Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily Oct 23 2018

According to a new round of polling, Republicans, a majority of Republicans in the United States

support a Medicare for all program here in this country.

Of the 48% who say they're opposed to it, 22% of that 48% only say they're somewhat

opposed to it.

So there's really only 26% of Republicans who say that they are strongly opposed to

Medicare for all here in the United States.

So now we know, and this is the second poll that has confirmed this in recent months,

Republicans support Medicare for all, Democrats overwhelmingly support Medicare for all, as

do Independents.

So basically, every group of American voters out there, American citizens out there support

Medicare for all.

So I guess the big question at this point is, what's the holdup Congress?

People want this policy in place.

More bad news, actually this time for the Republicans, not just elected officials, but

senior citizens are now, a majority of them, willing to vote for Democrats who support

Medicare for all, instead of Republicans.

Now senior citizens in case you're not aware, has always been a really solidly Republican


But today, because of the push for Medicare for all by some members of the Democratic

party, senior citizens might be flipping.

Senior citizens might actually help Democrats take back the House, possibly even the Senate

just because of this push for Medicare for all.

So I guess the biggest question I have right now, other than why are we not doing this,

is why isn't every single Democratic candidate running for office right this second talking

about Medicare for all?

It is a winning issue 100%.

You could get some Republican swing voters, you could get those Independent voters, and

you sure as hell could sure up your support within the Democratic party.

You could bring back senior citizens that abandoned the party once they hit their twilight


Everything about Medicare for all is a winning political issue, and that doesn't even begin

to scratch the surface as to why it's a good economic and healthcare issue for citizens

in the United States.

Even if you don't factor in all the savings that would happen from this, which what was

it $2 trillion over the next 10 years we would save?

How many lives we'd save, thousands upon thousands every year just due to the increase in healthcare


People able to go to the doctor and get the treatments they need.

Even if you don't factor that in and you just look at it as strictly a political issue,

is this going to get me more votes?

The answer is yes.

There is no reason why any sane member of the Democratic party or the Republican party

at this point, shouldn't be running on this issue.

And yet too few of them are.

And I think we're at virtually zero on the Republicans side.

And we're not much higher than that on the Democratic side either, to be honest.

The people from all walks of life in the United States want a Medicare for all here in the

United States, they want that option.

They want the government funded healthcare, at least, like Medicare itself, as an option.

Because see, senior citizens don't have to get Medicare.

If they just want to go with private insurance they can do that.

And Medicare for all would be the same thing.

And I think that's part of the problem, I think we would see numbers even higher than

52% on the Republican side if we actually stopped calling thing Medicare for all.

Paul Ryan is already out there trying to frame the issue as they want to force government

funded healthcare on you, you lose your plan automatically, and you're stuck with this

government plan.

That is not what any of the Medicare for all plans say.

It is a public option, an option.

And that's what's missing from the conversation.

In fact it's actually missing from a lot of the progressive conversations on the issue.

We're not forcing anyone onto Medicare.

It's providing that as an option for the people who do not have other options, or who want

a better option than their employee sponsored insurance, or the private insurance they have

to go out and buy.

Or maybe they work for a small business that doesn't have to supply it for them.

It's an option, a public option.

The same kind of public option we almost had as part of the Affordable Care Act before

the healthcare companies came in, rewrote pieces of the law and took that particular

part out.

The American public wants it.

They want it back in there.

And if they understood even more about what's actually being proposed, I guarantee you those

numbers on all sides would absolutely go through the roof.

But the bottom line is this.

There si no reason why any politician in this country today should not be running on a Medicare

for all platform.

It is a winning issue and you have to be an idiot not to be running on that today.

For more infomation >> Even Republicans Love Medicare For All – So Let's Get On It! - Duration: 5:29.


Macklemore Breaks Down the 2018 Midterm Election | The Breakdown | MTV News - Duration: 2:32.

- The 2018 midterm elections are coming up

and they're a bigger deal than you might think.

It's when we elect the people

who will decide what we, as a country,

do next on things like healthcare, immigration,

the economy and gun policy for years to come.

But less than 20% of young people

voted in the last midterm election.

People, come on, we can do better.

Let's break it down.

(upbeat music)

According to a recent survey,

young voters care most about healthcare,

immigration, gun policy, the economy,

mental health, climate change, student loan debt

and reproductive rights.

If you're between the ages of 18 and 29,

your vote really does matter.

So whether you lean left, right

or your not really into either side,

if these issues are important to you

then show up to the polls.

Now I know what some of you might be thinking and I get it.

The two party system, hate it.

It doesn't represent me.

Who cares what I vote for?

This country is a mess.

It won't make a difference.

The truth is if you don't show up

other people will end up deciding what happens in your life

and your country.

Young people have already been making change in 2018.

Following the February shooting in Parkland, Florida,

students from the school launched movement

which ultimately led to Florida lawmakers

passing gun reform legislation in the state.

And young people are marching,

showing up, speaking out on issues

all around the country.

Imagine if we all voted too.

Former President Barack Obama

put it best in a recent speech.

Cue the tape.

- All the young people who are here today.

There are now more eligible voters

in your generation than in any other.

Which means your generation now

has more power than anybody to change things.

- If we don't vote, we're not represented.

Do you want somebody else's policy

all up in your doctor's office,

your Tinder dates, your Internet?

Vote in the midterms.

Represent your generation.

Bring your friends, your friends' friends,

their friends' friends.

Bring a plus one with you to the polls

this November sixth.

Now you know, now we vote.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Macklemore Breaks Down the 2018 Midterm Election | The Breakdown | MTV News - Duration: 2:32.


Buttonholes - Tunisian crochet - Duration: 9:13.

For more infomation >> Buttonholes - Tunisian crochet - Duration: 9:13.


Willa y Vicente ponen en alerta a los mexicanos | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Willa y Vicente ponen en alerta a los mexicanos | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 1:17.


¡CNCO, Nacho y Joss Favela juntos! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> ¡CNCO, Nacho y Joss Favela juntos! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:33.


¡Niurka Marcos sigue haciendo de las suyas! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> ¡Niurka Marcos sigue haciendo de las suyas! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:30.


¡Una sentencia pone en jaque a un hijo de Juan Gabriel! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> ¡Una sentencia pone en jaque a un hijo de Juan Gabriel! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 1:31.


¡"El Cuau" se une al pedido por los migrantes centroamericanos! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> ¡"El Cuau" se une al pedido por los migrantes centroamericanos! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:22.


حظك اليوم الاربعاء 24-10-2018 فى التوقعات اليومية للابراج بقلم عالمة الفلك د. نيفين ابو شالة - Duration: 6:23.

Wednesday 24/10/2018



Get rid of the dust of weakness and try to start from scratch and you will find good and success, God willing


The other party may start to hold you accountable for some mistakes and you have to be rational and honest with him and with yourself



All the negative effects that you have faced and benefit from valuable information are eliminated to achieve an important and essential goal in your life


Partner or lover does not deserve you today a feeling of negative and irrationally practiced by a sadistic and without regard to the most basic rights



Today you have many essential opportunities but you are indifferent and you are interested in secondary things. Think seriously about your future


Today live moments of emotional love where the other party is a refugee for your love and love and care



Today, you may be disappointed in a situation where you have built positive hopes and may come in a negative way, be conscientious and patient because what is happening is the best possible


Live a state of contradiction between reality and imagination, love without watering and they are a great dimension to reality and deal with it

The Lion Tower


An important ambition begins today to become a reality and this makes your day bright and happy


Find the right way to bring joy to your heart and flip the other side because you need it so much



Start the day with the implementation of what is going on in your head of ideas and security have the requirements and ingredients of success and you will find good and progress


Your excessive interest in your work and at the expense of your emotional and family duties hurts and grieves the other party, a little attention and a happy smile.



You feel bored today of running behind the money and increase and decide to take care of yourself more resort to rest and spiritual meditation


Emotional neglect of your partner or lover will increase the gap between you, a calm and logical dialogue will restore the warmth of your relationship


Born in this tower On a day like this

The Artist The purity of the seven

And the artist Nabil Issa

And the artist Mohammed Tawfik

And the artist Amin al - Hinaidi

And the artist Hasna Saif El Din

And the artist Nadine Saba

And the artist Murad Suleiman

And the artist Bob Azzam


You may find yourself drowning in contradictory desires that make you get away from the right path and live in a state of irresponsibility


Fill your head today with emotional projects to please your partner or lover, perhaps it is best to make a short trip with him

Sagittarius tower


You find today that all the doors are open to you to achieve what you planned and start implementing the most important project in your life


Today pass some emotional fluctuations that involve anxiety and doubt to your mind and heart and lose confidence in the lover, and away from the partner



May now return to zero and stand the first step in the ladder of achieving your ambition and will succeed with excellence if you know how to climb


Decide with your partner or beloved to regain the days of freshness and passed an ambitious plan to return by changing your lifestyle



Increase your family duties and financial responsibilities and look for additional income to achieve physical stability with the help of an old friend


Celebrate with your partner or lover to achieve a common dream for which you have encountered many difficulties and sacrifices



Today you may be preoccupied with the legal issue of orders related to your professional work. Your experience, intelligence, and skill will be enlisted to get out of any predicament


Today may live emotional loss and consider that love is just an illusion and misses the other party and is subjected to torture conscience

For more infomation >> حظك اليوم الاربعاء 24-10-2018 فى التوقعات اليومية للابراج بقلم عالمة الفلك د. نيفين ابو شالة - Duration: 6:23.


¡A Barack Obama le gusta el ritmo de J Balvin! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> ¡A Barack Obama le gusta el ritmo de J Balvin! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:31.


¡Virlán García confiesa cuál fue su peor momento! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> ¡Virlán García confiesa cuál fue su peor momento! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:14.


What is Compound Interest? - Duration: 1:49.

You might have heard about compound interest

and sure,

you know, it's good for your investments.

But, what exactly is it?


we take a look about how compound interest

can help your money grow over time.


so the best way to understand how compound interest works

is with examples.

So let's work some numbers.

Imagine that you invest

$1,000 and that your expected return rate is 5%

per year.

If you leave your money invested for 10 years

at the end, you would have $1,500 dollars.

Now, let's look at the same $1,000 dollars

at the same expected return rate of 5% percent

but this time we'll add compound interest

over the course of 10 years.

At the end,

your balance would be $1,630 dollars,

which is an additional $130 dollars.

Where did the bigger return come from?


with compound interest

your earnings get reinvested.

So you earn an interest,

on your own interest.

Time is your best ally.

So to prove it,

let's go back to the example

and see your results

over the course of 35 years

instead of 10.

Without compound interest,

the $1,000 will grow into $2,750

But with compound interest,

the same $1,000 dollars with an expected return rate of 5 percent

Will grow into $5,510 dollars


Isn't it?

When you invest in Finhabits,

you already take advantage of compound interest.

Just keep in mind,

that time is a key factor.


is a smart habit

and Finhabits makes it easy.



For more infomation >> What is Compound Interest? - Duration: 1:49.


The Letter Q Song | Alphabet Jam | Pevan & Sarah | Learn the alphabet - Duration: 1:43.

♫ It's Pevan & Sarah ♫

♫ Alphabet Jam by Pevan & Sarah ♫

Can you say the letter Q?


Can you say the letter Q?


Can you say the letter Q?



There's 26 letters that you need to know,

You can learn them, so let me show you

How to do it, there's really nothing to it,

Pevan & Sarah gonna get straight to it!





Your turn!


Can you say the letter Q?


Can you say the letter Q?


Can you say the letter Q?



Q makes a 'q' sounds, q...q...q.

Q makes a 'q' sounds, q...q...q.

Q makes a 'q' sounds, q...q...q.

Q makes a 'q' sounds, q...q...q.

♫ Alphabet Jam by Pevan & Sarah ♫

For more infomation >> The Letter Q Song | Alphabet Jam | Pevan & Sarah | Learn the alphabet - Duration: 1:43.


Jdid Rai 2019 Live - ya lahmém elli rabitou | يا الحمام اللي ربيتوا - Duration: 5:36.

For more infomation >> Jdid Rai 2019 Live - ya lahmém elli rabitou | يا الحمام اللي ربيتوا - Duration: 5:36.


If You Can't Stand Selling, Here's What to Do - Duration: 3:54.


I'm Sharon Jurd and welcome to my Biz Blitz video and today I want to talk to you about


If you can't stand selling, I'm going to share with you some of my tips so you don't

actually have to go and hard sell to get new clients into your coaching business or any

other business.

My first tip is to have genuine conversations.

People get annoyed or tired of people selling because it's not a genuine conversation.

It's like "Buy my product", "Buy my service", "You need me" And that's

when people will pull back from you.

But if you're just having a genuine conversation where you are interested in them, you want

to know about their pain, you want to know about their problem and see if you can genuinely

help them, people will love your care factor around being able to help them.

Two, listen to the client.

Make sure that you're not just going, "I do this and I do that", "I can fix this

and I can fix that" and they are standing there going, "That's not my problem.

I don't have any of those problems."

Make sure that you are hearing what they're saying.

Ask them the right questions.

In my three-day How To Grow Your Coaching Biz workshop, I teach my coaches how to ask

amazing questions to get the right information so the potential client feels comfortable,

you know what their pain or problem is and you know whether or not you can help them.

Thirdly, I think this is the most important point today, allow

your potential clients to sell themselves into your product or service.

Now what I mean by that is, a lot of times they are going, "Yeah, I need that" and

I hear people continue to sell and tell them about all the other things that they have

on offer and then they go, "No, I don't need all of that."

Let them talk to themselves with their inner voice going, "Yeah, that's me.

I need help with that."

And if they indicate to you that they are interested, then have a conversation about


Don't continually go on about all the other things that you do.

If you've hit a pain point with them and they are interested in talking more about

that particular problem or pain, stick to that.

And then they will just sell themselves into your product.

You won't have to do any hard sell if you give them the right information.

So there are my three points today.

If you don't like selling, this is all you have to do – have genuine conversations.

You don't have to hard sell.

Listen to the client and make sure you are understanding what their problems are and

thirdly, let them sell themselves into your product or service.

If you think this video would be of value to your family, friends or colleagues, please

share it out because I want to help as many people as I can.

If you need help in your coaching business, I hope you'll join me at my three-day workshop

called Grow Your Coaching Business where I, as I said, share all the questions you need

to ask, all those conversations and I'll show you exactly how to sell without ever

selling a day in your life.

If you want to learn about that, please come and join me and I'll see you in the room.

I'm Sharon Jurd and I'll talk to you soon.

For more infomation >> If You Can't Stand Selling, Here's What to Do - Duration: 3:54.


Como se hizo Thriller de Michael Jackson - Extra - Subtitulado en Español - Francais - Duration: 10:57.

For more infomation >> Como se hizo Thriller de Michael Jackson - Extra - Subtitulado en Español - Francais - Duration: 10:57.


Reporters Asked For Proof That There Are Terrorists In Caravan – Trump Gives Them Blunt Orders - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Reporters Asked For Proof That There Are Terrorists In Caravan – Trump Gives Them Blunt Orders - Duration: 2:04.


Expres Menu - a food not only for travelling | - Duration: 3:57.

Hello from a diving event from a quarry

we have finished a dive, so let's get something to eat

So I am out of the water and hungry

Some episodes ago we reviewed an MRE / army meal packages

dried army meal in plastic covers

Today we have a real 'ready' meal.

I got a test set of Czech product 'Expres Menu'

so let's look

what's on a menu today

We can start with breakfast

rice poridge with raisins

then continue with

boiled potatoies in salt liquid

that is something for vegetarians

a soup, Russian Borscht Yes / [Russian: 'DA']

.... 'drink it down with a beer'

then I have a turkey in a sauce / thank you for a beer

Lucas, I'm inviting you for a turkey

and you, I am inviting for a Peter Vok's goulash


Do you know what is cool?

It is gluten-free and you don't have to cook it, I am a 'chef of the day' :)

that double cool :))

As you 've probably realised, I am on the diver's event and I am not alone here.

To be more serious, I am going to share the food and you can get the opinion from more people

not only from my point of view

if it is tasty, then opinion

and when to take it on a trip

So, let's get cook ...


it smells delish

think again it is gluten-free

no chemicals inside

don't know a way to do that but it is really cool

Borsch for 2 ppl is ready

let's start tasting

it taste good!

now the divers turn?

not bad but I am looking forward a grilled pork / whole pig

a pig is a grilled pig, this is a soup

no taste in my opinion ...

ok .. let's continue

Oh, borsch, I love it, let me taste ...

Would you take it on a diving trip?


So borsch is tested,

and cooking session continues

Peter Vok's goulash for one person

hope, it remains more for Vladimir

also hope so

Peter Vok's goulash - for the first time

a little saltier, but

I can say I like it

what do you think?

and taste more than two spoons

really not bad

can I send it over? or you 're going to eat it all??

I don't know

next meal, Peter Vok's goulash a meat is over, Vladimir eat it all

it is sauce only

also good

I think so...

after diving, absolutely amazing ...

Turkey food, turkey bird of course joking

I am really curious, wow real meat ...

This is the best in my opinion, 'good protein for you'


Yes this I like the most

It tastes like ...

let me remember

turkey with eggs

we got it during military service

Is it ok? ... Sure it is a meat :)

only meat, I like it

better than pork from the tin

Final summarization

Ok, let's summarize it

cooking and digesting is over

advantages and disadvantages?

Advantages: real ready meal

in excelent price


the weight of a package

When to bring it?

River sailing, canoeing,

car or moto trip

if I have motorbike :-) ...

When to think twice if bring it?

in high mountains,

where you need to have high nutrition food because of energy

and less weight in a bag

Detail summary you can find in the article below this video

I'll be happy for your comments and hints

what you have tried and how was the taste

or if you have experience with Expres Menu, let me know

And ....

see you in a next episode

and of course, follow us on social networks

everywhere where Kecall is online

look forward to the next episode, bye ...

For more infomation >> Expres Menu - a food not only for travelling | - Duration: 3:57.


How to Bathe a Newborn Baby|HFE♪ - Duration: 8:49.

How to Bathe a Newborn Baby

The baby's bath is fundamental for your well-being.

But this implies certain care when it comes to a newborn, especially if it still has the umbilical cord.

Learn how to bathe your newborn baby.

If you are reading this, it is because you have asked yourself how to bathe a newborn baby.

We all like to feel clean, but it is very different the way we bathe adults than the right way to clean a baby with a few days old. If you have any doubts about how to live this beautiful moment with your child, we will be your best guide.

– You have to bathe the baby today, honey.

-No you do. -Actually, you do!.

Most likely, it's your turn to bathe your little one today.

If you ask yourself: How should I bathe my newborn baby? Next, we will present some tips that you can not miss before cleaning your little one.

Bathe a newborn.

Before being parents, we did not think about how to bathe a newborn baby, or all that it implies.

When parents are new, they tend to believe that the baby should be bathed every day in a bathtub, using cologne and other products.

There are equivocal ways to bathe a baby that can bring consequences to your child.

The use of an inappropriate shampoo or soap, as well as answering a call while washing the child, are just two mistakes that anyone can make when starting their baby's bath.

Here are the recommendations you should follow when you wash a newborn with an umbilical cord and what you should do in case the baby no longer has an umbilical cord.

With umbilical cord.

Wash the baby two or three times a week with a sponge soaked in warm water. This way, you will avoid any burns on your newborn baby.

It is not necessary to bathe every day if you change their diaper often and you refresh them with wet towels.

Place a towel under the baby to prevent it from slipping or getting everything soaked with water.

When finishing your bath, always have a dry towel to keep everything clean.

Use baby shampoo and soap that does not cause irritation to the baby.

To prevent any of these products from falling in their eyes, place your hand on their forehead to prevent it.

Remember to have a soft towel to dry your little one. It is preferable that this has a hood.

Thus, you will have their head at the ideal temperature.

It is good that you have three towels for your baby, at least.

Also, you can do this sponge bath in your tub or in their plastic bathtub for comfort.

Remember that they must be at your height to avoid back injuries.

If the umbilical cord has been wetted, nothing serious will happen.

Simply dry it with a soft towel and continue your baby's bath.

Said cord will fall after 3 weeks of birth of the child.

Remember to be delicate with your little one.

Cover your baby with a towel and review each limb at the time of washing.

If bath time is not bothersome for the baby, you can rinse it gently without having a towel.

Without the umbilical cord.

Consider the following tips to bathe a newborn baby without the umbilical cord and do it in the best way:.

Place warm water in the wash or plastic tub.

It must have a temperature between 23 and 25 ºC.

Place a quantity of water that does not reach your baby's chest.

Start washing your little one from head to toe. In this order, you will prevent the child from having contact with secretions or bacteria.

Twist gently to wash your back and buttocks.

Remember that in this position, your child should be supported on an arm of yours to avoid any accident during the wash.

Have fun with your baby while bathing.

Smile and talk to him.

You can both enjoy this moment, mainly, if you are going through exterogestation.

Other tips for bathing a newborn baby.

Bath time is a magical moment between you and your baby. Surely, someone will knock on the door, call the cell phone or have to attend another situation.

If so, put a towel on your child and carry it in it wherever you go.

You should never leave it alone in the tub, since an accident can easily happen.

We hope you have learned to enjoy this great moment with your baby.

Remember that once they are a year old, you will be able to bathe your little one every day.

So, let the fun begin!.

For more infomation >> How to Bathe a Newborn Baby|HFE♪ - Duration: 8:49.


How Can You Have a Strong Mother-Child Relationship?|HFE♪ - Duration: 9:26.

How Can You Have a Strong Mother-Child Relationship?

Every mom dreams of having a good relationship with her child.

This is possible, but like any relationship, it must be worked on daily from the bases of communication, trust and support.

Find out more in the article below.

A strong mother-child relationship is a dream that all moms have.

The love between a mother and her child is true and unconditional, there's no doubt about that.

However, relationships are not always easy.

For this reason, we will share a series of tips so that you can understand and get along with your child in the best way possible.

Do you want to have a good mother-child relationship?.

Save time for each other.

Take time out of your schedule and spend quality moments with your child. Take part in an activity that both of you like.

Sit with your child and ask how things are going in their personal life, how they're doing at school and watch a movie together.

The holidays are a great opportunity to spend good times with your child.

Even if you are working during holidays, keep your weekends free and do fun things with them.

 However, respect the moments when your child is busy and let them know that they should also respect it when you are busy.

 Both of you should understand that there is a moment for everything, and that if today it wasn't possible, tomorrow will be another day.

Know what your child likes.

Find out what activities your child enjoys doing. This is how you will easily know what things you can do together.

Observe what your child does, but don't overdo it.

See what type of things they do regularly, what their favorite hobby is, what colors they like, the types of shows they watch on television, and pay attention when they talk to you.

Observe your child to ensure they don't have friendships that encourage negative behavior.

If you see your child reading, ask them what they're reading and why they enjoy what they're reading. If your child is watching videos, watch some and enjoy them together. If you see your child playing, ask them what game they are playing and why they like it so much.

This is how you will get clues about your child's tastes and they will be happy that you are interested in the things they like.

Likewise, they will feel happy because you accompany them for their favorite activities.

Help your child with their homework.

Helping your child with their tasks is an essential step in developing a good mother and child relationship.

Supporting your child in their duties is a gesture that they will remember throughout their life.

Sit with your child and do homework together.

As a mother, you must participate in your child's education and give all your support. Don't give your child the answers, just help them find them.

Congratulate your child when they get good grades at school and let them know that you are proud of them.

And if they haven't had a good day, let your child know that they can come to you with any problem.

Make sure that learning is not tedious.

Help your child study for exams through question games or by asking them to explain the lesson.

Talk to your child and listen to them.

Communication is the basis of any relationship, and this is no exception.

 You should listen to your child, let them know that they can approach you when they need it.

 Make them understand that you will be there to listen, understand and advise.

When you talk with your child, do it kindly and address the main point of the conversation.

By doing this, your child will not get bored or think you're trying to give a lecture. Look your child in the eyes and make them do the same.

Be interested in the things that your child is interested in. For example, if your child wants to go to the movies with some friends, don't deny them the opportunity to go.

Inquire about movies on billboards and who they are going with.

Support your child.

Support is an essential step in achieving a good mother-child relationship.

Once you discover their talents, encourage them to enroll in any activity: swimming, dance, music, etc.

These should be according to your preferences and you should support it in each step you take.

Do everything possible to attend their important events or activities and give them a few words of encouragement.

 Let them know that no matter how things go, they will always be your pride; that you will always be there to smile and applaud them.

In case you can't attend an important event, make it clear that it's one of those situations that is out of your control.

 However, tell your child that they can count on you when they need it, and that you trust that they will do their best.

Trust your child.

Children often lie sometimes.

However, if this happens it is because, perhaps, you also do it and they can think of this behavior as something normal.

Be honest with yourself and with those around you. Keep your promises and teach your child to enforce his word. If they say they will do something, tell them to do it.

When you see your child performing their duties responsibly, you can start trusting them more.

From time to time, comfort your child and reward them for a good attitude.

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