[Brett Yee] This is the story of family creating nerdom and nerdom then creating family
My parents were the kind to definitely delve into some of the nerdier stuff
when they were growing up and they passed that on to me
in some of their family pictures in their living rooms
you'll see like us when we were kids
and then you see Cyclops and Spider-Man right next to each other
or you'll see the original X-Men on their wall
and so yeah I think they're proud of us
So my brother and I we have pretty much done all our nerdy stuff together
Cosplay came in the picture first because
we would do a lot of fan films
[Cory Yee] He really looks like he could hit if off with the ladies
[All] No
Collaboration like I mentioned comes very easy to us
When you work together it bonds you together
My wife has always been supportive
The way that our family is structured she does make
the majority of our living which frees me up to live in my nerdom
and take care of my kids whom I love I adore
They understand costumes because I've put them in some costumes
It's honestly a lot of fun to see
what my parents invested in me turn into something real today
So the idea for Sentinel first came about honestly of
what can I do next to top what I've already done?
Something that does challenge me
How can I up my game a little bit?
I would estimate I spent a total of 9 months working on Sentinel
Right now I do prefer 3D printing over foam work
With 3D printing if you mess it up
then you might be able to fix it
but you can always print up another one just like that
Obviously Sentinel could probably exist on it's own
I always wanted to do the extra trick of adding a few
X-Men action figures attacking it
just because it's about the right scale
I went online and I was able to procure a good amount of action figures
I may have gone a little overboard with how many I got
but now we've got a pretty cool battle going on
In my wife's vows she actually said
I vow to let you go to any convention that you want
and so yeah I've been going to cons ever since I was a kid
The first thing that goes through my mind when I debut a costume
is oh my gosh will it work?
Now the show begins let's see how this goes
Because you've put all this work into it and then
when you start getting people taking some pictures you're like ok cool
[Jesse Falcon] Look at the lights on the mouth they are sound activated
this is incredible
[Brett Yee] Thank you we appreciate your toys
you help make our childhood fun
[Jesse Falcon] Oh my God I'm making my childhood fun and it hasn't really stopped yet
[Cory Yee] He gets the same response with almost all of his cosplay
but the Sentinel is on another level
[Michelle Waffle-Otero] I had the Sentinel toy growing up
I think adding the action figures all the 90s X-Men
all make a little cameo it's just amazing
[Man] Can you fly?
[Brett Yee] Well Sentinel unit cannot fly indoors that would be very dangerous
[Nick Lowe] Not only does the costume itself the Sentinel look so good
with the light up eyes and the mouth that lights up when he talks
but there are X-Men all over it
and when someone puts this much effort into it
it's humbling and that's how you know
Marvel has got the best fans in the world
[Cory Yee] Cosplaying is one of the only things
well not the only thing
but it's one of the main things we do together
It's really a blessing to have him
guiding me throught things
It's always good to have the older brother doing that
He did the majority of the work on this
[Brett Yee] I'm not looking for fame I'm not looking
to be famous or anything like that
We want to take what we know
and invest that into our children
so they can go beyond what we ever could
Whether it's making terrible fan films
or making costumes
family can be that place where nerdom can go forth
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