mortal friend thou brought my sadness to an end
may the sunlight find you my days be long my winters kind and my roots be
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