Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily Oct 24 2018

Hello there and welcome back to another video of teaching you the data-driven

way of digital marketing.

My name is Julian, and I'm back with another quick tip video, this time about empty values

within Google Tag Manager.

Now to set you up, I have a little example here.

We are here on a page where I want to fire an outbound link event that ties into Google


So we can see whether somebody leaves our page and through which links they actually


And when I click on this first link up here, I'm getting redirected to measureschool.

Now, let's do this all with the Command key press.

So we see the event inside of our preview and debug mode.

Here is our GTM link click, and we see our event outbound link click has fired.

Now the event values that we actually send with it is the category outbound link that

tracks event, action, and label.

So here we have the label, the action of the actual page where we send the user to.

Now once we go over to the variables, we actually pull this from the click variable right here.

I have another example here.

And this happens quite often.

Once you click on, for example, a button that not acts like a link per se, a new window

opens, we can go back here, and we can look into our event that fires which was the ninth

event here, and we see that our click URL is empty.

Now, this is unfortunate because when our event outbound link click now fires, it doesn't

have the actual value to fill into our action right here.

So what happens, let's look into our Google Tag assistant.

We go into our event outbound link click, and we see our action is undefined.

And this is also what is then transferred over to Google Analytics, which is unfortunate

because it skews our data to this undefined value.

But it happens quite often, especially when the link is not standard HTML, but is pulling

it from somewhere else.

So right now, I have a JavaScript link actually in the background here.

And that's why it's not picking it up.

Now, what can we do to actually prevent our tag from firing, because we don't want to

have that data in there?

We would need to find a way to prevent our tag from firing when the actual click URL

is empty.

And unfortunately, this is not an empty value, because it is actually a string, just a string

itself is empty.

So if we would change our trigger around, I'm going to go over here to triggers and

outbound link and say, Hey, I don't want to fire this when the click URL, for example,

does not equal empty, then I want to not fire this.

So let's try this out.

But unfortunately, we can't actually save this because we have the filter not really

specified, we don't have anything in here.

So you need to fill something out in order to make the filter actually work.

So what can we actually do?

Well, there is a little technique Regex called and we can choose the does not match the regex.

So we would find out if the strings actually empty.

And we can do this by using the caret and the dollar sign, which would mean that our

string would need to start with a character after this and stop with the character before

this, which is the empty character right here.

So in the end, it will hopefully work and match our regex here.

So it should not match, our click URL should not match the regex empty string.

If it does, then this whole thing should fail.

Let's try this out.

Let's save this and refresh and refresh this page.

And we click on measureschool again.

We see our GTM click here and our tag didn't fire.

Why did it not fire?

Let's click on it.

And we can also look into our fire and conditions right here.

The event was right, the click URL but it matched up to our condition right here and

that's why it failed.

And if you click on any other link here,

we would need to do that with the Command key press.

We see that our event still works.

Also with the affiliate link, it should still work, yes.

So this is a quick tip on how you can match up empty character strings with the help of

this regex option of the caret and the dollar sign.

So just remember this little term if you ever find yourself as you want to match up an empty


Hey, there it's me again.

Thanks for checking out our quick tip video.

Was that helpful?

Did you understand something not quite?

Then I'd love to hear from you in the comments down below.

But if you liked it then why not give us a thumbs up

and subscribe to our channel

right over there because we bring you new videos just like this one

every week.

Now, my name is Julian,

til next time.

For more infomation >> GTM Quick Tip: How to Match Up Empty Values In Google Tag Manager - Duration: 4:51.


SW_Mest besökta miniatyrer Google Chrome saknar hur du återställer det. - Duration: 1:57.

Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy. In this video, I will talk about. How do I fix google chrome most visited

website thumbnails disappeared? Or you may need to change chrome background, and restore the old chrome

thumbnails back First make sure you are using Chrome 69. To check this, click the Chrome 3 Dot Menu Icon,

then choose Help, Then About Google Chrome. Reload the Page to check for a new Version.

You may try reverting to the old Thumbnails by disabling this two Flags. chrome://flags/#ntp-icons.

chrome://flags/#ntp-custom-links. The new NTP New Tab Page Layout uses Icons instead of Website Thumbnails.

This is a major change in the new Design. The same Layout is used on mobile Chrome. In addition, the redesigned NTP Page offers

two new Features. Change background. Click the Wheel Icon on the bottom right, to

choose a Background Image for the NTP Page. You may upload your own, or choose from a List offered from Google.

Follow the steps as shown below. Create your own Link Shortcuts. Follow the steps as shown below.

Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy. Please, like. Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,

For more infomation >> SW_Mest besökta miniatyrer Google Chrome saknar hur du återställer det. - Duration: 1:57.


TH ฉันจะแก้ไขภาพขนาดย่อของ Google Chrome ได้หายไปอย่างไร - Duration: 2:12.

Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy. In this video, I will talk about. How do I fix google chrome most visited

website thumbnails disappeared? Or you may need to change chrome background, and restore the old chrome

thumbnails back First make sure you are using Chrome 69. To check this, click the Chrome 3 Dot Menu Icon,

then choose Help, Then About Google Chrome. Reload the Page to check for a new Version.

You may try reverting to the old Thumbnails by disabling this two Flags. chrome://flags/#ntp-icons.

chrome://flags/#ntp-custom-links. The new NTP New Tab Page Layout uses Icons instead of Website Thumbnails.

This is a major change in the new Design. The same Layout is used on mobile Chrome. In addition, the redesigned NTP Page offers

two new Features. Change background. Click the Wheel Icon on the bottom right, to

choose a Background Image for the NTP Page. You may upload your own, or choose from a List offered from Google.

Follow the steps as shown below. Create your own Link Shortcuts. Follow the steps as shown below.

Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy. Please, like. Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,

For more infomation >> TH ฉันจะแก้ไขภาพขนาดย่อของ Google Chrome ได้หายไปอย่างไร - Duration: 2:12.


Are There Risks to Energy Drinks? - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> Are There Risks to Energy Drinks? - Duration: 5:00.


Live PD: Heavy Sleeper (Season 3) | A&E - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Live PD: Heavy Sleeper (Season 3) | A&E - Duration: 3:23.


Tyrus Wong Google Doodle - Duration: 2:03.

Today the Search Engine Google is showing a Doodle for Tyrus Wong.

Google is celebrating American-Chinese artistTyrus Wong's 108th Birthday in a few countries

with a doodle.

Tyrus Wong was born on October 25th, 1910.

He was a Chinese-born American artist.

He was a painter, animator, calligrapher, muralist, ceramicist, lithographer and kite

maker, as well as a set designer and storyboard artist.

One of the most-influential and celebrated Asian-American artists of the 20th century,

Wong was also a film production illustrator, who worked for Disney and Warner Brothers.

He was a muralist for the Works Progress Administration (WPA), as well as a greeting card artist for

Hallmark Cards.

Most notably, he was the lead production illustrator on Disney's 1942 film Bambi, taking inspiration

from Song dynasty art.

He also served in the art department of many films, either as a set designer or storyboard

artist, such as Rebel Without a Cause (1955), Around the World in Eighty Days (1956), Rio

Bravo (1959), The Music Man (1962), The Great Race (1962), PT 109 (1963), The Green Berets

(1968), and The Wild Bunch (1969), among others.

Wong retired from the film industry in the late 1960s, but continued his work as an artist,

spending most of his time designing kites.

He also continued to paint, sketch, and design ceramics well into his 90s.

He was the subject of the 2015 documentary film, Tyrus, by filmmaker Pamela Tom.

Wong died on December 30, 2016, at the age of 106.

He died on December 30, 2016.

For more infomation >> Tyrus Wong Google Doodle - Duration: 2:03.


Introducing Curbal's new...🔥 - Duration: 4:40.

Hello and welcome to Curbal's first course on Power Query! I've been wanting

to do this course for a long long time. I think Power Query is one of the most

important tools or skills that you need to learn in the coming years. Why do I say that?

Well Power Query is available now in Excel, in Power BI, in Analysis Services, you have it in

PowerApps, in flow... Microsoft is putting Power Query everywhere! There are two

reasons for that: it is that good, is an amazing tool and number two: it just makes

your life easier. Who is this course for? This course is for people that are

beginners in Power Query and for those that have worked with Power Query for a while

but would like to have a structured way of learning it. If you have been doing

Power Query longer than that, you can still take the course because, you know me, I

always put best practices there and some tips and tricks... is filled with that!

What are we going to cover? Well it is packed, packed, packed with material. We're

going to do of course a round tour of Power Query and explain how everything works.

We're going to go through get sources. We will go through how to

connect to the most common sources. There are eleven lessons on that, so I

think I've got to cover with most of them. Then we're going to go through the most

common transformations that you will do in Power Query, the ones that

you have on the user interface where you click, click, click and then you have it. There

are some buts and ifs and some mmm... I'll go through that too, so you know what to

expect when you're clicking those buttons. After that, we're going to go

through how to join tables: you have merge and you have append and I will go

through both and we have great examples to do that. You will be able to follow

along with the examples that I provide, you have all the material there for you

to go along and do it with me. Once we have done the join tables, well

we're going to go through the column transformations and the column

transformations is such a great "advanced feature" because it allows you

to make transformations that are fairly basic but there is no

button for it, so it allows you to make Power Query

to write code in a very simple way.

Once we've gone through the custom columns, I have to do

this, I have to show you the best practices. These are habits that you

need to implement every time you create a Power Query file. We will go through

what those habits are and what they are good for. Last but not least, we have

a module on M. M is the language that is written behind the scenes when you are

doing Power Query transformations and it's an amazing skill to have. You don't

need to be an M master, to be able to know enough M to do amazing thing, but

that is exactly what I'm going to show you. I'm going to show you what M is, I'm

going to go through the basic workflow for M, so you get a feel for how that

works and I'm going to bombard you with the examples:

if you want to do this, this is how you do it in M and you'll see how

much faster and easier things get done. It will actually allow you to implement

the best practice that I showed you faster. The hope

for to me at creating that lesson, was that you shouldn't be afraid of M, you

shouldn't be afraid of the advanced editor. Be curious! Go there and check and

modify and see what happens...Hopefully slowly but surely, you will

start learning M without even realizing it. Those are the main

topics. I really hope that you enjoy this course, it is available at

at the same place as the free course. If you haven't taken the

free course do that, it is an introduction to Power BI and I really hope you

enjoy it, I put my heart and soul on it! Looking forward your feedback and until

then, take care!

For more infomation >> Introducing Curbal's new...🔥 - Duration: 4:40.


Duch - mocny hamak od polskiej firmy Lesovik - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Duch - mocny hamak od polskiej firmy Lesovik - Duration: 2:34.


You Can't Run It's Halloween Night | Little Eddie Cartoon | Halloween Videos by Kids Tv - Duration: 15:45.

You Can't Run It's Halloween Night

For more infomation >> You Can't Run It's Halloween Night | Little Eddie Cartoon | Halloween Videos by Kids Tv - Duration: 15:45.


Eggless Caramel Custard in Pressure Cooker | Easy Dessert Recipe | Chef Harpal Singh - Duration: 6:06.

Hello Greetings, my name is Chef Harpal Singh Sokhi

and I am making eggless Caramel Custard.

Caramel Custard is liked by everyone

but most of the people also think that if it could be vegetarian it would be so nice.

First of all I will make the caramel,

so here I have take 2 1/2 tbsp of Sugar,

I will add little bit of water,

means as much as Sugar you have taken that much amount of water you need to take.

If you have taken 2 1/2 tbsp of Sugar then add 2 1/2 tbsp or 3 tbsp of Water.

caramelize the Sugar now,

here the caramel sauce of Sugar is ready,

you have to be very careful when you are making caramel,

the time when you add water in the sugar

and start reducing the water

than on earlier stage the sugar is melted and turns white

and after that it starts turning into caramel.

This last stage is very important

you have to be very careful because

from here the time to get sugar burn is very less.

You have to be very careful.

Pour the caramel in the silicone moulds,

I have added caramel in 4 moulds which are going to get set in my pressure cooker

Now this 4 moulds are ready to set,

next step,

take a bowl

and add 1/2 cup of Yogurt,

1/2 cup of Milk,

1/2 cup of Condensed Milk,

keep in mind that Condensed milk sticks to the bowl so remove it properly

because if quantity differs than

the Caramel Custard will not get set properly,

add 1 tbsp of Custard Powder,

1/2 tsp of Venila Essenece,

now whisk all the ingredients properly.

Take the pressure cooker and keep it on the gas flame / induction,

I have added water in it

and to support I have kept a holder and keep a plate on it.

Now pour the custard in the moulds,

and keep it on the plate in pressure cooker,

cover it with the lid and let it cook for 20-25 minutes on medium flame,

after that remove and let it come down on the room temperature,

now steam it for 20-25 minutes,

after 20 minutes turn of the flame

and if you want to check in middle than it is allowed only one time

and that too around 20 minutes

because as moulds are small so I think it will take 20-22 minutes to get set.

Now the Caramel Custard is set,

remove it carefully from the pressure cooker

By pressing it I can understand that it set well,

but Caramel Custard is served chill,

so firstly you have to bring it on the room temperature,

unmould it and after that you can again keep it in mould & keep it to get chill in refrigerator.

Caramel Custard is enjoyed well when it is chilled.

So here is your vegetarian Caramel Custard,

For you I will unmould 1 Caramel Custard right now and let's see how does it looks.

So here we have unmould 1, you cannot serve it hot, serve it chilled.

So you also serve it chilled.

First bring it on the room temperature than unmould it

and again you can keep it in mould to get chill

than serve and enjoy it chilled.

This way every time I will bring new recipes for you,

So go & SUBSCRIBE my YouTube Channel

& click on the BELL ICON to get instant notifications of my channel.

For more infomation >> Eggless Caramel Custard in Pressure Cooker | Easy Dessert Recipe | Chef Harpal Singh - Duration: 6:06.


A Halloween Story The Legends of Devon 'IF' There's truth to these Legends? - Duration: 10:13.

Purple, heather clad moorland, wide open views, crystal clear waterways and grey stone tors

these are the things that shape the landscape of Dartmoor.

These valleys, swamps and wetlands, are home to long and well-trodden pathways, though

empty and desolate.

The scenery of Dartmoor is alive with legends.

Battered by the cold winds, covered in thick mist, and home to some of Britain's most mysterious

tales. for the longest time, this area of southwest

England has been a hotbed of spooky stories and urban legends.

keeping with the Halloween theme lets take a look at a suicide, a great British legend,

and a cursed man.

welcome to if ..................................... From the old bluffs of Cornwall to the hazy

peat lowlands of Devon, there are stories whispered for hundreds of years, old once

told by the local tin miners, passed down and cherished in local custom.

they're all superbly spooky.

The first brings us to a Little homestead in the middle of Dartmoor.

a place where Many guests stop by.

The grave of Kitty Jay. in years gone by, Those that took their own

lives were not permitted to be buried in the sanctified ground of a church, this leaving

their spirits to wonder our world lost and alone

The superstitious people of the time trusted that, if a body was taken at as far as possible

outside of a town or village, and then buried, ideally at a crossroads, the soul would not

be able to find its way back.

This saving the fearful residents from being haunted by the recently departed.

Jay's Grave is the place of is one of these burials.

The story goes Kitty Jay was a young beautiful unmarried housemaid who took a lover, this

man betrayed the young woman breaking her heart.

Kitty in distress took her own life, hanging herself in an outbuilding adjacent to the


the body was dealt with in the most brutal way, discarded like trash denied a proper


This is when a Mr James Bryan decided to exhume the remains and give them a better burial.

He took the remains outside of the village and at a crossroads buried poor kitty once

again using stones mark the spot.

This is where the mystery of the grave begins.

Each day fresh flowers are found on Kitty's resting place but no one is ever seen placing

them there.

No matter what time of the year, whenever you pass Kitty Jay's Grave you will always

see fresh flowers, sometimes wildflowers, sometimes garden flowers.

No one knows who put them there or why, but one thing is for sure poor Kitty Jay has been

remembered for far longer than the superstitious country fold who originally buried her!!

The next location on the windy moor is associated with two local legends one known by many the

other maybe not so much.

Dozmary (or Dozmare) Pool is a small lake found in Altarnun on Bodmin Moor.

the lake sits 10 miles from the ocean and around 9 miles north-east of Bodmi an area

famous for having a beast stalking its hills.

Local legends tell that the lake is supposed to be bottomless, and it plays a part in two

other important local legends.

the first is that it is said to be the home of the Lady of the Lake from Arthurian legend.

As told in the legend, it is here that King Arthur paddled out and met with the Lady of

the Lake obtaining the legendary sword Excalibur.

Excalibur the legendary blade of King Arthur, enchanted with magical powers it is said whomever

wields the sword is the legitimate ruler of Great Britain.

the legend of Arthur has been told and retold for hundreds of years with the ending always

being the same, Arthur lay dying from the injuries received following his fight with

Mordred, and Excalibur must be returned back to its source, this until someone worthy shall

rise to replace Arthur and rule Britain.

the Lady of the Lake residing in Dozmary (or Dozmare) Pool along with the sword waiting.

Today sadly, the lake has all but dried up, the water evaporated away.

have the chances of finding the legendary blade evaporated too?

Another story tied to Dozmary Pool is that of Jan Tregeagle.

This means wild spirit wanders the moors, his ghostly wails can be heard along the rugged

coasts, across these bleak moors and echoes through the valleys.

the unresting spirit of the most evil man the Duchy has ever known.

This wicked man's spirit is said to have been set a series of impossible tasks by the devil,

this to keep his soul out of hell.

Jan Tregeagle was an early 17th-century magistrate in Bodmin. this man amassed great wealth through

all manner of evil underhand deeds which included cheating an orphan of his inheritance.

towards the end of his life remorse began to creep up on Tregeagle.

There was practically no sin he had not committed and in a desperate attempt to escape the fate

that lay ahead of a life of wickedness he lavished money on the church and the poor

hoping to obtain the help of the clergy to save his soul from the fiery depths of hell.

duty Bound the priests banded together in an attempt to save his soul, and by constant

prayer, they kept the powers of darkness at bay.

Tregeagle eventually died and was buried in St Breock Church near Wadebridge.

But the demons were not so willing to give up what they felt was their lawful prey.

Shortly after his death, there was an important lawsuit.

The judge was just about to finish his summing up, and the case was all but decided against

the defendant.

This was when the judge called for any further witness.

To the horror of the court a slender, shadowy figure appeared in front of the court, it

Tregeagle back from the dead to take the witness stand.

People fled but the stoic judge remained and began to question the ghostly figure.

Now the fact that Tregeagle had been brought back from beyond the grave, despite the reason

being worthy, placed him once more within dangerous grasps of the demons who were hungry

for his soul.

The Churchmen who had once prayed for the man's soul needed to step in and keep the

demons from their prize, it was decided that the only hope for peace was for the spirit

of the evil man to be given a number of tasks which would keep him busy until the Day of


As long as he worked unceasingly he might still have some hope of salvation.

He was to empty out Dozmary Pool, using only a limpet shell which also had a hole.

it is said that for many years Tregeagle laboured at this until one day there was a terrible

storm he stopped working for just a moment.

The demons seized the opportunity and descended on him.

He fled only escaping them by leaping over the lake - demons its is said cannot cross

water - he rushed to the sanctuary of the little chapel on Roche Rocks near St Austell.

scrambling to enter the chapel he managed to get his head through the east window, just

in the nick of time.

his head was stuck in the window but his body was left dangling outside at the mercy of

the demons, there Tregeagle remained.

Eventually, Tregeagles screams and the incessant howling of the demons drove the priest to

call for help.

They bound the wretched soul with holy spells and took him safely across to Gwenvor Cove,

where he was set another task.

He was to weave a truss of sand and spin a sand rope to bind it.

Tregeagle worked out a way to complete his impossible task, he poured water onto the

sand which then froze.

he could now finish what was set for him by the priests.

this priest fearing he would once again be free bringing demons back to the land summoned

St Petroc who bound Tregeagle with a mighty chain.

Tregeagle was set another task, he was to carry all the sand from the beach across to

the estuary of the River Cober to Porthleven, this until only rock remained on the beach.

St Petroc knew the task was futile because with every tide the sand would be swept back


the demons were always watching, then one-day Tregeagle was wading across the river, and

began to pour from the huge sack that he carried, this dammed up the stream, forming Loe Pool.

The dam is what is now known as Loe Bar, a sinister place with more than a few myths

of its own.

after yet another failure and the threat of demons, a final task was set for Tregeagle,

which he is said to still carry out to this day.

He was taken to Land's End and ordered to sweep the sand from a cove on the headland,

it is said on a winter's night when you are in the area you can hear Tregeagle howling

and roaring at the hopelessness of his task.

what spooky local legends do you have?

What stories do you like tell of a Halloween night?

let me know in the comments below have a great Halloween

For more infomation >> A Halloween Story The Legends of Devon 'IF' There's truth to these Legends? - Duration: 10:13.


This Is Us 3x06 Promo "Kamsahamnida" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> This Is Us 3x06 Promo "Kamsahamnida" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:31.


Nerf N Strike Hailfire Nerf Blaster Toy Blaster for Kids Toy Review - Duration: 7:27.

Nerf N Strike Hailfire Nerf Blaster

For more infomation >> Nerf N Strike Hailfire Nerf Blaster Toy Blaster for Kids Toy Review - Duration: 7:27.


First Alert Weather - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> First Alert Weather - Duration: 2:16.


Schülerin (13) bekam 1 Mio. YouTube-Abos, weil sie... - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Schülerin (13) bekam 1 Mio. YouTube-Abos, weil sie... - Duration: 1:02.


Щенячий патруль мультфильм. Ценный урок! Видео для детей новые серии - Duration: 5:46.

For more infomation >> Щенячий патруль мультфильм. Ценный урок! Видео для детей новые серии - Duration: 5:46.


Tìm gặp người cha không nhận được tiền từ thiện vì quá...đẹp trai - Duration: 20:40.

For more infomation >> Tìm gặp người cha không nhận được tiền từ thiện vì quá...đẹp trai - Duration: 20:40.


2019 Ducati Panigale V4 Full Carbon - By Ilmberger Carbon | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> 2019 Ducati Panigale V4 Full Carbon - By Ilmberger Carbon | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.


How Can You Tell If An Egg Is Fresh?|HFE♪ - Duration: 7:30.

How Can You Tell If An Egg Is Fresh?

Each person at least eats three-hundred eggs per year. It definitely is one of most consumed protein sources.

Therefore, it's good for you to know how to recognize a bad egg.  People eat eggs in large quantities almost everywhere around the globe, however, are you able to differentiate between an egg that's in its prime condition and a bad one?.

Sometimes, in a package of 12 or 24 eggs, there might be 3 or 4 bad eggs in the bunch.

Below will show you how an old egg looks as well as some other interesting facts.

The eggshell's appearance is a key factor.

The eggshell provides protection to the contents of this nutritious protein from outside contaminants.

Actually, there are some microbes that — under certain environmental conditions — can penetrate the eggshell and grow in the yolk.

Therefore, it's important to check an eggshell's physical appearance, composition and texture.

A healthy egg has a strong shell and won't have any spots or stains.

If you notice a small hole or crack, you're better off not buying or eating that egg.

Soft shells are more prone to allowing very small contaminants to enter.

Additionally, eggs with soft eggshells decompose faster.

Chalaza and whites.

A sign that helps you know exactly just how fresh an egg is by the condition of the chalaza.

 The chalaza are the flexible whitish formations that hold the yolk in the center of the egg.

When you crack open an egg and remove the shell and notice that the sticky liquid is complete and easy to see, then you have a fresh egg.

The more chalaza, the fresher the egg.

Examining the egg whites is also a key factor.

If the whites spread out too easily, then it means the egg is not fresh anymore.

However, the problem with checking the chalaza and whites is having to crack open an egg to check it.

At the supermarket, shoppers will obviously need to spot bad eggs without breaking them.

The yolk is a good indicator.

Another element that you should take into consideration is the yolk.

The yolk shouldn't be loose and it should stay put with the rest of the liquid.

Move the egg around to see if the yolk remains attached to the egg white.

You got an old egg when the yolk moves around with any slight movement.

Likewise, the yolk should look clear, compact and whole. Any irregularity in the egg yolk or white that indicate contamination or decomposition mean there is a lack of freshness in this staple food product.

Other signs that indicate an egg isn't fresh.

How an egg's smells just might be the most evident sign of an old one.

If an egg gives off a foul, rotten smell, you should throw it away because it's decomposing.

A medium sized glass is all you need to test an egg.

Fill it with water, just below the top of the glass.

Afterwards, place the egg in the water.

It's simple, if the egg sinks then it's still fresh.

On the other hand, an egg is not fresh when it floats in the water.

It might even be unfit to eat.

Eating an old one could put the consumer's health at risk.

What kind of dangers could an egg pose for the human body?.

In August 2017, a huge egg scandal took place in Holland.

The scandal resulted from a wide-scale contamination of hens and eggs due to an insecticide called Fipronil.

However, the contaminated eggs didn't make it to all European countries, such as Spain because the people were cautious.

In addition to the harmful insecticides, salmonella is an ever greater threat to humans in regards to eating bad eggs.

This infection results from a considerably dangerous pathogen that can easily penetrate the eggshell and multiply in the yolk.

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