Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily Oct 24 2018

(upbeat music)

Francine bonds.

Good morning Your Honor. I want to try.

You want to try? Yeah.

Say good morning. Good morning.

Good morning.

Good morning.

What's his name?

What's your name? My name is Raymond.

Raymond Raymond

Good morning Raymond.

Good morning.

Raymond Good morning.

Good morning, Raymond listen to me.

Raymond Yes.

I run the court.

(laughs) He don't care.

He thinks he runs the court. (audience laughs)

I'm going to have trouble with Raymond this morning.

Fortunately I got the SWAT team here.

Go sit right there.

Francine your car's has been booted.

Yes, Your Honor.

You have one, two, three, four parking tickets.

And you also had a red light violation

that most of it was paid.

You paid, it was an $85 ticket.

You paid 60, so there's $25 left on that.

Mm Hmm.


I don't have it, Your Honor.

What do you wanna tell me about this?

I'm guilty. Oh, you're guilty?

Yes. Alright well,

we'll see what we can do here.

We have to release this.

How old is Raymond? Three.

Three years old, he's very smart for three years old.

Very, he keeps me on my toes.

He does, huh?

Hey Raymond.


Come up here. Huh!

Come up here. Okay.

(audience laughs)

What's that?

Good morning.

Good morning.

What is your name? Raymond.

Raymond? Yes.

Okay listen, we have to make a decision.

You wanna help me?

Yeah. Okay.

Can I hold it?

You have to, we can both hold it, okay?

All right, here's what I want you to tell me.

Your mother,

That's .....

No, no, no, no,

listen to me. (audience laughing)

Are you listening? Yeah.

Is your mother guilty or not guilty?

My mommy is Francine.

(audience laughs loudly)

You're guilty.

He said Francine, he just said my name.

Oh Francine? Yes.

Oh, is she guilty

or not guilty? Say no.

She not guilty.

She's not guilty.

Good job papa.

Okay, you're gonna be a good defense lawyer.

All right, go back to your mommy.

Okay He's a handful, this guy.


Watch your step, bud.

Okay, Francine it's gonna cost you $100

to get the boot released.

I don't have it right now.

No, I know. 0h!

We'll get to that, okay.

And it's going to cost you $50 for the tickets.


Thank you, Your Honor.

So it's gonna cost you a total of $150.

(clears throat)

How much can you pay today?


Inspector Kerrigan.

I'm moving, Your Honor, at the first.

So, the money I have is just for

the deposit and first month's rent.

So, they picked a darn good time to give me a boot.

Francine. (clears throat)


I understand that, okay.

We're gonna try what we call balance the equities.


The city has already paid a private company $100

to place a boot on your car.


You have five parking tickets.

Of the five parking tickets I dismissed three of them.

Okay, thank you, Your Honor.

I already dismissed three of them.

And the three that I dismissed, I waved the penalties on.

Oh, thank you, Your Honor.



instead of you paying $225

I'm charging you $50 for the tickets.

Oh, thank you, Your Honor.


And you have to reimburse the city

for the $100 that they have already paid out.

Good luck to you. Thank you, Your Honor.

(upbeat music)

Carlos Leon.

This is a matter of Carlos Leon

who is charged with disorderly conduct.

Before I, we get into this matter,

I'm gonna read this report for a couple of reasons.

Number one, so that you can understand

what the offense is all about.

And secondly,

just to give you an insight as to what police have to

contend with every single day.

This was a 12:30 this morning.

Police are called to Broad Street.

They were investigating a malicious mischief call.

While they are investigating, according to the report,

Mr. Leon starts screaming at the police.

He's not even involved in this.

And he's telling the people that are being investigated,

don't effin talk to them, they don't effin care.

So police tell him back away

so they can continue the investigation.

He keeps screaming.

"I can stand wherever.

"I can stay wherever the ef I want."

Now, the guy's drunk and he starts swearing at the police.

Police warn him again.

Now a crowd begins to form.

Now Leon start screaming in the background the entire time.

Now the police finish with the investigation

and Lopez is still screaming in the background.

Police still haven't arrested him.

And now he starts swearing again.

He's told to leave

or he's going to get arrested for disorderly conduct.

He doesn't leave.

Finally they put the cuffs on him.

So, then he says well,

at this point, now he says,

well, after all of this, he says,

"I apologize, I lost 300 bucks today."

So, police said, "Okay, but taking you to the station."

Now, what starts again?

Says to the police, "You better call for effin backup.

"And you don't effin know me.

"Google me, bitch."

He was placed in the rear of the mock cruise policer

and transported to Central Station.

Well, on the elevator,

Leon, still agitated, starts screaming at police.

"I want your effin badge number.

"I'm going to effin sue you."

Then he starts using the N word

Here's what he says to the police.

"You got bullied all your life.

"That's why you need that effin gun and badge, you effin."

As a result, he was charged with disorderly conduct.

You hear it, police on the street,

investigating malicious mischief case,

performs to their duty.

I have to give the police some credit.

They exercised great restraint.

Great restraint here.

Counselor, you want to be heard on this?

Your Honor, I

I don't have a defense for it.

My client acknowledges responsibility and has agreed, um.

He accepts responsibility, is that what you're saying?

Yes, Your Honor,

and uh, Oh, it was him.

Agrees to a nolo plea and a $50 fine.

Your leading him nolo?

Yes, Your Honor. Inspector Quinn,

do you have a recommendation in this matter?

That was the recommendation, Your Honor.

That was a nolo pleas with a $50 fine.

I had spoken with council previously on that.

And, Your Honor, the city does agree with the court that

I mean the behavior and the language was not

something that the police should have to tolerate

or deal with at that time.

But unfortunately, that's what we do

on a daily basis, Your Honor.

And I understand that was a nice night out.

And Mr. Leon, I'm pretty sure, was

under the influence of alcohol at the time.

Excuse me, Your Honor.


I'll accept the recommendation of the prosecution.

And the reason I'm accepting the recommendation

is because there was actually no physical force used.

Even though there was a threat of physical force.

And based on his record,

he's capable of exercising that force.

So I'm going to accept a recommendation.

All right, it's $50.

All rise, and hit subscribe.

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For more infomation >> An Unruly Kid and Google Me - Duration: 8:31.


The State of Serialized Fiction (Writer Wednesday) [CC] - Duration: 6:58.

Hello Writer, and welcome back to my life.

It's Writer Wednesday, where I give you my best tips and advice on the art and the

business of writing, and tell you how I do what I do as an indie author.

Today we're answering a question from my $5 patron Ryan Starbloak, who asked me to

talk about the current state of serialized fiction.

So serialized fiction has been a big topic in the indie author community since before

I entered into it, with the blokes at the Self-Publishing Podcast specializing in serialized

fiction for a good long while.

Books were treated like TV seasons, being split up into multiple "episodes" which

were published on a weekly basis or every other week, and then all published together

as a single volume of the full "season."

Even back then, though, there were two big issues with serialized fiction: production,

and earnings.

On the production side of things, it's a lot of work to produce even ten thousand words

every single week, and most serialized fiction tried to be slightly longer.

Even the biggest and best writers of serialized fiction often struggled to meet deadlines.

One of the solutions that serial authors came up with was co-writing.

If you're sharing the production burden, you theoretically only have to do half the

work, making it easier to keep cranking out those words.

And of course, collaboration offers a bunch of other benefits, such as having someone

to help you work through writer's block.

I've talked a lot about how much easier it is to keep going on your writing journey

when you're not walking the path alone.

The other obvious and popular solution to production issues is to give yourself time

between your seasons.

If you release six episodes of a book in six weeks, and then the single volume, you'd

give yourself a month or two before you started releasing episodes of the next season.

This gives you more time for pre-production, and allows you to bank a few episodes of the

story before you start releasing it.

And since this is how actual TV shows work, which is the modern framework by which authors

usually explained serialized fiction to readers, it was an easy sell to your audience.

"Thanks for reading Season 1!

Season 2 will start releasing in three months!"

You know, people GOT that.

However, dealing with production issues didn't necessarily address payment issues, which

is the other part of the process where serialized fiction can be a problem for authors.

Because of the nature of serialized fiction, with episodes usually being between ten and

twenty thousand words, the default price per episode was ninety-nine cents.

And of course, when you publish on virtually all the ebook platforms, a ninety-nine cent

ebook means you're only earning thirty-five percent of royalties, instead of the usual

seventy percent.

So for the same amount of work, you were earning only half the money, which made it hard to

turn serialization into a sustainable business practice.

Some authors dealt with this by only publishing their serialized fiction in the full seasons—i.e.,

in the multiple-episode compilations that they would normally have published after the

episodes came out individually.

The problem, though, is that this kind of defeats the purpose of serialization in the

first place.

The main reason you would serialize a story is to create that week-to-week feeling people

get when they watch "Event television," increasing their anticipation for each episode

and letting them all read each episode at the same time.

It allows for weekly audience discussion of each episode and lets your readers guess what's

going to happen next.

And all of that vanishes when you release your serialized fiction in complete seasons.

Some indies thought they were still creating a good serialized experience because in their

complete volumes, there were the "episode ends" that were fantastic cliffhangers,

that dragged the reader into the next episode.

But the same thing can be and IS achieved just by structuring your chapters correctly.

The end of each chapter should pull the reader into the next chapter whether it's the end

of an episode or not.

Serial authors were trying to work along the lines of the Netflix "binge" model.

Now, of course, Netflix has been extremely successful with that model, but that's because

their entire business and corporate philosophy is built around it.

They have a captive audience who are already paying a subscription fee.

They don't need to have weekly releases to pull in viewers.

They just need to create a vast library of content to make their subscription fee as

valuable as possible.

Indie authors often talked about duplicating the Netflix model with their work, but they

misunderstood the Netflix model as "producing binge content," when in fact the Netflix

model is "have so much content for so cheap that everyone in the world wants to give you


And that model is just not something an indie author, or even a pair of indie authors, can

recreate with their work.

So, eventually, most indies drifted away from serialized fiction.

Almost none of my books are available in serialized form anymore.

The last books I released in serial fashion were Nightblade, Mystic, and Darkfire, the

first three books of Underrealm.

And those have now been re-formatted and re-packaged to be novels, with no episode breaks in the


And the episodes I originally released are no longer available.

Now, all this being said, there is still a way to produce serialized fiction and make

money at it.

In fact, there are several ways, much more than there were when I first started doing


The first is to take advantage of Kindle Unlimited.

If you create a serialized story and market the heck out of it specifically to Kindle

Unlimited readers, you could theoretically get yourself a whole lot of reads.

And Kindle Unlimited doesn't care about the length or price of your book.

You earn the same amount of money for every page read whether you price your episode at

$0.99 or $2.99.

And Kobo has a similar subscription service now, although, as per usual, they don't

have an audience the size of the Kindle Unlimited audience, so you have to make a judgement

call there.

The other option to make serialized fiction work is to go through a site like Patreon.

On Patreon, you can create your OWN subscriber base, an audience of people who will pay you

every time you release a NEW story.

And on Patreon, you can charge them a dollar per episode and still get high royalty rates,

in fact, even higher than the 70% that Amazon offers for their preferred price range.

The problem, of course, is that you have to generate your own audience.

Yes, there are a lot of people on Patreon already, but it is absolutely not a discovery

and marketing platform.

It is strictly a support platform.

So you have to find an audience and get them to Patreon to support you.

And it can be very hard to generate that audience without having content to attract them.

So it's a bit of a Catch-22.

Here's what I would do, if I were doing serialized fiction right now—and, in fact,

this is the business model we use on the Chronicles of Underrealm, which is not quite a serialized

fiction project, but it IS a weekly-release project of short fiction.

The only difference is that the stories aren't narratively linked.

I would produce my stories on BOTH Patreon AND Kindle Unlimited.

I would start off by getting as many patrons as I could just on the strength of the story

idea I was pitching.

I would then release the first episode on Patreon, where my supporters would pay me

for it, and I would THEN publish the ebook on Kindle Unlimited.

Yes, on Kindle Unlimited, you're not allowed to sell on other platforms, but that's not

what you'd be doing.

You'd be selling it to your patrons ONLY upon release, and it wouldn't be available

again after that.

It would only be on Kindle Unlimited.

So every episode is released to your patrons BEFORE it becomes available for sale on Amazon.

And to make this sort of model work, you HAVE to include links in the back of the book that

point Amazon readers to your Patreon.

Because as you start to accumulate more and more audience to your series, you want to

drive as many of them as possible to your Patreon to support you as each episode releases.

Because then they're YOUR audience.

YOU can reach out to them, YOU can contact them, YOU have their email addresses.

As with everything in the indie author business, you want to have as much control as possible.

You don't want to rely on Kindle Unlimited to promote you to your audience or earn you


You want to have a direct line to your readers.

This kind of business model, if you could keep up the production, would be pretty awesome.

Because you would have monthly income from Amazon, where you would probably make the

most money in the long run, but you'd also KNOW exactly how much you were making on Patreon

in advance.

That level of predictability of income is extremely nice and comforting, trust me, and

even more so when you're first starting out.

Even if you're not earning a LOT of money at first, knowing how much money you WILL

make can do a lot to ease your mind.

And that's all I've got for you today, Writer.

Thank you to Ryan for this question!

I hope you and others found the answer helpful.

A reminder to everyone else that my five dollar patrons like Ryan get these videos two weeks

ahead of everybody else, and they're the only ones who can request topics for me to

cover in future videos.

If you want to be one of those awesome and incredibly attractive people, I really appreciate

the support.

Thank you so much for watching, and I will see you next Wednesday.


For more infomation >> The State of Serialized Fiction (Writer Wednesday) [CC] - Duration: 6:58.


Huracán Willa golpeó con gran fuerza a Sinaloa | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Huracán Willa golpeó con gran fuerza a Sinaloa | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:54.



Hi everyone. I'm Suna and you are here, on my channel.

Today I'm going to tell you an inusual story.

Do you dare hear it?

It's about a man named Louis.

The story begins when he moves with his family to the town of Bangor, in the state of Maine.

There, he meets his neighbor Jud, who seems to know all the secrets of the town.

Louis has two children, and his daughter Ellie has a cat whom she loves above all named Church.

One morning, in which his family is on a trip, Jud knocks on his door telling him that he found his cat dead.

Jud, disconcerted, goes out with Jud to make sure it really is Church.

It was...

Jud tells him about a pet cemetery, where they take him to bury.

But, when the get there, Jud guides him to the annex of the cemetery, beyond what he could see.

Without knowing what's going on, he follows Jud to the other site, where he buries Church.

The next morning, he receives a very unexpected visitor at his door.

For more infomation >> PET SEMATARY 🐱 CEMENTERIO DE ANIMALES - Duration: 1:19.


Zion & Lennox reaccionan al mensaje de Bad Bunny | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Zion & Lennox reaccionan al mensaje de Bad Bunny | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:14.


Retrato De Una Mala Mujer👩🏽 👺 👧| Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 25:47.

For more infomation >> Retrato De Una Mala Mujer👩🏽 👺 👧| Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 25:47.


Risks Associated With The Tummy Tuck-Dr.Hourglass - Duration: 4:43.

Hi, this is Dr. Hourglass, and welcome to another video in our channel Star Bodies.

Today we are going to discuss: Risks associated with the tummy tuck.

In this channel, we will discuss everything you need to know

for you to get that star body that you want.

Welcome back!

The tummy tuck is a major operation.

There are a number of risks associated with the surgery, which is why it is necessary

to first analyze the risks against the benefits of the surgery before making a final decision

to go under the knife.

In fact, the risks associated with the tummy tuck are greater than other plastic surgery procedures

because it involves the surgical excision of skin and fat from your abdomen—

and tightening of the abdominal wall muscles and is invasive.

The risks associated with the tummy tuck include blood clotting, excessive bleeding,

infection, excessive swelling, poor wound healing, internal organ injury, unsightly scars,

and cardiac and respiratory complications.

Since the procedure is highly invasive, there is a risk you may experience a change in or loss of skin sensation

if the nerves are injured or damaged.

The change or loss in skin sensation can be permanent or temporary.

Furthermore, the procedure is performed under general anesthesia,

which means the risk of anesthetic reaction is always there, although general anesthesia is very safe.

Give the risks associated with the tummy tuck, patients go through an extreme vetting process

to qualify for the intervention.

You should be sure to consider the surgery for all the right reasons.

Keep in mind that tummy tuck is not a weight loss method but purely a body contouring procedure.

During the consultation session, the plastic surgeon will examine your body and assess

your overall health to determine your candidacy for the intervention.

If you are suffering from health issues like diabetes, heart disease, respiratory problems,

a blood disorder, or autoimmune disorder, be sure to bring this to the knowledge of the surgeon

so that the risks may be contained and precautionary measures can be taken during the operation.

The risks are greater for patients who have a poor health condition and those taking certain medications

like aspirin, supplements, anti inflammatory drugs, etc.

If you are pregnant, the tummy tuck will not be indicated for you.

Before the surgery, you will be required to undergo a number of medical tests,

including a pregnancy test for women.

On the basis of the reports, the risks will be assessed and precautionary measures will be taken

during the surgery.

In this video we discuss: Risks associated with the tummy tuck.

In the next video we will discuss: Will my abdomen sag again after the tummy tuck?

Remember to comment below, share this video, like this video, and subscribe to our channel

for more information, here at the Star Bodies channel, only on YouTube.

Also, you can log on to our website,

for more information about your procedure and to see amazing surgical results.

For more infomation >> Risks Associated With The Tummy Tuck-Dr.Hourglass - Duration: 4:43.


Ordenan capturar al asesino de Monseñor Romero | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Ordenan capturar al asesino de Monseñor Romero | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:52.


Tips That Will Help You Know If Someone Is Lying|HFE♪ - Duration: 8:28.

Tips That Will Help You Know If Someone Is Lying

During police interrogations, various methods are used to detect lies.

To recognize liars, you need to follow this advice.

  Wouldn't it be great to have a portable lie detector and use it with anyone we want? Unfortunately, however, that's not the case.

What we do have, though, are our senses and "gut feelings" that let us know when someone is lying.

And, of course, our attention.

Find out how to recognize a liar by reading this article.

How to tell if someone is lying Although it might seem strange, lying is extremely common among human beings.

Even when someone is lying, they may not be doing it intentionally.

Of course, there are also people who do it blatantly and that's when it's not so easy to realize if they are lying or not.

To begin with, you can learn by analyzing the following signs that indicate the truth is not being told: 1.

Too many words First of all, people who tell many lies speak quickly and give more details than necessary. They do this to try to convince the person they're lying to.

This "word vomit" may come with by excessive gestures and phrases like "To be honest," or "I'm being completely honest with you right now".

Micro-expressions Microexpressions are facial expressions that may go unnoticed if we don't pay enough attention to them.

They come and go in a second.

When someone lies, they may raise their eyebrows, show lines on their forehead, or make a repetitive movement with their lips.

Inconsistency If we're being honest, we often tell the same story over and over again without even changing a comma.

However, when we lie, we may use other phrases that are totally opposite to each other.

For example, saying that it rained and then afterwards saying that there was a bright sun is a sign of lying.

There may also be inconsistencies between words and facial or body expressions.

If somebody is talking about something sad but they're smiling, it may be that they aren't telling the truth.

Touching the nose and mouth This is one of the most common signs of someone lying.

This is an unconscious reaction that may show that the liar is thinking, "I'll cover my mouth because of the lies I'm telling" or "I don't want them to look at my lips while I hide information".

When someone compulsively touches their nose and it's not related to a cold or allergy, it may be due to the increase of adrenaline in the nasal capillaries as a result of the anxiety or stress that's caused by lying.

Having a childish attitude In addition, talking in a childish or "sweet" voice is another signal which should put us on alert.

Believe it or not, some people have lived in a home where lies were accepted and forgiven, provided that the lies were about something "cute." Small children may seem adorable to us when they tell lies or when they're up to no good, but we must be very careful if an adult does this.

Eye movements Next, another way to determine if someone's lying is by looking at their face.

On the one hand, it's normal to move your eyes from one side to the other when you're distracted. But beware! When you look up trying to remember something, it's not the same as when your eyes move from left to right at full speed. This last habit could mean lying.

On the other hand, liars often avoid eye contact with the person they're talking to or focus on a specific object behind the person who is listening.

In these cases, you should also be careful because many people who are experts in lying have practiced and learned how to look into your eyes so that you see them as an honest person.

Breathing The stress of lying can cause changes in the way you breathe,especially if the person feels guilty about their words or if they are talking under pressure.

It may also be difficult for them to swallow saliva or to clear their throat because their mouth and throat are dry.

You may see them licking their lips.

Or, you may see that their chest is moving up and down or notice that they are breathing through their nose or that they are breathing heavily.

Voice Pay close attention to the vocal changes of the person speaking to you. A voice can be a perfect indicator of whether someone is lying or telling the truth.

Perhaps they start the conversation slower or faster than normal, their tone is sharp or that their words "tremble" when spoken. Another way to detect that someone is lying is if they're stuttering or babbling.

Sweating It's normal that when someone is in an uncomfortable situation, they sweat more than usual.

Maybe they say "it's very hot in here" even if the air conditioner is on or it's winter.

Measuring how much someone sweats is one of the parameters analyzed by a lie detector or polygraph. If a person has wet hands from sweating or wet clothes, it may be because they're not being honest with you.

Emotional responses The reaction and timing of responses can help you if you want to find out whether someone is lying. For example, if you ask something and they immediately respond, there's a good chance that they're not telling the truth.

Maybe their answer is rehearsed or practiced.

Also, pay attention if they try to defend themselves continuously, if they divert questions by answering something that has nothing to do with the question and how their body changes with certain words or phrases.

Be careful if they use the same words as you to answer or if they answer you with another question.

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