Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily Oct 24 2018

-Congratulations on the book. It's fantastic.

It was inspired by -- I hope I'm getting this right,

literary sketches done by James McCune Smith,

and what was it about his work that inspired you

to try to write this work?

-My husband's actually a researcher at a university,

and he constantly comes into the living room like

Sophia Petrillo and just says like,

"Picture this, 1864..."

and tells these really ridiculous stories

about black people.

"We weren't free. Think about it,"

and so he was talking a lot about James McCune Smith's work,

and I was realizing how many things are not that different

unfortunately from the 19th century and now

from listening to him.

So I wanted to read the sketches,

and then kind of, update them.

I eventually found that a little bit too restrictive,

so I just wrote to the theme of heads more generally,

I liked his title, and I stole it, basically.

-Okay yeah, that's totally allowed.

-Yeah. -You write about --

There are a lot of themes that roll through this work --

chronic illness, class, race,

but race is never sort of the main definer in every piece,

is that accurate to say?

-Yeah. I think the collection

kind of exemplifies intersectionality.

Everyone is black and something.

So they're black and disabled,

they're black and living with a chronic illness,

they're black and a nerd.

There are a lot of blerds in there, black nerds.

They're black and cosplayers.

So I kind of wanted to tell those other black stories

that I hadn't seen so much.

-You say you haven't seen them so much.

Was this an issue where these were stories you'd never seen,

and you thought, "Oh, I have the power to represent stories

that haven't existed before?"

-I don't know if I thought about it as power,

but I definitely felt that there was a gap

in what I wished I could have been reading,

and Alice Walker, Toni Morrison, other people I've talked about,

if there's a gap in something, you fill it in.

So I was kind of following that advice and telling

the stories I wished I could have been reading.

-You know, we've obviously mentioned things

like chronic illness, and, well, again,

race is a big part of this.

There's some very dark stories you tell in this book,

but all have sort of a lovely humor to them.

Is that something that's always been true of your writing,

to bring humor into dark subject matter?

-I use humor I think as my own defense mechanism.

And I really wanted to be

a stand-up comedian when I was a kid.

Not a good day to say that when Wanda Sykes is on the show

and David Cross is on the show. [ Laughter ]

But I couldn't watch the really good comedians like Eddie Murphy

and Richard Pryor. I wasn't allowed to do that.

So I was watching people like Dave Coulier on "Full House,"

and I was taking his material as Uncle Joey,

and going to school, going like, "Cut it out,"

and just being horrible,

and wondering why people were making fun of me.

-Yeah. -But I found that when they were

laughing at me, any kind of laughter sort of calmed me down,

and so it became a mechanism for me to deal with

my own anxiety, and I think the stories do that, too.

-There's a wonderful story in here

that is a series of letters back and forth

between two mothers who are -- basically, one is saying,

"Your daughter bullied my daughter at school,"

and it escalates as the letters go back and forth.

This is inspired by real life?

-Sadly, yes. My mother sent me a box

of kind of crap that she called a care packet,

and one of the things that was in it

was a letter from my childhood bully's mother,

and I was the only other black girl in the class,

so two black mothers at a very bourgie white school.

Two black daughters in this grade,

and the other mother basically said that I brought

all of the drama to the school,

and that her daughter was perfect,

and so when she sent me the letter, I was like,

"Why did you send me this, first of all,

and second, I'm going to make fun of you for this,"

and that's what I'm basically doing in this story.

-Did your mother stand up for you?

Is she someone that would write an angry letter back?

-Yes. My mother -- If anyone did anything to me,

like you weren't invited to this birthday party,

they're going to get a letter.

My mother is a letter writer,

like four-page, scathing letters.

She's an expert at that.

And she has written to everyone --

Airlines who have done her wrong,

Orville Redenbacher for popcorn kernels

that were unpopped in her microwave popcorn bags.

-Really? -Anything. Yeah.

-Wow, did the Redenbacher people ever get back to you?

-She got a year of free popcorn.

-Okay, gotcha.

[ Laughter and applause ]

-The power of letters. The power of letter writing.

I'm always fascinated when we have authors on the show

to talk about their writing process,

and I've heard that you write with the TV on,

which seems incredibly distracting to me.

How do you make it work?

-It's kind of my white noise.

I really like the TV. I like to watch really trashy TV.

So no offense, but "Paternity Court"

is one of my favorite things to watch.

-Wow. -People are fighting,

and it's just so juicy.

How are you not inspired by watching people, like,

tell all of their business on TV,

and not even care about their children?

[ Laughter ]

The other thing I really like to watch is the old "90210"

because it's kind of campy and soapy

and all the things at once.

-I'm glad I heard that after I read the book

because it would have been weird to read it going,

"Oh, she was watching '90210.'"

[ Laughter ]

Thank you so much for being here.

Congrats on the book again. -Oh, thank you.

-It's a real pleasure talking to you.

For more infomation >> Nafissa Thompson-Spires Writes with the TV On - Duration: 4:57.


Hidden Credits: The Conners, The Price Is Right - Duration: 4:28.

-You know, when I watch a television show,

I do watch it all the way to the end,

because I like watching the closing credits.

I like to know who worked on the production.

And it turns out some shows have some surprising credits

you may not have noticed.

We're going to take a look at some of them

in a segment we call "Hidden Credits."


[ Cheers and applause ]

Let's get started.

First up, "The Conners" is in its first season on ABC.

And check out those closing credits.

There you go -- you got your director, your editors,

and then there's this -- "Created by Racist Tweets."

[ Laughter and applause ]

Next up, "The Young and the Restless"

is a long-running soap opera on CBS.

And I was surprised to see this in the credits right here.

Starring "The Old and the Been Doing This Job Since 1973."

[ Laughter and applause ]

Next up, "The Price is Right"

is still going strong after all this time.

And I have to say, this was a little disturbing.

There we go, right here.

Guy Trapped in the Wheel -- Gary McDonald.

[ Laughter ]

And I think, if you listen closely,

you can actually hear Gary.

Let's take a listen.

[ Beeping ] -Ow. Ow.

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow,

ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow,

ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. -Come on.

-Ow, ow, ow. -Past 50.

-Ow, ow. -70.

Oh, no. 45. -Ohh!

-Good Lord. [ Laughter ]

Next, even CNN has closing credits sometimes.

And here's something I spotted while I was watching recently.

Right there --

Countdown Clocks provided by

Carl's Countdown Clocks of Calabasas.

[ Light laughter ]

You guys, I'm very excited to say

Carl's Countdown Clocks of Calabasas

is now a sponsor of our show, as well.

Counting down? Need a clock?

Well, in that case, it's time for you to come on down

to Carl's Countdown Clocks of Calabasas.

Other countdown stores can suck our clock.

[ Laughter and applause ]

Next... [ Applause continues ]

"The Blacklist" is a very popular show right here on NBC.

But I wonder how many people have noticed this

in the credits right here.

Red's Hat -- Andy Serkis.

It's true.

In fact, let's take a look at some footage

of him playing Red's Hat in "The Blacklist."

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

[ Dialing ]

[ Light laughter ]

-He's -- He's -- He's amazing.

The guy can do anything.

Next, "Martha & Snoop's Potluck Dinner Party"

is a VH1 show featuring the unlikely pair.

And I guess we probably should have figured this out.

Dinner Provided by Martha, Appetite Provided by Snoop.

[ Laughter and applause ]

Next, here's a credit from a classic sitcom, "Bewitched."

I used to watch it when I was a kid.

I had no idea about this.

Elizabeth Montgomery's Nose Twitch Voiced by Dwight Kruger.

[ Laughter ] That's right.

On the sitcom "Bewitched,"

Elizabeth Montgomery played a witch

who would twitch her nose every time she cast a spell.

Let's take a look.

[ Tinkles ]

But what you may not have realized

is the sound

of Elizabeth Montgomery's nose twitching

is voiced by none other then famed voiceover artist

and two-time Pebble Beach Pro-Am champion Dwight Kruger.

And lucky for us, we actually have some footage of Dwight

at work in the "Bewitched" sound booth.

Take a look.

-So, this is for when her nose twitches?


If you don't mind, I haven't done my vocal warm-up yet,

so just give me one second here.

[ Clears throat ]

♪ Many mumbling mice are making merry music in the moonlight ♪

♪ Mighty nice ♪

♪ Many mumbling mice are making merry music in the moonlight ♪

♪ Mighty nice ♪

[ Shouting ] Loud voice!

[ Softly ] Tiny voice.

[ Shouting ] Loud voice!

[ Softly ] Tiny voice.

[ Shouting ] Loud voice!

[ Normal voice ] Medium voice.

[ Speaking rhythmically ] A bear is in the woods.

Who eats the bear?

The bear doesn't eat anyone but his hair.

Whose hair? Their hair.

Okay, there.

A hare is in the bear.

Oh, it's a rabbit. [ Laughter ]

Give me, give me, give me two.

I'll give you a stinky shoe. [ Light laughter ]

[ Clears throat ]

Cuppy, cuppy coo.

[ Clears throat ]

One, two, two.

All right. Let's do this.

[ Clears throat ]

[ Breathes deeply ]

[ Tinkles ]

[ Laughter ]

Oohh, I like that one. [ Applause ]

-That was "Hidden Credits."

For more infomation >> Hidden Credits: The Conners, The Price Is Right - Duration: 4:28.


Tyrus Wong's 108th Birthday - Duration: 0:42.

California Daily-Student art exhibition impresses

New Illustrators Combine East And West

Los Angeles seeks animators

For more infomation >> Tyrus Wong's 108th Birthday - Duration: 0:42.


Kayla Gets Emotional Over Being Cheated On | Are You The One? | MTV - Duration: 1:47.

(soft electronic music)

- [Announcer] Last week on Are You The One,

all hell broke loose.

- All this fighting, all this fighting

is just making it worse for everyone!

These people are crazy.

- Shut the (beep) up Brett.

- [Announcer] Tonight the drama shows no sign of slowing.

- Cam is not the person that I thought he was.

No one likes to be vulnerable.

Like here for some reason we weren't really doing that

and I think it's because we wanted to seem

like perfect people to each other.

I didn't have like a father figure in my life

and growing up I'd always tell myself like

you don't need a guy, like you're good,

like with yourself.

We wanted the person that we liked to look at us

and see no flaws and just want to focus on us.

- I've been in love twice in my life and both of those

men cheated on me, and after that I don't want to

be vulnerable and I'm scared that you know,

the next time it really will break me.

- All of us live different lives,

we come from different areas,

but one thing we have in common

is we're all scared to be vulnerable.

I like making enemies over my friends

because my friends I always think

are gonna stab me in the back anyways.

- I came into this house saying I want to just have fun

but also my dating problem with my ex

was opening up, I would be like hey,

open up, open up, well now I come into this house

I'm like, why would I open up because I know

none of y'all are gonna feel me.

I'm afraid to get hurt.

- When you are cheated on you can't help

but just question everything about yourself.

Like in that relationship I hated myself,

I hated everything about myself.

- [Announcer] Don't miss anything.

It all starts tonight at 10/9 central on MTV.

For more infomation >> Kayla Gets Emotional Over Being Cheated On | Are You The One? | MTV - Duration: 1:47.


Blackpink becomes first K-Pop group to have three music videos with 400 million views - Duration: 0:34.

black pink has become the first k-pop group to have three music videos with

over 400 million YouTube views according to YG Entertainment the music video for

their debut song kumbaya released in 2016 it reached 400 million views on

YouTube on the 23rd of this month this is black Pink's third music video to

reach that milestone following as it's your last and doo-doo-doo-doo k-pop boy

band BTS which has been garment growing global recognition as one music video

with over 400 million views

For more infomation >> Blackpink becomes first K-Pop group to have three music videos with 400 million views - Duration: 0:34.


Indian prime minister wins Seoul Peace Prize 2018 - Duration: 0:39.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is the winner of this year's Seoul Peace

Prize at the Korea Press Center the sole Peace Prize cultural foundation

announced it has selected the PM for his efforts to improve the lives of India's

nearly 1.4 billion people the selection committee said he adopted measures to

fight corruption and open access to welfare benefits for the country's

poorest Modi is also credited with promoting the stability of the

asia-pacific region and advancing world peace through economic cooperation the

Seoul Peace Prize was established in 1990 and is awarded every two years to

those contributing to human welfare and world peace

For more infomation >> Indian prime minister wins Seoul Peace Prize 2018 - Duration: 0:39.


मसाला खिचड़ी - Masala Khichdi Recipe In Marathi - Masaledar Moong Dal Khichdi - Smita Deo - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> मसाला खिचड़ी - Masala Khichdi Recipe In Marathi - Masaledar Moong Dal Khichdi - Smita Deo - Duration: 3:30.


Haben die USA Frieden satt? Putin trollt US-Sicherheitsberater John Bolton - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Haben die USA Frieden satt? Putin trollt US-Sicherheitsberater John Bolton - Duration: 0:49.


S. Korean businesspeople to visit Gaeseong Industrial Complex next week to look over assets - Duration: 0:43.

around 150 South Korean businessmen could visit the Kaesong Industrial

Complex next week to look over their assets according to the nation's

Unification Ministry discussions are being held between the two sides

regarding that visit the South Koreans had to leave the joint factory park in

February 2016 when so suspended operations there after Pyongyang's

fourth nuclear test this will be the first time they get to visit the joint

Park since it closed down at the inter-korean summit in September it was

agreed the Kaesong complex will run again once conditions are settled but

Seoul stress on Wednesday the upcoming visit has nothing to do with reopening

the complex it is only to protect the South Korean businesses property rights

For more infomation >> S. Korean businesspeople to visit Gaeseong Industrial Complex next week to look over assets - Duration: 0:43.


Rival parties divided over plans to connect railroads across inter-Korean border - Duration: 0:55.

South Korean lawmakers were auditing the state railway operator today rival

parties were sharply divided over plans to connect railroads across the

inter-korean border the ruling Democratic Party called it an investment

for the future and said the ripple effects will be huge as it will link the

Korean Peninsula to Eurasia it also stressed the need for

a single government-wide Control Center to coordinate related projects however

the main opposition Liberty Korea party was strongly against the idea saying

that North Korea's denuclearization must come first

it also criticized a railway operator claiming that internal documents show

they're ready mapped out specific plans regarding inter-korean economic

cooperation and the operation of railways across the border despite

sanctions still being in place the opposition added the government should

propel the groundbreaking ceremony for the new railway connections the two

Koreas agreed to hold before the year's end

For more infomation >> Rival parties divided over plans to connect railroads across inter-Korean border - Duration: 0:55.


2019 Suzuki Nex II 115 New Color Custom Design | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> 2019 Suzuki Nex II 115 New Color Custom Design | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.


Amazing Paper Flowers - Handcraft Paper Flowers - DIY Kusudama Flowers Making - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> Amazing Paper Flowers - Handcraft Paper Flowers - DIY Kusudama Flowers Making - Duration: 4:22.


Fighting high concentration of fine dust during winter season - Duration: 0:35.

moving on to other stories now starting Thursday the Environment Ministry will

conduct special inspections on sites that emit fine dust local governments

and the Korea Forest Service will help out with the procedure which runs until

December 14th there will target construction sites illegal incinerating

locations and businesses that produce scattering dust aside from the

inspections the government has come up with several measures to tackle find us

over the winter local governments will also measure

diesel emissions the Environment Ministry has asked for the public's

participation and cooperation in reducing fine dust

For more infomation >> Fighting high concentration of fine dust during winter season - Duration: 0:35.


KOSPI closes at lowest point so far this year - Duration: 0:40.

the nation's benchmark stock index closed at the lowest level this year

below 2,100 points the Kospi fell four tenths of a percent to two thousand

ninety seven and a half on selling by both local and individuals and foreign

investors the tech-heavy kosdaq also nosedive by

two and a 3/4 percent closing for those seven hundred points the lowest since

last November shares plunged in most sectors including medicine and medical

supplies textiles and garments and nonmetallic minerals investors pointed

to an apparent correction in global stocks the ongoing us-china trade spat

as well as Saudi tensions and said the sell-off will likely continue

For more infomation >> KOSPI closes at lowest point so far this year - Duration: 0:40.


Korean banks' daily FX turnover fell in Q3 - Duration: 0:42.

daily currency trading volumes in Korea fell in the third quarter due to lower

currency volatility the Bank of Korea says daily FX turnover by local and

foreign banks in the nation recorded fifty-four point seven billion US

dollars in q3 down more than five percent from the quarter before mark

making it the lowest reading since the fourth quarter last year the BOK

attributed the fall to lower volatility of the one two dollar exchange rate

which dropped from the second quarters point three nine percent to point three

four percent since the turn of the year the one has weakened against the

greenback staying at a range between eleven hundred and ten and 1140 since


For more infomation >> Korean banks' daily FX turnover fell in Q3 - Duration: 0:42.


Nat'l Assembly's special committee on political kicks off operations - Duration: 0:40.

the National Assembly's Special Committee on political reform has

officially started work their first meeting was held today committee chair

Shin Zhang Zhang a lawmaker from the minor progressive justice party pledged

to create a parliament that better reflects what the people want stressing

her will to change the current electoral system

Raavi lawmakers on the committee also agreed on the need for reform but

negotiations down the road aren't expected to be smooth sailing as parties

are divided on the specifics today's meeting came three months after the

committee's establishment was approved in July due to partisan wrangling over

the proportion of each party's representation

For more infomation >> Nat'l Assembly's special committee on political kicks off operations - Duration: 0:40.


S. Korean gov't to provide US$8.6 mil to cover renovation of inter-Korean liaison office - Duration: 0:36.

the software government will use the inter-korean cooperation fund to cover

the cost of renovations at the liaison office in Kaesong so she and vacation

ministry revealed today that the government passed the resolution on the

funding at a meeting held throughout this week after the renovations ended in

September it was identified that some eight point six million u.s. dollars had

been spent on remodeling offices and facilities for permanently stationed

employees back in July the government decided to provide seventy six thousand

dollars ahead of the renovation and cover the rest when all the expenses had

been calculated

For more infomation >> S. Korean gov't to provide US$8.6 mil to cover renovation of inter-Korean liaison office - Duration: 0:36.


Clear skies with big temperature gap throughout the day _ 102418 - Duration: 1:39.

Hello, I'm Michelle Park here with the latest weather update.

The trees are becoming more colorful as we move deeper into autumn.

Tomorrow the nation will get to enjoy this autumn weather under mostly clear skies with

comfortable temperature readings.

And it looks like the surrounding East Asian countries will have similar weather conditions

as us.

Compared to our daytime highs, the mornings are very chilly though.

Seoul beginning the day at 9 degrees Celsius, Daegu at 6 while Busan hits 12,... which is

similar to today.

The clear sky is expected to get cloudier into the day,.. and the daily highs in Seoul

and most places across the country will reach into the twenties.

Enjoy the weather while you can because on Friday the temperature is expected to drop

drastically after the nation gets more rain.

By next week, the morning low is expected to fall all the way down to 3 degrees in Seoul.

I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.

For more infomation >> Clear skies with big temperature gap throughout the day _ 102418 - Duration: 1:39.


Number of newborns hit record low in August, number of deaths increases 4.8% on-year - Duration: 1:10.

South Korea is suffering from a shrinking population as birth rate

declines and death rate increases the digits were especially discouraging in

August with the number of newborns marking a record lower

you'n jung-hoon provides a closer look

the numbers of births in Korea fell again in August according to statistics

Korea on Wednesday about twenty seven point three thousand babies were born in

August down nine point three percent from the same period last year in

contrast the number of deaths increase to twenty three point nine thousand of

four point eight percent from the same period last year the decrease in the

number of newborns is the lowest in thirty three consecutive month among the

reasons for the dropping figures stand out the de Winne dling number of

marriages annually as well as the shrinking number of women in the 29 to

35 eight racket which stood at 2.35 million last year meanwhile as Korea

continues suffering from an aging population the number of deaths went a

four point eight percent on-year the data for August marked the highest since

1983 in gyeongmin arirang news

For more infomation >> Number of newborns hit record low in August, number of deaths increases 4.8% on-year - Duration: 1:10.



Hi, after working in Baddy Feed for so many years, but I've quit to start my own business

You know what people always say right, "Why work for others when you can work for yourself?"

"It's either you set your own goals, or you work for the goals of other people."

Which is why I'm a private hire driver

As my own boss, I can set my own direction my own time, and most importantly I don't have to listen to anybody's instructions you know!

And also right-

Uncle, Bukit Batok Crescent

Oh Crescent ah, okay can can

Some people think that being a private hire or cab driver could well be the best job in the world

You have your own transport, you have your own working hours, and you're your own boss

After all, you don't have to listen to anyone except for yourself

But nothing could be further away from the truth

Uncle why haven't we moved?

Ya la going already, youths these days...

Aside from the stress and long working hours, being a private hire or cab driver isn't exactly "safe" as well

Here are ten "dangers" that a private hire driver faces

Well, taxi drivers also la

Here are some numbers to scare you:

Accidents, poisoning and violence (including suicide), is the fifth leading cause of death in Singapore in 2007,

and in 2016, there were a total of 140 fatal accidents and 8,277 accidents that resulted in injuries

While not all of them could implicate the driver, he is on the road, which means the danger is much higher

Now, think about it: 8,277 accidents mean that there are 22 accidents daily that resulted in injuries

If your grandparents have once told you that driving is one of the most dangerous activities in the world,

they're pretty much correct

Most PHV drivers in Singapore rent their cars, and if they get into an accident, they would have to pay the CDW (collision damage waiver),

sort of like excess for personal cars

While they won't need to pay a cent if it's not their fault, it's almost impossible for one not to have one moment of carelessness,

especially when you're driving almost eight hours daily

The CDW could range from $1,000 to $4,000, depending on the car rental company,

while excess for an owned vehicle is usually around $500 vehicle owners are usually more concerned about their NCD than excess

If a driver earned $30,000 a year and got into two accidents, with the CDW at, say, $2,000,

he would have his "salary deducted by almost 13%"

As a normal driver, you might think that getting into two accidents (without injuries) a year is not uncommon

Imagine having to drive ten times the journey

it's a scary thought, isn't it?

Do you know that if the average rating you get is below a certain star, your account will be suspended?

This is the reason why most of the PHV drivers are politer than cab drivers, hoping that you would give them a five-star rating

But here's when it gets tricky: some people like to give three stars as an average

In other jobs, all you need to do is to do as you are told, and you get to keep your job; mostly, at least

As a PHV driver, you need to go beyond the job of driving to keep your job

Imagine the horror when you realise you're out of a job because you've fetched too many of those three-star warriors

But of course, not all private-hire firms have this policy, but hey: it's how the industry works. Accept or be replaced

This isn't an if, but a when:

driverless car technology is already here, and now, it's a matter of how to make society accept it

In fact, Singapore is one of the seven cities featured in a Business Insider article to be the forerunner of driverless cars

Ironically, the ride-hailing firms are also the ones who have invested in driverless cars

It's like a school investing in robot teachers—all it takes is just one change in policy and drivers all over the world would be flooding job fairs

Which would have serious repercussions. Watch on

Unless you're a PHV driver, you most likely won't know about the incentives that drivers get on top of the fares they earn

Ride-hailing firms give monetary incentives to drivers who clock a certain number of trips within a period

While they might not be higher than the overall fare, it's something that keeps the driver loyal

For example, clocking 40 trips in five days could mean an incentive of $260

The incentives, at least according to forums and certain drivers, have been allegedly decreasing

Whether it's due to the heightened competition or market forces, the real danger is the drivers' helplessness:

they can't do anything to increase the incentives

Even if they perform, the incentives remain the same amount

It's almost like getting a job that provided a salary that might drop

That itself is a scary thought, isn't it?

One can simply switch to another company, but let's face it: if the incentive is dropping in one company, it most likely is going to drop in another company, too

That's why there's a thing known as "market rate"

Ask any boss what their greatest fear is and one of which should be complacency

Here, we ask our boss

Boss, we have a question


Why…do you come to the office every day? You can… don't come in if…you don't feel like…

Because you all stupid idiots don't know how to get things done! You think I like coming here meh? I want to sleep until 11am then makan McDonald's breakfast every day one leh!

Then…boss…I think you should…

Should WHAT!?


Ensuring that employees don't get complacent is one heck of a job;it would be much more difficult for a boss not to get complacent

And since a PHV driver is a boss, you can expect it to be an uphill task

The consequence of waking up late is just less earning?

They might just let their tiredness take over, and soon, that tiredness becomes complacency

and paying the bills suddenly becomes a problem. The cycle then goes on and on

You can blame it on the driver's lack of self-discipline, but come on: if you're a salaried worker, would you mind waking up later every day without immediate consequences?

In a typical job, being sick means you can call in sick,

and other than facing colleagues who might just label you as an "MC King"

there isn't much of a serious consequence

If you're a PHV driver and you're sick, for say three days,

you'll still be paying hundreds of dollars for a car that you're not going to use

And not to mention those income-less days

Yes, they might have traded the flexible hours for benefits, but MC has always been an entitlement

Now they've lost that as well

Unless you're a PHV driver who bothers to contribute to your CPF,

you would be one of the many who don't believe in putting money into an account that you can only draw twenty years later

The danger here might not be immediate, but ten or twenty years down the road, you might just regret your decision now

And we haven't even spoken about buying a new house

If you chiong a red light twice, you'll have effectively lost your license

While you can argue that you might not even survive for driving so recklessly, the reality of losing one's license is real

Just ask around and see if any of your friends have lost their license, or at least get some demerit points

Of course, the solution is always to drive safe, but seriously, who deliberately drive unsafely?

Of course, being a private-hire driver is an honest job, and it can pay the bills

But here's the thing: if you're one, or intend to be one, do remember these few points:

Be very disciplined

Always learn new skills

Save some money 'coz CPF isn't doing that for you

Now, all the best!

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