Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily Oct 25 2018

Hello Growtopians! It's me again your Community Manager, Nekorei!

For this week's Player Feature we will be spending some time with a cool youtuber who creates Growtopia videos.

Coming all the way from Turkey, allow me to introduce MrSongo!

Hello MrSongo, how are you?

[gibberish talk]

Fantastic! Anyway, thanks for partaking in our interview session.

Now, let me brief you on what's gonna happen in today's show.

First, we are going to ask you 3 questions.

Then, we'll go to WOTD world, do a quick race.

After which, in our "Community Asks" segment, we are going to ask you 5 questions that we selected from the community that you of course will have to answer.

Alrighty then, let's begin!

Alright, first question. When did you start playing Growtopia? And when did you begin creating Youtube videos?

[gibberish talk]

Wow that is fascinating! But what inspired you to make Youtube videos?

[gibberish talk]

I see. Now, I'm just curious. What's the best Youtube video you have created? And can you please tell me more about it.

[gibberish talk]

Alright, we are now here in the October 13, 2018 WOTD called THEANTSNEST by Dausie.

So, what's gonna happen is that MrSongo and I are going to be racing in this world.

This is frustrating!

OMG, this is harder than I thought...

Aw man, I keep on hitting that part. What is going on?

I think I need to take it slow.

Really take it slow...

Slowly... slowly... slowly...


I wiiiiin! Hahaha

Woohoo! Looks like I won the race!

Anyway, we noticed that you always comment in our videos. In fact, I think you are part of the Notification Squad.

So my question is... have you watched all of our videos?

[gibberish talk]

Hmmmm... I see. So, what do you think of our Youtube videos?

And which of our Youtube videos is your favorite?

[gibberish talk]

Okay, so in this segment we had the community post questions they want to ask MrSongo.

We selected 5 interesting ones. So MrSongo, prepare yourself to be roasted!

[gibberish talk]

First question. How did you come up with the name ' MrSongo '?

[gibberish talk]

Second question. Do you use the forum? And what is your forum name?

[gibberish talk]

What is your favorite item in GrowTopia?

[gibberish talk]

What's the next Legendary item you plan to get in the future?

[gibberish talk]

What's the first thing you did in Growtopia?

[gibberish talk]

Alright thank you so much MrSongo for joining us today!

And to everyone who are watching us, thanks for tuning in!

And we hope that you enjoyed today's show.

And by the way, help us get our Youtube channel get 75k subscribers then we will have another set of giveaways!

That's it for now Growtopians! This is your Community Manager, NekoRei signing off!

See ya!

For more infomation >> The Truth Behind MrSongo! - Duration: 5:17.


Ghen ( Sáng Tác & Trình Bày ) Trần Nhật Quang | Official Video Music - Duration: 4:20.

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Who are you looking for?

Go visit your mom

Keeps the snack safe

Hey! That's for my mom!

The definition of filial piety

Those are Jungshik's mom and siblings

The mom is up the hill

It goes there everyday

Returns home

You're back?

Spending quality time with family is tough stuff

I need my beauty sleep

Jungshik was born in the back of our apartment in January

Come here, Jungshik

Let's see if your legs are okay

Going to see mom takes a toll on its legs

Not today

I miss my family already

Stop it

Are you that upset?

I understand


They're hidden so well

Here they come!

Where y'all going?

If only they could be raised together..


For more infomation >> Dog With An Owner Goes Out To Meet Stray Family Everyday | Kritter Klub - Duration: 3:30.


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For more infomation >> Dua Lipa Real Name || Dua Lipa Net Worth 2018 - Duration: 11:04.


The FODMAP Diet and Its Benefits|HFE♪ - Duration: 8:04.

The FODMAP Diet and Its Benefits

The FODMAP diet and its vegetables that are high in fermentable short-chain carbohydrates are a great option for those who have digestive issues.

Have you ever heard of the FODMAP diet? Do you have any issues with your large intestine such as gas, abdominal pain, bloating, or diarrhea? If you have any of these conditions, then continue reading because this diet could be the solution.

What is the FODMAP diet?.

FODMAP stands for "Fermentable Oligo-, Di-, Mono-saccharides And Polyols".

It involves eliminating vegetables with high amounts of fermentable short-chain carbohydrates from your diet.

Although some individuals love them, not everybody can synthesize them without having any problems.

This diet is especially great for those who have issues with:.

Crohn's disease Ulcerative colitis Irritable bowel syndrome.

Unlike many extreme diets that don't really take your health into consideration and only focus on having you immediately and indiscriminately loss weight, this diet is well planned out.

Likewise, it's not meant to have you shed pounds, but prevent discomfort over short and long periods of time.

What foods should be avoided while being on the FODMAP diet?.

You should avoid the following foods that have FODMAP characteristics:.

Foods high in galacto-oligosaccharides: legumes Foods in high fructooligosaccharides: garlic, rye, wheat, and onion Products high in sorbitol, xylitol, ad mannitol: sweeteners and low-calorie products Natural sweeteners due to their fructose content: syrups, honey, jams Foods with lactose: milk and dairy products.

FODMAP diet benefits.

At first sight, FODMAP diets certainly seem to be very restrictive.

However, before you begin, you should know how beneficial it is for you.

Calms the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome by almost 76%.

According to a study, a large number of people who follow this diet can eliminate gas, bloating, and stomach pains.

Therefore, it's important to consider that many foods should be removed from your diet, because they ferment inside your intestines.

Therefore, you should carefullyselect foods that are high in fiber, which improve bowel movements.

For example, you can make brown rice or quinoa versions of commercial whole wheat bread.

Reduces discomfort in people who have Crohn's disease.

A study with 9 people diagnosed with Crohn's disease showed that the FODMAP diet positively changed their amount and quality of prebiotics. Of course, a study with 9 patients isn't legit, but this gives some insight in regard to what this diet can do.

Remember that if you have Crohn's disease, you'll have to make healthy changes in your lifestyle.

If you don't want to be on this very restrictive diet all of your life, follow it for a few weeks and gradually include small amounts of foods. Repeat once a month to let your body rest.

Just remember to be consistent.

Controlling or avoiding a food group one day doesn't mean you'll be able to eat whatever you want another; this could be even more painful.

Reduce the symptoms of chronic fatigue.

Are you always tired no matter how much you eat? The FODMAP diet has been proven to reduce fatigue.

This is because your body is no longer receiving foods that don't take that much energy to digest, which is especially true with sweeteners.

Of course, you'll still eat sugar since fruit is allowed.

However, those are natural sugars that cause less fermentation than honey or artificial sweeteners.

Remember that the best sugar is the one you find in a fruit.

This is because fruit contains fiber, which reduces fermentation and an increase in blood sugar.

Foods allowed in the FODMAP diet:.

The FODMAP diet isn't only about restrictions.

Some of the foods you can eat include:.

Any meat and meat-byproducts, as long as they're free of fructose and sweeteners Natural oils Herbs, spices, and natural condiments Natural nuts and seeds free of preservatives and sweeteners Fruits, not just juice: bananas, berries, oranges, kiwis, strawberries, melons, tangerines, and limes Natural sweeteners Whole grains: natural corn, oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa, sorghum, and tapioca.

Remember that not all diets are for losing weight.

 Some are simply simply meant for you to live a healthier life, free of pain and discomfort.

For more infomation >> The FODMAP Diet and Its Benefits|HFE♪ - Duration: 8:04.


6 Symptoms That You Are a Victim of Verbal Abuse|HFE♪ - Duration: 7:56.

6 Symptoms That You Are a Victim of Verbal Abuse

Verbal abuse does not have to be accompanied by aggressive language or a high tone.

Someone can use subtle ways to intimidate us or make us feel inferior.

  When we hear the word "abuse" we automatically think of physical aggression.

However, there is also verbal abuse that, while leaving no visible signs of harm, is just as harmful as the physical type.

Due to its lack of visibility, it is difficult to perceive if one is being a victim.

That's why you should be alert to the following symptoms: 1.

You feel scared even if you do not get screamed at We can mistakenly think that verbal abuse is synonymous with screaming, but it is not always the case.

In reality, the verbal or psychological abuser tends to manipulate and make the victim doubt themself.

The victimizer can even use a kind and loving tone of voice.

That is why you must remember that the fact that someone does not have an aggressive behavior does not mean that they are not exercising abuse.Threats may also be present, either explicit or implicit.

Do you feel worried about how the other person can act if you do not do something? Are you afraid of your comments all the time ? Do you take care of every word and action so as not to disturb them? 2.

They compare you or blame you for everything We all like to respect our individuality and accept ourselves as we are.

However, verbal abuse often undermines our self-confidence through comparisons and guilt.

Nobody likes to be told that another person is smarter, prettier or makes things better when using a tone of reproach, mockery or cruelty.

Listening to this every day is a big blow to our self-esteem.

You must leave the situation that makes you live it as soon as you see the problem.

Remember that no one has the right to make you feel inferior under any circumstances.

From the hand of comparison comes guilt, and it is normal for abusers to make you feel guilty even for the smallest details.

You feel intimidated all the time You may notice that you are being verbally abused if you feel intimidated when you are close to that person.

This signal can be very subtle, ranging from jokes and derogatory comments to inappropriate language that damages your self-esteem.

It goes without saying that intimidation can reach more worrying levels and you can end up being forced to do something you do not want or that you consider degrading.

You feel that they accuse you or interrogate you all the time The direct attacks derived from the lack of security and confidence suffered by the violent person are another sign of verbal abuse.

In general, this lack of confidence is associated with low self-esteem, which makes you question each of your movements and your actions.

It is possible that these questions and accusations are gradual so you must be alert to detect when the situation is occurring.

A common mistake is to start giving explanations to calm your fears.

The problem is that, over time, the situation will worsen.

You have negative changes in your mood As human beings, everything around us has some effect on us.

Therefore, being a victim of some kind of verbal abuse can leave us with several sequels that we can identify if we pay attention.

Try to be aware of your mood when you are close to other people: can you distinguish those that make you feel happy? And those that wear you out? If you identify that there is a person who only produces a constant feeling of discomfort, be it sadness or discomfort, it is time to avoid them.

Sometimes it is hard to recognize that someone has the ability to affect you, but it is better to accept it and set it apart.

Something very important is to pay attention to is what you are feeling beyond your expectations, because these people are usually very subtle with their abuse.

If it is your partner or someone you love, you should try to be objective so that you can distinguish what is causing the damage. Based on that, decide what steps you will take to remedy your situation.

Did you know? Get in a Better Mood by Adding These 9 Foods to Your Diet 6.

You are the abuser of another person Human beings learn from the behaviors we see.

In the case of abuse, unfortunately, many of the victims become victimizers.

For example, a child who grew up in an environment in which his parents did not control their emotions, will become a verbally aggressive adult because they did not learn how to control their feelings.

Of course, there are ways to heal and break these circles.

The recommended thing in this case is to find a specialist to help you deal with the abuse you suffered and give you guidelines to establish healthy relationships.

Act against verbal abuse Recognizing and accepting that you are a victim of verbal abuse is not something simple.

Just remember that your well-being depends on the attention you give to the situation you live.

Before thinking about how people around you will react or any other factor, remember that your main concern should be yourself.

For more infomation >> 6 Symptoms That You Are a Victim of Verbal Abuse|HFE♪ - Duration: 7:56.


981640 - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> 981640 - Duration: 3:47.


Latest Hindi Entertainment News From Bollywood | Rajkummar Rao | 25 October 2018 | 5:00 PM - Duration: 7:30.

Latest Hindi Entertainment News From Bollywood | Rajkummar Rao | 25 October 2018 | 5:00 PM

For more infomation >> Latest Hindi Entertainment News From Bollywood | Rajkummar Rao | 25 October 2018 | 5:00 PM - Duration: 7:30.


লিঙ্গে রাতে খাটি মধু মাখলে কি হয় জানলে বার বার মাখবেন । Fantastic Benefit Of Honey For Health And S - Duration: 3:06.

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For more infomation >> লিঙ্গে রাতে খাটি মধু মাখলে কি হয় জানলে বার বার মাখবেন । Fantastic Benefit Of Honey For Health And S - Duration: 3:06.


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Effective Natural Remedies for Seborrheic Dermatitis|HFE♪ - Duration: 8:19.

Effective Natural Remedies for Seborrheic Dermatitis

The outbreaks of seborrheic dermatitis can appear due to stress.

So, in addition to applying these remedies to combat it, you must do what you can to promote relaxation and stress release.

  Seborrheic dermatitis, commonly known as seborrhea, is a chronic condition of the skin caused by a fungus.

People with this skin condition have deficiencies in the immune system, which makes attempts to fight the fungus completely null.

Seborrheic dermatitis has eruptions on specific parts of the face and scalp, in such a way that a fine desquamation and burning sensation is generated in the affected areas. It should not be confused with psoriasis, since the symptoms of seborrhea are considerably more passive.

Seborrhea presents reddish skin scales accompanied by excess oil.

It is common in people with symptoms of stress, obesity, oily skin and excessive use of alcohol-based lotions.

Natural remedies to treat seborrhoea On the market, there are many products made from chemical bases that are used currently for treating seborrheic dermatitis.

Today we will tell you that there are also natural treatments for all kinds of conditions, including seborrheic dermatitis.

Below we will give you some natural remedies that you can use to treat this skin condition.

Lemon Lemon contains acids and anti-inflammatory properties that help fight fungi.

In addition, it strengthens the immune system so it helps us prevent diseases.

What should you do? Cut a lemon in half and squeeze out the juice.

With the help of a spray bottle, spray it over the head (or the affected area) in such a way that it touches the scalp.

Give your scalp a light massage and let it sit for 10 minutes.

Rinse well.

The lemon can generate stinging when making contact with the skin, but it means that it is acting correctly on the fungus.

Soil soap You can find soil soap in health food stores.

Thanks to its properties it helps to fight the fungus from the root.

What should you do? Use the soil soap to wash the face and scalp.

Leave on for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Unlike the previous one, this process does not generate any sting.

Use the soil soap until the traces of the condition are eliminated.

Lemon juice with coconut oil Coconut oil has mineral properties that help cleanse the skin.

Combining its  properties with those of lemon is very effective.

Ingredients 1 tablespoon lemon juice (15 ml) 5 tablespoons of coconut oil (75 g) What should you do? Combine both ingredients well and apply the mixture to the scalp.

Massage your scalp and leave on for 10 minutes before rinsing with warm water.

Administer this remedy once a day for a week to see the changes.

Aloe vera Aloe vera is used in multiple treatments for skin and hair.

In this case, we will use its anti-fungal properties to treat seborrhea naturally.

What should you do? Remove the aloe vera gel from an aloe leaf and process it to facilitate its application.

Massage the gel onto your skin and let it sit for 20 minutes.

After the indicated time, rinse with warm water.

Use the aloe vera gel once a day for a week to see the results.

Honey It has properties that act against fungi and in turn helps to revitalize the pH of the skin.

Honey can be mixed with egg whites or simply with water.

Ingredients 1 cup of boiled water (250 ml) 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g) What should you do? In a bowl, pour the boiled water, add the honey and mix well.

Apply on the affected areas with a massage and leave for 2 hours.

Rinse with warm water.

This is one of the preferred remedies, and you can administer it once every two days.

Apple cider vinegar Apple cider vinegar is used in medicinal remedies because it contains malic acid in its composition, which is very effective when fighting fungi or bacteria.

What should you do? In a bowl, mix equal parts of boiled water and apple cider vinegar.

Apply on the affected area with a gentle massage.

Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse with cold water.

Apply this treatment until you feel the reduction of symptoms caused by seborrhea.

Use some of these remedies to treat the itching and stinging caused by seborrheic dermatitis and forget about the discomfort.

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