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8 Shocking Tools to Send Better Sales Emails - Duration: 16:43.Do you send lots of sales emails but think to yourself,
"Is there a better way to be doing this?"
Well, through our work with tons of different tools,
we have discovered that there is definitely a better way
to sending those cold emails.
And it can make a huge difference in your ability to engage
prospects without working 100 hours a week.
In fact, all of the tools that I'm going to show you,
we have personally used at our own company
with both our clients, and, like I said,
we use them here at Marc Wayshak Sales Research and Insights
for our own sales prospecting.
So none of these companies who make these tools are
paying me to do this, we just love the tools!
Also just a note that some of the tools are free and some
actually cost you money.
So, you can determine which of these tools that I'm gonna
show you are most necessary for you and your business.
But I will say that
each of these tools has made us
a lot of money,
and a lot of money for my clients.
And all at the same time
they're saving countless hours of time
that we can be doing other things,
and they can do the same exact thing for you.
In this video I'm going to show you
the eight tools to send better sales emails.
Check it out.
Number one:
Google's G Suite.
Now, I know there are some people
who are watching this that are like,
really Mark?
Google G Suite?
That's the tool
you're gonna talk about?
So if you're feeling that
and you already know that you use
Google G Suite and you don't even
think this makes sense,
then fine, just skip to the next tip.
But for those of you who are using tools like Outlook to
send email, you are in the last decade.
You need to be using Google's G Suite for all of the
different options that you can be using that
particular tool for.
Most of the best emailing tools that are going to help you
become much more effective
tend to be plug-ins for Google's G Suite.
And what that means, by the way,
for anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about is
literally Google's emailing platform.
You need to be using that, it's got to be the basis
for what you use.
If you're in a big company
and you use Outlook?
you should be going to your managers and saying,
"Can we please switch to Google's G Suite?"
It is so much more malleable, it is so much more effective.
And, Outlook doesn't even really work that well anymore.
So you've got to get away from Outlook,
and you've got to be using Google's G Suite.
Number two:
I have recently discovered LimeLeads, and I cannot tell you
how much I love this service.
Now, we all are looking to develop good prospect lists.
And finding that list
is often one of the most difficult things that we can do,
because it's either super expensive, if you go to
one of the major list services,
Or the lists that you get from a lot of the providers
are pretty weak.
Where you're going to have emails that are bouncing all
over the place, you're going to have people that are
no longer at that organization,
and so what LimeLeads is is it's a subscription service,
so this is something that you pay for,
but it's something where you will get
really good quality leads.
In fact, they make sure that you can actually set a setting
where if the email isn't good, they won't charge you
for that lead.
So it's really powerful for those of you that are sending
cold emails to, let's say, business to business prospects,
or even to consumer prospects.
You want to make sure that that email is accurate and
is not bouncing back at you, because that does a lot of
bad things for your email servers and people start to block
you and see you as spam.
So when you use LimeLeads, they only output the good emails,
if that's what you want.
And so this really, pretty inexpensive service
can get you the absolute highest-quality leads
in any industry, any title, anything like that.
Really really awesome way, at pretty low money,
to get an incredible prospecting list.
I could not more highly recommend this amazing service.
Number three:
Have you ever been in a situation where you've identified
a specific individual that you want to be contacting,
but it's really hard to find their email?
Maybe it's not on the website,
or it's just difficult to find their particular email. is an amazing service
where you can verify and find the emails
of people that you're prospecting to.
Or maybe you don't know exactly who you need to be
contacting at a particular organization.
You can just put the company's URL in their system,
and you can then get a list of all of the possible emails
that are known on the internet
for that particular company's domain.
It's really really an amazing system.
Again, I think they have a free option but you can also,
we pay for a higher level service so that way we get
access to a lot of different emails.
But it is an awesome little service that will get you
good quality emails,
and it will also tell you the confidence level
with which it believes that this is an accurate email.
Super simple,
but you've got to be actually getting that right person's
email if you're going to be sending out emails.
Number four:
Now this is the most simple thing that most sales people
and most companies don't think about
which is,
are your emails being perceived
by the recipient's mail server as spammy?
And this is something that so often,
people don't know.
It's kinda like having bad breath at a cocktail party.
If you don't know you have bad breath,
and everyone's just kinda like getting away from you,
they're not telling you that you have bad breath,
they're just trying to get away from you.
That's a weird analogy.
But it's completely appropriate for this.
We need to know that the emails that we're sending out
are not going to be perceived
by other company's spam blockers as spam.
So what MailTester allows you to do is
you just send an email
to MailTester,
and you get a report of
what you can be doing to improve the deliverability
of that email.
It's really important, you need to be sure
that your email's deliverability is good.
This can have a huge impact on
the likelihood that someone's going to respond
because if your emails are getting picked up
by a company's spam blocker,
you're dead in the water.
It's a waste of time.
Now if you work at a company,
and you may not have direct control over this,
you can still use MailTester to send the email, and then
you send that report
to someone in the IT department to show them
what could be done to improve the quality of the email.
Some of the issues have to be done in the backend,
some of the issues are just issues with your particular
email that you're sending out.
It's a really simple, free way to find out,
what is the actual deliverability of my email?
Number five:
This is another really simple,
cheap tool that you can use to ensure
that the emails that you have in your system
are actually valid emails.
So, what BriteVerify does is
you upload a list
in the form of an Excel list or a CSV file,
with your contact's emails
and you upload it into the system.
It will then do some processing and it will spit out a
report for you to tell you which of the emails are
known to be valid and real emails,
which are unknown or unsure, and then which are known
to be invalid emails.
This sounds like we're getting really techie,
but it's really important because every time you send
an email to a prospect
that is an invalid email,
you're basically getting like a little ding
on your email's report card.
And so eventually,
Google, or Yahoo, or those big servers
are going to start to identify you and your email
as a spammer.
And then your emails are gonna start bouncing back
at a much higher rate from real emails.
So what BriteVerify does, for really cheap money,
you can upload a list of let's say a thousand
of the prospects in your list of the emails,
it'll put out a report that just tells you which of those
emails are valid, which of them are not really sure, and
then which are definitely invalid.
And so the ones that are invalid, you definitely do not
want to be emailing to.
And what's amazing is sometimes with our list,
we were finding that
twenty-five percent of the emails that we were sending to
were known to be invalid,
which is just a huge waste,
and it's hurting you in the long run.
Great, cheap, simple service.
Number six:
Now, Yesware is a service that we have been using
for a long time,
and we love Yesware at our organization.
Do you ever send out an email to a prospect,
or quite frankly, to anyone,
and wonder to yourself,
did they open the email?
Did they actually get the email, did the see the email?
Well, we love Yesware because it tells us
whether an email we sent someone actually got opened.
And I'm not talking about the emails that you send,
the marketing emails from your Constant Contact or
your A-Web or wherever,
I'm talking about the emails that you send directly from
you to someone else.
It tells you whether it was actually opened.
And Yesware also has a bunch of other
awesome little features like
you can send out a batch of emails
using a template or canned emails
to a bunch of people all at one time
and you can interact that with your CRM like SalesForce.
It's a really incredible service,
we love using it at our organization,
and it's a no-brainer,
I think they have a free offering for individuals
where you can at least find out whether
someone actually opened your email.
Now I will say there are a lot of other services out there
that do something kind of similar,
but we personally love to use Yesware.
Number seven:
Quickmail is one of the coolest tools
for people that are actual email ninjas,
this tool is a game-changer.
So what Quickmail does is
you upload a lot of key contacts that you wanna be emailing,
sending cold emails to, so these are people that you
probably don't know,
of course they could be people that you do know
but most likely these are gonna be cold email campaigns,
you upload the contacts with their emails,
and then you create templates
of what you want the email to say to the person, so
it might say,
hi George, blah blah blah, wanted to send you something
that I think would be relevant to your company,
ABC Company, and you can create a customized canned email
that goes directly to that person,
and then you can create follow-up sequences depending on
whether they respond or whether they don't respond,
where you reply back to them,
and so you can create pretty complex sequences,
or simple sequences,
that allow you to be emailing people
when you're not doing anything.
All you do is upload it, send the schedule of
how many emails you want to go out each day,
and it just does it for you at the time that you say.
What we love about Quickmail is that
it doesn't just blast out a bunch of emails all at one time.
It's basically sending out one email
every thirty seconds or every fifty seconds,
whatever it is, you set that setting,
and it's coming from your direct email,
or you create another email address,
and so what it does is it allows you to keep that email
from ever being perceived as spam,
because it's basically modeling the behavior
of a real human being sending out individual emails.
But what it's doing is it's giving you massive leverage
because it's allowing you to do this in bulk,
and so for a relatively low monthly fee you can be sending
individual emails to prospects on a schedule,
and I mean we love this stuff, when we were launching my
book we were using Quickmail to send my book to CEOs,
and it is so incredibly effective.
It's so powerful, it's so simple,
and it basically allows you to double yourself
as a salesperson.
Really really amazing tool.
Number eight:
We love Loom.
We've come across it recently,
and we've been using it like crazy.
And so what Loom does is it allows you to create
a personalized video
to send to a prospect
that is really really easy to do.
So it's literally a video of you standing in front your,
or sitting in front of your webcam,
and you can be saying a personalized message
to a particular prospect
and then you can email them that video.
And what's really cool is that it makes it so simple,
it's got a cool little Chrome plugin,
it's free to use for an individual,
and what it allows you to do is you can,
let's say you have ten prospects that are
really key prospects,
and you wanna do something that gets in front of them.
And so video, the data shows,
video is one of the most effective ways to get someone
to actually engage with your message,
and so you'll send them a video that basically says,
"Hey George, I've actually just created a customized
"video for you, here, check it out."
And so in the video you can say,
"Hey George,
"my name's Mark Wayshak and the reason I put together
"this video is I wanted to show you exactly
"what we could be doing to improve your marketing.
"Lemme show you the three things on your marketing
"that I think you could be doing better right now."
And they're thinking wow, this is incredibly good value.
And you can bang out those videos so quickly using Loom.
There's no downloading or uploading,
it's not a whole process,
it's instantaneous, it immediately gives you a link
that you can send to the prospect,
or with a video or whatever it is,
it is so so simple,
and the open rate and the click-through rate on Looms
are really high.
So once you've identified that someone is a good fit,
you use Loom to just get in there,
to engage their attention,
and you're going to have a much higher response rate.
We love that very simple little tool,
I imagine that in a couple of years everyone's going to be
doing it and it won't maybe work as well, but right now,
video really really works on email.
So there are the eight tools to send better sales emails.
I wanna hear from you:
Which of these ideas did you find most useful?
Be sure to share down below in the comments section to
get involved in the conversation.
And if you enjoyed this video then I have an awesome
free e-book on twenty-five tips to crush your sales goals.
Just click right here, this little image
right here to get it instantly.
Seriously, just click right here.
Also if you got some value, please like this video
below on YouTube.
And be sure to subscribe to my channel by clicking my
little face, right there, to get access to a new video
just like this one each week.
Pixel 3 vs iPhone XS - CAMERA TEST - Duration: 11:46.this is the new Google pixel 3 and today we're shooting a fun side-by-side camera
comparison test versus the iPhone XS which one do you guys think is better
place your bets below I'm Ben from Authentech, let's dive right in huge
thanks to Google for sending me the pixel 3 and huge thanks to Apple for
letting me buy their iPhone for twelve hundred and fifty dollars starting with
video 4k 30fps specs on each primary lens is actually quite similar 12.2
megapixels on the pixel 12 megapixel on the iPhone both F 1.8 1.4 micron pixel
size and both feature optical image stabilization first things first the
field of view is much wider on the iPhone over the pixel when recording 4k
video and if you've been following me for a while I always like to have a
wider angle lens just fits more subject or landscape into camera frame if we
zoom in 200% both cameras still look really nice and sharp great color
balance and pleasant saturation and clarity in the cave shadows it looks
like we can see a bit more detail in the dark areas on the pixel while the iPhone
is losing a bit of those details here's a quick handheld stabilization
test and they both look semi similar both cameras are doing a pretty nice job
of smoothing out most of the shakes and wobbles in the footage though I've got
to give it to the pixel for doing a slightly better job I think one big
difference between these two phones the pixel 3 it has a single rear facing
camera the iPhone 10 s has dual lenses one wide and one telephoto a few times
in my tests like seen here Izu min on both cameras intrigued to see how the
digital zoom on the pixel stacks up against the iPhones telephoto lens and
I'm pretty impressed it holds on fairly well in terms of quality and
stabilization wider angle field of view I did a quick autofocus test and even
though they seemed to tie just a couple times more often than not the iPhone was
able to lock on to focus faster and more precise even if it was just a few
milliseconds in this walking test again I think the pixel has slightly smoother
stabilization over the iPhone though every once in a while it has the subtle
stuttering frame issue you might notice here or there I'm not sure if this is
the e is causing this let's talk about dynamic range this was one of I phones
big marketing terms this year and I covered it pretty in-depth in my other
iPhone at camera videos make sure you check those out after this one in case
you missed it long story short the iPhone 10s does a fantastic job of
maintaining clarity and details in the super bright highlight and shadow areas
in this scene well the pixel 3 puts up a very good fight in some of these shots
it's the iPhone that actually looks to have more contrast and punch to the
highs and lows in this water fountain shot it's interesting to compare and
zoom in and then analyze the mist and water coming from the fountain just look
at all the details of water droplets that we can clearly see in the pixel 3
whereas in the iPhone is almost missing out on a lot of those finer details very
interesting here I turn the rear facing cameras around and it's crazy how much
sharper the pixel looks over the iPhone also for colors even though I was facing
directly into the bright warm Sun I feel like the pixel is doing a nice job of
keeping my skin tones close to a Kersey versus the iPhone turns my skin super
red soft and less realistic looking this is a jogging stabilization test for K 30
interesting here both cameras have a little wobble and jello effect going on
in the jogging test however again I think the pixels join a slightly better
job with smoother stabilization maintaining a sharp
image while the iPhone seems a bit softer and it's seeking autofocus more
often and in accurately and this is audio on the Apple iPhone 10's house the
audio sound let's live authentic in this audio test very
interesting results I'd say the pixel is much quieter than
the iPhone no editing applied to either jumping back to dynamic range this shot
is very cool to compare just look at the shadow areas like in the trees the
iPhone again is crushing some of those shadow details while we can see more
clarity on the pixel however when we aim right at the Sun I'd say the iPhone is
retaining more definition in those super bright cloud areas versus the pixel is
blowing those areas out one at last major difference between the 4k video on
these two cameras the iPhone can record up to 4k 60fps which is awesome
unfortunately the pixel 3 cannot it maxes out at 4k 30 I'm not sure why I
feel like the pixel could have been capable of shooting 4k 60 but sadly not
this time around hopefully next year now let's check out some photo samples I
shot side-by-side I went down to the park is a partly cloudy and sunny day
with plenty of high-contrast scenes first things first that wide-angle field
of view is much more similar when capturing photos which is nice to see
colors and saturation look pretty similar again on each with the iPhone
possibly being just a tad more saturated with its colors as for dynamic range
both are touting some awesome bleeding-edge HDR features and tone
mapping and honestly they both look really good if I had to declare a winner
though in some tricky lighting situations I felt that iPhone actually
produced slightly brighter more vibrant looking shots with more clarity in the
darker shadow areas in the scene as for sharpness and fine detail it's always
fun to zoom way in and do a little pixel peeping I'd have to vote a toss-up on
this one because in some shots the iPhone looks a bit
sharper but then another's the pixel wins lastly to compare iPhone secondary
telephoto lens to the new pixel 3 super resume feature call me super impress as
the pixel holds on pretty close behind incredible tech and algorithms to think
that the pixel can almost accomplish the same digital zoom as an optical
telephoto lens on the iPhone very cool jumping to slow motion the pixel can
shoot 120 FPS at 1080p or 240 FPS at 720 the iPhone wins in terms of specs since
it can shoot 120 or 240 both at 1080p interesting though in this shot both
cameras were recording 240 FPS and the video quality is much more similar than
I thought could the iPhone possibly be scaling a 720 Reza to 1080p I have no
idea that's just a thought I had imagined the iPhones higher resolution
quality to be much better than the pixel 720p though it doesn't seem to be the
case here another small problem I notice on the
iPhone there's some jittering or stuttering in the video do you guys see
that in this other slo-mo shot both cameras recording 1080p 120 fps the
contrast and clarity is cranked way up on the iPhone making its image look much
sharper both record audio and slo-mo which is nice interesting here the pixel
seems to be struggling to lock focus and it also has some interlacing or scanning
issue going on switch into the front-facing Cannes now what do you guys
think here I think the quality and image actually looks fairly similar at least
starting out the stabilization again looks slightly smoother on the pixel
over the iPhone maybe but then here the pixel looks slightly more shaky however
the iPhone simply looks blurry kind of funny turn out now the pixel 3 has a
trick up its sleeve it consumed it can zoom out on an ultra-wide front-facing
camera when we zoom out i gotta love google for putting that wide-angle here
i think it makes sense for a group selfie and those kind of shots weird
though it seems the autofocus stops working and then look up at the dynamic
range on the iphone up there in the skies and the crosswalk lets looking
nicer back there i slept a few front-facing selfie shots with and
without portrait mode i think the iPhone looks a little softer almost a glowing
look but it's edge outlining looks well done the pixel is doing a fine job as
well but then again more slightly darker and contrast applied can't forget a few
low-light shots again I'm noticing the iPhone image is a lot warmer in tone
while the pixel seems to obtain a more accurate white balance it's White's just
look nice and clean vibrantly white the iPhone often leans a bit too warm in my
opinion as for noise to quality and sharpness ratio I'd say they both look
really good again the pixel producing some slightly sharper images possibly a
smidge more lifelike looking here's a selfie shot showing off the wide angle
on the pixel and I really love that wide also the iPhone looks a bit grainy er
than the pixel when we switched to video something interesting happens though the
pixel turns a little soft almost as an angelic glow look do you guys know
what's going on here is it just missing the focus the iPhone looks sharper and
more crisp which is nice though sadly of course not perfect as its stuttering
pretty poorly on the slope and when we finally lock focus on to the chair the
pixel cleans up a bit and look sharper and nicer looking at the waveform the
pixel has higher whites while the iPhone has darker darks funny how they're kind
of the opposite so here's my closing thoughts first and foremost we have to
compare pricing pixel three starts at $800 the iPhone 10s starts at $1000 or
200 bucks more second specs used to be the big thing to compare but now with
most top-tier phones specs are becoming much
less important especially as they become more similar and it comes down to how
the device and camera performs in real life tests
lastly the results in a lot of these shots were much more similar than I
thought they'd beat but I'll consider that a good thing I would hope that if
we're paying a lot of money for a top-tier flagship foam that it performs
well in almost all scenarios which I think both of these cameras prove that
sometimes I like the more vibrant colors and wider angle lens on the iPhone it
has fantastic dynamic range and 4k 60 however I really like the stabilization
and overall quality and sharpness on the pixel 3 it produced clean white balance
pleasant looking shots let me know which camera you like down in the comments and
make sure you stay tuned for more iPhone pixel and other camera tests coming soon
until next time let's live authentic
100 Garden Ideas to Get You Ready for Spring | Garden Ideas - Duration: 10:30.-------------------------------------------
8 Bollywood Actresses Who Made Us Believe That Age Is Not A Matter For Marriage - Duration: 3:31.8 Bollywood Actresses Who Made Us Believe That Age Is Not A Matter For Marriage
Is ANGEL INVESTING an option for me ? | Interview with David S Rose, Gust CEO - Duration: 49:33.-------------------------------------------
ASMR Eating "WATERMELON" Challenge Mukbang Party - Duration: 11:54.ASMR Eating "WATERMELON" Challenge Mukbang Party
The Korean stock market continues to decline this year, the latest revision! As a foreign reseller. - Duration: 5:52.The Korean stock market continues to decline this year, the latest revision! As a foreign reseller. (Translated by
In the Korean stock market, the KOSPI fell below 2100 in just one year and seven months, while KOSDAQ fell below 700 in a year.
Foreign investors have significantly surpassed their purchases, and domestic institutions and individuals have largely surpassed, but the braking did not take place.
Causes of the decline are the increasing possibility of military friction in the Middle Ages, Italy's dissonance, and political instability in Saudi Arabia.
Since the good material for it is not visible, the sales offensive by foreign investors continued.
In October, foreigners' sales notice exceeded 4 trillion won. This is said since August 2015.
As a result of massive sales of semiconductors and bio-related stocks to maintain share performance in the Korean market, the overall decline has come.
Entertainment-related stocks, which have not been affected by external risks, have plunged 13% to 20% this year.
Saudi Arabia reportedly announced the increase in oil prices, and chemical-related shares are recovering as oil prices are expected to fall.
While the NK of Japan and the Shanghai index of China were rebelling, the decline continued due to the increase in the capital of foreign investors in Korea alone.
Analysts said, "We believe that if foreigners stop selling, KOSDAQ will fall."
Article Source:
Korea's reaction
It reflected the concerns of the trade war. I hope it will normalize bilateral relations.
China goes up and Japan goes up ..
Like the jinx, the regime is breaking down once and for all ...
January 2016 <KOSPI, 1900 line collapsed .. Korean economy is gone?
It came as expectation of the changed regime. Now that the artist is revealed, he is escaping.
Even though we have plunged today in the Asian stock market
To be honest, the economy and greetings are bang. People may be good ... Let me live. I will die.
If the economy is a psychological issue and you keep posting these articles, will it help Korean economy? I'm a junk reporter!
What is really scary is that the government and the president have no interest and no measures.
Two months later, the minimum wage would rise again, but the self-employed would be worse off.
Do not announce this news. You will be worried about Mr. Moon Jae-in, who is all-in for business in North Korea.
North Korea's No.2 in the North Korean Job Creation
Why is Japan and China red today?
Do not you know where we stand in the US trade war?
The people need to find a leader who will regain their calm and will truly work for the land in which we live
Cell Korea ... It is not a phenomenon that foreign foreign investors are selling. If you name it, you will know it soon.
It is a phenomenon that the huge speculative capital of the United States escapes the Korean stock market. It is not a problem to lightly handle. The act of retaliation against the United States of Korea.
Comment from:
Editing impressions (Japanese editor's thoughts)
I think it is a little too much to pursue the responsibilities of the regime because of the impact of the global situation on the decline in share prices.
However, it is certain that the government will not be able to introduce effective policies.
In particular, employment measures do not appear to be effective in the short term or mid-term.
On the one hand, the chaebols are trying to recover the Korean economy by injecting a large amount in the mid- to long-term into employment measures.
Lotte recently announced a large-scale investment, and Samsung Electronics is trying to cast a large sum to support SMEs in building smart factories.
The leading role of the economy should be a company of course. And the Korean government is very powerless.
There is a way of thinking that the opportunity economy is left to the market, but the government can not give up responsibility.
When it comes to the stock market, I do not know the sentiment of foreign investors, but the pause will be referred to as saying that a Korean investor or institution is holding company.
If a Korean investor gives up and turns into a sale, it will be a big deal but it seems not to be in such a situation.
We should pay attention to the US market and Asian market in these days. For now, it seems that there is nothing that only Korea will resist.
It is a big upheaval because it is plummeting, but it is still better than the Park Geun-hye regime before impeachment.
Thank you for watching.
I would appreciate your evaluation of the video if you do not mind.
It is fortunate that you can give me a favorable rating, bad value, and no specifications.
In addition, please register in channel if you are ok.
Megyn Kelly Apologizes For Blackface Comments: 'I Was Wrong, And I Am Sorry' | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 2:24.-------------------------------------------
The Return of Shelby the Swamp Man: Shelby's Place Ain't No Junkyard (S1, E2) | History - Duration: 3:30.-------------------------------------------
Om Nom Stories: Mad Tea Party | Cut the Rope: Magic | Season 4 Episode 2 | Cartoon For Kids - Duration: 2:35.Om Nom Stories : Mad Tere Party
Nightcore - Don't Leave Me (Female version) - (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:24.This video include subtitles
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It's a smart habit made easy.
Married at First Sight: Honeymoon Island - Shannon and Kimber Connect (S1, E1) | Lifetime - Duration: 3:39.-------------------------------------------
Learn About the Benefits of Pineapple Water|HFE♪ - Duration: 7:36.Learn About the Benefits of Pineapple Water
Although it's known for its diuretic effects, pineapple water has many other properties that make it almost essential in your day-to-day life.
Have you vere heard of the countless benefits of pineapple water? Pineapple (Ananas comosus) is a delicious tropical fruit that comes from a perennial plant of the family of bromeliads.
They're native to South America.
Since antiquity, it's had different gastronomic and medicinal purposes.
After all, its intense flavor accompanies other ingredients well, and its properties even fight and prevent diseases.
Pineapple stands out at the nutritional level for its high concentration of digestive enzymes and antioxidant compounds, which support the process of detoxification of organs.
In turn, it's a significant source of dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. These all help for physical and mental well-being.
Although many prefer to eat it by itself, others prepare it in a delicious medicinal drink that you can drink several times a day.
Have you tried pineapple water? In this article, we want to tell you what its benefits are and how to take advantage of them in simple steps.
Enjoy! The amazing benefits of pineapple water Pineapple has so much health benefits.
Plus, since it's full of essential nutrients, it's perfect as an option to keep the body hydrated.
It's anti-inflammatory Due to its high content of bromelain, an enzyme, this drink is a natural anti-inflammatory that helps protect your body against various diseases.
Its assimilation in the body restores circulation and promotes the elimination of excess fluid in the tissues.
Plus, it fights some of the main symptoms of arthritis, bone diseases and other inflammatory conditions.
In addition, it stimulates the decomposition of uric acid, a substance that, in excess, causes kidney stones and gout.
It strengthens your defenses Consuming this drink as part of your regular diet is a great way to increase your doses of vitamin C.
Thanks to this, it's ideal to support the defense mechanisms of your immune system.
It's recommended to decrease the risk of viral infections or bacteria.
Plus, it's ideal to soothe symptoms of the common cold and urinary diseases.
It promotes weight loss Pineapple water has become popular thanks to its slimming properties.It's not a miraculous treatment to burn fat.
However, it's ideal to help with weight loss.
Its low calorie intake and filling effect are the main elements responsible for this quality.
Even though it helps to stop the feeling of hunger, it does not cause you to gain weight and it promotes detoxification.
Plus, it contains dietary fiber that improves your digestion process and controls cholesterol.
Finally, it provides glucose as an energy source and, due to this, supports the functions of metabolism.
IT detoxifies your liver The enzymes and antioxidant compounds contained in pineapple water are excellent allies to improve the functioning of the liver, stimulating the elimination of waste that is retained in their tissues.
Its purifing effect helps to improve the filtration process of the blood, which is crucial for removing toxins.
Plus, its antioxidants help regenerate cells and protect against deterioration caused by free radicals.
It helps you take care of your thyroid health Pineapple water contains minimal doses of iodine and essential minerals that are helpful for the functions of the thyroid gland.
Its consumption reduces the risk of suffering from diseases such as hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.
In patients with thyroid disorders, it helps control some of the symptoms.
Thanks to its contribution of bromelain, it reduces the risk of suffering autoimmune diseases linked to the malfunction of the thyroid.
How to prepare pineapple water at home The preparation of pineapple water is very easy. It can be done every day, especially if you want to include your liquid consumption.
Ingredients ½ pineapple with shell 4 cups of water (1 liter) Preparation First, cut the pineapple into several pieces, without removing its skin.
Then, put it in a pot and cover it with the cups of water.
Put it on to boil for 10 or 15 minutes and let it sit.
When it's warm or cold, filter it with a strainer and drink it.
Consumption Drink a cup of pineapple water on an empty stomach and repeat it before each main meal.
Avoid adding sugar or artificial sweeteners, as these reduce its healthy properties.
If you haven't tried this healthy drink yet, go ahead and prepare the recipe at home and see how good it is for your body!.
Leftists Freak as Trump Considers Withdrawing from Russia Treaty - Duration: 4:07.-------------------------------------------
Eberron Lore - Dragonmarked Houses - Duration: 6:35.Hello people of YouTube Jorphan here the PH is silent.
We're headed back to Eberron today with some information on dragonmarks and the dragonmarked
To start this we need to first talk about the Draconic Prophecy.
This is an ancient prophecy that is technically a record of things to come that has been playing
out since creation.
The dragons observe and record events that are playing out in this prophecy.
It is said that only the dragons with their incredibly long lifespace have the ability
and patience to study and understand the prophecy.
I get the sense that the prophecy isn't just written plainly but must be interpreted
to understand and thus see the future.
It reminds me of all those Nostradamus fanatics looking for meaning and future events within
his writings.
The dragonmarks are a part of this prophecy.
Once the dragonmarks occurred just for dragons, however in recent years (recent for dragons)
these marks started appearing on the lesser races of Eberron.
A dragonmark is kind of a intricate birthmark; it's actually more than a birthmark and
more distinct than a tattoo.
There are twelve recognized dragonmarks that are associated with a specific bloodline.
Well there were thirteen but since the fall of House Vol that mark has vanished from Khorvaire.
It is possible to get a dragonmark that is not from these twelve houses and those are
called Aberrant marks.
They are unusual marks that are not recognizable outside of the twelve, but these Aberrant marks can
also be known marks but on the wrong race, outside of the normal bloodline.
These marks give the person a special kind of magical power.
For example the Mark of Healing is specific to Halflings and is from House Jorcasco.
Someone with this dragonmark is inherently better at healing than someone without it.
Mechanically for fifth edition someone with this dragonmark can spend their own hit die
to heal another.
The mark is in shades of blue and purple and appear to move and shimmer when observed.
They become warm and glow when the dragonmarked person utilizes their power.
The mark can be anywhere really across your eye or in the palm of your hand.
A dragonmark can even grow in size and complexity if a player focuses their character on a path
that enhances their dragonmark.
In fifth edition this means taking certain feats that expand the power of what your dragonmark
can do.
In Khorvaire only a small number of dragonmarked actually have this expansion.
These people are cherished and are often used because of their extra powers.
Due to the power of these dragonmarks the families, or bloodlines associated with them
have risen to greater power.
They were politically kept in check for a while but that changed with the Last War.
Many nations still wanted to contain the power of the dragonmarked houses but the war vastly
increased demands for goods and services from these Houses.
A specific and significant case would be House Cannith creating warforged and other machines
of war.
House Jorasco was very sought after to heal the injured and get them fighting again.
Profits for the Houses soared and they were able to financially put themselves in a better
place politically.
After the war there are those that wish the houses to be kept in check again.
Some efforts have been made like the Treaty of Thronehold which called for the destruction
of the creation forges.
Now the interesting thing about these houses is that they are not bound by national borders,
and often worked for whomever during the Last War.
The war was terrible but it was profitable and elevated the Dragonmarked Houses in Khorvaire.
With a new war looming on the horizon many nations are trying to make ties with the Dragonmarked
Houses, in hopes they can be allies in any future conflicts.
It's interesting to think about where Eberron's history is going.
Khorvaire specifically, once the monarchy was in charge and controlled all of Khorvaire
with the dragonmarked houses in check.
Now the nations are divided and squabble but everyone recognizes the economic power that
the dragonmarked houses have.
Some even say that if peace is going to be truly found it will be a dragonmarked heir
that sits on the throne, not a royal descendant.
The twelve dragonmarked houses are… here we go with my mispronouncing.
House Medani, Tharashk, Vadalis, Jorcasco, Ghallanda, Cannith, Orien, Sivis, Deneith,
Phiarlan / Thuranni, Lyrandar, and Kundarak.
House Medani is the Mark of Detection, they are a guild house of brokers, bodyguards,
and advisors.
These members are half-elves.
House Tharask is the Mark of Finding, their heirs make great bounty hunters.
Their mark helps guide the hunter to its prey.
House Vadalis has the Mark of Handling.
They have a connection to nature and beasts of the natural world.
They train beasts for a wide range of purposes.
We've spoken about house Jorcasco before, they are the halfing house of healing.
Which is kind of a tongue twister I just realized.
Ghallanda is the mark of Hospitality.
Another halfling house that has the odd power to keep a place clean, and to heat and chill
It might not seem like much but they've developed a tavern slash inn network throughout
They build friendships and deal in favors.
Next is House Cannith and the Mark of Making.
People with this mark can mend broken things with a touch.
They specialized in the creation of the warforged for the Last War.
The Mark of Passage belongs to House Orien.
They are able to move at above average speeds, enhancing climbing and jumping, all movement
They specialize in travel and the Lightning Rail is their most important tool.
House Sivis is the Mark of Scribing.
This is a gnomish house with a wide range of gifts.
They can translate languages, communicate over long distances, and can feel words knowing
their true meaning.
They are a backbone in long distance communication.
The Mark of the Sentinel is House Deneith and it warns and protects.
They specialize in shielding others from harm.
The Mark of Shadows is an elvish house divided into two.
House Phiarlan and Thuranni.
They divided shortly towards the end of the Last War when a fued broke out between the
major families.
On the surface the two are peaceful but rivalries run very deep between them.
The Mark of Storm is home to House Lyrandar who are masters of the seas and oceans.
With their powers they have been rumored to control the weather itself, easing it for
sailors, or turning it against their enemies.
And finally House Kundarak and the Mark of Warding.
This house can protect belongings and other things of value.
They could use their mark of power to keep things safe, or for opening locks and stealing
the contents.
It's a good house for a rogue, or a wizard.
It might be the perfect house for that dwarf transmuter wizard I want to play.
That's it for today.
It's a lot of information so if you're curious about a particular house I'd encourage
you to read further about it in the Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron.
There's a link to it in the doobly doo below.
Special shoutout to my patrons on Patreon that keep these videos going!
If you'd like to become a patron click the link at the end of this video.
Thanks again for watching everyone.
Thanks for sharing these videos with your gaming groups.
I'll see you all in the next video!
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