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Carrots are nice!
Carrots are yummy. Carrots are nice.
Carrots are yummy. Carrots I like.
Carrots are yummy. Carrots are nice.
Carrots I like.
Mmmmm...potatoes! I like potatoes.
Potatoes are nice!
Potatoes are yummy. Potatoes are nice.
Potatoes are yummy. Potatoes I like.
Potatoes are yummy. Potatoes are nice.
Potatoes I like.
Mmmmm, yummy yummy beans. I like beans.
Beans are nice!
Beans are yummy. Beans are nice.
Beans are yummy. Beans I like.
Beans are yummy. Beans are nice.
Beans I like.
Mmmmm, peas! I like peas.
Peas are nice!
Peas are yummy. Peas are nice.
Peas are yummy. Peas I like.
Peas are yummy. Peas are nice.
Peas I like.
Mmmmm, veggies! I like veggies.
Veggies are nice!
Veggies are yummy. Veggies are nice.
Veggies are yummy. Veggies I like.
Veggies are yummy. Veggies are nice.
Veggies I like.
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Discover the Health Properties of Lemons and Remedies You Can Make With Them|HFE♪ - Duration: 7:29.Discover the Health Properties of Lemons and Remedies You Can Make With Them
To obtain the maximum benefits of lemons without putting your health at risk, it's advisable to use organic lemons, or to wash the peel carefully before making the remedies.
Lemons have some amazing properties and are a must-have in any kitchen.
They're a very healthy, nutritious and essential fruit in our diet. Many times, we don't give them the value they deserve.
You've probably already heard that fasting with lemons is a good remedy for your health.
The truth is that it's a healthy habit and that it can help you improve your body.
In this article, we'll tell you about the healing properties of lemon when you eat it before breakfast.
Lemon infusion to strengthen your immune system By drinking a glass of water with lemon in the morning, you'll strengthen your defenses.
Plus, you'll make your immune system much more prepared for the attack of any harmful agent.
Vitamin C is ideal for fighting colds.
After all, it has a type of acid that has anti-inflammatory effects.
This is called ascorbic acid, and it's used as a complementary support to fight respiratory diseases suchas asthma.
In addition, it also has antibacterial properties.
Ingredients 2 lemons, cut in half 1 cup of water (250 ml) Utensils Metallic container Preparation First, pour the water into the metal container and heat over moderate heat.
Then, add the 4 halves of lemon and let them boil for about 7 minutes.
After the indicated time, let cool and drink before breakfast or before drinking anything else Natural purifying drink with lemon peels First of all, lemons will help to purify your body and eliminate toxins naturally.
In addition, if you drink them completely on an empty stomach, you'll get an even more intense effect. Then, your body will be much cleaner and rid itself of unnecessary elements.
Next, the natural cleansing properties of lemon will help the body to eliminate waste.
Plus, as if that weren't enough, it's also an excellent fat burner.
When you eat lemons or drink lemon juice, your body metabolizes fatty acids better, causing the adipose tissue to be eliminated naturally.
Ingredients The peels of 5 lemons 3 cups of water (750 ml) Utensils A pot Preparation Put the peels of 5 lemons and water into the pot.
Then, heat this mixture on high heat for about 6 minutes and then let stand for about 2 hours.
Drink a glass before each meal.
Lemon and mint to improve digestion Lemon is an alkalizing food.
Therefore, it balances the pH of the body.This helps to improve digestion and get your stomach to metabolize the food eaten better throughout the day.
When it comes to improving your digestion, reducing stomach swelling and preventing gas, digestive infusions are the best allies.
Mint is a very beneficial medicinal plant for treating stomach problems. This makes it a great digestive infusion.
It prevents flatulence, improves digestion and relieves pain and spasms caused by colic and stomach discomfort.
When you combine it with lemon, it becomes a perfect ally to treat digestive problems, resulting in a powerful and effective infusion.
Ingredients 1 handful of mint leaves 4 cups of water (1 liter) The juice of 3 lemons Utensils A pot Preparation Add the 4 cups of water to the pot along with the mint leaves and the juice of 3 lemons and bring to a boil.
When it boils, remove it from the heat and let it sit for an hour.
Our recommendation is to drink it throughout the day.
Cleanse your liver Another one of the healing properties of lemons has to do with liver health.
That's why this fruit is an ideal way to get a much cleaner liver in a very natural way. This remedy is recommended for people with some liver disease.
Ingredients 1 large beet Juice of 2 lemons 2 cups of water (500 ml) Utensils A pot Blender Preparation First, wash the beet well, cut it into two parts and add it to the blender.
Then, add the juice of 2 lemons and 2 cups of water.
Process it for 4 minutes and then pour the mixture into the metal container.
Then, boil it for about 10 minutes and let it rest for another 20.
Consume it while fasting.
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6 Exercises To Help Children With Language Difficulties|HFE♪ - Duration: 7:39.6 Exercises To Help Children With Language Difficulties
Many children have language disorders which won't necessarily lead to permanent speaking problems in their adult lives.
There are certain exercises which can help children overcome these difficulties.
Find them out in this article.
Children with language difficulties should receive help from a professional and from their parents. This is the only way to develop and improve over time.
Don't let a child close to you get bullied for his or her language abilities.
First of all, it's important to point out that, in children, a delay in language development does not imply problems in other aspects of their development.
The fact that a child has trouble speaking does not make him or her less intelligent or incapable.
Also, it's likely that language problems of this kind only appear during childhood.
Although it may seem hard to believe, adolescents and adults with excellent speaking skills could have had language disorders when they were little. However, it didn't limit their development or stop them having a totally normal adulthood.
The key is knowing how to help children with language difficulties.
What exercises can help children with language difficulties? 1.
Cards First of all, cards which refer to sounds can really help children to learn to pronounce each syllable correctly.
The best way of doing this is to turn this exercise into a game and reward the child when they pronounce each sound right.We recommend you read: Meditation: an Alternative to Punishment for Children 2.
Mirror exercises Next, mirror exercises are very useful for children who have problems with pronouncing words and sounds.
The mirror helps to teach them the right way to move their mouth and make the sounds of each word.
Repetition Repeating words over and over again is one of the most effective exercises to help children with language difficulties.
However, the repetitions should be done slowly. This way, the child will be able to listen to them and hear all the phonemes.
Talk to children Parents and other family members should communicate frequently with children who have a language delay.
This promotes verbal communication, giving the child the opportunity to hear new words, learn them and to be able to communicate correctly.
Strengthen their speaking To strengthen the speaking skills of small children, it's best to only give them what they ask for if they say the right word, and not if they resort to just using hand gestures.
This motivates the child to find ways to use language to get what they want.
Reading Next, reading is an appropriate resource to strengthen children's language skills.
After all, by reading, they develop new vocabulary.
By reading, they learn to structure phrases better and to pronounce the words they find more difficult. Stories, for example, also help stimulate their creativity and imagination.
How are language disorders diagnosed? One of the greatest challenges faced by parents is identifying whether their children have language difficulties and whether they need the support of a specialist.
However, it's important to emphasize that each child has his/her own variations in speech development.
Some of the situations that can help identify whether a child has language problems include identifying if: By 18 months, a child has not said a single word, doesn't point at objects and shows no interest or intention to communicate; An 18-month-old-child doesn't understand simple instructions of a maximum of three words; If at 2, a child only repeats what they hear and you can't understand what they say; If at 3, the child doesn't form plurals or use pronouns; If at 4, the child pronounces consonants incorrectly, makes nasal sounds or doesn't conjugate verbs when speaking.
Recommendations for parents of children with language difficulties First of all, parents should bear in mind that children learn language by imitation and by listening to the people around them.
For this reason, it's important to speak to them a lot.
Do this with simple and clear language.
During breastfeeding, it's important to dedicate time to verbal communication with children.
Believe it or not, it's the best time to start teaching them sign language and the imitation of sounds and gestures.
Similarly, from 6 months on, parents should read to their children daily. Stories with images are ideal to stimulate language development. Take advantage of bath time or changing their clothes to reinforce speaking and language.
These are ideal situations to name objects, items of clothing and parts of the body.
Finally, parents and other people around the children should not laugh at their mistakes. Naturally, mocking them can cause significant psycho-emotional damage in children with language problems.
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