Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily Oct 23 2018

Driving south on Mountain View Avenue

Turn onto Langston Road

<<< Homestead Road

<<< Waterloo Road

Fourth Avenue >>>

<<< Leaneral Street

<<< Montague Street

<<< Carnavon Street - First Avenue >>>

<<< St James Road

Langston Road ends

<<< Deanery Road >>>

For more infomation >> Langston Road, Kingston, Jamaica - Duration: 4:51.


Dog Gets Head Stuck In A Plastic Container | Kritter Klub - Duration: 3:36.

I can't even..

The consequences of human waste

Dog's head is stuck inside a plastic container

They're siblings

They're always together

Come here

Can only watch from afar

Doesn't feel like eating when its sibling can't

I'll leave so you can eat comfortably

They used to eat and play together

Because one sibling can't eat much, the other doesn't either

While looking for food

Its head got stuck

And it couldn't break free

Licks off any water and remainders in the jar

They both lose sleep

Collects moisture from the rain

Rescue team is here

It's going towards the back

Where did it go?

Over here!



I got you

Its health is surprisingly not bad

There is some harm to its liver function

Thankfully, it was able to stay hydrated from the moisture in the container

Back to being happy dogs~

The neighbors should help them out

We've been doing it, and will continue to do so

For more infomation >> Dog Gets Head Stuck In A Plastic Container | Kritter Klub - Duration: 3:36.


BShp-Thăm vườn cây cảnh anh Năm Đông Lỗ-Hiệp Hòa-Bắc Giang - Duration: 10:37.

For more infomation >> BShp-Thăm vườn cây cảnh anh Năm Đông Lỗ-Hiệp Hòa-Bắc Giang - Duration: 10:37.


Famosos Al Rojo Vivo: resumen de farándula de hoy | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Famosos Al Rojo Vivo: resumen de farándula de hoy | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:31.


Alex Rodríguez pide pagar menos por manutención | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Alex Rodríguez pide pagar menos por manutención | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:53.


Extalón Estados Unidos tendrá segunda temporada | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Extalón Estados Unidos tendrá segunda temporada | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:49.


Canelone de Berinjela e Tofu - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> Canelone de Berinjela e Tofu - Duration: 4:40.


Mega Millions desata locura sin precedentes | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Mega Millions desata locura sin precedentes | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:42.


Recibió 10 mil dólares de propina por dos vasos con agua | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Recibió 10 mil dólares de propina por dos vasos con agua | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:53.


Types of kids you meet at the playground third season - Duration: 5:45.



Hi my loves!

Today I'm going to present a video much requested by you!

Kinds of Children in the Park!

Come on!

There's that kind of kid who likes to take risks!

God help me!


God hold my hand!


haha ha

Look at the man on the swing!


Will be?

Do not do it



There are those types of children who do trolling in friends.

haha ha

I'm going to push that boy!


Do not push me!

Stop pushing me!

stop this!

Can not push the little friend

There's that kind of kid who does not use the park's toys to have fun!

I'm seeing you

get off the front


There is that kind of child that gets envious of his friend playing in the toys

This toy is good!

it's good

Can not cry

people come here

people come here

There is that child who, instead of playing, gets selfie.

Luiza, come and play here.

I will not go. I'm taking photos.

Come here

I can not

I'm not going to play because I'm taking photos

There is that child who is disgusted with everything

She does not even take the time to play.


Where will I play today?

I know, here in this balance sheet

Eca. He's dirty!


This is dirty


Yuck, this one is dirty, too.

I will not play no.




That's right.

I wish you liked the video

Click I Like

Until the next video!


Ciao, my loves!

For more infomation >> Types of kids you meet at the playground third season - Duration: 5:45.


Myths and Truths of Laser Hair Removal|HFE♪ - Duration: 8:39.

Myths and Truths of Laser Hair Removal

Before getting laser hair removal, it's a good idea to know the myths and truths that surround this practice so you know what to expect.

Have you ever considered receiving laser hair removal? Sure, but in the end you have not dared to do it due to certain myths that surround this type of hair removal.

The problem of this lies in ignorance and in that there are other methods that we know and that do not generate any doubt.

Maybe because our friends use them and because laser hair removal is not among their options.

For this reason, and to shed some light on this method of hair removalunknown to some people, we will discover some myths and truths of laser hair removal.

In this way, we will solve any doubts we may have.

Go for it!.

Myths about laser hair removal.

We will start by solving some myths about laser hair removal that are quite widespread and that are not true.

 Myths that generate fear and doubts and that prevent people who might be interested from accessing this type of hair removal.

Laser hair removal causes skin cancer.

There are people who believe that laser hair removal causes skin cancer, because they consider it a very aggressive method to remove hair.

However, laser hair removal destroys the hair, but does not damage the skin at any time.

However, it is true that those who have a history of skin cancer should go to the doctor to get their approval to undergo this type of hair removal.

Due to their background, it may not be good to be exposed to laser hair removal.

Laser hair removal is very painful.

Many people believe that laser hair removal is very painful because they have heard that some people put on a previous cream to have less pain.

However, this depends on the sensitivity of each person.

However, the reality is that the discomfort is minimal.

Laser hair removal is not painful nor will it cause us to not return due to pain.

Yes, you feel a slight sensation of heat, but nothing that we can not tolerate.

Laser hair removal is very expensive.

We may initially believe that laser hair removal is expensive.

However, we must see the benefits that we will achieve in the long term.

Well, are we aware of how much we spend monthly on hair removal bands or waxes? What about when we remove hair by shaving? In the time that we lose when we are waxed, or by shaving with an electric razor?.

Laser hair removal is a very good investment that saves time and money in the long term.

 With the passage of time and after several sessions, we will only have to go once a year to review and sometimes not even that!.

Everything depends on the thickness of our hairs and their growth.

Truths of laser hair removal.

Once we have seen the common myths of laser hair removal, we will discover the truths that it contains.

Surely, now we are more calm about many doubts we had and we will understand much more what this method of hair removal consists of.

People with thin, blonde hair will not work.

It is true that not all people will have a depilatory laser treatment.

People who have fine, very blond hair are very likely not to be able to undergo this method, because it will be a waste of money.

The reason why this method does not work in this type of skin is that having little  melanin will need a greater number of sessions to obtain results and, even then, they will not be insured.

Before each session you have to shave.

This is another truth about laser hair removal and is that, although it seems a nuisance to always shave before going to a hair removal session.

Although we already have few hairs, we have to do it.

It is important that we know that we should not pull out the hair.

The reason is that the laser has to act on the hair.

weakening it to detach and not grow back.

If there is no hair, laser hair removal will not work.

You have to be careful with the sun.

Many people believe that they should not be exposed to the sun after laser hair removal, but what they do not know is that they should not do it before.

In general, it is recommended not to expose yourself to the sun neither 3 days before nor 3 days later.

Also, it will be important to use a sunscreen with high protection and avoid using any type of self-tanner.

The skin will be sensitive and exposed and, if we put it in the sun without following these measures, we can injure it.

If you have ever had laser hair removal, we would like to know your experience.

If you have not done it yet, would you be encouraged to do it? Do you think it would be a good option for you?.

For more infomation >> Myths and Truths of Laser Hair Removal|HFE♪ - Duration: 8:39.


Mensch, ärgere dich nicht (1) – Joyce Meyer – Seelische Schmerzen heilen - Duration: 28:51.

For more infomation >> Mensch, ärgere dich nicht (1) – Joyce Meyer – Seelische Schmerzen heilen - Duration: 28:51.


Monster Truck Crash vs BLOOD Funny Buddy | Kick The Buddy - Duration: 8:48.

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For more infomation >> Monster Truck Crash vs BLOOD Funny Buddy | Kick The Buddy - Duration: 8:48.


সালাত আদায়ের গুরুত্ব | Bangla Short Waz | Sheikh Abdur Razzak Bin Yousuf - Duration: 4:02.

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