Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily Oct 24 2018

[Brett Yee] This is the story of family creating nerdom and nerdom then creating family

My parents were the kind to definitely delve into some of the nerdier stuff

when they were growing up and they passed that on to me

in some of their family pictures in their living rooms

you'll see like us when we were kids

and then you see Cyclops and Spider-Man right next to each other

or you'll see the original X-Men on their wall

and so yeah I think they're proud of us

So my brother and I we have pretty much done all our nerdy stuff together

Cosplay came in the picture first because

we would do a lot of fan films

[Cory Yee] He really looks like he could hit if off with the ladies

[All] No

Collaboration like I mentioned comes very easy to us

When you work together it bonds you together

My wife has always been supportive

The way that our family is structured she does make

the majority of our living which frees me up to live in my nerdom

and take care of my kids whom I love I adore

They understand costumes because I've put them in some costumes

It's honestly a lot of fun to see

what my parents invested in me turn into something real today

So the idea for Sentinel first came about honestly of

what can I do next to top what I've already done?

Something that does challenge me

How can I up my game a little bit?

I would estimate I spent a total of 9 months working on Sentinel

Right now I do prefer 3D printing over foam work

With 3D printing if you mess it up

then you might be able to fix it

but you can always print up another one just like that

Obviously Sentinel could probably exist on it's own

I always wanted to do the extra trick of adding a few

X-Men action figures attacking it

just because it's about the right scale

I went online and I was able to procure a good amount of action figures

I may have gone a little overboard with how many I got

but now we've got a pretty cool battle going on

In my wife's vows she actually said

I vow to let you go to any convention that you want

and so yeah I've been going to cons ever since I was a kid

The first thing that goes through my mind when I debut a costume

is oh my gosh will it work?

Now the show begins let's see how this goes

Because you've put all this work into it and then

when you start getting people taking some pictures you're like ok cool

[Jesse Falcon] Look at the lights on the mouth they are sound activated

this is incredible

[Brett Yee] Thank you we appreciate your toys

you help make our childhood fun

[Jesse Falcon] Oh my God I'm making my childhood fun and it hasn't really stopped yet

[Cory Yee] He gets the same response with almost all of his cosplay

but the Sentinel is on another level

[Michelle Waffle-Otero] I had the Sentinel toy growing up

I think adding the action figures all the 90s X-Men

all make a little cameo it's just amazing

[Man] Can you fly?

[Brett Yee] Well Sentinel unit cannot fly indoors that would be very dangerous

[Nick Lowe] Not only does the costume itself the Sentinel look so good

with the light up eyes and the mouth that lights up when he talks

but there are X-Men all over it

and when someone puts this much effort into it

it's humbling and that's how you know

Marvel has got the best fans in the world

[Cory Yee] Cosplaying is one of the only things

well not the only thing

but it's one of the main things we do together

It's really a blessing to have him

guiding me throught things

It's always good to have the older brother doing that

He did the majority of the work on this

[Brett Yee] I'm not looking for fame I'm not looking

to be famous or anything like that

We want to take what we know

and invest that into our children

so they can go beyond what we ever could

Whether it's making terrible fan films

or making costumes

family can be that place where nerdom can go forth

For more infomation >> The Sentinel | Marvel Becoming - Duration: 4:11.


The Flash | Black Lightning: Best of Week 3 | The CW - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> The Flash | Black Lightning: Best of Week 3 | The CW - Duration: 0:41.


Can Mario Lopez Decorate A Cake Better Than A Pro? - Duration: 6:06.

- Alright.

- What is, how come that thing over there is all (laughing).

(Lauren gasping)

Mine is like, Friday night, party night,

yours is like a Monday morning.

No, this is not working.

(Lauren laughing)

Oh, this is not working at all.

But that looks good, doesn't it?

- Hey guys, here at Delish, we love to party.

And today is Mario's birthday, and we're going to have

a little friendly cake decorating competition.

Are you ready?

- A competition?

- A competition.

- Happy birthday, but I'm about to crush you with this cake.


- So the competition is going to be that June,

our pastry extraordinaire, made a beautiful,

epic birthday ice cream cake.

- Wow, God bless June.

- And we are gonna try to recreate hers.

- Wow, alright let's do it.

- Let's do it.

- [Mario] Here you go, yeah like a...

- [Lauren] Spring form pan, nice little trick.

- Oh, this is a cool little thing.

- Yeah.

- Oh, I like this thing.

- I'm not showing you what tool I'm choosing.

So you choose your tools.

- Choose my, wow you're kinda

mean to me for my birthday today.

- I gotta win.

Wait, your whipped cream is better than mine.

- Well, I mean, June just likes me better.

- To make things even more interesting,

we're gonna a play a little game while we decorate.

Keep decorating, I'm gonna try to distract you,

- Okay.

- Although it looks like I'm behind right now.

Okay we're gonna play "Would you Rather".

- Would I rather?


- So, first question.

Would you rather be a decade younger or older?

- Is that like a real question?

Younger, who would want to be a decade older?

I will take my 19 body, and I'll

take my 45 year old knowledge.

- Okay, alright, fair enough.

Would you rather wear Slater's

clothes for a year, or Zack's?

- Both horrible.

At this point, at 45, I'd wear Zach's.

- Okay, Zach's.

- A little more preppy and conservative.

- Not working out for me...

- I am totally crushing you by the way...

- And I'm the professional.

- I don't know about that.

- I do this for a living...

- So cold.

- And I am looking really bad right now.

- I'm just gonna make stuff.

- Okay, do you want me to tell you how to make magic shell?

- Oh yeah, how do I make magic shell?

- So you're gonna take a bag of chocolate chips,

you're gonna melt them in the microwave

with some coconut oil.

- Okay, got it.

- So I would do four tablespoons of coconut oil

for that whole bag.

- I'm just gonna guess, let me see, four tablespoons.

- It solidifies when it's cold.

- Okay.

- So you'll need a little spoon.

- Hold on, this is like lard, what's going on in here?

- Yeah, it solidifies.

- Okay.

- Okay, I've got another "Would you Rather?".

- That looks good.

- That's way too much coconut oil.

- I love coconut.

- Okay.

- Cannot go too aggressive, this is my cake.

- That's your cake, you're right.

- My birthday.

- And it's his birthday.

That's really beautiful.

- Right?

- This is really sad.

- Alright.

- Stir this until it's nice and melt-y.

- Oh, I'm gonna stir that.

- [Lauren] Yeah, but that's why

you shouldn't have added so much coconut oil.

- Alright.

- Look, what is, how come that thing over there is all...

(Lauren gasping)

No I'm just...

Oh, it was an easy fix, I tried to sabotage.

- Enemies.

- I was gonna be your sous chef,

okay so clearly I put too much coconut.

- Yes.

- Oh no, this is not working.

Oh this is not working at all.

Oh, but that looks good, doesn't it?

And that's it, whoof.

- It actually smells delicious.

Okay, next question.

Would you rather everyone forget it's your birthday?

- Forget it's my birthday?

No, why would I want people to forget it's my birthday?

- Or, spend it with your enemies?

- I wanna get free stuff all day.

- So you'd rather spend it with your worst enemy.

- Yeah so I'd rather spend it with you.

- Okay.

- Would you rather give up cheese

for forever or give up ice cream?

- Oh, two dairy products I love.

- I did not want sprinkles yet.

- Cheese, and no look how pretty it looks.

Cheese look at that, that's pretty.

- Unfair cheating.

- Cheese.

- June.

- Cheese or ice-cream which one would I rather give up?

- Yup.

- That's like asking me to choose between my kids.

- I know you're the dairy farmer representative.

- I'm yeah look at that.

I kinda think like the spillage kinda works.

It looks like kind of artistic.

What do you think?

- A little bit better than Mario's


- I got a little too aggressive.

- That actually looks really pretty.

It's like a nice.

- Right. - Yep.

- Kinda like, oh, and then I kinda just go like that.

- Yeah.

- Bam! Bam! - There you go.

- I think I totally win.

- Alright so you win for speed.

- No, speed and flare.

Mine is like Friday night, Party night.

Yours is like a Monday morning.

- I am not done yet! - Friday night.

- Monday morning. - Mario, oh my god.

- You feel good even if the sprinkles are kind of sinking?

- No that was the look I was going for.

- Can you open this?

- Oh, oh now you want help?

I can't help you, I can't help you ask me questions.

But I'm a gentleman first before a competitor.

- I'm done.

I'm done. - Voila.

Nice job see. - Wonderful job you guys.

I'm looking and...

- Heres the deal mine looks more like the one you displayed.

I think mine has a little bit more creative flare.

- I think we should let the viewers judge that too, no?

- Like if I was a judge being impartial.

- Yeah, yeah.

- I think this one is really like...

- Mhm.

- Wow this one says party.

- I mean.

- This one say I don't even really know how to party,

but I'm trying to be a cool kid.

- I was never much of a party person

because all parties kind of look like this.

- And I had to help Lauren. - Its all naked over there.

- And I asked Lauren for help and she didn't help me.

- That part that everybody is seeing right now.

- See, see Lauren.

- I'm kind of torn too.

- This one however is like a work of art.

- I did have two days to build this.

- Okay.

- This is an A for effort I think, no?

- Yes A for effort.

- Okay fair enough.

- Alright June call it.

- I think its gotta be a draw.

- Okay.

- Alright - Cheers to you.

- Cheers. - Cheers.

- Happy birthday.

- Happy birthday.

- Thank you very much ladies.

Appreciate it.

- Coffee's a good choice.

- I agree.

(upbeat techno music)

For more infomation >> Can Mario Lopez Decorate A Cake Better Than A Pro? - Duration: 6:06.


President Donald Trump Speaks About Pipe Bombs Sent To Democrats | NBC News - Duration: 40:07.

For more infomation >> President Donald Trump Speaks About Pipe Bombs Sent To Democrats | NBC News - Duration: 40:07.


1st, T20 | Baber Azam Huge Six & Brilliant Batting | pakistan vs australia - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> 1st, T20 | Baber Azam Huge Six & Brilliant Batting | pakistan vs australia - Duration: 2:57.


Trump To Ignore Presidential Duties To Hold More Rallies Before Midterms - Duration: 5:04.

Donald Trump hates being the President of the United States.

Now, don't get me wrong.

Donald Trump loves being called President of the United States.

He just hates all of the work that goes along with it.

He wants the adoration.

He wants the admiration that comes whenever he does these stupid little campaign rallies.

He wants to be able to take his time and go play golf.

He just doesn't want to do any of the actual work, and that's why we're looking at a president

who, at this point in his administration, has taken more vacation days than anyone else

in history.

That's also why, as we approach the midterms, for the six days before the midterms happen,

Donald Trump has decided he is going to forego all of his duties as President of the United

States and he's going to be holding two rallies every single day for the six days before the

midterms happen.

Now, this has kind of created a bit of a rift.

It's not a real rift.

It's just one that you kind of see on social media, because you see some people saying,

"Well, this is good.

When he's not in the Oval Office signing executive orders and enacting these horrible policies,

he's not harming the country any further," and to an extent, that's true, obviously.

The problem is that these rallies that he does are incredibly toxic.

They poison the political discourse.

They rile up these hardcore angry Republicans, and that's when the bad things happen, not

policy-wise, but humanity-wise.

I mean, just this week, we have seen explosive devices mailed to the Clintons.

We saw an explosive device mailed to George Soros, because Republicans are spending all

their time making these people out to be evil demons that need to be destroyed, and that

is exactly what happens at Donald Trump's rallies.

If this man decides to do 12 rallies in the six days ahead of the midterms, we will see


The people that go to these rallies are not just normal, average, workaday Republicans.

They're the hardcore, alt-right scum of the Republican Party, the bottom of that Republican


Those are the ones who show up at these rallies, and the things they are capable of, the things

that we have seen them do over the last two years, are absolutely criminal.

If Donald Trump decides that he doesn't want to be president for a few days so he can go

do more of these toxic rallies, we're going to see more of this.

We're going to see an unprecedented number of lies coming out of the President's mouth.

But at the same time, if he's out there doing these rallies, traveling the country, probably

going to squeeze in a few golf games in between there, it does keep him out of the Oval Office.

But it begs the question of who's going to be running the country.

We're talking about six days.

Six days is a long time, especially with this administration.

Everything can change in six days.

Is it going to be John Bolton, National Security Advisor, sitting there calling the shots,

pushing us further to a war with Iran?

Is it going to be John Kelly, the hothead in the White House, going after his political

enemies both in and outside of the administration?

Is it going to be Mike Pence imposing his religious law on us here in the United States?

Who is going to be running the country while Donald Trump is out there clapping for himself

during his rallies like some kind of moron?

I mean, if you actually watch one of these Trump rallies, every minute or so, the guy

does that.

He stops talking and he ... Sometimes he even turns around to the crowd behind him.

That's what it's about.

He wants to be more famous.

He wants to hear that applause.

It's like an addiction for him.

The problem is he is also the President of the United States, and he does have a job

to do, whether we want him to do it or not.

This country has to be run by somebody, and unfortunately, we have a moron running it

right now.

If that moron's not over there running it, then we have a bunch of other evil little

morons who are going to take over that position.

There's no good ending for any of this.

Either somebody else is sitting in the White House calling the shots for a few days, shots

that are going to help destroy this country even further, Donald Trump's going to be out

there riling up his angry, belligerent, violent base, encouraging them to go out and do unspeakable

things to people that disagree with him politically.


This is going to end bad for everyone, except, of course, for Donald Trump, who apparently

feeds off the applause of his supporters.

For more infomation >> Trump To Ignore Presidential Duties To Hold More Rallies Before Midterms - Duration: 5:04.


President Donald Trump: Acts Of 'Political Violence' Have No Place In U.S. | NBC News - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> President Donald Trump: Acts Of 'Political Violence' Have No Place In U.S. | NBC News - Duration: 2:24.


Migrant Invader Just Admitted What's Coming In Caravan On LIVE TV - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Migrant Invader Just Admitted What's Coming In Caravan On LIVE TV - Duration: 2:23.


First Alert Weather - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> First Alert Weather - Duration: 3:21.


What Do Couples Who Have Survived Sexual Infidelity Have In Common?|HFE♪ - Duration: 8:30.

What Do Couples Who Have Survived Sexual Infidelity Have In Common?

Couples who overcome infidelity problems manage to create a stronger and safer bond, as long as the betrayed person is able to forgive and forget.

  When we hear the word "infidelity," we usually think of physical infidelity.

However, infidelity refers to any lack of loyalty with regards to any kind of commitment that they have expressed or accepted.

The most common type is sexual infidelity.

However, there can also be emotional, economic, religious or other types of infidelity.

In spite of everything, there are couples who survive infidelity.

Why do they do this? How do they deal with the situation? We'll take a look at the answers to these question in this article.

After infidelity there are options When you discover your partner hasn't been loyal, the most difficult thing is to deal with the anger that ensues.

You have to accept that you've been betrayed, and overcome the sadness and disappointment.

Breach of trust in a relationship can lead to a break up or divorce.

There are some couples who survive infidelity, and they even have a higher sense of security and strength than before.

Any couple who's gone through such a situation has a long rehabilitation process ahead of them if they wish to continue together.

It's important to restore confidence and forgive each other to overcome the situation, gradually healing the wounds caused by infidelity.

How do couples who survive infidelity act when they discover what's happened? First of all, the most important thing to consider is how they found out that there had been infidelity in the relationship.

When one person in the relationship confesses that they've been unfaithful, it may be because they're remorseful or because they are worried about hurting their parner.

In any case, simply being honest is the key for couples who survive infidelity.

However, this doesn't mean that anytime there's infidelity in the relationship the only thing you have to do to make things right is recognize it.

However, if this is the first time, talking honestly makes way for communication which can help unite the couple again.

Another thing is to not get carried away by emotions that force you to make decisions you will regret later. Relying on friends and family is very healthy way to cope with this situation.

Sharing your feelings with the people closest to you allows you to receive objective support that helps to process your emotions.

The importance of looking at what keeps you both together Next, couples that survive an infidelity are usually mature adults who have children, friends, and lifestyle and economic commitments as a whole.

This doesn't mean that anything should be accepted just for convenience.

However, it's a fact that these types of links help us carefully analyze our decisions.

This means considering the consequences in the short term as well as the long term.

Some couples who have been together for years and have a variety commitments are unable to resist infidelity.

However, other couples who are younger and less tied down may feel more prepared.

This isn't strange or a negative thing.

Simply speaking, there are couples who have reached their limit of coexisting with each other.

They create new commitments and work hard to achieve them Next, couples who survive infidelity can build a new relationship based on renewed and fortified forgiveness and mutual trust. The aim is to replace the pain and negative thoughts with a newer, stronger love.

When starting a relationship, there are always implicit behavior norms that make everything go well.

When there's infidelity couples have to talk to each other about their expectations and establish new commitments.

During the first months, it's normal for the person who was betrayed to test and doubt their partner, but this won't last forever.

The person in the relationship who was betrayed must avoid constantly checking their partner's phone.

Similarly, the person who wasn't loyal must, at all costs, avoid repeating the situation and the person who was involved in the act.

The person who was disloyal accepts their mistakes and explains their reasons for doing so Couples who survive infidelity have participated in an exercise in which the one who has been disloyal assumes responsibility for their actions.

This requires two important things: Being honest with your partner.

Cutting off any relationship with the third person involved in the infidelity.

This allows for communication to improve enough in order to identify the reasons behind the infidelity. Then, you can successfully identify the best ways to move forward together.

Speaking openly can be complicated. In case it's not possible to do it properly, it's best that you try to find common ground. Remember: this step should never be overlooked.

Couples who survive infidelity seek professional help Receiving help from an expert is a very healthy way to overcome infidelity and take the first steps to move forward.

Experts also guide you to the next stage in order to help you and your partner understand the internal reasons behind the infidelity.

These experts offer neutral ground for the couple to really recover their stability and explain their feelings.

The ideal expert who can help you solve this situation would be a sex therapist, a couple therapist or a psychologist.

Have you and your partner ever survived infidelity? Could you do it? Tell us about your experience!.

For more infomation >> What Do Couples Who Have Survived Sexual Infidelity Have In Common?|HFE♪ - Duration: 8:30.


Tucker Asks Jorge How Many Caravan Migrants He'll Take In, All Hell Breaks Loose - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> Tucker Asks Jorge How Many Caravan Migrants He'll Take In, All Hell Breaks Loose - Duration: 3:59.


Migrant Invaders Just Proved Trump Right – Dems DIDN'T Need This 11 Days Before Midterms! - Duration: 4:39.

For more infomation >> Migrant Invaders Just Proved Trump Right – Dems DIDN'T Need This 11 Days Before Midterms! - Duration: 4:39.


Bacaan Firman Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa "Anji-janji Bagi Mereka Yang Telah Disempurnakan" - Duration: 19:24.

For more infomation >> Bacaan Firman Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa "Anji-janji Bagi Mereka Yang Telah Disempurnakan" - Duration: 19:24.


Fox News Interviews Migrant From Caravan, Shocked By What He Let Slip On Live TV - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> Fox News Interviews Migrant From Caravan, Shocked By What He Let Slip On Live TV - Duration: 5:38.


Cheb Bello 2018 | عشقت فالموسطاش | أغنية رائعة - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> Cheb Bello 2018 | عشقت فالموسطاش | أغنية رائعة - Duration: 4:50.


অভিনেত্রী শ্রীমা ভট্টাচার্য প্রেম করছেন জনপ্রিয় এক ফুটবলার সাথে ? | Shreema Bhattacherjee boyfriend - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> অভিনেত্রী শ্রীমা ভট্টাচার্য প্রেম করছেন জনপ্রিয় এক ফুটবলার সাথে ? | Shreema Bhattacherjee boyfriend - Duration: 1:16.


The Best Natural Remedies to Help Detox Your Liver|HFE♪ - Duration: 7:13.

The Best Natural Remedies to Help Detox Your Liver

Whilst following this natural treatment to detox your liver, it's important to avoid consuming anything that could do harm, such as alcohol or fast food.

A poorly functioning liver will slow down the metabolism of fats and therefore slow down weight loss.

That's why it's really important to pay attention to your to spot possible problems and detox your liver.

If you feel tired, irritable, or uncomfortable for a day or two, it might be nothing.

But if this happens frequently, it's time to consider changing your habits and get to work detoxifying your body.

A detox is the only way you'll get rid of toxins from your body.

It's a good idea to carry out a detox a few times a year, whether or not you have liver problems, as it'll bring great health benefits.

Furthermore, many people claim that they feel tired all the time.

You might be chronically tired, and this could be a sign that there's something wrong with your liver.

Other signs of possible liver imbalances are: The skin takes on a sickly, yellow tone, which obviously isn't its natural color.

Your urine has become very dark, much more than you would normally expect when you haven't drunk enough water.

Your stool might seem very dark, with a tarry consistency, seem very pale, or contain spots of blood.

The properties of parsley for cleansing your liver Parsley is a herb with medicinal uses.

It's generally used to treat afflictions caused by a poor liver, whether caused by excess alcohol, or very fatty foods which can irritate it.

Parsley has always been widely recommended due to its diuretic properties. It cleanses the liver and helps its natural regeneration process.

As a result, it removes toxins and aids the process of purifying the excess water in the body through urine.

Ingredients 1 teaspoon of parsley (5 g) 1 glass of water (200 ml) Preparation Heat the water and add the parsley.

Leave it to boil for 15 minutes and then remove from the heat.

Leave it sit for 20 minutes and then drink.

For the maximum efficacy, drink a glass every day for a week.

Medicinal parsley and celery juice to improve your liver It's very important to detox your liver regularly to keep it functioning well.

By doing this, you stimulate the breakdown of fats in your bodyand will improve the functioning of all your body's organs and systems.

The following recipe will help restore your liver's natural functions in just 5 days.

Ingredients 2 cups of water (500 ml) The juice of 2 lemons 1 bunch of fresh parsley 3 sticks of celery Preparation First, wash all the ingredients thoroughly.

Then pour all the ingredients into a blender.

Process for 3 minutes and serve.

Drink this twice a day – first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, and later before going to bed.

Green apple and celery smoothie to detox your liver Green smoothies are healthy drinks that have become famous for their detox properties.

They help to cleanse and detoxify the body to prevent illness, reduce bad cholesterol (LDL), regulate blood sugar levels, give a feeling of satiety, and provide the body with important vitamins and minerals.

Green vegetables made into green smoothies are the best choice for cleansing your liver.

Many smoothies combine the perfect properties to help alleviate a myriad of illnesses, including liver problems, and leave your body much healthier.

How many apples do you eat a day? It's recommended that you eat a green apple every day for breakfast.

They're the best choice as they reduce blood sugar levels and are the most beneficial.

In addition, they're often recommended for cleansing the liver because of their amazing level of antioxidants.

Apples also contain malic acid, which helps prevent liver and kidney stones.

Ingredients 1 apple, chopped into quarters 2 sticks of celery 3 cups of water (750 ml) Preparation Add all the ingredients in a blender and process for 3 minutes.

Drink a glass of this delicious smoothie after every meal.

One special piece of advice: while you carry out this liver detox diet, you must avoid junk food, as well as very fatty foods and alcoholic drinks,for one week.

For more infomation >> The Best Natural Remedies to Help Detox Your Liver|HFE♪ - Duration: 7:13.





🔥Binary Option Traders in India | IQ Option Indian Traders | Binary Option Trading India🔥 - Duration: 4:11.

Binary Option Traders in India | IQ Option Indian Traders | Binary Option Trading India

Binary Option Traders in India | IQ Option Indian Traders | Binary Option Trading India

Binary Option Traders in India | IQ Option Indian Traders | Binary Option Trading India

For more infomation >> 🔥Binary Option Traders in India | IQ Option Indian Traders | Binary Option Trading India🔥 - Duration: 4:11.


Complete Courses Camtasia Studio Videos Editing Part 2 In Hindi / Udur byTechnical Malik! - Duration: 5:34.

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