Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily Oct 23 2018

In March of 2017, Donald Trump dropped a bombshell from his Twitter feed, when he said that Obama

had his wires tapped at Trump Tower, during the 2016 presidential campaign.

Now, anyone who wasn't a diehard Donald Trump supporter immediately knew that this was not


There was no evidence to back this up.

Nobody in the intelligence community could find any record of this ever happening.

The only thing that did happen, obviously, was Carter Page, who was under surveillance,

made a phone call from Trump Tower, perhaps to Trump Tower.

He was intercepted because that was the order on him, but there was nothing on the President

of the United States, who at the time was just a candidate for President of the United


Well actually, late last week, the U.S. Department of Justice, trying to I guess bury the story,

actually came out at the end of the day and said, "By the way, there's absolutely no evidence

whatsoever to back up Donald Trump's claims that Obama had his wires tapped.

We looked at it.

We've examined that.

We've investigated it.

We spoke to James Comey.

We spoke to everybody else involved at the time.

None of them have any recollection or record or evidence or proof to back up anything that

Donald Trump said about having his wires tapped."

That, again, is coming from Donald Trump's Department of Justice.

Nowhere in the records, nowhere in the court filings, which have to happen if you tap somebody's

wires, there is nothing.

There is no evidence.

Now I'm sure, immediately, we're going to see conservatives, once they understand that

this story actually happened, they're going to come out and they're going to tell us that

it was because Obama did it illegally.

Of course, there wouldn't be a paper trail.

Of course, there'd be no witnesses or they would all deny that it happened, but if in

fact it did happen, where are the recordings?

Because why would you tap somebody's wires and not record them or not transcribe them

or not keep any records?

There's no point to do it, if you're not going to do anything with that information.

There's no evidence to back up what the President said.

I mean, on any given day, there is no evidence to back up anything the President is saying,

but that hasn't stopped him from repeating these lies.

All this story is going to do is get him even more pissed off at his own Department of Justice.

We've seen him attack, Jeff Sessions on Twitter, in interviews, all kinds of things.

This is going to be no different.

He's going to get mad at them for coming out and admitting that the President lied about

this, because this was a big lie for Donald Trump.

You know, one of the biggest ones to start his administration, March of 2017.

He'd been in office a month and a half.

Put this out there, got Republicans all into a frenzy.

They wanted investigations.

They hated Obama more than ever, and it all turns out it was based on a lie, a crazy lie

from Donald Trump.

That's kind of the underlying issue here, is Trump had no reason to lie about this.

He had no reason to even say that.

It wasn't like it was a topic of conversation of, maybe this thing happened.

"Oh, Trump, say something.

What's your opinion?"

The guy just said it.

He just woke up in the morning that day, made it up in his crazy little mind and tweeted

it out.

That's what happened, ladies and gentlemen, and that's not my opinion.

That's pretty much what the DOJ told us last week.

Trump made up this claim for no reason.

If you still support this man I cannot recommend enough, please go seek out your nearest mental

health professional, because much like the President, there's gotta be something wrong

if you can stand by this guy who lies to your face all day long and still think he's best

for this country.

For more infomation >> Trump Admin Finally Admits There's NO EVIDENCE Obama Had Trump's Wires Tapped - Duration: 4:08.


Noticias Telemundo Mediodía, 23 de octubre de 2018 | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 21:43.

For more infomation >> Noticias Telemundo Mediodía, 23 de octubre de 2018 | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 21:43.


¡Geraldine Bazán ya se olvidó de Gabriel Soto! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:32.

For more infomation >> ¡Geraldine Bazán ya se olvidó de Gabriel Soto! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:32.


Langston Road, Kingston, Jamaica - Duration: 4:51.

Driving south on Mountain View Avenue

Turn onto Langston Road

<<< Homestead Road

<<< Waterloo Road

Fourth Avenue >>>

<<< Leaneral Street

<<< Montague Street

<<< Carnavon Street - First Avenue >>>

<<< St James Road

Langston Road ends

<<< Deanery Road >>>

For more infomation >> Langston Road, Kingston, Jamaica - Duration: 4:51.


¡CR7 responde a las acusaciones de violación! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> ¡CR7 responde a las acusaciones de violación! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:41.


¡La tía de Maluma nos cuenta todo sobre el cantente! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> ¡La tía de Maluma nos cuenta todo sobre el cantente! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:52.


¡La tía de Maluma nos cuenta todo sobre el cantente! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> ¡La tía de Maluma nos cuenta todo sobre el cantente! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 3:34.


¡¿A-Rod no puede pagar la manutención de sus hijos?! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> ¡¿A-Rod no puede pagar la manutención de sus hijos?! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:38.


¡Chiquis Rivera se anima a mostrar el agujerito! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> ¡Chiquis Rivera se anima a mostrar el agujerito! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:36.


14 Signs Your Body Is Too Acidic And 9 Ways To Quickly Alkalize It- Healthy Ways - Duration: 4:15.

14 Signs Your Body Is Too Acidic And 9 Ways To Quickly Alkalize It

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17 signs their body's too acidic and 9 ways to quickly organize it not many people are aware that

Acid in the body is a serious health risk because this aesthetic environment is an ideal ground for illnesses

bacteria and yeast to thrive in

Even more an

overly acidic body deprives vital organs and bones of essential minerals in order to neutralize the acid and eliminate it from the body as

a result of this the mineral content in the body including

calcium sodium potassium and magnesium can be severely reduced thus leading to

Damage that can go undetected for years until the mineral levels become dangerously low and result in acidosis

These health issues are caused by mild acidosis pool ph-balanced


inflamed or sensitive gums and cavities

- poor immunity


sciatica lumbago stiff neck

Floor issues shortness of breath coughing

5 yeast proliferation

6 lack of energy and chronic fatigue

7 heart issues arrhythmia, tachycardia it bladder and kidney infections

Nine increased free radical damage

10 aging

11 nausea vomiting diarrhea

Twelve headaches confusion sleepiness thirteen allergies acne

14 joint pain aching muscles and lactic acid accumulation

Can the body itself regulate pH

Yes, it can but this brings on additional side effects apart from the stomach

Which is alkaline all tissues and fluids in the body are with normal pH

Furthermore all of the systems in the body have a wide ph range partly to be able to change in order

To maintain the blood pH

except for the blood which must have a very narrow range of

7.35 to


knowing your ph

It's really important to have your ph tested and get an accurate numeric representation of

the current level of acidification in your body

A healthy average pH reading will range anywhere from six point seven five to seven point two five

The optimal pH numeric reading is seven point three six

For more infomation >> 14 Signs Your Body Is Too Acidic And 9 Ways To Quickly Alkalize It- Healthy Ways - Duration: 4:15.


Four Negative Effects of Cell Phone Use That You Did Not Know|HFE♪ - Duration: 7:15.

Four Negative Effects of Cell Phone Use That You Did Not Know

Although there is no doubt that the cell phone has made life easier for us, it's also possible that sometimes we use it too much, which directly affects our health.

Cell phones are more harmful than we can imagine. However, the negative effects of cell phone use go completely unnoticed nowadays.

For that reason, it's necessary that we discover them and shed some light on them to be aware of what it means to use a cell phone.

As the years have passed, cell phones have been updated to such an extent that we could say that they're now small laptops.

However, although they have many positive elements that make our lives easier, there are others that are not so positive.

The negative effects of cell phone use.

Although there are several negative effects of cell phone use today, we're going to focus on just four of them.

They're the ones that we consider most important and require a deeper explanation for healthy learning.

They cause us to procrastinate.

When you're working or studying, where is your cell phone? Probably close to you, in your pocket or on the table.

Then, if you get a call, a message or an email….it's right there.

However, all this is very unhealthy.

One of the negative effects of cell phone use is that it prevents us from concentrating and makes us always alert to any possible interruptionthat may arise.

It doesn't matter how concentrated we're at work or studying.

 When the cell phone rings, we can't avoid giving it our full attention.

This may mean that we don't make the most of our time and that, between what we see and what we have received, we become distracted by a social network.

Then, in the end we will postpone what is truly important.

Leaving the cell phone silently inside your bag, in another room or inside your backpack is a much better alternative.

This way, you'll avoid being always aware of it.

It prevents us from enjoying more of the moments.

This is very important, because every time we go on a trip or enjoy a nice moment (fireworks, a birthday…) the first thing we think about is taking a photo or a video.

Many times, we have the thought of uploading it instantly to social networks and start receiving "likes".

Is this really so important?.

We've learned to only see and experience the most beautiful things through a screen. Instead of putting away our cell phone and enjoying the moment, we think about taking the photo and sharing it to see how many of our friends like it.

This is one of the biggest and saddest disadvantages of cell phones.

There are some real risks for your well-being.

With all the above, another of the negative effects of cell phone use is that it puts our health at risk.

On television, we have seen people collide against a lamppost because they are so absorbed in looking at their cell phone.

 Others have traffic accidents because they don't even see over the cell phone while driving.

Thus, this not only puts your own health at risk, but also that of others.

Let's remember that someone who's looking at their phone while driving can easily run over a pedestrian.

Do cell phones really cause so much dependency that we can not leave it quiet for a second?.

It damages your social relationships.

The last of the negative effects of the cell phone is that it not only poses a risk to your health, but also to your social relationships.

Many of us have very likely seen a family of four people eating in a restaurant, in silence and all typing, searching and having fun with their mobile. It's a scene that causes many people sadness and great despair about what may happen in the future.

Why do people go to a restaurant to eat if they are not going to talk to each other?.

Cell phones cause to miss so many wonderful moments like face-to-face interaction with another human being.

There are people who claim to have a cell phone addiction and can't even let go at any time.

Do you consider yourself part of their group? What do you think will happen if the these negative cell phone effects aren't solved and, over time, get worse?.

For more infomation >> Four Negative Effects of Cell Phone Use That You Did Not Know|HFE♪ - Duration: 7:15.


FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT? - Duration: 38:17.

For more infomation >> FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT? - Duration: 38:17.


How to export AutoCAD 2019 drawing into Word 2019 - Tutorial - Duration: 1:16.

First, open up your AutoCAD drawing

press ctrl+ a them ctrl + C

Open up Word

Under the Home tab, press the arrow below Paste, then Paste Special...

Select AutoCAD Drawing Object

Wait a little

Click on it and stretch it to make it fit

All done!

For more infomation >> How to export AutoCAD 2019 drawing into Word 2019 - Tutorial - Duration: 1:16.


¡Meghan Markle ya eligió la niñera para su bebé! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> ¡Meghan Markle ya eligió la niñera para su bebé! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:29.


Celebrations that can not miss in the new Dream League Soccer 2019 - Duration: 3:15.

Commemorations that can not Missing in Dream League Soccer 2019

Gabriel Jesus

Kylian Mbappé





Cristiano Ronaldo


Acrobatic Celebrations

Which of these celebrations is the best for you?

For more infomation >> Celebrations that can not miss in the new Dream League Soccer 2019 - Duration: 3:15.


How to Approach Your Children to Give Them Advice|HFE♪ - Duration: 8:43.

How to Approach Your Children to Give Them Advice

One of the bases of a healthy relationship with your children is effective and loving communication, in addition to the time you spend with them.

Find out more here.

Educating your children to develop their maximum potential and play their role in society is no easy task.

For this, you must learn to approach our children. This way, you can advise them and prevent making mistakes.

If you don't learn to approach them, when you want to offer them advice or help that they have not asked for, they may reject you.

That's why it's important to maintain good communication with your children.

You must learn to communicate as a family, to express what you think, and to empathetically understand the feelings of your children.

From there, you can promote a bond built on the foundations of love and affection.

It's essential to learn to approach your children starting when they're small.

If you don't dedicate time and don't create a space for conversation while they're young, it's unlikely that you can engage in honest and productive dialogues with them when they reach adolescence.

Tips to get closer to your children.

If you have several children, it's a good idea to talk with each one separately, dedicating each their own space. This has to be done on a regular basis.

When they're little, playing with them is a great way to get close emotionally.

After all, when we play with our children, they notice and feel our interest as parents towards them and towards their activities.

Watching a family movie also helps you have things in common with your children.

Also, this opens the door to conversations about what they thought of what they saw and know their points of view, know the way they think, how they see things, and their personality.

Hug, kiss and caress your children.

Don't avoid physical contact.

It'sfundamental to strengthen the emotional bond, which brings us closer to them.

You must be warm and empathetic when talking with your children.The affection that you transmit to them when talking with them with your tone of voice, your words and your gestures is decisive for communication to be natural and welcoming.

Also, try to put yourself in their shoes.

In addition, you spend time together as a family.

The time they take watching television or playing video games alone should be short.

Otherwise, they'll be easily isolated.

Give your kids healthy, valuable gift such as books and games that, in addition to developing their abilities, make them play together, and create an instantaneous emotional connection.

Other important tips to get closer to our children.

Promote family meals at least twice a week. Dinner or lunch on weekends helps to unite the family.

Also, it's important that your children collaborate in the preparation of the food.

With this, they will learn to cook and the value of collaboration.

It's important to plan trips or family outings in order to spend time together and have new experiences. This also unites you a lot as a family.

Teaching your children sports activities such as skating, cycling or swimming is a valuable experience for them, which also strengthens the connection between parents and children.

What we should not do with our children.

Making generalizations and saying that they always do something wrong or that they never do anything good lowers their self-esteem.

With these kinds of affirmations, your children may come to believe that they really aren't good at anything.

Likewise, ridiculing them or using sarcasm and irony has an equally negative affect, even if unintended.

The truth is that more than amuse them, it will make them feel inferior and humiliated.

Another thing you should not do is give authoritative orders repeatedly,regardless of whether your children have any kind of objection.

This promotes the feeling that you don't understand them and that they must follow the orders of the adults without being able to question them under any circumstance.

Neither should we shout at them and argue about problems that have already been resolved that are not related to those present.

In the same way, reproachful looks  usually hinder dialogue with our children.

On the other hand, labeling them by converting a negative behavior into a personality trait definitely causes complete rejection.

In addition, you should never discredit your children or preach to them at inappropriate times.

 Instead, call their attention in private and proper way, without offending them.


The best thing we can do as parents is to try to maintain calm when we address our children.

 It's important to keep in mind that if we're always upset, it'll be very difficult to reason with them assertively.

Having arguments with our children in that negative emotional state will lead us to express ourselves poorly, leading to saying words we may regret.

If we allow this to happen, our children will be closed off more to our company, and even more to our advice.

For more infomation >> How to Approach Your Children to Give Them Advice|HFE♪ - Duration: 8:43.


Transfer in deadline | SPP - Duration: 1:23.


Hi everyone, my name is Lily and I help

our members transfer their existing

RRSP's into their SPP accounts. Members can

transfer up to $10,000 per calendar year

from RRSP's, registered RIFF's or unlocked

RPP's. The deadline for SPP to receive

the funds each year is December 31st or

the last business day of December. That

means we must receive the funds from your

financial institution by December 31st.

If the checks are received January 1st

or later the transfer is applied to the

next year's $10,000 limit. The best way for

you to ensure the deadline is met, is to

send your transfer form to me as early

as possible. I will work with the

financial institution and make every

reasonable effort to ensure your deposit

is received by the deadline. Thanks so

much for watching.


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