Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily Oct 24 2018

-But this is exciting news. An arena tour?

-It's exciting, man. It's exciting to be back.

How have you been? -I'm doing fantastic.

I can't complain.

Yeah, but I'm here to talk about you.

-Oh. I was here to talk about you.

-No, that's the other show. That's your show.

But I want to know about this.

I mean, I know you do stand-up, but arenas?

-Yeah. I'm excited, man. -How many cities are you doing?

-Well, right now, we have 28 cities scheduled,

and then, we're going to be working up from there,

trying to find more cities.

I'd like -- The funny thing about announcing a tour is that

you'll be like "28 cities announced,"

and then, everyone is like, "What about my city?"

And I'm like, "Yeah, but these are the ones

that are being announced."

They're like, "Yeah, but you didn't say mine."

And I'm like, "Yeah, there's many cities."

These are the ones I'm doing right now.

-Right now, these are the ones that are -- Yeah.

-And they're like, "Yeah, but where's my city?"

-We'll get to your city. -Right.

-But do you like going to all of these?

-I love it, man. I love traveling around America.

I've been to all 50 states. I've been to hundreds of cities.

I'm somewhere different every single weekend.

You know what I love most?

Is that you get to learn America.

So you get to travel the country,

and you learn about people.

You learn about the places.

Like, I was in Rochester, New York.

And when you're in Rochester, New York,

it doesn't seem like a glamorous place, you know?

You don't think there's anything special.

But you read the history,

and it was, like, the home of the suffragette movement.

Frederick Douglass lived there, the famous abolitionist.


-It was a safe haven for slaves

that had escaped slavery in the South.

They'd come up using the Underground Railroad.

They get there.

They'd get them on boats, get them to Canada,

and these people would live free.

And that was insane for me to find out,

because I was like, "How did they convince black people

to get back on boats?"

That's, like -- It's mind-boggling.

You can't tell me that was

a smooth process every single time.

-Yeah, yeah. I guess so, yeah. Yeah, they probably -- Yeah.

-You have to be hella convincing, Jimmy.

-You would have to be, yeah.

-You realize it's 2018, and black people --

we still don't mess with water.

-You really don't. No, no, you really don't.

No, that's not one of your --

-So, that's why I love traveling,

'cause, like, I learn things that -- I've been everywhere.

The Andy Warhol Museum in one city you go.

It's just learning America is what I enjoy.

-But how about outside of America,

when you go -- 'Cause you've done different continents.

You've done -- I mean, how do people react to you differently?

-Well, if I have a free weekend, I'll go to, like,

Sweden or Denmark.

And, like, the flight is almost as long as going to L.A.

People don't realize that.

So you just pop over that other way, and then it's like --

Like it's other L.A. Just think of it that way.

And then -- And it's cool. You know what's great?

People laugh all over the world, right?


-I think the only difference is how audiences heckle you.

That's what I find. -Oh, really?

-So, like, I find if you go to, like, England,

if you're not careful -- -Whoo!

-Yeah, you see already -- getting heckled.

You see. -They're ready to go.

-See the U.K. is ready to go.

Like, they will heckle -- Like, I've wanted to

cry onstage in the U.K., because you'll get onstage

and then you'll say something, and then someone in the audience

will have a funnier joke than yours, heckling you.

So you'll be like, "You know what's strange about the U.K.?"

They'll be like, "Yeah, you, mate."

-That's pretty good.

-Here's what I love, is -- in America,

I find people are like -- It's like the most,

like, encouraging heckling.

So, like, one time, I was telling a joke,

and I paused for effect.

And there's just complete silence,

and then one guy shouted and is like,

"You can do it, Trevor!"

It's, like, inspiring. -It's inspiring.

-It's inspiring.

-Takes you right out of your act.

Let's talk about the new Netflix special.

This is "Son of Patricia." -Yes.

-Where did the name come from? I'm assuming mom?

-Right, but the name originally came from --

So, my mom and I grew up as a team.

My mom is, like, the most gangsta human being

you'll ever meet.

She's, like, a beautiful black woman

who just didn't take crap from anybody.

And what I loved is how

she raised me and how she spoke to me.

So, my mom would always say to me --

Whenever I was angry with her, my mom would --

Like, I would look at her and I'd be like, "Mom!"

And I couldn't, like -- I didn't, like, throw tantrums,

because I wasn't white, right?


No, so, I couldn't, like, throw tantrums.

I could just, like, look at her, like, with that eye,

and, like, you've got that look in your eye

that's like, "Oh, if I could control the Earth,

you would be gone."

Like that type of thing. -Yeah.

-And then she'd look at me and she'd be like, "Say it, say it."

And I'd be like, "Say what?"

She's like, "Say it -- your mom is a bitch."

And I would be like, "What?"

And she'd be like, "That's right.

You're a son of a bitch."

And she'd, like, flip it on me,

and so that's, like, the thing we always say to each other.

And then I wanted to call my special that,

and then people we're like,

"I don't think anyone will understand it."

So I was like, "Son of Patricia,"

because my mom is Patricia.

But she knows what it really means.

My mom knows. -She gets a shout-out.

-Mom knows. -Here's the loving mom.

Look at how cool. Aww! -That's us.

-That's amazing. -That's the team right there.

-I know your book -- Congrats on --

I think the last time or the last two times you came out,

you told me you released your book.

-Right, right. And it's been amazing.

But thank you for the support.

Thank you to everyone who has gone out and bought it.

-They're making it into a movie.

-They are, man, making it into a movie.

-This is so cool.

-I mean, I never dreamed that would happen.

-Who is playing your mom?

-Lupita Nyong'o is playing my mom, which is -- Right?

[ Cheers and applause ] Yeah.

-Wow! That is fantastic. -Yeah. And it's funny.

She was actually on the set of "Black Panther"

when she was reading my book.

And then she called me and she said,

"Hey. I want to be your mom."

And I said like, "I'm sorry. What?

Hello? What?"

'Cause she gave me no, like, anything.

She's like, "Hello, Trevor. This is Lupita.

I want to be your mom."

I was like, "I don't know what that means, but yes."

-Yes, of course. -You have to say yes.

You have to say yes.

And then she was like, "In the movie."

Then I was like, "Oh, yeah." -Of course, yeah.

-Yes, of course. Of course. Yes. -Exactly.

-And it's great, because, like, you know,

you see pictures of them.

They're both beautiful women. They're both doing their thing.

They're both living in different worlds.

And it was great, because when I saw Lupita in "Black Panther"

and then I saw how she, like, kicked everyone's asses,

I was like, "Oh, yeah.

That reminds me of how my mom used to whip my ass."

-Perfect. You got the part.

-Yeah, I grew up in Wakanda

with a woman like Lupita whipping my ass.

I was like, "This is it." -This is perfect, man.

-So I'm totally excited for that.


For more infomation >> Trevor Noah Is Lupita Nyong'o's Son - Duration: 5:49.


President Trump Plans Paris Meeting with Putin - Duration: 2:36.

-Let's get to some jokes here, everybody.

It just came out that next month

President Trump and Vladimir Putin

are planning to meet in Paris.

[ Audience "Oohs" ]

Putin says he looks forward to discussing nuclear weapons

while Trump said, "OMG! I think he's gonna propose."

[ Laughter ]

"Mrs. Donny Putin."

[ Laughter ]

That's right. Trump and Putin are meeting

in Paris on November 11th,

which is just five days after the midterm elections.

Apparently, Putin told Trump,

"I want to get paid for my work in person."

[ Laughter and applause ]

"Heh heh heh. Thank you."

That's right, the midterms are coming up,

and last night, Trump held a rally in Houston.

He said it was so crowded that 50,000 people outside

couldn't get in, but the Houston police said

that there were only 3,000.

[ Laughter ]

Then Trump said, "Fine. We'll call it an even 70,000."

[ Laughter and applause ]


But Trump was there to campaign for Texas Senator Ted Cruz.

Here's a photo of the two of them embracing at the rally.

There you go. [ Laughter ]

Looks like a son trying to help his dad up from a chair.

[ Laughter ]

"I got you, pop."

I saw that today Melania Trump hosted an event for 6th graders

at the White House to mark

National Bullying Prevention Month.

It was going well until the President walked in and said,

"Sorry, I didn't realize there was a loser convention

happening in here."

[ Laughter and applause ]


Oh, this is big -- tonight was the drawing for the $1.6 billion

Mega Millions jackpot.

[ Cheers and applause ]

If your annoying co-worker shows up 15 minutes late tomorrow,

you'll be like, "Thank God! I was worried you'd won."

[ Laughter and applause ]

"I wouldn't be able to handle that."

Before the drawing, the "New York Post"

made a list of things New Yorkers could do

with $1.6 billion.

For instance, they could buy The Islanders

or part of the Mets,

or they could sublet a one-bedroom apartment

for two months.

[ Laughter and applause ]

No hot water.

Hey, I just read that 7-Eleven is recalling their taquitos

due to a possible salmonella outbreak.

[ Audience "Oohs" ]

Experts aren't 100% sure

because the effects of salmonella

are the same effects of eating taquitos, so...

[ Laughter and applause ]

I heard about a new study that found that not working out

is even worse for your health than smoking.

When they heard that, Americans were like,

"Great. Smoking it is."

[ Laughter and applause ]

For more infomation >> President Trump Plans Paris Meeting with Putin - Duration: 2:36.


BTS to become youngest recipients of government's Cultural Medal at Korea Entertainment Awards - Duration: 0:40.

the kpop boy band BTS are getting official honors from the government this

afternoon for their contribution to spreading Korean culture around the

world at 4:30 p.m. local time the korea entertainment awards will kick off at

seoul's olympic hall where BTS will go to accept the award in person the

ceremony is run by the culture ministry and the honour is called the Huglin

order of cultural merit BTS are just back from the European leg of their

world tour there'll be the youngest people who ever

received the order an average age of less than 24 and they're the only k-pop

idols to have ever been nominated for it

For more infomation >> BTS to become youngest recipients of government's Cultural Medal at Korea Entertainment Awards - Duration: 0:40.


North Korea-U.S. high-level meeting to take place once North Korea is ready: S. Korean official - Duration: 2:42.

progress on talks between North Korea and the u.s. have been slowed in recent

weeks especially after the Trump administration announced that a second

summit with Kim jong-un would not happen until after the midterm elections on

November 6th our discussions are said to be ongoing towards holding working-level

and high-level talks and now a South Korean official says that the u.s. is

ready and is waiting for response eg1 reports a high-level meeting between

North Korea and the u.s. is likely to take place as soon as the north is ready

the senior South Korean official with knowledge of the north korea u.s. talks

told reporters in Washington on Tuesday that high-level talks are still being

discussed but a specific date and venue has not yet been confirmed as the North

is not giving an answer US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said

in an interview with Voice of America last week that is hopeful a senior-level

meeting between himself and his North Korean counterpart will take place in

the next week and a half or so the South Korean official added the u.s. is ready

for the meeting and it'll likely take place as soon as the North replies on

speculation the North Korean leaders younger sister kim yo-jong who serves as

the first vice department director of the central committee could be the

counterpart Pompeo mentioned the South Korean official said it seems the u.s.

is also unsure pompeius counterpart had been devised

chairman of North Korea's ruling party's Central Committee kim jung-tae but he

did not join the latest talks between Pompeo and North Korean leader Kim

jong-un during the Secretary's fourth visit to the north the South Korean

official also touched on the working-level talks between North

Korea's Vice foreign minister chessani and US Special Representative for North

Korea Stephen vegan which was agreed by Kim jong-un back in October while the

meeting has yet to take place the official said that too will happen once

the north is ready he added the working-level meeting will cover the

joint declaration escort and even communication network for the second

summit so it takes time to prepare the official says north

Korea has been everything into this game including the dismantlement of its

nuclear assets and facilities and thus pyongyang has to be careful and

thoroughly prepared for the deal the official expects the north will

maintain its request for security assurances and the lifting of sanctions

during its talks with the US adding he expects the declaration to end the

Korean War to be crystallized during the working-level tops Jiwon Arirang news

For more infomation >> North Korea-U.S. high-level meeting to take place once North Korea is ready: S. Korean official - Duration: 2:42.


"Jacqueline Fernandez" Turns Showstopper for Monica & Karishma Fashion Show 2018 - Duration: 1:44.

"Jacqueline Fernandez" Turns Showstopper for Monica & Karishma Fashion Show 2018

For more infomation >> "Jacqueline Fernandez" Turns Showstopper for Monica & Karishma Fashion Show 2018 - Duration: 1:44.


BRUDER NEWS RC JET-SKI! RC toys action for kids! - Duration: 11:46.

Bruder news | RC jet-ski | Kids action

For more infomation >> BRUDER NEWS RC JET-SKI! RC toys action for kids! - Duration: 11:46.


PM Lee says the government is reforming 105 regulations on start-ups - Duration: 0:33.

and the South Korean government has announced a raft of deregulation

measures to make it easier to start a business on Wednesday Prime Minister in

again said the government is reforming 105 regulations for startups those

include easing licensing and documentation shortening processing

times and waiving fees the Prime Minister stressed that new businesses

create jobs and are proof of a vibrant economy and he urged the Ministry of

SMEs and startups to come up with yet more solutions to help entrepreneurs

For more infomation >> PM Lee says the government is reforming 105 regulations on start-ups - Duration: 0:33.


UN investigator says no change in N. Korea human rights despite historic summits - Duration: 2:25.

The UN's top official on human rights in North Korea says that... despite the progress in

building peace on the Korean Peninsula, there's been no sign of change in the human rights


Oh Jung-hee has more.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has had some historic summits with South Korean President

Moon Jae-in and U.S. President Donald Trump this year.

BUT the outcome statements of those summits did not address human rights,... and despite

progress on building peace, the human rights situation in the North has not changed.

That's the assessment of the UN's Special Rapporteur on human rights in North Korea.

"Together [with] their important initiatives of engaging the South Korean Government and

the US Government and some others, it is the time for North Korea to show commitment to

the human rights agenda some way or another.

We have seen nothing from North Korea in this respect."

Quintana recalled being a Special Rapporteur for human rights in Myanmar in 2012.

He had voiced concerns on the military committing human rights crimes, but the international

community, which was supporting the transition back then, (quote)"put aside" human rights,...

the consequences of which, he says, we are seeing now.

The independent investigator said... he supports peace on the Korean Peninsula, but that has

to come with basic rights secured.

"I would support a declaration of peace definitely as I believe that there is an interlinked

relationship between peace and human rights.

And I would say yes.

Yes to peace, but peace needs to be built also on the enjoyment of basic freedoms and


Quintana called on Pyeongyang to show commitment to change.

The most important challenge, he says, is to gain access to North Korea.

The EU and Japan have been drafting a new resolution on North Korea's human rights,

which is to be submitted next week... and is expected to be adopted by the General Assembly

in December for the 14th straight year.

Pyeongyang, through its state media, condemned the move,... saying western, hostile forces

are conspiring to defame North Korea.

Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> UN investigator says no change in N. Korea human rights despite historic summits - Duration: 2:25.


Tanktics: 10 Episodes In a Row | 4K Ultra HD Cartoons About Tanks | Ep. 11-20 - Duration: 18:12.

Tanktics: Ep. 11-20 | Cartoons About Tanks

For more infomation >> Tanktics: 10 Episodes In a Row | 4K Ultra HD Cartoons About Tanks | Ep. 11-20 - Duration: 18:12.


What Happens to People Who Were Unloved During Their Childhood|HFE♪ - Duration: 6:09.

What Happens to People Who Were Unloved During Their Childhood

Not expressing love to children during their childhood can make them suffer from a lot of emotional shortcomings in the future, as well as an inability to empathize.

Love is the vital energy that makes the world go round.

We were all born to love and be loved, but what happens to people who were unloved as children? Apparently, this is the cause of many behavioral problems.

When a baby is born, they should enjoy the protection and security that only maternal love can provide.

Unfortunately, this isn't always the case, and it can cause huge consequences.

This is reflected years later in a person's behavior and the way they relate to others.

Consequences of Being Unloved as a Child Being unloved as a child can lead to unimaginable consequences in adulthood.

Here we list a few of them.

Indifference to the Suffering of Others and Apathy This is one of the consequences of the lack of maternal love during childhood.

Generally, people who were unloved as children are really indifferent.

They have difficulty empathizing with what others feel.

People who were unloved during their childhood have an apathetic behavior, which can affect their close relationships.

Many of their problems are undoubtedly the result of a profound disinterest and apathy to what others feel.

Adults who weren't loved as children or were deprived of maternal love for some reason are indifferent to other people's pain.

Also, it's difficult for them to express their feelings, so they choose to turn them off.

Trouble Relating and Expressing Feelings Being unloved as a child is the beginning of a chain of future problematic generations.

When a person who didn't experience maternal or paternal love grows up and has children, their children will suffer the consequences of their loveless childhood.

Love during childhood is what makes human beings loyal and authentic.

The altruistic capabilities that people must develop as they grow are the result of the love they received during the first stages of their lives.

Maternal love is based on the most basic instincts of our humanity, which also represents the universality and the peace and brotherhood in our relationships with others.

The lack of maternal love in the first years of a person's life makes them not develop empathy as they should.

We can't ignore the fact that any unmet need in our childhood is reflected in adulthood in our behavior.

This is why many people hold grudges or have a lot of resentment and remain unmoved by other people's suffering.

Generally, people who were unloved as children wait unconsciously for their needs to be met.

This creates a lot of behavioral consequences and hinders their ability to love and express love.

The Importance of Showing Love to Children Showing children love is extremely important for several reasons, since people humanize during childhood.

A person who was unloved as a child was raised with an emotional void.

This will be reflected in their future aggressive behavior since their initial adaptation occurred in a loveless environment.

Lack of love in the early stages affects the child and, thus, also future generations.

These future generations with huge emotional voids can threaten humanity itself.

The problem is that, although this lack of love during childhood has dire consequences for adults, there are still many cases of children who are being raised with huge emotional voids.

The love that a child receives from birth has unimaginable power over the development of future altruistic skills, love, and empathy.

If you want to make sure your children don't suffer from these shortcomings and remain scarred forever, you must give them the affection they need and deserve.

For more infomation >> What Happens to People Who Were Unloved During Their Childhood|HFE♪ - Duration: 6:09.


Maneno ya Mungu | "Wale Waliofanywa Kuwa Watimilifu Ndio tu Wanaoweza Kuishi Maisha Yenye Maana" - Duration: 38:29.

For more infomation >> Maneno ya Mungu | "Wale Waliofanywa Kuwa Watimilifu Ndio tu Wanaoweza Kuishi Maisha Yenye Maana" - Duration: 38:29.


Old McDonald Had A Farm - Nursery Rhymes and Kids Song Lyric - Duration: 2:53.

Thanks for your watching! Please subscribe and watch best videos.

For more infomation >> Old McDonald Had A Farm - Nursery Rhymes and Kids Song Lyric - Duration: 2:53.


New Attitude WhatsApp Status Video 2018 - Kadak Attitude Dialog For WhatsApp Status - Duration: 2:21.

New WhatsApp Status Video

For more infomation >> New Attitude WhatsApp Status Video 2018 - Kadak Attitude Dialog For WhatsApp Status - Duration: 2:21.


รวมเพลงฮิต อ้อยใจ แดนอีสาน ลูกทุ่งเบรคแตก ชุด 5 - Duration: 45:33.

For more infomation >> รวมเพลงฮิต อ้อยใจ แดนอีสาน ลูกทุ่งเบรคแตก ชุด 5 - Duration: 45:33.


How to Blend images in HTML and CSS - Duration: 5:47.

Now this is the thing that we have seen in case of base colors; that means the solid

color and a pattern over here; now what if we want to have this blending effect in two

different patterns, that means two different images; now we have known about this particular

background blending mode in case of a solid base color and an image.

Now all we want to do, we want to blend between two different images that we will be using

over here.

So in the very first scenario all we are going to do we are going to nullify off this particular

background base color and instead of that we will be using another image here..

Let's say this one...

This window.jpg.

So press F2 and copy this file name along with this extension name, get back to your

project and here we need to provide this particular image source.

In the very first case all we are going to do, we are going to comment this particular

thing off we had done; Let's get back to our project and reload and we can see that this

is the scenario.

On the other hand I would like to mention here that we have provided this particular

Fox-big.png in the very first situation; that is why it is laying and in the second condition

we are providing this images/window.jpg; but what if we now reverse these things like we

have placed this fox image at the bottom...If we want to place them at the bottom when we

have to mention eat in the second case.

As we can see now that the window.jpg is in the position 1 condition and this fox-big.png

it is now in the position 2 condition in its syntax.

Now if we get back to our project and reload we can see that the fox.PNG is now practically


It is practically lying underneath this particular window.jpg over here.

Another thing, the image is now repeating itself as we can see here so first of all,

let's reorganize the positions - we want this fox-big.PNG at the top above and that is why

we would be mentioning it in the first case.

We don't want any kind of repeat condition for this particular window.JPG; so we will

be providing here....

Reload and we can see that here goes the scenario.

Now all we can do we can turn on these particular blending modes over here and we can see that

this is the thing that we want.

So let's get back to our project and reload and we can see that in practicality these

two images, this fox-big.png it is practically lying above and the second image, that means

this particular window.JPG, it is lying underneath and they are transiting among themselves,

that means they are having some kind of blending effects in them and it is under overlay condition

and this is practically the scenario.

Now all we have to do; instead of this contain thing we will be using here background-size

cover, reload and this is the scenario - everything is vicinity.

Now we have made it up to here we can see that this is the blending mode effect that

we can observe right now; instead of this particular overlay condition, if we now provide

hear soft light, we need to make this change all over here; there it goes; reload and we

can see that this is the scenario and this is output.

So in every cases we can see that we can blend between a base or a solid color and a pattern;

we can blend between two different patterns.

So it is not the important thing that what we are blending here practically, everything

will be alright; everything could be done as we have done in case of any graphics software,

the same thing can be coded into this CSS and we can use it.

The important factor is reorganization or the orientation.

If we want a particular image to be on layer1; on the top layer then the rest of the other

then all we need to do we need to mention it here in this particular case, in the first

position and in the second position we need to mention the underneath image that we wish

to keep at the bottom of the first image.

So this is how we can blend between them; use this blending effect into our project;

hope this thing will be hiding you in Creating your own project; in the next tutorial we

are going to understand how to use filter effects on images.

So until then, stay tuned.

For more infomation >> How to Blend images in HTML and CSS - Duration: 5:47.


Arsenal starting XI vs Leicester: Lichtsteiner & Ozil in, Aubameyang benched - Duration: 3:13.

 Stephan Lichtsteiner and Mesut Ozil start for Arsenal in tonight's Premier League clash against Leicester City at the Emirates Stadium

 Unai Emery's side shows a few changes from the team which thrashed London rivals Fulham 5-1 at Craven Cottage before the international break, with Alex Iwobi and Henrikh Mkhitaryan retaining their places

 It's a full league debut for the Switzerland international and first since coming on as a substitute on the opening weekend of the campaign

He takes up a position at left-back with no Sead Kolasinac or Nacho Monreal in the squad

 Ozil returns after missing the win over Fulham with back spasms, while Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang is once again on the bench alongside Danny Welbeck

 The Gunners go into the game on the back of nine straight wins across all competitions and Emery will be hoping that the international break hasn't interrupted his side's momentum

 Victory tonight will see the hosts climb back above bitter rivals Tottenham Hotspur in the table, while a win by a five-goal margin would see them rise to third - and back to just a couple of points behind Manchester City and Liverpool

 Arsenal XI: Leno; Bellerin, Mustafi, Holding, Lichtsteiner; Torreira, Xhaka; Mkhitaryan, Ozil, Iwobi; Lacazette  Subs: Martinez, Medley, Ramsey, Aubameyang, Welbeck, Guendouzi, Smith Rowe  The Gunners do have a good home record against the Foxes

 In the corresponding fixture at the start of last season the two teams served up a seven-goal thriller in north London as Shinji Okazaki and Jamie Vardy put the visitors ahead after Lacazette marked his debut with a goal after two minutes

 Welbeck equalised for the homes side just before half-time, only for Vardy to restore City's lead early in the second half

 Arsene Wenger's double substitution proved to be the gamechanger as Ramsey brought the Gunners level for a second time on the night before Olivier Giroud - now at Chelsea - headed home what turned out to be the winner

 Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from via the free football

london app for iPhone and Android .  Available to download from the App Store and Google Play

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