Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily Oct 25 2018

Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy. In this video, I will talk about. How do I fix google chrome most visited

website thumbnails disappeared? Or you may need to change chrome background, and restore the old chrome

thumbnails back First make sure you are using Chrome 69. To check this, click the Chrome 3 Dot Menu Icon,

then choose Help, Then About Google Chrome. Reload the Page to check for a new Version.

You may try reverting to the old Thumbnails by disabling this two Flags. chrome://flags/#ntp-icons.

chrome://flags/#ntp-custom-links. The new NTP New Tab Page Layout uses Icons instead of Website Thumbnails.

This is a major change in the new Design. The same Layout is used on mobile Chrome. In addition, the redesigned NTP Page offers

two new Features. Change background. Click the Wheel Icon on the bottom right, to

choose a Background Image for the NTP Page. You may upload your own, or choose from a List offered from Google.

Follow the steps as shown below. Create your own Link Shortcuts. Follow the steps as shown below.

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For more infomation >> TH_ภาพขนาดย่อที่เข้าชมมากที่สุด Google Chrome หายไปวิธีการเรียกคืน - Duration: 1:59.


Live PD: Find Somewhere Else to Do It (Season 3) | A&E - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Live PD: Find Somewhere Else to Do It (Season 3) | A&E - Duration: 3:23.


Ancient Aliens: Keyhole Kofun (Season 12, Episode 14) | History - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Ancient Aliens: Keyhole Kofun (Season 12, Episode 14) | History - Duration: 2:20.


Tại sao Nói Trung Quốc "Tệ Hơn Bắc Triều Tiên" | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt Korea" - Duration: 20:09.

On this episode of China Uncensored

the only place worse than North Korea.

Apparently it's China.

Hi welcome to China Uncensored

I'm your host Chris Chappell.

North Korea, not a fun place

We've heard a lot about North Korea,

but today you're going to get an insider's view

I sat down with the North Korean defector - Yeon-mi Park

She and her mother escaped from North Korea when she was 13.

But when they got to China,

they found life actually got a whole lot worse.

Thank you so much for joining us today.

Thank you so much for having me on the show.

So you're originally from North Korea.

Not a fun place.


So what about is lifelike in North Korea?

Oh, I think often I think of North Korea that

I do not know how to describe it really.

Because it's almost a different planet.


I was born 1993 and the Soviet Union collapsed right before I was born.

Snd they're stopped helping North Korean regime.

So consequently, North Korea stopped providing food the ration to the general public.

They didn feed elite people

but not the people like us who was normal people .

And we were very hungry

that we did not know how to find food.

And that was just find anything you can find in the nature.

So I was, you know, grasshoppers and they are tasty

Are they?

Yeah but the not the dragonfly,

I kind of like roasted head part and ate only head.

But yeah dragonflies are a lot more tastier than that.


And I know people in North Korea are

told a lot of propaganda


What are they told about their own country?

So it's very easy like to imagine George Orwell's 1984.

You know, they, I mean because I was in the countryside

I was never allowed leave the country

there's no internet.

We don't have magazines we don't have anything else

we don't even have advertisement.

Everything is a propaganda.

So in that world, they tell us that

there are enemies which is Americans, Japanese.

And US is imperialist.

And they are neutral about China sometimes.

And they say our enemies are trying to attack us at any point.

And if they do, they're gonna eat us all alive like they're monsters.

So we need our dear leader to defend us.

So they teach us that how grateful we are

that we are safe from our enemies

because of our dear leader.

And they tell us that we have nothing to envy in this world

because we are in the paradise on earth.

So the horrible corrupt leaders who are destroying the country

they're portrayed as the only ones keeping you safe.

And he's a god, he's just not a human being

North Korea's one of [...] in the world.

So I literally thought that

Kim Jong Il was able to read my thoughts.


Yes, even when I escaped to China in this horrible condition

Chinese people told me:

"You have a fat dictator that's why you're suffering

and I defend them: "What the heck are you talking about

Even after you got to China?

Even after I was in China

because I thought it was God that he could read my thoughts.

Like a Bible, you got [...] but he's [...] all the time

he knows how many hair you have.

He knows what you were thinking.

So that's how they brainwash us.

Sounds a little less creepy in the Bible than Kim Jong Il.

Yeah, I think the Kim, the first Kim's like parents or Creation.

I think he he did read the Bible,

so he copied it.

In North Korean if you read the Bible you're gonna be executed.

There's no freedom of religion in any way.

But as I understand, you obtained an illegally smuggled copy of Titanic

and that sort of changed things for you.


So this black market that people created in the 90s

when the government stopped giving us food

and we had to find way to survive

and that was black market.

And black market did provide us a lot of goods

like clothes, food, but they also gave us also information from China

And this smuggler the black DVD was, one of our family members got it

and also gave to us.

And I saw they along with my parents.

And I couldn't just believe that someone could make a movie

out of shameful story like a love story

that nothing in North Korea was dedicated a human story.

It's all about revolution, is all about dear leader.

Oh, so it specifically because it was about two people who felt love that's what was...

that was such a shameful thing and like

they don't teach us about a Shakespeare

we don't know who Romeo and Julie is.

Those things are never cherished.

So in that society, just seeing the movie was dedicated to people's love story

it made no sense to me.

And I think that's when I kind of had some taste of humanity and freedom.

And so eventually you and your mom decided to flee to China.

Why did you make that decision?

Because we were hungry, we are very very hungry

So if we didn't get out that summer

I mean that spring, we knew that we were gonna die from starvation.

So it was almost like escape to China was not like

we're googling well what's gonna happen.

If you, in this room there's a fire,

what I'm gonna do?

You have no exit, you have to jump off.

even if you survive or not, you have tried the last option that you got.

That's what we jump and

That's desparate.


That was China.

So how do you make that track?

We, before I escaped,

my sister escaped first at the age of 16 with her friend.

And she left me a note.

And she told me to find this woman that she found.

So after her escape,

I found this woman

and she introduces some brokers

who were sending us to China.

What would have happened if you had gotten caught?

Oh they've shoot us.

there are every 10 meters wire, there are guys guards use the guns

and like machine gun they shoot,

they don't even like ask you to stop, they just shoot anyone caught.

But the this broker who was sending us to China they bribe the guards on that spot.

And so when you got to China,

they welcomed you with open arms?

Oh yeah, I wish they did.

It was actually worse than North Korea.

Worse than North Korea?


Tell us about that.

it was [...] in March

we cross the frozen Yalu river to Changbai

in North East China.

Once we got there, we the first thing was you know

my mother raped by the broker.

I was 13 but this broker wanted to sleep with me first.

The same broker that helped you get from North Korea to China.

No, the same broker transferred us to Chinese broker.


And that person saying like I'm gonna sleep her and that was me.

How old were you at that time?

I was 13.

Yeah, so that was my introduction to sex, basically.

And after she was raped,

they told us that if you really wanna be in China,

remain in China that we had to be sold to Chinese men

like we were like slaves.

So I know I know for decades

China had the one-child policy

which led to lots of sex selective abortions

and extreme shortage of women.

So is this what it means for a young North Korean woman...


That's uh my mother was sold for around $65

and I was sold of for $20, I think over $20

because I was a virgin and young.


So we had to be separated

they said they cannot send us together

because they had to pay two peoples price.

So they were just separating my mother and me

and two different men.

So how were North Korean refugees treated in China?

It's uh there is no word to describe, you know,

they are slaves, I mean.

most common thing the Chinese people told me was

even though I kill you right now

no one is gonna, like, send me to prison.

And they know even if he came, I cannot go to police.

I mean the police they're gonna send me back to North Korea

which I'm gonna get killed again.

So we are like with like doesn't worth like a dog.

We did not worth anything in China.

So basically you there there's no protection from the system

and people just fall through the cracks.

Yeah there is just people are taking advantage of vulnerability

Mm-hmm so how did you survive life in China?

So there's a man who bought me.

So it is a whole chain of human trafficking system.

So the broker who bought me in the border area

sold me to another broker.

That broker sold me to another broker.

And each time I was being sold,

my price goes up.

Goes up?

Yeah because they bought me for over $20

and they're gonna send me something like $500.

the next one like 600 or something like that.

Keep going making profit out of me


Selling me.

So the eventual broker that sold me

was that broke also sold my mother kind of,


So, and then he I mean they will try to rape us.

I resisted until landing in the last broker

and he was trying to rape me again.

And I tried to kill myself

I said like I'm gonna kill myself

and he said, you know, if I become his mistress

that he was going to buy my mother back.

because he sold my mom.


And he was also going to bring my father from North Korea to me.

So I did this.

become his mistress.

So that's how your family got reunion.

Yeah, so that's how he brought my sick father from North Korea to China

who eventually died from the cancer he got the prison camp.

And he bought my mom back from the farmer that his sold

That's an incredible price to pay for that.


In interacting with the people you were meeting in China

was there any sense that like this might be morally wrong?

Like how they were treating you?

Yeah like, did anyone have a problem with what was happening?

No they were enjoying entire process

It really made me like...

I'm like more afterward entire journey

obviously like I learned how to survive in certain circumstances.

But it also like made me to question a lot

like what it means for human being

and what it means to be a human right people

I don't know if you have read the book men searching for meaning

Holocaust survivor and other people who did or

like put the Holocaust was also human

And the whom were suffered were so human beings.

So unfortunately they did enjoy the entire thing and our vulnerability.

So what did you learn about being human from this experience?

I guess I don't know I think for an extent of it

but I think it's really helpful

I didn't lose my faith in humanity

when I was in China.


Because, the first thing that I saw was my mother raped by a man.


And after that every man that I met was trying to rape me.

All they cared was raping us

How can I view them other than like worse than animals.


Right, it's but after that I met or seen incredible people

who you know showed me love

and even gave me this platform to speak about my experience

and who cares about what's happening in North Korea.

So I think life is never that black-and-white

Fortunately enough, I think.

I mean that that's absolutely incredible

like me living in New York,

if the subways are messed up

the world is a horrible dark place.

But you still find hope in all that?

No I think I think that's what I'm very great for that.

I get to have this perspective

if I wasn't born in North Korea,

I might not even you know know how grateful I am to be free.

So I think that's why you might probably say

there are two things that I'm most grateful for.

And one is that I was born North Korea.


The second one is that I escaped

I'm very thankful that I was born in North Korea.

That's that that's not what I would imagine.

And so when you were in China

you are connected with a group of Christians right?

Like they're another very persecuted group inside of China.

Yes, what was that?

So there are missions from South Korea,

working with some Korean ethnic Chinese

for us to be rescued from them

was that had to believe in God

So I really was wondering like why I gotta believe something all the time to survive?

Like literally the scare dictator

and they say if you're gonna be saving,

you gotta believe in God and Jesus Christ.

I did I did become a believer,

and they taught us how to go to Mongolia.

They mean, not like rescues but they told us how to go there,

which means was that crossing a Gobi desert

Not an easy thing to do.

It's but that was the last option that we had.

Because for you China was actually worse

Worse than any any place in North Korea.

Yeah, I think living life without dignity,

I think I did not even had a concept of human rights or dignity.

[...] that's not how it's not just right to serve as human beings.

I knew that that's not something I deserve.

And I think I was right to kill myself,

to die that if I can live like a human beings.

So how did you go from North Korea to your ultimate destination.

So initially I escaped to China.

After two years of slavery, I cross to Mongolia.

In Mongolia,

I was rescued by South Korea government

and they took me to South Korea.

And that's that was my freedom moment.

And from South Korea to America was less traumatic

I came here to study and write a book.

So and then I am residing here.

And you ended up marrying one of those American

I know.

Do you ever think that would be possible?

No and not in my dreams.

It's very severe for us

there's a god that just happen you know.

And I think that's why it gotta be hopeful and life is miracle, you never know.

Life's a miracle.


So now you're living in the United States

what are you doing now - raise awareness about

the plight of North Koreans

either in North Korea or in China

because I don't think a lot of people know

what the China factor in this problem.

which is China is the most important factor

when it comes North Korea.

So I was fortunate enough to write a book

and what I'm grateful about the book is actually

it's translated to Taiwanese.

So it's being circulated in Hong Kong Taiwan Singapore

all of the regions that near China


I know, yes regions of course they are country amazing countries.

And I am grateful somehow, maybe the people from mainland

go out and get to hear the story.

So I also hear from people in China that

they are very sorry what we are experiencing.

So I think that's also hopeful you know.

that we share the humanity.

Even though my China experience was that serious

And I still love Chinese people

I just don't like the regime,

the policy they have towards this disadvantaged people.

So I think my job is really letting the world know this

how China, Chinese regime is sponsoring this concentration camp

the biggest concentration camp that we can have as a humanity.

And also I you know I give a speeches,

I go to college campuses or students

anywhere that people want to hear

what's happening in North Korea and to people.

I just go anywhere.

One final question,

at the end of Titanic, don't you think there was room for both Jack and Rose on that door?

I wish I know I wish I was alive in that movie

but I don't know maybe yeah

It's just sad, I still want to [...] you know.

And my dream was like okay he's alive

Yeah they're the keys and they were fine.


Well thank you so much for joining us today.

it was wonderful hear your story.

Thank you so much.

And yeah I definitely feel like that

if you can go through that and find hope in life

then all of us should be able to.

Yeah I really appreciate you.

Thank you.

Well, sorry say that's the end of another China Uncensored

But this isn't goodbye,

hit that subscribe button and turn the notification bell on.

So you know when we have more episodes.

And more episodes we will have

A new one comes out every Monday Wednesday Friday and

sometimes Saturday

For more infomation >> Tại sao Nói Trung Quốc "Tệ Hơn Bắc Triều Tiên" | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt Korea" - Duration: 20:09.


All New Honda CBR650R 2019 First Look - New Honda Superbike 650CC 2019 - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> All New Honda CBR650R 2019 First Look - New Honda Superbike 650CC 2019 - Duration: 2:06.


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Lots of Toy Guns and Toy Blasters Nerf Zombie Strike Crossbow

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СТРАШНЫЙ СОН котика БУБУ | Побег от ЗОМБИ в игровом мультике для детей про котенка БУББУ - Duration: 18:04.

For more infomation >> СТРАШНЫЙ СОН котика БУБУ | Побег от ЗОМБИ в игровом мультике для детей про котенка БУББУ - Duration: 18:04.


Benefits of Twist: Our First Few Months - Duration: 4:44.

And welcome to the Keep Productive YouTube channel its Francesco again and welcome back to another video

So in today's video guys, we're chatting about communication in the workplace

We're going to be talking about the tools and also the two types of communication typically go on in the workplace

I wanted to chat about this because this week is sponsored by Doist

Todoist and Twist are their core products and Twist is something that we've been trying out

And what I wanted to do is talk to you today about

some of the benefits that we've found from using twist and the specific type of communication could

asynchronous communication

Now for a long time now

There's me one main player in the team communication space and that's been Slack now

I view slack for absolutely ages back when I was in the library in

2013 I remember but asking our CEO at flashsticks. Can we use Slack for the team communication?

I've been a big advocate for a long time, but over the last couple of months and especially how my works change

I really wanted to try and focus on karma communication when I'm working remotely

So just to give you a bit of a background I'll keep productive is a really small team right now

It's made up of Alice, Diana and maybe a few more soon and myself

We run blogs and courses - we're a small team and were all based in Europe right now

But we are remote and actually communicating on a regular basis is something that we really value

Now there are two types of communication

asynchronous and synchronous


Communications don't wait around for a reply

So for example, this could be in the form of an email or a message that doesn't necessarily need a response instantly

synchronous communication

Requires parties or components to work simultaneously in real-time. So that would be instantly replying almost like I am

The way to go for us has been asynchronous communication

Synchronous communication has many benefits of course, but asynchronous communication really does respect our time and energy

Now maybe about three months ago. We moved over from slack to twist and we've actually been really enjoying the experience

there are a few ways that twist has helped us in terms of communication to really refine and reduce our

Stress level in the workplace. So the first has been the thread sign of staff

Whereas with slack you have channel inside a twist you have thread threads are more goal orientated

You can set a title to them and you could be a bit more definitive on what you want to complete

so for example

We pretty much have a thread for every article we create and that tends to help us work towards the article and keep the conversation

Relevant net and also you can only nudge the people that are relevant to the conversation, too

So people won't get too many messages in their inbox. The other thing is you've got real-time communication

You've got a synchronous communication and twist, but it's just private. It's available in messages and you can find it there

Twist also has been helpful for time off when we've got our time off vacation indicator on it just means we're off and that's good

Now based on our time zone. I know that Alice finished one hour earlier than me

So twist actually feels a lot more constructive when we're actually even leaving messages for each other now, I'm not anti slack

I'm going to a conference later this month actually all about slack

But slack demands too much of her time and I've really noticed that in the last couple of months slack really demands that synchronous communication

Always being on always checking your channels

It's almost like having loads of those inboxes

But what I found in the last couple of weeks is definitely that twist has been a lot calmer and much more relaxed

There's an article below which you can dive into a bit more detail about twist and how synchronous and asynchronous

Communication works in a better format and hopefully that gives you a bit of an insight again, of course

This video is sponsored by Doist

But again, I'm a user of twist and todoist to list for six years now

And I just wanted to share this video as a good starting point to the rest of the week. Also this week guys

We're releasing all the features of Twist

We're doing a deep dive into it and also doing a feature on how to connect Todoist with Twist

So guys I really hope you benefited from this video. Let me know in the comments what your thoughts are about twist and slack

it'd be great to hear because obviously those are the two main players in the space right now and

Also, feel free to chat about how the way you communicate in the comments. It'd be really great to hear and every guys

Thank you so much for stopping by today. Make sure to hit the like button subscribe and do comment below

I'll see you guys very very soon Cheers

For more infomation >> Benefits of Twist: Our First Few Months - Duration: 4:44.


TR_Google Chrome küçük resimlerinin düzeltilmesi kayboldu ve arka planı değiştirdi. - Duration: 2:14.

Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy. In this video, I will talk about. How do I fix google chrome most visited

website thumbnails disappeared? Or you may need to change chrome background, and restore the old chrome

thumbnails back First make sure you are using Chrome 69. To check this, click the Chrome 3 Dot Menu Icon,

then choose Help, Then About Google Chrome. Reload the Page to check for a new Version.

You may try reverting to the old Thumbnails by disabling this two Flags. chrome://flags/#ntp-icons.

chrome://flags/#ntp-custom-links. The new NTP New Tab Page Layout uses Icons instead of Website Thumbnails.

This is a major change in the new Design. The same Layout is used on mobile Chrome. In addition, the redesigned NTP Page offers

two new Features. Change background. Click the Wheel Icon on the bottom right, to

choose a Background Image for the NTP Page. You may upload your own, or choose from a List offered from Google.

Follow the steps as shown below. Create your own Link Shortcuts. Follow the steps as shown below.

Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy. Please, like. Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,

For more infomation >> TR_Google Chrome küçük resimlerinin düzeltilmesi kayboldu ve arka planı değiştirdi. - Duration: 2:14.


The Middle Ages | Om Nom Season 2 | Cartoon Videos For Children - Duration: 1:36.

The Middle Ages - Om Nom Season 2

For more infomation >> The Middle Ages | Om Nom Season 2 | Cartoon Videos For Children - Duration: 1:36.


ASMR Eating "MARSHMALLOW / Satisfying Sticky Sounds" Challenge Mukbang Party - Duration: 10:01.

ASMR Eating "MARSHMALLOW / Satisfying Sticky Sounds" Challenge Mukbang Party

For more infomation >> ASMR Eating "MARSHMALLOW / Satisfying Sticky Sounds" Challenge Mukbang Party - Duration: 10:01.


Golden Opportunity to Get Malta Tourist Visa Requirements 2018 - Duration: 6:20.

Subscribe Now

Subscribe Now

Subscribe Now

For more infomation >> Golden Opportunity to Get Malta Tourist Visa Requirements 2018 - Duration: 6:20.


First Alert Weather - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> First Alert Weather - Duration: 2:04.


All new items in Halloween 2018!? The Devil's Set?| Growtopia - Duration: 2:49.


For more infomation >> All new items in Halloween 2018!? The Devil's Set?| Growtopia - Duration: 2:49.


Amazing Skills LIKE A BOSS 💥 People Are Insane 💥 Extreme Sports Video Compilation | Vigo Video -32 - Duration: 11:36.

Amazing Skills LIKE A BOSS, People Are Insane, Extreme Sports Video Compilation, Vigo Video, Being Boss -32

For more infomation >> Amazing Skills LIKE A BOSS 💥 People Are Insane 💥 Extreme Sports Video Compilation | Vigo Video -32 - Duration: 11:36.


S. Korea finds two sets of war remains while clearing DMZ landmines - Duration: 0:43.

South Korea has discovered in the DMZ what are presumably two sets of remains

from the Korean War they were found while clearing landmines

from the area ahead of a project next year in which the two Koreas will search

for their war dead together South Korea's Defense Ministry announced that

two sets of remains along with one South Korean identification tag with a

soldier's name on it were found at Arrowhead hill or Hasan more equity in

Korean one of the wars fiercest battlefields they are the first remains

to be discovered since minesweeping work began at the start of this month the

area will be searched for remains starting next April in a pilot project

the first of its kind agreed on last month by the Chiefs of the South and

North Korean military's

For more infomation >> S. Korea finds two sets of war remains while clearing DMZ landmines - Duration: 0:43.


Payment proof of ## freedogecoin faucet ## - Duration: 4:23.

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For more infomation >> Payment proof of ## freedogecoin faucet ## - Duration: 4:23.


If You're Gonna Be A Business Owner, You Have To Get Used To Saying No. - Duration: 4:20.

Hey! This is The Daily Overpass. My name is Eric, and I make Apps. Now today I want

to talk about: " If You're Going to be a Business Owner, You Have to Get Used to

Saying NO."

Okay, so let me start by saying I hope you guys can hear me okay, there's some

construction equipment that just started a minute ago, and it always starts as

soon as I start the video. So I hope you guys can hear me okay. So one of the

things I had to get used to when working with clients, and running my own company

was, I had to get used to the idea of saying no, right. This is something I

still struggle with now. I was just working on a piece of work, that I should

not have been working on, because the client persuaded me to work on it.

Because I really wanted to keep the client. I didn't want to say no to them.

It was a very inconvenient to me. I wasn't being paid for it, but I just had

to get it done. And like a lot of times, I will succumb when I shouldn't, I can beat

myself up over it. But, when I was a software developer working for other

people, I almost never had to say no. Like, a client will come up to me, or a user

will come up to me, say Eric could we add this? And I'd be like yeah, I suppose we

can add that, yeah we could do that, and then my manager would find out, or

the owner of the company I was working for would find out. And they would come

down, and say no, we're not doing that. We don't have the scope for it. We don't

have the budget, and it was almost nice, because I never had to be bad cop. I

could always just be good cop, and I always had an accompanying bad cop. Now

when you're running things on your own, or when you're like when you don't have

a bad cop, you have to be the bad cop and the good cop. And sometimes, I find that

very difficult to do, and I struggle with it all the time, right. You have this,

have this bi-polarism when you're when you're working with clients. Where you

you spend time bringing on the client, before the project starts, before any

prices have been laid down, before you've agreed to the scope. At that point,

everything is a yes. Yeah we could do that. Yeah we could do that. Yeah that

would be possible. Yes. But once the price has been laid down. Once you know, if

you're working for fixed price stuff, once that's happened, you have to get

used to saying no. Or, saying yes to only small things. Or, things that will not add

a lot of time to the project. Or, you have to say yes, but it's gonna cost this

amount. And even if it's going to add to the scope, and it's gonna make a little

bit more money from it, sometimes it is very disruptive to the developers. One of the

companies I was working for, I was just a developer, so I was a developer,

and I didn't have to work out the scope or anything. Everything was given to me,

but the owner of the company would we say yes to things, right. And it was

infuriating to me as a developer, because the scope was always changing. So you

think that you're nearly finished with the project. I mean, I was being paid

regardless, right. I didn't have to worry about losing money on this or anything,

because I'm going to work, I'm getting paid. It shouldn't have mattered, but it

did. Because there's still that inner part of you that wants to complete

something. If you keep adding something to the project, then it's almost like

everything keeps moving. This is why frameworks like scrum, are really good.

Because it takes the developers out of that: "Hey could we do this? Can we do

this?" You know it's switching back and forth, and just add another

sprint on to it, add another sprint, we never break a sprint.

Developers continue what they're working on, and then later on, we'll tell them

about that, right. But I just wanted to bring this up, because this is something

that I really struggle with. Just saying no to clients. Everything is yes.

You work so hard to acquire them, and then you get to the point where you have

to say: " Yeah, that's gonna be really difficult. No we can't do that, that's

gonna be, you know, too disruptive to the developers. Because you have to serve the

clients, and you have to serve the developers, to make sure everybody's

happy. Because if the develop, I mean the

developers are working for you, you're paying the developers, but, if they stop

believing in the project, then they're not going to do as well as they should.

And if they feel like things are just all over the place, and they

can't even structure it well, then they're just going to give up on it

internally too. So it's always protecting the project at all costs. And sometimes

you have to protect the project from the client, and you have to do that by saying

no. So let me know what you guys think. Do you struggle with it too? Anyway that's

it for today. I'll talk to you guys again tomorrow.

For more infomation >> If You're Gonna Be A Business Owner, You Have To Get Used To Saying No. - Duration: 4:20.


Arbaaz Khan's Exclusive Interview For His Upcoming Movie "Jack and Dil" - Duration: 3:28.

Arbaz Khan's Exclusive Interview For His Upcoming Movie "Jack and Dil"

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