Great little saying everyone heard top secret, oddly hidden, 'new world order'
Illuminati an organization trying to establish.
The symbols are everywhere ...
Clips, coins, buildings ...
Well, it's a secret organization. could the information be scattered around?
Man is really amazed ...
From conspiracy theories, In this way, we wondered the history of this society.
The reason for this curiosity tried to be raised again
poppy ...
If you want to come first about illuminati maybe you didn't hear before
Let me take a look at poppy.
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Then let's start now.
Let's separate illuminati and freemasonry immediately before they start.
both illuminati
both masonry
groups of intellectuals and intellectuals.
it is a hidden community in both groups.
and has different goal objectives.
that the illumination is more left-sided
and it is believed that they have a new world order.
and in the background they are secretly believed to work for it.
masons are believed to have a goal to spread honor and gentlemanhood among their group members.
illuminatine is said to be a secret society and more conspiracy theories.
Freemasonry is an association with an official status that does some charity work.
In other words, do not mix freemasonry and illuminatiy very similar to each other.
Now our subject illuminati ...
In 1775 a man named Adam Weishaupt man becomes a professor at Bavarian University.
This college is a very short time ago. by the Catholic Jesuit Order
and the Jesuit education in Adam It has received.
But Adam's way of thinking rationalist and democracy.
So these new professors are colleagues It is not very well received by.
Adam Weishaupt, May 1, 1776, 'for the freedom to oppose the church's pressure on philosophy and science',
He sets up the Illuminati.
Adopted democracy and tolerance and male individuals to accept
Start this secret club.
Number of members up to 2 thousand It reaches.
Then in other parts of Europe it also starts to open the lodges, no longer store
It's a huge club for ...
Non-democratic authorities as expected this situation is not welcome
and the Duke of Bavaria, Karl Theodor, 1784-1787 Closes all hidden clubs between
It also declares the Illuminati illegal.
Adam Weishaupt Loses His Job In 1785 and continues to write about the Illuminati.
Well, years ago the door was hit by a lock. how can this organization still be able to tamper with people's minds?
Where does the legend begin?
Let us explain ...
Everything starts with a paranoid Jesuit priest.
Abbe Augustin Barruel in England in 1790 a French priest who must live.
Because the Jacobins in France 1 year ago has been a revolution under the leadership and
from his beloved country to save had to flee, even French
The Revolution was made by the Illuminati allegedly.
Jacobins According to Barruel During the Revolution they didn't move alone.
Bavarian İlluminatisi by 'democratic masons
they had received help.
Masons, the oldest fraternity in world history It was an organization and it was not secret.
Even Adam Weishaupt from 1777, Illuminati 1 year after he had joined the masons.
According to Barruel, when Illuminati was banned taken to the shadows; Europe, mason lodges
infiltrated and continued to poison society.
That's why we separated it from the beginning.
The Illuminati claims Barruel he does not care about the concepts of 'democracy' or 'freedom'.
Worshiper of Satan, everything for absolute power they are able to.
So why the conspiracy theorists and Weishaupt Devil Worshiper and Democracy
as people who use it as a trick He had seen?
Providing this, he wrote on illuminati Barruel was a 4-volume book.
He transformed Weishaupt into a bad figure In the book.
Memoirs (Memories) books dropped to bombs in markets and more
people who want to exaggerate their appetite presented more than 3 books to emboss.
According to the latest theories of; Jacobins, Masons, Knights Templar
the infidelity of time by the inquisition (accused) poppies (Hasan Sabbah)
and the bouncers, Jews and the Catholic Church hidden Jewish cardinals, all in
for a 'democrat' they came together.
So if Barruel doesn't like you, you're a devil witch!
Theories of Barruel The French Revolution It wasn't the only thought.
'Memoirs' is the first volume of his book John Robbins Proofs of the Year (1797)
of a Conspiracy published a book.
Book masons, about the effect of illuminati he warns.
You know, sometimes the vision at the same time, the same enters two movies that process the subject and the people
to be able to compare them both head
That was the same for that period.
People read the books of both authors they increased the popularity of thoughts.
Robinson warned people about three things.
First, illuminati is a secret that emits chaos Of the organization.
Second, mason in France They had their organization.
Third and last, illuminati it was a danger to governments because
mason lodges operate all over the world It showed.
The illuminati should have been stopped before it was too late.
Illumination over the years, the satan tapma 'did not mark the stamp.
Support this theory in the 1900s a man appeared and himself
Introduced as 'Satanik illuminatus': Aleister Crowley.
Also known as 'the worst person in the world' Crowley, it was a real troll.
this man with magician connections
Around the period to collect many people started,
left the black magic rites and attracted quite attention.
still more majestic societies respect him that we have used the words we talked about the magic we used.
Theories about the Illuminati A large piece for people was missing:
Because in 1797 it was revealed He had not
and Barruel's theories.
Well communism, illuminati's plans where could it be placed?
The illuminati is closed again back to years ...
According to the theory this time some illuminati members could not be detected
and many 'reading clubs' in Germany.
Karl Marx and the Communist Manifesto Friedrich Engels from these reading clubs
German thinkers were affected.
According to those who put forward this theory, the brutality of industrial capitalism
is not an emerging thought, it was much worse than that:
Communism and illuminati were actually the same ...
There is no one who doesn't hear the Rothschild family.
Believe in everything you read on the Internet if you are people, the family
You think it's $ 500 trillion.
But this is a rather exaggerated claim; Because it was calculated in 2015 'in the world
All the assets', 250 trillion ...
Henry Ford's own newspaper in 1921 'The He published anti-Semitic news at Dearborn Independent.
Even Barruel was on stage parts of the book
published in the newspaper again.
People's minds since
Judaism and illuminati take place as inner things.
What about today?
Currently, among the primary school children in our country we are faced with a 'secret organization' which is even the subject of discussion.
People belonging to illuminati in many places symbols and tracks.
When you do a little research on YouTube prepared thousands of videos.
There are also those who produce theories against this situation.
The internet was invented by the illuminati!
In this way, they have leaked everywhere on the Internet and they manage to stay secret.
Even in a deliberate manner People are very supportive
not to care too much.
Then the closure is the weirdest of recent times Let's do it with one of the phenomena.
The media face of Illuminati is Poppy!
Videos are less than 10 minutes.
YouTube doesn't make money on adSense a singer
is our daughter's popularity and jump faster than the fame steps
may be following such a method.
Poppy January 1, 1995 in United States Of Teennessee in Nashville
He was born in.
Poppy, who is a musician, is also a songwriter. and composer.
A small town in the US in 2014 which has its own name in Nashville
Short by creating Youtube channel as soon as possible.
With fame, bigger projects he moved to Los Angelas to sign.
Poppy is a musician father As he was listening to his father's band, he was fond of music.
The pieces that his father had stolen He started writing lyrics as a source of inspiration.
11 years dance education in childhood took.
An album with Isnad Records in 2015 signed the agreement.
Tarih Lowlive Aynı on 24 July of the same year The single was released.
Poppy on October 6, 2011 in Youtube created its first channel.
Taking his first video in November 2014 He has started his Youtuber adventure.
Almost all of Poppy's first video I'm Poppy, I'm Poppy.
It is not easy to draw them.
These videos are taken behind the camera lots of people working.
Poppy in a dance video with a funny guy playing music from the back.
His videos outside also music from behind Playing.
He closed the music and behind the video müzik Adana Track by putting the center Merkez.
The video has no horror.
So far all of you already know and spoken things.
For him after the orcs' video I wanted to wait and see what people would say.
And what we saw did not surprise us.
Anyone to get a rant over Poppy the line
But no one told the visible details did not attract attention.
That's what we talk about. I went into such detail.
First the audience's interview Let's take.
Poppy speaks of the fact that br Do not have 30s video
working with a team
and I was asked to be treated there as well.
But it may be Orkun we cannot know the face of the event.
Poppy also a big popularity of turkey owner wants to continue
you have to act like it in videos otherwise all spells are broken.
In the meantime for those who do not know the preparation of a poppy and an album run is slow
it's time to collect slow fruits I guess.
Anyway, let's go back to our subject. watch out I want to draw ..
Poppy speaks of a cult but its The sect.
It is so illuminati message so triangular and the use of the eye for its own cult.
Many of you here are mind manipulation You may think.
But the incident is completely clear singing
did not catch the popularity of quickly climbing the ladders is fine.
Well, of course I was successful.
Poppy was another one or something. It will be released.
It was a trial mistake did not work there he was wrong here.
Until this lady has investigated our daughter. Who knew the previous poppy?
no one
In the meantime, the girl in the previous poppy character no information about dust
killed or retreated has returned to life
there were suicide videos, but they were it didn't seem very convincing to me.
So briefly to summarize.
Poppy climb the popularity steps quickly it is not more than a created character.
Illuminati does something and illuminati organizations
this is how the character works It is unprecedented.
See examples in the video now these people are associated with illuminati
but watch out if they are all in their hands types
I want to tell you that subject
subject actually illuminati many years ago may be a subject of his time
hidden in a secret organization can.
But the truth is that his name and his symbols people love to make a premium.
We're talking about this right now.
Poppy videos are empty video no subliminal message or something no purpose
speak only and they did it.
So in our video we've come to the end.
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You have your thoughts and comments Let's discuss the summer together.
See you in the next video.
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