-I feel like I just had you on the show,
because we had Sarah Paulson on the show
and she did an impression of you.
Did you see that? -I did see it.
-Yeah. It's not bad.
-I thought it was pretty good. And she --
Now I feel like I'm imitating myself talking.
[ Laughter ]
-No, she did, like, the "Cape Fury."
-Yeah, she did all of my mannerisms.
But I felt really complimented
that I was in her impersonations repertoire.
-Yeah, sure. Of course.
-'Cause she does, like, Julia Roberts.
She does a seal. -Did you ever work with her?
-Oh, yes, I -- Or, not a seal, a dolphin.
-A dolphin. She did the dolphin for me.
-Yes. -Fantastic.
-We worked together a hundred years ago.
That's what I say, anything past 10 years is like
a hundred years ago. -Yeah, exactly.
That makes sense. Sure.
-On this movie called "The Other Sister."
-Do you -- Oh, I remember that.
-We played sisters. -Did you --
Do you do impressions?
[ Laughter ]
Do you do an impression of her?
-I do not do impressions,
but I kind of love bad De Niro impressions,
because when I did "Cape Fear,"
a lot of people would come up and be like,
"Little bit, little bit." And I'd be like,
"Wha-- I don't know what you're saying to me."
[ Laughter ]
-"Little bit. Little bit. -It's really weird.
So I kind of have an affection for really bad --
Is that -- Oh!
-"Little bit.
Little bit. Little bit."
[ Cheers and applause ]
"Counselor, come out, come out wherever you are!"
That's not -- I'll tell you -- -That one's good, though.
-I'll tell you who does the absolute worst
Robert De Niro impression
you've ever seen in your lifetime...
-Okay. -...is our drummer, Questlove.
[ Laughter ]
It is the worst. Just try to do it.
Is he trying now?
[ Laughter ] -Oh, my God.
-He starts -- [ Cheers and applause ]
-He doesn't look well. -It's absolutely terrible.
-Yeah. -He does not look well.
Well, I'm glad you're not -- you don't do impressions.
I'm glad you're here. -I don't.
-Are you still touring? Are you still with the band?
Do you still sing? -I can't stay off the stage.
'Cause there's something -- -Yeah, you're great at it.
-It's the fire, you know?
But, no, I'm not doing anything right now.
I'm promoting these TV shows I'm on.
But I did do a couple shows a few months ago...
-...that Jennifer Garner brought the whole cast to.
-I saw a video of you... -Oh, you did?
-...performing and crowd surfing.
-Little bit. Little bit.
-Little bit. Don't do that anymore, Juliette.
What's wrong with you? -I'm here. I'm sorry.
-You are a bad girl. Do not crowd surf.
You can't get hurt.
-What if I just leapt out into your --
[ Cheers and applause ] -No! No, stop!
No, don't -- Stop it! Stop it!
No! Oh, my God! Stop it right now.
Oh, my God. Juliette, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no, no! No, no, no, stop, please.
You are sitting. You're not crowd surfing.
We have video of you crowd surfing from Jennifer Garner.
-It's aggressive. It's like a joyful aggression.
-I know. But I can see it 'cause you changed --
you became that character. -Yeah, it's a lioness.
-I had to stop the lioness... -All right.
-...from attacking my audience. [ Laughter ]
Here's you crowd surfing at one of your shows.
Watch this. Look, that's you!
Dude, what happened to you? And then your back up!
Look at you! Dude, that's not a doll.
That is Juliette Lewis.
[ Cheers and applause ]
Oh, my gosh! Wait. Now --
-And then I'm asking them,
I'm like, "Lead me back. Get me back."
-What if they just took you home with them?
All right, that's good. -It never happens.
I try to do -- Thank you, people.
[ Cheers and applause ]
-That is insane.
But what happens if they just keep pulling you out?
-No, but here's what I realized in my years of touring
that people are really beautiful and joyous and lovely,
and they'll look out for you.
And there's only a couple people I might have wanted
to punch in the face. -Okay.
-But with that aside, I've learned that people --
they'll always push me back onto the stage.
And there's like a psychic connection.
I'll be like, "Lead me over there, over there.
Okay, I'm gonna do a hand stand. I'm gonna do a hand stand."
And it works out. -And it works.
You control people with your mind?
-I do. [ Laughter ]
-Did you make me sit here?
[ Laughter ]
This is all part of your plan. -It's a part of my plan.
-This was all part of your plan? Let's talk about "Camping."
-Wow, you're here. We just broke the mold.
What's happening?
-I mean, that's the way things happen here
on "The Tonight Show." -All right.
-No rules, man. -That's it.
-I might start crowd surfing myself.
-I like that. [ Drumroll ]
[ Cheers and applause ]
Let's talk about "Camping." -Yes, yes.
-It's a talk show. I want to talk about your show.
It's comedy, it's called "Camping."
It's about you and your friends camping.
Created by Lena Dunham. -Lena Dunham and Jenni Konner.
They're both brilliant, amazing, bright, creative women.
-Yep. Jennifer Garner.
-An incredible cast. Jennifer Garner.
-Bridget Everett. -Bridget Everett, who we love.
Brett Gelman.
Janicza Bravo. Sorry. How did this happen?
[ Laughter ]
-Your mind. -Yeah, it's rock 'n' roll.
I just start like -- -Undressing on the show, yeah.
-Losing my marbles, as it were.
So I've kind of been her nemesis.
I'm not invited on the camping trip.
I'm sort of a surprise.
And comedy ensues.
We are opposites. -Yeah.
-And that was a joy, because she's one of
the greatest people you'd ever want to know.
-Jennifer Garner. -Yeah.
-I want to show everyone a clip.
Here's Juliette Lewis in "Camping."
Take a look at this.
-So, you're a deejay?
-A deejay, reiki healer,
I make and sell my own nut cheeses.
And I do some modeling for this figure drawing class.
And I'm a notary.
-Oh, that's useful.
-Oh, and she also did this muscle testing on me.
It turns out that all the vitamins I was taking
were really hurting my emotional growth.
-We only take vitamins because of the lies
of Big Vita and the herbal companies.
We get everything we could need purely from food.
-Vitamins actually saved my life, so...
[ Laughter, cheers, applause ]
-Juliette Lewis, everybody!
"Camping" airs Sundays at 10:00 p.m. on HBO.
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